Uif City Kartkwestera 4 V KAUKIl. *-rr -tV loi.* brr. 7 7 . utaaMxi 'w iu t; •• llc W — »* r~>« xs «» »•'■- •• 4.'/ •« tsK t> *•» ss — I' ft Bjl to* s» #R MMa #ast saws ‘ft-'ft tsaC ttosftsft.sto tor >1** tor >i« ••- * •*« ' fis'#t tor j •—am.Si--a* T *-■*» soues'. a* ft t -ft--«s it vr torr-r—c «r to <** *rv&**rto */ *Vft« *. **• to ;«» lift to *ftT - f '-to -ft » 7l«* Mr st»**nr Is irau* r ur# v«ss u s'* a* s ass "Is ft * *ft *es 1 ** r a ss <-*s* ir>t ••**» V. 1* It . x,f v“ « ' I -me* tts setstoass */• U"r fr*to<<*•« fas »r* • «*»• Hr *>.. iftta % Us* Wt '1ft A '/ft***ft *!»'*»• to to *s * *-»-] L t*»<* ’/ sasasS* '/ Crt. to! it tf !**4 'ft 'taw sfryf.S -■»»• '-* 'a* -«■ -A* f* saa-e.ft *aa>w to to ft' ’a^*ft !s • • * * a/. »*f< aft* atftS a •* » _ Is tto •«*#* a4 to.* tsaC Irfts to ••{ •to C*« ► -•*•/ lasr » «•'■» s» ft/ft Art?* if ftfts< 'a*»»it tto 'll* stftx ftt'/lrf t<*< ft.'f a r as*>c« » - to*« to to ■ uiaAmt Cray 1* f» too •** g—4aM wt <4 »*...!.* .t a* i^r— lia/Kf »». >f» l/ r t .i !#< rf !l >—» f"»tM la a br.'va.. g*:.-» tawt 'fcaff to law lo4-*ar*Ow tka4 tfc* •aa/ito ofiJ la* to/avf*-4 KU . {tola '««totiaaf'> #» tor • ;«.* aay* tka* *«.<«.• • Uf> «•*. I#*.**4.!* f < •** <—4>rakCj ft*— *ka *kbrM**a4 kw ( ■l I«a a —lilt f- 14 # r» '« b'/l taut* *ai l* « :a <4 •** la**«t »«tf ftAtot • »JOf *T *.'afca <4 «s . 1 •• *■•**■ >-»•- ; f • --f I- . aua***f, Imh«* *■*»•! «< ai,t >.i» ati.'t la tm ttol <4 *kt«4Da ’a* la- 4-al.a .* laws,* A a IrVf* a «tif .a «af < i,ya/» g-:j*a •to* ' i»| kkakfck i*f at < * at-1, at •ny—'t ft aa.tl la- U l*f* a* «tg fa, **»• I aa a—f <4 tkat ai ink»r **• •*-*»*• a*4 taw* « *a« toa* *M | »• tk* |i. 'a A Ufa —to* 1* „*S*-« f-i-k aft*. |t> 1 !*•>(<• 4 — air. LiJ, 1* <* |a t.'a -a*- 4 Jgoaa tail «* 1 aJ to gl»* fcts, * Ml to »*tf**1 tA* kwi'iit |war.*-* I la Ik*-**- toll 4afa to-aa4 »*f a— |if>/{ »*ae *4 rsa tfa* rill *4 tall f .;*-•»*Saw aOoutog »ton 4 •«{ *4 *k» aa> ' t*i*Tf at atok'1! *»;«• 14* *4 rail toe •ma-’tokg t* 14** i*. Wtoal radVaaa I V racw • ruy tfc » l«ar la gtyatlto *to*la*i *f. t ■—a r*to4 tMtoa-f Mat a» *»r«-*a *4 |r«|*«M| to IV jaoj* M**a4 aa lliiaa to *V* ***• tocyto <4 aa< **», r—re— at 4 rlaklttolitoi fauiitv ai 4M artoA* *a all! tuik- r'wfcs on* <4 tk* ataDUto ranairto <4 tta all* ta 'V • *>r to A IaaaWk to***-'** kaa > „< -**4*4 b a-gtottor lauXanrfi l*a.|« l-f aa *tor irto «arr*M Iraai a*t--*4 aitfcojf atr.-i fetor a r" a'*r arkA>-r*to*»r .a tk* a** to HmilrHy aMhwi air** wlJ I# b Hart tk* catmM to aork a «a» lfe-J k a HI |*rf«ra tk* gtogV taa.k a»t l<« I aa4 C*a aaafc-T* *l*w aa4 alll la (>** (ito Vat«rf*f*a» * to i/Vt M k* |T» »*at*4. atorVaa l*V-*tai4.f «a>4 U aaark awar* aa*f al ifcaa M la t<4i( ft ooto4 la* a (.i4 «»a»a*»f i|a»* 4lM*iiwa ar**» sbatcaa a lit tk* 4>*bwtltw log*** B-» » Tlaa on* algfci totoraiw Ik* i-'V-r to tk* Tk* Hcant till- y«4 be tmkt V**a laaork»4 to krttof A* l* a alitfc to a ailt toe. loar (lam k k aa4 an (to l*v» at 1 J** DOC* YOU* BACK ACHE? ia kMM7«U« Twrt » cejy «# *•; ta rea«»« im IMA. m a.3T. r<*a -Jfc* CMM—'!» fiteri. S* ukmt loe^r r*a«(7 1 KMwy Pflte TWy tw *-j kj£r»y CM Mn M C Mwrt*. * u< rvd&e an. a;» "•<» c*;. «* >« "fw ;»►:*» y•-*-'» I r-.