The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 02, 1911, Image 2

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Loup City Northwestern
__ > BtTRUPCH. Publisher
r- .•— .. "
TV VHA rwiiit is a creat ur«- m
of eomplrslan, fibrous and com
!•**■* as to cellular roostrurlioa.
Mitntrtir^ .4 Carer and fearful as to
ia*T*-at, !t is spousiT to a u hole
company o' i*s stite discomforts and
A«W to the : :ght aur. This Is the
Po^aiar «*sie»<jb. but. tike many an
“'h r popular rHr. h 1* fallacious.
“I* the Toledo lllbde Not that we
■ay ao No. Indeed. |i«t Naturalist
■Jaaaes WUauc. seen tary of the de
partment of agriculture. is shout to put
°ot a ttwaocraph up*:* the g.-nu* rare
bttidca and each and < very specie*
'f«f ia to hare the very clean'rt
h'H c4 bealii. |c u,tbir under the pure
toud law. It is declared in Washlac
thw that a special pot- <s Mjted bar
te- n dell I ered over to the tc TTCrt of
the rarebit, ft bus passed through
the erdeal sml tog Net a man was
wound'd X<t awe lap down h» life.
IT there were nightmare*. t: • were
hi* ted and aaduied and now nose
tliir porkr^s for
lump* of sugar The whole *ystem ot
Rw ".t>i ideas as to the h .' ry
and habits of the rrr*>'t whether of
dom*-»- . or jure"' -hnedi: g. ha* t»e>n
Rfaia roc •■-tn plates . r.t. ring upon a
•fhte id rreat public tmprover>*nts.
with a new to providing employment
and thus keeping at home many who
erfherw isc w_>dd emigrate to countries
wherw work is mure readily f< und
The pits also ccmtempLit' * the crea
tu* of facilities that would promote
industrial and afnniifjnJ dev. lop
meat, big irrigation plants and the
construrtloa of railway lines being
part of the scheme. Ail this will be
costly, but Spain has large resource*
which may be utilised in the manner
indicated and the new system may
tare beneficial effect* At ail events
the movement indicates that there is
progr—dv fii and public spirit
among the statesmen of Spain.
The report of the fire loss for the
T'sited State* and Canada during No
vember is not as cno urag ug as it
might b* The total lor the month
»u *1C toTOtw. cg.-.'.nvi $u> M»«J in
1»» and lIS.fcSMM) in ltte Th<* ag
gregste for the 11 months ended with
November was tZlUtiZjTM in 1»10.
Ild RlAM tn JP'<4 and tZZ!-.y~Z000
in IV v December Is r.nerally a bad
fire-moeih. and the figures 'or the en
tire year are not likely tc g nt rate
hope that real reform has se: in. The
d'Wtrurtioa by fire is entirely too
large, and effective methods of ' beck
ing it would represent wise ccnserv*
TV- story that cre s irom fine and
of the Himg of I*-»rtugal not haring
mos-er to puy eabfare will hardly
create a mat- of sympatny In this
country. Watt.Bg is healthy, and be
fore *h* young starves bis rich
mamma will ; r . h*m with ner.ten
»'v» L r4r*-d r'm are !■ prted re
bee* imp*. -c Id N't York city
fee »~»»kiec au* -ru.i ,..-r \Vt:-h cun
her »ucg> * * a cynical do :l*r that The
Uses «trt U't enough to sTop the
* A mas w:th a tow salary has a bet
ter rturr to her,<se rir-b thas a sac
with a high tshry. tort a wealthy
(Urtcnu Hmo- a tut majority oi
our nnems at* prospective million
Wireless telegraphy fared the lives
at the people on that steamer strand
ec cn the Alaska roatt. but ft should
BM be taken as thereby encouraging
the practice of pills* steamers upos
the rocks
The mop of dive oil Is short and
the eottcm crop Is estimated bHow the
sarlmtaa Bat it la believed that
• here will be mooch cotton seed to
prevent any !amine la the Item of
dive ail.
