The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 12, 1911, Image 4

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    Professional Cards'
Practices in all Courts
Loup Citv, Neb.
iVJTJl bui&M&'LlV
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup Citv, Nebraska
Office. Over Nev Bank.
m n■ i am <>•<. mi iutiiinr*
Baiiirm of T»ltp5«r Central
Loup Ciiy - Nebraska
nmm mmm
Loup City. Nebr.
«»!fcc« at Rwidenc*.
Telephone Connection
>uceesaor to M. II. Meal
Bonded Abstracter
l^jcr OiTT. - Nebra ka.
O lit -e: •»! Ah»in»i t hooio»i» county
LOt r ' ITT. NEB.
up »iair« in the new State
Bank bui id in s'
v ::e*.
OFFICE Eaatttt^p Paiih< :»ouai«>.
Phone. lo on
1 ait located in Loup City. with
tlae ligation < : lag VttirtM
ry Met. ine. '•-nreri and I»entistry.
A - * i-r upti> attended to day or
ni^hi Office a' Bound Front Barn.
Piles EisiLLLA
All Rectal Diseases cured with
out s surgical operation. No
chloroform, ether or other gen
oral anesthetic used. CURE
TIME. Eram nation Free.
witho>t an operation.
Pay wben Cured.
V m
: :• »• pm«4)
mo4t from
ik uoor u t*e* reduced if you um: tin
right kind of Flour, aad if the qu«*»
tion. "Mini i~ the lr>t Floor?” wa>
pat t« %--»e >»«•!!« the taken am
too•» ’i.*. mrt of thi
- e >.* - j*?lj *oulc
White Satin
Tea tot* for it if you wen
u>«d to it- Ua't it worth giving s
Loup City Mills
Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebraska, from July 1st, 1910, to January 1st, 1910.
Halance on band July 1st. 1910. 460.74:1.50
Collection* for year 19 M. 9 03
•• 1905, .... HO
- *• isnirt. .. 17 01
“ 1907. 30 91
•• •• mix. 141 SH
1909. 16.314 63
• “ 1910. ... 44H67 0I
Interest on depoaits. 7HS33
School Lands . 10.536 96
State Apportionment -
Miscellaneous collections . •-‘.630 73
Total 4134.976 35
•Note. From column of balance ou hand shout
| Balance Coll'cCns t Balance
MAMKH OF on hand from Disburse- Trans- TrasfVd Comm is- on band
FUNDS. i July 1 all nients ferrcd to from sions Jan. 1.
; I 1911
Stale Funds. 8 16(17 94* 17 (MV V> * 11.214 6m i S 474 81 it 6.92s 00
County Ceneral. 5.245 24 7.734 as 7.334 671 1.000 00$ 2.100 llu USS :ty! .4 546 83
County lilt. Bond. 9.199 92 4.512 17 14.5941 25 2 00) 00 1.121 84
County Road. 1,554 IS :189 32 481 40 1.462 07
County Bridge. 821 94 5,079 81 4.955 6(1 946 09
emergency Bridge- 241 tvs 1.253 88 453 27 1.948 80
County Poor Farm. 760 00 501 Mi’ WOOD 46100
Soliliers Belief. 479 4|i 44 Tvi 2«0 00 324 20
Dist. School. 18,332 42! 20.822 32 19 846 68 427 31 18.880 75
Dist. SchiHrt Bond. 2.369 Its 1.204 13 1.462 89 21 6! 2.0X1 58
Towuship Funds. 9.460 45 10.68! 89 11.197 40 561 39 83X1 55
Township Bonds 8.394 44 2.0X2 79 1.471 96 I 99 118 8.906 19
Township Judgment 541 63 ! .511 63
lamp City Village . 568 06 1.058 71 1,234) 481 54 21 322 56
l.itcblield Village_ 775 12 428 58 ; 950 (81 18 is 335 22
I.itchlleld VII. Bond 122 05 284 71 9 22 397 54
Ashton Village 107 85 404 39 2» 181 19 49 217 75
Bockvllle Village 195 68 219 91 560 481 230 94 11 17 75 36
Fines. I 481 144 (81 145 00
Printers fund. 166 it; 70 So 71(8) I 2 54 161 >
Permanent lioml Fund 15 98 86 40 i lit; 38
Redemptions 73 14 1.156 30 1,228 41 1 00
Fees. 2818) 61 25 87 25
Protest Fund .. .,. 684 21
Institute Fund. 2 25 100 00 1»2 18. 100 I8> 684 21 20 25
Total •*61.742 50 $ 75.333 86 t 77,1*72 03* 3 784 21 * 3 7M 21 * 2.781 95 t 57.219 37
I be deducted salary drawn llrst half vear. ♦i.0tS>, making correct total read *60.742 50.
