Splendid Crops M : caeurt- •ester:. C2n»t?g •OO Iu««>f4* from 2D mi r«* m z*mt *» *. * l"tm U *r »t » k * I h « t ■ *«*! >71 4 U A A > L» > • - ivc« :«m >-« „ wmi a*iri • * *1* fn*' tMimr Jim If MM * • «'***• t,* Mi** *fr • i *• t» * l«flj,jb lur 4,*«rm# «rW #* — -f « r--.«•!« Mairr ** «»4f « i 1 <* ! i f at • t « r t ■ i fi*-* * 9+ml A * s« •“ *» * ••■n** -« • ■* •*«". <#“*» fiu -«f*t »j*kr» *jmS “ *•» - «*« **,«#<. i 1# * ' I**- 1,1 * M~ *- «4W • *&•? .«J* • % HMT” fca> t. £.■* ' k»! t«J*AS*CLiA&i_-£ eVj?£ bIaCK u & CAPSULES 5#W0P HfNEDr FOKWEKrTciTt »TOW&iTS T»Ai box trr MAIL 50' *J*rn:«».*5HUW’ Stb^jok.»»*t DEFIANCE ST ARCS £5T2S Nebraska Directors f^jATT ’ L-A- I*»> • JLf** A l**v"«* 1*. rnammmm COMA W tlb | ««* * mm9W*rm- mI t tmmm -a»* * k«» cafciM*uf«nB - 0r-t^^m. mmmmt,• f i— irAtfrwe. nil TAN*? m Am Am.M GOODS M« f M>0407 i«t BiAA*OmAriA, Nefc. RUPTURE RUBBER IftEUTC * VkCUUW CLEJktB Autn I 0 Retails for $10.00 •Rv ■..**? m mmrti l**tirr '.^oi tL# fET • . 1 Mr • «■§ ik-JT v.t f_ !• ' r. f * «4 +i*r i. % »• • %• -• • .. wrt -r-. : «»• r ■ ^ Ca ■ f-AMpMr «*•>: uarm.. mm f!u All, tar §*— ,4 >4«r 1* *■ * K.M10? A A *? •■■Mr.!, 47 *• • ‘fc*T I H •. u. A — m WANTED ftk. or —Bl IT- «**»’-• ♦**» aJa£ * ’-tm ll» >—r «! *pt * >»««M «m *T mm t4 A)J • r .. fort »-» kb* ^4 MrO MR fll i It Uhr <<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Wall Flower By TEMPLE BAILEY rrri : . Akioaitcd Literary hess rarl'i :. r: .tic into The liotei from *r ai-iiit. was dammed by "What V S’ tug an"" he asked the clerk. T! r* to be a dance in the din •if r The •;«-h said. "It is such - a ' *• at !-♦ r ■u’side That the ~nc fcil> thought op this way of - • ■ vet iug You ? better * - • v:: he continued, •it:, a e'.uw - a* Carlton's corduroys. .• ' - ■ ■ he-a . “I don't care —m : v- t: - :rt »f time." hr stat •• I. I vc r. uch of it all my f« ' trar •-aw ay to the smok :.c - ■ ■ • • • • • \.4 r* ad the pajers i • strains ■{ the dance music :—a".T.f ;u his *„rs. ■: h. s'.iirs he stepped on . ;T :.c w; ....to a balcony . . : „. the .Tr.r room -i • red •..vet curtains were draped on each std' of the entrance, •he-, w trr- •• or four deep • ■ r: tv ini 1 u-k from the - i ..t.c In t . chairs, crtini • . a: d -r- me ■ as a g:rl. Car! ■:. -• u" :: T r—. . r face hut ’here w a- a 5e-ififc*t.»-> a*. >tit her hair and ■ • - figure ■•-«•_ N-t. s.. he stood very g IT- s- ::T?y the girl • : ,ed cry :.g and sat up and saw > he sa;.i involuntarily. ’ter* anything 1 can do. Miss •Chart on *” . -.-let manner took awav f* - h.- ffer any hint cf iir.perti n-nre. "You «*.* to tw in trouble.” The g:r s'.d u; "Oh. no." she a . wit: > n:< decision "It was silly f it » • cr*. " T: as his eyes still n- d. s:.e flushed out her gxiev • - a man u haven't had such an ex Yes I hnve' she said “1 sat out dances an. then I came up ■ ■ r- r was too humiliating to be . v.: ; — he mantled "1 know n • J .-aw you the other An i a- for beauty well, any ■ r j . uj ; sav on that subject u- -fu -I- Miss Wharton." ‘ ’ :: :. ' ' ting any more.’ Her '»• r» t gbtlj ‘ > nt s- e those beys down there like * Her Head Wat t'p ard Her Eyes Wrt P atnir.g. ' r.f • .. ■-unp**r girls. and ' : ‘ '.-las set aside; I've — »:••• been first." I • i r- • jur.p " l:e said incr«-du - ' WTij are you calling yourself • ause I leal / I can't joke and ai I a few jears age. jet ■’ :rt • « j>' t give up my place to the younger girls." I: ta' town is one of the big ' l air- h«-r. He had talked with ' er le-p re at th* ‘able, and now and • t in. j • rc!.. when the storms * he eurij spring abated a little and ms. cot-of-. .•!