The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 24, 1910, Image 3

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' - ■ *'■ *lao is re* 'A • - d Xenon. the country Lome of tlie duke
- - -' - - " - ... t. ■ : »p* -t cue to royalty -itfor* long Van
' -• - «••"** 1 ** - - - * • *; r *n - - .**.*. -f sf Craycothb*. an old house on the cake ol
'* - '' * . i » au..-.-x - • eim~ Tt ..pu i and nut very large it is charmingly
- *< •» ■■- *■:: ; - ‘.ir - vet t - *e fo* a s' rt - n:e be lore her marriage Wood
' ‘ S • • r. "■ r r~ t.s are emrha^ired by the fleur
— an- *' ■ --rrs -*r» uncart !t Ir s gr*.- gate* once * ood before the palace at Versailles.
I -. z A^anyeS to P'stect \e*
Yorker amt FaTUy.
J Ci»t“).r» Cw*
" •*'-* U Afemrt S y dnffir
«* fftt* (it Ttow It
0*e» K **er.
*—• 1'-fc — t£v lesarj— «x!i
i Mot-tym i ■ Ost;**j •> «f
,"rBar‘*- Ht t- 4 r> aa -iisar* tee
- a* Ka.4 enuewrr tat* fct*»
«• wr IV « t»pr t»Mir«
~Tt >• *"*»»: ‘ r-ce* - ♦ 3 V«tf
c:-*wnrw CatOlm «rt :S war :ny fw
• vyt “aoctaaw c‘* -we amta*v
»- <*■ r-f ncr'Sa rtrtts't. *• ;-'a*ja»
aVt y ft* aaati*l yaw m Tk»"Tr .*
• **tfv I1* - v**? !• w .: y« - - r
* ■«'» t* ■*- *j»4 | »«»_ -ti«
* rat — vat war «**<•-- -
f'* ■ 'irr-tta^iaaaes to
Vi«»; v - r- —-:i ***** for t*»
**m «* *.* *«=i‘‘y Wad r » ow e vtwr*
^ *t ’Ctt «|t
7" io-*w r.^f <ptr» • -*■ i**-So-jt
m t!v* ■»■'* cf war Oteasia Ssetsr it a
* way b»r fcwu’.r Ivforv titi.”
mi tk. w-.t-^e tW feu.!.- . "to cal' *
«* «r* *sJ RtH a *•»* jast ** 4te
'- • • f"'f» i-* I - * * j:,r - to *. *rr<aa'
w *.. tee —w mt fe of reyer. a -.f- »
«4 a.:" i rr a* #-yy
•3 3Wf ■ t ■ *- - . ■ *"■«* » ;r
*w*? «0w awU *i« aim. ••ftfc a
mf *f« 4MUaias a terttairtr
to dinner she would take a few
rtrpo toward the uoer. tier «op and
talk and talk sad *aifc. and run tew
word *tr- m i-uld remark ' hat sfce just
ran** co home.
'•■»«urte»» k»(*4 *j wife an ! a- to
*t-sad ant ea to her On ties- oe
ca» t» 1 eot.J atam;t tear the dinner
cool . e
Ttt-t an> to a deape rale pass ,
is- tic. • ▼ S*m we tad a distiu I
' : frota C!a*r Gu'.f dininr
w at ns The t• .r. bor uns there ana ,
•ju» d sa t.r _r iit.ner froi - Then
ter. came a Sc C snap from the din- 1
*"* root. V. ’ e r»r poaagest sen. i
• a» eerretti-KetsSy breaking an iri<-;e !
r'-m the eti t. u*s win*. And the dis
tia*ajsfc»d j*«*ry. n pot mad because '
e warned to So tie tklkin* himself.
‘ An idea suddenly kirk'-'
- - it • «.• i t 1 rtt:-l«-d to the kitch- |
" -na-rh-j :Mf funnel troa th* •
hoods of the cock aad ran to ciy work
shop Present y I emerge .i triumph
» i • t t- i :..x’i'. tmar. tvat
hs-king female with the funnel held !
