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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
' i Thc f,rst national bank of Loup City . .. y 6'ves notice that they have purchased one e wcrid famous “TISCO" Manganeese Steel rccently tested at Canton, Ohio, in the presence of one of their officers by experts cun ning in the art of Burglary I JL tha* th«y have ordered a new system of F*^ . r ^ POSIT BOXES to be placed in their I trict y fire proof vaults as soon as received from \ ie factory Ip Further notice will be published in this space within a few weeks that this new equipment has ^ •rrsved and we then promise to show our friends and the public one of the best protected banks in the state of Nebraska. Yours respectfully. L. HANSEN. Cashier. the northwestern T« >J*aY. l»tM 2. 1S»I« A VartH Oaotat um*. ..""" I i rr^ v#r fc#L.. ■n*k pur taw ...7» p .7*' 3. «* .> B>« pm Im __... ..... .«m prT t, .... .a. '<T‘ pf 4ca .35 □sluu Tint* 4 iH . .*> t.« * fartt - » »* a. i: j>|, «. >* *•• J*. II »1 «. . i*... Vmt * • :.»* Ar*»ri. *«•)>■. ..« 4>van. :ii» • *n ■»« •’■nt.t'.M I * »*viri>i"t Ar«*t l^AL news. ', Art. .*» ~A»r At ('ot> ~ - «-rt '•it _rdpt - ■ ■» UKt TTC'» ■ : + »«*..* -tda lAAUuti , .. .■ •» ! -r tautt*r fat . > _ ... A. L < ‘ha'* V ' A- toots U> A *uf *• '.(AifU a( liar At-.tear*. * - . H sa» t« *j«1* at Mr* > \ Afirt *-t Tr a* k*» pratTT* i «u l«!* **t iwprutrd pmtarr i . ii rr*-jt >^rr_ia». >*-•■ J. W. Lmc. Ta. - -r -jtfttrr and «xr* lo ( oo • * - -r t _ -AT. P^t U .IXIllDC mh »a»* Mr 4»a a** 11 **1 «-*"•» a nrpiarn taf . -* *ti •* A « A mail. K«»a. I" .£ ?eaj»|A»** j*fP *t> • Tj*i» 1 -rA«er% *'o ;at* »t a- [•!>•* lor *x*> <**■ ~ • -m »»rT} betfr I L mb-: Uaa'? »«*■«> Kr„ | «t»tr !/«■» »* •«»•*%! rai» ~ al J«'ka M . Lmk'k t ' . - - V J»« 1't^O ’ ftVMB . * . t: •- . r*.* i :!at* - 'rmiif u* ; ld» *r*~ •»* ■f- . j « Tr-rui i*J >1 I1* t„ Ja* 2. Mam «*-» *i !•> a. mUT at ti.f U** A IMtiB Will I . : r-t ot ti«r j«-»r and , m; . ,)» l<«r rlafUrt }«ara.«*«r j ,, .. r r .n ~*»a U <iiih|MmI t ;• ‘i • Kwlr-r*. J It l<*u Mr a*. y»«:«mc ^ ***** caati tm rrrmBJ de.^«-rr: at tfa* < rmtnert IUv***a i *u*av Co T —■ atac W'1* tadrUl ,. . jj p irrdinaad: Furniture a»l weUMt* '-***■ . Mi *-a~i4rorr IB *■*» j , ... mi. trade *amr for r^a r-t* r » ai rt* *<*'* * kin« of tl» • atU* i n i: •_ .ra !«®o«r Tlnifv ‘ * |. i. said V» a jf!«od »; ii. i<i»t Tt»*» mm .. ,3TU rti at<r *nd »«<i ' IteViU» Vtndf . ,j **., Tl* o^nxl‘*e*t i-.. — :i iZT.*» li . A. .-\*l t •«**»*** lB.|Uirrof; ,< - .a Vr0r H> t ttor **t l*» « < * *fcoa MM M t»» < <•*» .... __' <*f Omt rttj. Ja * M d «U t • (NUlM **» “•*rr*’d If V«1 •*“- »dr»> ' L *•* - ,f .+2k\r %»*uf (MMftff -S-:** ■“»*"* J*'- Mr F' '• T , jrf tioc of •»*■»** a__,. IU» iiM %rrtdr Kr»ro. »r • «•**■■•* #mma6*y t (, ,d»t» And »ill mum t ‘u^if c«**' «*-«•**» *{trr U* ** <«# j a* «u*r? - „ ! jr. 14 \o*A itooo. U* ar»«m*». *»a «AUol»rUfr% metric* U- •—* *■ ‘'7777'^ » or Tm* ->f * e^iiUir. or ptwftt ,1, |rtT-* cm **■ <Wirt **rum of Vort .. I«*rr tt»r#«v t*» ******* Mr *nl Vn“ Kr»nk Umva *»1 *<«*■* »-*|a»«ni 'j *IU. **• torJt,“’r- "*"r mf' rl», OA» ***** **' mrrk f(tr jo, Ki« iHifur-lrr»*} . . eim «m >*»' ••< n-dirrrrd * Kf*L * Borietoft*- tf* MiUtt mj . l. ^.ArrMod U*l >Al-rd»> for .fc. *»,. «**i wdt* •Atrurtoi, l^^rAri *1 «-■ Hr lo»*o»U~ *r»t of ■*« •®c* u* * p*m*u*m in U*r nilBAd * .ujn *t Heitooo. tH»r !**«*»*: inrnA* «Ui b»»r t QiO*11-" *rr*H» l|Blf^ it, ii» urrirjM> ctiurrti ** | ^__ t*et nii. tor of mttcis 10 mt intibftUMi l» et MH|Bdt««t> »«•»■<**■»» ***** *** *u—rt 1 niser's for specia.s day. i >r W agons and Buggies, see T. M. Bead. Specia - >n s*,e at ( unhiser's every Saturday t« reeti Ucmes for chicken* at Lee Bros ‘ meat market Mr and Mrs C. C. Carisen went to * »rd Wednesday morning Cm sen* Uirive when fed on green t»-nes ».et some of Lee Bros. Bargains in Town Property for sale hj John M . Lone *»et tour Christmas cards and all • liter ca rds at tite Variety store. F'raace* > wee t laud is iiome from Bene' ue co.iege for Lite holidays Try A/tr< not coal for your cook dev*. Kor sa:e i»y E. ii. Tavlor. T W it Wolfe, tlte optician, is titling glasses in Lincoln tills Teek. t ni.tser lias specials on sale every •satunia' Go in and see. Saturday. Mrs I»eWitt * Variety