The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 22, 1910, Image 6

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    Me HeroesWfio FIGHT
r-jtuts* Why. frm. tbera i
are but hand. There is j
•he mail a ho ndr tkruujck
the tows. 1**4—r <haa the
• Bit lishatd hia /- in*
that the <1*04 had hurst,
there Is «b. BU a bo*'ucfc
t» hi* thty ab- u *ii the 1
trea deserted a<«. 'here
is ’be aunuau abu Hacked
wap-tort y dap's <hiM oat
of 4l Iwmea. tb*re *s tbe • oxlo-er
ah* l' ic IJs head am the ik:<Mih> aad
let •»> ust k*» Tr in hind of |«u*B
ba* User* are others at a ook-ter
*** bee Sfwdaeaiar mm The tars
si* * aha Bark day after day
» • *U*W£ pats aad «.lt!erta*
*•’ -**» *b tbe Laboratories. h*bticc
haca by lack e«fciBt. dlaeaee aad cut
dta» the death rate la » rery <ae
^ -be*.- .atid w ar{>s e inch alje
aaB t^bd-rda ad ibaoaaad id .■»»
hto e**r* year
Tb* , b aa Me of nsr Erery da*
use the chance <d rai>tu( some
•dm tiM-mdf (hawilm. .tad iach
br aura liny cast Each year they cert
haai. th death rale, thuuch takiac
worry < hear* arh death thsaweirea.
TW- are t&*kk« santa*. they mrm
mod' it -I*C« ofcfc the Buera
•mm$m the, err eaaakialBc tyjdcal
•a-w a the Use H •rtUa* eoase ars
••■a 'ha> am murk ter stasia* out
aaaae yw; ta toaa. wan aad ckfl
Tetaar**, d parte ila. a*«*iagitis. t»
rabies. septicaemia. clan
thaw are tuat U the roatariuas
«**» fa Hdba. of microbe, come
teb> 'ira every day ia a soldier
*• *■**-* '-okteg aay more choree aHh
tern »«r*
tan I bey die* Of course they do
Fe* t ar of them 'bough, become lit
**• *• *hc a tot ( baa There ar-ema
Mb heroic m dying sf clidm or
' lw * b bcalb yoat (be'
The tiriia ia cmly aae more
many' -o awdidBe. says Lb* Nea
"tefb»’. - tehas iMritor'* co s^sar
may aay i-at U a? la every uae of
•term- STia -eyim (be in it rate ia
»»f other ati** every
mtae* 'a* tan <t doac I»j*btber*o
te a* <r«r tie oalul peril k tmct
ea> Tibfratub is carabie if tbe
mm» hr raasbt ia Umr Tbe Fourth
t Ml im lunger gets rta tali of <l*aA
nay* aod girts, thanks to -be aeruia
tar hatfejaar. Mamfle** hate paid
Tai b- rta atear. Tho death
oaae iOa? » aa r.daaef that pcscit
-m»7 etmry cam. a tahea ia time ha*
a (srortlk aatlcmV The death rate ,
tem b. t. reduced Ti per cmt But
amm trf ab* ha*.. »urk> j oter tbe
Mgh'b-rfa hadlM base dh« to make*
m** - ih redaethm.
Tbe «Mhaa fiam the nurse ha*
* » «*.aer at bia t- ; - *boj
1 'f aad lath -a Ire:, ,
ma a-th d.pb»herta. sa it has t*ea
o»h «4tar scourges lieu sad uomru
tea «*«*"ked ouer adtatn until they
teas* lotted the rultare that gives lm
taarj Some hate died, but >hiak uf
•ta Ho* that they hare aaved*
_ T* •— • Fteatude. Familiarity
bmada oohmyt* Mb It ia silk those
teba strt over tbe laarterts of dl*
**ma a* * la ran may nr* and
^rheu. la noted » adka aad «aiae«
_ I
The; tut|M abo it the danger Just
-ls*« n to fast some of them have to ;
ear about ft:
Mu.*- I* not mi bad." said the man
» '.» • < 'hr ■ • uiphtheria day after
day Think u! th.- u.aa at work with
b tuber. sis germs. When I get
d:,.h’hena 1 an tell tt pretty Quick
■ cd I get read; :> give it a good. stiff
Teatmont t..t with consumption you
don t know w h. itier you have it or
lec ’il it sb up i'adl and strong.