■arele**-!jr :t my hand. ! named ■;
-rect.’y ,n front of her and
- 4 - f •: ~ key* The result
w a_s just a* I Lai p anned The wo- j
•*s'» J»» kept on mcring. but she !
».* ie .• jejad'e#* words, at least the
on*} sound heard a as the thu! thud
"f her word* dr-ip; a* like pebbes
into this funnel
~1 pressed another key The woman
rc'rhe. her ;»*s as wide open as
could. hen her words began to
fr • The funnel back inio her
*■ Wiser her troutb was full of
words I pressed a third k“>. Then
at» her own words.
1 ii»pt this up until she got a vio
■ n' ;-Tt2s k of in dee st ion and we had
to >e: j for the doctor. The medica'
mar. said—but here's my train."
Aig-ettes Cannot Be Sold by New
York Milliners After July 1
Next by Statute.
N»w York —The plumage of forty
•hree specimens of birds formerly
u-o-d to c---ora'e women's hats can
• ot be st d by the milliners of New
Y rk state after July 1 nex\ accord
ing to *he annual report of tbe Na
tional A' Ociation of Audubon Socie
Ti.e most Important feature of a
re- utiy passed by tbe state leg
siatu -<■. "be report continues, is the
: - i... Men of the sale of aigrettes.
New York is one of. the three greatest
-er'ers for the sale of aigrettes, the
other.- being Paris and London.
Tbe aigrette is taken from thf
mother b rd when nesting, and costs
her life and the life of tbe young
birds The Audubon societies have
been fighting for tbe protection o!
these birds for many years.
The passage of the so-called plu
mage bill will preven- the use ol
'he * plumage a? »e!l as that of most
u d birds of the counTry and all tbe
b -<ls native of New York state.
V !"«• *«a-0!| C«r & . e» iip hr
A*j *»■ :** ts Er St**—T*mt~
U »*e* etc—*
fp Lee * —Ml#* isake' to: br—» * x
tr—9 pear* M «te ru k«£> fries
krr ttsr ft M—lS'-l*, li-«* U *• **
ckr rfi-yr ate e*ne< of hr* —**<• id
ImCiosw a"»t £n :r Is iff for ’so
ailtb tx. TW ctarta rf i S Leuo
lhe**e* »* (ofw t fk* fojtl-Xfcta
•rf s»-!.ac» f« s itwxit ]ofe is i
«ef*T et! rto-r tsS m a* tr*rf-.I!y
rJf': t **• letjf* tar's* kill l—r pa
ree'» Te** k s ter : he ctl «r
Sap fa- Hertttts.
Fie *i.e! the *he krf P*«* t9 (*!»
«■ **»• skS p.ttrS a aefasr ya— <-w
**S%! ‘t tte tekrra* e drama
I fit* A# the oaresf U> a atarst fp
•a the pta* j-rrcee BrOT«- rb**» a»d
#t®* *? ti.ta Ate tap t;e VC. she
lef- Cf*e‘**jrT» for St larrit
Fat*»- mother sir irr taC a
mxr at > ■/* t>»4 .-ir’rn aaC
tkr y mn» a* the u Ld at her ex
psraskrrr Fh* taC >«t Irr-t y at
hie TS*’ )tf~rax. etree* bit cat* her
aP£*e** ae *br J-'Feraos she
aa-d ' ajiroa her X*rl friend* ts
Ke* se t
* *a—t Setjrea **•«•»
Star** PS.— "Fits* Fir*-' shoe**4
a tr»=-i M 'hr b'W at Ur*
tlene* t BrMkf d tow* *h:j> Jest
a* ife f* tx. :p aa' ««** •- mrkirh dm
aer t.rnVsj r*lee jast f*
hear i* *«* tkr max kuti't* Av
ek*' mas *»K & tt* t_*a #nar ataie
tie drket u4 ta*> pet tree 'kr
UJh* *rh War* tie faa.ur d a
ik-trrt (hr trsek.
