The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 19, 1911, Image 4
Professions Cards1, AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup Citv, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOOP CITY. NEBRASKA j R. J. NIGHTINGALE busier*i-Ui LOUP CITY. NEB R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska oTeTlonga c re PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tkoM 39 <MBv* mt Residence Two Doom Ea»: 4 Telepb Loop City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence. Telephone (’onnection ROBERT P. STARR :s>acoea*or to M fl Mead) Bonded Abstracter Lore Citt. - Nebraska. Only »et of Abstract books id count} S. A. ALLEN. DK.YTIST, LOl'P CITT, - - XEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bask building. wTl. marcy. DEXTI8T, LOUP CITY. NEB OFFICE: East Side Public 9-juaie. Phone. 10 on 36 DR. J. R. GREGG YETERINARY SURGEON 1 hare located in Loup City, with the intention of practicing Veterina ry Medicine, surge ry and Dentistry. All calls prompt.. attended to day or nlgbt Office at Round Front Barn DJI FISTULA I r ues p.y WH«,Cor*d I AD Rectal Diseases cured with- r set a snryicai operation. No I Abrofona, ether or other gen- | oral anesthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last LIFE TIME. Examination Free. RUPTURE CURED | without an operation. | Pay when Cured. F DR. RICH SPECIALIST I [•pig *W | VgtJ Wm?| 1 he Labor of taking to BUii ti res reduced if you use the right kind of Flour, and if the ques- i Mon. "What U the best Flour?” was! put »o stnoog the takers and i hoo* k •• "M* -art of the i e-* u -p!y would be White Satin Tou would rot* for it if you were used to it. Isn't it worth giving a (rial? Loup City Mills rHE NORTHWESTERN EKMS —«I Otl PER TEAR. IP PAID IR ADTARC1 Entered at ibe Loup City HostoUce for trank mission tbrouen the malls as second class matter Office Phone, - 6 on 21 Residence, - - 3 on 21 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub Need New Court House In another column of this issue will be seen the advertisement for aids for the erection of a two-story tddition to our “magnificent" court Pouse. The Northwestern wishes to at once raise a howl against any ex pense of a "lean-to” attached to the linky structure of an excuse, grac iously termed a court house. To add to the unsightly disgrace, would he to prolong indefinitely the life of the present building, which is an unsafe and dangerous place for the records pf the county, as it is generally con reded the vaults are not fireproof and the burning of the old rookery would mean the destruction of all records and place the burden of endless liti gation on tlie real estate of the coun ty. The people of Sherman county ran not afford to allow of this and a protest from every taxpayer in the rounty should be registered against the prooosed addition to tlie present court iiouse. Custer county last week by a hand* some majority voted bonds for a new court bouse. The Methodist church at North Loup was destroyed by tire last week Thursday night. A friend of ours came in the other day with what he thought was a good conundrum. “Why is the newspaper like a woman?" The various answers were given—Because it has to have some one to run it. Because it has to be known to l>e appreciated. Be cause it changes its dress. The cor rect answer is “Because every man should have one of his own. and not be running after his neighbor's."—Ex Along R. R. No. 2. Miss Lula Brodock had a siege of earache last week. E. J. Pugsley's l>aby has been quite sick the past week. All the Daily News missed getting here for delivery Tuesday. The 80-horse power engine for the mill is expected here this week. One of the walls of the engine room at the mill caved in last week. Miss Bernice Casteel has been a sufferer from tonsilitis. but is better at this w riting. Carrier received a car of sawdust from Minneapolis. Minn., to pack the walls of his ice house. Mrs. Joe Smalley is at home again, after visiting a couple of weeks with her mother in town. The household goods of Mr. John Callaway, brother of S. E. Gal la way. have arrived from Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Nora Henderson lias been quite ill the past week, so there has been no school in the Bichel district. Brodock Bros, put up ice last week, also W. O. Brown and Geo. Me Fad den. They got the ice at J. W. Con ger's lake. Ed Flynn is sporting