The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 19, 1911, Image 1

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    L< >up City Northwestern \
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events here and there
Ccmdsnssd ..into a Fe» Line* for tha
R»ruaa! of tr* 9imj Man—
Lot*** Ponacuai Infor
W'atsea voter* from 'he state* of 1
w asht**?-* Idaho firmiig ruh
•M Cbtundo mot u Tacoma is a ccm
Hsaot called by Governor Brady of
Bfoauaeat Harry A tla-fc’-id of WU
: *aa t crth-g*. accompanied by Mrs
‘..jorfie.E ha* '--ft us a souther* and
••alert trip Be a ill rlali at least
••**t| aowthevw and a eaters institj
He* Te Wang ’he first jeieaa Clsi- !
hear diplomat ever weeti is Ne» York.
)• 'there os bis »»y from Vienna to
Tokyo He «n.i visit several *«■*’-ru
The jA Bru Aiya tome of Dr FYsd
•tick A Cook has tem bold to a Xea
"hr - »’*•« *-V " -ai« asd aillj
shurilj be tors down to aakr room for 1
* ssoders *parta*eat house
The Imperial Order of Osughtms of
u* Empire in ’he l* sited h'atea. of
• kirk Mr* James Bryce, wile of the
British aan.ssssd jf. ts Loti- rary presi
lent at., -.f ee* p-aa* for ’he !>..:ldlag
•< a S'»ae tor ag*d Brl'ist a« and
•nmes 'ta this wastry
rbtrjgfc ’he fact has bees kept
•e-iat g is x-arse-d os the Ligbt-s;
sOthsBHy that -L* cxarlLr os Russia.
.* aga.n danger on sty til. all cosrt
!«!.«* being put off - r. that at oset.
Member* of Jae Na t hat CMe Wf
: atlas f*rat •Unj-lo.r state* me- :.n
Ne» York to discs** rompsssatios
for txaCicMsal acddesia. regulation of
rtrrpocatiess and industrial arbitra
te* Roosev-fe. MarVeagfc. Root.
artingje Cb—mis asd other promt
ta*: a.- a »n» * the fist of speak
era, *
•'Earles J Hughes. j-Si. r rsited
fitsMs seas’or from Colorado, died at
tie husw at I merer. after a ioag lU
ass* Death am* Sse ts a gaseral
Bet.jar :a H ''ramp, a former mem
ber of the < ramp RMphsttdl&c com
p«ar. died at a hospital ts i*tu:adel
; feia of gas paisomisg Kelaiiiss cay
h# a a* found ta 'he bathroom of his
r«aides~s with the ga* turned oc
Err eased a* the -lannad her trunk
a the N-» Y-vfc Central railroad sta
tjcm at Rochester. N T. Mr* Edith
Maiber. a Urtden Of :Srhe®ectady who
ears she » 3 years o*d. confessed,
accord** to the nolle- that in a
>nc; near ASbnny on Jar; nary « she
Cave her S ynroif mam ’i»orfe car
hot. arid, fro* the e5r~~* of vfcict!
he fed
The Fond d® Isar Wta • Cheese and
Bftar -omparv onpt'altxed for ft®
Mf. to# bran f'SCad u> the vail Tbe
BabsltUe® ot -he osapary total IX.
SI*. nfciie the tnr'J are I1I«.*1T
keabrar dts moat famous ; i<- _r*
The Mcfct Watch, mas badly dssax
-d try a dssrharprd naval "»* named
a^nst. oho entered the Rjjks Ha
e* at Rv’erdam and vith a knif«
fe'ibeca’ely slashed the masterpiece
RaUruad oasamanicatiae •fcrouch’nit
the nivlihi of Por~ucal Is practically
psrala aed as a result of the strike of
empic-yii mm Beet ujcal ss eat off by land
froa® the r»»i of Europe
Sin snflroad laborers were killed
and an o'her vas probably fatally in
ur»4 by ’be premature ei plosion of a
bias- '* the -irand Trunk Pacific ri*fct
at vay a* Piute Rupert. R C.
That the 1'cited Sta'e* army may
Aaee tbe curb-ua of a trained rorpt ot
tdsien. Ciena Curtiss has • ffered to
inatrarf a cumber of officers in the
•perm(tan of aeroplanes The var de
jmr*m~r' has a-ctyred the offer.
