The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 02, 1911, Image 5

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v Are You from Missouri?
W a»eri»*- nothing wt* cannot prove! If you want to
• &HOWK the proof. MM right In and expose your honest
>]*-jre to fTim *\ e court your attention to a few facts.
Our < apilai Stuck t* $:f5.0U>: Surplus, *12.500.
* v -rk.i.y crpita! is wholly unimpaired by abso’utely
- m a !r- ?.» any -ffi'-er. director or even ntock holder.
.r ,i \ to maae loons liberally, but cautiously,
’ gr ft of aii} rind to deal honestly and brag Modestly.
:.e .it . see ui about rates paid on time deposits.
- • r • -s arid mbinmtion pass books furnished free.
First National Bank of Loup City
Loup City. Nebraska
It. i Willi*u». Prest L H\nsex, Cashier
A. 1: ■ -i V 1’ 0. K Apam-.. Asst. Cashier
A I r* V*rkH OliolatiMlv
< 'jrti t*z bi.
® frrT l»
• imrt t*U
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Utilizer J*rf ]!
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trt; t L*r. : * - I.--! t**um!a*
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• I...*- •.i.rng*' v «t wd to iji«
h^ne MV tlur »etli nitl.
Ta..*- »<!■ r and to Cot*
- - - » an grt uirtiiih|
rot. »atil
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i. . - . ': * > *»l Brand 4.nn«
ar*- t .* n At Lament a*.
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W- .u» — UW* ea*ii
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J;*-. r \ | ' KUVEEV O*
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«S»‘ e efung i ’ ■ Ct'rt; mu
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tUKMMrw Wanted A» I lave at
r»:»a • • t ! » ni liar »otne ado
t - • :t*er- .• it-»w at SLulta A
* ., . . •• V! <,£■• *»*'i 1.T7
|» * m±u: a dray pi *»r A. L Lit
n ■*" t «'* your orde
mttJb r.U*-T ja-urr yard >tr E <1
T*s . .« ii«-: ' sen ice guaranteed
lura to Mr and Mr- A ('.< *sri«
Frida Jan T-\ l*il. a in- •• poum
Ii i Herr'* ***- m. gnu
I*' a* tut and r >o a atari a» hi* dad
| » M r i'.-.r cu 'i r l*ur «
I* «ar p*ff* a;'! yeariiwt i*edigre*-<
... ai at aty farm rum
* n -I. * L up < "tty Ft. •»*
nt J F IW«k.
■F V;» i«n*r» Ing' t*o.. »l»o iiis !«•*«
art rilrti V-1 '»*il tore »itt
pgr grand pastil* Vr and Mr* I * ”!
$t ■ Irr. returned land Friday to tor
Kwat Li mm. < -. t
I Try M >*••*•.-aa* U* drayman
gt,- <|oark and satisfactory ar>Kt
l«tu order* at tin- kr>»t<«r Letn
lofr- » t.r Tay ior * elevator or pi ran
tit* rendwri- •» *m W-.
A •»*« toW a* tin- oilier day Uia
9 iar« liK- capita. »a* removed ti
; j* u til autt entra.i located r
| ti, kkato turn tie a outd vote lot ;
1,1 c *urt ituuar IjfSleraiifi ivusi! \
I O* Lord Isi't •*- to nan tiiat ww
Han* I nela took a car of rattle t
y* «*3tatiS maraeta iaal «eek. r<
a und»iKB» prior for tli
lit ato> i Wiled hi* wtr!
Mtv Herring »Uo moved t
i'o:fat county fro* UtW county
tern year* ago He report* tt*ry hav
*oid out ’Jen and »iii a.*.»e up nea
Fai*er tin* H-nng and may to tot
_ f g a > W tof *e mg i!W bruUe
f *ri inrtt. nfco awed to dad
I»a* <*-a a fm year* sine* fro® lit
c unit ua* mid out in tiiat stab
t*iti i .ike it u*« and may con
Electric Theatre
w. u*- i*-ii -n TiHsdav. Tliursday
and Saturday evening' of each week.
• with an enure change of pictures
lust tiie place for yourseli and fami
ly to ^petid art enjoyable evening,
i __
‘ see L< rentz first for your tailor
1 made suits.
Kami in* in Town Property
for sale by John W. Lone
" .tt-r Mi> >n «ii- quite ill with
.a grippe tl»e fore part of the week.