a new spring wagon these days. The girl reported at his house is a boy. Our mistake and your treat, Ed. J. J. Haller started to town with a load of corn last week, and going up liill it got tiie best of things and backed down until it ran into a fence and ditch. Henry Goodwin was hauling straw in the hills several weeks ago, when tiie wagon slid over a bank, upsetting the load. No one hurt, but he had to load the straw again. Gus Younglund and family are patrons on Route 2, having moved into Ed Kilpatrick's new house. He i« the tirst patron on tiie route to paint his box the regulation color. Chas. Snyder has rented a house in Ravenna for tiie coming year, and will in a few days move there. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder are among tiie early settlers of Sherman county and their many friends will wish them good luck in their new location. While Alfred Jorgenson was on his way home some time ago. one of his buggy wheels struck a deep by road across Chas. Snyder's pasture, throw ing him out of tiie buggy and strain ing his back. He was laid up for -o ne time, but is all right now. Much stock was lost during the storm of two weeks ago. Among tiie losers were: F. G. Casteel 2 hogs, E. F. Bell 4 hogs, Roy Conger 2 hogs. Mr. Gross 10 hogs. J. J. Haller 21 hogs. Henry Kuhl 20 or more, Mr. Duncan 35 or 40 hogs, Hugh Cash one calf, also many lost chickens. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawk helped make the carrier's New Year happy by giving them a box containing cabbage, pumpkins, celery, peaches, cranberries and a chicken, and what was best of all—a picture of them selves and little daughter. Ed Flynn gave a tine chicken. E. E. Bell. Henry i Kuhl and Alfred Jorgenson each ■ gave a sack of oats. To the road overseers In the dif-1 ferent townships: The road south i and west of W. O. Brown's shows | what can be done with a road grader I on the roads. These pieces of road 1 have been good all winter, also the ne from tiie mill to the C. P. tracks. The high center allows the water to tilow along the sides, instead of through tiie center. The items from our Austin corres pondent were received too late for publication this week. Supervisors’ Proceedings LoupJCitv. Nebr., January 10,1911 —County Board met in regular ses sion at court house, all members present: R. P. Starr,county attorney, and W. C. Dieterichs. clerk. Board organized for the year by electing J. I. Depew chairman. Min utes of last meeting read and on motion approved. There being a controversy in re gard to payment of road damages, the opinion of the attorney general was read, which upheld tiie action taken by the board heretofore. Opinion of County Attorney Starr was read in regard to appointing Clerk of District Court, which bekl the view that the board must ap point sucli clerk, whereupon Louis llein was on motion appointed Clerk of District Court, and his bond fixed at $5000. Sealed bids for county printing then opened by chairman.' After ex amining bids, the contract was on motion awarded to C. F. Beushausen for legal blanks, letter heads, en velopes, printing of court dockets and supervisors* proceedings, while print ing of legal notices, delinquent tax list, election ballots and treasurer's statement were awarded to J. W. Burleigh. The bid of the Midwest Printing Co., was rejected and clerk instruct ed to buy sucli supplies as offered in said bid in the open markat. Chairman is on motion instructed to approve bonds when the board is nut in session. Chairman appointed the following committees: Claims—Jensen, Wolfe. Brown. Bridge—Brown. Weltv. Waskowiak. ltoads—Aden. Jensen. Wolfe. Finance—Aden. Waskowiak. Welty. On motion the road committee in structed to view the tilling of the wash on SE. Sec. 35-14-14 and report at next meeting. At request of county clerk lie was on motion allowed a deputy at a salary of $850‘per annum, assistants at $45 per month and $400 per year ■for clerking for the county board. Bonds of J. W. Burleigh and C. F. Beushausen were on motion approved Adjourned to 9 o'clock tomorrow. W. C. Dieterichs. County Clerk. Request of State Superintendent! of Public Instruction read, but noj action tyken id regard to it. The official bond of Louis Rein was; on motion approved. On motion the expenses of county j for the coming year were estimated as follows: Emergency Bridge Fund.. .$ 3,000.00 Bridge Fund. 12,000.00 Road Fund. 1,000.00 General Fund . 