Something New! ■_ 4 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Loup City hereby gives notice that they have purchased one c* the world famous “TISCO" Manganeese Steel Sa es recently tested at Canton. Ohio, in the presence of one of their officers by experts cun ning in the art of Burglary Also, that they have ordered a new system of % SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES to be placed in their strictly fire proof vaults as soon as received from the factory Further notice will be published in this space «%ithin a few weeks that this new equipment has arrived and we then promise to show our friends — antS the public one of the best protected banks in the state of Nebraska. Yours respectfully. L. HANSEN. Cashier. THK NORTH WESTERN 7llt U*MV. K»V. l|M« A l'e« Mark*-! Oualalioa*. **■ *•' —.... • ...... -• % **• r*l» i» • «. g, m S+ic J>fT .... .%i* Eu*Xrf f«r ti .jm pHr*1 *AU. . Ag. K«rlii:t«i 1 I ard ' * ■ • -1 - .. i».“u • » a> 4 a - * - «* « • * • *. ■■***-.. is a » a #* If V * , • H'aida ? • $ 4 t, * *» *• «*—«* 2k~jMK*t* fc •*" J. A * r •* ••* IWpiifA : tl f m. * * *> '« '• ' ' AA •! ^ •- 4. f LOCAL NEWS. ^ ;#*• i » nrfj ,f ttaf * ' »*|f XI* Wj I; ..#*»«• *er T M. Sxisrf »i; iM-r » *»f-ry mh .mui v,' * ar- -» ft >i < »t < («. I ,«*rf * *»rfl •* -v r. •. r*H .-r .i>»M ■ r.i ■k.w x-*i and iter - ' . a«i# j _r bdt it W'Mitt » * cat luarkrt .» ,j>. 1 *ttf Imih* M. r» -or* •lAitir «A'- awl taut. !>■»*} rtt ■ ant* tout hide* «ii util ;a> *.-t : .jtdiiit sna.»«t pale* l>" .:r» W_t J »ti ( H . L«a' ; ». ^-arat&ac it f t drfj .• . hi it»t «xw MUfit;. ' -r* i ««vft iip«« on Lit»4 * ■-* --j.; i •! rv-r ; aid III ihr T Pr*»pertj offered f..r «*!• at ir»l Iut4« b; rallies oi Jmha ■ L»as. ■a • xr r i i ed »*• r • - X > MI bo tS oaajft. trr Hr* H A Wall* . 4 — ia (o t*'» • - a*-' prW far ear* dr* • rr~i it * - ~w*.3ser» beie. W - f • .I-aBa.1 Toeadaf o**it *it V .. I r«-nr « ter _n*r ; - »life ner .»**. c»t-*U«*lf La-»a»! L**aa»! Iau*! I.«»ab»! Krai K«uir L ia> at l#«r»l rjlr* at Jofcm W. Lms'i ft . •: twik rrt-rard .^at-rdaf • irrina 1 lilt ■ • Urfr nr 1 *i.-k kto ■ r f rmtitrT X-'- to br Mrr:au«d We are pa- . r* •■aft* ea«a. far 4 nrxm deftwei at Ue rreas»eri £im»i t aaaBaat Co. For «■»* H i krodan » «*»t l^MBb t‘*t» or • trade taa»e far Tea, rill’- Vktm *<*»« I , nai'T a »*>* iia* oa txand u«e rMmt at a*ea*.» of alt Fa! at tu» ssaffcrt »**• »aAiac tbr beta ? ra-a*- u’lfcar »aat *•**»•■ aal »*.*- • tnd **■*iai uarrawo « «aa Hr*»r If too oraat a dra*. pb<*r A. L to «4e' re- ' <*-'«* i*a*e_*«ir ctfdrr, «tu eftfarr isawr *»™ *-®-| Ta«riT. Hot ad arr**oe grriranford ■ nof C*»rr» fam for «a*» <*r mi* aurtH of L*oa Otf- For » f ' XAIIO® «f!U __ K F I* So-* Laffttl S*fa Mr Laarrnce Porski of Ashton is fi • drs. ■ y - _nt» cierk. vie* Mr. Louis Ur in rtrsi/nr-d Mrs An Jfii.ttmrti of Harvard is -re vis.une parents M- and Mrs . W J McLautriilin H. V. K.-Irr. tier popular etpert* to move this aer. into the twa Bocae » building on Main street. The** a. , be a tu social at tier Me Mu lie* school. Hist 44. Bessie *■ • it: tea * r the evening' of Nov. I ilJi. ile .p.e J ie» and Milford Tracy -eft 'i -rrsia. tnoraia* for Lin< uin to a Mine in me suite agricul tural avi.jof M > V4*.te L h*. Tay.orand J. W »rr:t io Lite ...i. "t_«-*da> after ■ e» on business -on net ted aim the te.epiioBe company ••-fie Henry last Friday moved into • 'a ated by K S' Priuiiard ■h tjiiii|r into the house a ated hy Mr. Henry. * i ltryiv .d» has had city eater pa rd in hi* resided'-r aiti. the ad m : and to: let r - om» (t > Mason d«d tier artisuc aorfc A tine baby bev armed Monday aftern r-n t* *: adder, tier hearts of Mr and Mr* A N Cook. Alfred e. «»eet:y i. ver : .i» ne» name of Papa l*r A > Main left Tuesday after : -jfi for M rri.. this Mate, for a fe» lay* visit Mrs Main, alio hern -*:t.fiC tie-re fora area ur so. aih return moe- am. him. Mr- J M Valentine and Mrs u L ilt »ervn f <*resi.ain mother and water of l*»'e ft Valentine of \ -ng» narb-r shop. *i-:ted here • It j • him »er u*t > .nda> i ifi* .a»* Monday. Oct. 31. Mw B. 4 M passenger »e*tt*. _nd r-a«e- :»ere 2Z * mutes earner, or at -* *+• p a i^tead of S:n& p. m No c<*.i»er c-liange* tn Uie time card. * II M H idd»—» >n returned borue *< Thursday fro* a two rates *?:• int hum- near Topeka- He t-ad tU -gbt of Investing in land t *r* hut •> .earn did not close arty deal Mr- <»u* L rentp and .ittle son at.