The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 09, 1911, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Lttrssr. Nr* s of Interest
EkrJed Down for the
Busy Man.
Los" .* •- :.*-e L Asti.rat *c*4
•r'et.'y •»* 'U1 J? Ptmadetfittl*. UK
t«t t .O^f *r*tr*- Gt»* ab£i it is
e*r*e -< aui' j.r» beet dnmd at
S jtr.c C.-.j J_ »b*r* »«.t for
Li* bea.r*
Tb*- Annaior ITIlUaa L*nmer of U
• t i *• *• a* :i> r-sui: of
br.jMM? aitC as tin- ai-cow: at «uifi w>t
«<• i«faMUa4 to itautsr it tie sen
*1*. is tb» msi’ Imitos r—i liad b? Sena
tor Li-. Root ate aaaMmnafi to? tin.
A at ar*tt.«-:.: it tbs fiour of tb*
t IliUrl Mi'H MSULie
Caje lot* Streckfu* cf U» a Island.
CL tu -ctistui U«r laamuod Jo
btor of aliasifti rytt-tt b*"»e«* St.
I st ate .- • Lotus - _nt* its strainer
*i*e ta« ■ • --t *■ J ten atfi Nr* Or
IWJL* :& *!*♦ v : l*'*’
Hr* rt*~ « L> Limits *»euw of
t li-'-e ' -x-b* ft t>t«-^bst B Ei
aitr : a* 'diwiitH tbe*
—*£• :ar tw-r it ber t us bate * will ate
*... - .* r : «r .. >«« ngfit* it tit Sr
> -'*• estate Jir* EAibt ii be!se-*ed
ba- • an. tt for tb* sab*
we urr •«* tbUercs. a:, tb*: bay may
— .a-.’- J race:** mors '.bat tt* tao
Jt~*d*et t? tt» first Hr* LrEits*
TV . . t Lhsare 6t JoLt *»
■ stat treasurer ut tie Wnuafio**
bbc Harutfanwrixig otL^aty
M '■*•* 1 ■'* »** !i _*e .1 '.b* sun off
jsx-' ,slaa4 Vtoa-PnaMcBt Terry of
tr - ?•_. by togas I I—Jl I I ■ declared
r lot* i b at it 1..-alee a abort***
Tb» ** •uf-r.mot of l t;e Locat
T-ucaar of tbs s*n> eor;» c**:. l*ot
' tb* .at* Oct. Jutx A. Lofiat. bat
beet. a; ;« '«d t-i Assistin' Secretary
f tb* N.rj u ittiiroji. to taa* tflec:
Hard 2L
'•: s- **eim of p*rtta»eatary tactics
Republican* and
L*ma«*sa <mtj«Tn rated me Republic
at "it (ward, it* reaatetion oc the
s«fcJ*K- at direct race of Ku;ff?t ui
•.*■■ 13»* tt* tnSmated hut** at it*
t' ff ts i hu at bitter struggllax
-t* -■ sc Gar mi MU t Worker* strike
• a* «g.-tally cabed or by the '>mas
j*ad*r* Tfc* sins*-* must return to
«ont _* w dines-.* *tc st the es
{k<»en termt.
'"t* text of tte *e)exriits between
Imrjm <4 rta&dana anc PnaMcet
Txft. wad* public st the stste depart
so*t.t ii« that the president i* aov
a* to Uo st amustic* declared be
tas**. ike *srrtt* faction* it Hon
inras Htsnaader Cooper at the Mari
etta had beet ordered to brtn« tfci*
about tf possible..
1 fries sis* ?*i: *o *<- *• tfci* »**
Skit at ■: * hi I- to promo** Robert E
Peary to be s rear admiral Tfc* bill
»** reariec an t: * privet* csiendsr.
tor Potsiiersu-at a a* po** posed It U
BO! probable .bat private bill* a-lli
MW- b* takes op before- adjournment
Tbe tin* Want Point cadets dis
r •**»< for Laxin* from tfc* academy
* IV * by I “resident Rooee-- «-lt and
Secretary of War Wnxfct were rein
stated uadet a bill e-fciefc pasard botfc
tarns** at Jt_c~<-**
Ti»* DntapXB wtn*er earnlraT
tilt bt r«t a a.d at the com
tmfcr arc &ura to be erect
tc .mder 'be aesjuce* of tit* National
PtenoOc -ttai..ia*iao». a memory at
ihe> met tie -?«.•' wti; be held
•t * *-T-~.f7-r~
AS Cfsftot Artr.. Xr* 3 ark Cham
arc* a aSiaor. when I*- n« taken to
It. n* a - banr* of barin* *Ud a thir
■I year-ok: e-t* * r~ t a rticamar..
