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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1910)
F*RST NATIONAL BANK of Loup City hereby gives notice that they have purchased one of the world famous “TISGO" Manga nee se Steel Sa es. recently tested at Canton. Ohio, in the presence of one of their officers by experts cun ning in the art of Burglary Aiso. tnat they have ordered a new system of SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES to be placed in their strictly fire proof vaults as soon as received from the factory Further notice will be published in this space within a few weeks that this new equipment has arrived and we then promise to show our friends and the public one of the best protected banks in the state of Nebraska. Yours respectfully. L. HANSEN. Cashier. THt NORTHWESTERN raresiuT. i« i ivtm 1 r« Iirlrt (fitfUtwK .JS# J»] *m arr te *".<**1 prr Ui **r %• . « arr 2fe >*-r das BaHiiTlM Tim- l aH i - *"ir: Mhm& 1 * *•* »■**. - •**». t.aar ~j*4—.. - • »* * - - a. :i» a * ; m-1 » J * »*StOJM«* a***. LOCAL NEWS. ■»»»’• :* .* 'Me t*c~C Itei. u* a: ( o» '14 ta, «» .n ► ♦ i -— ** _ * w.rdis -4 -**»: Frida* « V taw* i**i 41 *.jjr IlCDHte af * 4T fcraarti agm ,i Ujt u: f< WMt pnr» Hr * uf (■> Jxa*' i* U* rttt iikR- . <r»* Wr \ air. •*•• i-n » *4*. 1 for . _»-• >- jto fur -After 'a: Tt*. i- E Cbm L«r**a * farmer Jr® j - • -- :«r: .jmc >ua I T«*a :-4* «r tin|»r«tr4 f»r«*prr* I* at rr -f iurraii«- >*“*• J. j H*w. . -4 llcwwl s**>! Tnm» 4*r l "BT t«R>l M* **r* *» t «H r • « _ -a® *n anyth tat mtme. !-.5«4.«* f Haw iBfW M«*-f « a I ( :* * VBbj .. *'j»' l»i i MIL “ . lli -t <4 ■ Ofc. !»%» ~ a*. /nnr * - r «®e* He *• :• » -• lajrry hats* X*. —• - n «_«r * t bik iw .adrlt j j- * -saaat Fumn-i*» •* .4— '^f **e»—4» aHPe. V — K-r» ^ ca.a« tip from ’ rs* T.^iii 4>rSI«r far t fre t * »r._ Vu» l,'e*r: Neefiat Ir,iH gaj] l.uir L«»* at ^i!r% a! Juki « . U«r v m »»■ —..4 arrai t ,.j* ii*rsrt » 1 ■ !a» tm . tad tl»e i *- ! ; 14 jr tm*Z Vr* a- f*»>ar Mid ifteMK <ri44H*n , £ HP . 4. :» - ik ..t Hr*. K F Jo®**, _•»* Hr- than t."«rr A I_ En-I 3I "• ■_ oK atof. E G. a L MM - fli. «tt*rr .,.**** t-mrd . r , r * -J - >.a IV -•« e.rfr-ind uMnrnr _.rl»* ■ ti—ir «»MMM SaMm - 'j***®"- r*re r^aad. , =...-;4- ^-art V VffVt m. ;-o**:C.-cr. V II l ■— ;• s l U- ««• « Hrtai! twt aeate- «» ■■ ‘Nt ——■■ * rjj« % ifae V oar •*»»»» 4 * - ‘ ^ n*—mi*cm Hr \p*a£J»* .rtMtJk rxi-A - . V • -i. .,3 * iny lo SwBKifi to a* v*«er. hr lad • - ‘ itri ■. »*ar» and «iU abt -»i farU'ia teli-rt fi % Vau» Md flMMy ‘fft fda -la* f«e B***® t*« to> «^ead m ai^r f «4- at Alj**r t**d taaase -ad !r-» l*aw **H g.1* uir:r falAifg iiawwt. »* Mr »4Wrr A .'tarTi. HbBUMW <■ | Mi- i*r 1* *»«•**»<»ii** . Leap iHj. ** _rt i**u#e im J _‘<4sJc li *r r*dr T:un.<^J-*) ^ •■•*W «®o«-3**te* *“• <ir inMtilu aad t*»r rwri«l*t® ■.amt ImATTitJ eteJOJted - Tuf l « ter ri»rt. M U* 1 o O. r hmUfrn u» ****** <?}** . 3»ttrr~ iteH.*! u*ck«» ^ iodc» am ti»f» .,1] tar 1 *i»ort Uiw »fl« *c4re. 'alii. fr»Btei -*’1"** to ^ *y_~ --a uit M>o««r cwsyte* * » douWe - - *imr < >)» W- u> Vitair M FT*rT-» Md *^*W » «after u> VM ‘rikAfte*. ajj Of \n4t ;*»irart fe« .eft o»er JroiE U»e adjuarurd lU fol* n. Ttoe oteiy ****** «•■ ~ fi'SCTS Tf d. frtunjr U» and Mr* T»k * -tmi-i— r a fur apeak - 'Uof day. 4 *~r !i> *: t«a. >ii »i- irfnvd at -argent 1:atikvi*iu{ liar In a score t< i to « I ir Kb an*: Buggies. see T. M Bend The editor want- a ..