Our Vaults Are Absolutely Fireproof A Safe Deposit Box of sufficient size to hold a large number of notes, deeds, leases, abstracts, mortgages. contracts.receipts. insurance policies, wills and many other documents that should, by all m;ans. be kept in a safe place, may be rented for ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. If you will come to the bank we will be pleased to explain the plan fully, but don't wait too long, as more than half of them are rented already. We shall also be pleased to show you our new ~tisco~ manganese steel, burglar proof chest, en cased in a fire proof jacket It will surely inter est you. Our calendars for 1911 and a map of Sherman county will be on hand by January 1st. and every - customer or prospective customer of our bank is cordially invited to call and get one. First National Bank of Loup City THE NORTHWESTERN Tuntfitir. jan iv. mi k Fe» Market Quotation*. Com. per bu. . .3*} ' (•at*, oer bu . A' •« .A* Rye, per bu .... ...... JSb Butter, per !b -- -- -A' tgr per doe . -2T> Hurling! on Time 1 ard . »*. • »*T ■v ►'*<*■% n ... 'jMrt* • 3u a %* > fr*t bSt«~ tgrft> (iipftw ir »‘ ft B. * %- •rfi «r» Se^HV Vamirn. MHMJvfW II :S» * K. • .*»*. * r%t N- ft ~Z *»■'-**•«( i **» ft a. V- | r • i **,!k i*v 3-r-fnwrt* t l> ft tm, t * im* -Vu*-* am *'c»m_*: «*t r* ml J a l> -Vu:i.^«S Brnt LOCAL^NEWS. t 'f Vjf > an 1 J.-ggieS see T. M I teed Hi* Vi. > d* I* teaching near Luu-tbeid ‘ i. • > .* *».* if*. 9fiiit*er * Clear* ,*ig *a * Bargain* « every tiling i an guarantee 23r for bjtler fa*, i be*t and m:. A E. < ha>e T »«» t* an rr-ileme property far *a W I* Kkei. T t. • **.r -d h Hendnt smjO drav •. Tie i • g • i »u good *er»in T >»alwl* «r improved proper ly al great bargain*. Nee J. W. Lone. Take y our butler and egg* bo Con h*r- • • *• you ran get anything you want Tu t. Kagwe'- ■»» in Lamp City aga * z fee i > *. * :» »**•« dikposinj^ of *bura ( .id C «e — * a* ' go -I* priced bo > •_ ng: t. :-!.*ii :.i- *a.e. t eitin^ed ti» § eb. 1st - * Le.titnger m*: Friday eft on a »»_*;»►-** trip to Hasting* and (tier p int* For *aw v z limiBpm type • riter g •». a* nr* (a. at tills of Kv and *** it We understand • ha*. KviJ will a •■* «. to •:-» ;* uga. tarn, in Lugan i.'WM .; t! t» spring. Fifty per r-M * ua Mens and Key* <•*»* *i* bi Lorwb. tl»e «’nobbier QUI and **e tiea i .t. W L eig and H K Henry returned last etching fr-.m a busi ne** t«j u • *sua:ia and Lin-ula T:» iumira « reamery Co. pay* , g- 3. ;ire f ,r eggs de .ivemd at be taaen twre Loan*! Uu*! Loan*! Loan*! Real I -tale L-aa* al lone*! rale* al J<*bn W. UiirV W an . a - .ng 23 cents cash for *.ia le •• • red at tiie creamery Bates** ruilEEV C«*. For ms My residence in east L * »: trade same for rm. estate Vuru *V*m< s T. Tire i* UiJr'ted bt» M T V <*. Zutnn»er*ian f r :a*e Five chore I»ur K-Jen»ey hoar pigs and one yearling pedigreed tiharthm bu. a t. at my farm nine miles worth of Loup weiruted. Attraf Vic Swamoei s sate at He id «sse larta. t alia soutii and 2 aim west of Loop City, on Feb. 1st. aad get your bid in on ids splendid splendid horses and milch cows. Ail are dandies Go ear!j and buy your self rich The ~ 1 tvs kui Piay" nature and picture* given at the Presbyterian church last Mindat evening by Hex. HaMg’Hnery. gathered a crowded finm and were of a very interesting ika nature < rely half of the play was given, -j* other half to be given this uminf Sunday nesting. You should m Farmers Notice \\> want your good wheat and do not -e before you gel our prices. Wr also w^nt corn and oats and are paying n i-e titan It will net to ship to anv terminal market Your busi ness is appreciated. Lot r (Trv Mill & Light Co. Bargain- in Town Property for -ale by John W . Long Mis- Lose Mulick went to brand ' Is and last Saturday for a visit. < oni :-t: ;.as concluded to continue Lis > o-anrig -aie up to I-'eb. 1st. Try Aztec nut coal for your cook stove F r sale by E. G. Taylor. A gir, arrived at tlie home of Mr. arid Mr- i > llile. Tuesday. Jan 1" v■ ih*■ Inquire of Mrs. \V Yer Valin. < apt. and Mrs Wlnkieruan are up tr m i.-and Is:arni visiting their chil dren. You want an overceat'? Lorentz, t!«- Ckitiiier. is -eking them at half price Mrs. Mm. Oriss has been quite seriously ill for the past week, but is reported some better. A meeting o! the stockholders of the Farmers Elevator Association will be held Feb. loth. Come. For >a»e—Vi pure-tired Hose Comb Leghorn H.