Althouch RMMRffiar traffic across
'fee Pacific fro— Americas and (ana
dint ports m nod been profi'able. 'be
eteamet-ip companies are piano®*: 1©
build larcer fa—*r and bet'er ships
for the service
five men am dead, two am prob
ably fatally Injured and over a score
asm nui* or lees serious}? hurt in
•fee wreck -if the Western express and
fee Hasten d !tuiraki special, both
west bound, an the New York Central,
at Hatavta X. Y
The baflesS.p Arkansas. 26.00“
as. the lirpw! ever built by the
1 rft«d Stales, was launched at Cam
d-fi. X S
Juba Teruune v- e pcvtdru' of the
-* Jcfes «Wash t State bank, com
•stood rsldd* by sbootinc He leaves
a widow and two eons
Oc—Issm—ers for the t'nlted
fit—os and Canada, who have been
n—bnn the fishery regulations
uats ... a decision The Cana
dian and Newfound la rid gormaaotmts
undertake le 'fiance tbe reculatioas
to re—eve ibe objections of tbe
: —cod States
Five per at— **t» killed aad
'w—re —Jwrwd la a (as explosion that
wrecked a weB filled five and ten
cent store — Conne*: wills. Pi The
fi e ’fiat tcllowed ron.pietetJy destroy
«J the ba-‘C.rx Clerks and custom
«v Wee- tuned -B the collapse of tbe
That the United States senate Is
ready to yield to the election of Its
members by direct rote of the people
became evident when the advocates
of the plan won on a test rote of 43
to IT. The matter arose in conn ev
en with the joint resolution for the
amendment of the constitution recent
ly re pored from the committee on
President Taft, in an address at
the banquet of the National Tariff
Commission association at Washing
ton openly indorsed the Longworth
bi!l characterizing it "as a concilia
tory measure embodying all the lm
portant features that are necessary
to make the tariff commission ef
fective." He had previously sum
moned the Republican members of
the w.-.yg and means committee to
•be White House, and urged them to
larmonize their differences
The gift of 1TOOTOOO to the "Moth
• i.urcfc of Christ. Scientist, de- |
< ssed in the will of Mrs. Vary G.
e- Eddy, may be null and void, j
ana 'be e«--a'e may go to her sorts
The residuary clause in the will is
not leg..!, the opinion of ex United
S «-e» Senator William E Chandler.
Hanm- Taylor, the professor of con
st::.' nal law at George Washing
*on unlver.-ity. and others
In an address before the annual
meeting of the National Civic federa
tion at New York city. Samuel Un
• •:• :-»-r ana t ed the government’s
attitude toward the trusts as a "mon
nous" According to him the
large and ■•vicious" corporations go
unmolested while "tne little fellows
:•*- being ptrsotd with a brass band
end • :.e er» ..tes’ press bureau ever
put in action."
Ano’her -“ battle between the
Mexii an revolutionists and the fed
en: forces has been fought just.
a> toss the border and the dead are
e ••. <d at more ’ban forty, accord
-e to advices received el San An
tonio. Tex
an Michels, a young cooper, is
-ead :r a Brooklyn hospital because
he was suddenly deprived of cigarettes
’or two days after he had been ad
tlc'ed ’o their use for fifteen years.
H* cad been In the habit of smoking
gb a day. he said
- h< - -tr 'Mings from Wellesley
-r* ns* half of ’he yc .ng women
.-* d*nt» 'here are c-fici nt in spelling
has aroused a sympathetic response
• n. A*. ;*r* Can. > e nd in an open
.-• »- he t»s’ens to congra'ulate the
ta sp-.-j.- rs on their independence.
P~o? S J Hunter of the University
Katjsss says the solution of the
gr=ssr 5 ;»e* problem is to disk the
vtaufa :■ Ids in 'he '•prieg. just after
■he frost has left he ground. This.
*• »*f‘ kills tie • kgs of the hoppers.
The Union I’aciflc Railroad company
equipped ita passenger trains on
•-be i -ah divis; >n with an armed guard
in : reparation toe attempted robbery
ft .owing The hold up of the Overland
Limited last week
n-tonic ; ague has caused
ieaths :n Harbin. Manchuria, within
2'’cen days, according to consular re
ports received by the state department
at Waehlngtan.
