The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 02, 1911, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
unr *•***£*» s&* tW£ would
C.tR told N TtMiXED
• to i »»« ^ ~ t% for tnt
of **«• Bjs« Miit
Lt’.ttt P«—»c ~-H Inform
j » K<e*t i.arr. Innwrtt presi
."■ -be %*-1 :•€».. T<.- u I ImU
r» rs in -c and more ret »-s'.!y presi
a** t t Kanxas ruy \ U4ur! and
Tont-na. mpas*. d«-d a* Kansas
CBf X’' Hr «a> SO >t*-» aid
Tie Vosada state rm‘t ;4tw4 a
fc -j a-as " < :■ -un-asia, *o **L or nve
Aa-e-"** or d®bf*ft* p*;-<-r» to as?
tat aemon or cfciid :n tie wur
St*** fra*.: 1* 2 Be**? of San Fra*
•1H». «ta»i tiiUiC earned (a»r as
a •CktlNC attorn*?, died at *tsberrt!
km* anjit/a at tbe Nr* Tork res;
debot of < bar.** K Crane
A r«-e_ ..!:€** of •;,<• nearness of ti»
open.: ; at -n* canal to traft-.
to aftendetf 'I»f tie iateot mono of the
*na srii-t contain* the
jt*t t eetdif nancotioN of tbe
■"■»■»»» ' «»»i **
F -•:■» tor Jtmes VeCsftefty.
tor tears trad of '!:*■ detertitre
i-3b*s af tie Vea Tork polite fore*
-id * ' . kn..:>*£ to JJO. r oft Al* li
■ «*r? < i-mer o' tkt oout.'T. Is d«ad
Fr** . - M Taft fora-rded to eon
r'»»- *;• re-rprocal trad* -areettet.*
•fti-t, £** 1mm* nepwuidad b? tie rep
raosmtut. ** of tb* pm m hi onto of
-aod* and tie I'ti'.fd tStates Tb*
< cr«—a « pfgnN* for fret « srbaan*
t» * **s. aiads and tb# Vm-*d State*
ad * teat and trier jrraiaa, dairy
pmducts. treat fruit* aid t*c*tait*o;
1st at 4... atfii, <•*£» acd poultry;
rattle. *t«». and otter live animals.
Frtn'.n* paper is aioo to boro** free
as ti* ***oc*«af at ali reatmtioas on
•&* »2ponauoB f'te. Canada of pulp
Fanem: asmu* o**r Gra
bs* i*t_ ipa -b* aotbor. * m * as
k.-*rc by F uktft C. Goidsboroucb.* c Ism at St. Gsory* * Kpts
•nsmtt bored. Sea tors csty. sere at
O—t it t tier * aU Of lit*
Tkr oodo of Hr* Mart i-aker G
•XZ■ fvr_*,o*' at etnaturn Science.
>u toe-: frost. tbe rocatsiag Tomb
asd «urvd atkss tbe snore of Ha:
ryd* uA* Xonm Aubors cemetery,
•las Lrsap* Idas*
Lootssr C PilrtA, tb* lMN*«r
isflof.-. sarreC X:o Xarcaret
t%rr» tu. -Abler at Hr and Mrm.
Fia" b«<'< tb* cnafixar Akin*
pt* * -• Uw i m d tb* bride » pay
er is It l«t«e;
ntepaet X Gaooor and fats bride.
• eysor !y Jii je-rta Bslst 4* Jatuit. tbe
ysrbful bilrtoi to tlddMJdW t
totC U has rrandfatber are passia*
'bet' tiKi*Tnoac at Los *t#< *» Cal
5b* refuse* to stake asj statenaent
f=r-n*r tboa to adatr sbe Is married
For tbe trot Q*o since tbe debate
in to* 1 sited States senate in tbe
^a*e of reutor Wllllatt Lonmer of
lil innts ueoan manual, a as made of
tie repw-*d ’Ate***- of tb* preMdes*
in tb* asses-am of tint senator Tbe
'■feres'* a as by Senator Faynier of
tst - A* *t-3 a as a member of tbe
owbroe.m:t-e* wfcirfc mad* tbe tnreo
CCatsus tain tb* - iaryes
h«a-t:zg 'he cooclus>oB rtu>’ the
Kara* sto*e uc Itabge company to
Ik. Laui* a»d 'be I la•r>< ail Fedcra
Cas. of Ukw Ud K.:ird lh«r dl*
p.tee - .* of coor- 'h» Supreme court
of the t «< State* Mopped tbe orai
rrgameet «f the ao-ralled boycott'
rM* of -1* farow aciifir the loner,
o* the theory -hat si- l»» *»• »t re
soUM-j for 'be court u> pae » Upon
• fee **» begun St V« York tr? the
<*taaderd OB company for libel
iluptco ■ V.fa- »— fcxd
MuBtrt to the tnl'ed State*
court The oil compare a*k» tbe
'•cr* * alto* It Kid.**' the
aacuar cktri u pwbilebed by •h
Bniacmti iua(u:t’ company
a -it- bahdir who Cara fa>« t ma
as A i>»-totle? held cv the ^at*accar»
of *he Colorado A South-m tram No.
