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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1910)
Counting Noses //i 0e U n ited 3tates _ . ^ — — . —. ^\\ iAk u> m v * csats. a bo baa jm « usaj*k-t»-4 (U (Mn—ik 4tacaoa*» uf Cbaa—4tfk« <4 I'arir 5mb a»4 bla faaulr. I— M ta Six* u4 baa rtyrautt u «*n ra fctar* I'fKic tiM' ! tba tot 11a. la <*af* ait. .'■sritiag ta it : ■ • —• Oar cab— tbs! iha —*—catJcia at:: rn4 a burnt lUjbMW *£»»*»* — baa to.-** —sat *"* «Ms xrr—a •—r ■ " Tto. bM), t*wu raa* VtaM t - W ••MW. ac.4 «t Pari* Ka:a* 1—4*4 jata *-**—» ba** «wr.-aa»4 via*" ’torn aa4 Ma lM.1) ca— tto:: !«.“•»•■ a—* —b*r» tbaa br—r««4 ta l ia IXsa. H *—14 I*- o—to :<i — u. r* that: fair IT tb* ; ir 4»ac‘- •*-» »*r* t~ «a*l *r '** a—-d4jbc t *! at 111- •*. •••. —b —lil tor tb* — tf tb* ral* «4 —- *4 nfm t. a' *^/X * ~:aua — — tbr far'ftb »*r* ta W *■ a:a 1 »*>< for tb* tbbt.***.;tb A rami an «,» r baa > that *4 tba tfejn*— -i."*fi-ai. tb*' to*a4—ar •**» a4b** far-* alii «ara $4 tba *— :*»»*. r. fix—*« tto* asj»*r ****** tHuiN, —4 lb* »t«*cial —.at* r—a Tb* —na—ratlr* —at at.l ba «W. (b* at a’ iua*r t- $r*M. ■'*». f*— HSM.tto.iMi- n taat-tola** |3a. MV. car4* far labalatt— ;-*•■—--r*~ i. HWM jciatja* t« V. Alaaka $aV *M Peru, He | tov—* Tutal. *12. *Sdft» If that la *1 'hr rtjrtw. It It ctewp The late G«a Kraarte a Walter, who aa* a nawi aathontp tr*-»t*-r tint •ay athrr lirlac or dead. race vr«x« that ’he path 4 thr 1'altrd Hta’ra caa aril ahord ta pay far thr »*ry brat m-asua they caa pet * Mr yard thl« remark • f’b a Inal nalrtaka of ■har’dghcla i «i ta «dtn«f j thr caat ad (hr tlhth caaeaa. If» (hr aid fMT *Vt pas arr 111 pet (hr darter pit caa aCwrd Threw rall»c m with which fta ttM ft caaaaa haa toe a lahra a aa r Oaaa Ihratdi re* . te thr totndgdlM of ami pa I_' (httrti at rsrd papihlap tahslaftap aad te thr Mertaar fna (hr eapaeteaee paiatd hr thr rhfto* (hr l«n of i 4 lapuiry i»t >_ia*ioe aad i haa* haaa preadly hap** red. haft la aecarary aad ta atatay Milltone will br aaaad for ran «f thr 44btka! arsran taklap aad la 4r rrrr --f fa- raaaiirr n tateilat ftp. aad ate rlphte trlMf te I'adr are and ta idea aad dr aad eftrtraer 'ha* ft apmK aad caa be built aad at a iarpr sat lap <4 unary a* cob. tftft ptfta rspahdkaraa tar thta par Other wary weetap fea**tre* arr the riitol adha cf tbr rttalatetieclrs tapairy front (hr •orb ad thr ftrsaftiai eaaaa* aa k iclusp to b 4 Ur ('ailed State* ta thr twtaftrr ad acted •ha. (hr pteeoprlcw tefth&S of jaria* for tu work (hr oahaWi of (hr hand. louse tadastrte* fnct thr ad (hr cwaaaa. aad (he <# (ho star aad smte of *aptez of rasas to aad aaarrlec Thr ft to de'mxtar (hr Cam aad Thr tapalrp aa to to thr date April IS. t«ld: (hr farm opera IMP aad cafh lor aa faaaaPary of April 1? I PIP. Thai relatia* to ta for (*»» (tea i arn»d oafy thr pep-. * due A.ri -S ’V oaf afeth the acted ■ • ■ Tteat. arrr ally _i.tra amaaamaaa. of wha*E ahnor « CP* carriad isr*h thr y»}>elatkwi sad acrv alter- sr'br Sales a* li Is eylmatrd that (arrr arr a* fatly T.PPk.ap* ayruc fam la Sioirt * • ob fans* r* ssahrmr arrr eat* caore Idthsft* od defiers of Card .fpti htred ft tcu-p>—* rhea three were <j aacasfhT-'errs. i»rat.£ - as if but aertu. Aad •• -»■***•- ir*t»r *ft *2 thr tt-re: t.l* laortgj<b<i' Med ness is decreasing fast; fci* taxation is ml! as compared with the otaMe'i harden. and be has taken to auto mobile riding on a large scale. * .nstis taking every ten years is a tremen dotss task. It is the greatest single operation undertaken by t'ncle San- with the exception of the panama canal work and the assembling «X an army in time of war The American cen sus « fee largest. cotSliest and most accurate of an* taker b* the civilized nations Its methods are the r*ost modern and its equip ment the most complete The census bureau • jcce comiriser e*>-t. Director E Dana Durand I-— of Michigan, who. al though only thirty-eight years old. Is older than most of the generals com manding the forces in the Civil war, and who is, too. a statistically scar red hero, a veteran in government service, and likely to prove the most practical and efficient di rector connected with any of the past censuses. Then there is the assist ant director, William H. Willoughby, of Washing ton, D. C-. former secre tary of state of Porto Rico. Next in rank are the five chief statisti cians: William C. Hunt, in charge of the popula tion division: Le Grand Powers, heading the ag ricultural division; Wil liam