Id smcb rather be with my diphtheria
boas thank you."
"i>an*en-us’~ queried the tuberculo
u> expert Not at ail! Go in and see
'he town who is working on rabies.
Now that * what 1 call risky work
Just !»-• that t*>w! slip aud the bugs
will fly out. if* find 'heir way into the
smallest break in bis skin, and 'hen
he is on the road to r case of hydro- 1
phobia That s an awful disease."
The rabie* specialist cannot see It !
that way: he has his views on the
danger* of the tetanus worker
' Well. U you really wait to see
where a man risks his life, go in there.
1 can leel pretty sure of what my bugs
are doiLg but lockjaw*, well, that's the
iimlt. ! think "
Aim: the specialist at work with the
tetanus hncilU is modest and refers
?<m to tu< in- i.ingltis depart men t. and
-e tn turn *•■ tids you where the glan
ders g-rn.s are being cultivated, until
you Lai- s-c for yourself he danger
ous railing <•? every one of thein. Hath
has its risk st- great 'hat It seems re
markable tba- an.'one would dare to
take up the work.
Commissioner Dederle of the health !
d* part merit of New York city, and Dr. ;
W -ilian. H Fark*. chief of the re
sear- t laboratory, showed the work of
preparing tfc. antitoxin froa. the first
to the las' stage the otLer day.
To g'** tb«- antitoxins and vaccines,
and also for test purposes, we use
guinea pig*. rabbits, goats, calves and :
burse*, muq the commissioner. "The
horse fumiabes us with most cf the
antl't-... On the farm there are 21
t- rs-» of whuh Is are used lor diph
•L-rta *ootit When tliey bav - given
ns th* immunised *■
-® work, th-ir strength has not been
Impaired l.y the operation The calves
ftuai we take the vaccine are
ki!).« and eaten by us. Yes. actually
-i«t. and I trust that you will make
: » ; :t rtrt ng b-c-aus- I believe it
•• ti* do much to show the people who
*-'• b«-t frying out against taccina
• on that lit re U nothing harmful in
It. or we could never eat the meat. j
An jtoiit and vaccine treatment.
■‘•'-Mb rial as have been tb- results. Is
t. j In Us .ufanty. and we cannot but l
wonder ahaf the future holds in store.
V. <-*ch day passes and n-w {joints
-re brought to light, we are encour
-fged to fight Just that much harder In
ih- bop- that the n«-xt will bring out
ever so much more.
"Take tetanus antitoxin as an exam
ple it ;s not so long ago 'hat we dis
coi~r»d that this was an excellent ini
n.untiing agen*. Injecting it Into the
-tins has produced cures, and positive
cures at ‘hat." j
ra the diphtheria room the bacteri
<ri«gtsi was preparing for the trans
planting of the Hi tug bacteria from
the 'est tuber, where they get their
-tart, to a larger vessel, in which they
develop rapidly. On a glad|-toppsa j
table were a bunaen burner, a small
wire basket containing about twenty
small test tubes, each corked with a
small wadding of cotton; a receptacle
bolding a dozen glass-handled plati- j
num wires, a microscope and the large |
vessel, about one-third filled with a J
yellowish or ambercolored fluid, and
also a number of slides like the small
covers of preserve jars. These were
the test slides upon which the individ
ual germs are developed into colonies,
each colony appearing to occupy no
more space than could be covered by
a large pin point
These germs were to be used for in- 1
jections to one of the horses, from j
which they wished to secure the diph
theria antitoxin.
The first dose given to the animal is j
a small one. but the germs get to work
at once. At the same time the blood j
takes up the task of fighting them.
The next injection is larger, and the j
blood, now containing certain agents
produced in the first battle, attacks
the newcomers with added force. So
tbe process goes rn. until a great
quantity of germs can be Injected
without the disease developing, and
the horse U now ready to give up its
Immunized serum.
This, when extracted, is found to
contain, besides tbe antitoxin globu- i
lins. a great amount of useless ma
terial. which if injected into a human
being, while not causing any danger,
would give the blood an added amount
of work to do.
The serum Is taken to the labora
tories to be refined. This is done by
fibering and refiltering until only the
globules remain, and these when in
jected furnish the human blood with
reinforcements that the disease cannot
defeat. (Treat care must be used In
raising these “pets." as one of the
orderlies called the germs, and in or
der to make them grow they must be
placed in specially prepared bouillon.
