The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 02, 1911, Image 3

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* c r**t C ft ta C^itajs
J-« :•■ »-*»■* after Sir
• - »■ t» »>ti n * 3C* kereefeller
<i- r .*. •: • r'sai*'-* *• * **bi' a*o
f rv-her t'jiT ihi* It, am.
f" * fr...LiVr til M'.iilr«ut fit- riiered
* -c * t o S53.!«t*.<' tstsd
*. - eil-icarteili to be ]wid
to si*. of the *»'' of
i ■ r ••» j -sr- It mat
»'■' '* a..' *a add,**-'lie! .(a:: to hi
•rat fiiit*! t. r gift* for Mi par)
r f f 74.411 <‘M. »WI Mr
- IWM to flTb.MMMOf,)
T#ui" * ■ *3- * t. 'is* vela? a* re
jrarsu • r. • •*-?» *d is.tUka*
>'• * 1 1 r, ... e,> ♦ i;—• - t»rsi. to «*®d
•fc-t* "... ■ m the (M«rt lor tb*
r aeot rbei* • s*e:* pi'.
' -tit lie? ‘-a® spestd the
Tie • ,ae c«e>teat atari* <* ibc>
:;«■ van >t Tbe i».. tauM-mll
te;*®*?** b*«'*- bee* « i* ever since,
saa* : • 'be*- t giv* wvb oils*
0-4 • *• to *“ l or r»-c-*rsf educa
tt*e Mr K«kefe. rs bat gl»«e» tb*
-'o' I *
t» t*. Ji it-iT a 2*i:*;ui: be»it*d mitb
£■• f - ' '«r ibfarte*. Mr far
(ti* **■ Jor tl» Cars**
gar tenbiBe la Hiiilwi aad §i;
tor th* Carn-gi* institute it
. t. a total of f2» <«M!i»
Atac o * Mr hffce defier adds 110.
*i*-'. * Khr 1.' —>•■<• be ha* al
- •-"* i ‘t* t Uv -».*> of Ch
■a# . • 'ia* Set -n*e«ie 17.6Mm*m.
*gt» a—w—4 «a likmsaier 31.
Mr 1. i :• .tr» trma*?--r >» be no..
«..»*. • tar Chicago teotvotioo of
iemniis# »*j mall? made Ltacetabrr
V -i*d He »-rj o»*- d*y cm Mr
t'.nt-T. - tea milii a* for peace.
K" V- a- • liar's .a*"- rtf* mas at
l. - ■- (r- •.. > laurt m-'ben be
added *' •; - • to !be t&.«ao.oo« be
had almae? «i»«i to tfc. Insulate for
Medical ii* *- arch Slate "feat dale a
■ troto t'- — tc 9ZM.
»•'*." ir«t amaoBseed. but noi
r . .iij r:\. . .Mr r.irnegie's $10.-'
it- * lump bi n. It is a dol
a .chr .1 th.. Mr. Hoc kef el
* - s i tree tack at Mr. Car
Jeairusy Over Gfis.
' - l - rends Mr. RocKefeller
. - c: his determination
• . M- t'arneine out give him.
: - -« - thfa. lb jealous of Mr.
. - - rid philanthropies.
• r —- • dibcuss Mr Carnegie's
t .' .-t .is Mr. Carnegie re
r t Mr Rock- < ;ler's In
r. ’ - c- r.tlenien have tacitly
;.jrr-ed : treat each other imper
v ; .i*y at large is bene
' *•. l> l - r:.a..-> in munificence!
: * .. ■ not cnipe'tr-g with
'* - - ■ vu- -r t .ndreds o: thousands
- • er. • 1 r They are fielding
■ .:;dr d« o< t;.: ;.tns. ani t ‘body can
»-• •dr w 1 r. -he rare will end
e it a close, for
- a *rt:.:n 'ha: their wills
- .ut.-.-a after their
' b are di t as much or more
*- *y fcai* p.v-c away in their
hr. I' k. •' ;;*.r ic supposed to
: he.-* r an *ii the world. He
h " d pr* doesn t know how
h he ib w rrh His total fortune
- _-- *c i-- betuen $.">w.