Hubert Latham, the young French
ana'or. tad a remarkable escape from
death on the San Francisco aviation
held In bi6 second flight he encoun
•erec adverse winds that forced him
suddenly »o the groar.d He crashed
tc*o a tence wrecking tis monoplane
Senator David W Hoistlaw was
d' ;-ped from ihe Illinois senate by |
Lie tvnant Governor Ogl-sby, acting
o® a ' cmmunlcati >n from Governor!
Deneen The communication and the
rullag of the chair ’hat the Ivtka bank-1
er is no longer a member of the sen
ate ior “railed ’he report of the com
mtttee investigating ;he reports of
br ta»ry in <i-cne- • a with Senator,
I-orimer's election
The most powerful argument ever
■ tr rted io ’he Vnl’ed States senate1
udv-jca’ing the election of senators by
direct vote of the people is found in
’he report writ’en by Senator Borah
■n te-helf of the Judiciary committee
when he favorably reported the joint
r--s lution providing for the submis
rion of a onstitutiunal amendment to
the various states.
Louis D Brandeis of Boston, appear
:r.g for the shippers against the rail
roads in the northern part of the
cour.’ry. told ’he interstate commerce
commission at Washington that if the
railroads would stop their wasteful
eipendi’-i-es they could save H6U.000.
'“»« a year, and would not need to ad
ance their fr igh, rates, as they ask,
and whi h will bting them only 127,
a year
A fire which will probably exceed
n .<*<0.000 is the value of the property
damaged totally destroyed the Ciu
innati Chamber of Commerce build
Almost 94 per cent, of the increase
in population of Illinois the last ten
years mas contributed by the muni
cipalities having a population in ex
•ess of 5.000. they having increased
almost TtfhO tO. > i mpareu with the
state's total of S17.041.
The senate parsed a bill intrcc. tcei
m December by Senator Ccllom of Illi
nois. providing for the erection cf a
mar- fl -ent memorial or mcntimeut tc
A bra 1: an Lincoln a» a cost not to ex
feed $2.0* •‘(/•oo The memorial wii’
be erected at Washington.
In a scathing review of the testi
mony taken by the senate committee
on privileges and election in the case
of William Lorimer of Illinois, who is
| charged with having obtained his seat
In the United States senate by cor
rupt practices. Senator Crawford of
South Dakota pledged himself to vote
to unseat Lorimer on the ground that
his election vras illegal and void.
Tbe New York Slate Jersey Cattle
Breeders' association will give four
pairs of Jersey heifers and bulls to
tbe four boys who attend the next
state fair and write the best descrip
I tire eaaays on their visits.
What it Going on Here and There
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity,
Lincoln—The second annual meet
ing of the Nebraska association of fair
managers will be held here, January
IT. The opening session will be held
at the Commercial club rooms at 6:30
p. m. .the program to be preceded by
a banquet. with G. W. Hervey of
Omaha toastmaster. The program is
as follows:
‘'Publicity." James E. Ryan. Indian
o'.a; "The Circuit.” H. P. Wilson. Ge
neva; “Concessions," L. II. Cheney.
Stockville; "The Stock Show." E. E.
Youngs. Lexington; "Our County
Fair," Jos. Pigmam Broken Bow;
"Fre** Attractions." George Jackson.
Commemorate Founding of Church.
Surprise.—The Baptists of this place
held a dinner to commemorate the
founding of the church here twenty
eight years ago. The dinner was
v:>en at the home of Rev. Francis N. j
Brown and fifty members were pres- |
ent. Two of the charter members.
Mrs. C. E. Bentley of Lincoln and
1 Mrs. Wilbur I.udden of Surprise, were
present. The o:her five are dead. The
church was organized on the C. E. '
Rentlej farm seven miles south of'
' town in August. 18SP.
Record Price for Ranch.
Fairuurv—Probably the largest sum '
; ever ; aid for one pic< e of land in Jef
, fereon county was received by Isaac
Bonham when he sold a 1.000-acre
ranch near Reynolds, southwest of
Fairbury. for $36,000. Gustave Prie
fert. a farmer living near Reynolds,
pun hase.i the tract.
Worst fetorm in Years.
Aurora—The great storm of Sunday
and Monday is declared by the old
, residents of this county to have been
the most severe in years. The
coldness of the atmosphere combined
with the high rate of velocity cf the ,
wind made a combination hard to com
Nebraska Pioneer Dies.