Try A/tec nut coal for your cook
-’.-■ve K r *ale by K. <1. Taylor.
«. * td nd-hand sew ing machine.
• Inquire <<f Mr' \\ Ver Valin.
Tiie fau.iiy of «. >. Leininger have
a ;*-eii down with .a grippe the past
* »et ti.e iiabit ■! looking for the
'pecia iargairis at Conliisers every
sat urday
A 1; Kirslittaum suits. Longley
hats and King yua ity 'hoes 'land
for g *>d g(*>ds at Lorentz'.
c.‘ a re' of g • *d land, all good soil.
~ t L'up t’ity Cheap at V>si*i.
VV. F. Bceii.
All ihe Town Property offered
for sale at first hands hj calling
on John \\ . Loui;.
>tr Jd .v Hendrickson, successors
• < neer. will do your hauling
pr -irptly and satisfactorily.
I* n•<: you want a new buggv or
' tif wagon? T M lieed is pre
!«ared in. supply your w ants.
t ran. F s>r returned Tuesday to
i- ne a: I’ayatte Idaho, and
tiered tht Northwestern to visit
litx. there.
I- r salt pure-bred lJose Comb
hr *t Leghorn boosters. Your pick
‘.lie !-un. a f -r : 1 >*■ each.
I: • Ihriviale went t Colorado
last Friday to look up a bunch of
•*'' hr other. Thus. I'.nsdale.
joined him a! I‘aimer.
Tl e-, «. :»■ a saie of several head
at tlie Hosier twrn this
week Saturday afternoon. O. (1.
I! ?i*w: :*• the'auctioneer.
A but'. g;r was born Tuesday of
■■ i» we*-fc to Mr. and Mrs. (’. t\
-.s-eiisrii *f >t Paul. Mrs. Chriv
- ii wii- ; ••'merit Miss Mamie
'•it*. Hi of this city.
T: t r* wi t*- preaching at tlie
bapti-t urcb nest Sunday iuorn
an !• ening. by I*r>f. J. B. Shouse
■■ '.ra- : Is.and A cordial invita
ti ti i- ■ stended to all friends to lie
*' per month straight salary
and t -rises t- men w ith rig. to in
troiu-s- jr Poultry Kemedies I>on t
answer unless you mean business.
K -eka Poultry Food Mfg. Co. In
TO rated East St. Louis. 111.
Mr- U > Waite and children
werr ; «nio Lincoln last Saturday
m miriir to visit husband and father,
an i t w a rea' live legislature
f the de i. •-rati, brand looks and
A J. .1*mNson.
>>' • : n ‘*a.iawa\ and family ar
rivcd 1 ere from Buffalo. N V . last
Thursday n,*on with the intention
of i< eating in tilt- best county in
central Nebras*:i Mr. (iallaway left
:>ere s !i<- fifteen years since for the
east arid is well known to Lite old
i t ers 'e. who are glad to welcome
> Lmi tack again
Tie V -rtl.western wishes at this
timet,, return sincere thanks to its
readers who are promptly paying
tiieir » -nptions for tiie coming
••ar an i tneir name is legion. And
again we w ish 11 reiterate Uiat we
• ha e the i»est class of prompt paying
• readers of am paper in existence.
Me doff our tiie thankfully to one
; and ail
Nn: week Wednesda} evening will
1 occur : .<• big tian.|uet of the K of P.
!.r ti.- rh<* id of this citv. and all ar
rant' enu. have tieen completed to
■ make it one of ti»e most pleasant
events ever occurring in tiie city,
-j Martnion lodge never does anything
r by ija ves and her membership is al
ways united and harmonious in all
u ft does.
■> Mr. and Mrs. I>. C. <lrow went to
r Bayard, this state, last Friday after
r n»>n to attend tiie funeral of tiie
e; infant son of tiieir daughter. Mrs.
Max Jeffords, bum Tuesday of that
t. week and death taking tiie little one
a Fridav evening. Tiie many friends
•.j ol ilev and Mrs. Jeffords will deeply
e j sympathize with them in their be
1 rwa* eoiriit
Conhiser will continue his Satur
day bargain sales. You should not
miss them.
E. G. Taylor and little daughter,
Lucille, were Grand Island visitors
\ esterday.
Edgar Draper moved into his new
studio on Main street. And he has
r fine location.
Supervisor Wolfe was over from
the west part of the county yester
day on private business.
