Somethin? New: The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Loup City hereby g ves notice that they have purchased one of the world famous ~7ISCO nanganeese Steel Sa es. recently tested at Canton. Ohio, in the presence of one of their officers by experts cun ning in the art of Burglary Also, that they have ordered a new system of SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES to be placed in their strictly fire proof vaults as soon as received from the factory Further notice will be published in this space within a few weeks that this new equipment has arrived and we then promise to show our friends and the public one of the best protected banks in the state of Nebraska. Yours respectfully. L. HANSEN. Cashier. THK VuRTHWXSTtKN : ' • • T > 1 IV» I»rkH Ov«talioiiv. * mz *»'? be ■bi* ar-r be S«t. fx-T be ■■~T**'* t«r !b E«r* f«er 4j-' Bcrtia^to Tim* 4 ard V. . f"«m «-> - t_*. uraaffb . *'»*. *. - * - rnm - a - V t* jr*«r-^ t. *■ » a. «■ r ' i,, - ua*te«» 3 m a. - -(in, Va»t S :'«m Mm \jnt-pttA‘‘..ik * *M p au v. I f #f «*► _« JK'PI|»«"*L* T IS J, flft * '- « '• *■* vf *z m «*■ * Afrt.: LOCAL NEWS -»*i •*■*-' -* - -- ab • • rrt ?*itr tay It i» ’•,< rt - : X. r» > ' -«*d » » • a tt»**Mcac4 atttrk ad tJffcftM fr-teT > f W»f «*■ a*»J «ee T. V SImmI »« U>« a .g .-.ft of rx|fti berm* fat Lee lia»»* M ** I* €" ,ro* i» j.. witL ’.rpooid -, . - «« *. r < aft mat ha<■ ■ j raj*enj - **»!♦ .i Joint H. Uar ami 'I'* * E 'V*- . *r arri*oi .* *i' u-dai tmiifij «ra ~il r- j.r-:«j berate fMrvtej. I • .-i*. >• fur tmilcr It: ilii ftti ■„ .1 f. ( 1U*1 i for t •!.' t- . *. .n i- «• T» V) Jf to**.. Fur *a. ~ -* irr -k«*» rtcir Jdd •■I - -» and » r*»e ?<*- tgtiTea E V 1; - - * -"l art are* for -•*-» -- as » iana.- tie . r *i -**. in re* eli> 11. 1 : l*.*e ■Ml I atfMt !: #. aiM **id K»i. *t» mr mynne4 propt-r u it sura* kirrsia*. v*- J. W. 'I: *s.i Vt> W *• Wait* eaitr ***»*-j »• J,fUla4 M "*_tr±a> Mr i«rf M-- '* i. M* A*f Ml*. ifio*.* mr* a" t »•. • lie *(#» a*V r a. a.: Ibe <. sir* i..a s ***• fmmt ismtT * ■«a i r*^v U> < ’am -mu rrt amjiijoc f*a_. .»*t -.tAi I. i. 7 a •.j? u>i faitiij. w.mM >t .V - ■..-'.amwrw a*»c . •■rtilfT lij j» itftlifl» 1a» > i 'Mdff •* 1 -•■ t Pr«»f*rr1; •■•-r for -a .t r»i built Iti rmJlior •m Jmka * ije MSaas ■»«.. (rr * far rep* dir* .ttrrf at life ■rWmWT art*. Uat«! Uia«! Lmi*! Lwi«! Ural I>!air L-»«* at l«*r*l ratr* at Jt*aa * . LoarV Mr» i«e'*V.i La* ta a &me imr of diOac* Md ■/.».«• ill all Ut3» Oil s .jear too cat. t a** Uira hs, Al •a»«. 4« i:.* mo» TV at arii i»*1fd reymtta arc brim; waOr to 'Jo oc* n«n krMft J:t> ■rrt al tr*«*r '-9 tire Bteamusi* t m oocr Ur wrdU. wi!t» Mr amd Mr* J ! l*i»r« a«*d Mr. ami Mr* * * Waste iObue-i to trtest »’ou*«. (*afrfad a toll Itoora tOr MwoiW -tew* »aa a.t.m ia’anoa atari, arre at *r*t tmtuwbt to te tmua but •/juit a tail >^iiad Im4 be all MUB be oil rirb*. ifia Mr*. HarrimctJM of Chicago I* a . -*t <4 auamroa* friernd* la U rn '-iff a*rit tm a»: Ttor*da> neami Mr* Harrrmftom am* former".r Mho '•mdi* M as • amd ■ a* ramad is taw. ra--rn be** atUs brr moii*r# ii*r amchhJm? tt*1* For Saie . ■ - Utsit piaor. 1? or 24 Jots. t» t> *rk» -a-t t churrh. For Sale M? Tr~*tiM-tr-r in > .jtb L up ( liy for a* at a Vt« Ctnii losun. '!»• ia - n »!.< a: t .n* isers everv sat t I* fc* js-.ausrti i l> tieen juite sen i l l tlie ;««! weea. but is #: • in-proi.!« Uir^^a market prior paid for : . at Lw Bras in T. -. n . f sargen: «i> a Loop ■ tty usjt -r Tuesrfai *,«• -a a railm sale at Coo .user * eier> Saturday - *r *■ v \ er went to Hamines M Ada* x attend a neettng c>f the state ortita nmnatioa '«-j '•t r* will paint your house «:th white lead and rim-. Bmnrt: want* your hides and will pay the Idgl^est nxarket price. Tia-t* * t«r preaching •ruky> at tot e rsitti: and evoring. < t. •er S-a* ‘•pr'-ials on sale tvery "f -"li’ Ck in and ««. Saturday. ilifirK market prior In cash for hide* at Lor Heathers rural market. "t'-t a Zimmerman ia>r coaplet ed Ujt wiiMit walks on the lot* west f t:* Keystone Lumber Co. t* t sa.