Then they are taken to a room which
is kept at a high temperature all the
time. In some cases they are covered
so that no light cau reach them.
in the germ room are many of these
vessels ami teat tubes containing
enough bacilli to wipe out the entire
population ot the United States. Every
one of those disease germs Is carefully
tended so that it may not die.
lu 'he Pasteur room a physician was
grinding something in a small bowl.
This a as a spinal cord from a rabbit
which had died that morning Irom
rabies It contained a frightful amount
of livlug bacilli. The worker wore
neith--r mask nor rubber gloves, and
when asked why he did not take that
precaution he only smiled and re
marked -hat' it might interfere with
his work
He showed us shelves on which
were twelve jars containing the spinal
ords of rabbits. These represented
'he period of drying, from one to
welve days, and each day the cord in
the iast bottle is throw u away and the
bottles moved up, while a fresh cord
is placed in the one just emptied.
in giving the treatment the cord of
the twelfth day Is first used, as this
contains only dead bacilli, which act
as an tmmunizer. Each day a cord of
less period of drying is used until they
reach that of the seventh day. w hen
the living bacteria are found, though
in very small numbers.
If by this time the patient shows no
.-ymptoms of the real disease It is
thought that he had never been in
oculated in the first place or that the
effects of the immunizing doses have
defeated it, but should the symptoms
become marked then the dosage is
kept up until they reach that of the
first day. which means the use of ma
terials from a freshly removed cord.
The cures from this treatment have
been marvelous.
"I aui well repaid for my risk, then.”
said the rabies expert.
The tetanus room was similar to
that used by the diphtheria man, and
the work was much the same, except
that a greater amount of the bouillon
ws$ placed in each bottle so as to
keep out as much of the oxygen as
possible, for these germs do not thrive
;u oxygen. This filling of the bottle,
of course, brings the germs much
nearer he top of the vessel and makes
the risk of handling them greater.
The vaccine room, they all declared,
was the one where there were no dan
gers at all. Nothing more could hap
pen than the doctor's vaccinating him
"The securing of the vaccine Is ae-.
complished by vaccinating a calf with
the vaccine of some other calf," said
the vaccine expert. “We are very care
ful in our work so that nothing for
eign can enter the vaccine, shaving
and carefully cleansing the surface of
the flesh before we use It.
• There Is absolutely no danger from
vaccination, especially when the per
son so treated preserves a certain
amount of antiseptic caution; by that
l mean not allowing dirt to get into
the sore, or picking at it or scratching
It. The vaccine Is only an attenuated
smallpox and it is not capable of de
veloping the true disease. Instead, it
has the wonderful property of immu
nizing the person from an attack of
that awful disease for a certain period.
1 have never seen a culture of small
pox used on a calf, and the vaccine we
are using on the calves today is taken
from one previously vaccinated and It
in turn from another. "
*«*'*'•• *"< Ve»*r Mum Re
«'*»• Mt*c*ed Tenoo»c*«« of
t*-* B«Mt
W >. '*7 . "t’f r-umUr Qarce. as H
eptost-' >" f«-ere <14. uM to have bn-a
e*« a* (toe !taw» Jeoke. (to*- largest
degtoml «rr 1» afUrltf, <ii put
«e drub tof tore tu-es-x, • dnw teas,
hr b**.«g lulled tof kn p- x Slit
her tab** bus •/ art-'to h*r trunk and
e'ter letnrac the Ltd) noted (to*
«a of her stall toed kneeled npua to.
eaatornt tt le s tkaprtou go* To
kdl her. tto* oeser gar* b*r a Us rad
•fd* toiled erh -rabid* *d fraMim.
A* at* Itole. add dentil era* alnxW In
aaerbt nbaddn Ttu •» frot^bir bed
Vr>c> torn* toi.dng. abd. Jt* MU*
Ufrk. lb (euVi ltredr e short dor),
erv t-e rb / v> a**-, her onei iut
9 j«*r» "toad tomes csliteg to* r s dack
»to- »■ eu was a deans."