Portsmouth—Francis S. White, who
for the pas: fifty-three years has re
sided in this city, is dead at his resi
dent e here of pneumonia, after being
sick hut a few days.
Suicide of Mayor’s Son.
Osmond—Charles J. Billerback. son
of the mayor of this place, ended his
' life here Friday. The bullet entered
his temple. He was despondent over
ill health.
- 6 ' )
' Adams suffered a disastrous fire
The City hotel, one of Fremont's
old landmarks, was burned Tuesday,
j Omaha claims to have the largest
j savings and loan association in the
' Fairbury is still discussing plans for
the organization cf a juvenile brass
Broken Bow has pledged $75,000 for
the establishment of a j>ackiEg house
at that place.
The first patron of the piostal sav
ings bank at Nebraska City was the
janitor of tfce building.
1 Cornelius Madden, a bachelor sixty
years old. was found dead in his bed
near Kearney by a neighbor.
Fruit men around Norton are puz
i ling in smudge pots lo be used in case
of late frosts the coming spring.
Will Maupin was elected president
j of the State Federation of Labor at
its session just closed at Havelock.
The Cudahy Packing company of
Omaha are developing the silica beds
at Ingham recently acquired by thorn.
Kdgar S. Dudley, a former com
mandant of the state university ca
! dets. is dead at his heme at Johns
town. X. J.
Walter Xioore. a state farm student
, at Lincoln, had the end of his nose
■ bitten off by an angry stallion he was
! caring for.
Rev. Janies Gearhart, a well knov-a
Xlethodis* minister, died at his heme
1 in University Place, the result of a
stroke of apoplexy.
Xirs. Ucra Rhodes of Glenover died
Xlcnday from the effects of a dose of
j paris gr een, tai e" with suicidal intent.
Her husband kil’ed himself six months
I ago.
W. B. Xicek. a railroad man. was
j run down by a street car at Lincoln
| Tuesday, receiving injuries frem which
he died in a hospital later.
Lincoln offices of the Union and telegraph companies are ar
ranging to deliver messages by tele
phone instead of by messenger ser
' vice as heretofore.
While a party of young folks were
enjoying themselves at a dance near
Filley some thief took advantage of
the opportunity and stole about a
dozen lap robes and horse blankets
from the rigs. The goods stolen were
worth about $150.
Miss Clara Kohiff, a 15-year-old
Omaha girl, lost an envelope contain
ing over $2,100 on her way to a bank
when she went to deposit it.
The new Burlington station at Peru
will soon be ready for occupancy. The
foreman says it is the best building
between Lincoln and St. Joseph.
Joe McGraw, once a prominent Lin
coln politician, and formerly adjutant
at the Grand Island soldiers’ home,
dropped dead at his heme in Lincoln
Rev. Lewis Gregory, for twenty-five
years pastor of the First Congrega
tional church, and since 1900 presi
dent of the American Savings bank
of Lincoln, died Friday of apoplexy.
Mayor Burrell has formulated plans
whereby the city of Fremont may en
ter the business of heating business
blocks, bringing the city an approxi
mate income of $60,000 at an outlay of
about one-twelfth of the gross income.
Work on the new Stromsburg high
school building has been suspended for
the winter, as good work cannot be
done during the cold weather. The
work has reached the second story
and will be pushed to a finish as soor
as the weather will permit.
Seven fires within five days is the ,
record for the Fremont tire depart- j
ment. and the volunteers are pretty •
well worn out with the w ork and !
worry incident to keeping on edge fo: I
further alarms. Four were still alarms •
and damages in none of them amount
ed to much.
Fremont firemen have decided that
they will engage a special Pullman
car to carry them to the annual con
vention of the state association of fire
men, which is to be heid at Alliance.
January IT to 19. The car will be
decorated with banners bearing the
inscription "Fremont Fire Depart- ;
ment" and “Fremont Lobster Club. {
No. 1." the latter being the title of a
new order of municipal boosters or
ganized by ex-Mavor George Wolz.
_. i
Labor Commissioner Will Maupin
will deliver an address January IS be
fore the Nebraska state poultry asso
Fire Commissioner C. A. Randall re
ceived his official cv^trnL-sior from
Governor Aldrich on Monday forenoon
and at once took possession of the
office, succeeding A. V. Johnson. A
bond for $10,000 has been filed by the
new commissioner.