;tid - <*«* If he lives
-r 'h-r II- r t years and do“sn't
- • '■ > '• n.ueh he may dit a bil
.a.-- the f.'b the world has ever
km.;* n.
Enorr--.* 5_—s Bctaeer Them.
••t :r- ■ Ca*;-x;- is nut so rich.
•N : • hr- i~' sba' he Took for
: (led twl t it
■ i-orfcood • . 5. r $300,0
T worth something
T»-f. t_ • and $o'">.('•'O.OoO.
• w -. ! - . r- • .j ■* an extravagant
-- • < : • v ■ Tr- * e- ;;:._te the sum
■ •.: ■ • *he i. <!>■ .. r and Carnegie
i - a’ a :..!: ■ :. dollars. And
: are riva' tn ; lacing this well
.i. • vah. -urn of money
v -it mill do the most good to
a tnkind
If >tiid la Interesting to know
.-" v :,at j..s.- d through Mr. Rock—
t. d 'ii tha- n: mine nor so
t.g ar when he read in his copy of
:* V. ;<! * hat Mr Carnegie, by hand
11; l . .. for peace, had pass
*-i hit it: the race to give away the
What did he do in that
■ t rar: • J* kv.::-;;o Hhi.-. the West
>•• r ' suburb where he lives
each tatimn and Christmastide?
>•- : .: !> he nalk-d te the bay win
. v. mh» : - i: inlands a view of the
’ cr: - Mad.- n. thought a bit. and
- • ins. rutabie smile of his.
Tt 3-s- c*- at gifts of Mr Rockefel
.■ r ■: Mr Carnegie were made in
Th- y ha-- been giving ever
• in ail that nine Mr. Carnegie
■ . : —n hat d.t.g ou- his money at an
r - <>f |lfi.43S.3fi a day. Mr
ke!e;i-r. j at the moment a few
• ii. r - to hind, has Ik ec generous to
■ S ' a day. nu; Mi
tt gefellt r has only to give away a
f-w tt; re miliums to make his daily
ii-rnge cl:mb higher than Mr. Car
D ffer in Ideas of Giving.
Ti c :■ will be Mr Carnegie's turn
to thick hew h' can outdo his rival
A her. he *<*:,<!.« of -fee latest Rockefei
>-r gtf after hearing the huge pipe
-can in hi: Fifth avenue mansion he
re breakfast, he will try to find
•r... new f.- id in which more of his
r: liiiuas can i.e tdan'ed And so in
.: -her f-w weeks or nion'hs we may
look for another oig gift from Mr
Rockefeller, to be followed by a still
larger one from the ' Laird of Skibo."
Giving a»ay money has with these
men taken the place of the desire to
pile up additional millions. They have
their own ideas about giving it away.
They seldom give large sums with
out imposing rigid conditions. Almost
invariably Mr. Rockefeller requires
that his beneficiary raise a similar
or even greater amount from other
sources Ref ore even the smallest
ar.ount is given the object is care
fully investigated. Mr. Carnegie is
equally careful. Skilled investigators
report on every application for char
ity. Only the most noteworthy re
quests are granted.
Messrs Rockefeller and Carnegie
have their prejudices and their weak
nesses. Roth also have their hobbies.
Mr Carnegie's is building libraries.
Mr Rockefeller’s is his gene-al educa
tion board and the University of Chi
Some Record Gifts.
i neir prmcipa. gif^ are surpris
ingly alike in size and purpose. Mr.
Rockefeller favors this university. Mr.
Carnegie that one. While one of the
ii king s chief wift has been JS.24 i
"to the Institute of Medical Re
search. Mr. Carnegie has given S13.
. 1 for pensions to educators.
Cfci.r< hes and missions have reccited
niort !rom the oil king than they have
:rcm Mr Caret gie The Rockefeller
■rirt of $.*?,.i, to the g nerai edu
cat: n board is the greatest single gift
ne r_ai: has ever made in the history
of the world, and it is said to be the
oil king's intention to increase it to
■,'1 w-thln the next few years.
Mr Rockefeller's big gif*s. like Mr.
i Carnegie's are always made in bonds
of railroads steel and oil companies.