Amount of Honey In Depositories and In Oflleet
Item* in Office —
Cash t Mo*
School orders belt! for imeslmeut Co Int bund fund .15 ill
Bridee Warrants held for nn l.uup I'll)' Tap Hoad fuud S UB 02
Deposited in banks:
The First National Bank of I.oup City 19.91X5*
Loup City State Hank 12.500 0t>
First National Hank of Litchfield O.MliOO
Bank of Ashton 5.000 00
Rockville State Hank . S.500 00
Hazard State Hank 1.500 tk)
Ashton State Hank S tall Oil
Nebraska Fiscal Atrency.Ne* York ST5T9
Total. .t 5;.21t» ST
The State of Nebraska (
County of Sherman, | 8‘ 8'
1, 0. F. Pktkrskn, treasurer of said
county do solemnly swear tl at the foregoing
statement is correct as 1 verily believe.
0. F. Pktkrskn, Treasurer.
Subscribed in mv presence and sworn
to before me this 4th day of Jan. A. I). 1911
W. C. Diktkrku hs, County Clerk.
Jas. 1. Depew,
(seal) Chairman of Co. Board.
KKMS -41 nil PER TBAH. ir P All* IN ADTANOl
£nt*r«sl si ih*» Loup OUT PoKlofllce for ir%ns
mission throuarh iht* mAils as kecond
CftAfl* mAiier.
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub
Additional Locals,
Our band boys held their annual
election of officers last Thursday
evening, selecting .1. I. l>epew for
president. O. E. Adams seeretary
treasurer. \V. C. Dieterichs leader.
Robt. Pritchard instructor. Cash
Pritchard librarian, and J. I. Eepew.
O. E. Adams and Robt. Pritchard as
directors. The band boys made no
mistake along that line this time.
We received a very pleasantcall last
Friday from our good friend. Hans
M. Johnson of Washington township.
wl»o since acquiring the old Holy
cross place has made it one of the
best in the county. Mr. Johnson
makes just complaint of the very las
methods of making and securing good
roads in this county. He likes all
else about Sherman county save this
alone, and if anything causes him to
sell and go elsewhere it will be the
depicable condition of the roads.
Tiiis is a very general complaint over
tiie county and should cause the mer
chants of the various towns, especial
ly. to sit up and take notice and act
also, with a view of making roods on
which such grievous views cannot be
In the matter of the State of Ne
braska vs. John Chipps. which came
on for preliminary hearing before
Judge Smith Tuesday. It appearing
to tiie state that important wit
nesses for the state had left to avoid
service of subpeona's. and that there
was not sufficient evidence to justify j
the tiling of a complaint and that
before the aforesaid witnesses could
be brought into court the alleged act
complained of would be barred by
the Statute of Limitations and the
only way in which this could be
avoided would be the calling of a
special session of the district court.
In view of the lack of evidence, the
uncertainty of the result and expense
of calling an extra session of the
district court, the county .attorney
dismissed the action. This was the
first case coming before County At
torney Starr, after < eing inducted
into office, and will save to the coun
ty quite a goodly amount in costs,
!*--ides settling the case in tiie only
way it could have possibly ended.