-ad of . ob* w: »i tiriop them -r. - tadi m delivery sf tot f, east m saie a: 1 -nhiser * every -a:srtaf, T:m- tea- ier»‘ cont-ngem irU.rtK*d ■ M;*da> from Liaroa. well pleased •tth tl» maVr meeting tiw ittfait of buying tour meat at l*imrf •» meat market. M'ade* M .jm re*, _med last >«:r ja? Irua do Ijonjestead up in tiie >r <ti> K „JJ xM.ntr< for an .ode finite •Mt Karraiti* ip Town Properly Ter -tale lit John W. Lons Mr* a E Boater ramr up from \-r ra T-oday U> >i»i! iter mother. Vr~ Margaret Leinmger and oilier , reiatires. Tn Artec nut a: for your cook **u>ve Foe sa* In E «•. Tavior Mr and Mr* George Morgan of • » ila Ka» are lierr v isiung the family u*e * brother. *' II. K;>r{U nlner a» speria.* «J sale every ~>aturiiy t»o in and M-e. Saturday. Vi -»in*.*i yesterday rented his :arm t- i»t» '.e.-ege and »e under* stand »i return u> Loup City to make Heir lomt. Ec»r Beak—Building one door tooth of JVnrrf meat -i-arte: >rr S F. iteyno.d* Mr* Mi .er ? Lunrom. accompanied a Inend -pent Thancsgivit^ here w ith her -ister* Mesdame* W. Cross. * H- Batietnayer and I* Howen. -J'KING CHICKENf are wanted at Itatartt * meat market, Higi«-*t market prior paid Tier r. ;_a:n* of Mr. Martin Comer. »■ **. a ati occurred at Ei J*a.v Tria- v i ZTnd. were brought la- * Me a*e pa rig > cent* ca**i frr i ream »1» .. .t ied at t:ie creamery. UiVCVM < BUXEET ('*•. Mi** Mary Itriman who las t«een at Mm- htnpitai at « »maia for the pa** *♦ » month* returned bc-rae ,a*t week Wednesday, much improved in i*ea:th. Bsy ..r -ak- from your h.-me merer .ant* They will treat vou right L»ir( m aea ivtiuoi Workmen »:■ rebuilding Uie ice •» ’-v lor J. M • -nger. to repiaoe a*r m - *n down and on a much arrer - aie the present dimen*ion* bring ♦"!.■*'ft. It* feet in height For -Naie- My residence in east I Is-up City: or will trade same for rea estate MitrtK MVcmtk. The lii»ae of Mr and Mn» H M. sx.ipiey a Route 1. a now one of tiie •appn-: in the country, caused bv u» arrni of a sc* Friday. Nov. y.. brandpa *a Ro»» i* also liapny Lai.-* railat > ioniser * any Satur day and yon will find specia. bargain* a >a.e that will f ease you and *»«e | jour pc*, set hot-k Fred /» uk of Lb township. t«» U*en i in town ,a*t Saturday. and jm Monday »a* taken to Uie iiospita at brand Island, and operated upon for appenda nt* ti«e folio* in*: day FARM tor sale Ti»e potUioest ! quartern! Nvti.aS.Tu«n lu. Uan*:e | Ik. » Mrt*>r Umosiiip. lta*uire of H Uevmvil. Loup city. Nehr Ward \ er Vann ana daughter. Mis* Mar. ta are going U.rougl. a siege of :li* hut are rept'rted mending. Tlie rest of the household lave hut rort-veerd lroa> the same affliction. Try N Nickoiaus tite 3nimui. tar tjuc*: and tati*iacu>ry srr\ ice. Let‘r -roer* at Ute Keystone Lem inrrr -r Taytors elevator. or phone rn> residence «. on 107 Mr and Mr* Jas Johansen. Misses Mary Minsbull and Cora Fro**. and Meson. Newton Jensen and Robert I>2nMia t open: Ti-anksciving in i*al a,t? ai Uie bc«M of Mr* Annie Mandate For >atr Five choice Imroc-Jersey •*»r pig> and «m yearling pedigreed >t.orUx«a tail. calf, at my Jarir nme Kite* north at Loup tTtv. PI tone |>mM. J. F. Rock. I»a«e Vaenunr. alto was working at Utr Young barber sitop Here, ieft a»4 »ee«. for Rockville. purchasing a barber stiop in that village Toes dai afu-rrxtun tie was married to Miss \>«a Moor* in this city, and they amt bu ii use-keeping immeaiativ at jRorfcvMIe Sherman Encampment No. 174, 11. O. O. F. at iu last meeting elect : *<j Utr folk** mg officers: Chief pat ! nani- * C. Harper: senior warden, j R I». Hendrickson: bigb priest. S. F. lit-t no ids: junior warden. Ten us Bie i atcNMi: M-rtbr. G. H. (libsan. treasurer ! A B <»utbpu*e Itj».trn-t lie pair J. F. Anstett is in : •jut cttf working in the interests of , Utr Modern BruUtrritood of America. There sill be a large clans adoption Kridat. lw. Mb. The M. B A is am* ai :>e best, and anyone wanting Utr (»-• fraternal insurance should letter from C. T. RcKINNIE Likes California, But Oh! You Nebraska lVliirhe«)i. (V.. Nov. 3*th. lt*10— Mr. J * liur.eich