Uip City Hnbmestsir* i » BGttlMVm K: «r cm, . . ■ r—■in * m mm rams cr -*s it / -f. j xt A rc« **%£!. Jf; E,:M: E. LO LEW osjf r v'« * * •_ *.-« » K’ iMgW* t *-*■< * '-fc---* *' '■**• r f i •M* «* »?**- ■ ■ »<«*:: a the ” '/» r •'t *ac »- i_j Wm. t*aa* *«*. mao* * -* fciMH-agf < :*#- ?f im. t> >"-*< t£* fc»- • a* c ■» • *r «C **tS -* - .s '/ * u *s**- i c~*» ■ sa kt* -i» i£'V* A- 13* r E>nt)4Ut£. J^rS. * fltC. 1 f" r, fc. . ▼ K-C % #'*e* W Si*.*.iSM« J- Hat.: S . Tt.u R.i• rt ti: -* ?• i ::: * -jus..s. r * : *. i*»« * *i am* *•; 9 ~ - *> •"a&m- - prpg.ft>^>gy r -.' - *• *-" - - ;» ■ *• *f* u{ •> C*3*-iA - ;: -t'i A.jr awr »:* . * f**r- *» *' r *' it,a.'€ - • T-*4tr * * *#■'.* : 4** <•'•'4 i .' ,t ' « # Z * a *4T, f* ta4 A i-v “5. -a. r-a.5 -a. Ztt t*t/T s* «a«K ur jaMbe »- • «. ? * ■•<' W'-i—mf i« «* ay *• “i/ jt» h* mbt s. U «-' • ami »*■;,’>— , * 4*-rasa< • *a* « ti- t r***“i. *> ir tjr*c t*-" *-■• •*« Sir T1!* jr - * s4LjC ' ',.* gb«" *. .-#*m mu$r ****. asst oK^MiMSf aatHg ?•{--» taa ra* ■/ ' * * ' ' a » . .i. 't*#*. a m ».3S • • * - • - ' ' •» •-■? r*f j.-> ■ v •anvrji t nMLjmr*** «* y »s* i(p**f t* jtai ra * ' * ..* ..» . ***«•* CAMaaif* •>*« J' -< U'«| Ivr * c v ** •>m*M 9ae *.* ,. _#■ a j"/* uu*c l(f.. • flmg i. at .* * sc» ..* * ,*»-» *jf K*i4i, «om c. tixiar * Tcmaar »•*» * v* e£ SM/*.* ' *j if-. • «., *.♦ - ■— * • 4 ***# fiat'* «** iff*T '■>*/*■ * Ml * -.-*** ** Tax-akA r iff »>>>»• for ■fat'* abC la t- «MB M »* ' a f -. «*»* «•'» bsc -C-* >• MM tf» fc» IWWMrtiriit *A» f .4 * •* V/" fA* I ~ wiinirjr ClM$ ' J"« a f»*»rCa< .x *** > a.4 * #* * ■ * , * i* ^ «■' *.#•' "X.»f Cears* «*> bMM 7:» J , » v.-' - ' C-'-i* » , *-*• Ofatit ba T*'<*M* » fa, a .si» ; •* '* .% >/ »-/A>a *— *i it %<■,,» '•*». Va. wn’z a is* -a tar mM lA'foi vf i* f t '*4 taa*as -fr*m* «w* amr * *4 *t» *'•« t«7 «■*•**** '/ lm tJUt bar * »q* tab I*'4 .«*» at. *c in a ly/.u t mrmic u< KarMat *ta«fi/J*a / a Kuar a *»?«*? «ax --5* f*r lurt u«( * •»** fc *4 a* a »t*-* •( .* bftr»n an* Xt r« t'Hf la A S'«wr»i f*. tratfa «r lb* • -ZTf * •%»**. • t*f »»>» r “fit# TX* **4»-a_ mm ft.!»-af *»■ a* St*w T'*t -» art -* u **» -b* m> •a .*4 ~tar**-.A traat jr/oar/raa !«*/ tmt* * »fc t la** Wt*X fa .4 (M j*jk (■» ta hfJlmff u4 (X Tt- rt'tra h^fra li-v »**a if a* *j «<»..4 t- p«r M «f Vc»ia»a* *s* raai *;ja »*•♦ jafMtr'at aa to*-**a« f'»/M nan ■■ t* tt«*r4»>*« by Ta -aa* ati Urw4 -*4rt r*aa ta ta* #?■/. a be** ta 'ati4b-f«4 A* b.r**e a *i«c* rva;a* bara*. C i E#r**» «fcs-v*a ?»a*» aM (4 a K la** H*» a* f:;ttr** fa »*• *»4 la a laaraaS arr tfeaaa n. -r*l» we* TXat ta* m4ntw.<'> ta M*xtc> ar* titr< ta e»l*»: f* ta* - - aa of baa* *Ua ja u* isrt-tt | ta th» M*« '*r caatta! "iua »ac» cdkt *-*af at •** rax* (1st car. t tart t-V» » am>«ma* .