~*r*A fr«K 1/1*7 t?W» My btck kM *o to*«aM}jr I 5.5 Mr • * or • j //5 t rn Tu 54 tfe* t add*- ward atd palted VT-rte. ati *»ea'ed st wthb W inr*' Tb»t I b**at trail Kdirf K • atd war r*.:*t»S *rr~ the Err1 'tflr *d .i» cvred re " In "l» ue<— V* • * For **,* tf a . C»t rr* 'dr 'Kt*» a v.i ic* »- y cs --• •>-' v T N' tart. Ira'e Fa't*'- to re's' I aaa JOB « **. gt '«*- ?'-.• rj t>^5»' T««tf Idas. I ads .*. ’ tat I a— *. ■• * -..tx u. £- i* ttra ta'k to i* [jtafnni tar.no* Be CurttJ ** 44.4 *‘ 4441 M tt*J 4J4.JJJ M s aa no •4* J44- .4- - *-4 -4' 4 *“• * * - 4 • 4fc 4 4 444. 4«t 4. 4 4 Vf V a- 4.-4—J. *4- .4* :44» -44 ■ '4 *4 , 4 1 '4 -44C - X4C -4*. vf ■ *44 4 4- 4 4 ' 44 ■ .45*. 1*4 v 54* V J 4 4. * _£* 4* 4 4. 4*« » ra". 1J * 1 14 V J4--.4- . 44 ^ *54 ft * *.0-* f '.*44. ZriZ 4144 4 - 4.4' 4 4* • 4 4-4 .. * 14*55* X O 4 4'** ' B | 44 4 4- *-• -4*- 4* 4«- *T4- **--!** 1 l -1 U • ' "4 • - •* *4 • _ J 4 *4* #» v -»-5 tv 441 V4 45 J *544 '* >4*4- —44 4 JW. tf '-as -a - ia '4* ' a* >-*- • taan ' *» *--* 44- a-* *-*• » .-4,; 4; f a >»4.T--*«-4 4.” -u ■> • -t ' •» »ij- t. to i* to .tt !tr a 4.4^^** .4 atd Lu* »M-b ’t*-'* la a f ► tt* »'jffa'. * l-a» ’« t'. xt .p f>. ft» fow*r atd rtt* 'he te *l'b 4 t - -rr ty.trrt/d; troi ‘i* ta'v - of *t» t/ln da/, atd »b*t Hank I .r5|a 'ortorlt a-**t»»d Ere. ip* 4xja ••at e tad to t.rr; Cowo to HllU »*ra a*'yr* for to to>rry a Lass*: Mi. a*r tad )»a* tla tatls*t •» 1a> -*.i l-.-r ?r*« who km four roll** O'lt :t *t* .t.**r. atd tr *be rJrs* the had r*d 'ter* atd tii'*d aro.ad :t tte tars lor *fce hattia r atd ro* took To *t»- «c*.b* house. *t» U£.'J *Uor».t4 tad dot*- ’»Hr »or»* atd 1 t 1 - - :. war a mart of at o d* r.t* rv r* — J .'r* » IJprary UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS Tt* wwtaat iii* of Concurs Soap, aeala'rd py r.tKra OtoUawst, lor ♦osJet tofh atd toraery p.ryyae-j sot or y pt* a»r»*-*. p^riffle*. atd teaotJSea *t» a.a, *o»!p. hair atd hatda. atd pr»»*s*a itEa.-ar-at-os. lrrVa'.ot atd ' '4cc-tc o' *te pores, the 'ciasts'-a 'an* of p xpie* L.S'ateadt r*4b*ti atd t*. _**.•»- 4 >■ ow.td y, n.o*hy atd 'i*ter .t»to • orr.* *oitd ‘.'jt* of ‘he r* - • • 1 os aod »* t A11 who d*- !ytl It a •.*»r akin. soft wt!»e tatda. a -»»t »t- ‘-4yji,* *'aip at.d .’i*.* |'ij- ij hair. ».il Cod * i'lo-ra Soap meat rtio oeaaful It r**J-tlt* *»*-ry eip-r'atioa. f***y-.ra H'jap arid */!a*Kiet' are ad «..*>. y ad»p'*-4 to -od roni *te t'j r 'if tint f!.’|4-v;ra i-d e* are »*i!s lkr»i,rt'i 'he I. /< -: . - -id I-- od to p'.***-r liroir 4 * t- r- '>>fp mi* I-r'jpr.' ’'u ». Ho*ton. for f f.-<- ' .ra t'ri*. 2 pair * .' * * adv:-' ',n >a'* atd V*-*t «*U of the akin acaip atd hair. Ah II htt 4 40 iu n.;/. f'rUU .a; !.<- alat-ys |>/| t:» brut wr.t.j.g on an empty atoui ' a»l> Iteadey—Ifta' Jt read a wort Ilka an empty t. ad A., trrlUiivc. HUME MADE KIDNEY AMD BACKACHE CURE Eaa«ty prepared Mea>cinc Which la hard to Hegwlate tie Ktducys and End Backache. To make up enough of the • liandc ibm Mixture ah eh U rial toed to be I • pk«»mpt 'lire lor lta< kar he anj Kid bf *1*4 l-add*-r tin .liU fit freui any good Pr.aeriptKja Pharmacist one ball o«nd again at brdMmr. Those who have tried it xay If acts gently but thoroughly on the Kidneys ••d entire urinary system. ref ter mg the Haul severe llackacbe al once A writ known uiedlcal authority rec ommends the I rearrtpMon to be tak> n t!