3* a fe-e minute* after If bad left the
depot at Pu-b*,. Colo After
oencrwa * !T aad *ome jewelry be
looped *rom the trait, but ru *bot
m*4 > by a railroad special
Veer' aac ats6<-i lb Jail
la»u pa of a btet or mare KpUco
fa- «- - -ear U.I h-Bd'-di of Tlal'.mg
clergymen cat bared m St Paul a
ebsrrb at Xlabaapulla and attended
the jo*- franca of Ret Theodore
Payee Ihnua, rector of St Paul *
aa . i-bup of the eaat. ru diocese of
FBieen bol-oi acne* need la tho
C-aera. e«rr«a last Not amber were
touad ta the waterworks reoerroir at
Parr? Ohio
The rrto* at cigar maker* wbicb
La» la* ed **-tes worth*. «a« called
t at Tampa. Fla by the joiat ad
titan board
pee*e< at a aUgkt erf. tarn Arthur
! Jet. fourteen year old. committed
aei'-tde ax Poorla. 111 . with a aborgun.
Tie boy » borne tu at Ihtalap. 111.
State -aak Examiner C A Glazier
tab tun nc.3M charge A the af
uir* af the 1 tab Bukici rouptsyi
jail a: l-rbigt and Americas Fork.
That Prise!* R Arnold, the mllllc.
air* perfumery importer, his receive
•<!'!> demanding a ransom for the
return of his daughter Dorothy, who
disappeared from her home on Decem
t»er 1- »a* admitted by Mr Arnold s
Hostilities hare begun on the froc
'!er of pe-u Two hundred PeruTian
aaMfer* attacked the village of Cha
oras. Ecuador, near the boundary
Three t uadorians were killed and
eight other* wounded
P* direction o' the president. Secre
tar- of the Navy Meyer asked Admiral
arry for hi* resignation It has been
thrived and »a* accepted, “for the
t ‘ of ibe service. ' according to an
ahgionneejsietiT made by Secretary
* • • • is c?h«7 in tne death or
;‘nr. t '! cun Pomil. former Korean
minis'er to Russia, whose body was
r- -nc hanging In bis lodgings In a
suburb of St Petersburg
To nr through a winter trail for
S '» ams and single horse sleds more
"tun 4 miles to meet recent rapid
development* in the Iditarod mining
■ A.-ska. the war depar'ment
l as asked congress for an appropria
tion of SSu.OOO.
L R K Kimbrough of Pan
' Hi. who started the investiga
•• t into the traffic in votes in Ver
n hon junty. was a witness before
• :.r grand jury. Judge Kimbrough ad
" "ed 'he truth of the reported dis
• ution of bags of money on election
■ i ■ lie aid the distribution
wi * for legitimate campaign expenses.
Ti - jurymen m the case of Mrs.
L-aura F„rnworth Schenk, on trial at
lag W Va.. charged with poi
*■ i • -r husband. John O Schenk,
repot-rd that they were unable to
. u wer* d.» barged The jury
stood 11 to 1 for acquittal.
Senator A B. Cummins of Iowa ad
■ d .e 1 ..fed States senate in
• ..• ' to retaining in the senate
i-'im Larimer, senator from Illi
* ’ : . >e . ,e on is alleged to have
: eet a< ■ tr.; listed by bribery He was
s' ’ er» in criti.-iam of the “inade
ahd irresiionsibility" of the re
pent of ’he sub ommittee which inves'ed the charges.