> j isslble. She had alwt- s »-e-nied reserved, and this out pouring came as a surprise She seemed to feel that she had said too much, and she apologized If i- j hadn’t caught me crying 1 • br>u. not have said a word. It must — cm very silly to you." "No It doesn't." be said. “Perhaps men don't fee! as much the loss of whfal prerogatives, but when I go ■ i» alumni n*-*'ings at college and tb* yunger fellows show plainly that ' ' ey i«ok u; after. «c occasionally 6nd Tb- n. mentioned In literature ana i- eu- aa>- of 'be Anglo-Saxon ongue * • find them referred to. In olden times e sundial was consid ered almost a sacred thing really an outd >'ir alia:, and l*o!h poets and prose *—r*rs hare paid their respects to it Charles Lamb wrote: "What a dead thing is a clock, with its ponderous embowelments of lead and brass :ts pert or solemn dullness of come .mi stior. compared with the simple altar like structure and silent heart language of the old dial! It I stood at the garden god of Christian gardens Why has it almost every- | ahs-re vanished? If Its business use, b*> superseded by more elaborate in ventions, its moral uses, its beauty, might have pleaded for its continu ance. It spoke of moderate labors, of pleasures not protracted after sun set. of temperance and good hours It was the primitive clock, the horo logue of the first world. Adam could scarce have missed it in Paradise, it was the measure appropriate for sweet plants and flowers to spring bv; for the birds to apportion their silver warblings by; for flocks to pasture and be led by. The shepherd carved it out quaintly in the sun.' and. turn ing philosopher by the very occupa tion provided it with mottoes more touching than tombstones.” No Use Worrying. There's two things that are no use worrying about, just two. One of 'em is the thing that a body can't help T'other is the thing that a body can help.—“Aunt Huldah," by G. M. Cooke and A. Macgowaa. AIRY FAIRIES. “Wfcat becomes or ali ;he smashed leroplaaes ?” "They sell them to the girls for ta;s, 1 guess.” ECZEMA GONE, SOILS CITS? "My son was about three weeks eld when I ccticeu a breaking-.....t on his cheeks, from v hick a 'watery sub stance ccrcd A short time after, his arms, sk. aiders and breast broke out also, ate in a few days became a solid scab. i became alarmed, and called tar family phys.eian, who a; once pro noun • d ft: disease c enema. The lit tle fellow was uruer i.s treatment It . a..: throe months. S? the end os that time, he seemed no better. I became discouraged, and as 1 had read tr.c advertisements o: Cu.i^am Tlemeuit ? and testimonial:' o' a greet many people who had used them with . wonderful sue-, ess I dropp. a the doc tor’s treatment, and commenced the use of Cutir ra St»ap and Ointment, and in a few days noticed a marked change. The eruption or. his cheeks was almost healed, c.r.d his shoulders, arms and breas; wet decidedly bet ter. When he was about seven months oid all trace of the eczema was gene "During his teething period, his head and face were broken out in boils w hich 1 cured with Cutieura Soap and Ointment. Surely he must have been a great sufferer. During the time of teething and from the t.me I dropped the doctor's treatment. 1 used the Cutieura Soap and Cuticura Oint ment, nothin? else, and when two years old hi was the picture of health. His romplerlon was soft and beauti ful. and his head a mass of sllfey curis. I Lad been afraid that be would never be well, and 1 feel that 1 owe a great deal to the Cuti'ura Remedies ” i Signed 1 Mrs Mary W. Ramsey, df-i E. Jackson St.. Colorado Springs. Colo., Sept 24. 1S10. Vagaries of Finance. "1 understand you have paid the mortgage off your place." ' Yep." replied Farmer Co~ntossel. "Then why do you complain o: hard •imes?” "AH the neighbors have done the -ame thing That leave s me with money on my hands that nobody a ants to borrow." - Singh B lei ntr ;ni I.crs prefer them P r tYhen a man is easily bought the nuyer is usually sold. 1 $3.50 RECIPE CORES WEAK KIDNEYS, FREE RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TR0U3LES. BACKACHE. STRAIN ING. SWELLING. ETC. Stops Pair. n the E ladder, Kidneys and Sack. TCoufcJlTt !t K rice wiil.lr a week or so to begin t s. y gs dby. : r-'ver to scalding. trib. '. :.y. - r..:: ::y. or t geent passage ot unne: t..- forehead r.ni ti.. I -.ckf-t. --h-o.J ucl. ' he so*.. .n r and pates :r. the back: the gr- wing tr.us rb Vi .hr ss spots '.store- tin . y s: yel low skin; sluggish bowels; sw her. eye lids or ankles, leg cramps, unnatural short breath; sir. plessarss and the it - spond-oncy? I have a recipe lor these troubles that you can depend on. and if you want to make a QflCK RECOYEHT. you _c t to write and pet a copy of It. Many a doctor would charge you Cl' ju. *. for writing *....s pros.rlpuotu but 1 have it un-.i will be glad to send it t. you etstlr. ly fr.o dus* ’rep m. a line lik IT. A E. Rob.r.son. K-dX- Luck Bu ;n;. X»- *.ro;t. Mich., and 1 will s -nd it ' y re turn ttr.ll in plain er.v 1. jh. As y. u wil see when you g *. it, this r-dpe e> ntatns only pure. harm!