>e nrr.e-ut you suapert any Kidney, I-ladder or I'nnary disorder or feel a constant dull llarkarbe, or If the urine is thick, cloudy, offensive or full of , sediment. Irregular of paarage or at tend'd by a aeaiding sensation: or for too frequent urination during lha night This it a real harmless vegetable mixture «fetch could not cause injury lo anyone and the relief which ts said to immediately follow Its use Is a rev elation to meg and women who suffer from Hnrhacbe. Kidney trouble or any form cf I'nnary disorder This Is »urely worth trying, as H Is easily mixed at home or any dmerui I will do It for yon, and doesn’t eg*. VERSATILE MICHIGAN COACH Fielding Yost. tear*. Yott of is very If he 'ar. t make Lis foot La S »ar.« -j get t^e.-e ia one *ay be '.e« iwur Yott began Lis career at a tttor is tie art of ma.iting *ith »-* kUling back in IfciT at Ohio Wev ■f yaa »*. Yott etc* coar zed the Meotodis* 'tiefiti at I re La mare, and h ’ at same year Yott beat -te ilich kar. eie»en tr.at he to* trains—-that * he te-a" an e.«-.et representing the V. Ciserites 7L:s U to* it »i' Vos* had Sa it ted hi* tft-tt a’ *oe t'njrereliy of V.e*t Virginia it lb>C He »ett to le .a*are Yost Lad a fair eleven ao he lo.» them up to Ann Arbor Tost was young then and nr known und more scrappy than at present. He conceived a hriiiiact idea Ke traded places witn his brother and played tackle for Wet-ley an Player Tost ran up and dcwn the side line;, onl ed kit ka.r. beat the air with his hits and in ether ways imitated a oot ball leader in action Ohio Wes i leyan won by one touchdown. Possibly that is what made Michi gan take an interest in the freckled i one After his year at Wesleyan Yost i tutored the football teams at Nebras 1 ka. Kansas and Inland Stanford He j Joined forces with Michigan in 1S01 i and has been with the Wolverines ever Since CREDIT BELONGS TO TRAINER Dr. Da' e' Luby, Ex Pennsylvania P ayer. On '9 Spic'd d Work Witt! Missouri Team. Tbe Missouri rooters are elllsr.g to g .e -redit to tte trainer Dr Daniel r Doty. the ex Pennsylvania player • no »aa brought from tbe Kast ibis » ld-<; stopped *pd time taken out ’• r r i.cr inj -rie; Just as frequently .c season as It previous years, says *• Kansas City H’ar But the rooters I. ■ *■ totl»ed that nearly alaays It' v a r her of tin- opposing team— a 'lc v It »>-. heavier and stronger team, -who ria.ied for time out. Some ago i.