- A f_.. ,«ngth pier glass ls*;_irr of Mrs J W Burleigh. ;4jaoe 3»fl ~ *\*. ’ll KKV> ir- u anted a" • - • net: - ..rat .irk* i Highest market pr.<-e paid Mr Jk L In* is and tanf returned *» tliri' : 4>j«r m Greeley Toesdav *'trr a few »*r». visit at tl.e home f her parents Nr and Mrs T M Bead *V »'< iiur >, cent* rash f r rnea : • - ■ »re I at ti*e creamery UlVEVM ('llilCBY (V). * *t*r of the I* P section ^t*ilr cot • ret: > ‘alt t.r_:»ed up act M nday *'*"nnr - '' W ( Hirprr and J. W. t on ?e- eft aftem ) » . ** Ue gray man. for k and o:idattny service Lr*'* -ders at tie Keystone. Lein :r»»rr - >r Taylor's ee valor. or La» residence. * on i*»" Mrs I»r Main As* "aturdas aftrr n tom entertained some sixteen .itt .e Cir * at !er home :n honor of ter it.* niece. Mu* Mildred Caliaitatn. of Morrill. Neb .1 splendid time is reported T ere «ii. be a HtitontM pint at tie Tra s •> ‘mo. Idstrk-t V l !". ta-rf *- by Miss Ikeotby Montcmnery . • • Oet. > Basket sapper and lots f surprises Spooks ei 1 ri'e yon tie best time yet Ooror. Mrs T A. lay lor returned Mon etiinc from Ornate. Sie eas a Overate from tie Loup City iodfr V tie - rteeti. session of tie rrarsd >«d*e »r Nrorask* Is-ere* of Honor, wf jcb convened at • *malia as; week After a #*e weeks visit with fneeds in lias city and an Hire* • reek Mrs. H H Ounn left Monday meainy for ter borne at Esmond. 111. Mr and Mrs fiuoo lived cm Hi|*e Creet a fe» years a*ro and bate a boat of friends in this vicinity. * If. Mrliur sent to Arcadia last Sunday evening tnd delivered bis aerture cm tie Passion Play in tie (4mr**M»tJ tie doo-s. many peop e teinr turned away. J. H Lon? and A J Jjt*a»jn aceompatiled Mr. i Meter m lie Ortendahi auto. Welding Bells Last Thur-day afternoon. Oct. 13. . < ». at * o'clock, at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fields: in this sty. 'iT-rrer: the marraige of their * BenItoid 1*. liebig and Miss' • s**tfo: : e by IIev. I*. Ju in g o: tlit* '•erman Ih ange-ii-a. church Only i ttie immediate relatives of the con tracting were present. The brhle tias made her i. i.e w:d. tier j. .nt Mr* ii Jung. and family, in ti > t > f *r s-e -a! y ar». and is a a». < estimable young lady. The » one of L 's and industrious young men. The ^ nhwestern pons with the many b J oung ( in w :>h f • tiien a happy and pro'perous married life. D Webster Davis will gi'e a re ital at the pera house, tomorrow Friday evening. Mr. I*a > is a reader •!' no nsean ability and lib readings are true to life, im pressive. helpful and highly enter taining He i- appeared in Loup t'.t i>et re an i \ u will want to -as him again t ome Presbyterian Bulletin !:• • M >ntg ry w:. give a report : '. ?«..«-* rtrxt > !> i.i; - t .ether with r import an: 'natter. FA. ■ f - f r U weeks He is a . • ..« : j< nt e man. and a ' • .-r ier. evangelical. singer His solos • -■ t an: .nc and he ha' recant . drawn very iarsre aud ILs • !> are and j-*a rv. '! easing men of -r • L-r . - 'a-- n ightei with i.N ■ : M-ta .n sj-ir::. ife and work" :• V. • r " . • : : • >en tee' at resirt terian in this city ' i* ie iri N 'vember. Swedish Gospel Meetings T: e >*"dx: Christian church of i 1 i l a series of gos :• a. : cetings. beginning X v. 4th tings on S at I<• :3t» a. m.. and 3 p. m.. also n Sunday. X v. *;th. at 1 • *:3«* a. m.. and * ; p. nt at ti e German, strai - staf ' ti and Landn ark wi . tie with us M a,. Scandinavians of our com munity ani iet us 'in? unto ttie L-rd and n.ake a; yfi. n>>ise to the II • i. : iurSi vati • Memo Hloh. Pastor. hu '.it i r ia> and y •_ w: * rid special largains . n >a e tiiat wi [ ’ease yu u and save your pocketbook. \ M Pirukncy f S\rm . X' V . arrive: Taesdiy to visit t:is son. i' A. Pinckney, and family, in Web ster townsiiip. and will probably re main over tlie winter. The Ladies Industrial society of tiie Presbyterian church will give t heir annua! dinner. Wednesday eveo :ng • vt t*- th. a: the church parlors. 