-, ss r, medics, but I - gr-.-it la .Ring and p lin-ccr uerlas P r-.-r It will ^ .tikly shoo its * o r enc, j u use it. s I think y.-u had letter s, -o it is without d-lay. I will s r..i y -u & -- seif a. homo. A Corner in Cardies. As ar. example of trus s and monop t!h s prevalent ever, ir tiiut early day i' ms.:- be m-. ntr-red that in iTC- one Benjamin Crsfcb c'-tained the exe’.nsive righ' t. ruake sperm candies :n Massa chusetts for 14 years. A y ar laur. hewer r. a fact cry was started ir Providence. R. 1.. and with in th-: d- ade there were eight fac tor! -s ir New England end cae In Philadelphia Their output gr a:l> re duced the price of cardies, which not long before sold for five shillings a pound. In those days ft.2;- was worth fully three times as much as it is new. —From *he D. signer. That Essential Struggle. There are men who go through life *ithout ever getting wha: one would call a throw down or set-back—they never get to k^ow what it means to ;ace rough or tough weather. Tbt'.r w a> :s slicked ana raved They seem to miss the one great essential thing In every success—the struggle: days v. hen everything locks as though cue is about don for anti ready to cave in Give Defiance Starch a fair trial— try it for both hot end cold starching, and if you acr't think you do better work, in less time and at smaller cost, return it and your grocer will give you back your mor.-. y. When a man says that misfortune drove him to drink the chances are that drink first drove him to misfor tune. Sufferers v ill t • —a I)r. Wm. - . ■ :ii-< . prevention .*n i cure.' -oa: tree by 1>- Kane v i t_ liuffalo, X. Y. Many a rolitician who expects a plum is handed a lemon THEY SPIKED THE TRACK. ' Xow, that tts.5 a wrecking crew worth while—it was the wots: ssr&sk «P I ■ vtr saw. and in - minutes they didr.': lettv, a sign of U." “Wrecking crtw. you idiot! They wc~- souvenir hunters.” The WaiKers. James '> t- k the famous corpora tion I wye: X-w York, is a native •: Ph !a-..e!; hie. and to Philadelphia he often returns to see his old triescs. Mr Be;5t, in a recent barc-ie! in Phr.utX I;defended eerier alien* with an igrani. "Th trust buster and the Socialist maj do what they please." he said, "tut mai.lt;.= d t ill still be divided into rw c gre.-t i. -:es—those who wait tc St-t nr to- fi.r their dinner, and those wl ..». to get a dinner for their appetite." !>.; hr-term. Quinsy and Tonsiiitis :>egin w,t.. -itt : - .1. How much better to cure a sw ;r..u; in a day or tw than to be ib iK-i : r weeks witt: Ihpatheria. Jus: ^eep Kamhn* Wizard Oil in the house. Any hew Methods? "Ain't it strange, th' way Kelly beats his wife?" "I cur nr Kow does he do tt?’’ Dr Pierce s Pleasant Pellets regulate an_ iovig* rate storm, h. !.«: and boweia. S ugar. a ted, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Xo man ever knows how much he misses when he loses a chance of giv ing pleasure, ONLY ONF •’BROMO QT TMJfl - That » laxative Bit *m,'U>:ne Lock r«r siirtta.aTh- f II. ^ U*. »\ I bed iht- Vurid nte: u x uzx a .n xia* l«a> it. Be a live wire, but don’t bum your associaix-s Knees Became Stiff Five Years of Severe Rheumatism The cure of Honey J Goldstein, 14 Barton Street. Bos: in. Mass., is anoth er victory by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This at medicine has succeeded in many cases where others have utterly failed Mr. Goldstein says: ’T suf fered from rheumausm hve years. it kept me from business and caused ex cruciating pain. My knees would be c me as stiff as steel. I tried many modi ines without relief. then tori Hoods Sarsaparilla, soon felt much be '.ter, and now consider myself en tirely cured I recommend Hood’s.'’ G°t it t xiar in usual liquid form or cl I'-’.ed tablets called S3reatabs. Thompson's Eye Water wisely direct 1. will cause her to give to her little ones only the :: ■ t wholesome and beneficial reme.:: s and only when actually need. !, and the well-informed mother uses onlv T asent and gr ntle laxa-tv* r ■■ - lv—Syrup of F and Elixir f —v • laxatr as :: is wholly free from all ot , - t:ona; > sc's-anc s. To g.