Loup City. Neb.. I»ear Mr. liuricigh I am glad to •ea»ri through Northwestern columns that Sherman county has redeemed irtriv f and :.:ied up with the state for republicanism. In your issue of Nov. 10th. you mention the famous Wenatchee Val iev of Washington, and what a rela t>v- of Mr. Pilger's is doing there in raising and shipping apples. You know tiat is w‘,at w e are doing lie re on our l*'*sacre tract; Hat is. we are drve ping water and putting out and pears, and Telachepi fr-it i' :ntneivia!!y. will soon rival tlie tiest of that now produced by C\>.i ran Washington. Oregon, etc., in fact toe family orviiards here have grown both apples and Hart .ett pears lor ! rty years of *|uaiity. size, color. Davor and keeping qualities that can not tie surpassed anywhere. So. of ..-sr. the tt*. ne> of immense for-* t_nes made .r >:n apples and pears .Merest us. and the fact that Mr. l inger s relative ios orders for more -ppies tiian lie can fill only corrobo rates the statement often made that ti»ert i- a shortage of both apples and apple and. Ten acres of Wenat :«ee V'a>: . .and m seven-year-old Ye . w Newt n Pippin Apples, with h use costing no. has just sold for ».« »*•- that is Itaiit per acre-and tin cr p tins year brought •ld.OUO as.. ' ■ -t—s that i- going some, eh? Hut it ;s a true statement, and will give you some idea of wlatvve are c : Not far from u- liartlelt te ar' h r a terof years have aver aged It tons .*f fruit to tlie acre that ght j per pound- tliatisfl.LM > r acre. l*o you know how to figure •in value of land that will produce -l.ltf }<er acre: Now. 1 know bow I a cpteo statements like the above w:«rn I first heard them, and I ex pevt y u will accept them in*about the same way tlie only "cure" is to c.>me and -ee for yourself, so 1 won't wear, y u with any more facts of tiat Wind Where we live, here at Tchachepi. u.e altitude r- 4o**< tret and we have s. ■:« »:nte:. lo degrees above zero is t: • Jest known in It years. Last • inter it »as 1‘ degree* above zero on :i.e coldest day which is about ■ averageIdes: day during the w rit* r The s uttiem t^aiifomia natives think tlie winters here sime l rig awf_ but after seeing 1'4 de frees below zero and a few blizzards in Nebraska. 1 do not think we will agree with tliem or suffer much with s-ch mild cold We are in good health are more tian pleased with _r ation and investment here, but let me tell you. 1 would like to see zd ear •! corn 1 would like to hear a fat red shoat squeal — 1 would :se to see some blue-stem pasture, and when we have closed out our h *-avre tract in ten-acre orchards, we are going to migrate to old— there. 1 pretty near said Nebraska. We can make money faster and easier : ere than in Sherman county, but for a permanent home. 1 think ourlatcli stnng wi bang out there some day . sincerely yours. C. T McKinmk. T_*4 leathers attended the State A-v. ii held at Lincoln last week J H. Hone and wife returned last Wedaedai from York, and report Mrs Hi.. Eng.t recovering nicety from her revent j*e ration. The High Srtvool Glee Club will g. e a musicaie at the opera liouse v *’ti Kridav evening Then*!' ' *n i m exc> • nt musical talent a-: *ng thegiri'of our high school, which lias been gathered into a musical organ: . id we may ex po : ' .me splendid numbers on the occasion spoken of above. Herman Houdersheidt lias gotten tie lie>t of his old enemy, rheuma tism and lavs ail the credit to an Indian tragedy lie had taken and for which tie now has the agency. He snreiv jv now seemingly ;n the pink f health, and a> evidence last week in three dav> and a half shoveled eighty and a half tons of coal for. Leinmgor s. Thos Bagiev of Lincoln, who is traveling for a stock food concern since removing Uiere from