One thousand presumably vigorous
young Mwa at Vasaar. all In danget
cd Lunger because they hare no
cooks' This looks like a pressing
need lor a mixture at the old fashion
ed girl with modern woman
Thinking tfcst she m a burglar i
Xeo Meaieo man abac his niece when
she called him to breakfast These
UM%pt poopie are •—firming. «
real ctftsanca.
They bare <l»eofwd the bones oi
a fcu*e reptile c-htioas of years old It
Kesr Jersey. That state seems «
tare Lad its drawbacks as a place oi
rev id race frees time immemorial.
I' is asoooaesd that th? last surely
lac dan<fcirr at the American revoin
t.cs. has just died acala. prortac thyi
•e are a tardy race.
I? Is a vise bookworm that cats cj
tee lata for the early bird.
Hsrymrd physical director sayi
v wir are becomlac masculine. Poe
slaty bes near-signed and the hobbU
dart may be tke explanation.
that dose net permit her to eee ant
a skirt that scarcely permits ker v
And tke most koodcal Iran of ail U
fka Chicago perns who has a habit
at j—ring soused on chloroform.
NEW YORK—At sixteen years of age Jatnes E. Farrell was working in |
l wi r- mill at New Haven for S4.65 a week. A few days ago he was ap- i
.• nted pr< sident of the I'nited States Steel Corporation by J. Pierpout Mor
. -a and other of its directors, at a salary of $100,000 a year. His rise
fr -n humble circumstances to wealth and business prominence is due to his
• *.;■! it>- for ao:k and his unswerving loyalty to his associates. Mr. Farrell
.s of Irish American descent. 41* years of age. 6 feet 1 inch in his stocking
ft. t. of athletic build, has hair that Is prematurely white and a drooping
mt.s’.o he of the same hue. He is married and the father of five children.
He has had ;r> years' exi>erience in the steel business in both the com
r ial and manufacturing departments.
Railroad Companies Have Made
Big Increase in Earnings.
Argument That Advarced Rates Are
Nece sary for Continued Payment
of Dividends Is Disproved by
Figures From Reports.
V.VMn the last ten years the cost
f 1 ’ i r and supplies has increased
greatly and ><• rapidly that the rail
car® are facing a serious crisis. Vn
they are p- nnltted to raise freight
they must cease to pay divi
5- ciis and will be forced out cf busi
Su< h Is the burden of the argu
*nts that the people of the United
States have heard and read frequent
ly < l late, and so often have the state
r. «r's been repeated that the people
»r- beginning to wonder if they are
not in a measure true.
Ib.t there is another side to the
ry. found in the reports of the rail
e> companies themselves, and this
-low ? plainly that though the operat
ic « xp. r-if have increased in bulk,
earnings have made a still greater
• re-as. Annual reports of their ex
- and earrings are riad*> by the
"ailway companies to the Interstate
mtn* rce .or:, mission, and these, com
plete f«.r the years from June 30.
i -‘T. to June 30. i'cC, and in part for
190S, 1309 and 1910, are at hand.
From these reports the commission's
a urea a of statistics has prepared the
following table:
The earning- f Vmerican railroads
r m •- i rgtntiati ci .-if the interstate
r<-*» «>mmisslon down to the pres*
*t time front Ju.iv 30. las?. to Juno 30.
£ =
: 3
lli, %
Erg ‘
* - O
iws | 919.621.220 C15.SS.SC4 J2.:
!W®.922 Sb4.SK.129 320.1W.42S 2.<
.941 XOSl.e77.C32 K9.7S3.6C1 2.!
; •«.MS X096.70.386 3C4.S73.ia: 2.:
' *M!.MS 1.171.4<c.343 2.1
X230.751.S74 392.S3ii.573 X!
