The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 24, 1910, Image 4

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    Professional Cards
Practices in all Courts
Loup Citv, Neb.
fcanjai fair Hint
And Hjm&fi \U&nrtor.
Luup City. Nebraska
nmm ug surgeon
Office. Over New Bank
* » :m» . <* Tr.
Loup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
• »*er a*. Kgodcocr
TtstefdUaac ' ..
-anewiM b> N H Meai
Bonded Abstracter
l/#r Crrr. - Xukj>u
Omit art *»? A »ir» : 'rxAaia
tJUi f- ‘‘ITT. - - xu.
Ofeer up ••.air. .a tW brc Mat*
bitt biuLitr.
OFFICE East Side P*U* iistir.
I ui. mm L/*-|» iki • itii
tar ui m>G»( A rtrnfia
n AUUjrUM .»«rfrrf and iMRMn.
A. «a_.* I’Sctdrd I/O dll ><r
<>«u • »fi^e at. Uvtmi Fiu*t Barn
AB KeeiAs Lnaeaw* caned Tit.
«at a «B|icai «|<tAOic N®
<fckr«foem. K»«r or «at*n r«*
•nl mmwu aaed CUKE
TIUK Exaxuaatxa Fi«e
The Labor of Baking
it ouuij Use* reduced 1J juu uae tit*
ngut uad of Flour. utd if tl# <|im
U» *Tut »* U* u-»t I * .rv '
put Uu rote msaaag Umt leirrv tml
bwerkcrpm la Uii* |»rt of Uar
nouwtri. lie unauiaaoa* rrplt mould
White Satin
You would tote lor It If )uu mere
uud be It. law'l It morti. git ing a
Loup City Mills
CfcMft m, rcai ▼«*» ir r*ip t» aptajk*
»: vine Loup Cut p^v-ttce for iratk
Blai.oc tMro-xfc is.* sea. i» »* fcecoed
ciaab ttkitr
Office Phone. - 6 on 21
Residence. - - 3 on 21
J W. H KI.EIUH. Ed and Pnb
Martin Comer Dead
A telegram >1* r**<-ei»ed yesterday
a.,; ruing By M ( M uikk from El
i*as T*u- giving tiie sad news of
tiie dentil of Martin Comer tliat
morning, wlere lie Lad been taken
iaat Friday for relief from quick con
sumption. * He understand tiie body
• i.l be Brought here for burial
Along R. R. No 2.
.And-, i.ray marketed a load of Logs
at La-up City last Thursday.
AIM J rgeusofi on helping Fred
Johnson on tiie r ads last week.
Art AN i . son and son were hauling
ins t».» Loup ' Tty last Thursday.
lii Angler »a« at VV II Squier's
pace last M -ixiay tiling Uieir phone.
Joe Riatriike «a» seen tiauling a
ad of tin- k home last Tliursday.
■' W. ..a.:.' oat on lloute
last Friday after a load of lay.
Mr- I. r.-n - -er is visiting at York
• rh Mrs. AViSi Engle.
« .flofd line is iie.pirig Orsie I len
der- a get liis corn out.
c n«. scLwaderer was building
fence last week.
Lev on lioute i took iiome
a new L-uggy last Saturday.
l»>‘-k Krodork was iauling corn to
market last Saturday
The mill las been botliered some
with «.tsii ke the past week.
Hans > »t*-r: ,.er was-itting up a
p. rws-ii « hi* farm Monday.
H«- rain it ast Saturday night
•-ered all tiie route, but was
:*eailest around Loup City.
I'ur.r} 'liy<ier shipped two car
. od» of catL.e to South * mala Mon
day (Torley went with them ami
• hi spend 1 i.anksgning at tiie Louie
of ids cousin. Mr Fraaier iu < iinaia.
* artier found some good edibles
at J. H.< iimaiiiig'smail box Monday.
The ie» bam of Henry Kuht is a
nice addition to lioute -.