18.000.0iV Interest bond & sinking fund 12,000.00 Total.$46,000.00 On motion clerk is instructed to countermand the order of the State Journal Co. for one dozen Statutes. On motion chairman appointed the following building committee. J. H. Welt.v and W. O. Brown, and they appointed J. I. Depew on said com mittee. Hiyo Aden then moved and was seconded that a two-story addi tion to the north side of the court house be built, made necessary bv the appointment of a clerk of district court and for the accommodation of the county officials scattered over town in rented quarters, and that the building committee advertise for bids for the erection of said addition, said bids to be filed on or before noon of the 15th day of February. Carried. Claims committee reported having allowed all claims except when taken for taxes, and the clerk is instructed to issue warrants for same on the respective funds: GENERAL FUND: Klopp & Bartlett #10.00. C. F. Beus hausen 232.30. J. H. Weltv 7.50, J. I. Depew 6.00. Geo. W. Wolfe 7.40. J. W. Burleigh 36.00, E. A. Smith 8.90, A. Waskowiak 7.20. W. O. Brown 6.20, Hiyo Aden 7.90, Tom Jensen 7.70. ROAD FUND J. W. Burleigh #5.00. On motion board adjourned to Feb. 21.1911. W. C. DiETERicns. County Clerk. A Hoi Offer The Lincoln Daily News will be mailed from now until April 1st for only 25 cents, giving you all of the legislative news right straight from the capital city. A bigger offer vet is a combination of the Lincoln Daily News, Weekly Independent Farmer and Monthly Poultry Topics, all three mailed to one or seperate addresses from now until April 1, 1912, for only #2.25—not much more than half price. A splendid big family dailv news paper. ciean as a whistle and bright and snappy: a sixteen-page weekly farm and home magazine. |nd a monthly poultry paper full of practi cal talk about chieken raising. Read ing for ali members of the family and you save the money by buying all three of them at once.' Address The Daily News, Lincoln, Neb. Notice to Building Contractors Vou will please take notice that sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk of Sherman county, at his ofllre in the court house in Loup City. Nebraska, anv time prior I and including the hour of 12 o'clock noon on the. 21st day of February A. D. 1911, for the proposed construction of a brick or cement addition to the Sherman county court house the dimensions for said-addition to be 16x36ft. and 12 itch wall. 2 inch air space, and two stories high. Plans and specifications are on Ole in the office of the aforesaid County Clerk of said county, and subject to examination by bidders. The County Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 17th day of January. 1911. W. C. Diktkrichs. County Clerk. ;Last pub. Feb. 16) Order of Hearing and Notice ot pronate ot Will In the County Court of Sherman County. Ne braska. State of Nebraska. ) w County of Sherman t To the heirs and next of kin and to all per sons interested in the estate of Stanislav Lubas, deceased: On reading the petition of Jozafia Lubas praving tbat the Instrument bled in this court on the 17th day of January. 1911. and purport ing to be the last vill and testament of the said decesssd. may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of'Stanislav Lubas, deceased: tbat said in strument be admitted to probate, and the ad ministration of said estate be granted to some competent and suitable person, as executor. It is hereby ordered tbat you. and ail 'persons interested in said matter, may. and do. appear at the county court to be held in and for said county, on tbe lftth day of February. A. D. 1911. at 2 o'clock p. m\, to show cause, if any there be. why tbe prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted, and tbat notice of tbe pendency of said petition and that the bearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this lath day of Januarr. 1911. I seal] E. A. Sm h. County Judge. (Last pub. Feb. 2 ) SHERIFF’S SALE. Notice Is hereby given tbat by virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a uecree of foreclosure rendered in said court on the 29th day of November. 