this coun ty. was lie re over last Sunday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.' Hag ley ; will tie interested to learn that a little daughter came to their home about a month since, but will be pained to ham that the infant and als the ottier children are passing ti.r ugh a siege of w hooping cough.! The girl- basket ball team of the ci lege went to Loup City Friday of last week and were defeated by the high - bool team of that place, in a we p ayed game The s*v«re was 24 : 7. but that does not indicate the r< auve merits of the two teams. ( T-,e> sa> tiie goais there were too high for them, and liefore they gel read> to p‘a> L >up City again, they are g mg to hold a se ssion of practice with tlie g als fastened to the top of tlie standpipe M. I*au! Republican. T!«e comedy-drama presented at ! tie ■••►•a house last week Thursday* and Saturday evenings by our home : talent, written by Mr. Herbert A.; Watts if tiie Electric theatre, is a most ewhentiy expressed and staged pr siu tion. and was greeted bv a full • ii use at ea^ h performance. The cast selected gives much credit to tiie author as well and shows Mr. Wattsi las endid talent along these lines. He understand tiie gentleman is to j have tiie play copyrighted and given to tlve dramatic world and we be speak for it a generous appreciation by tiie lovers of tiie drama. >T» HUES AT LESS THAN A CENT APIECE. In tlie fifty-two issues of a year's volumne The Youth's Companion print* folly t*o hundred and fifty stories The subscription price of the paper is but tl.75. so that the stories cost less than a cent apiece, without reckoning in all lire rest of the con tents -antidotes, humorous sketches, tlie doctor's weekly article, papers on popular topics by famous men and women. Although Uie'two hundred and fiftv stories cost so little, they are not cheap stories. 1» variety of scene, diversity of incident, skill and truth in character-depicting, they cannot be excelled. Tlie Announcement for 1911. beau tifully illustrated, giving more de tailed particulars of these stories and other new features which greatly en large Uie paper, will be sent to' any address free with sample copies of corrent issues. Every new subscriber receives free The Companion's Art Calendar for 1911. lithographed in thirteen colors and gold, and if the subscription is received at once, all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1910. THE YOUTH S COMPANION, 1 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Maw. Arrested for Forgery Tuesday evening Sheriff Williams arrested a young man going by tne name of Roebeck. who arrived on the motor that evening.on a pnone mes sage from the chief of police of Grand Island that the suspect was wanted on a charge of forging a check on a St. I’aul tiank and cashing it atGrand Island. The sheriff met his man at ttie motor, but the fellow put up so smooth a talk that he was not arrest ed till later in the evening and ulaced in the cooier. Yesterday afternoon the chief came up and took the sus- ] pect to tiie Island in an auto. From j circumstances, the different stories of j the fellow, the number of grips and j bundles, the possession of two new revolvers, some fcISo in cash, several valuable rings, his attempt to get his stuff over to the R. &. M. in time to get out westward after his talk to the sheriff, iiis renting of two differ ent rooms in the city telling different tales to tiie landlady of each, etc., there is little doubt he is a crook of no mediocre caliber. He claimed to be a printer and w as coming up lie re to work in tiie Times office while j Foreman Gardiner totk a vacation. j and when the cop took him away j told Editor Keushausen lie would re turn in a few days and lie ready