K »a* Krnde xbo drgt gerr aai)
«to> etobvntas'a oar cosetneias tit*
r*i.uu Is (toe etosrsetrr <4 lilt*
9j*k tor- *too«*d ttobi her gratitude
•e* i ao toe son. (hat she saa a
trea. heron*. truculent. man killing !
bra;., and knocked out tb» opin
••It: ctMourag-d among mothers and
children that an elephant is a good,
kind ■ tenure In Lis story Reade dls
Ciowd that the elephant is not moved
y kindness, but by fear, and that
•h. I't’chfcrk • nd not sugar plims re
pr»rs tb. w'cked tendencies of the
Mile D>k. like Queen, killed one !
too many perrons, and paid the death
penalty therefor. Krade's story of
the elephant was founded on fact, and
his relation of her death was adapt
ed ir.«m an official paper of a Swiss
• lag*- In the case of the Swiss ex
ecution the el. jihant was brought into
an inn yard.
One morning a cannon was run up
to tb« gate. She began to walk about ; recently the poor fool marched
.•tgfct up to the cannons mouth and
.-■tainted down 1L Then she turned
J at last cros.e.1 right before It. The
,i.c< r took .he opportunity and
.;.«*d. The smoke cleared, am. there
isy CJck. The round shot went clean
• hro_gu b< r body and struck the op
posite wall with great force."
The death of Queen, whiip not so
dramatic as that of Mile. Djek. was.
after all. an improvement on the
cruder method of the earlier part of
the nineteenth century.
"If There Be Room.”
A Paris contemporary gives an ex
ample of curious errors in inscrip
tions. A Caen maker of mortuary
wreaths was requested to place on
the ribbon “Rest in Peace. Au Revoir.”
Two hours later his client desired to
add to the tribute, and sent a tele
graphic message with the request to
add the words after "peace,.in
Heaven.' if there be room” on the rib
bon. The letterer was equal to the oc
casion. and improved upon It, so the
mourners had the consolation of knorw
ing that their good wishes were pro
visional. for the legend read: "Rest
in Peace in Heaven, if there be room.
Au Revoir."
Working on Their Feelings.
“He can bring his audience to
smiles or tears at will.”
"1 suppose some he ewes, and some
of them owe him."
L' - ....50 So i . r,.-SS. |
The latest fancy of the woraan
Btuoker is a pipe—not the tiny affair i
that suffices for the Japanese, but a
good-sized brier or a neat meer- ;
Bchaum. The pipe U boldly carried
along with a gold card case and chain
purse. For some time now the cig
arette has given place to a cigar,
small in size and mild in quality.
Women said they were tired of the
cigarette, and wanted a bigger smoke.
—London Mail.
Cripple Rides Bicycle.
George Anstey. aged 12, a cripple,
of Leicester, England, is one of the
most remarkable cyclists in the coun- j
try. Both his legs are withered and I
useless, but the l>eicester Cripples’
Guild has provided him with a two
wheeled pedalless machine, with a
padded tube covering the axle bar. j
Across this he lkmface foremost, and !
with wooden clogs strapped to his '
hands he propels himself along the j
streets and roads In a marvelously ]
rapid manner. He has complete con
trol of the machine, his hands acting
as pedals, steering gear, and brake
Too Ardent a Lover.
Georgotto Fontano, an embroiderer
who lives in the Rue Sevres in Faris,
has found herself condemned to a
month's imprisonment for what seems
to her a harmless act.
She <vas going home from a concert
a few evenings ago when she decided
«he would like to see her fiance. As
ke happens to be a fireman whose
station is in her own neighborhood it
occurred to her it would be very easy
to summon him to her side by break
ing the glass of the fire alarm and
sounding a call.
She did so anr In a few moments
fire engines came from several direc
tions, all laden with firemen, of course,
but alas! her fiance was not among
them, and more than that all the fire
men were angry, and before she knew
what had happened she was taken to
a magistrate, who proceeded to make
the course of true love run unsmoothly
by sending her to prison for a month
in spite of her tears and protests that
she thought it would be a simple way
of bringing her fiance to her side.
The Old-Fashioned Ones Somehow
Don't Seem to Fit Into Mod
ern Situations.
"You know all the copybook. Me
Guffey's reader line of talk about ta
king the advice of one's elders?" be
gau the sad-eyed, undersized little
man on the car. "Sure you do. Sow
let me tell you something. See that
big apartment house over there on
the right? And that little business
block right next to it?