A h _nd Canadian Northern
passenger train ran into the caboose
a - w bound freight at Meltford.
Sa-. injuring seven men who were
=—tv to cig the freight train out of
the drift
Park Commissioner Stover of New
York has re;—ived a letter from Wal
ter Kasang of Norwich. N. Y.. who
writes *fcu: he has a calf with a rab
hit s tali Ins’ead of walking or run .ke an ordinary calf, the writer
says his calf hops
Th* Vtilted States Is pressing its
proposal tor the lease of the Galapa
gos islands The oiler of the Amerl
< an g' vemment. it is now stated, is
tZl ‘v for a lease of 99 years, and
Ecuadorean sovereignty is guaran
Organised labor felt the restraining
force of the Sherman anti trust law.
w t en a Jury in the Cnited States cir
cuit court a’ New Orleans returned a
verdict of guilty against three mem
bers of the New Orleans Dock and
Cotton council, charged with con
spiracy to interfere with foreign com
If the senate approves the plan, a
financial protec'orate will be estab
.ched by the 1'nited States over Hon
duras The president will send to the
ena* a treaty embodying this propo
rtion w hi t nas been negotiated by
the state department.
Announcement was made by offi
-laJs of the Pullman company at Chi
cago that arrangements have been
completed for the application Febru
ary 1 of their new rate rules, which
in !ude a nation-wide reduction of 20
per cent in practically all upper berth
rates and a cut ranging from 25 cents
to SI on 20 per cent, of all lower
nan mouth Quincy and Kewanee,
Hi., at sjw*c:ul elections voted on the
commission form of municipal gov
ernment The first two rejected It.
while Kewanee adopted it.
Orders have been Issued by the war
depart men* to move I'nited States
troops, with pack trains, from Fort
Sam Hone’on to Brownsville. Laredo
Fit e Pass and I>ei Rio. to patrol the
Mexican border and prevent further
shipments of arms and ammunition
to th» Mexican revolutionists from
tbelr agents in the I'nited States.
The health of William Sprague, for
mer governor of Rhode Island, who is
in Parts, is such that his death would
not t>e a surprise to his family, al
•hot gt his physicians say that he may
live many months
Charles J Barth, one of Denver's
wentities* men is authority for the
statement that Former Senator Thom
as M Patterson has sold the Rocky
Mountain News of Denver to Senator
Simon Guggenheim.
Following a quarrel. John Drost,
T*enry-two years old. shot and killed
hi* father. Peter iTost. fifty five years
old and wounded his nineteen-year
old sister. Phoebe, on their farm near
N'orthbend. Wash
The appropriation of $ 100.000 to
provide for the erection of a memo
rial arch at Valley Forge, Pa., has
been urged on the national house of
r* presentatives in a communication
from the secretary of war.
Revelation of several attempts to
buy the editorial support of the New
York Journal of Commerce in favor
of the ship subsidy legislation was
made to the house ship subsidy inves
tigating committee by Alfred W. Dods
worth. business manager of the Jour
nal of Commerce and Commercial Bul
To defend the memory of their pro
genitor from the attacks provoked by
the use of his portrait on the Bilver
service of the battle ship Utah, de
scendants of Brigham Young met at
Salt Lake City, Utah, and appointed
a committee to see Governor Spry.
Einks Falls Into the River and Is
Drowned. While Muffet Rips Head
Off on Tree Trunk — Tangent,
Theory Clearly Demonstrated.
West boro. Mo.—In hunting on the
premises of Hen B. Hurst, near here.
J. H. Grandin of Omaha. Neb., demon- ;
strated that after running in a circle
and attaining a certain degree of '
speed the dogs will go off on a tan
gent and that the going is likely to
end fatally.
Grandin came down from the city j
and for a few days made his home
with Hurst, devoting the greater por
tion of his time to hunting rabbits
and squirrels in the timber along the ;
Tarkio river. On his expeditions to
the woods he was accompanied by the
Hurst dogs—Buster, a spaniel; Binks. I
a rat terrier, and Muffett, a shepherd j
—three as fine rabbit dogs as ever
took up the trail in northern Missouri.
For a few days the hunting was
good, but on the third day the dogs ;
were killed, anc^fhe tangent theory
" as clearly demonstrated.