* n> **«ta;a n to aa.j .a. aa ta* act. aal -c—ati »'*■ a «f fa/ . 'au w..*ii r >» laa4tr- - W'.ifr t Taioa la i ***»*.-/ be** » v » Tart Mr*rt Tta | atX ktH*f * -T*o Tb* Imi aw 4«.: ■• • t *4 .a. MaVt Us «f »-■***■ .&taicn J»* a»c fr.MCtS. C: -a Utaien a/a» Saai laui ba* £i*4 a :• v a* *L* stair rail -a fryar4 to grwa Ltxrr Mr '* t -aii-u * Saw rfc* x**-_a* as* s«sa ■20=-=^''^^ OH '+C'"Jtm*L£ 2*-~9CX2M #Tj V3» e: fvsr If ?i# ttfii **ss% '**? t .~ts Wj :t tte |iinn •£ a «• '-a.— ■mr G*raw «e %«• fxi tw =*e» : tm~x taac a_ —w W| awww 1j« l^ar**- ?g —»—■ via Cn> >•* « •* * « '* Ui **- « 5» IaMB4» Um >t '/ »- r.t -r^vt1 »« *w*4 tr- -*• rm^ramt <■ »ny-i at at* »* i>'l I**.' Ti» yr - ••_/ •— * T art w» » I*> if * a : —txwa taJ2 * * *s* •acawcr c* '» ■ i,Jfc ;» ta.- ? ?r**.ww w.l 0* ts£* *i tl« r# mta c£ esc. c-»*» s* --» rz «i'» •* ' r~r*-, ZjTZ.- ■» • r.' ro3.> '*•-* !_♦ • -2«T_i ** J. a t.i» *S «ri TYttiw c i# ti"*Ti«y a as* »t > t-3w« » X :*■•• * » ; ... -_s* a Oattjrawi l«h u! y** '“?*< tj * '* *-*at ; 2 .4* ibtl s' -rvjt **■-* i'isaaC Haw. W fe~7A.i apy-A-X f *'»' it n ;: ara^- Ojs -2 *4S *1 lOfca ? ' (».• a* a sea * St a«L*r» mA * ta t *" gS» *-■ Jt t — *.V y«t ** 2 ; .z **-''*S4.~y s' - fcT ** '#■ »< - * yf aAfA'S s' - *■ a C *r* 1 "> ■ t ei»s« i.' S* * Y‘i.Sa fjr» a*-as t**5 SCMfeXte, Tot *V." -r»w -* > - * Zzzz *. I2 x *sfast *•* '"Z * r l; •' ; r -s- ;* ra A * r * . 1 • a *»sr. *s' s' * *■ ' '.a t: i» 2. Si* '''***rf s' LSWS *»f (• SS'" f c'tjpw.. r* rt B-JS'I** •a- • .» »tf*t ‘i Ass..- & s' s*< t;_: -- »*-'•* • » .* v' Liv.' i ■" ’ ' ' a'-'S" ‘V. ' 1 * ii At* : **i E. Or f t*j * st *■ if «*c.s**r s* g- L© .1 **• 'v.*' c-At; i ax H* *»* •■. -»*»*' xss a trs!>t tsatt * i* » • v*t 't i * i*»t *u a fa.aaa( - w Kwgrr f * S%f t'' ' -1'- tr"2 s' g'i.xs* f -7 4 ' '. • 1 t ** • »i ■ y f» K ' i '.' 1 trr«*5*€ *a*r-< » ■ s **i.s..«*.*. sa* rf tfc* ■fC* H ;.' a* **i S' asfi »' vt «st r *s a* •: * * flCWt 9 L<0 r icrj»4: Ut rjcwi 'ta Tfc* RlT.fl • «# '' '' liipma r it r.. • > # l *• rii.'c."* ' " > • ’.*■ jli.-*-; 03 1 r r. .1W . fo* 'it gvl»TB ••» t*/c*.r» a* *s« (foil ->03 ^ */ *V r ' ' " * T*Iil *■>*'-•» T-s. • *u 1 ti*« c* ~• ■ *• n r t is * Irt' o' m»: r ' <*■ V } »B k klit • r sr~ r f » e‘»* to* *• t *■ .3 0*' 00 - ' O' ■*-* f* * S'i - x HW'*«l ' • < * ?• ’f i* 1 tr *** t.z o' La.—t i'- *•*.»- ifj Tfc* ot.*-ot .( *0 " *r ■--* t *tt **k oest wtorw as; »is. •_r * - a ■ 1 - *■ ** •_* ?• '«<»■ ;- «*~BSWBBt k ! '> to - • . • #.#• . * c - ' /> * • r #■ * £>#. 'f rr»t z y Cart** twt 'apta-s *a » t *•< £'*'*-» k.-3.f U.* oat - - assas r. -*-r as4 tar fra ><*. «u cootrai • •» o ■-< -•»•« 'triut t Iftftt tttaiar Iafi;tt:« io-U a. tor OowBBBor Cktroll < to r«-i« wco-xplrt^ Ora of the a** .S'— a'or 1^. • r.