*' "*'* te O- "k Water in Which
Far L've to Solve Cancerous
Vyster ea.
Fee" Portland. M** —Xr 'an"' rnx
" irafcje ttrough £st to bumab te
Tt.r- --.rt Vue establishment of a test
bureau at tbe ' tilted S'ates fish
* ' ' * rle» i ere tbe government in
t**ndy ti. try and se"ie for ail time
= b moo*ed c _es" loa are
•' i used :a 'be eiper.ment A half
«wtt tittle mange-la which will be
»rc!;*d as rban-r member* of tbe
-:; e-r squad” have ,cst arrived, ar
• • *d oy Ur Harvey r Gaylord.
' 'e tor of the Gratwtrk ~ax<~er labor
a* r. a’ Buffalo. S T Tne doctor
. te achieved lame through bis diecov
' ' "be Um of immunity ap
; ly *o cs-ncw
Ti.e ; *i are to be fed o- tbe best
a'-d C'-t betlthful sterilired food.
;_a-. e 'be b-et van:• ary quar'ers and
at" a cantne f bya. :ar all tbe.r own
Te their "hirwt they are only
wed Jo d—.nk of a pond in which
'j ere are Sab Tb-s- Cab and tbe
C re 'are'illy tended, may tbua be
a-ale to nf*e another of tbe great
l -tr>* of tbe medical world That
‘ " • ar ■■■_* i-.- cf the
i'U are transuJttod thr »ugb tbe »a
ler. Hr the dors. It is believed, will
'jv - and p'cvc that tbe danger of
hi* disease .. preset t fer bn
mac -bo water :a which
Cab live
href Pba'ie* c Atkina ia charge
of -be ta-efce-y. wyj:
HV now have a number of dogs
«*d ct ly to receive core.
• ct here to aid ir. ir i estigating the ut the throat disease known as
g. ire. which is one of the numerous
forms of cancer"
Tha: the cancerous disease affectir.s
h< -h dogs and fishes is similar in na
tore has already been established
That it is identical remains to bt
demonstrated The relation between
'he two has cot yet been worked out
. nd 'tat is just what the scientist?
v tint to learn, among otter things
fir Harvey R. Gaylord, who Is ir
oh i g- of the experiments being made
The dogs do not contract the can
or irom the fishes, it is believed, bill
by drinking wa'er from the ponds
* here the infected fish specimen?
The I r.ited States government is at
p:e.-ent taking under consideration
re advisability of establishing a per
marent s'ation here where experi
2"ti's in •canecTion with cancer may
b r 2if „pcn dogs in lieu of human
Freedom to Wed Demanded.
R me—A mov» ment is on loot
among the telephone girls of Rome tt
ha*" ale dished the regulation w hich
forbids them to marry before they
react the ag« of twenty-eight years
Pal an women reach their prime be \
lore they are twenty, and -onsidei
'h- Ir -hances of marriage greatly les
sened by this government regulation
Congress in China in 1913.
Peking —An imperial parliament, tat
first in the history of China, will be
■.omened in 1912. according to an offi
ciai edict issued the other day.
Oape* **■» * by • -totta.
h*j* * "toto by ** iOtm to ' t
£»*"*■■*"«■« <a Fnac*
Par.. — a »ra*r is tto Trasjm
ana* * to.y |Ma» of tto
v» « tort*'*' It ir 'to < 'to&tucto
-tto uf!i pr*to»to<S by tto Cbato
mt** > tomato, *c tvemf u.;
jug irn i if. tto tiito* of abutoaxt bar
*«*•* b oa* of 6r» v *_* *i.dr*-*»
tbto tor.' to aay*. “1**f*to of tog
to* of mtton ci' torto to fbta-k
Lit-b S*to bto* gr—fi» odyrtc
to am. »*lgto< to* by iapiacabia
"b*C *r tto crape* an beic*
tog^tooouraf by to—rta. bait with
tto by a’bi* to to caM pt|»
"In *r« ttort *«• tow taf tow
to O' *Vr» ibry w» bento
f&a* UU <t'i *f tto ir*erta. rt*
Strsr-* of tto peraastr* stay to to
j*»r * • f **« •tobc.far tb* best
stuatar''* trues.
