SENATORIAL MAP OF THE UNITED STATES BKl \v : .■ . ■ » and March the legislature* of the various states will be busy electing United States sena •no t - ; .. te the upper bouse of the sixty-second congress. Thirty-three senators are to be elected, and .1 ih-e - »- r:?eeti will be Republicans and sixteen Democrats, representing a gain of nine seats for the Ota, «tv a- l oc« seat for the Republicans The accompanying ntfep shows bow the states will be re pre setted to the- next Senate. LATEST IN SURGERY Lengthening o‘ Bones and Mend ing ot Veins. Mast Interest-ng of Advanced Meth ods Abc ies to Stimulating of Os seous Growth ArtificaMy by I meeting Formalin. \m Tor*. — L'nil "iay fee length •wrf by cumulating the growth of the lames and cut arteries repaired with etal ring- something in the manner adopted so Joniii* water mains, ac • writing lo met. oc* of the n« » surgery IncrilrC it. the current medical Jsanui* One of the most Interesting of the advanced method* applies to the ai.ixiulaikit. of osseous growth arti ficially by Injecting formalin. This is a solution of the gas formaldehyde •usd as a disinfectant and preserva tive. and the liquid has been em ployed not ©niy in it* pure state, but ■a the two per cent, solution. The eapertments which have been • xidacted so far by I>r. K O. Meisen web ate described by him in the •erul of Orthopedic Surgery, and Ox-re la an editorial upon them in the HadirsI Record of this city. Doctor M risen hart eondneied his expert ts -sts on the legs of rabbits, selecting '.vuaily the right tibia* and using the left as a •octroi or means ot com i.*nng results lie also availed himself ot mechan ical nuasi but the most satisfactory results acre obtained with - the formalin Injections It is said the in troduction of thu solution, which also has high antiseptic qualities, stimu lates the lerietiM of lime from tne ubrou* tissue which covers the • arf.Lage and thus buiids up the bone If this method should be applied to human t» irg* it might be of great •atae. and the medical authorities itiralv such an application of the dis covery is far frrm remote. It is heW tnat the formalin sthnu latloa may :*-rvt as a stepping stone 'm a new method of treatment in bone ves whi 1 have hitherto baffled the ^stU of surgeons i one * w hich have .-t :obors lumiiound fractures might tbua be m: ue to reunite, and limbs, which are abnormally ehorteued through the arrest of the growth of hone, as is so frequently the case In • Mldreti after attacks of infantile paralyses. could be lengthened Tba discovery might extend even to thu treatment of tuberculosis of the haw and to various diseases which a0sct the framework of the body. Then* are numerous cases where per se mim who have broken arms or legs ar« crippled permanently even with all the attention which skilled *urgery c»* give, aad were It possible to cre «te sew tone* at the places where it I* required many a limp would t v avoided Fbe oiudc m surgeon, there, ore. by tsaiag thou*. : may yet be able to add ••» the stature of man "be result* have been very encouraging, accord !■€ to the scientific reports, for some of 'he best of them were obtained by only one injection of the formalin. Joining erf the endt of a part i