** tor I.uuv first appeared r r. the held and a.ii'e tha' time the 7:gens have rn«-t lo»a, Ames and Oklahoma fua'b one of these <011 t'-ts *as a g .elllng struggle for the team, yet there Isn't a team In the Missouri \ alley, perhaps, that !s In tetter physical rondrIon at a whole. Dr. Daniel luby. There have been many Injuries, but under eijert treatment from Doctor I-ut.y they have not resulted seriously and the tirllma are bark |n the yame In a short time The arbedule thla year la th< hardest (bat Missouri ever had and It was on the advice of t'oarh William Hollenback that a man waa brought to look after the meu s condition Ttie football followers and the play era like it * way thla man Luhy worl:a Ills energy and spirit on the field la *«ond only to that of Coach llollen bar k htn self An hour after ha ar rn'£ *u »'«'• Hollenback or, the ti- d. r eSr „„ and off ready fur work. And E'nce then he has had plenty of wrork to do No matter bow small the Injury, the player receives the personal attention of the trainer, f.very afternoon. before and after pra* lice. he '■overhauls" the men per sonally, looks aft*r each one who may be a -little oT until he is back in shape again. It is said that he can spot" a stale man as far as he can see him. r - The gridiron is about the hottest place these froEty days. The small universities are comir.g to the front, at least under the new football rules. Michigan disposed of l?g most for midable rival in Notre Liame without a single Injury. l.’nder the new rules it has become an Important factor to have the end3 big, powerful men. Qualification for entrance to some of the big universities seems to be a di- , plorna from a prairie football coach. How about an official announcer "for I football gamcH? We need it to tell us about all substitutions and penal • lie*. Coach Stagg of the Maroons foot ball squad is optimistic. It is said. When the Maroons win Stagg is a pes simist. If a college football player escapes the fierce scrimmage of team prac tise with the freshmen without Injury | he bi lucky It Is the ambition of I every freshman to butt the regulars ' clear off the field Gilchrist, who played with Missouri against Kansas last year Is playing an end on the navy team at Annapolis. Gilchrist has started in each game to date and Is considered one of the hardest players in the academy. The new football rules are to re main Intact, according to the reports from I i os ton. because she list of killed and Injured has been reduced astonish Ingly That's a good thing. Now, If the game could be made a little more Interesting. The left end position seems to be the hoodoo on the Yale team. Wil liam Coates Is the latest candidate for that position to lie put out of commis sion. wrenching his knee. Walter Camp. Jr . was disabled at the same position and the other day Kilpatrick was hurt. Hard on Middle Ages. Nicholas Murray Duller, president of Columbia ('Diversity, says rootbul! Is worthy of the Middle Ages Isn't this bearing down rather hard on the Middle AgesT—Chicago Record-Her ald OFFENSE WINS MANY GAMES Teat** With Strong P\myt *r,d Men to Use Them Score Vie t®r,e*—Yett See* Error. Fwfcait teams tha: have developed a strong offense loom up as the con tenders for championship honor? throughout the country. Those which have striven to perfect a defense, without paying extraordinary attention to the offense demanded by the tew rn.