M. Stuart, oversee ing the manufacturing di vision: Dr. Cressv L. Wilbur, the vital statis tics work, and Dr. Jo seph Adna Hill, the di vision of revision and re sults. Charles S. Sloane Is the geographer; Al bertus H. Baldwin is the chief clerk; Voler V. is chief of the publica tion division; Hugh M. Brown is private sec retary to the direct or; Robert M Pindell. Is the- appointment Clem; ueorge jonnnes is the disbursing officer, and C. W. Spicer Is the mechanical expert. In addition to these are the chiefs of the divisions under the chief sta tistician. There are about 750 permanent clerks and 3.000 temporary clerks, etc. The supervisors numbered 330 and they employed and directed the 65.000 enumerators. About 1.000 chief special agents and assistant special agents. The supervisors also employed 1,000 clerks. 500 special agents and 4.000 Interpreters to assist them In the direction of the enumerators. The data relating to population is trans Masterpiece of Glass Work !b the British museum, in London, on exhi bition. is the Port land vase, the masterpiece uf ancient iclassttork. A chance discovery led to the rescue of this magnificent urn from the crave where h had lain for hundreds of years, hidden and unknown The vase was found early la the seventeenth century by some la borers. who. tigging on a hillock In the nelgh ••orhood of Home, broke into a small vault. On further -lamination It revealed a suite of three sepulchral chambers In the largest room they found a finely sculptured sarcopha gus. which contained the beautiful vase It «as full of ashes, but It bore no Inscription as to 'he remains It held nor has the mystery ever been solved which shrouds its origin. The vase was u posited In the Barberint pal are. where :t remained until l“u. when the rep resentative of the Barb* rinl family, a Roman ; *1r.< ess was forced to part w ith it to pay her gambling debts The vase changed hands twice then it was disposed of to the duchess of P- "land, but with such secrecy that her own family was not aware of the transaction until alter her death At the sale of the duchess of Portland's coi "'"UJ* •* was purchased by her son. the third duke of Portland, for the sum of $5,145. and it was depended in the museum by his successor. The vase was wanton,v sma ll d in pieces by a drunken visitor, but the fragments were, however, ;> L..C together, but the bottom, with it* mvvt*nojs figure in Phrygian cap. was not replaced Tfc. mate- :••! (f this ease was Jobs almost as great a puzzle as the story It illustrates. Ureval refers to It as "the famous vase of chaledony." Mlsson calls It an agate; Bartoll a sardonyx; while Caylus and others correctly decided that It was made of glass. The blue body was first formed, and while still red hot. coated over as far as the bas reliefs were In tended to reach with semiopaque white glass, the delicate figure being afterwards cut down to the blue ground In the same manner as with real cameos. “No Openings Nowheres” She Is fortunate In having girl chums who draw roses from their friends now and then, 'i he other afternoon one of her rosy friends pinned a bright red one on her and she sal lied forth into the street to make other wom en envious. She had not gone far when she felt a tug at the shoulder and turned to see a strange woman. " Where "d you git that rose?" asked the stranger covetously. “A friend of mine gave It to me." was the answer, produced with some chill. "A friend of yours? In a store?” "No. not In a store.” "Well. haln’t there no openings no wheres ?" "Not that I know- of.” "Humph! Just my luck. I'm just crazy for a rose, and when 1 saw you I just knowed there was a fall opening somewhere.” I ferred to manlla cards, by the punching of holes In them to correspond with the different Items in the schedules. An electrical machine controlled by a clerk can punch holes In 3.000 cards a day. Three hundred of these were used and 90.000.000 cards were ordered. After the punching the cards are hand-fed Into an electric tabulating machine with a "pin-box" attachment which permits the re quired pins to pass through the variously placed holes in the cards, in this establishing an eieetrlc circuit resulting in the tabulation of the items on counters which register their results In printing on spooled paper somewhat iike a stock dicker." There are 100 of these machines. After certain comparisons to prove accuracy, the schedules are permanently pre served in a great iron safe in the census bu reau. As the card does not contain the name of the persons for whom it stands, all personal identity is eliminated from the cards. All dan ger of misuse of such information disappears. Severe penalties are provided in case any em ployee discloses census information to outsid ers. The next step is the making of the maps and tables to accompany the analyses, and then, finally, the issue of the printed bulletins and reports. Before July 1. 