store is the p.a - t» buy jour Ctiristmas presents cheap Feed your rhkken* well in winter. Trj tite green hones at Lee Bros.' meat market. Mrs A I* Culler and Mis* Jess • i spend Christmas at York, return ing home later. All the Town Property offered for sale at first hands hj railing on John W . Long. Miss X* ,ie JefI .rds of Bridgeport' » spend toe holidays here with Mi*- Winnie * kithouse. I» n »*. you want a new t*uggv or spring wagon'* T M. Beed is pre pared to supply your wants. Mis* Adeline Leimnger arrived h aw- :*»• Saturday from Wesleyan 'niversity to stay during the lioli dny*. Why iay lor butler, when you ear. get U«e be>: countrv butter for 23c per pound at the Loup City Mercantile Co. K L Aru.-r M diday moved his stock /f itvennandiae into his new ■ i-arter- in tiie A. L. Zimmerman cement bunding Ladle- cal at < .-libber'sany Satur day ami y--u »i„ tnd special bargains •n saie that will piease you and save jour pnrketbook. Mrs r.ecrge M'Fadden and little daughter eft T-esdav morning for an over-* 'bristmas visit with friends and restive* in r >maha. l** t fail to see the drama. "King of the r attle King at the opera b use n.-jt Thursday night. I*ec. 5* it n- saiJ to be a good one Mt--*-- Men*. Kmma and Winnie r*uth use and F.ura t ihuseti arrive ■ie this evening from the State ' wrrwti for tiie holiday time Would not a Bound < *ak Range make your wife or friend a nice r hnstwas present*? Call and see wiiat T M Heed lias to show you. Tliere i» no more pieasant or protii at - e w »> of spending a few of tiie • •iter moatits tiian by taking some practical course in tiie St Haul Col iege h vani ttardiner ol the Times .eft a-: "at unlay for a three weeks vacation. Todd, a nephew of F M Henry from Cotes fie id. taking hi» pia< e. TUer* win be a line entertainment and Christmas tree at the M. £. church ('hnsitnas £ve and a cordial imitat. *n i- ettenied to all friends of Uw church to be present. A new lass in so -rtliand and Type wntiug wiil tie organized Jan l! at U * Si. i*aui College Also a short urse in agriculture including a study of sjiis. corn judging and stock judging will be given. This will in terest tie's*- wito are preparing to teach, as well as farmers. Mr £. E. ( ollipriest of Ashfork. \m.. accompanied bv bis wife and children, arrived lien Monday noon and w: i visit with ids brother. Get . i W Col ipriest and family, till Fri day n> ■ming wlien they leave for Webster City, lowra. to visit Mr. Coliipriest s parents over Christmas. yuite a ciiange occurred in the meat market industry of our city last week, taking effect Monday morning .of Un» week. Lee Bros., purchasing the A M Bennett meat market on Main street, and surrendering their lease on tiw Binneer market, the lat ter being re-leased to Messrs Chris I Joiiansrii and W G. McN ulty, for a ; term of years, who will take care of ' tiie business coming to that reliable I market Ttte Messrs. Lee have had tiieir weatiier eye on tiie Bennett 1 market lor some time and we are to be coagrat ulated on tiieir acquisition. Floyd Gibson is home for the hoi1 days. Clifford Rein is expected home from tlie State University this evening for t .e holday season. J. W. Conger, our popular ice baron, is getting bis congealed aqua tatier naoie ready for the ice harvest.* We understand Elmer Youngquest ana family intend moving to South ern California in about two weeks. Miss Ethel Mercer. “Hello" girl at the central, left last Saturday for her home at Siloam Springs. Ark., to spend the holidays. Anotner heavy blanket of snow en velops Mother Earth to the depth of several inches. It began Tuesday, about noon, preceded by a heavy sleet Mrs Alice liascorab left Monday morning to spend the w inter with a married daughter in Portland. Ore. She intend- returning in the spring, we understand School children suffering from head ache should have their eyes examined during the holidays by Wolfe, the optician, at Wharton hotel. Con sultation free. Mr Lawrence Costello of Grand Island was a guest Tuesday at the M. C. Mulick lome. leaving Wednes day morning for his Michigan home to -pend the holidays. We hear that Vic Swanson will go to Turlock. Calif., in a couple of of months, with his family, to make their future home. That was for merly their