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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1910)
Professional Cards AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in mil Courts Loop (3tr, Neb BOBT.P. 8 TAKE Attorney-at-law LOUP CITY. MKBUSKM. E J. NIGHTINGALE ‘-TUT m Am, LOUP CITY. NEB K H MATHEtt. Anorney-at-Law, AM AtMnrUir. Lo'ip City. Nebraska O. K. LONGACRE PaiSlCIiS all S0B6B0N Office. Over New Bank TtUtmoXE tall. NO- <» A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAJi AND SURGEON T » .►»«» Lm( at Xrmr—M < »:nl Laup City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN F3ISICIAN Bin BURGEON Loup City. Nebr. ml KartmtT. Tfir^U'to < ' ^iwtiwi ROBERT P. STARR *j<t«aurhiX. H Mead Bonded Abstracter Ld<cr ClTT. - StKftArU. Omit -*-1 of a t tiuuk»:ii itMDtT A. ALLEN. UHJYTiST \ \ Lb. »uir* to »L. m> >t*t» . tr-i'A W L MAIU V. DENTIST, - city. neb. OfFI<;K >m>*. - -S- hiH > SfliiML I>U. J. H (iKElili VETERINARY BURGEON f iaie lormlrd Bi * it). •tLti liar titan' s . I IfVlji int \ Krma n XniirMr and firaintn. %!i <-mi * al * ml u> dit or "ft« ml il t.n4 I'nimt Ham FISTULA Piles •m. • Krprx mptn’M No dte^urs.(ifc««rctef<fi «ll omA OUEE GU AtA VTL-LL» U. iM! UFE. TIME. Vn*. RUPTURE CURED DR. RICH SPECIALIST The Labor of Baking *» wmmf U®*» r<-4o> r4 it )uw i»*c U<r n*uf Itjai *d flour. M«d tf tUf <|m». turn, itat *» liar tan* Fit*■if-'" »*► pwt Ian *U!a ■ » u*g Uar t«Jbrr% lUtd kMMMr^rfM-n M lUt» j*rt erf U* Ur White Satin r«* awM tolar fur Mil taw »rr» wawi Ink, !•« 1 it worts (»u« > tmi City Mills THE NORTHWESTERN CkX> — rsK run ir taiv is aerases Enm« at :w Lwp Cm Pwiuifft* :«r u»» bmm ilrnart :fc» H A .» u teroed ria«. ajl»; Office Phone. * 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 J. W. BIKLEIGH. KU »n<l Puh Ti^- figures n Nebraska of the n-> ent ceases e numeration give the -tate a tain of 125.914 people, or a ga;n *f II » per cent. The population of the state is given at 1.192.214 Tee pop-iation of >!:e' county is given at *•.375. a gain of 1.725 over ten years ago. or 36.3 per cent Along R. R. No- 2. A bert and Elsie l*arkhurst are new . pi - attending Miss Peuifh's school in tJ.e Hawk district. Joe s aiiey went to < Mualia the pa»: week toiearn the barber's trade T M Heed liad his tuen out to N I* Nie .-son's 1 -f'dl) to tit his well. E. A. Henderson has been out to }»«• p i i» son. «»rsi«-. busk his com. J A A mett Jt S* ns slielied com fur J >!»« K > lemba last week. » i l’e*er> *n has been building a new i. use f r bis acto this week < ark K ,t in s >on. Lloyd. had to 1 -ndef*o an perath *n for aptendieitis a’ tie 1 -a. at brand Island last sat. rda> Tie AUeman family are a- tin tA.eir >i.are of trouble. Mrs. A • nan ik.: brmc entirely recovered (r>« her operation. A' . WUrtoa J. E. Kousii. Homer Hultr iiave been working on J. ft’. I -iir*: s j,-e :muse the past week. A J. Liu itiren Las sold most of bis •a u* W 11 Cunu. and delivered some of it Tuesday. * II rulers>n Tuesday had his corn shelled by Arnett & Sons. \. L has moved into his new itoose tile past W ee k The Four" lined up tlie farm ers e<evat • 'f tlie past week Robert UiawUJe. with the help of j C 11 spencer and Hoy Mclkmald., dr 'O i<» i .-ad “f cattle from his! n -tli pasture to his farm south of! Loup City Monday Clayton and Xeta Cooler spent: n^nkiieivinjr with their brothers. Tlie new ii .use west of Jim Johan sen s ts ready for the plasterers. ‘as | u- erinp Ed Kil patrick's new house last Friday and sat urday Mrs. J. II llone was gi\en a post card shower tlie past week. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Conner ier a- the homes of their ~ »ris Ronru and Hoy Conger. Claude Burt will go to Lincoln to attend s l. iol, after Jan. 1st. All the young folks from Route t*; attending -who- . at Loup City, were i borne f r Thankstfivimr Fred J -iiiis ri tinislied up his road work last week. *tcwart M(‘rM*kn tad the corn -is er* at ids p.a>-e Mondav. Mr- i.ertie Stirkney visited lier -.'ter. Nr- Joiji i ti<on. Monday. i T Hi •- and Jack Pageler are C-’ •. mg a ffne run of auction sales thi* fail. Tier are all wool, both of ti «em Last U ednesday Henry Goodwin -nuhsioo from tie rail road oom pamv to t.rmg Id- notlier innue from Pa- iri tie luggage car. -rated in a ruftinr chair. mien -he was • *:e : -.•• »f -a-n ltedih .» -he -t ■ <wf tie t rip as well as <-ouid le ea and i-- w.v 1 tu pro in*: under • -t. -r-'f.o >f Mr- -voi [iidd » Tie few tarn of Henry Kuhl is at* -it 4 painted * ha- Gibon is «*e >t tie artist-. Tld- tarn i> a irreat land nark, a- it tan le seen Irons ait directions. Tie fe» granary on Med r& Long s pace is als-tlT completed. « arrier '.ad a cup of hot coffee and -ake at V p \>dm's Monday L*r Jones was seen out on Route - Hondaj with a string of hones Jack Page rr kist a steer in tie com stalk* tli»- week. Mi***-- l. i- Krwn are! RettaGa.— lever visited Mi*.- Lettie Peughs school Monday. • 'has. Jotifisai wa- locking after i* !«a- mi.'Ser - chores while lie was away it < *ntla last week. K. <i. Tav inr ha* ordered an eight y ie.-rsep.wer • figioe to run the mill wi.-m it i-impossible u> do wo with the tnil race. Ti*e mill is one of tiie ■*-*t in tl .- part of tiie state and lias in live pa-- ’.ear worked up a big h. -iie— N- - ifi Smith is a first jclass m. ,n. and with Ne!><*n at tiie »: e- l- a guarantee tiiat tl«e flour i» ah rigi.t He i.a- ctiarge of tiie affairs at tie u,ill and all tiie oilier • eii ar* _icier him. Mr. Taylor lias installed a pump t> pump the water out -J the hoie by tiie wliee! pit. so -an repair tier floor the water fa - on. aud cuss. #12i. * arrier received some toe Thanks riv mg present* on Route 2. among Uciooej Mi i added gave a sack of a - hd kiipatrick gave some saus a» . < ia* > waderer a sack ground r» and -at*, Henry iu*d a tine dressed chicken. Ren Wilkinson and I Art. * ihun enrfa gave a dressed chick en. Art Lindgren a floe beef roast, and at W «i Brown's Un-re wa- a i*j* *Had • iUv good thing- including a targe dressed turker. Moon Creek Items Mi«» Minnie (.iiu-n returned home i*M. VedandlT evening. Mr Frank tteedin armed at Loup < ity MiMlat evening. itutetd of ia»t •«*k i» announced in Uie item*. Mm* Cora Fruss spent TLukteiv in* in Pa.iuer at tite Itotue of Mrs. Annie lhUMile J A Mclirav) and familt spent T. nanWi - ifur in town wiu. Mr. and Mrs Martin Lee Mm* V *-lu Fro** opened school M ndi) after a month* taxation. Mrs H T. < lark's cousins. L»r. Lmk Horn and sister. Uie former »r<*m < oioradt). and Ute latter front Pi t ips. Nettarmed last Saturday rtraisr for a fm days visit. Me are triad to say Mis. Clark is nuiii belter at Utis » nun? Mu* Minnie Ullhert entertained Prof. mmuse of Crand Island over Saturday and Sunday. l*r and Mrs. Main. Mr. and Mrs. Li An?ter and Miss Ellir Moon ate Ttiiaiifiiuif dinner at Uie home of A out Ahtne Liihert. Mr and Mrs. M in. Larsen and fami ly ate Tiiank*ri«mg dinner at Ute home of O. S. Frost. Austin llendrM kson's. Ja*. Lint' s and A. L. HaiUie'* also entertained on J».>?n in?, and Titos. Man!; ate dinner in Loup City. Miss Maude Peterson is working for Mrs MiioCiibrrt. Mr Muon was in our neighburliood Monday Mrs Kr.