"Well, there weren't any apartment
houses or business blocks on it when
1 first clapped eyes on It. It was a
howling wilderness. In fact, and you
could almost chase rabbits up here.
That was about eighteen years ago.
1 had a hunch then—and 1 was only
eighteen years old at that time—that
this land would some day jump in
value by leaps and bounds. When I
was twenty years old 1 came into a
bunch of $lo.i>00. 1 went to my guar
dian. an old man. pretty prominent
in estate management and wisdom at
♦ha! time, and 1 told him I wanted to
soak the whole $15,000 in this block
of ground 1 pointed out to you. The
block was then on the market for
exactly $15,000. The old gentleman
pooh-poohed me.
" 'Go away, boy.' he said to me. with
a patronizing smile. 'You don't know
what you want It's my duty to save
you from such wild notions as this
one you've got into your head. They'll
be shooting rabbits and squirrels out
there on that plot 30 years from now.
"1 argued it with him. and he sat
down on me. Then he went and in- '
vested my $15,000 at three per cent. |
"Three years ago the man who 1
bought that same block of ground for
$18.i)00 sold it for about $200,000 cash,
and he's now cruising over in the
Mediterranean or some place or •
other, while I'm taking my wife out ]
for nickel car rides and wondering
where my $15,000 went. '
"There's got to be a new set of j
wise saws invented for twentieth cen
tury consumption The McGuffey’s
reader kind are moth eaten."
Lightning Change.
The Manager—Can you make quick
changes and double In a few parts?
The Actor—Can I? Say. you know
the scene In “Love and Ixibsters.”
where the hero and the villain are
fighting, and a friend rushes in and
separates 'em? Well. I played all
three parts one night when the other
two fellows were ilL
Holidays in the States.
Washington's birthday is a holiday
in all states. Decoration day in all
states but Florida. Georgia. Louisiana.
Mississippi. North Carolina, South
Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Labor
day is observed everywhere. Virtu
ally every state has legal holidays
having to do with its own special af
fairs—battle of New Orleans in Louis
iana, Texan independence and battle
of San Jacinto in Texas. Admission
day in California, and so on. Missis
sippi is like the federal government
in lack of statutory holidays, but by
common consent Independence day.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are ob
served. A new cne is Columbus day
in a few of the stales.
Planting Wedding Oaks.
Princess August Wilhelm, wife of
the kaiser's fourth son. has set herself
the task of reviving one of Germany's
oldest customs, that according to which
newly wedded couples immediately af
! ter the marriage ceremony plant a cou
ple of oak saplings side by side in a
park or by the roadside of their na
j tive town.
The town of Mulchausen. in Thurin
gia. is the first to respond to the prin
cess' appeal. A municipal official ap
pears at the church door after every
wedding and invites the bride and
bridegroom to drive with him in a car
! riage to a new road near the town and
! there plant oak saplings.
The tree planting idea was started
by a former elector of Brandenburg
with the object of repairing the rav
ages caused by the 3" years' war. The
elector forbade young persons to mar
ry until they had planted a number of
. fruit trees.
Two Very Old Ladies.
We have heard a great deal lately
about long-lived people, but it is prob
able that the oldest two people in the
world today are Frau Dutkievitz and
another old lady named Babavaslika.
The former lives at Posem. in Prus
sian Poland, and was bom on Febru
ary 21. 17S5. She is therefore one
; hundred and twenty-five years old
The latter, however, is nine months
her senior, having been born in May.
She is still a fairly hale old woman,
and for nearly one hundred years
worked In the fields. Her descendants
number close on l'H). and these now
make her a joint allowance. She lives
at the Tillage of Bavelsko, whose
neighborhood she has never quitted
during the whole of her long life. She
remembers events which happened at
the beginning of last century much
more clearly than those of the las'
40 years.—Dundee Advertiser.
An Alaskan Luncheon.
Runners of woven Indian basketry,
with white drawnwork doilies at each
of the 12 covers, were used on an oval
mahogany table. The doilies were
made at Sitka. In the middle of the
table a mirror held a tall central vase
of frosted glass, surrounded by four
smaller vases, all filled with white
spring blossoms. The edge of the
mirror was banked with the same
flowers. Four totem poles were placed
on doilies in the angles made by the
Place cards were water colors of
Alaskan scenery. Abaione shells held
salted nuts, and tiny Indian baskets
held bonbons. The soup spoons were
of horn, several of the dishes used
were made by Alaskan Indians, and
the cakes were served on baskets.
