Are You from Missouri? A ■ adi *-r:i*«- m.thing we cannot prove! If you want to 'H *\S \ »«., ; ro..f i:, and expoaa your bount e -.rt i . lean, A e c urt your attention to a few tacts rl2.oU< i. I? .* » .rksu^r capital is wholly by utely • 1 - •!•*. lr any < fficor. director or even stockholder. :uat->- lama liberally. but cautiously, ► md t >dn I honestly and brag modestly. 1 e ■ i’ : see us about rates paid on time depo-its * ' - ri u ■.* iti i -uibination pass books furnished free. First National Bank Loup City. Nebraska K W LUAM-. Pr. st. L. H wsKS. Cashier A -i \ hut. 0. K Ai»au*, Amt. Cashier THK XORTHWKSTKRX TIII'K'*!* \ V. FKl; 23. Mi A len Market UuuUtiunv • n» »er tna. .... >|i x # -r-rT •». ... 7. a .72 »*> l«rT 2* e XI Bf(. per tki . JW Batter, per b . .. :>» per iftcs ....... liurlit gt»ti Time l ard •MH. K.A«1 «■ 1 *«■ '*1 arpan. - *;**«. s *•♦■'** v 1* * %** .-fur:* k*fs B. r v 7. KTe * * a SPA «* % »«•! * * ::»■ 4vf^ft» *•' p c ► ' ■* . at -; *-t* ; 15 p ». • ■ f.» fffc - - mi- at- •* - a* J 4 I'A’V:#.L^A;«tl LOCAL_NEWS. **• T M IV-1 t.n-i ier-. «~— L • - * ' •»: r ■nadir -•ai*% \ . — id aia*:ne*» at V *•: ... t 4a • A ' - • ' ’ ' >»e * «i«f »■ adit 1 >^r« — at l!o> *■ k l * tbi* t ef • a .id ' i*i ..t i' t u.*- HLf I -• lie »at vjf -ra r* — T M. Beed •4 - I* r v *«Sg . rri «a> <»n • i.. . - i- > ^ar* ( tie 'VI rim «. * ft» ilef a * irl •-* 1 -' 1 t .|J rvi i- f g in t re e»elrt .tint • • _• knarpriMil. lad nr* ( ,, , ; a,-k»7ldth Taa- _r it ter ami egg- to <00 r - »:-r» •« art g-* any tiling laG • U.1 % ** j; • fw returned 1 a*< 'i**7iiri %i-it to banana * *t» y t *■- 4 - a 7 » ki er* ■■! » at*. •"*« - ■ I i : -' ' ' *g • ptt,».«*e Ida*. - * -n K7 H . » ri-» a7» i i» - -g |i:*»efi ett - •» •- • .• * !,<*■• if ’le big - - * in • • ai.» ltd •ard I*; . g i- » It • f gl efl . *a- a* a 1 " f >~e U. f* * t par . ar il (, ii * ■ * -a e 4 pri!-t ■». .rig v. .’ * *: re ."■ir—- a’ '■ |« r lio-inri. Hi im. ... .. War lit ill - I >tb frnptrt) offered taaiakf railing H . L**s. % < i ts !l* Joliltf, y „ .*•» . or K-ntg'iia are *. a vwn. e • [te* IWirU* t ■ •. • . U t" i*- i.riitrf! Kurii:lur«f t » t* • a**" ra and *etlie 4 .*». L ngief ... a, k . 'i * * • - *taid • .£ ..i gi* mx vjf. ; i and .lit.* (rand (j* *t 1 * «dat mi mine - *f • , * •» . •. -a* * i j . * s-iling • *•! t * ru.-r a*. I tira I ,j »■•*.-. -I mil all p»*l **■• - r ■ \j :• «"!.*at* at ***• v\ r B«n>. % || Half* »*trt t» t.raod 1* and *ii = . - -.g s iir.'ig ii ■ u*- i.i* 4a rivf » - '.a* •**-*-•» *» a li'iopital liarfir f .*r *.*»- time. f- ^ *a«- Mi r**do> m ea-t « in r a. . trad*- *aiu*- I »f r<»: ff ♦- » Ai iK.ii v»**axi« k. i * *■ • -.d >» :ia». I aoding out 11M .gar- * a . ** n dam’* .lit.* Afti,oi.s<*f or • at i.s» l*r so* Legs - *rn II <*ter- I :«**( Jiiefc •/ the 1 f *1 «■» earl... A J. J««nx — «x. Mta* i>«* F i; arr.*« I Tuaadai e*rolls. fri'Xif :.*-»eiiti Ms .«*a..*-<1 to sit*- irti • • *»*-*■» •! *•! grand *n»td»rf. Mr* F >ri. at tin* I* I. .tdac»m Unit. Mia* Lola Ixaftoolni efi’.ertasneii i number id lx*r loullg Iriefid* at lie listen- ia*.t ri.sjiii*. si M* anniier *»r* rf tie **r.n1ai of \ . a 11 l»er a- a gift. al> El • • - Sat — ‘a ■ r s- -e. Louis. ii was an Ashton visitor _• ii - birthday anniier -ar> ti i- year. Ci .:*:•• a.