Our publication day is Thursday
and any item of news received that
morning will be promptly and gladly
Fritz Johansen left Wednesday
morning for Hiawatha, Kas.. for an
extended visit with his son. Henry
The special bargains Conhiser's
have for you each Saturday are
• real" bargains, and it will pay you
to look them over.
Mr. Carl Anderson of Denver.Colo.,
arrived here Tuesday evening for a
few days' visit with his old friends.
M. II. and C. W. Youngijuest.
Today is ground hog day, and he
ha> been able to see his shadow- at
least in Loup City. Now make your
bet on Mr. Ground Hog as a Hicks.
Don't forget J. B. Ford's big sale
at ids old farm in Washington town
ship. half a mile north of the Baillie
school house. Wednesday, Feb. loth.
Mrs. Ray Gardiner came up from
Dannebrog last Saturdao to join her
husband and they will go to house
keeping as soon as they find a suit
able home.
A. T. Eisner left yesterday for
Chicago to attend the big automobile
show now holding forth in that city.
He was joined at Grand Island by
Ciias. Perry, the piano tuner.
February 15th. is the date of J B.
Ford's big sale of horses, cattle, hogs i
and farm implements, household
goods, etc., seven and a half miles
northwest of Loup City. For par
ticulars see large bills.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davenport, on
the t)ld Ilensink farm in Webster
township, are rejoicing over the ar-;
rival of a baby boy, who came to
their home early this morning.
Mr Wm. Crow hurst of Seatt
Wash . who was here to organize t
Canton, gave a very interesting 1
tore at the Methodist church, li
Sunday evening to a large audien
Parties who were out to the Vic
Swanson sale yesterday report there
wa> the largest crowd and best prices
of any sale so far this season, and
Vic says that advertising pays, and
gives Tiie Northwestern credit for;
helping to make his sale such a
grand success.
We received a pleasant call last
evening: from Mr. W. C. Buchholr of ,
silver Creek, this state, who arrived ;
Tuesday evening for a few days' visit
with his brother-in-law, M. A. Oil
iiibert. w ho accompanied him to the
office. Tlie gentlemen married sisters.
Mrs. A. B. Young of this city was'
successfully operated upon for ap
pendicitis at the Brand Island hos
pital on Tuesday of this week. Mrs.
Young had l»een aiilng for some time
and the cause being found to be
appendicitis, she was taken to the
hospital Monday by Mr. Young.
Last week Friday, chicken thieves
relieved Felix Makowski of a coop of;
minister's meat from the rear of his I
store, to the amount of some ninety !
pounds of feathered products. Some i
joker, without the fear of the pre-j
vailing contention that there is a
.•ase or so of small pox in the city and J
country, suggested that this ex- j
plained the presence of "chicken" j
pox in this neck o' the woods. The
•j" should be promptly decapitated
for his awful questioning of the
-potted disease.
The bund concert and box supper
at the opera house last evening was
riven to a crowded house. R. P. j
'tarr and John VY. Long gave short
talks, in which they very highly com
plimented the director. R. Pritch
ard. and the band for their etiorts. I
Ttie bidding for the baskets was
lively and good prices resulted. The
crowd was happy and the evening!
was full of tnjoyment. The receipts
were sji; «m from eighty-five baskets
arid Roi Hendrickson and Jack Page
ier were the auctioneers who did the
food job. The hand boys feel good
■ <er the result of their concert and
-upper and all was as it should have
been. Free coffee was furnished by
the hand. S. F. Reynolds presiding
jver that part of the program in a j
most efficient manner.
The 4.ird annual Nebraska State
Fair will be held at Lincoln. Sept,
l. 5, «, 7 and s. lull. Preparation
days. Sept. 1.2. 3.
Rear Admiral Sperry died yester
day at Washington of pneumonia. I
He commanded the F. S. lieet around
the world in Iskts-P.
A bill iias been introduced in the :
legi'.'ature atid passed the senate
committee of the wiiole to make it
unlawful for any candidate or com
mittee to run conveyances to haul
voters to the polls.
Nebraska has a population of 1,1®?,
214: 1 teachers in public schools: i
the least percentage of illiteracy:
raised 207,04*.000 bushels of corn;
raised 45.5sai.iW0 bushels of wheat:
raised 71.563,000 bushels of oats: as
sessed H03.545 horses and mules. 2.475.- j
Hlfcj cattle. 1.680,460 hogs: banks have !
4185.1*3.t*.>4 in deposits. State Fair
was attended by 130.124 people in
1W10. and Omaha was 2nd in sheep.