-jr uji ca»*.:ia* booaes aWM »t*t is V* Turk An va»'a». ar. tat jut* i C;«d at Saa u.tto at to* act of 122 f years. Oet«lor-»iM Foss, of Mas =»<• its it*. ask* Senator Lods* to mjtfc 1 dra« *rua tfce wsatoris! t.-stest Sesatar Carter of Xoctana defeat I *d ic tbe late «let tins. may be of , t a place 00 tbe suprexo* beset. rwitet Taft * Tiatt to Paaaxa ' toai rred tits that ererytblac la con ae■ :tb tbe canal 1* coin/ on satisfactorily. BIG WOMEN’S CLUB C_A * IMX S*' L NCO-1 * OWEN FC= THE » C'ZAT.CN. hAFrzSk '*GS C»EF STA~E *»as 4 •*-; cp r.-j *-< Tncrc Tw t a# ->•»• " f e »tii n Ncs'uu *ne ^ if ttg. J. —TW TTWT » C.'3 of iv_§ ct» u» iu ii •_; . :. fc: -• n** _r £«.i ii -ot S’ ifr* .-m: «iiL4_x* csa -z-ii vJ ;z.i =*i --*K ; - - z_: jt* t:; *ro_*ei r«K Sfrt Wa^__z* —- -r *'.rai* - -i socjC —I tii n ; ‘it jf _r Vs.jrf • iv -v» -4.f•** ir.t:; t.’ ifce n: a st e-r-* k >•* lass bk: z* :*c »t*c* iiv ztkr :;•« £-X4«rt Zfc£ ACUtZ. —a* *>:—: Cxac*-.*.— Tie -x* *2 it of trs ' •-• : i _ t :r :»■ *j i.: --!** ti- of Lit Kuol/. r* Hart J'u -' *_ S Crt t* t ; 17 for Grast; V at- Hi~ y A "it*t.- fci_* atu :>r. -it city »i* |»r*n. » i : tr; tie * * «**» ‘ Ower T”tt Vi'.'e «•; - a.--' f - -« E 'j h-i*r « *:*i « t-r * fl': i'i.. - "-tLay •* **•* ' :>i irasf-ai r-*ii • :j .t •; Tit. *■ "t *':?»■> '.i* r • it_tti *i*7 r.t ’<' i -• I- L,- -L t;t 4.: •-_*% 2cf : jcmra ait; •-« Xit:: it Lewj —Tit t*uit ' .i i.jt F': ’Jk T*!/:**- iff / *^C2 i. M. ;* cf c tit I. SCOi "ir 0'jarS of td 0'.4'-311 tir_2^ CttlC tt *a i.. •*•-•■ •ti’itn attest tit «ift ttis vs s -; of Ci*; Hit ‘s*- 5ft f-t 0 - arf —W H rr *i o' ti.s c ry »: of -it 'tftititt- lAtnaorrat tt i ' it t t royee Oj i't tt Haliri .1 to it *» Oi_it. Tst*» t*«r t«eit»-t*o it?’.cnti 'O' *i«- yvr.tfcs tf /.ttiu'-r a. Trtstt; Ts» *••• tlti Art MKlC.JtltB li -i “it: it f.< art J- . try of tit lU'i r it;* »tts .’t t first »t. fn :»f for tit ntw -i'** p tit t- Cotai *4ter itr tt'- »*r ' . i t ftp'll of fttt. Tot Kixptoo VI...if company is* • :u*f -it p tot of tit Aurora r: tf rjittsi aid *.. fi'S.li fit i.. art w.tfc It* ..rtt f "t tv®', a* .* tt'-oaitr a popo 'at ,t "t *‘1 * -t pori'n cf fit ita t fit sa-rt fa-, tf otcomt quite .. ..t fc«- «„ Ttan Kcafi; «»* "Tag Day" is L.;seo'n. •k* ' tf;. Orjiaiatcs stfiety to f-ir.f* for "at Dody and -*fo Iit a f*c *a receipt '■‘ar’ ?:or <* A t« i t’altf tit • ..o-p."«- p of tl- rt riooriooi it a '"T.n*«:tr ::sr p oktd aaf f' -tt'd i’.i toait * of »ra ia five < - -.-t ’.v n J.faaptB <*p-:fy laotr coar.1* t‘t **' ttjj t'ftd -'ftry-'r* asorer of i*. Iir'r-v: .nal I^aior Press asso f -• n at it* rtetrt stMioo at St. I>3 ;I» ?