1912. the work most be over and the thirteenth census gone to Join its scientific ancestors. Romance of Old Portugal The recent deposition of King Manuel of Portugal and the events in the young king's life that led up to it will no doubt bring back to the minds of some of the older residents of the city the story of Elise Hensier. the Springfield girl who married a king and be came the Countess Edla. The king she married was Don Ferdinand II. of Portugal, a great grandfather of King Manuel. Elise lived in Springfield about 60 years ago. probably for about four years. The Henslers were humble people and lived simply. The daughters. Elise and Louise, were well received here and were given a good musical education, especially Elise. whe had quite a remarkable voice. Signor Guidi. an Italian, at the time a well known teacher of the voice, took an Interest in Elise and it was when Signor Guidi went to Boston that the Hensiers went there, largely through his influence. He believed that Elise had a fu ture as a singer and wished her to be where he could continue teaching her. EUse Hensier after her removal with her family to Boston continued her studies. She was perseverant In her work and progressed so ell that she not only appeared in concerts in the ’arge cities in this country, but also in Eu rope. where she sang before royalty. It waa while singing In Lisbon several years after the death of Queen Maria that King Ferdinand heard her voice and felt the attraction that led him to marry her. Ferdinand was the titular king of Portugal, having been the second husband of Queen Maria II. of Portugal. Ferdinand married Maria in 1836. when he was 20. The queen died In 1853. and he was regent during the mi nority of his son. Pedro V.. who was the fa ther of the assassinated King Carlos, the grandfather of the deposed King Manuel. The regency ended In 1855. and on June 10. 1869, he married Miss Hensier. When the European powers decided the time had come to restore Spain to a monarchy, follcaing the overthrow of the shart republic, which existed from 1873 to 1875, considerable pressure was brought to bear upon Ferdinand to induce him to accept the vacant throne. But his wife could never be queen of Spain, and It is possible that this fact alone Induced him to refuse. This absolute refusal on his part to accept the throne of Spain, with all the pomp and splendor of royalty in exchange for the roman tic life that he was living with his morganatic wile, had far-reaching consequences. The com plications and jealousies resultant on the at tempt to find a king acceptable to all the pow | era helped to bring on the Franco Prussian war. and Alsace and LcrraJne went back to Germany, whence they had been wrested by Napoleon Bonaparte. In consequence of these peculiar historical ! facts, which geographically practically changed all western Europe. Elise Hensier. Countess Edla. became famous throughout the world as "the woman who changed the map of Europe." During the life of the king they lived in the beautiful castle of Cintra. It is certain that their life was above reproach. In 1SS5 the king died, and after that the countess lived in retirement in a cottage near the castie. Til* tt«nt for It -rvr mr ’tn 1** $*» •M.WS *-4 that tea fatter la »art* * * ' Jl ! / Eagle and Dog in Eattle !• to Bsuaiii difficult to £"' into '-kaw contact vrk an eagle. but an in ctdent reported bjr the Weatminster Gaunt* is tr a different effect. Not xmg 5*0. it K*n*. *ben a teeter was ITtreedin* ttorougb G’en Laragan aaau Hanarir. to inapect tte moor. hU sttertion *a» attracted by tfee peca ’tar aamtmtmta of a grotto* PaMing h*ta in cloee pm -.'tr and Tjr.14: tor*. tb* bird Croppe be:«*e= j -iin and his dog. and the keeper right v judged that it had been pursued. Glancing behind, he saw a fine speci men of the golden eagle, which, how ever. on being observed, swept away •trough the air across the Sbeangan vaBty After marking the spot where the r rouse had fallen. Fraser proceeded ' n l.i* journey, returning tfcro- gh the :■ i» "o " about two Lours" time. As he neared the place where he had seen the eagle, rain commenced to fall, and whistling to his dog. Fraser took shelter. He had not been sit ting long before he was considerably startled by the swish of pinions coupled with an almost simultaneous sharp pain in his ankle. A glance round showed that the eagle and his dog were in combat, and in swooping, the eagle had seized upon Fraser's leg juat as the dog and bird got to close quarters. The fight was a fierce one, but ultimately vie ..