It has been many years since the
oil and steel king have met. but in
their early days they were frequent
ly together They are about the same
age—Mr. Carr.-'gie is 73 and Mr Rock
efeller 71. Both started in life with
out a dollar, and both became mil
lionaires before they were 65. As
every one knows. Mr. Carnegie made
' • millions in steel and Mr Rceke
ieber his in oil. Both have given lib
eraliy to their home towns—Pittsburg
and Cleveland—and both now live in
New York. They have many oTher
I; -fits of resemblance, including their
unflagging interest in golf.
Rivalry of Magnificence.
And now these two men. having ac
cumulated greater individual fortunes
than this country has ever before
known, and having retired from ac
tive management of the great corpo
| rations in which they are the dom
, inant figures, are engaged in a unique
rivalry of munificence. Each is try
ing to see how he can give away the
greatest amount of money to accom
plish the greatest good. The philan
thropies of other rich men look almost
insignificant beside the regal gifts of
’hese two. though in proportion to the
wealth upon which they had to draw
other men may really have surpassed
them in generosity.
Today the live question in philan
•hropic circles is what will Mr. Rocke
feller do next? Other things being
equal, the man with the' bigger bank
account should win the race. And
Mr. Rockefeller is the richer of the
, two.
But if he tries very hard Mr. Car
negie ought surely to be able to grat
ify his wish to die poor!
Men know less than they let cn.
women more.
*• Pau»uc<- Htxfctve*- it Not A;
•ays P'-ow* c* a Great
■“* Tfc- -wait k s rX ckd mmc aerially la ,
tiat their Ejeasurte* faerifar ft er load- 1
• 4 » -"Is »r-_ai t**ycktc tacts,
.nujt c wfei'i: ib*j are useUr t» di»
' ar,.-t tkcst that &a>* a value lor
tDw j»t* ms. a»d those 'bat hate be
- 'Gecmill) t ;erticx
at. ttlc that ktoti a creat deal m«r.
that a j"ut* mat. Ur *a"s the Lliet
e aed HfVtaaue Gazette, »• does tot
necessarily folio* that he is a laer
ht:!< !<rtrlorr a etrobc metijory u
a crest werwlrart. It u tot faeces
aartl? ai a^taatac*
CatCifaal Mrzrofautl whose memory 1
far words was ao reteetlte that be
farter Ofae after beartc* It
«ex». sat *tict enabled tin, to ac
eurs man- tfaaa a hundred iafa*ua*e*.
wav ta meet r«w|»etz a were ordinary
person Htar re*at«e that Mithri
Cats*. hit;* at Pootas. had a*» exr»»l :
lets* a aartaary that be was able to
;-:k fluently 22 languages native to
P' .in -s of his va?: empire. Yet
b- »as a cruel barbarian.
A «t '.. known peripatetic elocution
-• and r iter still living declares that
can repeat without further prepa
: e about 3.0selections in prose
a ! ;■ - try. He probably tells the
•ruth "-ince he has been training his
mine in this particular direction for
many years.
* 't. t! . <,tb*-r hand, such men as Sir
Vi j. ter S' ott. Macaulay and Gladstone
»- re not only the possessors of excel
lent m rn -i s. they were also men of
good judgment.
Am* at human beings children have
•b* most remarkable memories. Un
der fat orable circumstances they will
ie-am hnee. and even four languages,
so as to be able to express their
•ho t! ts with equal ease in any one
of them by the time they are six or
seven years of age.
And they accomplish this remark
- hie feat without any aid from the
mnemonic devices to which adults
are *' r j-elied to resort when they
undertake a similar task. They learn
w -ds and phrases unconsciously, and
i rarely forget them as long as they
live. On the other hand, grown-ups
1 rarely acquire an accurate pronun
ciation of a foreign language, although
they mv be able to use it with en
tire correctness.
It is a common belief that the mem
i ory is more tenacious in early life
' than in later years. That seems’ to de
I Pend almost entirely upon the indi
| vidual.
Matchmaking Ma.
"My wife is always having pipe
"How now?”
“Now she thinks the young janitor
of our flats is becoming interested in
our daughter. Last week it was a
Some Verse.