-es. are making only a poor shewing and the coaches are beginning 'o rewi .xe that an e-eve® without a great "ember of plays and men back of the *-at with an.Iity *o work them are m so shape to claim titles. In the words cf ar. old Too'bail player ”A strong de fensire team may tie a great many games, but it takes an eleven with a strong offerer- to win” hi. tigan .s one cf the most promi nent schools in which too much atten ■;on ..as been paid to the defense to me nrgiert cf tie offense Coach Yost has be»n working all year with three games In view, says a writer In the Chicago Da.ij News. His schedule has b*en par ic lariy hard—Notre Dame. Pennsylvania and Minnesota, the three strongest teams on the list, following each o'her on successive Saturdays His early games have been practice affairs and aeaicst schools which in previous years had always been beat en by his eleven fcy ever* helming scores. In coacbirg h - team Yost has beer particular to build up a defense cap able of taking care cf his three stror e est oppon°n- - while 1*-- :rg his efferse go until just before his b g games |u •his way h*- has prevented his oppo nents from gaining much ground against his "earn, a* is shewn ic the games in which the Wolverine eleven has participated TL* Arc Arbor g-uii line has never been in danger of a touchdown and no team *tus far has t*e*-n able to gain consistently against Mkaigac The sum total cf the gains -n the three games played so far this -eajson would be cons.neratiy less than .0 yards. In spite o? this. Michigan '..a:- won only one of its three games, defeating the Mich.ran Aggie* by 'tc narrow margin of 6 to 3, wh !e both Case and Ohio State have secured 3-to-3 tie scores. While thia shows the oppos :r g teams could not gain against Mich igan and were unable :o score by run ning 'be ball, it is eq_al proof thai the Wolverine offense was even weak er than that of its opponents, for the Michigan backs were net obliged tc work against so strong a defense anc yet were unable to score. Yost, according to critics, has taker a slow way to develop his team, but that lately great improvement may be seen. He will he forced to teach hii men a number of offensive plays tc cope with the Syracuse eleven Satur day ar.d there is no doubt expressed 'hat h«- will have a greatly Improved offensive eleven on the field when he rakes on the easterners. Minnesota is an example of a team that has taken up the work of Etrengthening the offense to the neg lect of the defense From the s’art ol the season Coach Williams’ men be gan to reel off intrka’e plays based upon the new rules and the men sere taught Bome'hing n'r* each week. The Gophers have relied up overwhelming M-err-s sgainst their opponents and it fs on the=e g-x>re3 that the followers ol The conference elevens base their hopes of a victory for Minnesota over Michigan Nov IS. Playing against •earns not in Its class, the Gorhers’ defense was found strong enough tc prevent any score being made against it, although considerably more ground has been gained against the confer ence eleven than against Michigan, ir spite of the difference in the scores. In developing a s’rong offense the line is the first considera’ion for the coaches. In spite of the talk at the start of the season about fast back! and trick