1910. wherein The Keystone Lumber Company was plaintiff and Stella Werner, widow of Frederick Werner deceased, insane: Charles Werner. Tony Wer ner, Clara Werner and Amelia Werner, 'minor heirs of Frederick Werner, deceased. Mike Kiiuiek. administrator of the estate of Fred erick Werner, deceased: Frank Pokorskt guardian of the estates of said minors: J tseph S. 1‘edler and CarlC. Carisen were defendants - 1 have levied upon the following described reai estate, to-wit: The northwest quarter of sec tion thirteen (13) in township fff esn (|ft) north ol range fourteen (14) west ol the *lth P. M. in Sherman county. Nebraska, ani I will, on the 21«t dav of February. 1911. at two o'clock p m.. ol said day. at the south door or the court house, in Loup City. Sherman county. Nebras ka. offer for sale and sell said above described real estate at public auction to the highest b dder for cash to satisfy the amounts of 640ft. 10 and *’. 19. io and 661.75. due the cross-petitioner. Joseph S. Pedler. and the amount of $561.15 due the plaintiff, with interest at ten per cent from the 29th day of November. 1910 and costs of: he above action, taxed at (19 70. and accru ing costs. which amount was adjudged to be due to the nlsintlff above named from the de fends:: s above named, and to be a lien upon the above described premises. Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 18th day of January. 1911. L. A Williams. Sheriff of Sherman conntv. Nebraska. R. J. NightMcalm. Attorney for Plaintiff. (Last pah. Feb 16) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TII E Firs: National Bank OF LOUP CITY CHARTER NO. 7277. INCORPORATED At LoupCuy in the Stain of Nebraska, at the close of business January 7. 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.*175.526 88 , Overdrafts secured slid unsecured 8.Ss3 7| U. S. bonds to secure circulation. 7.IMI UO I Bonds, securities, etc . 409 57 . Banking house,furniture, ttxtnros. 11.066 09 Due trorn approved reserve agents_ 9 6u5 21 : l hecks and other cash items . 1.734 14 Notes of other National Banks. 90 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. 144 38 Lawful money reserve in bank, via: — Specie.t 6.907 50 Legal tender uotcs. 2.020 00—10.927 50 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation). Xw 1)0 Total.1225.737 98 LIABILITIES, Capital stock latul in. (35.MV.tki Surplus fund. 12 500 Ml Undivided profits, less expeuses and taxes paid. 278 I# National Hank notes outstanding. 7.0UU Ml Due to state and private banks and bankers. 560 93 Individual depoaiis subject to Check. 91.231 95 Demand certificates of tlrpsit_ 79.146 91 Bills pavaole. Including certificates of deposit for money borrowed_ ld.ivw 00 Total. .*225,737 98 Stale or Nebraska, f . County ol Sherman. \ l, L. Hanses, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know ledge and belief L. HaSskn. Cashier. CORRECT—ATTE8T: A. B. Outhouse. Director. Ika E. Wuxiams. Director. K. J. Nightingale. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January. 1911. W. J. Fisher. ' (SEAL i Notary Public, i My commission expires Jan. 10. 1912 In the County Court of Sherman County Ne- | brnska. In the matter of the estate of Amrnun Olson. ! deceased. Notice of hearing on petition for widow s1 allowance and assignment of personal property to her. State of Nebraska, i vss. Sherman County. I To all persons interested in the estate of Amman Olson, deceased You are hereby notified that on the Slst day ' of December. 1910. Ouhnel Olson tiled her petitiou in the county court of said county j for her allowance as widow of Amrnun Olsor. | deceased and for the assignment to her of personal properly and that the same will be heard at the county court room in Loup City. Nebraska on the 2tth day or January. 1911 at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon. It is further ordered that notice of said healing be : given bv publication for three successive weeks prior to the day of bearing in the Loup I City Northwestern a newspaper published and of general circulation in said county. Dated this 31st day of December. 1910. [seal] K. a. Smith, County Judge. (Lust pub. Jan 19) SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the District Court of Sherman count*. Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court on the SOth day of September. 1910. wherein Louis Rein was plaintiff, and William C. Newman and others were defendants: I hare levied upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The south half of the north west quarter of Section 35. in Township IS north. Range 13. west of the 6th principal meridian, situated in said Sherman county and State of Nebraska, and I will on the 'Jtith day of February. 