• re wti-ib was d-scorered early -ryt-t.rg darte-d the stock and a .lid 35 rf H W AV» i Co * - - ««• «• r" ' ■ n of Columbus to tbs #1**3'. of A sp^:'-. *.e :oa w’i held at An* >y Tuesday at which I5.Q34 bonds wore ro'ei for pc** ng In a city elec tric Trbt plant. Only nire rotes were cast against tie propofitkm. It sc attempt to carry a beating gato. re s'cto from the house Satur day er«r rc and arert a Eer.cas Ere V it Efts Sitfy't cf Lincoln aged M years was painfully barred. Seward H Hoe—as, country treas **r 0* O'oe ' isty d ed at bis heme Is. Nelrssea City. Sunday morning 'rots a career which bad been g.visg him trouble fer a number of years Tbe Swedish Evangelical La'heras ch.rcc at Lincoln bas j-ust finished ■ celetra'ing its fortieth anniversary. Plans for tbe erection of a new torse of worship to test frotn 150 000 •o t" '4 rave bees adopted by tie t'’rzTega*Kjn of tie Presbyterian rt-.rch of Hastings. Tbe entire fat cattle exhibit which i« to represent the University of Ne braska at tie International Live Stock Exposition to be held in Chicago Xo »»mber 25 to Eaecessbe- 3. bas been placed or exhibition in tte judging parihor a* tie university farm. Ft re thought to bare been can&ed from spontaneous combustion dam *e*d tbe T. M. C A building at Hast ings to tie extent of about $1,000. John Bros: os an old settler who fired near Arnold, receded injuries £ -rday morning in a runaway which resulted in t.a death Monday morning Tbe schools of Cortland bare opened after bating been closed for several weeks on account of an epidemic of diphtheria It is believed the diaeise bas been thoroughly stamped out. The rberefees held services Sunday for the Erst time in several weeks. Ct-cie*. »2 1 verv tr*t£*c Fy i-iar^aaet ir: ci^Ltrt-c A E Hirrrtiiet wrfco i.K i. L^: »2 drr.-~£ S-C >X >^e ia eirat:* r.Hytiir tr :r—2~j c* U.f 1—1 K.-.2 U;!Lr til 1 X As?sr.t ii: r '» '•>: -z.k 22*-' *■ *r t ::if 2222 ■ *-~2— 2: Grx»2 I~_: 1 Ijesree* .' "i- &catt.ii H_:= :* F-*« "ur- * -22 2 lirr* 'XU .' Lr5-'?'r .15". *££4 ~-'£-c *-ii« 1: —52: :i22 rc: > -* 221 t_ iv _2 BBM ' ti£*r l - -* 222 22. u rirti t 1-* 2: Tc-£ lil 2_?ir lifr :*s2l*»; *»r> F'! *31*** _r 22* c* Trctr^ I ^Tr: JLi ZT’jn Zri *- I. Z 1 —‘ ~ - - £2- : c:~ iTr Z^T-—- -. :«A H. 1 Smtj »*■ El '2f Fr%—21: K*n £ :See 22: :i* — ; ! * '~r-~ of ti 'rlt ti2£ 22 -:T :» j^r.ir ..: <2^2: .2 4 ;rti= 2; su it »2£ * JTi LX. >' — >£-* t! .2* **1:2 ; 22»£—*2 *e22 os- tz.i li.'it: i : -i2- ; cf ■-- “ 2' ~;J i_.-22s.r *1.0 2aj j~ 2 i ■ ' K.Z2r ~ ~*T.£ 22 r I £'t Ulllfl A 'j‘ * of *~’.ryei 1* *« at*-'. :i :r u^Tjm £3Si» _i- «-i -i •: - 3o»c Isind (i ;i t. T>;i J; £5 t - . i.; ; JS ■-1* ires F:** i—-- c;.' ix tie Tiirf nor? 3" :i: * rcr^j^e i: H;-t S T-- - ’: - - . : I 1 H T i :ih: f■ f » ii - ise ;.:rif-i: cf J; •-?