for work After his talk with the sher iff at tiie motor lie made two trips up town with his belongings, leaving same in E. G. Tayior's office and in McLaughlin's livery barn, but on re turning for more bundles lie found tiie motor had gone around the " Y" lienee lie could not get tiie in over to j the R. &. M. and out on that train. The chief expressed himself as con- i fident that while tiie arrest was on a minor charge of forgery of a 133 check, it would be found that the suspect was an important criminal, wanted for crimes of much greater magnitude. Painful Accident Yesterday morning. while Alfred Cook of this city was hauling hay oil j the John 1 >addow farm south of! tow n and while going dow n a draw , lie in some manner iust his footing and fell from the top of the load to the ground, alighting on his right; elbow. After the fall, he regained i his position on the load and drove on to the destination. Just how he fell j and how he climbed up again, he was unable to remember. A physician j was iater called and found the arm s^' badly swollen that lie was unable to make an examination, which can not be done till the swelling is re-| duct'd, so it is impossible at this j w riting; Wednesday afternoon .to say j just 1 iw serious the injury may be. though friend Cook avers ilie elbow must have been driven up through | the shoulder by the way it feels. We tr.i-* the arm may not be found broken or dislocated. Last Thursday evening, after the mid-week meeting, a number of the members of the Presbyterian church, having learned that the day was an anniversary of the marriage of Dr. j and Mrs. A. J. Kearns, descended ujion the home of the unsuspecting couple and presented them as a memento of the occasion, their! heartiest congratulations, accom panied by a dozen cut-glass tumblers and sugar and creamer. Rev. Mont gomery. in behalf of the friends mad*' the presentation speech, which was feelingly responded to by I>r. and 5 Mrs. Kearns, and ail departed in a few minutes leaving the recipients in bew ilderment as to how their friends had knowledge of the event. May 1 they live to celebrate double the number of years represented by that anniversary. The Lincoln papers this week con tain pictures of the State I'nivcrsitv debating >quad. of which Clifford L. Rein of this city is one of the four debaters, who are to meet an equal number of debaters from the Uni versity of Illinois at Crhana. in that state, tomorrow evening, the subject being. "Resolved that the movement of organized labor for the closed shop should receive the support of public; opinion." the former squad taking the i negative. Clifford is along with the top-notchers in deflating circles. Electric Theatre News Saturday night program, no mati nee—"Love of a Savage" <dandv 1 Indian film . The Right to Love" dove story . "Poor Little Mites", (pathetic). German Evangelical Church Next Sunday, lieo. 4th. there will be services at Ashton at 10:30 a. m. P. J ueling. Pastor. For Sale at Auction In Miner's Round Front ham. j Saturday. I>ec. :ird- a square piano. | six-octave organ. Peninsular steel; range complete with hot water tank and water lack, base burner, iron bed-stead and spring, and other in-1 cidentals too numerous to mention. Don't Miss This Sale Notice I have received a big line of Fur Coats of very best quality, and will of fer them to the public at very reasonable prices. Come in and examine them. Every coat guar anteed- Yours for busi ness. Jas. Bartunek. Notice to Bidders I W ('. Dieierichs. Clerk of Sherman Coun ty Nebraska. estimate the following books. -auks and stationery will be required for the use of the county officers for the ensuing rear: LOT ONE—Three gross lead pencils.'best grade: one gross pen holders: twelve quarts Arnold s writing fiuid: twelve gross steel pens; twenty-four gross assorted rubber bands, two reams Columbia legal cap: one gross indelible election pencils: three doxen election ink cones, eight eight-quire record books (two printed head, two printed forms, and four plain patent flexible back tiap opening, beat linen paper. four loose leaf records. TOO pages to book (two plain and two printed forms' best linen paper: 3.000 triplicate tax receipts, blocked. 