TBeCm&of (MNPLIM ft JAMEJ OUVER OJSWOOD ttoroww » magffcKnngR PYKOPbt*. “ ; rt*bt - la tba letter ta read K with aa Ha owner away Instead of Urn Cap Ha felt raaUac la hie fare and was ta recaver tbe aa tiplmdoa la It occurred to bin wcarfd probably spoil paaall il.nnw his ai*bts ad bate far hm. Pa be . Tba oil maa was mo bis perusal of tbe fetter that the end at bis bouked nose almaat wr raped tba table He west over tbe bw. partly abiHerated wards Ime by •*»*. ebwefcHcy wow aad the*, sad ap parently witerly obbrlous of tae oth er's percac*. When be bad «wt ta the end be Inded op. bis eyes *i:tter tac wltb unbounded satis! action. cars fclly faldtd tbs letter, end handed It “That's tba beat ntrodwrtlu* in the •arid. Cipsa Plus—the very best! Ha. bar—It couldn’t be better In dad I I sued He cbarkled pleeful »r. ai d rested bis cerdd bead in the paina of bis sfeelrtua-fike bands, fits tbpi i aa tbe table Ao jroa r- * . :z* ~t hstrs t made op my mind yet dad.- r» iietli d CspUu Plum, j ui..ng •d M* pipe aad tetane Toti te read *kt letter pretty carefully. 1 gueaa. m'baf would row 4oT Twmaat?- «