Eminent Poet (to his betrothed)—
Darling, how did you like the poem 1
sent you? Did it seem too sweetly
She—Oh, it was lovely. I got seven
fifty for it at the church fair.—Fli*
gende Blaetter.
E THAT knows, ami knows not
that he knows, is asleep—
Arouse him.
! He that knows and kn >ws that he knows,
is wise—Follow him.
—Arabian Proverb.
Dainties for Saint Valentine's Day.
1c preparing sandwiches for a Yal
i entice party, the appropriate shape is
j of course, a heart. It is a good pian
| when serving sandwiches to have sev
eral kinds. Th< following are a few
’ sut^testions which may be new to
j some:
Sardines sl.ndded and seasoned
| with chili sauce bt tween slices of
white bread. Yellow tomato preserved
j with ginger or lemon between white
! bread sandwiches. Gingerbread spread
with crt am cheese and thin slices of
; preserved ginger. Neufohatel cheese
seasoned with salt, cream, paprika.
Worcestershire sauce and a half cup
of chopped nuts, put between slices of
. graham or rye bread. A delicious
! sweet sandwich may be made by ba
king a plain sponge cake in sheets,
then cut with the heart cutter and
put together with flavored, sweetened
whipped cream.
Drain the juice from a can of
peaches, peel three oranges to a pint
of peaches. Arrange the sections of
orange alternately with the peaches,
sprinkle with sugar and pour over the
sweetened juice of the peaches. Serve
very cold
Cut squares of cream cheese, lay
in the bleached cup of head lettuce.
Roll the cheese in chopped nuts, gar
nish with half a walnut meat and a
few seeded white grapes. Just be
fore serving add mayonnaise dress
Another nice way of serving cheese
is to season cream cheese, add
chopped nu's and use this mixture to
stuff dates.
Beat the yolks of two eggs until
thick, add a cup of brown sugar, one
cup of chopped nut meats and the
stiffly beaten whiles of two eggs; add
~ x tables poonfuis of flour and a pinch
of salt. Spread on a buttered sheet
and bake in a moderate oven. Cut in
luares when removing from the ba
king sheet.
Peaches and Orarges.
Delicious Salad.
Nut Cookies.
f it is bad f >r the pitcher.
Things Wcrth Remembering.
A heavy rocking chair that is hard
to move may. by ti-vrc the rockers,
be made to slide * r.s***
Never throw away popcorn that re
fuses to pop. because it is too dry.
Sprinkle it with water about five min
utes before using and usually every
kernel will pop.
When tl.e clock refuses to run. try
t utting a smail dish of coal oil in the
clerk The oil will evaporate and
loosen up the w ,-rks.
Powdered alum mixed with a third
as much talcum and applied with a
flannel will polish gold braid
A cup of sweet milk added to the
water in which oatmeal is cooking
makes it richer and better flavor.
To remove the grease quickly from
soup, lay on squares of tissue paper
on the surface of the soap and re
move lightly when well saturated.
Household Hints.
During the cold months, w hen hang
ing out clothes on wash day. it may
be well to remember that there are
ways of making that task pleasanter.
For one way. hang the small things
like handkerchiefs and napkins on the
clothes horse and set them out on the
back porch out of the wind, to freeze
and dry.
Anotherk help is to warm the
clothes pins in the oven until quite
hot. It is surprising how long they
will keep warm and how much it helps
in quickly placing the clothes, to have
warm fingers.
A custard pie may pose as several
varieties: by adding a few tablespoon
fuls of cocoanut. it is a cocoanut pie.
A little chocolate makes it another,
while carraelizing the sugar before
adding it to the custard gives another
flavor decidedly pleasant.
Dried peas are much cheaper than
the canned variety, and can be used
just as many ways. Try them with
a stew- of mutton, putting the peas
in with the meat and cook slowly for
several tours. The peas season the
meat and the meat adds to the flavor
i of the peas.
T IS more difficult and calls
for higher energies of the
soul to live a martyr than to die one.
House-Cleaning Time.
The up-to-date housekeeper does
not make house cleaning a burden to
her family or a torture to herself.
She begins early enough to do things
that may be done early, and when
time is not so pressing.