At the annual stockholders meet
: ir.g of the Loup City State Bank held
Friday of last week, former Vice
President J. S. Pedler was elected
President. John VY. Long. Vice Presi
dent and C. C. Carlsen Cashier, the
Board of Directors remaining the
omi>. namely. W. R. Mellor. E. G.
Taylor. S. X. Sweetland. Sam'i Dad
idow. J. S. Pedler. John \Y. Long and
, C. C Carlsen. The business of this
batik has grown to such an extent as
iemands tiie entire time of its presi
dent and cashier in managing and
; directing its affairs. Mr. Taylor's
other business interests are so large
as to demand all of his attention, and
j it was thought best to have one
ictively engaged in the bank as its
; president Mr. Taylor still retains
ill of his original holdings of stock
and will continue to act as one of the
tank's directors as he has in the
past. The surplus of the bank was
I increased to il7.o00.00. making this
trank, including capital and surplus,
j the largest and strongest in the
| county, while its officers and directors
*re among our oldest residents and
most influential business men.
Mr. A. B. Outhouse lias purchased
i.rough Mr. Williams a liberal share
•t the stock in the First National
; Hank of this city, and was elected a
j hreotorat their annual meeting the
| l**th instant. Officers elected for the
< tisuing jear are: Ira E. Williams,
| president: A. B. Outliouse, vice presi
I lent: L. Hansen, cashier, and O. E.
Adams, assistant cashier. A. P Cul
ley had a>ked to be relieved as presi
dent. a right which he has well
earned during the past 25 years, and
owing to his absence a large portion
of the year, his demands were res
pected. The addition of Mr. Outhouse
to the lank directorate will add very
materially to the strength of the
institution. Tiie elevation of Mr.
Williams to the head of the First
National is a recognition of the ex
celled manner in which he. who
came here a total stranger to our
people, has built up and help place it
among the leading banking institu
tions of this county. The placing
of Mr. Louie Hansen as cashier lias
been especially pleasing to patrons,
as no man in our community has a
stronger hold on the trust' of tiie
public generally. Mr. Adams, as
assistant cashier, has also made good
with the people and is proving a v ery
efficient strength to the Institution.
Scott Haddix. who killed Melvin
Butler in 1905, just over the line in
Custer county, and was sentenced to
12 years, was granted a New Year
pardon by outgoing Gov. Shallen
Austin Scribbles
Miss Klea McNulty began school
Monday after a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Thompson's mother returned
home to Rockville Friday, accom
panied by Mrs. Thompson and little
Alma, who returned home Saturday.
The Misses Johnson returned to
school at St. Paul Monday. Miss Alta
for a few weeks more, when she in
tends taking up some work at York.
Friday evening at the home of S.
Foss, a neat surprise party was given
for Frank, it being his birthday. He
receixed some nice presents, among
which was a violin given to him by
his father.
Harry Goodel of Alma visited over
Sunday with his brother, Orin. Gos
sip has it that he is married, and as
he didn't deny it, it must be true.
M rs. Ida Ogle and some other good
ladies last Friday went in and did
up Mrs. Couton's housework. Good
Walter Couton. son of Wm. Couton,
died at Alliance Saturday evening,
after a two weeks' illness, and was
buried at Ravenna Tuesday. We did
not learn the particulars, but extend
our heartfelt sympathy to the be
reaved parents and friends.
Frank Foss and sister attended
Sunday school at Austin.
C. S. Barnes drove over to Ravenna
Tuesday for some friends to attend
tne funeral.
Milt Rentfrow and loe Caddy sold
some tine hogs Tuesday.
Moon Creek Items
The young people of the neighbor
hood went to Aunt Abbie Gilbert's
last Friday evening to surprise Miss
Nancy Lew is, the nest day being her
birthday. About twenty-seven were
present and all enjoyed tlie evening I
very much.
Joe Jensen bought a team of horses
from F. A. Pinckney last week.
Several of our neighbors have been
and are shelling corn, tlie Arnett
Bros, doing the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lee visited
at the Mel Iravy home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Fross and Cora
visited at tlie home of Austin Hen
drickson Monday.