-osiers Your pick of the bunch for #1 each. A. .1 Johnson. be a, res uf good land, all good soil. — to Loup City. Cheap at k.v-Oo. W l*. Heed. All the Town Properly offered for -ale at fir-t hand- by railing nn John W. Long. A baby gir! was born to Mr. and Mrs W;. Grade, in this city, last Thursday. Jan 12. lull. Strom: .v Hendrickson, successors t Conger. wi,l du your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. I*o not you want a new buggv or spring wagon'? T. M. Heed is pre pared t- supply your wants. 1* A. Johnson of Aurora iia> been Itere Uiis week. a--si>ting with tiie invoicing of the Mercantile Co CLOSING OUT My Stock of 75 Over coats foi Min and Boys at Half Price, beginning Saturday. Jan. 21. 'll. Lorentz. the Clothier. Vic Swanson's sale of persona! pr -penv at his farm, known as the •id Gee farm, on Wednesday . Feb 1. wi i tie Lite best of the season Gus L rentz. the Clothier, offers his stock jf Vi men's and boy's over laps .• mmencing Saturday. at oocts ■n tiie dohar. u> close tliem out. Mr- J M. Johnson returned to lier home at Gen a, last Thursday , her laughter, Mrs. O. E. Adams, and baby g ng with her for a two weeks visit. Ladit-- rememtier the Clearing Sale at ConWser's will continue up to Feb 1st It is Uie place to pet bar pains. He wishes to make room for iiis new p.xids. and has marked poods way dow n. Mite- 1‘earie Keeler came up troin < >ma!.a last Sunday, driving over from ita enna. to attend the funeral of Irt-r brother. Carl Keeler. We un derstand Miss Fearl* will remain at home permanently with her pood mother. Vic >«anson on Wednesday. Feb. 1st will sell i* head of extra pood burses. 2t* liead of cattle, indudinp 7 head of tine mik-h cows, it’ head of brxid - -w». all bred:'> dozen chickens, farm machinery, all in pood shape, h uisehoid poods. etc. I*on't miss it. We an- clad to note that last week Thursdaj. W. T. Gibson of this city was awarded the contract for the bridpc bniklinp in Buffalo county for lie pre-ent year. He won over a half dozen bidders, indudinp me standard BndpeOo. ‘Rah for Taylor. The pood people of St. Joseph's j < atitol c church of tiiis city will pive a box social and dance in the Ittddow j opera house on tlie eveninp of Mon ;Uy. Feb <>th. Ifcnce tickets, 50c, ; ladies free. As Supt. Hendrickson j will aiK'tinn the boxes, it will be evident tliat Uie boys will pay a poodly sum to eat with tiieir best piris Let everybody attend and have Uie best time of tiieir lives. ■ there shone that wnicn nnuier < Death by Suicide Last week Tuesday. Fred Schmall jonn of tha family of Schmalljohns living near Rockville, attempted suicide, his death occurring this week Tuesday morning at the St. Joseph's hospital. Schinalljohn shot himself between o and fi o'clock in the morn ing and staid In his room till 4 o'clock in the afternoon before he made known his condition. No reason is assigned sor the act, though to people who knew the young man. the t»elief is that his mind was unbalanced and had been for some time. He was :t<> years of age. Baby Starr is on tbe sick list, and under the doctor's care. Those knowing themselves indebt ed to the H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co., please call and settle at once. The smiling fac» of M. A. Phillips lias lieen missed at the Mercantile, the owner of aforesaid countenance being on the sick list. The Fletcher-Brewer appeal case in the supreme court was on the fth instant reversed and remanded back to the district court. J udge Letton giving the opinion. J B. Morgan severed his relations with the State hank and Monday re turned to his home at University Place. He is succeeded by Mr. Clar ence Jensen of St. Paul. Mrs. H. J. Johansen went to Lin coln Tuesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mel lor. Herman had promised to go the next day, but played off and staved at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Ver Valin. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Outhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lay of Rockville went to (hnaha Tuesday, the gentlemen to attend the state lumber dealers' con vention. We hear a little daughter was born lately to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Draper at Grey bull. Wyo. Wonder if Bird is too happy over the joyous event to send a wireless to the Northwestern of the fact? Don't forget the date of Young quests Bros.' sale of stock, farm machinery and household goods next Wednesday. Jan. Jo. on the old Jacob Alters farm, six miles northwest of Loup City. Their horses and mules are especially tine. See big bills. A Polander. with an unpronounea ble cognomen, at least by us. is lan guishing in our county jail, being brought here from Ashton a few days since on complaint of getting on a jag. w hen he insulted Father Radka and the sisters, and cutting other capers. Refusing to pay a tine for his fun he is laying it out in the county bastile. In remitting to the Northwestern for another year. 11. M. Walker of Espanola. Wash., writes: "1 can't do without the paper. When 1 read of the big blizzards back there it makes me very content in my new home here in Washington We have had tine weather so far. the coldest it has lieen was 10 degrees above zero, an 1 we hardly ever have any wind.’’ We received a pleasant call Monday from Henning Claussen. who iast1 week sold his quarter section home in Washington township to Ira Tim son for *31.2;> per acre and is hunting a new locution, lie was on his way to j Kearney. w here ire lias nine acres of land in the corporate limits, and w isties to sell it or trade for land near Loup City. We hope he w ill succeed for lie is a prince ot good fellows. Our friend. Geo. Holmes of Bristol, was in to see us last Friday. He was just returning from Almeria. up in the foothills, »here accompanied by his wife, their daughter. Mrs. B. F. Wilkinson, and Miss Florence Brock, lie had tieen to attend the marriage of his son. Lisle Holmes, to a Miss Lucy Cross of Almeria. Wednesday. Jan. 11th. It was a double wedding, a sister of Mr. Holmes' bride also being married at the same. They had a line time and left Lisle the happiest young rancher in seven states. Latest word from Rochester. Minn., is to the effect that J. S. Pedler con tinues to steadily improve, and his splendid constitution will enable him to regain his health at the earliest possible moment. His orother. Wes Pedler. returned last Thursday and .Mr. ( arisen relumed >&turaay even ing. both speaking most encouraging ly as to the splendid condition of everybody's mutual friend. Uncle Joe. Each day brings added encour agement of Mr. 1‘edler's case, and best of all it Is said will prove a per manent relief from bis old trouble. M. S. Kinney, formerly editor of the Fullerton News, but who has graduated from the noble calling and enlisted as a No. 1 speeler in the typewriter world, was in the city yes Uerda> and talked the writer into purchasing one of the latest model Underweod visibles. Bro. Kinney, we are of the opinion, ranks as one the most persuasive men in his line, and ti e further fact of his represent i one of the very best of typewriters make.- two talks to the prospective buyer hard to get around. He is dis trict agent of the Fnderwood. with headquarters at Grand Island. Mr. J. R. Gardiner, foreman of the Times, who has been away on a vaca tion the past few weeks, returned to work this week. While absent. Mr. Gardiner took anvantage of bis vaca tion to join the great and good army of benedicts, being married to Miss Amanda Jensen of Dannebrog. at the i home of ids father at Brewster, on : Jan. 4th. and being so happy over the i biggest event in his life that he failed to acquaint his friends here of the fact till his return. They will go to housekeeping in this city at an early date. The Northwestern offers it’s heartiest congratulations to the happy pair. OBITURARIES Carl A. Keeler Near Stanton. Neb., on April 23. 1S8«. was born Carl A. Keeler. About six years ago his father and family moved to Sherman county, locating on a farm near Austin, where they remained two years, when the family moved to Loup City and Carl went on the farm which they had pur chased on Oak Creek. Novemoer 17. 1906, he was united in marriage to Miss India Carpenter, to which union three children have been born, two boys and one girl, the youngest being a babe only a few weeks' old. A few days' since he was taken ill with a violent attack of appendicitis, suffer ing intensely, till death relieved him on Friday evening. January 13. 1911. His age was 24 years. 