Mm.Cba- :• r .eft Wednesday
for * mala, and at Lincoln iter son. j
Bussell was to meet iter and then go
un to i mala to spend Thanksgiving
< i > Froas has commenced to feed
•ut of ids -ho. and says it is the
finest feed of any yet.
Key Conger iauied a load of corn
U> H O. Known Monday.
Henry A. .dwin went to St Paul
to see his mother, iaving received
word that she lad falien down a short
Tight of stairs and was juite badly
hurt. Siae is Mirne better at tlds
w rung
Tiie carrier w uid like to buy a
horse H ivo las (<X oOe to sell?
hi F.yrui tad an exciting experi
ence whik- on his way liotne from
Saturday night. Just west of
• has bchwadi rer s ti*- tongue of his
buggy hr- ue going down hill, and tiie
team commenced to run. but luck
was wit*- nim and he stopped litem a
snort distance on tiae prairie at tiie
foot of tiae Itill.
Fred Juittticxi. a—i-ted by Alfred
J- igetisott. put in a culvert south of
i (i. A wster - pace Tuesday. This
• el lad piece of rad ah ia>{ winter.
J. A s-nmmer- will lave a sale on
l*r* 1st on tiie iid Newell pace just
north 14 A Aj. A oppomndtii s He
wi.. us te with ids fatni.y in tiie
-prtng to Ltiup county , wijere ii« has
bought a I mu.- -leader’s right.
Tenis Ktetncmd bought several iiead
i catt e from < *. F. Henning and
to •» the in b • L up A Tty T uesday.
Mr and Mr- F. A*. • 'a-teel spent
Tioi.k-gi tag near sargent at tiie
home of Ira Timson.
T M I feed is putting up a new
windtnid for AV.«*. Krown at ids feed
yards Tiie cattle business is like
ib—4ness, there is a lot of money !
in ft if you don t tigure tiie expense
atiaciied to it
mi*. Jessie i ngrove is x lsiUng at
tiie 1. w of Van Uesrott
V r- V' i Lngie ha* been been very
puorit Uii> tail and was taken to tiie
t. ~pitai and (eraied on this week.
Mr and Mr» J il. Ik«r are at York
fie ping U» look after ti«eir daughter
and < liiidren. W i.J Lngie's healtli i*
reported a* being good this fall.
Joe Lemon. Jack Pageier and .1
W t -nger give a play for I. < i O. F.
elge cneiiiier'after lodge one week
fruc Saturday night. The play is
dfU el "Tiie Lunate-", and every
*>ge night iiereafter Uierr will be a
whrftpiay for members only. Free.
Jtd.n Lia*riike is tie!ping < irsie
Henderson sliu- k bis com. and tiie
chance to see hi* automath brake
w rk uo hi' wagon, it is simply a
iillit w <eier and adjusts itself
to tiie different pitches in tiie hill
and at the bottom of tiie hill it re
eases it** if a« well as if it were done
t« land John la* got it in tiie
patent office. *o anyone cannot get in
a: eel ot liitu and lie lias two years to
improve it before anyooe else can
<-««!,tuet*-* . and if lie improves it in
tiiat u.i.e lie will lave two years
more and mu on. It looks a* though
1* Lad hi, fort-ne made, for all,
biggie* and wagon* will he equipped
will, it some day.