Early in the morning Grandin
struck into the woods and soon had a i
half dozen squirrels slung over his !
shoulder. Suddenly, close to the river.
The Fatal Rabbit Chase.
a rabbit, was flushed out of a brush j
pile. It struck off through the timber, !
following the river, until it came to !
a huge hollow log on the ground. Into
the hollow of the log. which was six
feet long, darted the rabbit, closely |
followed by the three dogs.
The cavity was large enough to \
admit the dogs single file. Out of the j
other end came the rabbit, followed
by Buster, Binks and Muffett. In a
circle the hunted and the hunters
rushed back into the log. This con
tinued for perhaps five minutes, each
lap increasing in speed, until the pace
became furious. It was easily main
tained by the rabbit, but at last be
tame too fast for the dogs, and Bus
ter. in the lead, was the first to run
off on a tangent.
As he was trying to enter the hole
in the log about the fifteenth time, he
missed his bearing and struck the
trunk of a tree, six feet away, and
was killed. He was closely followed
by Binks. The second dog missed the
tree, but went over the bank into the
river and drowned before Grandin
could save him. Muffet. the remain
ing dog. made the circle, following the
rabbit a few more times, and then col
lided with the outer edge of the hol
low trunk, ripping off one side of his
head as completely as if it had been
cut with a knife.
Novel Contrivance Has Come Into the
Patent Office Which Should Pre
vent Scandals and Divorce.
Washington.—One unique sugges
tion coming to the patent office re
cently is for a self-burning letter.
Though the commissioners tried to
keep the process secret, the story
soon leaked out and the suggestion
was ofTered as a defense to the ardent
swain who pours forth his soul in en
dearing and eloquent corresjiondence
in a breach of promise suit or in the
divorce court helps to swell the ali
mony and excite |>opular derision.
Love letters have always played a
conspicuous part in the affairs of na
tions and still more momentous role
in the history of hearts, but they
generally possess peculiar features
that make them “impossible” in cold
type. Of course, much depends upon
the eyes that read them, but no mat
ter how romantic the reader, if the
eloquence is not intended particular,
ly for him or her, the sentiments ap
pear “stilted.” Hence the advantage
of the self-burning letter. So far as
can be learned, however, the "novel
contrivance" is but a sheet to which
a certain brand of very flat match is i
attached for a suggestion. >
Mount Vernon. 111.—A pack of half
mad bloodhounds, trailing a man sus
pected of burglary at Carrier Mills
broke away from their keeper, cor
nered their victim in an empty shed
and tore him to pieces. The dead mar
was a stranger in the community, and
the body was so badly multilated by
the dogs that identification would
have been impossible. The remains
were buried in the potter's field after
Hounds Tear Man to Pieces.
a coroner's jury had exonerated the
owner of the hounds. A house had
been robbed at Carrier Mills during
the absence of the family. On their
return they put the hounds on the
trail, which the animals readily found.
As they neared their quarry they
broke their leash, and before they
could be subdued had killed their vic
Georgia Moonshiner Threatens a
Preacher, and Is Riddled With
Blue Ridge, Ga.—Carter Lingerfelt,
moonshiner, was shot to death in
Mount Pisgah church, about seven
miles from here by Rev. "William
Kimmo, a Baptist minister. Rev. Mr.
Kirnmo was aided in the fight by bis
two brothers, both of whom are
preachers, and one of them was seri
ously wounded by'Lingerfelt.
A conference of the congregation
was being held in the church, when
Lingerfelt broke down the door, en
tered and threatened to kill the
preacher. Lingerfelt had previously
threatened to run the three ministers
out of the county if they continued
to preach against moonshining. The
Kimnios continued their crusade from
various pulpits against the illegal
r^inufacture and sale of whisky, and
wnen Lingerfelt appeared they were
ready for him.
As soon as Lingerfelt drew his pis
tol the three brothers opened fire,
and Lingerfelt fell, pierced by half a
dozen bullets, but not before, how
ever. he had fired three shots himself,
wounding Rev. W H. Kimmo seri
ously. The preachers fired from the
Moonshiner Killed From Pulpit.
pulpit, and Lingerfelt was killed just
outside the church door. Panic pre
vailed during the shooting, many of
the women fainting, and the men
crawled under the benches.
At the time the tragedy was being
enacted a big still operated by Lan
gerfelt was being destroyed by Depu
ty Collector Hopkins, within a stone's
throw of the church.