■*M4.m 1,073.361.797 341.947.473 1!
l.<n5.rX462 S49.S51.047 1.J
1.1&\1C9.37« 377.190.332 • 2.1
Xiry’W.773 3C9.5IS.009 2.1
1.247.325.621 429.352.345 2.:
1.3U.S10.113 45C.641.U9
1.497.(44.S14 525.616.303
1*01.750 1.563.526.037
.157 1.736.3S0.267
, 70 1.9«0.M6.99r
.!» lJ75.r4.091 __
25.lm Ol.SSO.254
***.• M55.7SE.1S7 7SS.8S7.896
two ... 70 X443.312.233
*•*. X779.246.875
Cam plied fmm reports on the statlsi
■* railway* in the United States. 1
bull- tins of revenues and expenses of
.'team roads In the United States, pre
1 by the bureau of statistics and ac
• •iir.ts of the Interstate commerce com
missun. Statistics for 1910 are advance
figures subject to minor revisions. The
item ’* ft llank cannot be obtained as
yet. The above figures represent sub
st. T * 11} nil the mileage in the United
Statt s. The item “Net Earnings.” used
» . r- f- rs to the earnings from opera
T- »n * nil the railroads in the United
Sta!» after subtracting all operating ex
it r.scs. which Include: (1) the cost of
transportation and traffic exn nses; «2>
the «t of maintenance of equipment:
3> the eost of maintenance of way and
structures: and (4) general expenses.
T- e statistics given for 1903. 1909 and
ir* r.>»t compiled entirely according
1 ° tk.e rules of prior years because of
ranges m the rul*=*s of the commission
taking effect during the fiscal year 190*:
lot the final results in the foregoing
tal I** are * h-sc enough to justify the corr.
parison given above for the purpose
Study of this table reveals two im
; portant facts. One is that in the last
i ten years changes amounting to a
I revolution have occurred in the busi
i ness of operating railroads, these be
i ing brought about by greater traffic,
improved methods, larger and better
, cars and locomotives and more stable
I roadbeds. The last column of the
table shows that the average net earn
I iags for each mile of railway in the
! 1 nited States increased about 70 per
Population of District Tributary to
City Is Estimated at 7,000,COC—
Few Figures.
New York.—One thing from which
New Yorkers did not swear off on
January 1 is commuting, since figures
just compiled show that this city's
j army of commuters, the dally travel
! ^rs by city and suburban transit lines
i is over 2,000,000.
The population of the area, including
those who do business in the city, is
nearly 7,000.000. The exact figure is
C.846,097. which is more than 1.000,000
greater than the population of Illi
nois. the third state in the Union, in
cluding Chicago, the country’s second
This commutation district, consist
ing of the territory lying within thirty
miles of Times square, contains one
thirteenth of all the people in the con
tinental territory of the United States.'
It equals the population of six large
southern states, with 100,000 to spare.
It exceeds the combined population of
Virginia, North Carolina and South
Carolina by something over 1.000,000.
Going west one finds that the dis
trict of New York has a greater popu
lation than the 11 westernmost states,
with nearly 250.000 in population still
unmatched, notwithstanding that two
i of these states, Washington and Call
cent, between 1898 and 1910, while
between 1SS8 and 1898 the increase of
such net earnings was almost negligi
ble—only eight-tenths of one per cent,
for each mile of road. Thus in a
decade the development of methods
of operation was marvelous.
In the column showing the average
revenue for each ton hauled one mile
is revealed the second great eco
nomic fact, namely, that the com
panies in the years of their greatest 1
earnings have been able to prevent
further reductions in freight rates.