f ollowing i* tiie program given at
M l* Let to- Peugl/s school last week
Friday night:
> <ng. "Tiie Freight Tram" - School
Be« -**A Lagged In-bin " - -
L« - Ilucky" - Franklin Mickow
hicnise- Not Built That Way"
- - - < Ufford and Inez Swanson
IU»----ller Papa" Margaret Plambeck
'sjnr- Tlanksgiung lay' Uiree girls
Kw.-* Tne Hear Story" - Minnie
* Htjenhruns
Lee.- -Joe - Pockets f raricis spencer
hit-rcis—"Pumpkin Pies" four girls,
Lee---she fiuesn't Want Much"
....Laurie Peugh
W nung to Grandma' Anne Plambeck
I *-*et-Tlie l*arty at tiie Zoo" Kuth
Mcfadden arwf Wanda S/wanek
1 oaiogue- Tl^ Peach Pie"
Levitation - - Gladys Swanson
Let itaUon - - Orville Wilson
. K**~*Baby in fhurrh" Adel Mickow
Hiaiugue- - Backbiter's Bitten"
llec —- I'm Going back to Grandpa's"
* ' - Herfiert Oigjenhruns
!•**'—'M ulU plication' Klnora Spencer
liuet-'-W ill 1 Meet my Mama There"
Kisie < Htjenhruns. Kinora Spencer
l«a.-- < ourtship I ruler Idfticuities"
>ong-- Tiie Grasshopper and Cricket"
bet,---Playing Lobinson" Freedie
Lee.—Seeing Tilings at Night"
Kisie Oltyenbruns
Lee.—"Iiofit * ' - Kdna Oltjenbruns
Kien ise -Labor I»ay"
xfdf-"Never Say Fail" - School
'Hie boa social followed and tiie
wav supt. Hendrickson got monev
out of tiie boaes was a caution. You
would not lave thought anyone in
tie neighborhood had lad anything
to eat for a week. The boxes netted
Lbe school over Cft.
•Cushing Bank Robbed
The new bank at Cushing, north of
Palmer on the B. & M. branch, was
dynamited last week Wednesday
night, or rather early Thursday morn
ing. all the cash, amounting to #.'5.000
taken and tlie building wrecked. The
hank was lately started by the
Messrs Taylor of St. Paul, brothers
of our E. G. Taylor, and was insured
for #2500, so the loss will not be so
very heavy. So far the robbers have
not been caught and very probably
won't be. as their plans were laid
very nicely for a getaway. After the
robbery they stole a team from a
nearby farmer, abandoning it later
along the Platte near Grand Island
where all trace of them was lost.
Last Monday at Jenner's Park, be
fore a crowd of several hundred en
thusiastic spectators, the Ord and
Loup City football teams played a
good game. Loup City winning by a
score of l*toO. Early in the game
• *rd seemed to have the advantage,
but soon our boys rallied and by
superior team work and steady Dlay
ing succeeded in making a total of
three touchdowns, one safety and one
goal ki< k. w hile the Ord aggregation,
though good husky boys, failed to
score A goodly number of spectators
from i »rd and Arcadia attended. The
* >rd boys played a good game, are a
gentlemanly bunch of fellows and we
hope to get better acquainted. Our
team went to Sargent last evening to
plav that team today. Last year the
Loup City "Roughneck" team played
>argent two games, winning one and
losing one. Sargent lias an unusual
ly strong team, several of them hav
ing played with University teams,
•heir fullback being able to kick the
fall sicty yards. On the other hand.
Loup City lias a team that lias not
!<een defeated this year. It will be a
good game, we are hoping our boys
will win.
Supervisors Proceedings
Loup City. Neb.. I>ee. 15. 1910
County Board met pursuant to ad
journment of Sept. 21. 1910. Members
prc'ent J. 1. Iiepew chairman, Hiyo
Aden. Wenzel Rewoiinski. J. H. Wel
ty. W. O. Brown. Henry Beck. R. H.
Mathew, county attorney, and IV. C.
Hietericlis clerk: C. J. Peters absent.
Minute> of last meeting read and on
motion approved.
An error appearing in the 190s tax
list on lot s. block 2 Anderson's Add.
to Litchfield, tlie board on motion
ordered the valuation reduced from
#550 to *75.
Cyrus A. Tiffany applied to tlie
R.ard for admission to the Soldiers'
Home at Grand Island, allowed.
< *n motion tlie taxes of John Eggers
amounting to *17. which he paid under
protest on part of sec 19-15-14. was
not refunded.