Animal Owned on a New York Farm
Attempts Suicide When Fowl
Is Sick.
New Rochelle. N. Y.—Xo stranger
affection ever existed than that be
tween a calf and a goose, owned by
Miss Hannah George, who liTes on a
little farm, near Mount Vernon. The
friendship sprang up last summer
when Miss George sold her cow and
the calf was turned into a pasture
where there were no bushes to brush
away the flies.
One day the goose, seeing a swarm
of flies on the calf while it was lying
down, caught and ate nearly every
fly that was bothering it. The call
was grateful for the attention and
chased a dog that was in the habit of
worrying the goose. Since then th«
goose has been the calfs constant
companion, spending the entire day
strutting around and jumping for the
flies that light on the calf.
The other day the goose was sick
and was kept in a closed pen. The
calf, missing its friend, would not be
consoled and attempted to strangle
itself with its rope. Miss George die
entangled it just in time to save its
What is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Ong.—The various schools in Logan
township have been having spelling
contests. Monday evening each school
will send its best -spellers to a grand
old-fashioned spelling match in the
town hall here. The other schools in
the county are having similar contests
in the various townships. The best
spellers in the townships will then
meet in the county seat. Clay Center,
and decide who is the best si*e!ler in
the county. Silver medals are given :
to the township best speller and a
gold medal to the county best speller.
After the Coal Trust.
Lincoln—An accusation of conspir
acy in restraint of trade has been made
against Lincoln coal dealers by Judge
Albert J. Cornish, who instructed a ;
grand jury to investigate the rumors
which are abroad to that effect. Lum
ber and insurance men are also men
tioned in the general instructions of
the judge, who cited laws against
monopolies and all combinations in
restraint of trade.
Train Strikes Procession.
Weeping Water—A Missouri Pacific
| train ran into a funeral procession
west of town Saturday morning. It
struck a carriage containing Rev. J. 1
H. Andress and Mrs. J. W. Carter.
Mrs. Carter was badly bruised, the [
minister was only slightly bruised and
the carriage was demolished.
Methodist Church Burned.
Ttica.—The Methodist church here
burned to the ground, with a loss of
$3,000. The building was covered by
insurance in the sum of $1,500. The
fire started from the explosion of a
j gasoline tank in the building.
Dies in Ninety-fourth Year.
Surprise.—Mrs. Augustine Jaeneke.
; ninety-fonr years old. died at The home
i of her daughter in this place. Mrs.
Jaeneke was a native of Germany,
j coming to this country in 18S2.
Fremont is making arrangements to
take up $25,000 of its bonded indebted
Buffalo county is making efforts to
buiid a model dirt road through that
The Linn elevator at St. Mary,
which was recently destroyed by fire.
■ will be rebuilt.
Phillips has organized an anti-horse
thief association, and propose to make
i it warm for transgressors.
Elmer Preston was caught under a i
tree he was felling near Elmwood and
pretty badly bruised up.
Beatrice will submit the saloon I
: question to the voters cf that place at
i the coming spring election.
A. B. Christian of York was elected
i president of the state association of
| real estate men at Lincoln.
One life was lost and a number of
persons injured in a fire in the Mil
; lard hotel at Omaha Monday.
Several cases of scarlet fever have
occurred in Bruning and two or three
I homes are quarantined for smallpox.
W. A. Posey has tendered his resig
nation as county superintendent of
j Thayer county, to take effect March 1.
The Seward Merchants’ association
is contemplating establishing a co-op
■ eratlve delivery for the grocery stores.
A two-weeks-old baby boy was left
i on the porch of the Sigma Xu frater
j nity house at Lincoln one night last
| week.
Mrs. Otto Dambowsky of Beatrice
came near losing her life when she ai
j tempted to start the cook stove fire
j with kerosene.
An effort is on foot at Tecumseh to
hold a one week's school in agricul
ture and domestic science some time
during next winter.
The flour mill at Roca. which had
just been purchased by Osceola par
ties. caught fire and was consumed
w ith a loss of over $10,000.
Judge A. X. Sullivan, a weil known
Plausmoutb lawyer and pioneer of Ne
braska. died last week, the result of
a paralytic stroke. He was uncon
scious for four days preceding his
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leacock were
married fifty years ago in Warren
county. Illinois and the anniversary
of the event was celebrated recently
at the Leacock home in University
The state chicken show at Hastings
is said to have been the best attended
and most successful of its history.
