The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 12, 1911, Image 5

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    Our Vaults Are
Absolutely Fireproof
A Safe Deposit Box of sufficient size to hold a
large number of notes, deeds, leases, abstracts,
mortgages, contracts.receipts. insurance policies,
wills and many other documents that should, by
all means, be kept in a safe place, may be rented
If you will come to the bank we will be pleased
to explain the plan fully, but don't wait too long,
as more than half of them are rented already.
We shall also be pleased to show you our new
~tisco' manganese steel, burglar proof chest, en
cased in a fire proof jacket It will surely inter
est you.
Our calendars for 1911 and a map of Sherman
county will be on hand by January 1st. and every
k customer or prospective customer of our bank is
cordially invited to call and get one.
First National Bank of Loup City
THT'i:>!> \ Y. JAN. 13. 15*11
A Fc* Hirtfl Oiol«tioB%.
C *»- per t»-_ .34
ytmt. per be
•it* per ' 3 __ w ,3*t
&}«. per be. . .«<•
Better, per b. .}■
prr da’ .35
Burliurloti Tim*' ( mrd
Gtwi, t.*sr
V !C *■*•» •» j~p*rt» - » 3»». «s
»• *'—. w«*» Cpfr* dn«r.* 1* *> p b
\ * f'-1'. ' V ■* WV . MIBO*' • !! 3’* B.
. t*<- « t-T
V S' i»»— »t >>3*4at- arppn* - f i -fi a.
.* ■ fn -« -».-»*»» »«R* - »& p- i*.
» •" • Mi U *?*TBl*tJ'<"t.
* i A Din£l<*« Arcci
i r V.A_ .n» aw! iex. see T. M
Tie « na k in? at the opera
use. wit W•ui.rxdiy.
. . u;*- W- *»-fit to Mix n City
Tiexcaj .** iecai fauxiaas.
-.!>•. i--1 ten days ti*frr—the bis
■ leannc >a.» at CoahfacrV
1 ». fandfr 2V for butter fat
i :*•*'. ar«i |«i rldi A. E. ( iu»l.
* - *> ana rt-*»dewee property
w r Heed.
• * >u . i a Hendries* ndrar
T»wb lot* nr improved pr«|er
tj at "real barraia*. See J. IV.
Ta«- 11jut butter awl '(fs to < u*»
:.:er>. sien * -u can ret anythin*;
i oa want.
uwt» Att raer >tarr went U>
L a i 1 * • r . * yesterday after
n :# -t. usa eira. l*u*mexs
Tt Katenn* Creamary Co. pays
—* ax*, price for ejrjrx de
i err*i at the iTeaajery len.
L<ub>! Lnaax! Loan*! Loan*!
Ueal V.state Lan* at lowest
ratex at J»bn I.«ar s.
We are pwi tug T. cent* cash for
• ream dr.i'ttrJ at tie creamery.
Catesna < eeaweki Co
. no* in? thetaacHe* indebt
ed t- if I - hnandt Furniture
< o pws-r a iiwt settle at »r
F »r M residence in east
. j. *or w - ! tradr san.-c tor
„ 'estate VVALTER W.JESH E.
v j v Ji i nsun of «.HM» ar
ea a-’ 1! . »-«*' evenin* >n a
.sit Ut rr di*[i>Mr. Mrs. O. E.
H*rr t Sa-.- *• t ntiwer fc evteoa
. -e-i la. - Y> riOMT t*' ret
. ju teed a' y feat A reduced
\ :ttie iff am ci at the home
,» v J ,.,-j Mr* J ••»<) Geoqte. litiny
^ ...» _-j ,1 Loup City. .lit
>a: uroat. Jan *th. SMI
lii.«ier- Wanted A* I hate an
• - -a r- » I * -«d li«* »o:i.e ladies
Mum. Gan. Sal ltx
; i,i-4 a drat, ph >ne A. L- En
: n or teate >t>ur older
».•; et■ ix-r -mher tard or E G.