«*»-* and hilled herself The ballet
a* >»■< through be* bear- atd late the
*-aac of Sl«n* *ia*;i*t
Tie •■■-s«v -t**_s' aitsetidmea* for aumtieota* of tb question of cob
« »•-?- **e to a papular rote ns
®*ss*»d • * tie California ass* mb}?. C5
to r The mil iimtiMn ut already bad
l*ow: the senate. ,
Ea#*—x captralisu. leaded by
>f*» Hutiorm bar* funt*d a con
trar* with tie r» of CVentum*
wb*-*-y they wffi take ore* the HTyo
EUbc ■■Clal i-rbtotjot project, the
*t«**t wr undertaker. by prtrate
The coroner's -r*y tere»;i|a:jti{ the
warn Winii m etuci. occurred Decem
ber 1* a*, he New Tcrk Cental power
V*« Tor* aod «tick kiKed
13 prrwat resorted that the accident
era* naarcMahie Entr.iie-r Albert
Te»iiik*i m' • held for the Inquest, nt
ordered reteased.
Damaff* -Cimaled at eras
r-aaaed by a tee which deet cured the
Jemqd. X Huber Cater works at
Brooklyn. X T.
Th- usua! rtrera and harbors ap
T-opnatiae ti^ cart-yin* S3C.M6.OOy,
was pnaced by the Vetted States sen
'ewr** Grey, brother of the Brtt
fcf*d*B mtetslwr. was serereiy marled
by a 1»* »ear the Athi rt*er. m East
By a tie rote. » to 21. the lower
hoaae ed tbe N*rada legislature de
hs« » lesoiutia* to timiu the cap
ital trass. C arson to H imemaoca
'•mg o Le ^rctiMsUce ui s *•* itri
iwer the schools of Petersburg. 111.,
• ere jrdered closed end all church.
so< iu. tad other public gatherings
• ere prohibited.
Potsotitog by wholesale, to enable
aristocratic Russians to rid themselves
of undervable ;>ersuns. for sums as
high as 1250.OOt was developed in a
ocfeasi'it at St Petersburg by Doctor
Pantrbenlio. tne notorious poisoner.
Pantchecko was arrested with Count
O Hnet. lie Lassy, some time age
• barged with the murder of the
oust s brother-in-law in order that a
cast estate might be inherited by De
A be use membership of 391. as at
preeent. was the congressional reap
imrDoBHWit plan agreed upon by the
R-publfan caucus of the house. It
»at decided to put the measure
through during the present session.
Yale senior* hare announced their
' iast- vote for individual honors,
'harle# S Tie Long, son of Frederick
T !<e Long of Chicago, was voted the
lass beauty
The Inaba Mara, which arrived
from be ririent. brought news of the
loss at sea of the Japanese trawler
hando Vlaru with a crew of 77 men.
" he steamer foundered in a storm off
Inbaraki prefecture
Ti e annual report of the New York
^■•riety for the Prevention of Cruelty
to ALtn.aU thews that in 1910 the so
ie"tr put to death 3 'T.OOO small ani
tr -i ga'bered from all sources Of
this number 246.000 were cats.
Th* American breeders' association
uev ed to bettering the breed of
•tin'*, domestic animals and the hu
•\ac rac< l—pan its seventh annual
«*e-tng it (" Iambus. O.. as the guest
•• *h» Nat; na' Com exposition
A* leaf a score of persons were
*■ ■■><!. i.‘-' or more injured and prop
- damaged *o the extent of $500.
« »t‘-n 25 tons of dynamite explod
• £ a: a pier close to the Central rall
• -id of New Jersey's passenger ferry
- ip at Commtmipaw. N. J.
in at out-of-the-way cabbage field
•lire. miles no-th of Kenosha, Wis.,
1" J Ja : *on. a farmer, found the
-d body Mary Zahon, 24 years
- th* daughter of Paul Zahon. a
farmer in the loan of Somers. Miss
Zahon disappeared from the residence
of her parents on the nigh: of Jan
uary a.