3rd in cattle and 4th in hogs, of the
r. S. stock yards.
Canton Organized
Tuesday evening of this week, tin
Odd Fellows of this city organized i
branch of the militant, or highe
order of Odd Fellowship. A nationa
deputy from Seattl \ Wash.. Mr. Wm
Crowhurst. was present and
the branch which will be known a;
Canton Sherman. No. 14. which start!
out with twenty-three charter mem
bers. every one of w hom are recog
nized as the very best of the large
order of Odd Fellows in this city anc
thoroughly in harmony. The officer;
selected are as follows:
Commandant—Rev. \V. C. Harper
Lieutenant—R. H. Mathew.
Ensign—.1. \V. Conger.
Clerk—O. F. Petersen.
Accountant—A. B. Outhouse.
Standard Bearer—.lames Lee.
Guide—T. M. Reed.
Sentinel—R. D. Hendrickson.
Picket—M. Biemond.
The other charter members are
R. P. Starr. W. O. Brown. L. A
Williams. Clark Reynolds. P. T. Rowe
Jas. Johansen. M. A. Gilbert. A. C
Ogle. Chris Johansen S. A. Pratt
R. N. Pritchard. Newt Jensen. Frit)
Johansen and L. Goodwin.
“The Japanese Girl"
On Friday evening. Feb. 10th. Miss
Elva Zimmerman aud her High School
Glee Club will give an operatta at
the opera house, entitled. “The Jap
anese Girl." From the story of the
same, given below, it can not but be
of a very interesting character, and
from the recent entertainment given
by the Glee Club, we can assure our
reaeers that it will be well worth
their patronage.
The tirst act opens by a number of
Japatie>e giri> visiting O llanu San. a
young Japauese girl who is about to
celebrate her eighteenth birthday, re
garded in Japan as “the coining of
age." Some amusement is caused by
Chaya. her faithful servant, who ap
pears to be overburdened by work.
The story is told in the dialogue and
songs and contains many amusing
and interesting situations. In tlte
second act. two American girls, who
are touring in Japan with their gov
erness tor education and pleasure,
are impelled by curiosity to enter the
garden, and while their governess is
sketching they slip away from her.
The Japanese girls returning resent
the intrusion of a foreigner and awake
the governess, who has talien asleep
at her easel, and pretend not to
understand her explanations. OHanu
San comes to her rescue and in the
end invites the American ladies to
remain as iter guests and witness
the interesting and quaint ceremonies
which are about to commence.
Retired From Service
Yesterday, Feb. 1st. occurred the
expected relieving of Conductor T. A.
Taylor as an active employe of the
I'nion Pacific, owing to the age limit,
ind retirin'; on a pension, according
to tlie rules of the road, lie having
reached the age of 70 years, and he
•an now take life w ith ease and com
fort and not have to report for duty.
He was succeeded by J. W. A mirk,
the freight conductor on this branch,
who will hereafter care for the
patrons of the motor service. Con
ductor Arnick will not move his
family here from St. l“aul till spring,
and in the meantime will either buy
or build a home.
Presbyterian Bulletin
Next Sunday night Mr. Montgora
gomery will give a stereoptican lec
ture on. "Our Filipino Cousins.” A
cordial Invitation is < x-e tided to
The morning sermon will be for
the benefit of the Y. P. S. C. E.
Feb. 5th is Endeavor Day.
Tough Tale of Texas
By special request from a number
3f our readers, we republish the fol
lowing doggerel on Texas:
Phe devil in hell, we are told was
For a thousand years, and he there
He did not complain, nor even groan.
Hut determined to start a hell of his
Where he could torment the souls of
Without being chained in a prison pen.
so lie asked the Lord if he had on
A uything left over, when he made the
rhe Lord said. Yes. 1 have some on
But it's way down in Texas, on the
Bio Grande;
•In fact, old boy. the place is so poor
I don't think you could use it for
hell evermore."
Well, the devil went down there to
look at the truck.
And said if 1 get Texas for a gift I
am stuck.
so, in order to get the stuff off his
The Lord promised the devil to water
the land.
The bargain was made and the deed
was given.
And the Lord went back to ids home
in heaven.
“Now." quoth the devil, ‘'I have all
that is needed
“To make a good hell." and you bet
he succeeded.
He put horns all over the trees.
He mixed up the sand with millions
of fleas.