home. also. J. W Conger wishes u- to inform the skaters they can use his pond on Christmas Eve. Christmas day and Christmas night, but later will be forbidden till after the ice harvest. B. S. Shepnerdson of Custer county visited over last Sunday with his father-in-law. S. s. Reynolds, and family, in W'etister township, going home 'i uesday. Miss Maude Rey nolds accompanying him for a week's visit. A. Era/.im came up from Ravenna Monday and yesterday returned home taking with him iiis daughter. Mrs. Gus Lorentz. and baby, to visit over Christmas. Gus to come down and eat turkey there too on Christmas I »ay. Tiie popular drama. "Kinp of the Cattle Kinp." a rousin? western play will be put on tiie boards at the opera iiouse next Thursday eveninp. Ivc. 2a. and from what we can learn is entitled to u p >d house, beinp full of action and pood w ork from start to finish John Fisher on Monday met with an accident in workinp about his place, resultinp in tiie tearinp off of the nail and end of one tlnper of his^npht hand. Jolin'is not yet able to explain just how it happened, but has a practical demonstration of tiie fact all tiie sauit. Preparations are n ude at the Pres byterian church for tiie best propram and finest entertainment Christmas Eve ever pi\en to all friends of tiie society to be present and enjoy a most deliphtful eveninp. The pro pram will tiepin promptly at and you will miss a treat if not there. Mr. E Holcomb left Monday for a months' visit back in Trumbull county. Ohio, near Cleveland, where ; lo- will visit a widowed sister. Mrs. H. M Strickland, whom lie has not' seen for some twenty years. We w isli for him a safe journey and a most ■ enjoyable visit in his ehilhdood's; home. Our Baptist friends will have a < hristmas Eve entertainment at tiieir ■ church tliis week Saturday eveninp. Me have not learned whether they are to have a tree or not, but a deliphtful entertainment is promised. A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of the church to be present. We understand A. C. Best and fami-1 !j will shortly return to Aurora to live. Bro. Best, wbo is w ell named, came up to Sherman county less than tw o j ears ago. has disposed of some two thousand acres of good Sherman county soil at a handsome profit and was merely loaned to us for a season a> a sample of good Hamilton county citizenship. We are sorry lie and his ' good family do not remain per manently but congratulate Hamil ton county on their return. Last week, as we noted. Mr. Watts sold his moving picture outfit to a J. H. Thompson of Broken Bow. Mr. Thompson brought iiis household goods up a few days after, expecting to take the Baptist parsonage off the hands of Mr. Watts, hut found it rented and as lie could not find an other house to rent, became dis-1 couraged and yesterday sold the show U», Mr. Tom Daddow. owner of the opera house, and returned to Broker j Bow M r. I >addow intends to run the moving pictures three nights out | of each week. We hope Tom will j make a success out of the game, and believe lie will. For Sale My residence two blocks south of I Main street. Will give some one a splendid bargain, as ] am leaving town. A. C. BEST. Farmers Notice We want your good wheat and do ! not sell before you get our prices. We also want corn and oats and are fiaying more than it will net to ship to am terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. Lori* City Mill & Light Co. Gcraan Evangelical Church Loup City—Dec. 24. at 3:30 p. m., meeting of the German class At 7:3u p in. Christmas celebration. On i I>ec. 25tli at 10:30 a. m., Christmas service and Lord's Supper lAbend mahl). Jan. 1. service at 10:30 a. m. Jan. 7, continuation of lesson in German. Ashton—Dec. 2tt. at 1 o'clock p. m., service and Christmas celebration. Jan, 2. 10JO a. m.. service and Lord's Supper. Jan. 14,10:00 a. m.. Instrue j lion for candidates of confirmation ' and lesson in German. New Meat Market Having leased the Pioneer Meat Market for a term of years, we solicit the patronage of the people of Loup t'it_. and vicinity, promising to five tliem of the best the market affords in everything carried inj a first class market- oysters and celery in season, fresh and salt meats. etc. Give us a call and we will treat vou nj>ht. JOHANSEN & MoNPLTY. Moon Creek Items Joe Jensen of Omaha is working lor F. A. Pinckney. Miss Caddy i> working for Mrs S. S. Reynolds. About thirty young people last Thursday evening chi ravared Mr. ant! Mrs. Rufus Hiddleson. where they played games and enjoyed the treat given them. Tom Mcllravy and John Hatch are husking com for J. H Ford. Mr Ford has been busy hauling corn to town tiie past two weeks. 