Re* ructions of statements charging
'-He standard Oil company with re
- ■ nstniilty for th* sale of poisoned
candy to children in Philadelphia,
made in an article written by Cleve
iand Moffett and published in the Feb
ruary number of Hampton's Magazine,
acre u.Me pubRe Suits for $3=>0.(*«0
damage? alleging libel, had been insti
:-‘ad by the Standard Oil company.
Seventy-fire revolutionists and
twelve - .diers were killed in a battle
a' Sierra Monlja. near San Lorenzo,
hihuabua. January 2S. according to
ui ifEciai tt.egrum received in Mexico
Prince Tsai Chun, brother of the
prince regent of China, will pass
through the Vnl'ed States on his way
to London to attend the coronation of
King George V. The prince will leave
China in May
The kaiser and the 22 other ruling
sovereigns in Germany will not have
to pay the new tax on the unearned
increment from land When the
reichstag read the bill for the third
time it restored the exemption clause.
Trapped like rats. 12 workmen, all
negroes, were suffocated at Newark.
N J in a caisson in the Passaic river.
It is understood that the accident was
caused by the dropping of a huge
metal bucket loaded with mud and
Champaign county'? grand jury in
vestigation of alleged voting by Uni
versity of Illinois students fizzled out
ojzjpietely when the inquisitors ad
journed without taking action.
The executive committee of the
Tnion Pacific and Southern Pacific
roads at New York voted to complete
double tracking of the lines from the
Missouri river to San Francisco. They
will also double track the Oregon
Short Utitr. a total of 1.373 miles. The
os: of the double tracking will aggre
gate upward of $75,000,000. which will
be distributed over a period of five
Relatives and attorneys who have
teen searching for Itorothy Arnold,
the pretty New York heiress, who has
been missing ior nearly two months,
have practically given up the search
for her and announce that it is their
belief tha‘ she has met with foul play.
Joseph G Robin, the New York
tank wrecker, whose latest conten
tion Is that he Is the second son of
\i-xander II of Russia was declared
san- by a jury in the face of the testi
mony of a notable array of alienists
'hat he is insane.
Presiden- Alfaro and President-elect
ITstrada of Ecuador, bowing to the will
at the people, announced the abac
d •ntaent of the government's pro
posal to lease the Galapagos islands
to the United States for a naval base
or other purposes.
By the joint gift of $150,000 by
George W Elkins, son of the late Wil
-am E. Elkins, and Mrs. George D
Wjceaer. the success of the Young
Mens Christian association million
dollar bunding campaign fund at Phil
adelphia is assured.
Warrants were issued in Jersey City
for the arrest of seven officers and em
ployes of the Central Railroad of New
Jersey and the Dc Pont Powder com
pany. and for James Healing, owner
at the Katherine W„ one of the two
lighters destroyed In the explosion
-hat rocked Manhattan and environs
February 1
The centenary of Horace Greeley's
b:rth was celebrated at Amherst, N
H . where he was born, by exercises
in which several hundred literary men
and women participated The speak
er of the day was Albert E. PiUsbury
of Boston
Young American Says He Was Con
fined in a Jail Which Was Half
Filled With Government Explo
sives—A Colonel at 26.
Boston.—Col. William P. Pittman,
here visiting relatives, told how he
worked a gatling gun for the Estrada
forces, and lay lour months in Xica- I
raguan dungeons when he was cap
tured as the ragged colonel of a rag- ■
ged squad. Col. Pittman smilingly de- .
dared as he looked down from his
alti'ude of six feet two inches at his
interviewer that he was entitled to the
military prefix that is claimed by
most Kentuckians and that he got it
by order of the last batch of Xicara
quan revolutionists that won out and
have recently made Juan Estrada pro- |
visional president of the republic.
Col Pittman is from Cambridge. 1
Mass , and. is an electrical engineer,
tie had been working on the Panama
canal and had struck up a friendship
with Carlos Charmorro. brother of the
leader of the revolutionary farces,
Gen. Eniiliana Charmorro.
Salvador Charmorro. father of the
General, had a store in Panama City
and it was through the storekeeper,
who was also a friend of the young
American (a colonel at 261, that Pitt
man negotiated to join a force of rev
Marched for Miles.
olutii nists on the Costa Rica frontier.