Assuming that the character of com
modities hauled has not changed sub
stantially, the statements of reve
nue for each ton-mile is a fair index
as to the average rates charged,
though the variation in long and short
hauls would make it not exactly ac
The 23 years covered in the table
divide themselves Into two periods,
the first being the.11 years from 18SS
to IS9S, and the second the 12 years
from 1S99 to 1910 inclusive. The first
period is that in which competition
caused a reasonable distribution
among the shippers and consumers of
the country of the profits resulting
from the development of the railroad
industry. For while during that period
the annual net earnings of the rail
ways increased about $100,000,000,
there was a decline cf about 25 per
cent, in freight rates. This was in
line with what is expected and what
generally has resulted front great
strides in industrial progress. But
with 1S99 came a great change. In
that year the annual net earnings of
the railways began to increase rapid
ly. and since then they have increased
almost $500,000,000. and the net earn
ings for each mile have increased
more than 60 per cent. Have the
freight charges decreased correspond
ingly? Glance at that colmun of ton
mile revenue and you will see that the
rates have entirely ceased to decline
and that consequently the people have
been denied for more than a decade
any share in the profits resulting from
the immensely greater volume of traf
Sce and the rapidly increasing net
earnings of the railways. For 11
years the freight rates fell steadily,
and then all at once the decline was
checked and the railways began to
withhold from the public all the bene
fits resulting from their new prosperi
ty and new methods, being enabled to
do this through the tremendous con
solidations that largely destroyed com
petition. Half a billion dollars a year
increase in net earnings and freight
rates practically stationary—that is
not a good argument for further in
crease In transportation charges by
the railways of the United States.
What is a reasonable rate of return ,
and what is the value of the property ;
entitled to such return are questions
upon which the railway magnates
must depend to prove their conten- ;
Gold Fillings as Property.
San Francisco.—A new way to col- j
leet dentists' bills has been invented j
by the state board of dental exarain- '
ers. The first ease under it is that
of "John Doe" Dreyfus, who has been
arrested on the charge of obtaining
property by fals^ pretenses. The
property in question is gold put in the
teeth of said Dreyfus by Dr. M. H.
Schord of this city. Dr. Schord seeks
to collect SCO.
Puts Ban on Hatpins.
Rochester, N. V.—The common
council has unanimously adopted an
ordinance making it a misdemeanor
for a woman to wear a hatpin that
protrudes more than half an inch
from the crown of her hat. Violation
is punishable by fine or imprison
fornia have more than 1.000.000 each.
Many foreign countries have armies
anil navies ami pretensions to being
world powers have smaller populations
than the New York district. Among
them are the Netherlands, exclusive of
colonies, with 5.501.700; Portugal prop
er. with 5.423,000; Sweden, with 5.204.
000; Argentine Republic, with 6.210,
000; Chile, with 5.000.000; Greece and
Denmark, with an aggregate popula
tion of about 5,000.000. while the dis
trict is within a few hundred thou- j
sand of all Belgium.
In view of these figures It is not dif
ficult to understand the reason for the
millions of dollars which are being
spent here for transportation improve
To Teach Police Boxing.
I^ondon. — Baron Albrecht von j
Knoblesdorf Brenkenhoff. who was for i
ten years an officer in the German
army, has been appointed official in
structor to the city police in wrest
ling and the art of self-defense.
He gives lessons three times a week
to young policemen and is very proud
of his pupils. While engaged In j
military life the baron wis celebrated 1
as a steeplechase rider, and he
owned Pensioner, an English jumper,
which he rode to victory on several •
occasions. Later he took to wrestling. 1
boxing and Jiu-Jitsu.
New Branch to Be Taught at Famous
School—Grant of Land la
Eagerly Awaited.
London.—It Is likely that within
; » rerj short time Oxford university
win bo augmented in notable degree
by a new school of learning and new
. facilities for special research and
The subject of agriculture has been
I ****** »P eagerly at Oxford, and Ox
(ford men. likely in after life to have
control of land, are encouraged to
study agriculture and kindred subjects
as a proper part of their training.
TWa branch of university learning.
wry much to Professor
who left the board of agri
cuHure to take up this work at Ox
ford. promises well, but the lack of
land for practical experiments, and of
money tor carrying them on. has
hitherto prevented such a develop
ment as has taken place in Cambridge,
where the natventty hr. done splem
did agricultural work, especially in
the domain of research.
It is hoped that these obstacles are
to be removed, and that private gen
erosity will presently enable the best
brains in Oxford to investigate prac
tical agricultural science on such a
scale as to rival not only Cambridge,
but such splendid institutions as the
Macdonald college In Canada. For
this work much land, as well as other
equipment, will be necessary in the
neighborhood of Oxford, and the pro
vision of both is understood to be
within the scope of the scheme.