4 OVtax receipts in triplicate, bound and perforated. 300 In book, for countv treas urer to fold for use with carbon paper: thir teen sets of poll books, envelopes and ballot sacks seven cbattel mortgage files. 300 in file LOT TWO—l uoo 1-8 sheet blanks: 5.000 14 sheet blanks: 3.000 1-3 sheet blanks: 5.000 full sheet blanks, all blanks to be of good quality paper. 3 000 note heads. 6.000 letter heads, note heads and letter heads to be of good quality paper: 1.000 St, ineh xxx envelopes: 3.000 10 inch xxx envelopes. LOT THREE—Court dockets, one case to page, indexed with list of jurors, court officers and resident attorneys, on cap paper, in lots of forty. 6.000 election ballots. Sealed bids for each or any of the above three lots of supplies must be filed with the county clerk at his office in Loup City. Nebras ka. on or before noon of the 31st day of December 1 y 10 Sealed bids will also be received and must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 31st day of December. 1»10. for publishing Delinquent Tax List. County Treasurer's financial statement road and bridge notices, and other notices required by tne county. The County Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 38th day of November. 1910 W. C. DtcnucBS. County ClerT. (Last pub. Dec. W. Farm for Sale or Trade 160 acres of pood farm land. 25 miles from Pierre. S. D.. 8 miles from pood little railroad town. 2 miles from a postoffice, 2 miles from school. Thirty acres broke, small house, pranary and barn. Farm all fenced. Will sell or trade. I. J. MeClane.Giddinps. S. D. Farmers Notice We want your pood wheat and do not sell before you pet our prices. We also want corn and oats and are payinp more than it »ill net to ship to any terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. 1 i \ i ( n\ > i i A Liojit Co. LtOAl. Null *• Stew of Nebraska t ountv * Notice ul HWtal C-* :» V • 'l B ' .» i 1' iuwty S » t | issu** bonds *.f Niiii e\»uu;\ *»\ k *» i ou;nUiu*;h2 .«> which brv"fu« pay a Mr Nwx t*r iTii tsh1 Notio* iv *ive*> iUut >t a- s-n**! I v; toe tVunn t»i *rd »»t ^u:> iv of Shermai wmiy. WrtoBtU Stwnw ct i j l* 0 the said tsstrd re>* 1\>»1 t l e Th» i »h*q > »: stud county in uir >t'i» «h >**• |vim«AiC|! interest at th* rate >** 4s per win 1 pe: *QCu:t. payable iM1 «»• NV*eU- * r £*40 ! end J&jmp ** sem: »nmi».!\ thereafter to M.a\ iTTth end lluii November tfTth WML for sale or ;n exchange to ra’se f ur.O' with winch to pav outstaadiu* bonds >eid ooamy voied October isth. end .surd November 5?lh 1SSAL in the sum of drew in* internal at 4s per cent per annum upon which there he* been paid the sum of flitUtu ami .;i«t *h-vh ih?‘re is due a*u i payable November STth 1W«. the sun: ot SM.WUOO. ihe said ts»nd> u drew interest at ihe same or e less rate of interest then the ; bonds to be paid are now draw; nr and that object urns to the issuance of said bonds be ! tiied in the olfcee of the county clerk on or i before the 12th day of December liiiO or same will tv issued in accordance with said res© | lutioc In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set mv hand and official *e*. this lMi day of , November, tent HAL] W C I'lkTKK: | Countv Clerk Sherman County. Nebraska AUCTION or SCHOOL LAND Notice > hereby even