- ' - - "i»ra _i iir-o : a*---" iz.i to rii '--- ti*-> 1- ' rr .AASt&iTXA grv.rf; a - J ?i'< T- *- r-» ■* Brerir*x i' ?.£>.. *i? fcjijj • i‘ ei >:r '3'. - .^e :r> s»rti«» Tir t-s «zcr:_ _n aiocr 54 W. Ed Viii f^tcf vhr «ii KTftj . —%-i fr.- tie *c.i: U to i.s fa-: .:xs ii: j **■ rr.rs irf :*. .i *.li: ta srt:. Ml tc ii.Tf- 1-4 >8 1 is * it feared A air. ver r' finren tr J-**r?'5 r/if; t*rs ”» T.•' ~s of £ 'ti-s- ;edf.-srr Tie veal-:; r •; ,«sd of a r.ae :::!•: for cr.rfXj? rif.si'.-a a: II a taottje Jfarj bOl?!' fTtrlt CUr jO tire* >£-■ :.«! tr ei arf F» ood E'irct. rsc Lar'.aiter ". .z.'.; farrier >:ri rare •... • a tra.'or >:r i- •---: ti-; :•? a ai'jE? ireii ten r.r a easier tf-T. frt.it a •airtx aii is o*r er tans * rfc_ ari or a ; a ear j» *■".•.*•—*■; ir:o a fi-ij "irftfit/t if:r W. LiSC Cf tie I1-* firm Ui.3 returned from Omars, *r-re re ns: seen a:. rr.rg the ri'.::aii homes. • _.-aI congress ud acting as one of tie judges in tue contest of spr-_ r: m&ci.nery. Leo Jfa’hew*. chief clerk :u the gc err*r § office until re *u promoted to ■; ; private secretarysi.p, .s a err for etHf clerk of tie hc_se. 're Irrco r Commercial club has i>eea in-.ted by tie Aster.tar Civic asaocismon to be represented at tie annual meeunz cf tna: btcy la *Vas_ inz*cn. Professor H. R- Smith of the de partment cf animal h.nsb;rdrv cf tie state farm is editing for tie Ur.ter States department cf agriculture a secondary course in animal products. Nine boxes of bc arical specimens, containing ever variet.es. Lave been received by tie botanical de partment direct from Jerusalem. Tie plants are all from Palest ne. most o: them coming from tie near vlclaity of Jerusalem. Tie boxes came by parcels pest, tie weight cf eacr vary ing from £ve to ten pounds. Seventy-two delinquent students ap peared before tie faculty dci.arueacy committee of the state university Sat urday. As a result of tee examina tion seven were suspended fer tie remainder of tie semester and two others were advised to withdraw. Three wl'tdrew voluntarily befere tie committee tn-k action on their cases, and sixty were placed on probation. Stipulations lave been agreed upon in tie suit of tie state against tie National Biscuit company to compel it to brand tie net we.git on its pack ages. but will net be signed until proof has been read of the amend ments. Join L. Webster represent ing the National Biscuit company, in tended that the state should stipu late about everything that would make a defense easy Member* of the legislature are rap idly sending in requests for seat*, an? about a third of the places have been disposed of. blue print* of both floors laving been received in the office oi the secretary or state. Practically all of the guard*men ap pearing on trial be'ore