It will be a cause of the greatest re
joicing among past and present Ox
ford men if a “pious founder and
benefactor” should give to Oxford the
opportunity of leadership and useful
work in a subject so full of national,
indeed of human, welfare.
Several types of cameras are now
made for taking snap shots from or
of aeroplanes.
House Cleaning Proves Profitable.
Newark. N. J.—No one in this sec
lion ot the state has found house
cleaning more profitable than has Miss
Ida Simonson, who got $4,000 as the
result of her annual overhauling of her
homestead in Vernon. N. J.
While cleaning a closet she lifted a
loose board in the floor and brought
to light the treasure. $500 in gold and
the remainder in bills of large denomi
nations. The money probably was hid
den there ahout 40 years ago by a re!
ative, who died soon after.
Tolstoi’s Grave Is Mecca.
Moscow.—Tolstoi’s grave at Yasmi
Poliana Is likely to become one of the
chief places of pilgrimage in the em
pire. Since the funeral large numbers
of peasants arrive there daily. They
come mostly on foot, and many are
now on the way there afoot.
At the grave many hundreds may be
seen on their knees chanting and kiss
ing the soil. The pilgrims are allowed
to pass through the rooms which Tol
stoi occupied, where nothing has beea
The people who declare that a man
has outlived his usefulness when he
attains the age of sixty years and
should be put out of his misery with a
dose of chloroform, will have to ex
tend the limit if they wish to make a
hit with the residents of t>an Jose. Cal.,
since it has become known that
George Gates, a struggling seventy
'year-old inventor of that city, will he
come a multi-millionaire through tb*
sale to a syndicate of eleven of the
greatest railway systems of the I nited
Slates, of his patent rights in a con
Crete railroad tie which he has in
vented. The price to be paid for tne
new tie is $17,500,000.
Gates has been working on the con
erete tie for about ten years. He cast
thousands and thousands of concfr f
lies in those years and was not dis
heartened when they failed to stand
tests and crumbled and crack*-.1 under
«■- --" l.ll* iJM iKJii ■> a* •
One <Jaj' about two years ago Cater
was leaning against a barbed-wire fence. His meager funds w; re ab .at gon*
and he was almost ready to give up. but the barb wires suggested a means
whereby he could reinforce the concrete "1 will just cast s .:ne of tl • ■*
barbed wires in the concrete." It was a happy idea, aud one that afterward
proved to be worth millions.
Ties were east with barbed-wire strands running lengthwise. Tests
showed that 3C strands twisted in a certain manner ob'ained the best results.
A tie thus made will spring l^i inches and come back to line. And a single
machine will turn out the ties at the rate of 3.500 per day.
Gates, who was bom in Ottumwa. Iowa, lives in a modest cottage in San
Jose. Cal. He is a small, spare and unassuming. He presents the appearance
of a typical Yankee workingman, and because he is out much in the air he
Is sunburned and does not look over sixty years cf age.
He served through the civil war. enlisting from his heme town. He was
married in 1869 and went to California and. after years of work as a railroad
man. he laid off about fifteen years ago to devote his time to inventing. Those
were hard years But the old Inventor, who never talks freely at best, has
but little to say of his struggles to perfect his ideas, and to get big railroad
men to take them up.
His invention comes at the right time, for wooden ties are becoming sc
scarce that the demand is three times greater than the supply and the tend
ency is toward an annual increase of from ten to fifteen per cent, in the price
ot ties.
The failure of the Northern bank of
New York for $8,000,000 and the story
of Joseph G. Robin's career in New
York is the story of the gold-filled
streets of America that lures the am
bitious of Europe here. Sixteen years
ago he was a penniless immigrant,
with perhaps a half-dozen words of
English at his command. For the past
year he has had a controlling voice in
three banks, two bonding companies,
two real estate development compa
nies and two traction roads.