19U. at 2 o clock p. m. of said day. at the south door of the court house, in Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska, offer for sale and sell said above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy I he amount of $33 16 with interest at 7 per cent from the 20th day of September. 1910. and costs of the above action, and accru ng costa, which amount was ad judged to be due to the plaintiff above named from the defendants. William C. Newman, ct al. above named, and to b* a lien upon the above described premises. Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 17th day of January. 1911 L. A Williams. Sheriff of Sherman county. Nebraska R'iRKKT P. Stark. Attorney. (Last pub. Feb.' 16) ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska, i i **• Shermau County » State of Nebraska In County Court within and for Sherman coun ty. Nebraska. December Slat, 1910. In the matter of the estate of Mary Bander deceased. To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Loup Citv. in said county on the 29th day of July. 1911. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to receive and ex amine all Claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is ihe 29th day of July. A. D. 1911. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 29th dav of July. 1911 Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court this 31st day of December 1910 Iskal] K. A. SmiH County Judge. lLast pnb. Jan 261 ————^——— Poland China Boars for Sale. I have a few good Poland China Hoars of the big type for sale, from sows like Ora Wonder (130353), which 1 purchased at the Ed Andrews' dis persion sale last, winter, bred to Longwonder No. 131797a—54267. a 900-pound boar, and from Lady E.. No. 136601. The sire of these pigs is Nebraska King 49336). The rest are sired bv Grand Look 56737). M*. A GILBERT. A BARGAIN Barrels to Pickle Pork in, t Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens. Pickles in Bulk Olives in Bulk. A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens. % _ Lee Brothers. PUBLIC SALE Having sold my farm in Logan township, 6 miles northwest of Loup City, on Sec. 14-16-15, known as the old Jacob Albers place, I will sell at Public Auction, on Wednesday, Jan. 25th Commencing at 10 o’clock a. ra., sharp 20 Horses apd |Vlules 20 11 Eleven Head of Cattle 11 4 four Read of F)ogs 4 One a Thoroughbred Poland China Boar Pig 7 Seven Dozen Plymouth Rock Chickens 7 Farpi jVlachipery apd Household Goods FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE: Ten Months' Time and In terest at 10 per cent on all sums over $10. Under $10 Cash. M. R. and 0. W. Youngquest, cc carIaJn!cie*KCtioneers' Owners. - - —For Particulars, See Big Bills—_ . KMC, snowing *”* ■ •«>»■ and bow to grow it. Exhibits alligation and dry farming methods. Exhibits ■bowing bow to raias more corn—wheat 1 OM£-alfstfa aad potatoes. Good roads ex- i ****** lectures—bow to prevent hog choi- 1 ••nltoving pictures aad illustrated lectures ' —good music and dean entertainment. Ad ■lailoa Sfi cents. ^ Com to the Omaha Land Shoot .A.S iWE HAVE MOVED XXsT OTJX?. New Building Two Doors North of the First National Bank Call and See Us as We Have Steel and Patent Stoves and Ranges Light and Heavy Hardware rrdd Come and Get a Half Gallon Croo || 00 of National Light Oil Free J |oo Schultz & Si eke Is — — —•—— Now is the Time to Clean Up Your Barnyards and Stables- See our Manure Spreaders THE BEST ON THE MARKET Litchfield and Great Western For Sale at T. M. Reed’s In Every Home # where there are children, there ought to be a | i Columbia Graphophone And also in every home where there are no chil dren—only more so. See and hear this “BKT” model—the new tone-arm cylinder Graphophone. ' Compact, convenient No horn crane. No horn stand, j Horn swings in any direction. Plays bath 2-minute and 4 minute records. Complete outfits, with 6 j Columbia Indestructible Rec ords, your own selection— $37® On, Easy Terms Other outfits from $M to $SM | SWANSON & LOFHOLM What a Splendid Picture ’ ’" forerer.^1111 and be‘Uty m*ke' U 18 100 they ^nnot last We Like to Take Photographs \ of young people, and judging by the samples we have voun» like to have us do It. Osme and learn the reason you will decide to have us photograph yo“ °n Then Probably EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.