'Lai prices, with plenty of pood things to eat Ttie Keed famile- received word of the deatii of W. 11. Reed of Brook. Ind . wl :'-i oc- urred last Thursday. Toe ti ree tir tin r- f decea^-d. T. Si. Walter and P <• Leeti of this city, wt,j were called to iiis i*ed'ide. weie with iiitr when the end came. A daughter arrived Friday morn-! ing. «vt. I4th. I at tiie home of; Mr a*i i Mr- H M K.sner. and an •i ;ti *-d her intent. :i >f making that her permanent r-si ience Henry i> :*:rt*r c.prat i..ativ and wear' the smile that won't come off. L- n L >fi :i narrowiy escaped a -'ireur. Saturday evening ' Me : parii ms were enpaped in throw inp thhritte cartridges into a :* 'tit re. and be had stepped up to : - ■» sand n tie- blaze to put it ut. when n- -f the sliells exploded. •: *- -ap >ipinp just above his left nt al-• cutting a deep sra>h. W:,.:aos I! t e Council Bluffs burglar, wh • #a- -apt ured here la't \pn. bv sheriff Wi :a-.- s was last Friday sentetn-.-d t an indeterminate ;»eri«i f in-years in the jieniten tiay at Fort Madison. Iowa. His y _ng wife repudiated him after she .eamt-o U - truth and has since e rebui.t. this * t? • —■ .'fid time it has been biown down. v." .* . i>;.er» «a>.n city • • er s-nuay isiting with iter friend Mi— K‘J - llifrtnn. >he wa> on r way from her Grand N and hoite L up 4 . w f.ere she ha- a pusi - km stenographer. Miss llaggart '•■* ’’ 1 a nu ntier of . er young • r >a: i :ng A nice time is reported by resent l*bonograpL Fress. G. W Vuriel fame jp from Craig, ir - <—Jay to : ok after his -a?"' - -' to Koi grille this afternd and back home Friday rr::ng He > looking well and i.-artand reports Mrs Marvel as *»ring p ■r'y tne past week or more. Marvel Ua> lately returned from « -:x k- trip up int the v anad -! ■ an ; --i ns. hst doesn't >eem a . yrabit impressed with that coun The editor r - u-r.ed yesterday noun fr j t . e is- is ie ' iii' tired mother at IM .:i where tie «a> called •ast Tlfursda-. by lier fatal illness, j He .eft :.rr - *; into the i»rea- 1«- -nd. »i*» re perhaps as you lead tii> r spirit may have taken its flight We know i; is but a fen day- r liour- at >ingest die will re main and ti r-e are tiled with deep est ua ti and distress and death will me U' 'W-et re.iet She is nearing her *T.h birthday and the past : w. • years have tieen constant puin and sickness and «re could not wish otbt "ws-w- than for the relief she prays for daily. Ti. ise f ts who have been so fear ful about the corn crop may fie reas sured According to the latest gov ernment crop bulletin the condition in Nebraska is hut four points below the « *rtouer average for the past ten year', four points better than it was 'ast month and three points better • .an attire same time a year ago. The lavoralie weather permitting ate planted orn to mature is the explanation The oats crop is very much larger and the yield greater than as: year. The government men hgure an average yield this year if 2» nusheis to Uie acre, and a total ieid of 72.71>'>. <»'*». putting the state ft urti. in the list of oat-growing com in on wealths. Last year the average per acre was hut'ii bushels and the total production but <11.825. while the quality was much poorer. i Along R. R. No- 2. Henry Goodwin and the Daddow fami.ies sold alx>ut sixty head of eat tie toff. H. Gunn last'week. Wilber Curry and John McCall built - new fence around the place tarmed by Wiiber. The fence will hardly t*ear cicse inspection for straightness. W. H. Gunn threshed his alfalfa la>: wees. Clarence Hurt. F. G. Casteel and Henry Heed lift for their sandhills trip last Thursday. They were going up when the carrier spent his vaca ti in. and expect to be absent some time. Hannah liichel is working in H. Jung's restaurant at Loup City. The old bridge west of Loup City is undergoing repairs this week and a pat r uns of the west side are com pelled to go by the south bridge. Hubert 1 'insdale. Chris Olljenbruns Will K»c*pfel. Fred I*addv>w. Jim MelleLh. Art Lindgran and Henry Hut. liave ah had their threshing dune the oast week, which with the exception of two or three jobs west finishes the threshing oti Route Mr' Maud Gunn left Monday for . er . u ue at Esmond. 