A Russian by birth, Robin came to
the United States as Joseph Rabino
witz. He was about twenty-two years
old then, and is now abour thirty
eight. He came to this country alone,
and he is still single and without rela
tives here.
A year after Rabinowitz reached
America he fixed upon journalism as
the profession he meant to follow. For
e i au
■■ » r..Tner less xnan a monin no was a re
porter on the Herald, with only broken
English and tremendous determination as his stock in trade.
Four years later Rabinowitz had become Robin and was attracting atten
tion as deputy to Gen. James R O'Heirne. Oom Paul Kruger’s commissioner
extraordinary for the Roers in the United States. Within five years more he
was banker and financier both, his associates in ambitious enterprises includ
ing some of the best known men in the United States.
In 190t’> Robin was president of the Bank of Discount, through which, as
a base of operations, the merger which resulted in the Northern Bank of New
York was carried out.
Commander W. S. Sims of the Unit
ed States navy has gotten himself into
a lot of trouble after a long and very
creditable career. He attended a ban
quet in London and made a speech,
during the course of which he had the
misfortune to "slop over.” He was
very anxious to impress on the minds
of his British hosts the feeling of
friendship which exists in the United
States, but he went too far and as
sured them that:
"‘If ever the time comes that the
British empire is menaced by an ex
ternal foe she can count on every man.
every dollar, every ship and every
drop of blood of her kindred across the
Now, Uncle Sam thinks a whole lot
of John Bull, but he doesn't propose
to have every Tom. Dick and Harry
making wholesale promises for him.
250 v.oniuiuiu« omid uw jachru
up. President Taft characterizes the
offense as conspicuous and orders that
he be publicly reprimanded by the secretary of the navy.
This action on the part of the president was necessary, because had he
taken no notice of the commander's exuberant speech other nations would |
have had a right to be offended, in international relationships it is necessary
to steer a pretty straight course to avoid giving offense.
If you are Just a plain, ordinary citizen you can permit your natural exu
berance of expression to carry you away at a banquet and it will be nobody's
business but your own—in your enthusiasm you can “stop over" if you want
to and for handing out a lot of wordy bouquets you may be called a good
fellow. But if you are in diplomatic service you have to be mighty careful,
for every word you say is supposed to represent the sentiments of the gov
ernment you represent. If you go a little too fat there is likely to be an
investigation with the result that you are retired to private life without any
ceremony. The same rule applies to officers in the army and navy.
The election of a I'nited States sen
ator from Ohio, to succeed Senator
Dick, precipitated a lively contest,
■which ended only with the selection
of Atlee Ponierene of Canton, McKin
ley’s old town. It is said to have been
one of the hottest senatorial cam
paigns in the history of the state.
Mr. Ponierene is a lawyer and it ■
forty-seven years old. He is a native
of the state, a graduate of Princeton
and has been a practicing attorney
since 1SS6. He has held the office of
city solicitor and prosecuting attorney
and was the most formidable rival of
Harmor. for the nomination for gover
nor. He was forced to accept second
place, however, and was elected lieu
tenant governor.
.Ml . ruiun rur utai i auu uie
wife is one of Ohio's popular and cul
tured women, who will no doubt be
warmly welcomed to senatorial circles
at Washington.
One of the prominent senatorial candidates before the legislature was
Representative Carl C. Anderson of Fostoria, who had the endorsement of the
American Federation of Labor. Mr. Anderson began life as a bootblack and
newsboy and has made a successful uphill struggle against early limitations
AH Relieved by Lydia E. Fink
barn’s Vegetable Compound,
SikVston. Mo. — “For seven years I
Buffered everythin?. I was in bed
«—--j for four or five days
at a time ocrj
| month, and so weak
I could hardly walk.