>• its l*.: - eScia! effects a w-~s bur ihe gen - ine. manufactured L.y the California Fig Syren (. . The most democratic thing in tbe world KNOWN THE WORLD OVER A COUNTRY SCK90L FOR GIRLS in New York Ci:v. Best features of coun try and city life. Oat-ot-cL>or sports on school park of 35 acres near the Hudson Kiver. Academ e Course Primarv Class tj Graduation. Upper class for Advanced Special Students. Music and Art. Writs for catalogue and terms k. leap * is. Hite. in-rxar home. tut lUri $L. *esL t. I TRUCK FARM EK FLORIDA Means an independence for lift. Seven teen cents a day will buy a five acre truck farm in t'..e Pensacola District. Our sc” expert and demonstration farm makes ttr.s-akes Impossible. Come to tie land of SUNSHINE AND Sfu-'ESS an i w- will heip you make pood. Write to day for our exceptional offer. PENSACOLA REALTY COMPANY. Pensacola. Florida g Fins FOSTCSRCSCDCC w bend only _ siair.; a* ' r>ve=v» | fli | f» verv fine-: la Err: x>>$ec vard.^l I ftlbs kt FREE so introduce post card offer. Capita* Card Co.. I>cpt. 79. Topeka, Kan. DEFIANCE STARCH—L7“J1 —■other stare he? only IZ ounce*—-axne price and '•DEFIANCE** 16 SUPERIOR QUALITY. PATENTS Wnf*onr..( oleman.^ ash tngton,D.C. BooJpdree. HUrb est references. Beet reeuiia. W. N. U., OMAHA. NO. 5-1911. €( Every Picture Tells a Story X") M FAC-Sr^a-L OF T>E GENU»C “ODvAGt ^UC?rr_v LS BURDENS LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS \\ can is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There’s no rest or peace for the man or v*Oman who has a bad back. 1 he distress begins in early morning. Tiu feel lame and not refreshed. It s hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All dav the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop'and straighten. At night the suf ferei retires to toss and tw ist and grown. Backache is kidney ache—a throbbing, dull aching in the kid net s. Piasters or liniments won’t do. \ou must get at the cause, inside. DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS GIVEN UP TO L E. Mrs. M. A. Jenkir Quanah, Tex., says: “I was i. oated al most twice my natur . size. I naa Dest phy sician. but they failed to help me. For five weeks I was as helpless as a 1 aby. My back throbbed and the kidney secretions were in terrible con » ciition. The doc tors held out no hope and 1 was resigned to my fate. At this criti cal time. I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills and soon was cured.” How To Tell When The Kid neys Are Disordered— Painful Symptom*: Backache, sideache, pains when stooping or lifting, sudden sharp twin ges, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, painful, scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells, dropsy. Urinary Symptom*: Discolored or cloudy urine. Urine that contains sediment. Urine that stains the linen. Painful passages. Blood or shreds in the urine. Let a bottle of the morning urine stand for 24 hours. If it shows a cloudy or fleecy settling, or a layer of fine grains, like brick dust, the kidneys are proba bly disordered. r A CASE OF GRAVEL. Harrison A. Sturtevant. G and Maple Sts.. Tulare. Cal., says: "I was in bad shape with kidney trouble. loo tre q u e n t urination compelled me to arise at night, my bladder became in flamed and I suf fered severe pain. When I began us ing Doan's Kidney PUls I passed a gravel stone three quarters of an Inch and variegated in color. After this my trouble disappeared. A IK1AL rKfcfc -rTiSTwi Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foster-Mi lbura Co.. Buffalo. NY. A free trial package of Dean s Kidney P;lis wiil be mailed you promptly. W K V DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS Sold by all dealers. Price 5o cents. Foster-Wilburn CoiV Buffalo. N.Y.. Proprietors. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ' CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES A lulling enterprise developing a great ln l u us try wants agents to undertake tbe sale of i ,tock Legitimate. Bank references-_J£mj