plays it has been found b) nearly all instructors that the strength of a team lies in the strength of its forwards Thus the linemen have come in for more than their share of coach ing on the offensive side of the gam< and more stress is being laid upon this as the season progresses. It has been proved that the greater back field in the world cannot score when the forward lire is weak. The University of Chicago team has a back field second to few In the West anc yet on account of the weakness cf tn« Maroons' forwards the Midwayk*-?« have been beaten twile by teams thi back fields of which were no bettei than theirs and they were lucky to ge' away with the Northwestern game, al though the Purple backs were weaker Chicago is not an isolated instance o this. The same state of affairs is tc be found throughout the country. Much of the ground gaining ability of teams this year depends on trick plays and on the forward pass. In both instances a strong line is needed in order to give the back-field men time to work out the intricate forma tlons. The forwards must hold the de tensive team back long enough for the men carrying the ball to complete iheir plays and this must be for a con slderably longer time than was tbf case under the old rules. Trick plays although they seem fast and snappy to the spectators, take a much longer time to execute than simple ones, and the forwards must be taught and must have the ability to hold just so much longer. Stolen Bates Are Fatal. It was a stolen base by Dougherty 111 1906 that upeet the Cubs, proving Kllng could be outguessed. It was a stolen base by Collins that sent the Cub machine Into the air and crum bled the Cub defense in the second game. £amt Unjustly Accused ; Peking Gazette Tells Hew Nagdiang Blobzang Has Right to Transfer Bout to Successor. The following curious decree Ccon densed) appears In the Peking Gasette of June 21 "The resident In Thibet reports that In ibe year IMS the now degraded Dalai lama addressed a complaint to the then resident, com plaining that the Tima Salat Nagdoaag Jilubzang bad barn Urlbln* th# Kamba I a mu of ('hanlul to caua# th# death of tba Dalai l atua by maanu of evil Inraniatloua lu conarxjurnc# of which, at the reatdent'a requeat. tb# aald aalnt waa eaahlrrad. baaldee b#lng deprlted of hta aplrltual till# “Th# Lama of tb# I*u lal pen* Mon aatery, together with th# law* of th# Ttmu Monaatary and oth#ra. now peti tion* the resident that Nagdoang Btobzang «U quite falsely accused, and really never did any such wrong; they crave the emperor's favor In con sequence on bis behalf. Under these circumstances Nagdoaug Blobzang must have bis spiritual title restored to him. and be given back In addition all the wealth, valuable objects and glebes appertaining thereto, and also the right to transfer his soul to a suc cessor In due course.’* A man la seldom quite aa good as bis wife thlnka him or quite as good aa his wife’s kin thinks ha must be. NEEDS MEWS foung Turk Party Seeking Ca*t> in Tha Country. Or’y ty an Appeal te A—» Ag» Greece Can Party Mi m-" nmM. and It Need* U-e Mcnry te krtMcsr.* War. New York.