1 cramped and had
j backache and head
'ache, and was so
'nervous and weak
1 that I dreaded to
I see anyone or have
! anyone move in the
room. The doctors
gave n:<: uieuicuie ui
ease me at those
times, and said that I ought to have an
of*-ration- I would not listen to that,
and when a fri( nd of my husband tolJ
l.irn about Lydia K. Tinkham’s Vege
table Com;>o!!'id and what it hail done
f ir ids wife, 1 was willing to take it
Now I look the picture or health and
L ei like it, too. I ran do myown house
work. hoe my (garden, and milk a cow.
I can entertain company and enjoy
them. I can visit when I choose, anfi
walk a3 far as any ordinary woman,
any day in the month. I wish I could
t dk toeverysx;fTeringwomanandgirl.”
—Mrs. DEilA BETnittrE, Sikesto:^ Mo.
The most successful remedv in this
conntry for the cure of all forms of
female complaints is Lydia E. I’ink
L-m’s Vegetable Compound.
It is more widely and successfully
used than any other remedy. It has
cured thousands of women who have
been troubled with displacements, in
flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing do wn feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostrationraf ter all other
means had failed. Why don’t you try it ?
Difficulty in Europe Successfully Over
come by the Exercise of Some
In the early days of the reign of the
late King Leopold of Belgium a sev
enth son was born to a Brussels worn
an. and "-hen the king heard of it and
was told .hat the boy was the seventh
successive one, and that no girl had
come to the family, he asked to be the
baby's godfather. Ever since then
every seventh son born in Brussels
has had the same honor, and the moth
ers have received gifts in keeping
with their station in life. King Al
bert, in carrying out the old adage a
short time ago had some difficulty
“because the seventh son was twins,”
according to the Frankfurter Zeitung
He could not stand for both boys, be
cause that would give the family two
Alberts. The remedy was found by
i Queen Elizabeth, who suggested thai
\ her little son. the duke of Brabant,
| be the godfather of the eighth boy,
' who consequently received the nams
I of Leopold.
To Arrange Flowers.
Here are five golden rules which
j should be observed by those who often
I arrange flowers. Use plenty of foliage.
Put your flowers in very lightly. Use
artistic glasses. Do not put more than
two. or, at the most, three different
kinds of flowers in one decoration.
Arrange your colors to form a bold
contrast or. better still, a soft har
mony. The aim of the decorator should
be to «how off the flowers—not the
rases that contain them; therefore the
simpler ones are far preferable to
even the most elaborate. Glasses for
a dinner table should be either white,
a delicate shade of green, or rose col
or, according to the flowers arranged
in them.
Warm Spot.
Adirondack Guide—What is yout
climate in New York?
New Yorker—Well, occasionally II
gets down to zero.
Adirondack Guide — M-m-m! Don't
you ever have anv cold weather.”—
Nothing Much.
"I don't know whether I ought to
recognize him here in the city or not.
Our acquaintance at the seashore
was very slight.”
"You promised to marry him, didn’t
"Yes. but that was all.”
Twenty-Five Years of It.
“Why do people have silver wed
dings, pa?”
“Just to show to the world what
their powers of endurance have been.”
—Judge's Library.
When Coffee Is Doing Harm.
A lady writes from tlie land of cot
ton of the results of a four years’ use
of the food beverage—hot Postum.
"Ever since 1 can remember we had
used coffee three times a day. It had
& more or less injurious effect upon
us all. and I myself suffered almost
death from indigestion and nervous
ness caused by it.
"1 know 11 was that, because when
I would leave it off for a few days I
would feel better. Rut it was hard to
give it up. even though I realized how
harmful It was to me.
At last I found a perfectly easy
way to make the change. Four vears
age ' abandoued the coffee habit and
began to drink Postum. and 1 also in
fiuenced the rest of the family to do
the same. Even the children'are al
lowed to drink It freely as thev do
^ater. And it has done us all great
} no l°nSer suffer from indigestion
end my nerves are in admirable ton«
ftnee I began to use Postum We
never use the old coffee any more
We appreciatae Postum as „ a
Itghtful and healthful beverage whf^
not only invigorates hut h ch
given by Postum Co Battle n
JJich. ’ Ba”le Creek.
OB-- * n.w