111., after a long visit with H. W. Erodock and famiiv ami other friends on Wiggle Creek. Friu Richei has bought a large Franklin touring car for his own U'<* and also purchased an auto for his son. Roland Gcsdw in. Claude and Har id Hurt attended church at Loup City Sunday evening. iVtct'gt :.yome way the straw wrapped ar >und the cylinder sotightr v t. a: i; > t the separator on tire on the :ti'ide. ISy prompt work the tire; was . it ut before the separator was da masted, hut some of the blazing, straw was carried out on the straw I stack which burned up. l'ete got Ik'tli hands badly blistered. After i t • \ri they still eon Lin ued: o thresh. He had sixteen stacks tothresh Mon day an.i was >een busily encased on them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uaddow were away visiting last week. Wen. Rowe and sons. Will and Arthur, have the contract to huiici Ed Kilpatrick s new house out on the di\ ide. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ilietz spent Sunday a* Lonp City. Felix and Arthur Kowaleski at tended church at Loup City Sunday. Art Wilson pot ! is son a line guitar through Clarence Reynolds last week. 11 ugh Cash is putting up a sod building this week. Clias. Snyder pot 2*< bushels of alfalfa seed from only a few acres. Mrs. Clark Alleman is steadily im proving in health and is almost her former self. Sam Daddow was painting some of hi> outbuildings last week. Nick I'add w and Fred .lohnson, are up for road boss in their district. Frit/ Biclie! i- home after several da\- spent in the eastern part of the state Toe new steel bridge west of Tom 1'arsleCs was opened to travel last M nday. I'orter C rry is putting in a lot of g ■ d r >ad work on the east and west roads leading to Loup City. Everybody come out to Cleoria church next Sunday morning. L. 11. lla’e and Earl Thompson got ba k fi m their camping trip up in the sandhills last week. They went t the same place carrier and crowd were at and report good luck. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Squires' baby.1 who »a> reported last week as being very sick with lung fever, died last Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. It was their only child, a bright little boy ;; years old. He was taken sick some ten days' a go with stomach ' trouble and had almost recovered when taken with lung fever, and after untold suffering passed away. The funeral was held Monday after-! noon at 2 o'clock at the M. E. church j in Loup City, a large number of the neighbor* and friends of the sorrow - ing parents t>eing in attendance, and the little one laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Squires have the deepest sympathy of all. They desire to extriid their heartfelt thank- to the neighbors and others f r their assistance during the illne'ss an.i - ..‘.