An hour or so a day to go over
drawers, desks and boxes will accom
piish wonders in a few weeks' time,
with co apparent effort. Here is
where the systematizing of one's work
will show.
There is so much that must of ne
cessity be thrown away, but it seems
a pity that good magazines and pa
pers which would be a pleasure to
many, should be burned.
Many good women are netting tbe
addresses of women who live out cn
our prairies out of touch with so much
that makes life worth living, and are
sending them old magazines to read;
this is true missionary work which
costs so little, yet means much to
1 poor people who love the things that
; are denied them.
Wheie there is an accumulation of
papers and magazines, they may be
sold or given where they will be sent
to those who will use them
By starting* early with this work
of looking over the household treas
ures. one has leisure to sort and ar
range things in good order. When
the cleaning time comes things are
‘ not then in a hurly-burly.
Have a large drawer in which are
kept nice pieces of paper, both tissue
and wrapping paper, string, ribbon
and boxes of all sizes. Such a draw - ,
er will be a source of comfort, as it
will always be in demand.
Keep in this drawer nice little gifts
' that have been enjoyed and are ready
i to be passed on. One thrifty woman
! has a few little gifts all ready to give
on occasions that are constantly ari
One who has such a well-furnished
j drawer is always ready when called
I on for donations for the children's
ward or the charity bazar.
Have a tray for the soap fastened
with rivets to the side of 'he scrub
pail; it will pay for itself in soap in
| a short time.
f Yyj
X. iW»
And ::rar a thousand tat .-s i>ir.ed an.'
wanted ft*.*!. Win. Wordsworth.
For Valentine Parties.
A very dainty way of serving cran
berry with chicken for any function
is to prepare the cranberry jelly and
i mold it by pouring the jelly into a
: cup and setting a smaller on* inside:
when cool fill the cup with chicken or
any meat desired.
An appropriate cake to serve for a
Valentine party is one frosted with
whi'e frosting and decorated with
pink candy hearts around the edge
and a rose laid on the center of the
A Lady Baltimore cake is a good
' one to serve on such an occasion.
Kisses are another dainty cake
which are great favorites for chil
dren's parties To the whites of nine
• ggs add a pound of granulated sugar
with as little stirrirg as possible Fla
vot with any desired flavor, drop on
burered sheets and bake a golden
brown Put together in pairs with
whipped cream, sweetened and fla
Maple Biscuit.
Cut baking powder biscuit with a
small-sized cutter, have the dough a
. quarter of an inch in thickness, lay
two together with a bit of butter be
tween and as much gra'ed maple
sugar as will stay on the halves Fake
in a hot oven Chopped nuts added
' to the maple sugar makes a richer and
nicer biscuit.
It is so easy nowadays to find ap
propriate favors, boxes or molds for
: serving h.on hems, ices or creams for
this festive day.
Ginger Nuggets.
Boil together one-half cup of water
and a cupful each of brown and white
: sugar. Cook to the soft ball stage,
add a quarter of a teasnean of soda,
half a teaspoonful of vanilla and
pour over the well-beaten w hite of an
egg. beat well and add a half cup of
chopped Center, ginger. Drp by tea
* spoonfuls on buttered sheets.
One may serve ice cream, the brick
variety, in slices, then n«e a heart
cutter to cut a heart-shaped serving.
The bits that are left may be re-frozen
or used as a dessert the next day.
Fragrance of St. Sophia.
Visitors to the mosque of St. So
phia in C onstantinople notice imme
diately they enter a beautiful fra
grance pervades the entire building.
The solution lies in the fact that when ’
it was built 1.000 years ago the stones
and bricks were laid in mortar mixed
with a solution of musk Those who
laid these stones have been long for
1 gotten, but the influence and fragrance
of their work remains.—Sunday at
Green Foods for Pussy.
A woman w ho raises pedigree cats
for market declares that green foods
. in the winter are necessary to the
! health of the animals. For this she
provides the so-called umbrella plant,
belonging to the grass family, and
easily grown, to which she allows the
cats free access. This, of course, ru
ins the plant for decorative purposes,
but to many of us Miss Angora's ,
health is more to be desired than
■ many umbrella plants.—Designer.