■ 'aampagae. at ibii tins- of the ,
year. is always crowded with work
•*"* from Alsace and Heig.iiin. who
-orr* lor tie crape giThencg This
’—ar "t‘- _ » riet ... deserted In the
r.Uacra the miser* u appalling
Fur four years vice grcaers hare
f-sd to Sgit to ir*-ser>* their v:tv»s
and la 'bore four rears tfce7 base I
vnij gathered tie saiise of one gor-d
harsesr Many aro .rretriesably
T«r T>©«*»nd of A» *nals Seer fcy 1
•* nee, oe Teail Betoreen Circle
and Fairbanks.
Semite. Wash —Cariboo la a herd
af countless cuadmda. decae.’y crowd
ed ca a mountainside, held up a park
train lor four hours stile the antlered
has* lasted slowly by on a lonely trail
b*ra»es Circle and Fairbanks. Alaska
This was seen by Capt E. T. Bar
r.- fe. a mining operator. Just arrived
here for the wir'er
The herd was one of the largest
ever ; ic»ed by a white man is the be
ef of Captain Barnette. Reports
I rioted in the local papers state tha*
this run of caribou was witnessed by
ersons in other parts of the Tanana
i s It is est -rated that the number
ot animals was 10,000. The caribou
w*re going south.
Captain Barnette and his pack trait
ad just reached a wide trail across
ce Tanana hills and was about tc
star: the ascent, when a drove o!
caribou passed by. This herd was
followed by smaller bands. Then it
v as seen that the herd stretched back
as far as the eye could see. The stam
reding animals bore down almost up
on the party and thundered by in a
firing wedge, the width averaging
about one-quarter of a mile. It is the
first time in years that caribou have
traveled through the region between
Circle and Fairbanks.
When a man is turned threescore
and ten he s r »L-ing a bit of over
New News ^ I
Of Yesterday
e/ £?cft£iczricr*S'
Fortune Saved Union Pacific
John DufT of Boston Sent His Securi
ties to New York Just in Time
to Meet Payment on Land
Grant Bends,
One of the great causes of the finan
cial panic of 1ST3 was the failure of
the banking house of Jay Cooke &
Co. througn having advanced too
largely on the bonds of the Northern
f at ific rai ircad. then in process of
construction. Grate embarrassment
w-s caused to many other railroad
companies by the panic, and not the
•easi embarrassed of these railroads
was the Cmou Pacific, which, at that
time, wag regarded in the railroad
anc financial worlds as a Boston ia
te.ution. since it was one of the great
ralroad properties of the country
which Boston capital controlled.
r rom about 1SGG John iiuff of Bos
ton who easily took rank with the
great financiers who began immedi
ately after the Civil war the work of
developing the railroad systems of the
country had been prominently identi
fied w ith the Union Pacific. His was.
in fact, a leading voice in the affairs
k** company, and when it became
c' dent. first to the officers of the
company, and then to the public, that
the l cion Pacific was not in a posi
tion to meet the next payments on its
land grant bonds Mr. Duff was greatly
t onc*-r::ed. He had been so closely
identified for seven years with the
-nancia! management of the company
that he felt that his business credit,
his personal honor, and. to. some ex
tent. his investments, were involved
in maintaining the credit of the Union
But how was that credit to be main
tamed, with money in hiding every
where, and with the Union Pacific
treasury without the necessary funds
to meet the payments soon due?
Not taken into account by the-folk
who were confidently predicting a de
fault by the Union Pacific was the
grim determination of John Duff to
protect his good name at all hazards;
and so, the day before the coupons
of the land grant bonds were due, Mr.