-equent death of their darling bey. also for their sympathy evi denced by the beautiful flowers. Last Thur-day evening some fifty pc pie on Wiggle Creek completely surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roush ■n W. H. (lunn's ranch, who expect I : inovt to L -upCity the last of this month for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. j R ush are tine people and all regret to see them ieave. They are a hard working couple and it will be hard for Mr. Gunn to secure anyone who will take the interest they did in his ranch. While Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ober miller and little son were on their way to Loup City last Thursday they narr w ly escaped serious injury in an accident. In passing a team in front of W. O. Krow n's their team sided at the canvas covered wagon. Hans struck one of the hordes with the w hip and it jumped forward, hut the ether one refused to go. so he struck it with the whip |also. w filch caused it to jump forward, breaking tl.e singletree, letting the tongue come down, and when the wagon struck their heels one of the horses com menced to kick. Hans held to the lines and was dragged over the dash board. striking the ground on his right shoulder and side. The team then started od a wdid run across the bridge. * he re at the north approach one of them struck one wheel of the carrier's rig. forcing tiie other horse into the ditch on the side of the road. They soon recovered themselves and started to run for the city. Mrs. game': We thins the roa I u> town lias been iengtlienevi very ,n eh when vve have to go b> way n lire south bridge, an i will certainly p.lreciate our good roads when w can u>r tiieui again. Mrs Trait visited at T *ni Ward's Monday. Mr. A. Bergstrom is stili on the sick li>t. Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Iowa, who have been visiting their nephew. Mr James Ling, and family, left Monday morning for Aurora, where they will visit other relatives. Messrs Best and Miller are tvaiing and hauliug their hav from over in the hills. Mrs. Holcomb attended church in Loup City last Sunday morning. SCHOOL NOTKs Misses Cecil Angier. Ethel Mercer and llelma Froelilich visited at our school last Friday. Miss Rowe is driv ing to and from Iter schoof this week. The pictures purchased for the school room have arrived. Amy Mcllravy. Ruby and Hilda Fross' acted as pall-bearers at the Squires' funeral Monday. School Notes The High School Glee Club made, its first public appearance in chapel Tuesday morning and rendered two excellent numbers. The .1 uniors gave the Sophomores a • trot" Saturday night. An excel lent time is reported. The physics class need a laroratory very much. The high school wishes to thank Dr. Eongacre for the metric balance scales for use in the laboratory, and Mr. O. Swanson for the pans for the same. Mr. P. P. Starr has been very kind in lending to the Greek history class his "Illiad" and "Greek Mythology.'” Mr. French, the janitor, accident ly fell down the lasement steps last Tuesday morning, injuring his lack, arm and side. Work is progressing slowly on the rooms in the basement. Patent panic exit doors will be used exclusively in the new public school being built in Atlanta. Ga.. j and the old schools w ill be equipped ' with them as fat as the money will j hold out Every modern school em-! phasizes the tire drill and thus re duces the danger of panics in the case of tire, nevertheless grave dan ger still remains on account of the | doors getting jammed when the chil dren start to march out in perfect order. This is caused by the pres-1 sure of a long line of children mak-1 ing the ordinary lock hard to turn. I Hut the automatic door totally re- j moves this danger. It is worked by a brass bar across the inside of the; door, and when merely touched by j the weight of a hand it release* the look and the door is sw ung back and held open by a stout spring. German Evangelical Church Next Sunday, Oct. 23rd. there wiil | services at Loup City at 10:30 a. m.l Lesson in German. Ojt. 22nd, at 10:30 a. m. Rev. P. .fueling, Pastor. Apples! Apples! Nicoson 3: Gibson will have a car load of winter apples on sale in Loup City about Oct. 25th at popular prices. Phone 4 on 18, and leave your orders and you will be notified when they arrive! ROAD NOTICE (Augustyn) To ail whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road ' commencing at the southwest corner of Section twenty-one -1.. Township sixteen (l«> Range f urteen il4i. Sherman county. Nebraska, and rut-nine thence west one mile alone the Sec tion line between Sections 30 and 29. and ter minating at the southwest corner of said Section twenty (21*). has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and ali objection-! thereto or claims for damage* must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon o( the 7th day of December. IDlp or such road whl be established without reference I thereto. W C. DtkTKRicae County Clerk [Last pub Not 4) Hence or Harm oi Pennoi for Letters or AUmistnnoi ae nous aoi To the next of kin and all persons interest ed in the estate of Christian Wolf, deceased, late of said county: Notice is hereby given that on October 14th. WH>. a petition was fiied in the County Court , of said county, for the appointment of an administratrix de bonus non of the estate of Christian Wolf, deceased late of aaid county ana that the same was set for hearing Friday the 4th day of November 1910 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon at the office^ of K. A. Smith. County Judge of said county, in Loup City in said countv. at which time and place all persons interested in said estate mat appear and be heard concerning said appointment. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 14th day of October. 1910. Is***-] K A. Smith County Jadge. (Last pub. Oct 27 Time J THE BEST LIME J CEMENT 1 IN THE CITY | -—■ -Ij But we don't carry it very long at a time because it seems to us that nearly everybody wants our ASH GROVE brand of cement and the famous PEERLESS lime. It Makes Us Hustle to keep a sufficient supply on hand to meet the great demand there is for these necessary materials and it is not just because people like us. either. There's another reason. Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock ville, Schaupps and Arcadia, Neb. LET US GROW TOGETHER $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year 59,000.00 represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. Which means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in ability to be of genuine service to its clients. It means that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank. There’s a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the IIP CITY SUITE UK _Capital and Surplus. $37,500 SPECIALS! WHERE? CONHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd'y October Bulletin The Home seekers' Excursions on the first and third Tuesdays to the West. Southwest and South offer an excellent opportunity for a journey of inspection or pleasure, during the autumn and winter, through these fast growing localities where land is constantly increas ing in value. Cheap One-Way Autumn Rates to Pacific Coast are m effect this year only until Oct 15- Go early and escape the final rush for sleeper accommodations. Every day round trip Coast ~ates in effect this winter: general basis $90.00, and $15.00 higher via Shasta. The Daily Winter Tourist Rates to Southern resorts becomes effective about Nov. 1st These rates with their desirable routes and privileges, together with the out door and hotel attractiona of tne Southland, shoud appeal to many looking to avoid the rigora of a northern winter. ■ J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agent L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha Cement Blocks We now have a|large supply of Cement blocks on hand for_ We are now in position to put in Cement Sidewalks And guarantee to give good satisfaction We are ready to do all kinds of Call and Get our prices Loup City Cement Block Comoany ©UY STOUT, Manager. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 250. No trouble to figure your bills an*. >'i r.v our stock. LEININ6ER LUMBER. CO, Loud City