10 m'onU s and 20 days. Mr. Keeler was a kina and loving husband and father, respected by those who knew him. and leaves to mourn their loss the wife, three children, mother, six sisters and one brother. The neighbors and triends all unite in their expressions of sym pathy for the sorrowing family. May the sympathy and love of the Heavenly Father be theirs. The funeral was held in the Methodist church. Monday, conducted by the Rev. W. C. Harper, a large congrega tion of people being present. The burial was in Evergreen cemetery. CARD OF TBANKS: We w ish to thank the many kind friends who assisted us and offered their help during tin illness and after the death of our beloved one. Carl A Keeler, who was taken sud denly from us. Mrs. Carl Keeler and Family. Mrs. G. S. Keeler and Family. Minnie E. Gibson Mrs. Minnie Estella Gibson died Saturday. Jan. 14. 1911, at v-C, p. m. at her home in this city, at the age of 33 years, 8 months and 2* days. Minnfe Richardson was born at Cuba. Fulton county. Illinois, on the 16th! day of April. ls77, and came to this] community in 1901. On J»ecemberj 3rd. 191o. occurred her marriage to 1 Charles E. Gibson, and before their1 honeymoon was ended the Grim \ Reaper claimed his victim. Besides] the bereaved husband, two daughters by a previous marriage—Eva and j Marie, -aged 14 and 12 years—her aged ! parents, four brother^ and four sis-1 tens mourn their loss, besides many j friends who deeply sympathize with] the bereaved ones. Funeral services I were held at the Baptist church on i Tuesday afternoon. Rev. H. Blom officiating The choir consisting of I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Angier. Miss Moon, I Mrs. Young. Miss Fellows and L. N. j Smith, and Mrs. Starr organist, aided greatly in the services, singing sever- j al very appropriate hymns, among them "Reckoning Hands" and 'God be With You-till » e Meet Again", the favorite hymns of deceased. In terment was made in Evergreen cemetery. Walter C. Currey Walter G. Currey was born in Hamilton county, Ontario. Canada. : Oct. 2T>. 1<52. died Jan. 13. 1911. aged 79 years. 2 months and 19 days. l»e ceasOa removed from his hirtliplace ! to Olmstead county. Minnesota, in 1S.M. then in lss2 to Sherman county, taking land in this and Custer coun ties. hi> death occurring a: h.> home in the latter county. Mr. Currey! was united in wedlock in 1863, in Minnesota, to Mary J. Murray , whose death occurred some years ago. To this union were born four sons and three daughters. P. L. Currey of! Sherman county, M. S. Currey of Me- ! Plierson county. W. H. Currey. Clark. Neb.. J. T. Currey, Los Angeles, Cal., j Mrs. John Mulvany. of Georgetown. Neb.. Mrs. W. P. McDonald of Lodi. Neb., and Mrs Walter Coats. Almeria. Neb. The funeral was held Sundav. Jan. loth, from the home. Rev. H. W. Havcroft officiating, and inter ment taking place at Lone Elm cemetery. The relatives present at the last sad rites were P. L. Currey and wife. W. H. Currey, Walter Coats and wife. J. H Mulvaney and wrife. Mrs. Anna Peters Mrs. Anna Peters, an old resident of Loup City, died at her home last Friday morning. Jan 13. 1911, aged 82 years, 11 months and 5 days. Mrs Peters was born in Holstein. Ger many. Feb. s. 1927. coming to Ameri-i ca in the year 1888. She lived for a short time in Davenport, Iowa, and at Arthur. Ills., coming to Loup City in 1889. where she has since resided. She was i he mother of six children— ; two daughters still in the old coun try. a daughter in Grand Is’tnd. and j Mrs. J. 11. Froehlioh of this city, a ' son in l*\enport. Iowa, and one in Sherburn. Minn. CARD OF thanks: We herewith tender our hearty j thanks to our friends and neighbors j for their kindness and assistance show n through the illness and death of our mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Froehlicli and Family. German Evangelical Chnrch Next Sunday. Jan. 22nd. there will be services at Loup City at 10:30 a. m. also installation of our elected trus tees. Jan. 21st. lesson in German at Loup City at 10 a. m. P. .fueling. Pastor. 10 Days Free Trial la Tow Own Horn* “Simplex” Hand Vacuum Cleaner "The Cleaner That Cleans Clean" We want to sup ply or.e lady in erety .neighborhood with a "Saapitx" Vacuum Cleaner, lor adrer .ising purposes. I Vritr' today for he most liberal of et -rer made. -"he "Simplex” guaranteed to do s g< od work as -li» trie machines ost ig <100.00 and | .