Charles F. Ratzlaff. a pioneer of Lan
caster county, died at the home of his.
daughter. Mrs. Carl Warthon. in Lin
Elk Creek is experiencing a small
pox scare of considerable magnitude,
and meetings of public character have
been discontinued for the present.
John Preston Martin, editor of the
Odell Wave, and Miss Floy E. Bowhav
of Liberty were married at the bride’s
home at that place in the presence of
a large company of friends.
Glanders in Horses.
Dolezal of Saunders has a measure
which seeks to provide payment for
horses afflicted with glanders which
the state veterinarian puts to death as
a preventive of spreod of the disease,
conceded to be one of the worst which
afflicts domestic animals. He explains
rhat the people in that pan of his dis
trict surrounding Cedar Bluffs are par
ticularly anxious for the passage of
this law because they have felt the
effect of the loss of animals by gland
ers. As explained by Mr. Delezal. the
disease is just as apt to attack the
horses of poor men as those of wealthy
farmers, and when they are shot by
the deputy veterinarian it leaves the
owner in deplorable condition. The
author of the bill argues that to ap
propriate *25.000 for the payment of
these horses and mules would work
towards stamping out the dread dis
ease. as it would be an incentive to'
the owner to have his animals exam
ined when he has an ysuspicion that
they are afflicted. He declares that
now there is a tendency to hide the
fact as long as possible.
University Removal Bill.
Practically the first debate of the
session in the house occurred over the
Kirk resolution to appoint a commit
tee from the house to meet a like com
mittee from the senate to investigate
jointly the merits of the minority and
majority reports of the board of re
gents to move the state university to
the state farm. Kirk's resolution has
been awaiting a favorable opportunity
for several days. It was brought up be
lts author, and at once Geraes of
Richardson moved an amendment, j
His amendment was primarily to pro- !
test ot the right of the speaker to ap- I
point sjiecial committees, and second j
to separate the investigating commit- '
tee from the standing committees of
finance and of universities which must
later act on the question of appropria
tions. After considerable debate the
Favors Constitutional Convention.
The judiciary committee of the sen
ate met for the first time Tuesday
afternoon to consider bills. The com
mittee decided to report for passage
S. F. No. IS. by Kemp of Nance, a bill
providing for a convention to revise
the constitution and to submit a new
constitution to a vote of the people.
The committee, while favoring this
bill, proposes to favor the submission
of several constitutional amendments.
The constitutional convention is a
proposition that must be submitted
to a vote of the people and if a con
vention is called its proposed consti
tution must again be submitted to a
vote of the people.
Against Hypnotism.
Anderson of Kearney wants to pro
hibit expositions of hypnotism and
animal magnetism where such exhibi
tions are given for gain. He intro
duced a bill which provides "that any
person or persons who shall thereafter
rake part in the practice, assist in.
or become a subject in giving a puo
lic open exhibition, or seance, or show
of hypnotism, mesmerism, animal
magnetism, or so-called psychical
powers for gain shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor.”
Lincoln Monument.
Daniel Chester French of New York
city, the sculptor commissioned to de
sign and execute a statute of Abraham
Lincoln which is to be placed on the
capitol grounds in Lincoln, has writ
ten the committee which has the me
morial monument in charge that he
has shipped his two models to Lin
coln. and that he will arrive here Jan
uary 30 to confer with the commit
In Memory of Paul Morton.
Horton of Douglas offered a resolu
tion on the death of Paul Morton. who
died suddenly in New York Thursday
evening. The resolution states that
Paul Morton was formerly secretary
of the navy and the son of one of Ne
braska's greatest citizens and was
himself a Nebraskan. The resolution
was adopted and copies will be sent
to Mr. Morton's family.
Governor Aldrich has issued a com
mission to Henry Howard of Elk Creek
to be commandant of the soldiers'
home at Milford. The commission is
to take effect February 1. On that
date Dave Rowden leaves the home
and will consign the institution to the
mercies of a republican administra
tion. %
Title to a good Nebraska farm of
160 acres has been offered to the uni
versity as a gift from the owner, with
the reservation that he and his wife
shall be allowed to retain the rental
income until their deaths. •*>■»
Tax Collections.