The First “Cowboys."
"Cowboy" was once a sinister word
in American politics. In the Revolu
tionary war the “cowboys" were a
set of Tories in Westchester county.
New York, popularly so-called because
of the brutal roughness with which
they treated their Whig or rebel
neighbors. It was, no doubt, in
memory of them that the name of
“cowboys” was given ir. 185k to cer
tain people in Connecticut ar.d other
parts of New England who were al
most secessionists.
Personalities in “Pilgrim's Progress."
The "Pilgrim's Progress" is a gal I
lery of portraits, admirably discrimi !
Dated, and as convincing in their self ‘
verification as those of Holbein. His !
personages live for us as few figures
outside the drama of Shakespeare live
They are not, like the humorists of j
Ben Jonson’s plays, constructed by '
heaping a load of observations on a
series of ethical abstractions; they i
are of a reasonable soil and human !
flesh subsisting.—Edward Dowdea: j
"Puritan and Anglican."
In Seme cf the Cities and Towns the
School Buildings Cannot Accom
modate the Increasing Num
Cue of The most important factors
?n the building of a new country is
the attention that is paid by the au
thorities to the education of the rising
generation. Fortunately for western
Canada, the settlement of that new
country began in such recent years
hat it was able to lay a foundation
for this work, gained by the experi
ence of older countries. In this way
the very best is the resuit. Through
out the entire country are to be seen
the most improved style of architec
ture in school buildings. The cities
and towns vie with each other tn the
efforts to secure the best of accom
modation and at the same time get
architectural iines that would appeal.
Sufficient to say That nowhere is there
the greater attention paid to elemen
tary and advanced education than in
western Canada. A report just to
fcaaa snows That in Calgary, Alberta,
there are eighty teachers employed,
anu the enrollment 4.22> pupils. In
lire Province of Alberta there was a
it al of 40."60 rupils attending schools
5k 1909. The total enrollment for the
year In city, town and village schools
was 22.963. and the total in rural
schools w as 23.165. There are in the
province 970 schools with 1.323 de
pamnents. At the close of 1909 there
was a total of 1.096 school districts in
the province. Great attention is paid
also to agricultural education. The
best uses of the soil and such other
matters as tend to make the agricul
ture less of a drudge and more of a
success are employed. When there
is the combination of good soil, splen
did climate and healthy and advanced
ideas in the methods employed in
agriculture, we see accomplished the
results that have placed western Can
ada on its present high plane in the
agricultural world. There is to be
found men of high standing in liter
ary spheres as well as in financial
circles who are carrying on farming,
not alone for the pleasure they de
rive but for the profit they secure.
Mr. Adler, a wide-awake business man
. f New- York, has a ranch near Strath
mere. Alberta. He is highly pleased
with his success the past year. He
“On July 25th we estimated our crop
at 6.000 bushels of wheat. A week
later we increased our estimate to
12,000 bushels. A few days later we
again increased our estimate, this
nine to IS.000 bushels, but after har
vest in September we found we had
20.150 bushels. If that isn't a record,
what is? he asked.
"This crop was made with practi
cally no moisture." he continued, "and
we now have & better opinion of the
fertility of Alberta lands than ever
and value our lands higher than we
ever did before."
Mr. Adler, who has been on the
"arch for r.bout a week, leaves for
New York Saturday.
This gentleman is conducting a farm
on a large scale, and has plenty of
means to develop it, and his may not
be taken as a fair case. There are.
though, instances of thousands who
have begun life on small farms in
western Canada with but brains and
the determination over and above the
couple of hundred dollars in ready
money that they possessed, and Today
are owners of large farms and hand
some incomes, all the result of their
efforts on land that was responsive to
the touch of the hand that held the
plow-. Instances such as these can be
quoted if you will communicate with
the nearest Canadian government
agent, w ho will also mail you free de
scriptive literature.
A Moscufc in uondon.
It is proposed to erect a mosque in
he capita! of the greatest Moham
medan power in the world, and the
only surprising feature of t he pro
ject is that it has not been executed
oefore. The building is to cost £ 100,
000. to which the aga khan has al
ready contributed £5.000. The com
mittee in control of the scheme is
presided over by Amir Ali. and in
cludes the Turkish and Persian min
isters. as well as three members oi
the council of India.—London Globe.