The menu was as fol!ow-s: Poisson
a la Bering Sea (halibut chowder'.
Yukon climbers c broiled salmon, po
tatoes Julienne), snowbirds avee
auroraborealis 'roast duck with jelly),
Shungnak river turnips. Tanana
beets. Skarway hash (salad*. Fair
banks nuggets tripe strawberries ar
ranged on individual dishes around a
central mound of powdered sugar),
arctic slices tbrick ice cream). Circle
City delights (small cakes'. Klondike
nuggets (yellow cheese in round balls
on crackers), Nome firewater (coffee*.
—Woman's Home Companion.
Largest of Whale*.
The largest whale of It* type of
which there is scientific record was
captured recently off Port Arthur,
Tex. He measured sixty-three feet
in length, and was estimated to be
about three hundred years old.
tain Cob Plummer, mate of a 1 nited
States pilot boat, sighted the monster
in the shoals off the Jetties, and the
crew of his vessel captured the mam
mal. The huge body was towed ashore,
exhibited and much photographed bo
fore being cut up.
Bankers and Bank Notes.
Four men. three of whom were con
nected with brokerage concerns in the
Wall street district, were discussing
United States paper currency and the
disappearance of counterfeits. 'A' e
are so sure nowadays.” said one of
the party, "as to the genuineness of
bills that little attention is paid to
them in handling, except as to de
nomination.” To prove his assertion
he took a $10 yellowback from his
pocket, and. holding It up. asked who
could tell whose portrait it bore. No
one knew, and by way of coaching
the broker said it was the first treas
urer of the United States. Again no
one knew the name. "Why, It's
Michael Hillegas,” said the man
proudly. "But in confidence. I'll tell
you. 1 didn't know it five minutes
ago.”—New York Tribune.
An Unnecessary Confession.
A hearty laugh was occasioned at
the Birmingham police court by a pris
oner who gave himself away in a very
delightful manner. The man was the
first on the list, and the charge against
him was merely one of being drunk
and disorderly. He stepped into the j
dock, however, just at the moment
when the dock officer was reading out
a few of the cases which were to com-?
before the court that morning. ar.d a
guilty conscience apparently led hint
to mistake these items fer a list of his
previous convictions.
He stood passive enough while the
officer read out about a dozen drunk
and disorderlies, but when he came to
one ''shopbreaking’' the prisoner ex
claimed excitedly. "That was eight
years ago. your honor.” Everyone be
gan to laugh, and the prisoner, realiz
ing the blunder he had made, at first
looked very black indeed, but finally
saw the humorous side of the matter,
and a broad smile spread over his face.
His blunder did not cost anything.—
Birmingham Mail.
Mexicans in the Main Unjjst in
Blaming Americans for Lack
of Politeness.
All the Mexican correspondents
who have written on the subject of
why Americans are not better liked
by Mexicans agree that it is largely a
question of a lack of politeness on
the part of the foreigner here, and in
some cases an ill-concealed contempt.
The latter is inexcusable, and certain
ly must emanate only from inconsid
erate or poorly educated persons, from
which no nation is fr<*v Politeness,
however, is largely a matter of form
and training. It is undeniable that
the Anglo-Saxon salutations, methods
of expressing thanks and apprecia
tion. etc., are simpler and shorter
than the Latin forms. To many who
have all their lives been accustomed
to the briefer Saxon ways, an vTtempt
of the more elaborate Latin poIrenes*
seems, for them, nothing short of af
fectation. and they simply cannot do
it. There are exceptions among Amer
icans and Englishmen who readily
adopt the courteous phrases of the
Mexicans and use them naturally, but
they are the exceptions. And it is
difficult to see how this can readily
be changed Our Mexican friends
should understand, on the other hand,
that if Anglo-Saxons do not. as a rule,
go through as many social formalities
as the usages of the land prescribe,
they mean no offense thereby. They
are accustomed to taking a good
many things for granted that their
Latin cousins give verba! assurance
of. Naturally, it is the duty of the
outlacder to conform as nearly as he
can to the ways of his adopted coun
try. but human nature and settled
habits are pretty hard to make over,
particularly unless you catch them
while they’re young.—Mexican Her- '
Take* Himself Seriously.