-kinA a shirt, my line - Tie < >ak Brand shirts are*.n»d. At Lorentr'. stria 1 S m Vr- s i,i sway. Wednes :a atterr on. March 1st. aiue. and neat pre—in*r » be lone for you at I»orsey's - - - see him *irsT 1 • ilaienna «Tea ..erv 1 pays r eggs de nt -ed a* tiie creamery here - ' M 1 i n- n -f lienoa was - -i».j ’V-r a-* s..nday with • . a <* K \ ia - - i lbndr; s- m. - cessors • 1 •••: . do i er haulinc : - ; * i and saf isft--t rily. Loans! Loans! Loans! Loans! Keal Estate Loan* at lowest rates at John W. Lous's. !" . re went t «hnaha. Mon dai ’i ..a where . e wi.l take in lb- \ • -h » at the Auditorium. • ' eaned and pressed a- I* Suitorium. tlrst door - ■ ' • l'i neer mea’ market. I*r - \ \ "ii returned Monday • • • . in attendance on a big :ra ■ . n in Minneap'>ii-. U. are pay .ha A.’ ent- cash for • nau. ie.nered at the creamery . Ravenna Ckeamekv Co. I • -i • V h u-e an i live lots in • - to part of L up City For • . a : *.-r : - addre—Wili Wharton. Franc Wlnkieman and wife arrived Jr i leva- yesterday. They were • a" i.reyli . »Vyo . and went to T' va- Jter. i f mant a dray j... n \. L. En • ‘ r eav« your .rder w i -ler umber yard or E. <». Ta lu*-t .f service guaranteed. ’■ ■--■ - i aft"rii on. Mrs A. Boone at I Miss Ell • M > hi en l tie .adies of tlie Entre N - untile hospitable home of Mr- l»r. Main. I 1 .a . J U.'iM’ illlf- « IUUW - in ' W c nhiser's windows? li. give y .. tie FliEE. and lie a- iti gh !-■ supply each and every T.t ;s i.anv customers. A f i'ytiiian Sisters will he ’.a' . - i Fri-:a. afternoon of this ; it. the evening (be Sir Knig •- a; . be given the myseeries • degree. A hig time is antici pated '1 • E'ran •-« ft. Heaid. 'late pre-j. lent • the W. C. T. I*-, who was to • ■ t. • \..r 'aturday and ' ij . i. nings. will not be here. • . ■ s i services r : *t the Methodist and 1'resbv terfari Hi urriies. Ti •t«e a d ibie Medal Con ‘ -rat ria. and Musical, given at t ■ I'r.-'tiyterian church Tuesday : It T’J i • f the W ' T. > 5* i • attend tiiis contest, a Ad s'. »n niy rents W ilawk and A. E. Chase left j . s ;a. !: .ruing for Francetis. Tex., ■v ■ r. ,ere is a Nebraska colonv. .% i a -re tiie latter has a bunch of Mrs Hawk and little la g tei vTompanM Mr. Hawk as rth. Okl.. where they ■ in . i'it for a season. T: • ! vtliian lirotiieriiuod of this i’v «-a hunch of six candidates » ■- mi t lie next few lodge nights iii? it : -.; ate - "lie iiig in •i.-se ■ events lie on liand. - ■ S c next week Wednesday ev • ■ log. w hell the goat w ill he on hi' fr.-kiest beiiavior. i m M inlay of this week, the fami ly • i iunty Cierk ldeterichs was quarantined for smallpox, aitliougli an attendant piiysician diagnosed • r j. as chicken pcx. Tliis is the ~ >nd time a quarantine has been order-d wi.ere tiie regular family (>iiy'I. tan denied the existenceof small pox. I». L. Jacoby and family went to Aurora Monday, where the family ■ wiil visjr while I Haight accompanies i lus g -od fattier on a trip down into • Texas, where tiie latter lias real r *-stat» interests Iiwight assures us ■ • t lie least intention of In - vesting in Texas soil, hut is going purely u> see the country. Last evening. Misses Pearie Need ham and Delight Byers entertained ' >me twenty young ladies in a most delightful manner at a Colonial party. The invitations read: "Martha and George Washington at home. Mt. Vernon Needham home’ Wednes day evening. Feb. ffffud. The hostesses represented the t»o Wash ingtons. and the guests were ladies and gentlemen of "ye olden time." and dressed in Colonial costume, with the exception of one young lady, who represented "Lo. the Poor In dian." The rooms were decorated with flags and hunting, as were also the tables w here a delicious luncheon served in the course of the even ing. which was otherwise passed with musi ■ and games, and the hours were tilled with joy and merriment, even as they were in the days of long ago. E. G. Taylor left Tuesday morning for Katyas City. Mo., where lie will attend a meeting of the millers of the Southwest, who grind hard winter wheat. Mr. Taylor thinks if the reciprocity treaty carries it will be a bard blow