According to the usual custom, the
Lincoln Commercial club has sent hon
orary cards of membership to all mem
bers of the Nebraska legislature. The
cards entitle the legislators to all
privileges of the club, including tbose
of the cafe, billiard and reading rooms. '
and committee rooms. One hundred
and thirty-three lawmakers were hon
ored. i
The work of checking nearly $9,000.
000 of bonds and warrants held in the
state treasury vault as an investment
for state trust funds was completed
Saturday. Treasurer Waiter George
gave a receipt to the outgoing treas- ;
urer. Lawson G. Brian, for securities
amounting to $S.91L4S3.73. Last !
Thursday Treasurer George receipted
for $603,714.36 In cash, being the total .
amount of state funds in depository
backs and cash on hand.
Speaker Kuhl is wielding a gavel
made from wood cut from a tree on
Lookout mountain. The piece from
which the head of the gavel was
turned has a ballet imbedded in it.
This historic Instrument was loaned
by the State Historical society. A
movement is on foot to present the j
steaker with a gavel which will have
a sentimental interest connected with
the history of the state of Nebraska.
The source or character of historical
interest has no: been divulged.
One cf the first bills to be intro
duced in the legislature will be a
measure to appropriate $35,000 for the
extinction of hog cholera in Nebraska.
A considerable part of this sum. ac
cording to the purpose in view, will
be spent for the manufacture and dis
trunnion of serum. Tee erection ot a
building on the campus of the state
agricultural college for this specific
purpose and the employment of an ex
pert as superintendent of the serum
department are also contemplated.
The value of the newspaper train- ;
ing of Chief Clerk Henry C. Richmond
is shown in the provision which he
has arranged for facilitating the work
of the legislative correspondents. He
is having a platform constructed
above the private cloak room in bis
office, which will be reserved for the
exclusive use cf the press. The result
will be to avoid the confusion which
has been caused by newspaper repre
sentatives in his office and to make
their own work more easy by giving j
them a place to work free from the :
intrusion of outsiders.
The bond of State Treasurer-elect
VC. A. George has been approved and
filed at the executive office. The bond
is for $1,000,000. The principal surety
j is the National Fidelity and Casualty
company of Omaha.
Governor Shallenberger commuted
the life sentence of Charles Pumphrey
to seven years. Pumphrey was nine
teen years of age when he was con
victed of complicity in the murder of
a Chinaman named Ham Pak of Oma
ha. the crime having been committed
for purposes of robbery.
Knocked Out Completely in Three
Rounds While the Owner of the
Ram, With Loaded Gun. Looks On
in Utter Amazement.
Harrisburg, Pa.—"Whether or not
the bear that was an eyewitness of
the killing of another bear by Farmer
Peter Moreley’s big black ram went
off and some way carried the news
to bears in general, as Farmer More
ly firmly believes it did,” said Colonel
Parker of Cameron county, “so that
from that time until the death of the
ram not long ago no bear had ven
tured to trespass on the Morely farm.
“A monstrous big bear had been for
sometime devoting himself to thinning
out the Morely sheep flock, and after
he had killed three of ihe sheep the
hired man was detailed to stand
guard over the pasture, armed with a
double-barreled shotgun loaded heav
ily with buckshot and with orders to
give Rruln both barrels the Instant he
stuck his nose in among the sheep.
On the forenoon of the fourth day. the
confident guardian of the flock was
start’ed to see the bear scramble over
the stone wall only a few feet from
where he a as standing sentinel. Rruin
put forward such a ferocious front
that the hired man dropped the gun.
took the wait at one leap and ran with
news of the bear’s new invasion to
Farmer Morely.
“Farmer Morely hastened to the pas
ture lot. All the sheep had fled to a
far corner of the field, except the
big black ram.
“Without delay Farmer Morely
picked up the gun. and as he did so
he saw in the edge of the brush on
the outside of the field another bear
standing there as if taking note of
what might happen in ihe pasture be
fore he ventured to come over into it
himself and take a paw in collecting
some mutton. Neither bear was within
pood gunshot and Farmer Morely. dis
concerted a moment by the fact that
there were two bears to deal with,
started to draw closer.
“There being mutton more choice
than the black ram to be had in the
flock, the bear in the field paid no at
tention to him. but was passing on
by. him. Shuffling contemptuously
along, he got in range of the ram. and
just then the ram seems to have
made np his mind to resent that con
tempt as well as the Intrusion. Ta
king a jump forward, he leaped in the
air and hurled himself like a cata
pult against the bear.