Nicola Tesla, dining by himself .n a ^
hotels great dining room, takes a
table where he can be seen^ Through
out hu meal be wears a deeply stu
dious. a completely absorbed. attitude
He may bring to the table a portfolio
filled with papers. These he mar
scan with prolonged
any event, he sits an eloquent table**
of profundity.—New York Press
Rat Bounty Excite* Merriment.
Seattle, fearing the introduction *
bubonic plague by rats, baa.offered •
bounty of ten cents a rat This rnov
Tacoma, safe from Infection from th*
,ea. to raucous laughter, and the Led
ger says that the bounty, "though no*
intended for rodents of Tacoma.
Kverett. Bellingham and other popu
lous and busy centers, has been find
ing its way into the pockets of non
residents of Seattle for non-resident
rats But the joke would be on ua «
It were found that our rat
lion had found its way into the S -a>
tie census.”
Pretty Good Definition. ^ __
We hear some funny things In -■
street sometimes, and the following
definition of the height of aggravation,
by a gentleman in rather shaky boots,
whom we encountered in a well-known
hostelry the other day. struck us as
being particularly choice.
"The ’eight of haggra ration, gentle
men." said this pothouse humorist, set
ting his pewter on the counter and
looking round proudly, with the air of
one about to let off a good thing. tt.s
eight of haggravation—why. trying
to ketch a flea out o’ yer ear with »
pair of hosin' gloves."—London Tit
Before Days of Free Press.
Many of the restrictions that hamp
ered the influence of the press re
mained in force until the close of the
eighteenth century in England It wa*
not till that period that newspaper*
obtained the right to criticise the pol
icy of ministers and of the king. Mr.
Walter, the first editor of the London
Times, was prosecuted for censuring
the duke of York, lie was sentenced
to pay a fine of $250. stand in the
pillory for an hour, be imprisoned for
a year and give security for his good
behavior for seven years. The order
with regard to the pillory was can
celed, but he had to serve nis term is
Jail. - .* —_ j
French Official Etiquet.
The wives of the new French minis
ters share in the honors conferred on
their husbands, the degree of defer
ence due to them being minutely es
tablished by the ' prctocole." When
the wife of a minister enters a room,
if any deputies' or senators’ wives an*
present, they are supposed to ris*
and remain standing until she is seat
ed. Other ministers' wives may rest
in their chairs, but should the prim*
minister's wife arise they also must
stand to attention. And even Mme.
Briand < if there were such a person i.
would have to show similar deference
to the wife of the president of tha
chamber. With her, according to tha
protocole, “e'est la representation na
tional qui entre, 1? suffrage univer
sel la France."—London Chronicle.
Vivid at Least.
Dr. Hiram C. Cortland t. the well
known theologian of Des Moines, said
in a recent address:
' Thomas A. Edison telLs us that h-J
thinks the soul is not immortal, but.
after all, what does this great wizard
know about souls? His forte is elec
tricity and macainery. and when b*
talks of souls he reminds me irresist
ibly of the young lady who visited the
Baldwin locomotive works and then
told how a locomotive is made.
’’ You pour.’ she said, a lot of sand
intd a lot of boxes, and you throw old
stove lids and things into a furnace
and they you empty the molten stream
into a hole in the sand, and everybody
yells and swears. Then you pour it
out and let It cool and pound it. and
then you put t in a thing that bores
holes in it. Then you screw it to
gether. and paint it and put steam in
it. and it goes splendidly; and the-.
take it to a drafting room and mak*
a bluep rint of it. But one thing I for
get—they have to make a boiler On*
man gets insfde and one gets outside
and they pound frightfully; and then
hey tie it to the other thing, and vou
•u’ght to see it go!”’
Tbat Suit for Libel
Against the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Gave a Splendid ChanrP
to Bring Out Facts
A disagreement about advertising arose
with a “weekly” Journal.
Following it. an attack on us appeared in
their editorial columns; sneering at the claims
we made particularly regarding Appendicitis.
We replied through the regular |>apers and
the "weekly" thought we hit back rather too
hard and thereupon sued for libel.
The advertisement the "weekly” attacked
us about claimed that in many cases of appen
dicitis an operation could be avoided by dis
continuing indigestible food, washing out the
bowels and taking a prejigested food Grape
Observe we said MANY cases not all.