T»», r !>*»■. it sert tor yuaraatoed.
. r r. ■•. r tiie furnace at the
v d:tc arrited Mandat,
were put :n a* mmb as passible,
s . .. jp _f4intl,»s mommy
n „.r . * .» tjr. Tbe<iualitf
in* l *■ vtiir. t»Jl the prt'tsa are
■ t rn (/.canny >»<e.
a. • uta-nded Pen da>s
*. .. <!iu- Ue arayman.
• • . aat >'irtorr service.
Lei * * P- - a; ti«c Keystone lein
. r Tii - * • evator. or phone
t.i* re* intr. *, on l*C.
M' « E c* - * wife and bah*,
a*: I J r their home at
«i**^r » *«-• weeks' visit
i.-.-rc « f. tie I .rief * sister. Mrs.
< E Hr r anl family.
If «<Mi want t spend an ertjoyahie
e»ening u* t yi.'er. lur and deliyht.
la . rr ani »»-c :** Cnnyo Kinj. for
•jet »•* »u»e i ns;I t. < *pera laouse.
next Wednesday. Jan. IHli.
for * lie i*:n .-:i a ire l»jr c-Jer<ei
f» ,»r tt '• ani *»- vearfhty pediyreed
* -rtP '*> calf. at aa»t far « nine
m es nrr. ■« «»* Ln? <*»tr. ,i1ww
* on ML J. F. Buck.
niwiiny **C1. liar f >ny» Kiny. a
mi sira ivsacli Trn ladies and
ycntJcaacn wim can pal up one of U*e
?. nntc» **| r-evnest entertainment*
uaa the ruwd Wednewia*. Jan. I«tl»
\n alarm of fire Wednesdav roorn
itw sli .rt.4r after ~ o clock. proved a
nail for a sm,»J| h'are in the roof of
tiie r-JAarr of Ww». ItoMe iiuud
a -»e‘c-i-e fur. ulairii was ei
a, ~g s ef wifi. ?lac a-*i*'anr* of
l , • r* , -id i cs. ‘ichwe f urtiaer dam
f - ■ .* - * |c than a wnali por
imu of th* mf Vinwd When tla*
alarm was 1tar family •err in
utter yti ■annr ot U* danyer until
apprised o4 Uw fart hr a call from a
reiyhtwr A li-lie later and ft ia
prutwhie Uw fife would have dee
truyi the home entire.
Green !wh> for chickens at Lee
liras.' meat market.
Chickens thrive when fed on preen
Lories Get some of Lee Bros.
Kanraiiis in Town Property
for ^ale 1*3 John W. Lonp
Try A te nut coal for your cook
stove. For sale by K. G. lay lor.
Miss Frieda < thisen has tieen added
to tlie clerical force at Oonhiser's.
Good second-hand sew ing machine.
K • Inquire of Mrs. \V. Ver Valin.
Feed jour chickens well in winter. |
Try the green bones at Lee Bros.'
meat market
i acres of good land, all pood soil.
('heap at *.V«oo. |
W P. Heki». !
Mrs > K. Ga away and Mrs W. T.
Gibson were «>rand Island visitors
.ast Tuesday
Ail Ihe I own Property offered
for vale al iirvt hands, by railing
on John W. Loug.
" H. M rri- returned Monday
fr -rs a thre< weeks' visit with bis
sisters at « entral ('ity.
Mr jd \ Hendrickson, successors
t longer, will do your hauling
promptly and satisfactorily.
The K. of P. lodge held installation!
-rs ast evening and a most
pleasant session w as held
I»o n t you warn a new buggy or
spring wagon? T. M. Ileed is pre
pared to supply your wants.
Why pay in- for butter, when you
an get tiie best countn butter for
per pound at the Loup City j
Mercantile Co.
The Industrial S viety of the Pres
byterian church will meet next week
Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 1 Sth. with
Mr- I. E. Williams.