Among the Americans who were with
Pittman was Sam Drebin, "one of the
gamest little Jews 1 ever saw,” the
colonel said. He was captured in
June while serving a gatling gun in
the trenches at what he called the
Hattie of Rama, not far from Blue
Belds. He said the night was pitch
dark when he went to another part of
the trench to make an observation,
leaving the gallant little Philadelphia
Jew to serve the gun.
Six soldiers of the Madriz army
piled into the trenches and overpow
ered him after one had sent a bullet
through his shirt. He shouted a
warning to Sam Drebin. who got
i away. Mast of the revolutionists
w ho had been in the trenches had ]
escaped several minutes before, not
relishing a hand-to-hand fight. The
colonel's captors began to revile i
him as a bloodthirsty "gringo."
Five of them were in favor of shoot
ing him immediately.
The colonel was in rags, as such of
the other revolutionists were that had
any clothing at ah. He was marched
I miles along a sandy beach, sometimes
wading in water knee deep, carrying
, most of the time one end of a pole in
I the middle of which was a heavy box
| containing silver coin to pay the Mad
| riz army in that section. At the
j other end of the pole was a Colombian
The colonel said it was very "tough
going” and that when it was over and
he was finally put into a narrow cell
at Castillo on the San Juan river he
still had a sore shoulder. The colo
nel was In a had smelling and narrow
oell. mostly with a Jamaican negro as ’
a cellmate.
At last through the interposition of
the state department, represented at
Managua by the American Consul
Jose de Olivares. he was decently
treated and finally liberated when
Madriz's party got the worst of it.
Jose de Olivares supplied him with
food fit to eat in the latter days of his
] iflrprisonment.
There were (100 prisoners in the Ma
! nagua jail, one side of which was
■ stored with ammunition, and the com
i mandant of the jail said he would
! blow up everybody when the revolu
• tionists got control. The foreign eon
j suls at Managua all entered protest
| against the proposed explosion. The
guards got away when the revolution
ists' cause semed certain to triumph,
and all the 600 prisoners broke their
cells and escaped.
Freezes Feet: Lockjaw Kills.
Marion. O.—Robert Fox. aged 42
years, a wanderer, is dead of lockjaw,
superinduced by freezing Lis feeL
Rawlins. Wyo.—George A. Ball,
brakeman on a Union Pacific freight
train, had a remarkable escape from
death when he was jerked from the
cab of the engine, in which he was
riding, by the "snatcher" on the mail
car of a flyer moving in the opposite
Hooked by Mail “Snatcher.”
direction. He was carried several
hundred feet before he dropped. And.
although the hook struck him with a
force that ordinarily would have cut
a man in two, he was not severely in
jured. The “snatcher" caught Ball
squarely in the back, jerked him out
of the cab with the same deftness
that it would a sack of mail and
swung him against the side of the
mail car. Ball fell in such a way as
to be clear of the wheels.
Woman's Dagger Carried in the Gar
ter Much as the Highlander
Wears His Dirk.
Chicago.—A fashion note from Lon
don tells us that, as woman's weapon,
the hatpin is to be superseded by a
stiletto held in the garter. Fashion
does not date her decrees from Lon
don. and we may. therefore, be per
mitted to doubt the authenticity of
the item. The picture shows how a
stiletto is worn in the garter—a cus
tom followed, perhaps, in imitation
of that of the women of Lombardy
during the Austrian occupation. Be
ware. then, lest calf love turn to calf
There are several reasons why the
hatpin will never give way to a stilet
to held in the place mentioned. For
readiness, accessibility, and cheap
ness the hatpin exceeds all other
weapons to woman's hand. It is un
sheathed by a single upward move
The Garter Stiletto.
merit of the arm The stiletto—well,
we decline to dwell upon the mo
tions. processes, and results brought
about by its owner drawing it forth.
With the present hobble skirt its use
is simply impossible
Hunter Who Kills Snake Is Immedi
ately Bitten by Second
Newburgh. N. Y—Arthur J. Serven
ti of this city went to Pike county.