*- j • ■ frm Katerina. Tuesday, Mi— 7 >?, fcrarim accompanying ti.e - Mr* Lorenu ha* q-ite re ndered er l^>a tt and from tfie re-- -t» *f Jmr operauon. •r n- w ft >f Him*n township. • Ijo received U* ref ubican. ra*.; and pop- i»t nomination for --p-r».- r i.a* known C. H Aldrich f.r ear- and ...eo ought* r no him. -ay - :ie a *:ne fe.iow and square in bis lea .tig-. We t bj the Aaron paper* that Jo: n I rat.;. who a few year* ago con d_ -t«d a gr eery store in this city, was married * Reynolds, in Webster tosrnship In spite of tiie lariewent weather a good au an * and *piendid time is reported Miss Haze Btrieigii ce.ebrated her -it'd *«ni day anniversary last Fri day evening iiaving seven little friends a: uneteua. tallying with the *i» years of ter short life, with tiie coming -ear added Tiie little folks thoroughly enjoyed the oevasi «n A “Slave Sale" social was lieid in 1 *i*tr: a Vo 77. .ast Saturday e»en ng tiie pr s.-veds being *17.77 Geo.) /.e glet was tl« W.C. and Mi* Harper eft M ekday morwsrg for a visit in Mis souri Tliey were to go first to tiie h. .nr of his -arents at Cainsvilie. for a week - «.*it Mr Harper returning i. me h> Saturday, while Mrs Harp er goe* to visit l*r pare-ts at Savan nat to ontiaue tier visit a couple ,.f weeks. We understand Mis* Grace Taylor, daughter of the ia> John M Taylor, wa* married in this city yesterday afternoon. Vo* rnd. ivM. it Mr J A Trefny of Alliance, tie Rev It W MjtgutrT oflkiating We km no further particulars. but would he pleased to give them neit week The tetde has era nurse in a i.ospita. at Alliance m • —• Notice I have received a big line off Fur Coats of very best quality, and will of fer them to the public at very reasonable prices. Come in and examine them. Every coat guar anteed Yours for busi ness. Jas. Bartunek. MissPearie Needham visited over last Sunday at Rockville with her friend Mrs I>r. Dickinson. Mi s Jess ( alley and Miss Flora < Hi.-en were home from the State University over last Sunday. Mrs. Viola Odendahi returned from Colgmbu-. Saturday, wiiere she had been called by the illness of Mr. Martin Comer, formerly of this city, she rep rts him as being In a very -enow- ndition at the hospital in that ity. where he was taken some ten days ago, after a complete break down a* his w rk. He is suffering with consumption. VI bo l- K, ra an t w nere does he live, and wl, is tiie fraternal bruther who i- sj 1 a and vile a.~ to be watching for dark night - to run the skunks in at the - de door? We know of no '-cl. pejp.e in this community and io not believe there are such except in the nuaginati n >f the destroyer, but if such be true and the writer w;:; name the man. all will be glad l- come to hi» assistance and drive the rascal out. Henning C .au'~eri of Washington t wri'hip returned Tuesday noon ft n a two week- visit at various ints in Iowa and Minnesota. He a- tie brother in Minnesota whom he hadnc. ~een f- r perhaps seven teen vear- and an 'tiier inlowa wliom !.e i ud not '■ en for some fourteen ■ ear- He w old leave jt tracted his i'i* - me longer nut forelection and .I- ie»:re to get re in rime to put n a vote for Dahiman. aber nichtl Adamless Wedding < *n u ■ eve of Ha’, we en at tne V ’i- - Ti? in tiii> city, occurred • - xa riage of Mi'- B Witch to Mr »' " Imp. in 'lie pre-ence of u nomte-r f intimate young lady 'n tiI'.— ending at ’he sign Jack ■-lantern. the gue-ts were received in t! • basexent to await the hour of tiie ceremony, when they were --lie'. '] intti tiie par. r At ":3o to tiie -trains of tiie wedding march, j tiie hrida. party inwierd costumes entered tiie r m and tiie contract ing part were made "one accord ing t the rites ot tiie witches and *!