on both the farmers and millers of Nebraska and Kansas, who raise and grind hard winter wheat Forsevera! years over sixty per cent of our surplus wheat has found a market in Minneapolis and has net our farmers a good profit. This trade under the new treaty would all be cut out and our grain sold on a much lower basis. Mesdames Win. Larsen and M. A. Phillips Tuesday ev ening of this week gave a joint birthday party to their young sons. Forrest Larsen and Mason Phillips. The early part of the even-1 ing was given to amusements and the merry crowd of young people to the number of some thirty were gathered at the Phillips home and later a dainty lunch w as serv ed the voracious ri'ing generation at the Larsen home. It was reported a very pleasant even- : ing for all. The B. A M. depot at Ashton was t tally destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon. The tire is thought to have caught from a defective flue and was only noticed after the ceiling of the tirst story was in tiames. The agent's family living in the second story, got safely out of the building with ill their household effects, and the <•• • ipany's effects were also safely removed tefore the building was consumed. While a young son of Jeff Williams wa- n top of a ladder leaning against the barn, last Thursday, the ladder was shoved by accident, causing the a i to fail to the frozen ground, ren dering him unconscious for a time and severely spraining one wrist. ha i ; hammer in his hands, which in falling struck Jap Wheat craft. who wa- leading a team out of tire barn, inflicting a gash on his forehead. Mr. and Mr'. Ward Yer Valin on M ndav evening entertained Mr. and Mr- V\ . Larsen and family and this edii 'riai family at a delicious three course >■ o'clock dinner, the event Iteing mi celehrati n of the second birthday anniversary of Master iHiane Burleigh, who was the guest of lien m. the geniai hostess being tiie tir.'t to welcome the young editor to ! this oirv on tlie morning of Feb. 21. l9u!* Mr*. Will Cri'. and Mrs. I»oug. Bowen left Wednesday morning for Bold Hill. tire. The ladies went in response to a summons from tiie bed-, 'ide of their aged father, t'harles Keide . informing them to come at once if tiie wished to see their parent alive. Mr. Keidelis well known here, being a pioneer settler of Sherman <• intv. and moving to Oregon some few \ears ago. Judge Wall ha- been quite ill for the past week and over with la grippe and threatened attack of pneumonia. Yesterday afternoon the Judge was able to lie up and around tiie house, h it his lungs are very sore and re quire the utmost care and attention. • \ . western and oar people asj a whole will trust he may soon l>e i ut and in usual robust condition. Mr>. Bei-rge Stork of this city lias ha 1 splendid success as a composer of music, three out of five songs she lias composed having been accepted to date, and the other two receiving favorable mention. Tiie friends of the gr«od lady will congratulate her on her ability and w ish her continued success. Whenever the St. Paul Republican gets a grouch, and that is mighty takes it out on the t\ l*. depot at that place or on the train I 'erv ice on this branch' < >ur editorial brother should Cool.ev, off. Miss Mary Mini-hull went to Palmer this morning to visit with Mrs. Anna j Hinsdale, while Miss Liz/ie Hinsdale comes to I.cup City to join the Pythian Sisterhood to organize to-1 1 morrow. We understand M. C. Mu lick lias >o!d his lots in east Loup City to' ( has Ma>in. the pop factory man. who will erect a tine residence. We undt rstand a series of meetings are i>eing held nightly at the Baptist church, but we are not informed in regard thereto. Hr. Mary