He put thorns on the cactus: horns
on the toads:
He scattered tarantulas all over the
He covered the hills with hosts of
w hen you sat down you'd need soles
on your pants.
He lengthened the hornsof the Texas
And built nine additions to the jack
ass's ear:
There the wild boar roams in the
black chaperelle—
It s a hell of a place he has got for
his hell—
The heat in the summer is two hun
dred and ten:
Just right for the devil: too hot foi
Above are reasons the devil is not
here and I am.
Call on
; The Farmer Auctioneei
Phone 4 on 103
To Cry Your Sales
See Him for Terms
Is Half Sold
My line for fail
is now^n. Don't
forget to look my
line over. I can
save you money
by buying at the
right place—of
Poland China Boars for Sale.
1 have a few pood Poland China
Hoars of the hip type for sale, from
sows like Ora Wonder (130353 . which
11 purchased at the Ed Andrews' dis
persion sale last winter, bred to
Lonpwonder No. 131707a— 342*7. a
s*0«»-pound boar, and from Lady F...
No. 13tiri01. The sire of these pips is
Nebraska Kinp 40330 The rest are
sired by Grand Look 5H737 .
Hut we don't carry it very long: at
a time because it seems to us that
nearly everybody wants our ASH
GROVE brand of cement and the
famous PEERLESS lime.
It Makes Us Hustle
to keep a sufficient supply on hand
to meet the great demand there is
for these necessary materials and it
is not just because people like us.
either. There's another reason.
Keystone Lumber Go.
Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock
ville. Schaupps and Arcadia. Neb.
Polapd Chipas
I have a few choice males ready for
service: lengthy, big-boned fellows:
money-makers at farmers' prices.
Also. Six Shorthorn Bulls, six to
eipht months old.
L. N. Smith.
Ladies! Sm* Money and Keep* in
Style by Reading McCall’*
Magarine and Using McCall Pattern*
■cCast >ilitin will
help you dress styl
ishly at a moderate
expense by keepine
you posted on the
latest fashions in
clothes and hats. 50
New Fashion Desicns
in each issue. Also
Talus hie information
on all home and per
sonal matters. Only
60c a year, lnclndtcr
a free pattern. S
serine tocay or scuu
for free sample corr.
IcCJ ham <riU enable too to mat'' in yoirr
own homo. wtohTourcura band* i i ; r
yourself and children which anil be perfect
m style and fit. Price—none higher than 15
cents. Send for See Pattern Catalogue.
We W2 Gw Tan Fiat Pimah for retting sub
scription:; among your friends. Send for free
Premium Cstalorue and Cash Prue Orer.
m. fcCil CKMK. 2» k *S Mm 37ft a. DM
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here
We don't believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a iavor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You arc doing us a good turn when you bring
b ^ sir ess of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate i:. and want you to always feel at home here,
and tind it a pleasure to come.
H cn t stay away because your transaction is a
small one. it's the sum of small things that
makes this bank great.
Capital and Surplus, ^4‘2,dOO
Officers and Directors:
J. S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres.
C. G Carlsen, Cashier
;W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetland
E. G. Taylor Samuel Daddow
Great Bargains
TO THE SOCTH: February 7th and 21st. low round trip homeseekers
fare> are in effect to the South: attractive winter tourist fares in
effect every day to the whoie South, with return limit of June 1st.
TO THE EST ANI> NORTHWEST. Homeseekers excursion fares are in
effect February 7tli and 21st to large sections of newly developing ter
ritory throughout the West, including the Big Horn Basin.
NEW TOl'K OF Y EL LOW S TON E PARK: A system of new and scenic
eight-day personally conducted camping tours of Yellowstone Park will be
established this coming summer from Cody. Wyo., via the magnificent
Government Shoshone Dam along the Goi ernment Road over Svivan Pass
through the Park and return, by the Yellowstone Park Cam pi nr A: Trans
portation Co.. Aron Holm, proprietor. Price from Cody, including all ac
commodations. only $5o.QO. Parties leave Cody every day during the summ
er. This Transportation Company has handled large parties of campers in
such a satisfactory manner that their grow ing patronage now requires dam
tours from Cody. It will pay you to w rite that compam at Codv. Wyoming,
early, and later in the season ask for the new Park Codv Route Leaflet.
J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agent
L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleujn,
Before you place your orders. We can save you money
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from lP.n to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and sho^v
our stock.
LUMBER. CO.. Loud Cih
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