•- imp- After congratulations the g--'t- were ^ated at a table most tieauufuhy decorated with .laek-o int<-rri- witches. et<- . and a three i n m r ed F'.r.tertain tata neat : r ipriate r tiie oc a»i n wa- urnislied. and tnethinks :f H:. w en pr phesies re true. 1- »i ~*e n re w- i lings in tiie I- ur : uture tiran ever in its his tory Ti - guest- were. Ernestine Odendah Jennie Sutton. I. line Tay r Henry Young. F.Ha Taylor. B'an ,.e F' etci-r. I’earle Needliam. I*e ■. • h er'. FI ./abeth Leininger. Ktta L fh m. Eiva Zimmerman. ’ * r Montp Lena S \bi Beynonatid Jennie Minsliuh. The dec ,rati' ri- of the rooms were most unique At It’ o'clock the guests departed thanking Misses Mary and Maggie Minsliu ! for a most enjoy able evening. Presbyterian Bulletin Rev, F'rank A Milier and Mr. Fred schmidt are holding revival meetings in tne Presbyterian church and every• h-dy i' rii cordially invited to at tend F'riday afternoon at 3 o'clock tliere wii. tie a meeting for women and gir.s Admission by ticket. The revivalists w:. 'peak and sing sunia ruing and evening. At 3 clock s.indiy afternoon tiicre will t«e a meeting ff-r men and boys. eventeen were pre'ent at tiie meet ing Mr Hnckney laid a cement walk .ast Saturday. Mr» W right Reynolds and sister :i-aw drove over from Litchlieid last Friday f .r a couple days' visit with ti»e iiome fc'iks. Mi»s Velva F'ross is liaving a month's vacation during corn husk ing Mr Flar! Thompson and family -pent sunday at tiie home of Mr Austin Hendrickson. Mr- Bomgard and Mr Nelson went to Biair. Neb.. Monday. ■'evera'. young peode from this neighbor}! >d attended t lie Hal iwe'en cla" party in town Monday evening Mi" Emxa Nelson is here again and re*, irts that iier folks intend to come and make their home here soon. SCHOOL NOTES M." BNwe f -rvhased a iiase-liaH fur Iier school this weeii. When the - t' ..f tiie primary organize a f. . team and defea* the older boys f ’ e ' • . liv a s • 're of several to e ready to I a - riig> any nine of twice their age in tiie county. Mr' Au-tin Hendrickson. Misses1 Ma-ua i.dbert and Kditli Ward and Master H ward tvowe were visitors at ti e : F'riday afternoon. They n ted tiie • sceilent rder and interest ft pupil' Tiie primary children entertained them pleasantly by sing severa of Llieir little motion songs. Happy is the Son the Bride Smiles on Beautiful pieces of Jeweirv for : bridal and wedding gifts ofi unique and aesthetic designs. 1 purposely made for weddings. Bings, brooches, sunbursts, dog collars, jeweied pins for the hair, lorgnettes, opera glasses.1 gold and silver purses and manv oilier Trinkets of Value Silver tea services, spoons, forks j and knives ready for marking There is no question about our goods. Get Our Prices. H. M. ELSNER The Reliable Jeweler i Along R. R. No- 2. John Olson on Route 1 is very poorly again this fall. Will Knoepfel gave carrier some hne pork sausage last Thursday. J. T. Garner took a load of wheat to Loup City last Thursday. Alfred Jorgenson was making some needed repairs on his w inter quarters last week. Ernest Rowe was lathing Ed Kil patrick's new house last Friday. T. M. Reed had his men. Will Hen derson and Jesse Fort, putting up a new windmill at Ed Kilpatrick's last week. The Ladies' Aid of Wiggle Creek met at tne home of Mrs. Stewart Me Fadden Thursday afternoon. Altho' the weather was cold, the attendance was good. Fred Foster bought a load of baled hay last Friday for #7 a ton delivered. C. W. Thornton dehorned 25 head of cattle for Ed Flynn and Henry Biehel la?t week. John Holm is working for Hans Dietz. Chas. Snyder and son Gordon, were at Loup City early Monday morning. Howard Fulliton is husking corn for Richard Brodock. Tenis Biemund was out to Fritz and Henry Bichel's last week and bought some 25 head of cattle. Mil ford Tracy helped him take them to town tliis week. Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Conger and Mr. and Mr?. Roy Conger spent Sun day at their father's home at Loup City. Mr. and Mrs. F O. Johnson and family attended church at Loup City last Sunday. John Squires bought a new wagon last Friday. C. W. Thornton dehorned some cattle fi>r J. Blambeck la?t Saturday. lK>n't forget the big oyster supper given by the Ladies' Aid Society on Wiggle Creek, on the evening of the election. Nov. ?. They are preparing for a big time. Come. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blasehke and' family attended church at Loup City Sunday. Almost everyone now has from one to two or three teams in their fields getting out their com, which is going ail the wav from 2o to 40 bushels per acre. Chas. Schwaderer placed his mail box close to the road this week, so! it would be handier for the carrier. J.S. I’edler. .1 udge Wall. Ira Wil liams and others made a trip on Route 2 Saturday afternoon. Will Betts was seen one day last! week on his way to Loup City from Litchfield on his motorcycle. Miss Olive Gallup visited her sister.1 Mrs. L'Banks Hale, last week. Orsie Henderson bought a stack of, hay from John S juires and last week someone helped themselves to some of it. Hay is hay this year, and you ! don't have to take much before you, have a dollar's worth. Jack Pageler returned home last week from his trip to the west part of the state. Jack was carried away w ith the good looks of some of the squaw women while there. The mill had trouble with slush ice the past week. Chas. Krischner was hauling corn to Loup City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Nielson were trading at Loup City Tuesday, and took home a load of barb wire. They ; are also having their siiare of bad! luck this year, some of their cattle having died with black leg. while! three or four more were expected toj die Tuesday. The frame work of Henry Kuhl’s! new barn was raised this week. A. C. Best was hauling hay to the ■ Loup City market the past week. Hans < diermiller is again able to do his chores after being laid up for j several weeks. J. E. Roush moved to Loup City this week. IT. W. Brodoek gave carrier some fresh pork Tuesday. Will Henderson was out to Wilber, Curry's Tuesday fixing his well. To all parties visiting on Route 2:1 Please have those wriling to you put; your letters in care of the party you are stopping with. It will help the postmaster and carrier to locate you much quicker. Let the carrier have! your letters to mail, also get your; stamps and money orders from him. I>on t forget the entertainment and box social to be given by Miss Lettie Peugh and pupils. Friday evening, Nov. istii. at the Hawk school house. Gordon Snyder left Monday morn ing for Fairfield. Neb., and is expect ed home Saturday with his bride, Miss Minnie Knight. Particulars next week. B. W. Parkhurst sold a load of hogs 00 Loup City markets Wednesday. Wm. Stam is husking corn for Jim McBeth. G. B. Wilkie had the frame of his new barn raised this week. N. P. Nielson up to Wednesday evening had'lost six head of cattle with black leg. Clarence and Jim Arnett were shingling Ed Kilpatrick's new barn Wednesday. Jeff Williams took several loads to Litchfield this w eek for E. G. Taylor. Bobt Mathew was seen on his way to Litchfield Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Jim Bone Wednesday. German services at Ashton next Sunday. 10:110 a. m. Mrs. W. S. Waite entertained the ladies of the Entre Nous club Tues day afternoon of this week. The re'ivalist. Rev. Frank Miller of Lincoln, and his singer. Mr. Smith, began their series of meetings at the Presbyterian church last evening be fore a fair-sized audience. Thev cre ated a most favorable impression on their first appearance. We are requested to give notice that Hon. Wm. H. Thompson of Grand Island—“The Little Giant.” so-called, will address the people of Sherman county at the opera house in this city tomorrow (Friday) even ing. As Mr. Thompson is considered one of the finest orators in the state, a leading democratic politician and a Hahlmanite. the people will at once hear a master hand at oratory, a spicy democratic herald and an’ ex ponent of Dal^manoeracv worth lis tening to. if not agreeing with. Student’s Narrow Esuape Erwin Leach, of Arcadia, a student of the Lincoln Business college, nar rowly escaped a terrible death when struck by a car at 13th and O streets Thursday. He was dragged for fifteen feet under the fender and emerged from the catastrophe without serious I injury. His clothes were badly torn and damaged. Leach was hurrying across O street with a crowd of i students. Apparently lie did not see the car approaching until he had I started across the tracks. He then i attempted to step back, but his feet slipped aud he fell directly in front I of the lender. He made