'I he relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark helped them celebrate tli**ir 4oth wedding anniversary one day last week. Messrs. Fred and Victor Tucker and Robert I >insdale and Miss Mary Domgard were guests at tiie Fross home Sunday In the hurry of getting the items i of last week off. tiie correspondent forgot one or two important items. : one of which was: The W. C. T. C. meeting at the home of Mrs. Abbie Gilbert was a pleasant event, and although the attendance was not so i large as the hostess expected, e.ery one present enjoyed the diuner and the meeting very much, and we were told there was an abundance left over. SCHOOL NOTES Don't forget the Christmas program on Frida , evening of this week. Old Santa !ia> promised to be there, and we are anticipating a good time. i Come and share it. Rev Wold and Miss Emma Rowe took dinner Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Hiddleson. Rev. H. S. Wold and little daughter. Martha, were visitors at our school Monday, when Mr. Wold gave us a splendid taik on Opportunity. Tiie older pupils spent a pleasant evening last Thursday evening at tiie home of Amy Mcllravy. preparing tiie decorations for the Christmas tree. Good One for Girls’ Team Twi* basket tall games in one eve ning was plenty of amusement for tiie small crowd who were fortunate enough to attend. Tlic giris from Loup City are swift, awful >wift. at playing basket ball. , They use team work to perfection, and they played all around our little , ladies from this city. They play in a more aggresive manner, and if our lassies ever take them down the line they will have to play a much faster and a more aggressive game. We want to go on record as saying that the Loup City giris are a sw ift basket hall team. Tiie boys is another story. The visitors wtre so far outclassed that it was a relief to the spectators w hen they were allowed to make their tirst. I on a foul called on one of tiie local players. Ralph Smith wa> almost enough to take care of them alone. Talk aliout a last basket hail player. He is fast and that about half ex presses it. The other boys on the team are good also, but he is in a .class by himself, and tiie others do not appear to be as good as they really are. Although the scores were one-sided considerable interest was manifested in both games. It was a pleasure to watch the team work of the girls from up the line, and it certainly was rich to watch tiie fast playing of our college iads.—St. Paul Phono graph Press. Notice o! Hearing or Petition tor Letters ot AaiiQistration State of Nebraska i > ss Sherman County l State of Nebraska To the next of kin and ail persoo interested in the estate of Mary Bander deceased, late of said county: Notice- is hereby given that on December Inth, 19b*. a petition was filed in ihe County Court M said county, for the appointment o? an administrator of the estate of friary Bander deceased late of said county and that the same was **et for hearing Saturday, the 31 st dav of December. 19lo at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon at the office of E. a. ! Smith. County Judge of saul couuiy in Loup I City m said county at abich time and place all persons interested in said estate mav ap pear and be heard concerning said appoint ment. Given under my hand and tne seal of said court this lath day of IJecemb^r. 1910 E A. Smith County Judge. [Last pub Dec. Dei*. i9] - -; 1890 1910 York College — Winter Term OPENS January 2, 1910 College, Normal, Academy Pharmacy. Business, Stenography, Music, Oratory and Art Best Advantages, Strong Faculty. Lowest Rates. Pleasant Surroundings Award College Degrees Issue State Certificates F urnish the Books Free Make Your Stay Pleasant Save you money ! -— You are invited to come. Ask for information at once. Wm. E. Schell, D. D., President York, Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS In County Oburt within and for Sherman OOttbtT Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Andre* Berg strom deceased State or Nebraska ^ Sherman County ' Th*. >tate of Nebraska T«' the t':ed"l rv « f sm|(1 estate: You are hr re by notified, that 1 wili sit u» the couutv court r*>om in L< •:** City, in said county on the rSfrd cay of Marvh 1911 at lb o'clock a r. and on the tT3*d day of June 1911. at l«» oVUiek a rc to receive and ex a trine * 11 c ami'* admins: said estate wtf: a view to their adjustment and a.a wance. The time mited for the presentation o* claims »**.. im said e>tate > sx months Iron ti e JSro :i\ o: iv ^tuber a IV. 19.0 and th* time limit* for payment of debts > one y» at lr m said SStrd day or June 1911 Witness m hand «*nd th** s* a. of said county c* rt. this 19th d»\ of December. 191 skAi. K. A SMI h . Count v J d;e —as* pub. Jar. l» Signify Your Affection by giving good Jewelry if you give any. Have the ring, the bracelet, the locket you give today of such a luality that its beauty will never vanish. Its attractiveness never be ! lacking. Engagement. Anniver sary and Birth day Gifts should be selected here on account of the beauty and permanent value [ of our offerings. H. M. ELSNER The Reliable Jeweler COLUMBIA Indestructible Cylinder Records 35c 35c' Fit Your Machine and Last Forever Purest, clearest, mow brilliant tone. Call for a catalog. A splendid repertoire to choose fmm—and we are adding to it tight aliing. Swanson & Loftioln WILD POSE Polapd Chipas I have a few choice males ready for service: lenptliy. bip-boned fellows: money-makers at farmers' prices. Also. Six Shorthorn Bulls, six to eipbt months old. L. N. Smith. PICTURES Make IDEAL XMAS GIFTS (He Raw Cbem ALL KINDS Some by Harrison Fisher and Howard Chandler Christy Also some Beautiful Pastels and Madonnas by the s Knaffl Bros. PRICES RIGHT Eisner’s Studio LET I GROW TOGETHER $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year 59,000.04 represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. * hich means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in abi ity to be of genuine service to its clients. It nr eans that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank. There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the UUP EITl STM BUI Capital and Surplus, $37,500 SPECIALS! WHERE? COIMHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd’y In the Sunny South: Every first and third Tuesday very low homeseekers' excursion rates are in effect to the South with 25 day limits. and every day the winter tourist rates are in effect with all winter limits. To California: I>aily excursion rates with attractive conditions, limits, stop-over privileges, side-trips, etc., are in effect. The annual winter movement to Southern California by thousands of Americans who desire to escape the rigors of the North is now under way. Colorado: A two or three weeks' sojourn in the w inter ciimate of Colorado is recommended by physicians as one of the best up-building tonics available. The great National Western Stock show is held at Denver. January 16-21. The Burlington takes excellent care of you to California, either in through standard or through tourist sleepers with conductors in cliaree;—via Denver, scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. Western Land Products Exhibit win be held in Omaha January IS to 2Sth. All new western localities should be represented; all farmers and pros Dec Live farmers should see this instructive exhibit. - J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agent L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. AgL, Omaha NOTICE THE Salisbury-Saterlee Iron Bed Clamp made of malleable iron, guaranteed by the manufacturers not to break. We carry a full line of these beds in in stock and would be pleased to see all prospective buyers. Call and look over them. This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds. Come in and see our complete line of FURNITURE Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi, Before yon place your orders. We can save you money on everything in our line. H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 120 to 250 No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud City Neb.