A. K. Hendrickson tiled last Saturday. Feb. l'th. as a Candi da-' t r County Suphrintendem of I Sch . Is. "Bid" Taylor arrived this noon Council Bluffs, for a few days' visit with relatives liere. Mrs. .1. F. Xicoson and little daugh ter went to Rockville yesterday. J. X. Ling of Webster township j went to Aurora this morning. L. X. Smith is reported ijuite ill. - - --- Route No. I Mr and Mrs. Hiddleson Sundayed ! ' in Loup City at the Angier home. •loe Jensen has been keeping the) road warm between F. A. Pinckney's! and the dentists these cold days. Grandma Waite is visiting at the home of Aunt Abbie Gilbert. Frank Fr lias been helping S. S. Reynolds the past two weeks. Mr. Reynolds is on the sick list. Robert Hinsdale spent Sunday at (irchard Slope faun. O. S. Frossand son are hauling hay to parties in town. C. Zwink lost seven head of cattle in the corn stalks Saturday. Wednesday was a holiday for the | carriers. E. Pickerel left Monday for South] Hakota. and a Mr. Easterbrook will | live on the place farmed by him. j Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. John Warrick Tuesday. J. W. Conger and family visited Wednesday at Coppersmith's. Mrs. Thos. Parsley left last Friday I for Havid City with her sister, who t had to undergo an operation. Mr. Parsley received word Tuesday that the operation was successful. _ __ _ -- ——_ —itta a ■ —— LOW ONE ■ WAY Colonist Fares March 10 to April 10, 1911 $26.00 $26.00 Co California To Pacific Northwest Union Pacific Stamlard Road in the West Electric Block Signals Excellent Dining Cars For further information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address G. W. Collipriest Loup City, Neb. Stops the Itching, Clears the Skin You who suffer from Eczema—are you on the verge of despair— quite satisfied that nothing will rid you of a persistent malady? Eczema "hangs on" and it requires time to effect a permanent cure- you should exercise the greatest caution in the selection of the remedy used. Ordinary ointments and lotions are unknown quantities—avoid them insist upon knowing just what you are using you may at the present time be losing ground by using a remedy you are not absolutely sure of. Nyal's Eczema Lotion is in our opinion the liest lotion you could possibly use—it relieves the itching and irritation after the tirst application—its continued use will work wonders. Let us tell you more at>out this lotion—we know the formula and you can be absolutely certain as to what you are applying. Nyal's E.-zema Lotion comes in •>*.' and #1.00 bottles. Besides good goo Is you get good treatment at our store. Always glad to have peoply come in and look around, whether tliev want to buv or not. We wait on vou promptlv. give vou what vou want. SWANSON & LOFHOLM PHARMACY Ordination The following communication ex plains itself, and the many friends of Joseph James in Loup City will heartily congratulate him on receiv ing the deserved compliment: •In resp msetom call of tbeShelton church, a council of twelve represen tatives from t:\e churelies met at the church on Feb. l*;Ui to consider rdaining the pastor. Joseph James After the examination, the council unanimously reccommended them to proceed with the ordination, which was comp eted in the evening ser vice. I>r. McNlinn of Kearney then preached the sermon which was veri appropriate and appreciated bv all. Brother b . n of brand Island ffered the ordaining prayer. Pastor SchIo nian of Central City gave the charge to the church. Dr. Mills of Omaha gave the charge to the candidate and the right hand of fellowship. Dr. Mills was chosen a> moderator of the meetings, which were very refreshing. Two deacons. Bro. Stoneberger and bro. Me Knight