The proposed sale of the Poor farm I
and tlie 4o acres in Elm township be-1
mg decided negatively by tlie voters
at tlie Nov. 9th election, the proceeds
of which was to have been applied on
tlie bonded indebtedness of the coun
ty and bonds to tlie amount of j
#74.»«M»> falling due this month, the i
board on motion ordered tiie county
attorney to draw up resolutions in
r»-gard t«- refunding said bonds: said
re~>Iuti ms after being read were on
motion adopted and a notice to the
public to he published in tlie Sher
man County Times and The Nortli
»K<-m was on motion adopted. On
me’ j >n the county judge was author
ized •• purcha>e a blank tile for use
in his office. On request of county
treasurer a new table was on motion
rdered for use in his office. The
R l- rt' -onsent road petition in Scott I
township was allowed conditionally
n S ;ne 1«. 1910. and said conditions
having teen complied with, said road
was on motion ordered platted and
rec .rded The consent road petition
in Washington township of C. Gust
Johnson and others was on motion
^ ranted and ordered platted and re
corded. On motion adjourned to 9
o'clock a m. tomorrow.
W. C. Hietericlis. County Clerk.
Loup City. Neb., Nov. i*>. 1910—
County Board met pursuant to ad
journment of yesterday, all members
present eicept ('. J. Peters and W.C. I
Hietericlis. clerk. The report of the
bridge committe was read and on
motion approved. Tlie Berzina road
petition asking for a road in Hazard
township was then considered and
the same appearing to be a public
necessity, was on motion granted and
ordered platted and recorded and
damages allowed as follows: Julius
Johnson. #100: John Screen. #25: John
Matejka. #12.50: F. Psota. *25: John
Majer. *25: A. M. McKeon. #12.50.
* *n motion tlie county judge was
authorized to sell all the old furni
ture not in use in his office to the
highest bidder for cash. Moved to
adjourn to 1 o'clock p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment of 12 a. m. All members pres
ent except C. J. Peters and W. C.
Hietericlis. clerk.
Tlie two claims of W. T. Gibson for
#5»*;.oh and #512 24 which appears on
page *32 and 633 Claim Record No. 7,
amounting to #1079.30. were then con
sidered. these being tlie claims dis
allowed by tlie County Board at tlie
July. I9ii9. meeting. ‘On motion of
Brown and seconded by Welty that
tiiese two claims be allowed. Brown.
Welty. Rewoiinski and Aden ‘voted
Yes. Beck and I>epew voted No.
Chairman declared motion carried.
'Concluded next week)
10 Days Free Trial
b Your Own Homo
mi tbr improved
Hand Vacuum Cleaner
"The Cleaner That Cleans Clean"
We want to sup
ply one lady in every
neighborhood w ith a
“Simplex” Vacuum
('leaner, for adver
tising purposes.
W rite today for
the n.o-t liberal of
fer ever made.
The “Simplex"
is guaranteed to do
a good work as
eiec*ric machines
costing $100.00 and j
over. It is light in j
weight (only 20 lbs) ",
run-, extremely easy a
and cun be operated *
Cerfe.-ly and easily
y one person.
With ordinary
C»re the “Simplex''
will ! .st a lifetime, a.
icrt suu acvdiS ninico so sen
both our hood ood electric machine*.
Electric Cleaner Co.
M Jocbooa Bool. CHICAGO. ILL.
1892 Pure Spun Aluminum Ware
15 Days at Our Risk
Buy any piece of this ware from your dealer—try it fifteen days. If
in that time you find that all the claims wo make for it are not true,
and if it is not just as represented, take it bask and get your money.
s oT
I oti
.es a
K* t
hi a
i* W 2 SI '
t car I
• va- J
ousa |
sue! ’
?o! la
lo *•
vc a
we c
?s te
*r th
II ov
Tells Homoeopaths Particles From
Dishes Start Growths in
Special Dh; if S to The Xorth America*.
vTKODl CTION ©f mod- |
eru euixi‘1 ware in
the k.uheas of the
country is responsible
lor many cases of
cancer, was the strik
ing t icrrr advanced
.a 11.