Pennsylvania, in quest of deer. When
a short distance from Eldred. while
following deer tracks, he came across
1« rattlesnakes sunning themselves
on a rock As he approached, the two
largest started up. Sercenti shot the
foremost, and in endeavoring to get
away he fell. The snake which was
near him at once struck his right
hand, puncturing his forefinger at
about the second joint
Serventi realised the situation, and
as soon as he could get to a safe dis
tance he took his hunting knife, cut
open his finger and sucked out the
poison. He hired a rig. drove to El
dred and had his hand treated by a
physician. By this time the hand and
arm had swlllen to great site.
A day or two afterward, with his
guide, he visited the rock, found the
snakes in the sun. killed the big snake
that had bitten him and captured the
entire family of 14 small snake*
What is Going on Here and There
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Ong.—The various schools in Logan
township have been having spelling
contests. Monday evening each school
will send its best spellers to a grand
old-fashioned spelling match in the
town hall here. The other schools in
the county are having similar contests
in the various townships. The best
spellers in the townships will then
meet in the county seat. Clay Center,
and decide who is the best speller in
the county. Silver medals are given
to the township best speller and a
j gold medal to the county best speller.
After the Coal Trust.
Lincoln.—An accusation of conspir
acy in restraint of trade has been made
[ against Lincoln coal dealers by Judge
i Albert J. Cornish, who instructed a
I grand jury to investigate the rumors
I which are abroad to that effect. Lum
, ber and insurance men are also men
tioned in the general instructions oi
the judge, who cited laws against
monopolies and all combinations in
I restraint of trade.
Train Strikes Procession.
Weeping Water—A Missouri Pacific
; train ran into a funeral procession
west of town Saturday morning. It
struck a carriage containing Rev. J.
H. Andress and Mrs. J. W. Carter,
i Mrs. Carter was badly bruised, the
minister was only slightly bruised and
the carriage was demolished.
Methodist Church Burned.
Ttica.—The Methodist church here
] burned to the ground, with a loss of
$3,000. The vtJlding was covered by
; insurance in the sum of $1,500. The
fire started from the explosion of a
gasoline tank in the building.
Dies in Ninety-fourth Year.
Surprise.—Mrs. Augustine Jaeneke.
: ninety-four years old died at the home
of her daughter in this place -Mrs.
! .Taeneke was a native of Germany
coming to this country in 1SS2.
Fremont is making arrangements to
take up J25.000 of its bonded indebted
Buffalo county is making efforts to
buiid a model dirt road through that
The Linn elevator at St Mary,
which was recently destroyed by fire.
I will be rebuilt
Phillips has organized an anti-horse
i thief association, and propose to make
i it warm for transgressors.
Elmer Preston was caught under a
\ tree he was felling near Elmwood and
pretty badly bruised up.
| Beatrice will submit the saloon
; question to the voters of that place at
; the coming spring election.
A. B. Christian of York was elected
l president of the state association of
| real estate men at Lincoln.
One life was lost and a number of
persons injured in a fire in the Mil
lard hotel at Omaha Monday.
Several cases of scarlet fever have
occurred in Bruning and two or three
homes are quarantined for smallpox.
W. A. Posey has tendered his resig
nation as county superintended of
I Thayer county, to take effect March 1.
The Seward Merchants’ association
is contemplating establishing a co-op
erative delivery for the grocery stores.
A two-weeks-old baby boy was left
: on the porch of the Sigma Nu frater
nity house at Lincoln one night last
; week.
Mrs. Otto Dambowsky of Beatrice
came near losing her life when she tt
j tempted to star; the cook stove fire
with kerosene.
An effort is on foot at Tecumseh to
hold a one week’s school in agricifl
i tnre and domestic science some time
during next winter.
The Hour mill a; Roca. which had
just been purchased by Osceola par
ties. caught fire and was consumed
with a loss of over $10.00(1.
Judge A X. Sullivan, a wef? known
Portsmouth lawyer and pioneer of Ne
: brr.ska. died last week, the result of
j a paralytic stroke. He was nacon
* scious for four days preceding his
; death.
j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leacock were
■ married fifty years ago in Warren
county. Illinois and the anniversary
! of She event was celebrated recently
at the Leacock home in I'niversity
j Place.
The state chicken show at Hastings
Is said to have been the best attended
and most successful of Its history.
Charles F RatxlaJf. a pioneer of Lan
caster county, died at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. Carl Warthon. in Lin
Elk Creek is experiencing a small
pox scare of considerable magnitude,
and meetings of public character have
been discontinued for the present.