Duff called into his office his son-in
law, Dr. William H. Bullard, and
counted out in the latter's presence
a little over three hundred thousand
dollars in first class securities, which.
but a short time before. Mr. Dull him
self had taken from his private strong
"W iliiam.” said Mr. Duff, motioning
to the securities. "1 want you to pack
these bonds in a traveling satchel,
take the first train for New York, and
as early as possible tomorrow morning
call at the office of Morton. Bliss £:
Co., the railroad s fiscal agents, and
offer them in my name as security for
payment of the Union Pacific land
grant coupons due tomorrow *' There
followed seme detailed instructions,
and Dr. Bullard was off for New- York.
Presenting himseir at the banking
house of Morton. Bliss & Co. on the
morrow, a start while before the be
ginning of the business day. Dr I .1
; lard opened his satchel in the presence
of Mr. Lewi P. Morton.
"Mr. Morton." he said. "1 have he~e
a little over three hundred thousand
dollars in securities of the very high
est grade. They are to be deposited
with you as collateral security. I
have brought them from John Duff, in
Boston, and with this collateral as se
curity. Mr. Duff asks you to pay the
Union Pacific land grant coupons due
today and to keep on paying them un
til he sends you word to stop."
As Mr. Morgan began his examina
tion of the securities. Dr. Bullard hap
pened to look from the bankers pri
vate office into the main office of the
banking house K was swarming with
clerks armed with coupons of the land
grant bonds due within less than a
quarter of an hour.
Carefully, cautiously. Mr. Mortoa
looked over the securities. Finally, as
he laid down the last one. he nodded
his head approvingly, the next mo
ment was issuing Instructions that the
coupons should be paid until further
orders, and within less than five min
utes the first clerk to offer a Union
Pacific coupon received his money, to
the great astonishment not only of
himself, but also of the other clerks
there assembled, and. speedily there
after. of all Wall street. For good
financial news travels as fast as bad.
and within an hour Union Pacific
stock which had been quoted as low '
as ten cents on the dollar jumped
to twenty-five and John Duff's s in :n
law had bis first lesson in the effee!
of credit upon a railroad property
Until now. 1 believe. It has never
been reported how the day w~as saved
for the Union Pacific by John Du3
pledging his own securities for money
with which to pay the coupons. Mr.
Duff himself r.eTer referred to this
act of his. not even when he was
openly accused of improperly using
his official relations with a nationally
famous trust company to secure the
funds so badly needed by the Union
(Copyright. TS1C. by k J. Kfvarfa All
Rlfhts R«wrved.>
HowGrantBestoweda Reward
Dr. C. D. Webster of the Sanitary
Commission Was Given the Lu
crative Pest of Consul at
Sheffield, England.
When General Grant became presi
: deat one of the country’s most famous
i 'war governors," William A. Bucking
ham of Conneticut. became a United
States senator, and almost at once
•here sprang up between the two men
a cordial relation that lasted until
Governor Buckingham’s death, in
About a year after this friendship
had been formed the president be
came the guest of the senator at his
home in Norwich, and that the people
i of the town might meet the head of
Invention Edison Valued Most
Megaphone, the Wizard Believed.
Would Be More Profitable to Hirr.
Financially Than Talking Ma
chine, But Was Deceived.
Recently I toid the story of the late
Charles A. Dana s doubt of Edison's
good faith in claiming that he had in
vented a talking machine after the
late Amos J. Cummings and myself had
reported to Mr Dana that Edison had
demonstrated the machine to us. even
going so far as to mrke It reproduce
Mr. Cumming^' own voice, inflection
and all, with distinction.
After he had shown us the talking
machine, explained its mechanism and
made It perform for us. Mr. Edison
went on to say that he got the idea
for the machine while he was at work
perfecting his microphone transmitter,
extensively employed in the earlier
"One Invention almost Invariably
suggests another." he went on. “All
sorts of notions came to me while I
was working out this talking machine.