I onhi«er » Clearing Sale has been j
extended ten days' longer, to give
everybody a chance at the bargains,
tali and look tiiem over.
t La.- II Perrv the piano tuner of
•.rand I-iand. will be in the city this
week and next. Leave orders at
H. M. Eisner's jewelry store.
( J. Tracy Lus received the cor
tract to build an addition to Lee
iirus meat market, the same to be
of cement. Work will commence as
soon a- spring opens up.
The <'<>ngo King is a musical com
edy in .a ts with sweet Southern
melodies of tiie South. Buck and
wing dancing witli a car load of fun.
Wednesday Jan 1'tL. at ot>era house.
Hepresentative Waite came home
from Lincoln last Friday and was
detained at iiome till this morning
by a case of la grippe, but returned
to Ins -gisiative duties but little
worse for bis physical ailment.
Mr. md Mrs. C C. Carlsen and
We- Pedler took the motor to Grand
I-and last Saturday evening the
gt-nilt: e.i going to Rochester. Minn.,
t te- present at tiie operation fori
g -Jtre n J. iv Pedler Monday. Mrs.
< arisen going to Omaha for a siiort j
Peter Rowe lias received liis com-1
missi n from tiie iiead camp as j
deputy for tiie M. W. A., and will
work t increase tiie membership of;
tiie order here. A nd Peter will prove
a persuasive deputy and make a
g sadly m rease of goat riders we liave
no doubt.
M r- A. L Zimmerman and M rs.
H. V Matliew last evening enter
tained tiie members of tiie Kutre
Nous C.ub and their itu-tiands at the !
p easant i 'me of tiie former, prepar
ing a sp ciidid «>.3o dinner, and pass-]
Imp the evening most enjoyably in
music and tiinch.
J W Conger Tuesday afternoon
fin,-Led cutting the ice from his ]
iake. and will liave to suspend fur-|
ther operations during tiie uresent |
-pe I ■! thawing weather. He lias- i
|ji- arge ice house only partly filled,
ie—ide- filling nearly ail the ice
i - - i . the city and shipping many
ars of ice for tiie B. .v M. railroad.
Waller Couton. aged 23 years, son j
of U ti ( uton of Austin, died last
saturdav at Alliance from an attack
of pne^'n mix. He had been braking
on tiie Burlington, running out of]
tiiat city. Tiie remains were brought j
to Kavenna and laid to rest Tuesday
under tiie auspices of tiie Odd Fellow
fraternity, of which he was a mem
ber The young man was well and
fmrorabiv known here.
Monday morning of this week.
E. <». Taylor's mill and elevator at
I tannebr «g. managed by C. F. Peter
- *n. »i> burned to the ground, the
tire on. ina, ing in tiie engine room
from --me unknown cause. In
surance t«> the extent of $5,000 on tiie
: contents and $4,500 on tiie building,
will prettv fully cover tiie loss. Mr. I
Taylor will rebuild tiie elevator at j
the earliest possible time.
Word was received here Monday j
af term .on tiiat J. S. Pedler passed
safely through an operation for re-j
moral of t!*e goitre, which has been
tri -ibling him for so many years.
Tteadav furtlier word wasr-ceived
tiiat he was doing finely and there
was little doubt of his early recovery
to perf«—• health. This will be good
nrws to »he host of friends of Uncle
Joe. wio anxiously awaited the
result of Live operation.
I there one that wmcn ne
Having sold my farm in Logan township. 6 miles
northwest of Loup City, on Sec. 14-16-15, known
as the old Jacob Albers place, I will sell at Public
Auction, on
Wednesday, Jan. 25th
Commencing at 10 o’clock a. m , sharp
20 Horses apd Mules 20
11 Eleven Head of Cattle 11
4 four F)ead of f>ogs 4
7 Seven Dozen Plymouth Rock Ghickens 7
farpi Machipery apd
Household Goods
TERMS OF SALE: Ten Months'Time and In
terest at 10 per cent on all sums over $10. Under
$10 Cash.