<* and Velva were calling at Mrs Ciark's and Mrs. Nelson's last Friday afternoon. m uooi. sot as Me were riven llaakigiriiif I Jay off. and appreciated it very much. Misses Velva Fross and Blanche Fisher and Lee Hiddleson were visit ors at school last week. Austin Scribbles Mrs. Annie Fowler and family. Arti ! Conger. S. Foss and family. .Jessie Gilmore and Roy Barr spent Thanks giving witli Kd Lewis and wife, and , had a tine dinner. Mr. Kentfrow. Frank Foss and two or three others are husking corn for Mr. Itemkev. Corn nusking is near ly a thing of the past over this wav. Effa Cady is working at Charley liarne> . A girl of the usual weight lias arrived there and Chas. feels bad. Several of the young people from ! this way took in the home talent play at Loup City and said it was tine. S me thirty young people gathered at Ja>. Johnsons Saturday night to give Misses Alta and Matie a home welcome, and report a pleasant time. Miss Rhea Rentfrow went to Grand island Saturday to meet an aunt, who is visiting them this week. S. Foss and Ed Lewis butchered ' Monday and Tuesday. What might have been a serious accident happened to Harold Han cock last week, in putting hay in the barn the derrick rope broke, let- j ting him fall, and as lie came down a cult’s heels met him and bruised his face some. Sunday school will be held every Sunday at Austin church at 10:30. All are invited to come and help us I make a success of it. Miss Arlie Corning visited Klea McNulty’s school last Friday. Johnson Bros, shipped some cattle Monday. Mr. Huckleberry, brother of Mrs Jas. Johnson, and a friend from Grand Island visited witli them over Sunday. ■ l* Gilmore threshed corn fodder Wednesday. Leroy Barr and Jessie Gilmore took dinner at S. Foss’ Sunday. Fairplay people are painting and papering their school house and the teacher is fixing it up very nice. Supervisors’ Proceedings (Concluded) < »n motion of Keck and seconded by [ Aden, a! claims as reported by the claims cernmittee were allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrants on the respective funds in payment of same, except as to the claims taken for delinquent taxes and for the above mentioned W. T. Gibson claims amounting to *1078 30 for which no warrant should be issued. Carried. Motion made and seconded that warrants be drawn for the Gibson claims amounting to tlOTS.30, Brown, j Welty. Aden and Rewolinski voting i Yes. and Reck and Depew voting No.1 GENERAL FIND State lournal $28.75. Smith-Premier j Co.. 2.75. J A. Sawyer 1 10. Isaac A1-j statt l.lo. K. II. Robinson 1.10. Chas.! Bass l.lo. Joseph Miller 1.10. L. H. I Ilennis 1.10. C. A Patchen 1.10.G. A. j Patchen 1.10. M. Petersen 1.10. C. A. I’atehen 25. F. E. Ctdendahl 1.10. W. A. Itorling l.lo. Geo. C. Frink. A. W. Brewer l.lo, H II Thompson 1.10. J. 11. Claussen l.lo. I»r. A. S. Main 12.00. Omaha Printing Co. 00.50. Klopp & Bartlett 37.50. Klopp& Bart- j lett Rockville Hall Ass'n. 6.00, i I. E. liickmson 2.75. A. Anderstrom : 5.50. A. S. Main 7.50. C. W. Gibson; +.75. Hammond & Stephens Co. 2o.9o. i Hamm >nd Printing vo. 20.5q. Adam Zahn 4. si. Klopp & Bartlett +2.77. State Journal Co. 35.00. E. E. Tracy I *• 5o. R. R. Bauhard +.00. J. Q. Pray j + Andrew Kowalski +.00. Hans Johnson +.t*0. Wellington Hawk 6.60. J. A. Mollravy + .oo. F. A. Pinckney j + on. Chris Oltjenbruns 4.«W, John Wheeler 6 so. C. J. Norstedt 4.00, S. Ea>terbrook 4.oo. Adam Zahn 4.00. W. F. Spencer 4.00. 1! Burtner 4.00, Henry Beck 7.5o. W. O. Brown »i.2»*. Wenzel newolinski 7.05. George New berg •> <»'. R. Reinertson 4.00. Thos.; Donohue 4.oo. John Boecking 4.<»». H. -lela Motte+.'»•. C. W. Trumble 10.00, Frank Goc 7.1Ni. Albert Anderstrom Harry Lorentz + <«'. Henry Ojendyk +.