the court mar tial pleaded guilty, but a great major- ; Ity gave the same reason for failure to obey order*—'hey did not believe that they had to attend maneuver*, or were *0 busy at work that they could not get away. A petition 1* being circulated among national gujrd officers which will re ceive practically their unanimous sig nature asking Governor-elect Aldrich to retain Adjutant General J. C. Hart.' gan In office. With few exceptions the guard officers think Adjutant General Hartigan Is the most efficient head that the department has ever bad. They think that he Is whipping the gnard Into shape so that. If necessary it will be a real fighting machine, clean throughout and ready tor buss MINT THE MESSAGE T* 5 * EE «EVNC” OF CON GRESS ONAL. ACT OV there's lues m JUian Oe*este= Vr-a-i i'ij Ua-e Pr.* r* °*«s ce-: i P — En-e—-eljr MICHAEL CLDAHY DIES. Head of Z g Pa;« -g Firm Passes Away. Chiraro—Michael Ccdaty. fozrdcr ' tie C-jdaty Pacirrc Com-ary died of double pnecmoaia at 1 4i o'clock Sccday a* Mercy hospital. Ke tad been ill tot Sre day?. Toe crisis a> ; reached Eztcrday. Tte errem*- r rloa. tte last sacrament of tte Catto ' c '■hnrct *e! s_m:n:;'-red stoT'.y before noo" Satcrday. la 'te ifter aoon a” tte members of tte 'aril; mho c-o-!d be reacted ■were eocamoa ed to his bdj ie B g Gscib'irc Rail Ts Made. New York—Tte bizz-st ra d os aa alleged gambling bouse that New York has sees in maay days was I*d by Pet’cty Commissioner Dri'~o!l la person amir** a so^alfed social dab on East Forty-secoad street. Fory niae prisoners were taken. Capitalist Aphyxiated. W«-r!'r‘*. Mass.—G?-o'!pe fume* from bis automobile, over which be *&s so-rcr In a small rarage, caus ed the death by asphyxiation of Ed ■*"lc M. Hadley a Worcester factcrer and capitalist. He was 55 years old. Telephone* in Jerusalem. Jerusalem.—Telephones will in all probability shortly be In use here, as a system is being Install^ u; xc . *c*ia ir; s~- ta fate. Beat tc*~t£ «M rr; r_p?r rri rre *«■ *st£ I pit A:i tie i:; * ttare ir- teat a^a;~ St_r trtr -3 i --1 ui a raT cij» iter tP"ed- vrl r»- teuvm of fau t{ p«rvt«- ir; UJ a seaspcoa «ait art c®« ait a ra_f rtfa rt'orrec rat* r* laa-fy act ti_r css irrtr ettal 3 a £=*2 —niurpaa riit 3 a rail* «-* crer. Ber vter ca*n bet Fg Cars*: lure—3ct ee> act t ii-‘ Cips of 1:«»l firs.- tt?w fST te~* ot a rij t' ii_c c-tarr act ti. i iat «;-x: of baran. cm-2 tie k£x Tire :im a soft ba. *let crorpet :xtc eoli vittr a it a •- a_—er rerasd rf ire crcj-re-f ip» Seat cr tct •eacist *o rrres4. Ictr* car be =*e: s*zmi cf tr? :f ik -K >rrr S;- r c Tate —Or* cr; st-rer -a -rs t*_T porr-f alKt-ii ft Tt'ttts. Uf tori ft*. Ir' tci:: - trot. a:: crcr-e-i fre it eft f frcrif *a mre a ras** Frier tip *rt a elite &oC« ■ror.tS H * ft > Pi* —V? V* r : rr* r*-‘ I" -T ‘JP T -I^Tt fit ~ « ” 1c. T*«S COO? l: crwst Ek h» cr the top crest Car tr Coetle be ?r S.r.ir tf '.syer -tke Tb s rsr —aie« -re sHv-- Llt»-% vrr :•* ct 5re £SS t-e*-*- ■' £ c- * ^-orx. - -. cf salt tire?