that on lilt* lpth Jay of December. Mu. at tmu o'clock pan tba ottoe ot Hu* coualv treasurer of Sherman county the Commissioner of Public Land* and Huildin*> or his aulhotited representative, will otter for lease at public auction all educa tioual lands in said county which have been declared forfeited tor non payment of rental or interest as follows: S-, 3K-iS-i6. Albert H Keeney. tV , 1B-16-IA Aaron Wall. Admin Dated Nov il, lent E. B COWLES. Commissioner of 1'ubllc Lands and Buildiups (Last pub. Dec. Si PICTURES Make IDEAL XMAS GIFTS Sic Rave Cbem ALL KINDS Some by Harrison Fisher and Howard Chandler Christy Also sonrie Beautiful Pastels and Madonnas by the Famous Knaffl Bros. PRICKS RIGHT Eisner's Studio !_■— -i- CL -1 Happy is the Son the Bride Smiles on Beautiful pieces of Jewelry for bridal and wedding gifts of unique and aesthetic designs, purposely made for weddings. Kings, brooches, sunbursts, dog collars, jeweled pins for the hair, lorgnettes, opera glasns. gold and silver purses and many other Trinkets of Value Silver tea services, spoons, forks and knives ready for marking. There is no question about our goods. Get Our Prices. H. M. ELSNER The Reliable Jeweler 10 Days Free Trial la Your Own Boom “Simplex” Hand Vacuum Cleaner “Ths CUitir That Cleans Clean" We want to sup ply one lady in every neighborhood with a "Simplex” Vacuum Cleaner, for adver tising purpose*. Write today for the most liberal of fer ever made. The "Simplex is guaranteed to do as good work a* electric machines costing $100.00 and over. It is light in weight (only lbs) runs extremely easy and can be operated perfectly and easily by ooe person. With ordinary care the “ Simplexu will last a lifetime. , Dealers and Agents Wanted te eell both our bond end electric machines. Electric Cleaner Co. M JtcUM Beni. CHICAGO. IU. LET DlGM TOGETBBB $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year 59,000.00 represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. Which means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in ability to be of genuine service to its clients. it means that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank. There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the LOUP CITY STATE BANK _Capital and Surplus, $37,500 SPECIALS! WHERE? CONHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd'y LAND That Will JVIake You pich. The greatest combination of industrialism and farming now rapidly developing, is to be found along the Burlington Route in U»e vicinity of SHERIDAN. WYOMING, HARDIN AND BILLINGS. MONT„ and in the BIG HORN BASIN. where large, deeded alfalfa ranches that have made millionaires of th* owners, are being divided into small farms, and w here Government ir rigated homesteads and Carey Act Lands are available. A WONDERFULLY RICH COUNTRY: You can get holdof an irrigated farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal, natural gas il luminating oil. building materials, fast growing towns that have varied industries^ PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS: On the first and third Tuesdays I personally condust homeseefcers' excursions to these lands D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, Landseekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Cement _ Blocks We now have a|large supply of ^ , Cement blocks on hand for.... ♦ We are now in position to put in Cement Sidewalks And guarantee to give good satisfaction We are ready to do all kinds of Call and Get our prices Loup City Cement Block Comoanv r 'GUY STOUT, Manager. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 120 to 260 No trouble to figure your bills aiui >h?v.v our stock LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud City :..i .