Superstition is what prompts a per
son to believe there is more luck in a
horseshoe over the door than in a lock
and key.
Ycmr4nifiE!s; rvfvna money iZ PaZO OlNT
V-ENT fmHs to v—n» at 7 ca*e v ? Itctoin*. B ui
Bleeding or Prt r'uii.nB in « 10 U oays. 50c.
Do noble things, not dream them all
day Ions.—Kingsley.
Druggists Say Prescriptions and Not
Patent Medicines the
h'ew York.—Blame for the prev
alence and growth of the morphine
habit was placed on the shoulders of
physicians, who prescribed the drug,
at a meeting of druggists here to
night to protest against the recently
ena ted city ordinance prohibiting the
sale at retail of any preparation con
taining morphine or its salts except
upon a doctor's prescription.
The ordinance is aimed primarily
at paregoric and at stomach renit dies,
according to members of the board of
health who were instrumental in ob
taining its passage Caswell Mayo,
one of the druggists, said he had
made a canvass by mail of several
sanitariums and 'he replies convinced
him PO per cent, of the victims of
drugs formed the habit as a re..ult of
using prescriptions given by physi
cians and only s per cent, from usiDg
proprietary medicines.
One's Own Heaven and Heii.
Most of our grief conies from with
in—we tenure and torment our very
souls. Each man makes his heaven
—each man makes his he’.! Each man
knows when and where he is right,
just as he knows ween and w here he
is wrong Each man realizes just
w here and when he is weak, and when
and where he is strong. Hut many
take entirely too many liberties with
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fins
wash goods when new. owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
^leir.g good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thick* nin?
the goods. Try IV fiance Starch a: d
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Where Every Ear Is Stretched.
Kui. ker—They say listening is a
lost art.
Boeker—Ever live in a flat with a
dumb waiter?
He who doth not resolve today will
be much less disposed to resolve to
morrow.—iBshop Horne.
We cannot emphasize too
strongly the importance of
keeping the stomach and
bowels in an active condition
C order to avoid sickness.
The Bitters will do this,
also prevent Stomach Ills,
Colds & Grippe. Try it.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief—Pennaaeat Core
faiL Purely veget
able—-met surely
but gently oa
tbe liver.
- improve tbe complexion — brigbtea
SauD Pill. Saudi Dee, Saafl Pric*.
Genuine catbeu Signature
Alien * :v»-cutv>C hrouicl U*rr*. Hone
l»fulou!»nrer8.\ arico«*e i W enjn*
dol«>nt l lcem.>I»*rrnrlHl l leers.IVhlieSw ell
%«r~. I’oxiUvrlv
failure. BtmJIMk. J.P.ALLEN.1 >©pt Ay.M.i*auiJMin;i.
DEFIMCE Gold Water Starch
makes laundry work a pleasure. 16 or. pkp iJo.
When You Think
Of the pain which mans women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
not gladly be tree from this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription makes
wreak women strong and sick women
veil, and gives them freedom from pain,
it establisbes regularity, subdues inf lam
tnation, beats ulceration and cures fe»
male weakness.
oicm women are mncea to consult us by letter, fret*
All correspondence strictly private and sacredly con
fkdeotial. Write without fear and without tee to World’s Dispensary Med*
teal Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, BufTaio, N. Y.
Ii >ou want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to euro
them at home, send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing
c*/-. and we will send you a fret copy of Dr. Pierce’s great thousand - page
illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser—revised, up-to-date edition, im
handsome French cloth binding.
Models 42. 43 tmd 44 have a unit power plant, containing clutch and transmission in
one case. This prevents dust and dirt from „etting in. Everything about an Imperial
car is high class. They are built in eight models, 30, 35 and 45 horse power, prices
$1350 to $2,000. Don't buy an automobile without first getting our free catalog and
looking over the Imperial cars.
Manufactured by
J&cUson, Michigan
TL' thrill “44”
Distributora for
Western Iowa, Neb
raska and Wyoming
?/ & SMITH
Council Bluffs, low