One of them you will see in that big
funnel up there." He pointed to a
shelf upon which rested, or hung, a
curious-looking object resembling a gi
gantic funnel of about tall man
beigbt. 'And I'm inclined to think.'
he went on. “that there's going to be
more profit In that thing than in this
talking machine here. I have about
made up my mind that I won’t work
on anything unless it seems to me to
have some commercial practicability.
I can make hundreds of toys, but any
fellow with a little ingenuity and pa
| tience can do that. Maybe this talk
ing machine is going to be not much
more than a toy. after ail. but that
thing over there—well. I’ll Bhow you
how It works.”
He called two of his assistants to
his side and directed them to take
their station on the crown of a hill
about half a mile away.
While they were doing so. Mr. Edi
son had the big funnel shaped thing
taken out In front of his shop. Then,
when the men had posted themselves
on the hill and stood facing us. an as
sistant. getting under the big end of
the funnel, held it up while Edison
called through the other end. From
time to time the men upon the hill
made gestures to indicate that they
had heard and understood what Edi
son was saving Finally, Edison beck
oned to them to report in, and when
they had done so they repeated practi
cally word for word what we had
heard their employer say to them
through the funnel.
Mr. Cummings and I were almost as
much astonished over this demonstra
tion as we had previously been over
j the talking machine. "What do you
call the thing?" I asked Mr. Edison.
"Well, it makes a big sound, and I
think I'll call it the megaphone," re
plied Mr. Edison. "As I have already
told you. I sometimes think there will
be a great deal more in it for me
financially than in the talking ma
! chine. It will be a great thing on
| ships: with its aid one ship at a dis
i tance can hail another ship easily, and
a captain can shout his orders clearly
and distinctly through it tc the utter
most ends of his vessel. It can be
i used on land. also, for conversing at
great distances. In short, this mega
j phone of mine enlarges the zone of
action of the human voice, and for
! this reason I am inclined to think at
| times that it will be a more profitable
! invention than the talking machine.
! You have seen what it can do. and it
does it Just as easy as rolling ofT a
1 presume that this was the first
public demonstration of the Edison
invention that has passed into univer
sal use under the name megaphone—a
contribution of human progress that
has brought Its father cents where
the phonograph has added to his
wealth by the hundred thousands of
tCopyrigtit. 19M. by E J. Edwards. All I
Rights Reserved.)
"Who is the man who Is so loudly ;
and energetically opposing restric
tions on automobiling speeding' 1
don't recollect having seen him
among the motorists before." "You :
haven't. He's not a motorist, he's an j
the nation Senator Buckingham gave
a large reception in his honor.
Among the citizens introduced to
General Grant was a Dr Webster No
eoner had the president heard the
name than he detained its possessor
"On my staff. Dr. Webster,” explained
the president, "was a Col. John Web
ster. He was one of the best staff offi
cers I ever had. and I always think
of him when 1 hear the name of Web
ster spoken ”
"He was my brother," said Dr Web
"Then I am more than ever pleased
to meet you. Dr. Webster.” replied the !
president, "and. now that I come to
think of it. you must be the brother
of whom I have heard Colonel Web
ster speak as having served without
remuneration in the hospital service
of the sanitary commission."
“Yes. Mrs. Webster ana I were with
the sanitary commiss'.cn throughout
the war. Dr. Webster answered. And
then, because the line behind was
pressing, the brief interview came to
an end.
Late that evening the president told
his host the pleasure he had re
ceived from meeting Dr. Webster. “1
know something of the very great
service he gave as a member of the
hospital staff of the sanitary commls
sion. whose work wos of inestimable
value to the Union army." said the
president; and then he asked: "Is Dr
Webster practising medicine here?"
In reply the president was told tha.