-- _arr-rs cerfal it* rtgar bs^ crj ft—j stf-ec Tv^ce w:*r ere sen.!. teaspoon r-“‘ — 7* tar -ar fiavor t<-. suit taste Tr « make* StsT ard tf.rd ’y-rs T'lks o' *ts err? 't1 cap s car o-e arf a *t -d "pf-fe to it sifts i raft*. cr* ard a fa# ertfris rset: —:k c*e i:i a — ' t^rs—ers sc-di d-ssc’-ed -- -1 * reifc ' ~ t orf -* " 57-tt 7 --ear of ** * *ar sited :t v -*r *te Soar, fiscr 5 yrfr *• * '* pu p*^- * ~re~w»» filing ies:-ei_ -: e- V a d s C'eese. To 'oar (year's cf mTk a? blooc beat etc ojsa-fcartl cf a ; -1» - - ■ -• - “?sr at tie-i :ter rot si:t: _7 *H tie care ft* 11a *_rr :r*o a creese r 'th ba? art let 4rr a’.' reary cry Aid a ^e: •eir-rcrfa cf salt. r .1 ■icrcvar.y aad re" ;rr to the b~g witch its teen rinsed in *ira wat-r e:: tlece iz 're cress - r_:re ;* a t»o ~acrr •:; ;s i ti*i t're &- -cr -‘an er . cove- sri a piece of bes-d £-'ed *0 the pa : and -lace w-.grts ac-e fre— rre-s. rci -Br'li terre-r. : *.r iry it a rrcl cry yiace ra;. be ea--r resi :f 1 ie^ Tie *iey. s^eeTeaed faT-rei «-•& tt.tr arc ea:! ec races a refresh es drai. Rlr-Fr e3 CwTC<»e". To jr^yare it is Rictrccai s*yJe riorse ycr.rg cilcters. for: acd c=t :r*o c ce rieces. «":pe well w:tt a carr c.sdh. be: do act r=t ;cto *»»:. iztizj each r:ece «irh sa r repjer a- - f rur; ycr a fe* sice* o' fat salt rerk :a e frTrc j-aa a-d i-t;a jr v-i5 fre. oct a sr*c,-ccartity add the cbfckeo ard fry s ealy cat:, cooked, cscally tiers tbrec-ccarters of as iccr Rerore frer per asd a-rarge cice’y ca a bet dish, p-cor all ’be *'at from fry ire par bat ore tablespoca r=L iter srr la ore tailespocafal cf "car ard •sh*r sroo’b add half a p r: of cream Stir entif b!;rd 4. Stasca with repper. sai aad a little riepted per* cy aad pear oxer ctick eb ard serve Cider Cake. Creata togttier 4 cap of batter aad 1 cup of sugar; 2 cups of sweet cider *r<= b^aVr into This; a poard of wash ed and dried currarTs a .easpooa of t’Upice and 1 of clcnatree aad I tea 'poons of soda are mixed together *-jth !0 ouac's of Sour Three <*ggs tre beaten light xr-.th yolks aad wh:tes Eepara’e ard added to the batter a* -eady mixed and rben the fSour - -d fruit ard spices are be ten into tc? whole ard it is beaten vigoroasly till very light, bake fb a moderate even. Tbe cider rices the cake a most de licious favor It also preserves it a long time as wexj as keeping it moist Chleken Livers With Olive Sa~cc. Clean the livers, sprinkle with salt isd pepper sad dredge ! ghtly with Conr. Put