I>i« ffauhacu. of New
York, in a pai*er en
titled. “Observations
on the Ihlology of
I'anc r.“ read befor *
the Unrea l of S~e.
tary Science and Tub
lie Health, at which |
leading ex?»erts of the
International Homo'
opathic Congress met
today to discuss ques
tion* of nnhlir hp.i1t’>
The argument advanced was that chip
ping of the hard-coaled dishes used in prep
aration of meals allowed minute but dan
gerous particles of foreign matter to become !
mixed with the food. These are taken into ]
the stomach, where the cancerous growth is j
caused by abrasions which they make in the
walls of the organ.
—Clipping frnm Philadelphia Sorth
American, Sept. 12, ItHNi.
t fal
* wi
•r m
ih b
as :
in s
:T la
' r4
1 •
* <•
cal '
5. I
:hr .
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* Hr.
.Tk* .
cy I
Here at last is the ideal kitchen and cooking utensil—“The
Ware That Wears”—made from Pure Spun Aluminum, and guar
anteed by the makers to last 25 years with average usage. “Spun'*
Aluminum, mind you, not cast Aluminum, which will sometimes
crack and scale. Spun Aluminum Ware will never crack, peel,
scale or break.
Enamel ware is iron coated
with colored glass. Iron ex
pands with heat. Colored glass
does not, but chips off into the
food with dangerous results to
those who eat it
See newspaper clipping.
“1892” Pure Aluminum Ware
Saves Doctors’ Bills.
It enables you to baKe bread,
pies, pancakes, etc., without
grease, which is the great cause
of dyspepsia and indigestion.
Aluminum gridles require no
grease; hence are smokeless
and odorless.
I “1892” Pure Aluminum Ware
Will Not Scorch or Rura
—is easily cleaned, will not
rust or corrode. Handsome in
appearance. Looks like silver,
but weighs only about one
fourth as much, and is light
and convenient to handle.
The original and only geouiue
Span Ala mil. am Ware is made
fcy tha Illinois Pore Aluminum
Co. at Lament, I1L Every piece
bearing their trade-mark, the
Maltese Cross, and marked
“IS92" Pare Aluminum Ware is
absolutely pure, wholesome end
hygienic—guaranteed for 25 yrs.
See that you get the right
goods and accept no substitute.
For Sale by
Pure Aluminim Souvenirs given away free during this sale.
Nial’s Fail Rcife
Creating Wealth for the
State of Nebraska
By building its lines through lands then worth less than
$5.00 per acre, the Union Pacific Railroad has aided in
increasing the value of those lands many-fold.
The assessed value of all property in Nebraska has
increased from $171,747,593 in 1900 to $398,985,819 in 1909.
There has been no more important factor than the
Nebraska railroads in creating this enormous wealth.
The resultant prosperity has increased the value of the
In 1900 the Union Pacific Railroad paid taxes in the
State of Nebraska amounting to $299,855.44. In 1909 it
paid $578,112.44.
Progress for the Union Pacific means progress for the
whole State. Every mile of additional track laid, every
train or station, creates wealth, which is not shared only
by the Union Pacific Railroad but by every citizen in the
State of Nebraska.
We have a book on Nebraska and its resources which
will be mailed to some friend in the East for the asking.
Please send us his address.
Every Union Pacific Ticket Office is a bureau of railroad
information. Make your wants known there, or write to me.
GERRIT FORT, Passenger Traffic Manager
Omaha, Nebraska
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably Iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleas d to see
all prospective buyers, fall ami look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupt,
Before you place your orders. W e can save von nnuiev
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
T. M. Reed’s
What a splendid Picture
forever. h6*,th and beaUty mate' II ls 100 bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
’^anH by the samples we have, young people
vmi JiKiS i!* ?° lt‘ » Come *"d lear« the reason. Then probably
you win decide to have us photograph vou.
EDGAR DRAp*ER, Photographer.