a grab at the side of the fen ter . u; ..u-- 1 it and was dragged u ifier Tin* mutor man applied the brasc-. and reversed the motor, but the vai -.i 1 along for : twenty feet before it c ml i ‘ • stopped The boy was rolled tin ter t!ie car for ■, fifteen feet and was then pushed out on the opposite side of the track. The front trucks of the car carried him ahgid and kept him from being | thrown under the wheels. Leach jumped up immediate1! an I started ’ to walk away but was brought liack to the car by the conductor who took his name and looked him over to see if lie was hurt. The boy refused an examination by Dr. A. E. Carr, who happened to see the accident. Motor man E. B. Jackson said the street! was unusuallv crowded at the time and while trying to watch both sides of the street at once he did not I notice the boy until he had fallen in I front of the car. Leach's room mate. Max Wall, said he did not see the boy fall under the fender, as lie had crossed the track ahead of the others. Leach, lie said, was in the habit of standing in front of street cars until i they had almost touched him and i then stepping off the track. Dr. Carr took the boy to his room where he examined him. The doctor said that Leach showed every sign of a great shock, but that otherwise his in juries were not serious.—Lincoln Daily 'ftarr. Apples! Apples! Buy your wfnter apples now. They will keep until spring. For sale by ’ X icoson & G IKSON. For Sale Pilger's home place. 12 or 24 lots, two blocks east of Methodist church. For Sale / My residence in South Loup City for sale at a bargain. Mrs. Clkmma Conger. Farmers Notice We want your good wheat and do not sell before you get our prices. We also want corn and oats and are paying more than it will net to ship to anv terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Notice Loup City. Neb.. Oct. 27. 1910 Notice is hereby given that all alleys, streets and lock yards must be cleaned up. all manure, tin cans and refuse which have a tendency to create disease must be removed. This work of cleaning up the city must be attended to. Noeicuse will’be taken This means everyone. The marshal will attend to this matter and see that this order is complied with, which goes into effect Oct. 27. 19lo, and must be complied with by Nov. 10. 1910. Pay attention to your hog ranches By order of city council. [seal] Petek Rowe. City Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In County Court within wuU tor rmcrmun county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Adciade Moritz. deceased. State of Nebraska , > S8 Sherman County 1 The State of Nebraska I. K. A- county judge of said connty, hereby notify ali persons having claims and demands against the estate of Adeiade Moritz, deceased, that I have set and appointed the following day for the reception, examination and adjustment of said claims and demands at the county court room in Loup City. Ne braska, to-wit: May end tvii at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said day. Ail persons Interested in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly pre*ec: their claims and demands, and in case any of said claims are not presented by May ind. 19!). the same shall be forever barred The time limited for the payment of said claims shall be one year from said and day of May 1911. Given under my hand and the seal of laid County Court this S9th day of October 1910. E. A. 3m h County Judge. (Last pub. Nov. S4> Nonce of fitarai 01 Pttmoi for Letters of Aimmstrattoi de osiu 101 To the next of kin and all persons interest ed :n the estate of Christian Wolf, deceased, Lite of said county: Notice is hereby given that on October 14th, 1910 a petition was tiled in the County Court of said county, for tha appointment of an admini*siratrix de bonus non of the estate of Chsistian Wolf, deceased, late of said county and that the same was set for hearing Friday, the 4th day of November. 1910. at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon at the office; of E. A- Smith. County Judge of said county, in Loup City in said county, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be heard concerning said appointment. Given under my hand and the se