a tabkspocaful of butter in the Mnrer a •: brown the iiv* rs Take up and keep hot while you pre pare the sauce. Rrcwn two ube spoonfuls of batter in the pan aid three table-spoonfuls flour, and when browned pour its gradually one cur brown stock or beef evt-act dt^solvi-d in hot water Season highly with tail and pepper, add ten olives from which the stokes have been removed, cook three minutes and pc.;r about the livers. Grand Onion Salad. Select a ♦—nu. heavy cabbage and roll back tbe outside haves Cut out the center, leaving a shell to use for the salad bowl; with a sharp knife slice the cabbage very thinly and ;v>ak In cold water until crisp, dra.n and dry between towels Add two g e, c peppers cat in thin slices and miv with French dressing Russian Sandwiches. Stone and chop fine or pound to s pane two dot. n large o’ivea (or the stuffed olives may be uve «_-e oo> srJ.x»r7 n;e". -QJ-* *r»* -»;X '> «rjker Tbr £rtt =tia*a ate" cart so M«fc. bait •« «oe.-t b» «a» *» ;*? t^e ksa r*ci^r«< tr »Ta'Jn Jar £* -T5 «ff si rtflt ~ Srt to tfce » *e Kroner—A atri m tbe wi»» la s** 5c*cs.l Poad—Tfcc* tow it yoc octral *'? It* '=$-in*rs-«B£ »7«er« r»«* tie Good a ux a r»rt- 7 *t«* iectSBi asnkut* It a raAar t>* -* rr.:t of a ;at *r*mg of cer 'acd HiO TO SE *>CS*«CN R:= F—--=5—I t'tocrk: yea was era' to ecmm;: sc. .;* ;ums? Tie Selected—I was' bet *t- ? l pet to ce river I remembered Tfi for get toe ninrrin ngat*. END STOMACH TROUBLE NOW Cjriree* a. Gas. St - ~;u «f -1 je» ttor' & Frat M ■-ets* A “ter Ti* -5 a Little D ireps U »«« teeaj don't St emm'ortai.'y. or yoa fee. bloated after m -■- and yoo bejere it is tie food «t Shoaid yoa at this moment he sat fermg from Indigestion. Ga* Soar cess or any stomach dsorder. yoa ea» bare ty get relief within fire m.tt it tea Desperate S tuat.cn. "There s no uae :r> in* to 6* t» It.* remsrkeo Mrs DeFUtt. this ts the «-* bed ye There rostt rely istt a decent thitt to eat on the table " "That * right." rejoined neFlatt. “Hut." continued bis mile. 'there's ore thing in her favor. She can't be heat when it comes to washing “ i'tty we can't eat the washing.” sighed the hungry husband Getting a Supply. ^"hut did you do 11001 da: pu a bo was staedia' on de curbs'.vie railin' you names— asked lira Vasai Brown. 1 th'owed a lump o' coal nt Tta." re Mied Mr Krastus THnktey What did he dor “He stared right dar. borin' id ■take it a bucketful “ TJhenmatisTa, Xeeral^a and S(*t eo< < 'e under the sa-ee r*d , h HV°m' 'Vi»rd tVJ, tke Kxk oi all meedm for the relief of all pein. Then* is ret a vice which more ef fectually contracts and deadens the feelings than the desire of aocwwat tn* rossess'ons —Mant. It's awtn, bard for a Ittt)* wo-at to impress people with bar dignity.