Dr. Webster was now a bookkeeper on
a small salary; that the prosperou*
school he had founded and conductec
before the war had broaen up whet
he went with the sanitary commission,
and that, returning from the field, he
had been glad to get work as a book
keeper. "Ah." said the president, med
itatively, “there have been many such
cases." And then the subject was
A few weeks later the president re- j
turned to Washington. He had not
been there more than a week or ten
days when official announcement was
made that President Grant had ap
pointed Dr. C. D. Webster of Connecti
cut United States consul at Sheffield.
England, at that time one of the coun
try’s best paying consulates. It came
as a perfect surprise to all of Nor- J
wich. Senator Buckingham and Dr.
Webster included. It was an appoint
ment made entirely on the president's
own volition, and made, undoubtedly,
that Dr. Webster might be recom
pensed in some measure for the loss
of his school through his devotion to
the cause of the care of the Union
For fifteen years Dr. Webster served
as consul at Sheffield, and In all that
time be was not once on a vacation.
When drover Cleveland became presi
dent he was disposed to continue the
doctor in that post, but political pres
sure against this policy was too great i
for Mr. Cleveland not to heed it and
regretfully he named a new man as
(Copyright. ISIO. by E. J. Edwards. AU
Rights Reserved *
A man's character is known by tha
nature of his amusements.
Food for Our Soldiers.
Mr. Squills (reading the morning
paper*—"Our soldiers in the Philip
pines are almost in a state of mutiny
because they have to eat wheat
Mrs. Squills (a famous housekeep
er —"That's too bad. I suppose it's
because they don't know how to fix
the bread- You must write to Gen
I oraF Wood this very day and tell
Lira "
Mr. Squills (starting)—“Eh?"
Mrs. Squills—“Yes; tell him that
he must be sure to furnish the army
with good butter: get print butter, if
possible; it's often as low as fifty
cents, and never over a dollar a
pound. Then, cn baking days, when
the bread is fresh, tell the soldiers
to spread the butter on thick, and it
will be delicious. The following days,
when It is a little dry. give each
soldier a bowl of rich cream, and tell
him to crumb it in. I’m sure they'll
like it."
. Paradoxical Fate.
Teacher—Why was Lot s wife turn
cd into a pillar of salt?
Pupil—Because she was too fresh
Large Profit from Ducks
Eider Down, in Demand the World
Over, Great Source cf Income
to the Icelander.
No other down is so highly esteem
ed or brings so high a price in the
world’s markets as that of the eider
duck. In Iceland and the Westmann
islands, where these birds nest, they
are rigidly protected by law and by
public sentiment.
These ducks make their nests of
down from their own breasts. They
Tluck the down out with their bills
and form It into a circular mound
that has the property of retaining
heat to an extraordinary degree. If
this down be removed, the duck sup
plies a second and even a third lot
from the same source.
The eider farms in Iceland are fre
quently situated on little islands off
the coast covered with low hummocks.
To protect the brooding ducks from
the elements the Icelanders construct
- --— ---—_ I
small shelters of rough stones On i
these farms. It Is said, the ducks be
come so tame that any one with whom
they are familiar may handle them i
without frightening them.
Separate buildings on the Icelandic
eider farms are devoted to the clean
ing of the product. Down clings !
tenaciously to anything on which it is
thrown, a circumstance that Is utilis
ed In cleaning It. There may be seen
a number of frames of an oblong
shape, and along these numbers of
strings are loosely stretched. The
down is cast on these near one end
and a piece of wood is drawn rapidly
backward and fonward over the other
end. The down clings to the strings,
but all impurities, such as grass and
seaweed, fall to the ground.
It takes a quantity of down to make
even a small weight, and several nests
must be used to obtain even a moder
ate amount of down. T*e price at
the farm is about two dollars and a
half a pound.
Suffered Several Tears Will
Sidney Trouble, “Penal
Cored Me.”
Mr. John X.
Watkins. S1SS
Shenan doth
Ax-®.. St. Louis.