Jim and Mary Smith drove to their
uncle's on Dry Creek. Saturday, re
turning home Monday.
Roy Fross visited Clark Reynolds
Sunday evening, returning home Mon
day forenoon, then on Tuesday drove
to \V. R. McCullough's where lie will
work for a short time.
Miss Reynolds went over to Litch
field Mondav to see a sister who is
Miss Nadcy Lewis visited visited
our school last Thursday, and Misses
Edith Brown and Marie Miller visited
us Monday.
The pupils of Moon Creek school
are having fine times sliding down
on snow banks and skating.
Thomas Mcllravy started to school
! Monday.
Miss Rowe is boarding again this
Supervisors’ Proceedings
Loup City, Xeb., Jan. 5th, 1911
County Board met pursuant to ad
journment of Dec. 13, 1910. All
members present except Peters, Coun
ty Attorney and clerk.
Minutes of last meeting accepted
as read. The official bonds of R. P.
Starr, county attorney elect, and L.
B. Polski. deputy county clerk, were
on motion approved.
Board met after dinner, all present
except Peters: County Attorney R. P.
Starr and W. C. Dieterichs. clerk.
Oscar Gunnarson appeared and
made complaint on his assessment
being too high on school land con
tract in Scott township. On motion
matter was tabled until the equali
zation meeting.
Sam Carpenter came before the
board and stated that he had com
plied with order of board to till in a
wash on Sec. 35-14-14 and asked the
board to now vacate the road across
said S. E. quarter 35-14-14. On motion
tabled until next meeting.
County treasurer Petersen applied
for a deputy, the salary of deputy to
he raised from *700 to*S00 per annum.
On motion gsanted.
The following official bonds were
then examined and approved:
Oak Creek township—W. Rewolin
'ski clerk, Adam Radke treasurer,
Max Grudzinski justice of the peace.
Peter A. Grudzinski and John Ski
binski road overseers.
Logan township—sJ. Q. Pray deputy
assessor. R. R. Bauhard clerk. A. X.
Cook justice of the peace Hans John
son. John Lonowski road overseers.
Washington township—J. H. Welty
clerk. A. E. Charlton justice of the
peace. John Jewell road overseer, L.
B. Foci t, road overseer.
Elm township—Adam Zahn treas
I urer. S. C. Easterbrook justice of the
peace. 1*. L. Currie road overseer.
Webster township—Robert Hender
son deputy assessor W. Hawk clerk.
O. S. Frwss treasurer, F. A. Pinckney
justice of the peace. Joe Biaschke
and C. J. Xorstedt road overseers.
Loup City township—L. Hansen
treasurer, Peter Graack road over
seer. Dan McDonald road overseer.
W. Hancock road overseer.
Ashton township—Ed L. Jamrog
cierk. I. W. Sandberg treasurer. Walt
Kosmicki and Frank Polski. road
overseers. *
Rockville township—E. Dwehus
treasurer, H. H. Hehnke justice of
the peace. C. G. Sorensen constable,
John Janssen and Frank Krakowski
road overseer.
Clay township—Ira Daddow treas
urer. Frank Easterbrook justice of
the peace, Fred Johnson road over
seer. Nienolas Daddow road overseer.
Harrison township—J. C. Wall as
sesor. I>. W. Titus treasurer, A. C.
i Lowery clerk. W. H. Riglitenour jus
tice of the peace.
Hazard township—C. W. Trumble
treasurer. R. Reynolds road overseer.
Scott township—Myeis Henson road
The statement of County Judge
E. A. Smith having received from
W. C. Dieterichs, county clerk, the
official bonds <>f the supervisors elect
of Districts No. 1, 3. o and ~ was on
motion accepted.
The bond of Hazard State Bank
examined and on motion accepted.