John Preston Martin, editor of The
Odell Wave, and Miss Flcy E Bowhav
o. Li hem were married a; the bride’s
home at that place in the presence of
a large company of friends.
Lincoln—The chance Tor the ''Ne
braska legislature to show how it
stands on the question of tariff re
vision when it strikes directly at a
Nebraska industry was offered in the
house Monday by Ccfton of York when
he presented a resolution in the form
cf a memorial to the Nebraska con
gressmen to vote against the proposed
reciprocity treaty with Canada on the
ground that it provides for abolishing
; the tariff of twenty-five cents a bushel
on wheat, thus placing the wheat from
the cheap lands of Canada directly in
competition with the Nebraska pro
duct. tending to cheapen the market.
The author of the resolution has been
; a miller most of his life.
Glanders in Horses.
Dolezal or' Saunders has a measure
which seeks to provide payment for
horses afflicted with glanders which
the state veterinarian puts to death as
a preventive of spreod of the disease,
conceded to be one of the worst which
afflicts domestic animals. He explains
That the people in That part of his dis
r trie: surrounding Cedar Bluffs are par
ticularly anxious for the passage of j
This law because they have felt the
effect of the loss of animals by gland
1 ers. As explained by Mr. Dolezal, the !
( disease is just as apt to attack the
horses of poor men as those of wealthy
farmers, and w-hen they are shot by
the deputy veterinarian it leaves The
owner in deplorable condition. The
author of the bill argues that to ap
propriate $25,000 for the payment of
| these horses and mules would work
i towards stamping out the dread dis
\ ease, as it would be an incentive to
the owner to have his animals exam
ined when he has an ysuspicion that
they are afflicted. He declares that
now there is a tendency to hide the
fact as long as possible.
Capita! removal Bill.
Bailey of Kearney has introduced
the much-talked-of removal bill. He
does not appear as the author of the
measure, which is on the contrary
signed by twenty-seven house mem
bers. It is understood that the capi
tal removal association, with head
awyt^rj.. at Kearn«v. drafted the hill
and had it introduced. Bailey has
rather stayed in the background in
handling the bill and did not care to
introduce it. Hence he spent some
time in securing signatures for a joint
introduction of the proposition. The
bill was printed in full in some of the
western newspapers interested in its
fate the day before it was presented
in the house. Representative Bailey
had the bill in his possession much
of the Time before be got it in shape
j to introduce.
Eoost for Eastman Bill.
Headed by ex-Governor Shallenber
srer. thirty business men. styled the
"Southwestern Nebraska Boosters.” i
attended the meeting of the finance, i
ways and means committee, held at
the capital Monday night.
The bill for which the westerners
are working is known as house roll
No. S. by Eastman of Franklin, a
measure calling for an appropriation
of $100,000 for the establishment of an
agricultural school in southwestern
Ex-Govemor Shallenberger opened
for the visitors with a short talk in .
which he laid particular emphasis on ;
the needs of his part of the s'ate for
such an institution as is asked for in
the Eastman bill.
Against Hypnotism.
Anderson of Kearney wants to pro
hibit expositions of hypnotism and
animal magnetism where such exhibi
tions are given for gain. He intro
duced a bill which provides “that any
person or persons who shall thereafter
rake part in the practice, assist in.
or become a subject in giving a pub
lic open exhibition, or seance, or show
of hypnotism, mesmerism, animal
magnetism, or so-called psychical:
powers for gain shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor.”
No Constitutional Convention.
The senate spent some Time in a
discussion in committee of the whole j
of the bill calling for the submission j
to the voters o' the state of the ques-1
tion of calling a constitutional con- ;
ventioa. It was the first real show at j
j oratory in which the senate has in- j
1 dulged. Several members took Two ;
whacks at it each and more than an
hour and a half were consumed in ;
arguing the merits of the proposition.
In the end the committee recommend
ed the killing of the bill and on a test j
vote stood IS to 14 in favor of it.
El Paso—William J. Bryan will
speak in Arizona on behalf of the !
state constitution to be voted on Feb
ruary 9. i
A Memorial BuMding.