Wouldn't that knowledge be a comfort to
those who fear a surgeon's knife as they fear
The "weekly” writer said that was a lie.
We replied that he was ignorant of the facts.
He was put on the stand and compelled to
admit he was not a Dr. and had no medical
knowledge of appendicitis and never Investi
gated to tind out If the testlmonal letters to
our Co. were genuine.
A famous surgeon testified that when an
operation was required Grape-Nuts would not
obviate it. True.
We never claimed that when an operation
was required Grape-Nuts would prevent it.
The surgeon testified bacteria |germsJ help
ed to bring on an attack and bacteria was
grown by undigested food frequently.
We claimed and proved by other fumous
experts that undigested food was largely
responsible for appendicitis.
We showed by expert testimony that many
<'?ses are healed without a knife, but by stop
ping the use of food which did not digest, and
when food was required again it was helpful
to use a- predigested food which did not over
tax the weakened organs of digestion.
When a pain in the right side appears It is
not always necessary to be rushed oft to a i
hospital and at the risk of death be cut.
Plain common sense shows the better way
; is to stop food that evidently has not been
; digested.
Then, when food is required, use an easily
digested food. Grape-Nuts or any other if
| you know- it to be predigested (partly digested
before taking).
We brought to Court analytical chemists
from New York. Chicago and Mishawaka, lnd..
who swore to the analysis of Grape-Nuts and
that part of the starchy part of the wheat and
barley had been transformed into sugar, the
kind of sugar produced in the human bodv by
’ digesting starch (the large part of food).
Some of the State chemists brought on by
the "weekly” said Grai>e-Nuts could not be
called a “predigested" food because not ail of
it waa digested outside the body.
The other chemists said any food which had
been partly or half digested outside the body
was commonly known as “predigested.”
Splitting hairs about the meaning of a ward.
It is sufficient that if only one-half of the
food is "predigested.” it is easier on weakened
stomach and bowels than food in which no
i part is predigested.
To show the facts we introduce Dr, Tfcos.
■ Darlington, former chief of the N. Y. Board
j of Health. Dr. Ralph W. Webster, chief of the
j Chicago laboratories, and Dr. B. Sachs, N. Y.
if we were a little severe in our denuncia
j tlon of a writer, self-confessed ignorant about
ap|>endlritls and its cause, it is possible the
public will excuse us. in view of the fact that
our bead. Mr. C. W. Post, has made a lifetime
study of food, food digestion and effects, and
the conclusions are indorsed by many of the
best medical authorities of the day.
Is It liossible that we are at fault for
suggesting, as a Father and Mother might, to
one of the family who announced a pain in the
side: "Stop using the food, greasy meats,
gravies, mince pie. cheese, too much starchy
£2* *£• etc • whi<* has not been digested
v , k*'" aKa‘n rea(1y for food use Grape
Nuts because it 1» easy of digestion'"
Or should the child be at once carted off to
a hospital and cut?
i a„!l htV<> kn°*n °f many cases therein the
iproaihing signs of appendicitis have dis
i appeared by ,he suggestion being followed
: t ,°?? Wl,er appreciates the value of a
l’hfrS‘Cian When a P«*o» is in the awful
throes of acute appendicitis, but "an ounce
f°nJS W°rth 3 1X1,111(1 of cure.”
nowadays*'" common ^nse is helpful even
This trial demonstrated Grape-Nuts food
*s pure ueyond question^
It is partly predigested.
^pcndictus generally has rise from undl
it_is not always necessary to operate.
It is best to stop all food--—
jthen ready tQ-gjimSding use a predl
gested food. ------ •
“ ,s Palatable and strong in Nourishment
It will pay fine returns in health to quit the
heavy breakfasts and lunches and use less
S?tafc^Et"U ’2"’ ■» sustain
the body. May we be permitted to suggest a
breakfast of fruit. Grape-Nuts and cream
, two soft boiled eggs, and some hot toast and
I cocoa, milk or Postum? and
The question of whether Grape-Nuts does or
oes not contain the elements which nature
requires for the nourishment of the brain, also
of its purity, will be treated in later news
paper articles. news
Good food is important and its effect on the
body is also important.
“There’* a Reaion"
Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd.
Bwttlw Creek, Mick. *