were also ordained. Pastor Bi> hards of Gibbon giving the charge to them. Daniel Stunebkrhkr. Church Clerk Moderator. The following item taken from the Hemet. Calif.. News, will t*e of in terest to the many friends of Carsten Truelsen and family, in this vicinity: "Last Wednesday evening the senior class of the high school with Prof, and Mr> bought) were delightfully elitertainon at the home ot Dora and Mamie Truelsen. The evening was spent in music and progressive flinch. a:ter which dainty refreshments of sandwici.e-. salad, pickles, coffee and rake were >erve(l. Alter supper tiie class joined in singing the old high school > rigs. and at a late hour the gue>t> departed, declaring two of the seiiiur girls splendid hostesses. Pro fessor and Mrs. Boughn. Chester Mc Intosh. Clyde Grover. Raymond Rick ard. Edgar Obert. Wallace Lee. diar ies Bartlett. Edna Plato, .lessie Gar rigan. Mary Carson. Dorotha Brad ford. Lorraine Ankrum and Domenica Doinenigonl enjoyed the wligle even ing. A few of the juniors came, but they took their leave ere the senior boys arrived." Carsten Truelsen w rites the follow ing from Hemet. Calif.—"Enclosed please find 91.00 to renew my subscrip tion to the Northwestern, is we could not get along without it. for we all like to know what is going on in Loup City. We are all in the best of health, and getting along fine. We think this is a fine country, there being very little wind and the wint ers are so nice. Roses bloom here all winter. New settlers are con tinually coming in and buying land. Hemet oranges are ‘equal to any raised in California. Mrs. Truelsen joins me in sending best regards to yourself and Mrs. Burleigh, and to all our Sherman county friends." Ward Ver Valin has in his posses sion a number of manuscripts, musty with age. some of which date back over 130 years, comprising deeds to real estate, contracts, etc., one of which is a bill of sale of a negro made over 156 years ago. He has also in the collection a copy of a Pough keepsie, N. Y„ newspaper printed in 1321. which makes very interesting reading in comparison with the papers of today. The manusorspts were handed down to Mr. Ver Valin from three generations back, and are invaluable as a collection of family manuscripts. There will be a called meeting of the Domestic Science A uiiliery of the Sherman County Farmers’* In stitute. organized by Miss Maxwell, for the purpose of perfecting plans and other business that may come before it. on Saturday, March*4th, at :> o’clock p. m.. in the basement ol the M. E. church. All interested are cordially invited to attend. German Evangelical Church Next Sunday. Feb. 2Eth. there will be services at Loud City at 10:30 a. m. Feb. 2">th. lesson in German at Loup City church at 10 a. m. 1*. J ueling. Pastor. A DeLaval Cream Separator expert will lie at tiie creamery the 1st and 2nd day of March. If your separator needs re pairing be sure and bring it in one of these days and luve it put ih first class condition. We will nit charge you for the work, hut ju>t for the new parts needed. If you are con templating the purchase of a new separator this spring you should see the new I*eLa»a! before you buy: it i> the recognized standard. 1 will • ike any kind of separator in trade. C. B. Petersen. Electric Theatre will lie open on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings of each week, with an entire change of pictures •lust the place for yourself and fami ly to spend an enjoyable evening. Farmers Notice We want your good wheat and do not sell before you get our prices. We also w ant corn and oats and are paying more than it will net to ship i to any terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. L