J. W. Steinhart of Nebraska City
appeared before the finance commit
tee in support of the bill which seeks
to hare the state appropriate $20,000
for a memorial armory at Nebraska
City on the site of Fort Kearney, the
first military post to be located west
of the Missouri river. Mr. Steinhart
had copies of documents to show that
the Vnited States government ex
amined the location as early as 1S36
j and that tec years later the actual
i construction of the fort was begun.
Mary Important Measures Pressing
For Attention Before the Fourth *
of March.
"Washington.—Congress worked un
der high tension during the last week
»nd the prospects for the remainder
3f the session do not promise many
lays barren of excitement. The con
gestion is such that appropriation
mils are in some danger, but mem
bers of experience recall conditions
squally bad which were met without
the necessity of extra sessions.
The real difficulty in both branches
seems to be that numerous matters
of a political or partisan nature are
being pressed for consideration be
fore the close of the congress on
March 4. and it is realized that many
of these must fall through lack of
time. The inevitable result is to
make members irritable over delays
and not infrequently the time-honor
ed and much-vaunted courtesy be
tween factions in congress has been
depressed almost to the point of com
plete disappearance.
Most of the measures of an inflam
mable character are pending in the
senate, and chief among them are the
Lorimer case and the resolution look
ing to the election of senators by di
rect vote of the people. The latter,
as the result of the persistent fight
made by Senator Borah, who report
ed the decision from the judiciary
committee under circumstances
which assured a contest, was advanc
ed last week to the position of the
unfinished business.
Senator Borah is determined that
there shall be a vote on his resolu
tion in time to obtain consideration
by the house. He will urge senators
who oppose it to make their speeches
early in the week. After waiting
what he believes to be a reasonable
time, he says he will insist upon con
tinuous consideration until a vote i3
had. The indications are that he has
sufficient votes to carry out this pro
.'r~tn» i *
The situation is extremely interest
ing. A large majority of the repub
licans is opposed to the resolution,
but the progressive republicans and
the democrats control the situation
by two or three votes. Several efforts
were made by Senator Borah to have
a day fixed on which to take a vote,
but unanimous consent thus far has
been refused. Senator Hevburn, tfie
colleague of Mr. Borah, remarked
dryly one day that he thought he
would be ready to give such consent
on March 4. which, of course, meant
that he would oppose the resolution
to the end. One senator could pre
vent a vote on the resolution so long
as he has strength to occupy the
floor and three senators could con
duct a successful filibuster for a
Taft Will Welcome Governors.
Boston.—The voice of President
Taft will be heard by those attending
the conference of New England gov
ernors with members of the Massa
chusetts Real Estate exchange at the
Somerset hotel Tuesday, according to
an announcement made by officers of
the exchange. The president will not
be able to be present, but arrange
ments have been made whereby he
will give his greetings over the long
distance telephone and an attachment
will be used which will enable all in
the room to hear his voice.
May Call Extra Session.
Washington.—President Taft, it was
learned, will not hesitate to call an
extra session of congress for the pur
pose of enacting the Canadian recip
rocity treaty into law provided he can
have assurances from the democrats
that they will not attempt any other
Buried by Thousands.
Harbin. Manchuria.—Already nearly
5.000 bodies of victims of the plague
have been burned or buried in the
outskirts of Harbin. Forty-eight hun
dred of these came from the Chinese
Mrs. Bryan to Visit Daughter.
New Orleans. La.—A notable pas
senger sailed Sunday on the steamer
Tnrrialba. for Jamaica via Colon. It
was Mrs. William Jennings Bryan of
Lincoln. Neb. She goes to Kingston
to visit her daughter.
Sheehan to Stay.
New York.—William F. Sheehan
confirmed the interview given by
Charles F. Murphy. Willing at one
time to withdraw his candidacy for
the I'nited States senate, he is now
in the fight to stay.
Eddy Will Called Valid.
Concord. N. H.—An answer to the
bill in equity by which George W.
Glover of Lead. S. D.. seek? to have
the residuary bequest in the will of
his mother, the late Mary Baker
Eddy, founder of Christian Science,
declared invalid, was Sled in the su
perior court late Saturday night by
counsel for the executor of the will.
Henry M Baker of Bow. N. H„ nd
for the trustees. Adam S. Dickey, Ar
chibald McLellan. Josiah E. Fernald,
Stephen A. Chase. Aliison V. Stewart
and John V. Dittemore.