The fee books of the county officers
were then examined, found correct
and on motion approved. Statement
as follows:
COUNTY treasurer:
Received during 1919:
Commissions.. JS.TSl.95
Paid County Tieasurer.JS.uu iW
Paid Deputy Treasurer .. . TOD.Od
Paid Excess ti) County . M.93 —4S.7S4.95
Received during 1910 in fees. $2,939.14
Paid County Clerk.*1500 uo
Paid Deputy Clerk.. ssooo
Paid Assistant. . its 00
Paid Excess to Co. Treasurer. 4T4 14 $2939.14
COUNTY judge:
Received during 1910 in fees. .* TT4.10
Paid County Judge . 7T4.10
COUNTY superintendent:
Received during 19:0 fees _( 230 UO
Disbursed... l>3.5i>
Balance. $ 46.S0
Received in lees during 1910...$ 2S7.75
Paid to county treasurer. 3S7 73
No objections being tiled to the
I issuance of the **>.000.00 refunding
bonds, the Board signed said bonds
and on motion instructed clerk and
, chairman to sign the coupons to said
bonds and to send said bonds and
coupons by express to state treasurer
and exchange said bonds for the old
refunding bonds issued in 1890. which
are held by the state.
On motion countv treasurer was
instructed to transfer #1000.00 from
. the County General Fund to Countv
| Sinking Fund.
Chairman was on motion author
ized to have the court room and the
Judge's office re-papered and painted,
and lease given county treasurer and
county clerk to have their offices
papered, painted and have linoleum
laid on the floors.
An error appearing on record in
the awarding of damages on St&nczyk
road in Logan township, clerk was
ordered to make corrections and
notify Logan township of same.
The claims committee reported
having allowed the different claims
and deductions for taxes, said report
on motion accepted and the clerk
ordered to draw warrants on the
respective funds:
General Fund—University Pub. Co.
#5.Op, A J Kearns 8.00, A Wall tax
3.00, Walter Chipps 2.00, Mrs. Walter
Chipps 2.00, Ed Manchester 2.00, Wra
Chipps 2.00, Marion Chipps tax 2.00,
Oliver Oleson 2.00, Geo. Barnet 2.00
Jesse Manchester 2.00. W C Dieterichs
87.50, First National Bank Loup City
75.00, R D Hendrickson 335.17, Key
stone Lumber Co. 210.25. Klopp &
Bartlett 55.50, C E Hill 5.00, R. H.
Mathew 262.35. O F Peterson 28,20,
Tlios Bagnuski 42.00. Henry Beck
7.50, Wenzel Rewolinski 7.20. J. H.
Welty 7.50. J I Depew 9.00, W O.
Brown 6.20, Hiyo Aden 7.90.
Bridge Fund—W A Cornford 5.50,
Wm. Garnett tax 5.00, G W Lang
tax 2.76, Louis Haller 1.00. Road
Fund—A G Ogle 2.50.
Board adjourned sine die.
W. C. Dieterichs, connty clerk.
Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity sad
reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly
leery city and town in the United States and
Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than
any other make. Send for tree catalogue.
McCall’s magazine
More subscribers than any other iashhm
magazine—million a month. Invaluable. Lat
est styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery,
plain sewing, fancr needlework, hairdressing,
etiquette, good stories, etc. Ou t SO cents a
year (worth double), including a free pattern.
Subscribe today, or send for sample copy.
to Agents. Nsbl brings premium catalogue
and new cash prise Oder*. Address
State of Nebraska, i
> ss.
Sherman County, t State of Nebraska
lu County Court within and for bherman coun- ■
ty. Nebraska. December 31st. 1910.
In the macter of the estate of Mary Bander. '
To the Creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at
I the county court room in Loup City, in said
county on the 39th day of July. 1911. at ten
o’clock in the forenoon, to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate, with a :
view to their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is the 39th day of
July. A D 1911 and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said 39th day
of July. 1911
Witness my hand and the seal of said coun
ty court, this 31st day of December 1910.
I ska 1.1 K. A. Smith. County Judge.
(Last pub. Jan. 38)
In the County Court of Sherman County. Ne
In the matter of -the estate of Ammun Olson,
Notice of hearing on petition for widow’s
allowance and assignment of personal
property to her. P'
State of Nebraska. > •
> ss.