M. R. and 0. W. Youngquest,
Hale & Pageler. Auctioneers. Owners.
C. C. Carlsen. Clerk.
—For Particulars, See Big Bills—
Mrs. T. M. Heed and Miss Zelpha
Reed ore visiting at Greeley.
Mi.v- Mable I*addow entersained a
party of young lriends Tuesday even
ing of this week.
Mrs. Eva Kendall of St. Paul at
tended the Zimmerman Mathew En
tre Nous party last evening.
The terms of district court for
Sin rman county have been fixed by
Judge Hostetler as follows: Equity
terms. March 14 and June 13: jury
term Sept. If*.
According to a numberof mournful
creditors, they have a case Black not
proving white to them. Absence in!
some cases does not make- the heart
grow fonder.
Earl L. Monson of Osceola, w ho has
been employed at the Young barber
shop, left Monday for a few days’
vacation, returning last evening ac
companied by Miss Ruby Pearl Crum
bliss of l»avid City. U> whom he was
united in marriage this morning.
Judge Smith tying the knot.
Sherman county having arrived at
the dignity of sufficient population
to allow of a clerk of the district
court, the board of supervisors in
session Tuesday, appointed Louis
Rein to that office, and lie is thor
oughly equipped in all points to make
as good an officer as could be found.
Misses Olive. May and Octavia
Youngquest of Aurora, visited here
last week with their brother. Einier
Youngquest. and family, returning
home Thursday. Another sister.
Mrs. Simeon Anderson, and two chil
dren came up Friday evening. Mr.
Anderson following Saturday, visit
ing over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor took
their little daughter. Lucile. to St.
Haul last Thursday, where Hr. Groth
an operated on her tonsils and also
removed several adenoids. Mr. Tay
lor returned that evening, and Mrs.
Taylor and daughter the following
evening. The little one is now con
valescing nicely.
Some six months' ago. Mrs. Fannie
Johnson of Ord. sister of Mrs. A. E.
Chase and Mrs. VV. S. Waite, acci
dently swallowed a pin. which lodged
in her throat, causing much pain,
and a visit to Omaha and an exami
nation by X-rays proves a surgical
operation is necessary to remove the
pin. w hich was to be done later.
A friend expresses a wish to the
Northwestern that if it can succeed
in obtaining a quietus on the chicken
nuisance, that lie will furnish a
recipe for extracting the bark from i
dozens of worthless curs about town
that make night hideous. The
Chinese treatment accorded bank
w reckers might prove efficacious.
The meetings of Organized Agri
culture will be held at Lincoln. Jan.
l*>th to 20th. Eighteen state organi
zations participate in this annual
meeting. In the discussion of ani
mals. Tuesday will be devoted to
horses. Wednesday to swine and
Thursday to cattle, with full dis
cussion on tiie silo on Friday morn
The tounty board of supervisors
met in regular session Tuesday of
this week, finishing their session yes
terday. At Tuesday's session they
appointed Louis Hein clerk of the
district court and selected the North
western as the official paper for the
legal printing of the county and the
Time.- as the official paper for doing
the commercial printing for the year.
They also transacted other legal busi
ness coming before the regular ses
sion. adjourning Wednesday after
Farmers Notice
We want )our good wheat and do
not sell l»ef.ire you get our prices.
Weal*' want corn and oats and are
paying more than it will net to ship
to am terminal market. Your busi
ness is appreciated.
Lore City Mill & Light Co.
Presbyterian Bulletin
Nest Sunday evening the pastor
will begin illustrated talks on “The
Passion Play”, using new slides pur
chased for this and following occa
sions. Miss Elva Zimmerman will
render one of the Passion Play songs
recently published for the first time.
German Evangelical Church
Nest Sunday. Jan. loth, there will
be services at Ashton at 10:30 a. m.
Jan. 14th. lesson in German and in
struction for candidates of confirma
tion lo a. ui., at Ashton chur n.
P. J ueling, Pastor.
llliei w■■ • ...