Two bills having for their object the
collection of taxes by special proce
dure were introduced Thursday in
the house of representatives. One of
them. H. R. No. 159. by Quackenbush.
is revolutionary in character because
it proposes to legalize the employment
of private agencies for this purpose.
The other. H. R. No. 164. by McKis
sick. allows extra compensation to
county attorneys who bring suits and
secure judgments against estates upon
which the county realizes its tax
Many Who Violate the Law in Thia
Respect Are Not Aware of Pen
alty Therefor.
Washington.—The American Red
Cross has asked the solicitor general
of the United States to advise it as to
the proper steps for the enforcement
of that portion of its federal charter
relating to the use of its emblem and
name for advertising by private firms
and manufacturers.
Such use of the Red Cross is pun
ishable by a penalty up to J500 or a
year's imprisonment. It is believed
manf persons who use the emblem
and name for advertising pui-jxjses
are not aware that such is forbidden
ana that heavy penalties may be en
forced against them.
The United States has entered into
a treaty with all the civilized govern
ments of the world to prevent the
misuse of the Red Cross emblem or
title. The law specifically prohibits
the use of a “Greek red cross on a
white ground, or any sign or insignia
made, or colored imitation thereof,
or of the words “Red Cross" or “Ge
neva Cross" or any combination of
these words.” The use is forbidden
even for charitable purposes, except
by the American Red Cross, its em
ployes and agents, and the army and
navy sanitary and hospital authori
The use of the red cross on the
New York ambulances has been aban
doned. and medical and other associa
tions have pledged themselves to sup
press its use for any advertising pur
poses. The officers of the national or
ganization request of the solicitor
general an opinion as to the best
method for proceeding against those
who continue to use the emblem or
Reciprocity With Canada.
To carry into effect the terms of
the reciprocity agreement, concluded
by representatives of Canada and
the United States last Thursday and
which was placed before congress
that day by President Taft with a
special message urging legislation,
the first move was made Saturday
when Representative McCall of Mas
sachusetts, a member of the ways
and means committee of the house,
presented the administration bill on
the subject. The bill was referred
to the committee on ways and means
which will take it up this week.
President Taft indicated today that
he was not worrying about the fate
of the agreement.
Services in Honor of Late Represen*
tative Gilmore of Louisiana.
Washington.—Tributes to the life,
character and public services of the
late Representative Samuel L. Gil
more of Louisiana were paid in the
house of representatives Sunday at a
special session presided over by Rep
resentative Broussard of Louisiana as
speaker protem. The speakers in ad
dition To Mr. Broussard were: Repre
sentatives Kahn of California and
Borland of Missouri.
Beveridge Favors Treaty.
Washington.—Senator Beveridge of
Indiana, in a statement Sunday night,
commended the reciprocity agreement
with Canada submitted to congress
by the president, and praised Presi
dent Taft's message urging its ratifi
cation. ‘‘Every believer in Canadian
reciprocity." said Senator Beveridge,
"must applaud the thoroughly admir
able message of the president to con
gress transmitting the proposed
agreement. That message is power
ful and unanswerable from my point
of view.
J. Whitaker Passes Away.
Kansas City. Mo.—Joseph Whit
aker. S4 years old. a retired capitalist,
died at his home in Kansas City, Ks..
Sunday. He was among those who
started the first packing plants in
Cincinnati and at the close of the
war. in 1SSS. he established the first
meatpacking plant in this section.
Miss Mary Desha is Dead.
Washington.—Miss Mary Desha, 65
ye%rs old, one of the three founders
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, died suddenly of apo
plexy while walking near her home
here Sunday.
King Manuel Granted Pension.
London.—The Diaro de Xotieias
announces that the Portuugese gov
ernment has decided to pay a month
ly pension of $3,300 to the deposed
King ManueJ.
Terrific Volcano Eruption.
Manila. P. I.—Observers sent out by
the Bureau of Science to investigate
the eruptions of the volcano. Taal.
have telegraphed a report that a ter
rific eruption occurred at 2 o'clock in
the morning simultaneously with two
prolonged earthquakes. The island
on which the volcano is located sank
five feet. A heavy mud shower fell
and then for half an hour hot ashes.
The observator at Manila corroborates
the report and adds that a remark- •
able electrical storm continued for