“The jolt was so great and unex
pected that the bear went down before
it like a lump of lead The wind had
been so thoroughly knocked out of him
that he lay there almost long enough
to have taken the count, with the ram.
now mad all the way through, stand
ing ready to land again If he got the
Bout Between Ram and Bear.
chance. The bear scrambled to bis
i'eet by and by and gazed in wild sur
prise at the ram. Farmer Morely him
self had stopped in amazement, and
he saw that the bear at the edge of
the brush lot had risen on his hind
feet as if to get a better view of the
battle, and the farmer says that as
tonishment stuck out ail over him.
The bear in the pasture didn't have
time to figure out what had happened
to hint, for the black ram landed oh
him again, and down he went,
“The b-'ar in the bush now danced ,
about all excited. Farmer Morely said. ;
and the fanner hurried on again to ■
get in sure gunshot of the one the j
ram was pounding, but he needn't have
been anxious. The bear hadn't got all
.he way to his feet the second time
when the ram hit him again. This
time the blow fell square on the bear's
neck. The ram stood ready to give j
it jo him again when he got up, but I
he didn't get up. And he never did
get up. When Farmer Morely ar- j
rived he saw that the bear was dead. |
The black ram's last smash bad bro
ket his neck, killing the big intruder, j
doubtless instantly.
White Plains, N. Y.—Gilbert Ste
phens is under the care of physicians
at his home in Silver Lake Park, and
may be weeks in recovering from the
shock of a long battle with death in
quicksand recently. Stephens had
taken a short cut homeward and
stumbled into a depression which was
formerly the bed of a small lake. The
place is widely known as spotted with
dangerous quicksands and Stephens
found himself in the grip of one of
them. The more he struggled to get
out the deeper he went in. For two
hours he shouted for help, until finally
his voice was silenced by the mud.
which rose about his shoulders and
pressed on his lungs so that he could
barely breathe. The quicksand
reached his chin and was pulling him
slowly but surely to death by suffoca
tion. William Piscule. a town con
stable. who was out duck shooting,
saw him and went running to his res
cue. Piscule hurriedly picked up an
Trapped in Quicksand.
armful cf brush and several boards
from a fence, which he threw out on
top of the Quicksand. This gave him
a foothold and he reached down to
Stephens, tying the straps of his gun
bag beneath the helpless man's shoul
ders. Then, after a long struggle, he
dragged the prisoner out and laid him
down, exhausted.
Georgia Jokers Treat a Comrade to
an Experience Similar to That
of Jonah.
Young Harris. Ga.—Bart Brown of
Gum Log. recently emerged from the
unusual experience of being sewed up
six hours in a mule's carcass.
Brown and several companions were
wending their way homeward down
the country road. The "going" was
too heavy for Brown. He collapsed by
the roadside, near the carcass of “old
Humpback." a mule that had carried
the mail to and from Brasstown for
many years, but died several hours be
fore Brown and his companions came
Brown's companions stowed him
away clumsily in the mule's carcass,
stitching up the hide with strings so
the man inside coaid get air. The
sleeping man finally awoke and be
gan to scream. Several people pass
ing along the road beard the screams,
made sure that they came from the
body of an apparently dead mule, and
then ran for their lives. Finally two
men. braver than the rest, were at
tracted by Brown's cries, examined
the dead mule, cut the stitches and
pulled Brown, covered with blood, but
perfectly sober and badly frightened,
out. Brown at first threatened a court
suit, but finally compromised by
mounting the water wagon.
Men Doomed to Freeze.
Washington.—Men will freeze to
death on the equator millions of years
hence, according to Dr. Harvey W.
Wiiey. who forsook the subject of
germs in food, in addressing the Secu
lar league in Washington, and dis
cussed the question. "Is man ultimate
ly to starve or freeze?"
Doctor Wiley said he believed the
earth was slowly cooling, and that the
people of the distant future must
freeze, though he declared that for “a
million years, at least,” humanity
would not suffer from lack of food or
fuel. In the frigid days to come, ac
cording to Doctor Wiley, the winds
wii! serve as fuel.
Bulldog Beheads a Spaniel.