*.II' lory lay with the dog. So firmly had the eagle fixed his talons Into the keeper's ankle that the bird's leg had to be severed. The claws are being retained as a memento of the tnci dent Deduction. "I see you advertise that you have found a lady's dog. How do you know it belonged to a lady?” “When I was leadin' th' mutt down Enclid av'no he stopped in trout of all th’ show windows-“ _— PRESIDENT OF NEW REPUBLIC Senor Theophile Braga, Who Wa* Chosen to Hold the Relne of Portugal’s Government. Lisbon.—Chief among those who de throned King Mar.ue! of Portugal and sent him a fugitive to the friendly asylum of other shores Is Senor The ophile Braga, first president of the Portugese republic. Senor Braga has been styled the Victor Hugo of Portugal. He is the son of a Lisbon doctor and was born In the Azores in 1S43. His connection with republicanism began in 1S70. but he did not become active in politics until quite recently. Karly in the present year he was elected a deputy for Lisbon and at once, owing to his ability as a speaker, his great fun£ I “1 Senor Theophile Braga. of information, his standing as as educator and his power of leadership took a prominent part among the re publicans, who were seeking the re generation of their country. S<fr.oi Braga is a poet and a philosopher. Foi j years he was professor of literature at the High Literary College in Lis bon and is an author of no:e. In alt he has published 130 volumes and was the last mac one would suspect of be i coming involved in a revolution. It is too early yet to predicate as to his future, but one would expect the re public to be safe in his hands. SOURCE OF RUBBER SUPPLY New One Recently Has Been Founc in Mexico in the Palo Amarillo Tree. City of Mexico.—Another practical and very extensive source of crude rubber supply was recently discovered in the vicinity of Guanajuato. It is the palo r.marillo tree, which grows wild in a broad scope of territory bor bering the Paci5c coast and extending towards the interior as far as Guana Juato. The commercial possibilities ol this tree as a producer of rubber have been thoroughly tested by the Mex lean government and by representa tires of large American interests that are investing considerable capital ir the new industry. The palo amarillo tree bears no re semblance to the guayule shrub from which large quantities of rubber art being manufactured in Northern Mex ico and Southwestern Texas. This tree is also of a different species from the rubber tree of the tropical regions of Mexico and other countries. It at tains a height of about 30 feet. Its trunk gets to be of a thickness of one to two feet The tree is of rapid growth, reaching a commercial size in five years. The news that the palo amarilic tree is being utilized for the manufac ture of crude rubber has caused a number of independent rubber con. cents to enter the new field of Indus try, to the extent that they are active The Palo Amarillo Tree. !y purchasing all the available tracts of trees In the territory that has nit ! been invaded by the pioneer company. ! It is expected that a number of inde pendent rubber manufacturing plants will be established during the next i few months and that it will not be a great while until the palo amarlllo in dustry will rival that of guayule rub ber. in which more than 65 million dollars gold has been invested during the last few years. With the assurance that the pale amarillo tree and the guayule shrub can be easily propagated and that their growth Is adapted to a large area of country the question of the possible permanency of the rubber supply of the world Is practically solved. Woman Blamed for Suicides. Philadelphia.