M<v. writes:
*Amons alii
the FTxatJy ad
vertised medi-l for kid
ney and Mad
der trou h 1 e
there Is n. th
irty which
equals Feru
na. I suffered
for sev e r a 1
years wit*-, this
trouble, sr ent
hundreds of
dollars on doc
it -s and medi
cine ar.d ail to
no purpose un
til I txok IV
*\'n^ 'settle*
did me it: me
p d than al! Mr. John N. Watkina.
Ihe oth» r> put together. as they
poisoned r.y system. TV runs cured
re. 1 used it for four mortbs before
i complete core was accomplished, but
urn truly grateful to you. The least I
can do in return is to acknowledge
the merits of lYtroa which 1 take
Measure ut row doing.'*
Bladder Trouble.
Mr C R Xer-ltof. Id IViawxr*
Kreet. Albany. N. Y.. writes:
“Since try advanced age I find that
t have been frequently troubled with
urinary aliments. The bladder seemed
rritated. anc my physician said that
t was cat..rrh caused by a protracted
told which would be difficult to over
tome or. account of my advanced years
? took Peruna. hardly daring to believe
:hat I would be helped, but found to
T.y relief that I socr. began to mee t
The irritation gradually subsided, and
die urinary difficulties pass-d away. I
nave enjoyed excellent health new for
the past seven months I enjoy my
meals sleep soundly, and am as well as
l was twenty years ago. I give ail
praise to Peruna.”
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
■ nrpn nvi t r>
LitLK rlLLo.
PwtJt TTT^u'sJe A
—*ct «ore?y aaa
gently cn tise a
sh 9
■ pills.
nsm, and lni^sdac. Tlisy do their duty.
Sa^n P3I. Small Doer. S»o2 Prico.
Genuine cmn Signature
Its simplicity is a strong feature
Lof the
Answer No Doubt Truthful, but by Na
Means What the Orator
Booker T. Washington, congratu
lated by a New York reporter c-n the
success he had made oT his life, said
with a smile:
"I suppose I must be modest and
declare that luck has had more to do
with my progress, or otherwise I'll be
in Senator Dash's shoes.
“Senator Dash of Tallapoosa prided
himself on his rise from the bottom,
for Senator Dash in his youth had
worked with the colored people us the
cotton fields.
“Boasting at a political meeting
about his rise, the senator singled
out Uncle Calhoun Webster among hD
audience and said:
" T see before me old Calhoun Web
ster. beside whom, in the broiling
southern sun. I toiled day after day
Now. ladies and gentlemen. 1 appeal
to Uncle Calhoun. Tell us all. uncle,
was 1. or was I not, a good man in
the cotton field?
” Yo wax a good man. senatah.
the aged negro replied; ~yo wux a
good men. fo' a Jack; but yo' sut'ny
didn't work much.'"
Not a Harmless Sport.
Friend—You fought bareheaded?
French Duelist—Yes. and got a fine
sunstroke—Journal Amusact
Had Been Done.
“I never saw such a versatile man;
he can do anything.”
“Why stop at ‘anvthingT ”
Both Kept Up on Scientific Food.
Good sturdy health helps one a lot
to make money.
With the loss of health one's income
is liable to shrink, if not entirely
dwindle away.
When a young lady has to make her
own living, good health is her best
“I am alone in the world." writes a
Chicago girl, “dependent on my own
efforts for my living. I am a clerk,
and about two years ago through close
application to work and a boarding
house diet. 1 became a nervous In
valid. and got so bad off it was almost
impossible for me to stay in the office
a hall day at a time.
"A friend suggested to me the idea
of trying Grape-Nuts food which 1 did.
making it a large part of at least two
meals a day.
“Today. I am free from brain-tire,
dyspepsia, and all the ills of an over
worked and improperly nourished
brain and body. To Grape-Nuts 1
owe the recovery of my health, and
the ability to retain my position and
Read “The Road to WellTille.” in
pkgs. “There's a Reason.”
Ever read the aWve letter f A are