—Sr Erre*t €aa*el ar rived ia New Ycrk iwtdj ca a aua r.or. of *u n—-I ft. .U£ _.,*Sfcg„,S>.-— »•%. l» C«C Mrzsu— - l at - it grl wmlsm 1 Lki U cy%'. .1. I karw I ec-s^e or* isaad si* kv*_ 4/ iaac. » I *w* u> y?s •?»■£ sc i|* boat Ef ktftltk sad jcs ts!d rj» '••tit -0 do A.*>f ttkiif Lfii K. r -i -u~i V«eA ft/‘* Ccspcrae l-j^ Pcr.tcr I u IwsiTaw.. v«Bsa -an. wuuti Lasis% ** W. iiit En. Ckicar- LL lyitt E. Pinihnm'f Vefetah;* Ccuv reuLd, xunde from BXtfo* rxt* and nerbs. contain* no narrctiea or larm fil dru^a and to-day be-da the rooc -d for the arrest u inner o? actual core* :f female mstas*-* .f any um-iar m»ici rine in tie country, ana tbo*»ax*ti of •oSontarr testiiu:: ia .s are on i.e ia tie Pink jam laboratory at Lyra. Hass-, from wezoea »r» bar* town rured from alm.st erery form «f fesaie complaints, fcfinnat -_ tb re rittoa. displace menus. fibre. 1 tort irregular.tiea jeriotLc paisa ba.: ear re, r direst: :n ani aerrous proatrau-n. Lrery such suffer.- 7 woman ewes it to bers-r-f to jure Lyiia E. Pmlnams Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special adTic* about tout case write a «m£ den tal letter to Sirs. PLakh am. at Lynn, Mass. Her sdTicc is tree* and always helpful. The Fanner's Son's Great Opportunity Kb««% Cats cm barter u »» . m cart-* n*a| a-r a ttracy ar*%rw > p~ca. Ge**^a-Tr »**-** *ir* .a*: b* tcaber of wferra l-» Ve»tcrv € xraj f»» rlt* C. & wa* 6<’ prr wt »rt»r te 1**X# Oju ike p*»nce*tear Ixrf farwer* tsar* J% i **r tfcV‘r fcaad *-t of a» rrorrrc* i*f «•« ma, Frr* E*.ae*:c*a of l#© »m aaf r re*o Mk*« of 1CC O'- at tS.w u arr* Fia* rL*atte. good r-fww'v exreiWi ▼all*ay farilliiat, ow frri(bt rat**c »wc ra t*r ate hstafta-r rat y o6 tamed. 1 rxrf'- et %!ar Wa* gasctca sa-r* *»» ft' :*.!m tocatar a ar4 ic* •*' >*»' -»▼*. arc * l* ':i' *tf lac rv- a. cow. Caa^ or ap Cm u s. i sra— rH'niAtst kt rt» * Constipation— A'early Every One Gets It The bowels skew first sign cf things going wrong. A Czscvret taken every night o O as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that upset sick feeling. T~ ceet be*, vreek’i fesf—*ri ACir^st-rvs. B crest %eZf~ ra PATENTSsS^S “22S2.-.2 Ta.mtsun'i Eyi »«t.r Nebraska Directory Marseilles Com Shelters Arc tie be-t far jam to ber jtaie ir a.. ^ r*. A>k your i.vs. Dea.er or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO^Omaha, Neb. Oysters, Celery, Poultry. Cream Wanted. OXViD COLE COMPANY. Ocib». Vk RUBBER GOODS f* at-. . »s etrt r- -rs. yv.d for f->» r tAAoak MYCRS.DIUM ORlhS :A,Onif.hkct the c.v ete. aad sotae of the ent bean :ful pean-Aneb p ever pch.isied. I: is tree. Address Mosher A Lampmsn,Omaha. Keb. 1 ~ “ AfiPMTQ * VACUUM CLEAIE1 AULIiIo Retails for $10.00 Worts betterUkantheE* i fc»re>»«c*e»rt fe‘SL *en *3j *»=*ec J BwetM. >a * £*>. Projn* want tfc-m, why *aot nre ati or fvun of vo ;t time. It s a taonor maker. Wr*:o fct vu*oo. TV-mory will be taken quickly. A*A trJgaiaayajysa^.~t|, , ~ c..« iLCOIOidO INEBRIETY . i" I ANr OTHER DRUG ADDICTIONS. THIRTY YEARS «*f eoniinaeas sareen. Printed »snrr —« in •'loin envelope upon reqaeat. AU ear yspoa.!«o» smetiy coafldenuai. 3or -TOir RIU and Caaa Sk. OMAHA. NSS