\e.. 1; is light in J weight t only 110 lbs f 9 runs extiemely easv 9 and can be operated * terlectiy and easily by one person. With ordinary , tare the "Simplex1, will last a lifetime. xS Dealers and A«ente Wanted to sell both our hand and electric machines. Electric Cleaner Co. M Jack*** *» CHICAf-o. IU. If I Nothing Harmful in Baby Cough Syrup You must be particular—ex acting. w hen choosing a remedy tor Baby's cough. There are so many remedies containing habit forming drugs that baby's health " ill be greatly impaired unless you know abso lutely jest what tiie remedy con tains and tiie action if tacli in gredien.. so y ,>u can l e sure it is liarn less. AVAL'S Baby Cough Syrup s »©*d by us on a positive guaranty — wt* knoA ilu* ci ntents and i n* action and Know that it wili do a> represented. It breaks up a cough in short order, protects t lie roe mb nines of the throat against irritation and infection, rids the throat of injurious dei*osits. and prevents further accumulations. Contains no habit-forming drugs a: dean be given with perfect safety—baby will like it. too. Twenty-five cents the bottle • Whatever a good drug store ought to i.au and many tilings other drug stores d.-n't keep— you'll tind here. Come to us first. Swanson & Lofholm Pharmacy Clothing Well Bought Is Half Sold My line for fail is now in. Don't forget to look my line over. I can save you money by buying at the right place—of LORENTZ W|LD ROSE Polapd Ghipas 1 have a few choice males ready for service; lenethy. hie-boned fellows; money-makers at farmers' prices. Also. Sis Shorthorn Bulls, sis toI eieht months old. L. N Smith. KflH2 ^I ilk II jHHI g But we don't carry it very long at a time because it seems to us that nearly everybody wants our ASH GROYe brand of cement and the famous PEERLESS lime. It Makes Us Hustle to keep a sufficient supply on hand to meet the srreat demand there is for these necessarv materials and it is not just because people like us. either. There's another reason. Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Roek ; ville, Schaupps and Arcadia. Neb. Signify Your Affection by pivinp pood jewelry if you pive any. Have the rinp. the bracelet, the locket you pive today of such a quality that its beauty will never vanish, its attractiveness never be lacking. Engagement, Anniver sary and Birth day Gifts should be selected here on account of the beauty aud permanent value i of our ollerinps. H. M. ELSNER I The Reliable Jeweler One of the things which has popularized this Bank is the friendly atmospherse patrons always find here. We don't believe in trying to make people think we are doing them a tavor when we attend to their wants, however small or great You are doing us a good turn when you bring business of any nature to this bank. We appreci ate it, and want you to always feel at home here, and find it a pleasure to come. Don't stay away because your transaction is a small one. It's the sum of small things that makes this bank great LOUP Cin STATE UK Capital and Surplus, $42,500 Officers and Directsrs: J. S. Pedler, President John W. Long, Vice Pres. C. C. Carlson, Cashier W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetland - E. C. TaylorSamuel Daddow Extended to Feb. 1st CONHISER’s CLEARING SALE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO CLOSE Wednesday, Feb. 1st BUY LAND ON THE BURLINGTON IN THE BIG HORN BASIN,WYOMING The census ripures tell the story. Population now more than 13.000 as apainst 4.000 population last census and this pain practically all in five years. Make Money On Land Five years apo these lands were sellinp at $13.00 to $20.00 per acre. The same lands with improvements, are now sellinp as hiph as $00 to $80. You can homestead just as pood lands today, just as close to the railroad or buy just as pood raw lands at $43.00 to $00.00>nd make as much money as those who invested then. GET IN ON THE GROt'ND FLOOR before the completion of the new line to the Northwest, where you can locate close to new prcwinp towns that will help to make your land valuable. Write me and let me tell you all about this rich, new irripated country. D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, Landseekers Information Bureau 1004 F&rnaui Street, Omaha, Neb. NOTICE THE Salisbury-Saterlee Iron Bed Clamp made of malleably iron, guaranteed by the manufacturers not to break. We carry a full line of these beds in in stock and would be pleased to see all prospective buyers. Call and look over them. This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds. Come in and see our complete line of FURNITURE Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi, Before you place vour orders. We can aave you money on everything in our fine. H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 2BC« No trouble to figure your bills and sho^v our stock LEIN1N6ER LUMBER. GO., Loud Gitv t.eb, __ . .~ -t-firimitr'-riiii' ir