Logansport, Ind.—When a small toy
spaniel rushed into the street and at
tacked "jack." a brindle bulldog
owned by Alien Nelson, it looked as
if the toy dog had "lost his head.” A
moment later he had literally lost his
head, for Jack resented a nip on the
Sank by turning on his little assail
The little dog’s head was grabbed
by the bulldog and when the spaniel'
had been decapitated the bulldog ran
after his master s buggy, carrying th«
head as trophy.
A Caucus to Be Held This Week to
Name Committees and Transact
Other Business.
Washington.—Democratic members
of the house of representatives are
busily engaged in preparations foi
the party caucus to be held next
Thursday eight and which all demo
cratic representatives-elect are ex
pected to attend. In ac tual effect it
is intended to commit the democratic
majority of the next house to an or
ganization- to be perfected next win
It is expected that a committee on
ways and means, the body which
frames the tariff laws in their initial
stages, will be chosen; the method of
designing the personnel of the stand
ing committee will be determined and
a selection will be made tor speaker
of the house. The selection of Champ
Clark of Missouri, the present min
ority leader, seems a foregone conclu
sion. as more than a majority of the
democrats of the next house already
hafe pledged themselves to his elec
Nearly all of the democratic lead
ers favor the selection now of the
membership of the ways and means
committee, in order that there 'shall
be no delay in beginning work on the
tariff revision program to which the
democnus are pledged. The majori
ty of the committee intends to begin
work at once, although the republican
minority of the committee probably
will not be chosen until the new
house is organized next winter.
This delay will not be a handicap
to the democrats, however, as they in
tend to follow the custom of exelud- HUH
ing the minority from the committee
during the framing of a bill, just as
the republicans when they were the
majority excluded the democrats un
til their bill was ready to report.
The slate which seems to find favor
with most of the democratic leaders
gives the chairmanship of the ways
and means committee to Underwood
of Alalv.cia. and disposes of the re
maininc places as follows:
Peters of Massachusetts. Harrison
of New York. Palmer of Pennsylvania,
i Dixon of Indiana. James of Kentucky,
! Hammond of Minnesota. Hughes of
New Jersey. Shackelford of Missouri,
andall of Texas. Brantley of Georgia.
Kitchin of North Carolina. Hull of
Tennessee, and Rainey of Illinois.
The method of selecting committees
is not expected to be disposed of with
i out a contest, although the declara
j tion is freely made that two-thirds of
| the democrats of the next house favor
j the selection by caucus of a "commit
! tee on committees." Fitzgerald of
New York, the ranking member of the
committee cn appropriations, who
was appointed by Speaker Cannon to
his presnt place on the committee on
rules after beaking with his own par
ty. probably will introduce a resolu
tion providing for the continuation of
j the present method of having commit
| tees appointed by the speaker.
Niobrara Hotel Is also Burned to the
Niobrara. Neb.—Four persons were
killed and four injured in a gas ex
plosion which occurred here at 7:30
o'clock Sunday evening. Fire, which
resulted from an explosion, burned to
the ground the three-story frame ho
tel owned by Michael Kendall. The
explosion was caused by a leak in a
gas plant which was located in the
cellar of the hotel. Mr. Kendall no
ticed that gas was escaping and went
to the cellar to investigate and it is
supposed he struck a match and ig
nited the gas in the cellar. It is
tnought that all of the injured
will recover, though the injuries of
three are serious.
Nebraksa Wool Crop.
Boston.—According to the annual
census of sheep in the United States,
results of which are announced by
the National Association of Wool
Manufacturers, there are 42,000,000
ia the country of shearing age and
250,000 in the state of Nebraska. The
Nebraska clip last year was 1,625.000
pounds in fleeces, averaging six and
one-half pounds each. The shrinkage
averaged 60 per cent, which brought
the weight down to 650,000 pounds.
All Quiet in Portugal.
Washington.—George L. Lorrilard.
chareg d'affairs of the American lega
tion at Lisbon. Portugal, cabled the
state department that the railway
strike In that country had ended and
there appears no danger of further
Race Riot in Arkansas.
Hot Springs, Ark.—Meager reports
received from Benton. Ark., ^ay two
negroes are dead and a third fatally
injured as a result of a race riot
Kline Has New Job.
Washington—Charles A. Kline was
appointed assistant general pasenger
agent of the Southern railway, with
headquarters in Washington. Mr.
Kline was formerly chief clerk of the
passenger department and has been
with the Southern about fifteen years.