—That suicide in this country Is largely contributed to be cause of woman’s invasion of man's field of work is the opinion of Dr. john Chalmers Da Costa. Moreover, he de clares. this and other ills will Increase if women persist in leaving the home for business. In a paper read before the American Philosophical society here Dr. Da Costa said: “If woman continues to invade man’s calling she will pay a dreadful penalty In insanity and suicide and in the idi ocy of her progeny, and she will wreck the chief hope of civilization—the clean, decent, happy home. The bla tant and militant suffragette is well along on the highway of degeneration." -- An Expansive Snake. Washington.—Not every creature can swallow another bigger than it self. but there is a little water snake at the Aquarium that docs this handi ly. The water snake is a foot and a half long aDd aboft as big around as a big lead pencil, say a scant five-stx teenths of an inch in diameter, but it will corner and capture a killiefish an inch aud a half long and close to half an inch in diameter and gulp it down arhole easily. Good lock like* to visit people vrbb are not uspectire it levit' Single Binder cgmr » »«* doped—cbIt tobacco :n its Mtanl It Is better to nherit a fortune thaa to marry one. What Murtne Eye Retnedv ItoM te «*• Brcs to to KeSrtwn. ttoifsn S.twhr ulxM It r HealthNI Or-rotoU-c. I*n r ot-a* Vied UnnftlTtirnit Tr» Munee in roar K;«x Precautionary. The Millionaire—Doctor, i* it abso lutely necessary to remove my ap pendix ? "Not absolutely, but It is safer to begin with some simple op* ratio* like that"—Life. DISTEMPER In all its forms aim ng all sees ot horses, a.- well as dogs, cured and other- <n -owe stable prevented from having the • *ea*e with MUHS S DISTEMPER t l RK. Every bottle guaranteed Ov - O.tkM bottle* sold list year $.50 and $> An» good druggist, or se-.J to ra-.n s t .irera Acent« wanted. Spobn Medical '■■pec. Contagious Diseases, (lark*, In.. Scant Pasturage. "I am afraid the moths will get into my bathing suit." said Maud. "It would b - a shame." repi -1 May m;e. “The poor things would starve to death '* Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free To quickly introduce the biggest and best firm Journal in the West, w make this special H day bargain offer: S ad it cents for trial 3 months* subscription and we will give you free our coll—. •: -n of 1* very tints; Gold EmN ssed Unstr. -a post cards. Nebraska Farm Journal. 33* Ramgc Building. Omaha. Neb. HE SUCCEEDED. Blue fish—So Shad thought he'd get into society by coming to the sea-* shore, did he? Bass—Why. yes. They had him for dinner at De Wealth’s the first tiny. STOMACH MISERY VANISHES Indigestion, Gas, Sourness and Dys pepsia Go and Your Stomach Feels Fine in Five Minutes. If your meals don’t tempt you. or what little you do eat seems to fill you. or lays like a lump of lead In your stomach, or if you hare heart burn or a sick, sour, upset or gassy stomach, that is a sign of Indigestion Ask your Pharmacist for a ocVcen^ case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a little just as soon as yea can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach. Nau sea. Debilitating Headaches, PiEri ness or Intestinal griping. This will all go. and besides, there will be no ^ undigested food left over in the stom ach to poison your breath with nause ous odors. Pape's Diapepsin Is certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it pre vents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is waiting for you at any drug store here in town. These large 50-cect cases of Pape"» ^ Diapepsin contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure any case of Dm pepsia. Indigestion. Gastritis or any other stomach disturbance. Reason for Strange Names. A little colored girl appeared on one of the city playgrounds the other day. accompanied by two pickanin nies. who. she explained, were cousin* of hers, visitors in Newark. "What are their names?" asked the young woman In charge of the playground. "Aida Overture Johnson and I.ncia Sextette Johnson." the girl answered. "You see. their papa used to work far a opera man."—Newark News Only on Great Oecasic-.s. "How are you. Mr. Tyte-Phyat? I hope there is nothing wrong vuh that set of teeth 1 made for you a few weeks ago. " “No, they're all right: but. great Scott, Doc. 1 paid you $30 for them teeth. You don't s'pose I'm going to wear 'em for everyday use. do you?" n ut u • r*vuauj;c5 ^uin^rapnc with a young man she nearly aiwaya gets the worst of the trade. If you want a medicine that will give you the great est satisfaction in cases of Indigestion, Constipa tion, Biliousness, Colds, Grippe and Malaria take none but the Bitters. Its reputation is established. ■for Couchs & Colds!