<«'. J. J. Jezewski 4.mi. S.S. Lewan <inw>ki 7.30. Joe Siwinski 4.00. Tony i »rent Wenzel Rewolinski 4.0<i. Herman Sperling 4.00( E. F. Kozel ; 7.5o. Mortin Bvdalek 4.00. John Kosch +.««!. Chris Nielson 4.00, Tom Lay i+.00. Jas. Huryta '.so. Mike McKeoh +.Oo. Ai Treon 4.0o. A. E. Edwards +.O0. G. W. Brimmer 4.on. School Dis trict No. 05 2.50. School Iiist. No. 42 2.5m. J. II. Welty 7.50. Wm. Minne +.<«*. Albin Anderson 4.00. E. I*atton + .'**. School I*ist. No. 43. 2.50. E. F. Koze! +.59. Arthur Minshull 8 00. E. L. Greenhalgh 4.«*0. J. J. Else 4.00, Reuben Farnsworth 4.00. School I list No. 6X 2.50. Henry Diefenbaugh +.oo. E. A. Slote 7.80. A. E. Lowery 4.00. E. S. Cliipps 4.00. Theo. McCosh 4.00, George Van 4.00, C. H. French 6.00. Gee* Hunter 6.00, R. L. Arthur 6.00. C. E. Mellor 6.oo, R. Pritchard 6.00. J. A. Peugh 6.60. James Me Beth 4.00, i Clark A lie man +.<*>. Clarence Burt 4 <10. Nick I>addow 4.00. School Dis trict No. S'- 2-5o. W. C. Dietereidis. county clerk. 472.9u. Simpson & Mel ■r 449.5m. George Kettle 2.00. George Moore 2.00. Gene Miller 2.00. T.W. O. 1 Wolfe 2.oo. W. S. Petersen 2.00. Geo. Petersen 2.0M. August Sundstrom. '2-«o. Philip Moritz 2.00. E. D. Clarke 2*»>. A. J. Johnson 4.00. George Lein inger J. W. Burleigh 144.00. L. A. Williams, sheriff. 187.57. O. F. Pe tersen. treasurer. 17.10. C. F. Beush auv-n 31.85. Cniversity Pub. Co. 5.0o, E A. Smith, co. judge 17.45. W. T. Chase 63.00. R. H. Mathew 200.00. Hiyo Aden 7.Sat. J. H. Welty 7.50. Jas. I. l*epew ti.oo. W. J. McLaughlin 7.50. BRIDGE FUND Wm. Garnett f2.50. Henrv Beck 1- •»*. Lewis Haller 70.00.W. O. Brown 21.00. Wenzel Hewolinski 1H.00. Wm. Garnett 1.00. JacobTessman 1.00. Carl Yian l.oo. Standard Bridge Co.500.00, Hiyo Aden 23.65, J. II. Welty 16.50. ROAD Fl'XD Harry Camp. *0.60, Henry Beck 5.00. P. C Parks 4.<i0, Harrv Camp 9.40. E. B. Corning 122 45. Wm. Landon. 4.00. L. A. Williams, sheriff. 2.50. Hiyo Aden 3.50 Albin Anderson 8.00. Win. 1-arson 5.00. Will Todd 5 00. W. V. loops 5.60. A. P. Malm 9.00, W. C. Nordstrom 1.00. Moved to adjourn to Pec. 13. 1910. W.C. Ihetebichs. Co. Clerk. All the Town Property offered for sale at lirst hands by calling on John \V. Long. ■SOB 01 Hwnsi 01 Pedcoi lor Leners el Afiuutntui '•.me of Nrbraaka / County i The state of M«bra>ka To rue neat of kin and all persons interested m *-be estate of Andrew Bergstrom. dr eeased iate of said county: Kotice is hereby riven that on November 3rd. t»K> a petition was Bled in the county court of sa.d county fee1 the appointment of an administratrix of tbe estate of Andrew Berg strom • eremsed. iate of said oounty. and that tbe same was net for hearing Monday, tbe lie: day of Lteeember. lkio. at the hour of >" o'clock in tbe forenoon, at the office of E A smith. County Judge of said county, in Lamp • ity in said county at which time and place ai< Persons interested in said estate mat appear and be heard concerning said appointment Oirro under my hand and the seal of said court this 3rd day of November. 1810. ISSAL] K_ A. antra. County Judge U-aat pub. Dae. ttf r • Early Christmas Shopping Is the most satisfactory, but we can please you and furnish you just what you want, whether you come early or late. Our line of Holiday Goods, consisting ol he following, is new and most complete. Fancy Toilet Sets, Music Rolls, Collar and Cuff Clove and Ker chief Boxes. Military Sets, Press Brass Art Goods, Fyrography Goods, Post Card and Photo Albums. Books of all kinds, Bibles,' Fancy Stationery,Fountain Pens. Xmas Postals and Booklets, ets Our Line of Dolls Is Exceptionally Complete See Them Before Buvinjr. It Will Pay You Let us figure with you on your Xmas Candies and Nuts. We also carry a full line of Fancy Box Cahdies. Swanson & Lofhoim Apples! Apples! Good winter apples at Sweet land's feed store. Njcoson & Gibson. Poland China Boars for Sale. I have a few good Poland China Boars of the big type for sale, from I sows like Ora Wonder (130353). which j 1 purchased at the Ed Andrews' dis-! persion sale last winter, bred to Longwonder No. 13n97a-54207, a I 900-pound boar, and from Lady E.. Xo. 130601. The sire of these pigs is! Nebraska King 49330). The rest are sired by Grand Look (567371. M. A. GILBERT. Lee Brothers’ IVleat Market FOR Choicest of Steaks, Veal Cutlets, Pork Chops and Meats of all kinds, Poul try, Fish, Celery, in fact the best of everything in keeping with a first-class market. Highest prices paid for Poultry, Hides, etc. LEE BROS. THE BEST LIME 6 CEMENT IN THE CITY But »e don't carry it very long at a time because it seems to us that nearly everybody wants our ASH GROVE brand of cement and the famous PEERLESS iime. It Makes Us Hustle ! to keep a sufficient supply on hand to meet the great demand there is for these necessarv materials and it is not just because people like us. either. There's another reason. Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock ville, Schaupps and Arcadia, Neb. Clothing Well Bought Is Half Sold My line for fall is now in. Don’t forget to look my line over. I can save you money by buying at the right place—of iORENTZ New Jeweler i Having got fully located in my new place of busi ness, I am ready to do all kinds of Repair Work in the Jewelry Line. All work put out by Mr. Chase's last man, Mr. Morgan, is guaranteed by me. My stock is most com plete and prices will suit you. I solicit a portion of your business; at least call and let us get acquaint ed. Lou Schwaner JEWELER | In Chase’s Drug Store THE LEADING MAKES OF SOLID -A.T T. M. Reed’s NOTICE THE Salisbury-Saterlee Iron Bed Clamp made of maltaably iron, fuaranteed by the manufacturers not to break We carry a full line of these tvds in i n stock and would be pleas xi to see all prospective buyers. <'a and look over them. This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Hols. Come in and see our complete line of FURNITURE Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi, Before you place your orders. We can save you money on everything in our line. H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. What a Splendid Picture youth, .health and beauty make. It is too bad thev cannot last forever. We Like to Take Photographs of younp people, and judoinsj by the samples we have, voting people like to have us do it. Come and learn the reason li en probably you will decide to have us photograph you. EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer. E WIVES Do you want to knew r. c*at a wonderful new time, hec1 \ .md money-saving kitchen convenience? Then you should see the complete line of "IS;2” Pure Spun .-dun.uiur.i Cooking Utensils nov.- or. exh’hk ion at your dealers. . T£is _w -re is guaranteed by the makers for 25 wars. It is absolutely pure, wholesome and thorough!' hv - • nic will not crack, scale, peel, break, rust, tarnish, scorch __ . h is light weight easy to handle and easv to clean makes kitchen work a delight instead of drudgery * save EE,time fuel; protects your hSST fnous tl?ub,es resulting fromVhip fiSdr-H Tto food- which is one of th dangers from the use of the old style enameled wares. washed rwVfftent Carpot ^'veepers. egg-beaters, dish und ?™ny other time and kbo ?^fte? nrooHc»?\.bU kh?rdS “£*“»? that will prov Pu*i?S^„PSSminUm W^'d kteS5m,t th“ the "1SSi' Yournwn?? iin,i?*ine J2r.,yourself »h»t it will do for y tf t^ls ’^are fails to do what is daime Hayhurst-Gallaway Hdw. Co.