Sherman County. '
To all persons interested in the estate of
Ammun Olson, deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 31st day
of December. 1910 lluhnel Olson filed her
petition In the county court of said county
for her allowance as widow of Ammun Olson,
deceased and for the assignment to her of
j personal property, and that the same will be
heard at the county court room in Loup City.
Nebraska, on the 3tth day of January, 1911. at
the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon. It Is
further ordered that notice of said heating be
given by publication for three successive
weeks prior to the day of hearing in the Loup
Citv Northwestern a newspaper published
and of general circulation in said county.
Dated this 31st day of December. 1910.
{seal) K. A Smith, I'ounty Judge.
(Last pub. Jan. 19)
In County Court within and for Sherman
county. Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Andrew Berg
strom. deceased.
State of Nebraska i
> ss
Sherman County * The State of Nebraska
To the Creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at
the county court room in Loud City, in said
county on the 33rd day of March. 1911. at
10 o'clock a m . and on the 3rd day of June
I 1911. at 10 o'clock a m . to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate with a
view to their adjustment and allowance
The time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is six months from
the 33rd day of December A IV. 1910 and the
lime limited for payment of debts is one year
from said 33rd day of June. 1911.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court, this 19th day of December. 1910.
fsKAL] K. A. Sun h. County Judge.
(Last pub. Jan. 19
Is Half Sold
My line for fall
is now inL Don’t
forget to look my
line over. I can
save you money
by buying at the
right place—of
Polapd Ghipas
I have a few choice males ready for
service: lengthy, big-boned fellows;
money-makers at farmers' prices.
Also. Six Shorthorn Hulls, six to
eight months old.
L. N. Smith.
But we don't carry it very Ion* at
a time because it seems to us that
nearly everybody wants our ASH
GROVE brand of cement and the
famous PEERLESS lime.
It Makes Us Hustle
to keep a sufficient supply on hand
to meet the (Treat demand there is
for these necessary materials and it
is not just because people like us.
either. There's another reason.
Keystone Lumber Go.
Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock
ville. Sc ha up us and Arcadia. Neb.
Poland China Boars for Sale.
I hare a few good Poland China
Boars of the big type for sale, from
sows like Ora Wonder (130353), which
I purchased at the Ed Andrews' dis
persion sale last winter, bred to
Longwonder Xo. 131797a—54267, a
900-pound boar, and from Lady £.,
Xo. 136601. The sire of these pigs is
Xebraska King (49336). The rest are
sired by Grand Look (56737).
New Building
Two Doors North of the First National Bank
Call and See Us as We Have
Steel and Patent
Stoves and Ranges
Light and Heavy Hardware
F.AA Come and Get a Half Gallon JZtoo
I |oo of National Light Oil Free | I
Schultz & Si eke is
Now is the Time to Clean Up Your
Barnyards and Stables- See our
Manure Spreaders
Litchfield and Great Western
For Sale at
T. M. Reed’s
What a Splendid Picture
youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
of young people, and judging by the samples we have, voung people
like to have us do it. Come and learn the reason. Then prohablv
you will decide to have us photograph you.
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.
| The Omaha Land Show
will do this for you:
If ycr: live in the Corn Belt
It will teach yen how to raise more corn; to test and select
*^h1; to keep your land in maximum producing order to com
bat insect pests, and solve almost every other larm problem.
If you have money to invest
See the Union Pacific exhibit and the great number of open
ings for investment in the Union Pacific country.
If you want to move elsewhere
it will give you an unparalleled opportunity of getting just the
information you are looking for. *
If you want to see the west
Come and see it under one roof. ♦ ,. • •
If you want a good time.
j You’ll find abundant entertainment.
i Come via Union Pacific
I » Standard Road of the West
January 18 to 28, 1011
1. grawn -d how co
ttowiMljow to
SSTSfiSt^-^1*10!* 6004 ro*d' «
tore*—how to prevent ho* chol
TZn£°l^Ji*lC?*rV “d ‘"““rated lecture*
Ilg^ cl#an entertainment. Ad
C—c ip ihe 0^^