Signify Your
by giving good jewelry if you give
any. Have the ring, the bracelet,
the locket you give today of such a
quality that its beauty will never
vanish, its attractiveness never be
Engagement, Anniver
sary and Birth
day Gifts
should be selected here on account i
of the lieauty and permanent value
of our offerings.
The Reliable Jeweler
New Meat Market
Having leased the Pioneer Meat
Market for a term of years. »e solicit
the patronage of the people of Loop
CSty and vicinity, promising to give
them of the best the market all rds
in everything carried in a tirst class
market—oysters and celery in season,
fresh and salt meats, etc. Give us a
call and we will treat you right.
Safe Cough Remedy
For Baby
Avoid all habit-forming drugs
— when choosing a remedy for
Baby's cough know absolutely
that it contains no morphine,
chloroform, or alcohol.
Insist on this information be
ing given you at tire time of your
purchase—don't experiment with
remedies-of questionable formula
secure a remedy that acts on
the cough and cures it. not one
that merely deadens the parts
and affords temporary relief.
Baby Cough Syrup
acts on the cough directly, re
lieves all irritation, removes all
deposits and cures the cough in
the shortest time possible Baby
is never fretful and enjoys a
sound, healthful sleep.
Contains no opiates whatever
and can he given with perfect
safety—baby w ill like it. too.
Twenty-»»s cent* the bottle
Besides good goods you get good
treatment at our store. Always
glad to lave people come in and
look around, whether they want
to buy or not. We wail on you
promptly, give you what you ask
Swanson & Lofholm
10 Days Free Trial
la Your Own Horn*
Hand Vacuum Cleaner
’’The Cleaner That Cleans Clean"
We v ant to sup
ply one iadv in every
neighborhood with*
''l.npie.x" Vacuum
Cleaner, for adver
tisi'-e purposes.
li'nfc today for
the most iioeral of
fer ever made.
The ' Simplex"
Is guaranteed to do
as good work as
electric machines
costing $100.00 and
over. It is light in
weight (only 20 lbs) i
runs extreme y easv
and can be operated
perfectly and easily
by one person.
With ordinary
care the "Simplex"
wii! last a lifetime, e
-«-!<■ s end Agents Wanted to sell
both our head and electric machines.
Electric Cleaner Co.
»S JicE»»* e CHICAGO. ILL.
In Every Home
where there are children,
there ought to be a
Columbia Graphophone
And also in every home
where there are no chil
dren—only more so.
See and hear this “BKT” model—the
new tone-arm cylinder Graphophone.
Compact, convenient
No horn crane.
No horn stand.
Horn swings in any
Plays both 2-minute and 4
minule records.
Complete outfits, with 6
Columbia lndestnictitle Rec
ords, your own selection
Ob Easy Terms
Other outfits from *30 to *3M
Extended “10" Pays
Saturday, Jan. 21st
represents in round numbers the Growth in De*
posits during the last year
represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons
over the figures of a year ago.
Which means that this bank has grown in the con
fidence of the public, and has grown in
ability to be of genuine service
to its clients.
It means that more of our people than ever before
are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong,
safe and well-managed bank.
There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor
with the
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
You Should Not Fail to Visit the
OMAHA, JANUARY 18-28, 1911
A great educational Land Show of farm and orchard products from
ever}' state in the West.
It will be an actual and autlientie demonstration of what can be grown,
the cost of production, the financial returns and the favorable conditions
under which crops are-produced. so that interested parties can obtain prac
tical and accurate information.
VARIETY OF CROPS. Com. Wheat. Oats. Barley. Potatoes. Sugar Beets
Alfalfa. Forage Crops. Apples, and all small Fruits.
BURLINGTON TERRITORY will be well represented with exhibits.
Look for them.
D. CLEM DEA.YER, General Agent,
L&ndseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before you place vour orders. We can save you money
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from ISO to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and sh uv
our stock
EININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud Citv iij.