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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1910)
Deposit Accounts When left on Time Certificate, six months or longer, interest will be paid at 4 per cent Checks and pass books cheerfully furnished to farmers and business men. who are al wsys welcome at the old. time-tried First National Bank. In Strength and Security this bank stands in the front rank among the best banks in the State. Capital Stock and Surplus, $37,500 This item added to the important fact that we loan no money to any officer or even stockholders should appeal to those desiring a safe depository for their funds. THE NORTHWESTERN TIH IM.AV sETI 2. 1VK* A I *■« larks) l^fiuUtioas. r"..rri t- ... . ., . # .in s «&*. r l»_ Ml* S * ■»{> i-r* t»4 J»»* J£ C>* perU. .. ......... .<* to* p*f 4ur . - .IT Heae per ?t» . t.jr-irn*. per it> .ii iJuriibrloB Tim*- I srd "1»U ♦ » »-*<W n*gprt» - b. «mp • V*Jf t * #«0BR * t • ;*•> * «l K ■ *»«a£»T» ?! yj s ••• a*-- ■ WfltarV •*•■ 4> pmlU * b. - *4. • »Ttrrmdh*. **. j * %»* into.** xwi LOCAL NEWS *?■ ♦ r SC*.. 1 §*»(•"* * t * - - ii * *• rrt ' a! * r II-'**-" ‘ -r <•*.: v«»» w Ilrtirj J i'Mii : ta art « *a .»• at < <m~ -~rr * '■ rr; ia* *: . * ,i.:r ■ »<■ .? h.-ne «f:* • t.ttr -al a»»J ritr *' ■ «•-: - »<* • *-il* and rijafci. it;. >r urf . *aHt»v . - .. • _* . .t-al i" * i4ai mart**. Ut ttrutiiM* ' 4 • - «!-.«: rami, p**r» ~ a*. * * aIt* *t i« at a? X*-r -maritr (to > - »asii • . _•* painted' “ and ria . a**.-t 5>r»;» }>aid L-r a- • a: - • »: market. Kar&aia* ■■» I«»a Pr«|M-r1j f*.r vilr In J«ki H. |,oi; i »*.. i. - j . ! r umSMT tat i t*»i .Vi a a-: i II Cute >t< «ra • Lite .ead a*» *. : K'ri.ii ttrare* 7 r*. \ •-»- . t-.r ■> -n.r v.»A I # «-*■«■ t < • Tat .i*. I »:*:* a .jjj m a i.arn and . * . » *4. w Mmn < jfpf I"-w« 1* r !3:(*rwttd |.r*.|»*-r Km J. W. Vr a:...: *tr- 1* C" I *>f of • *• .•> i lWt-fV :a< Tj**si’ Ta»r r and *cs> to Coa* - * _ an trt an-.U :ac ■ as —in' *i«* La:.— *_is* and (Teak* at v * L (.* Mtraatiir <7*. T»t*f >r< &:Mr . V \ ' i* u..-ta«.r id callup oa £» ' *-• art At^g-r Irarv wijen tou vant *. m r*u-» Ill III I Pra^rrl) afrrH »r .sir »t ifr%. Iu«4> It radius **» ioka W . Loaf. • ur v.-riT»£ <-;.»rket»* to Lrr -T- «s.»rr ttn mcnt U«r . «-a» rnartrt :«» Tt»r ... 'ttai * nratner* Cu. taja pfinr fur rgr* dr ;■**-**- aT • *- maser? twa Ltii»! Ijub*' Lma*! Loan.! K*-at )>iatf L at* at l««r*l nv. a: Jona W. Loar'.. V- . -i *— • ; L;w a. aa ant * Mr* . a «wtor a:. • - at- «iar» irr int S-nda? ■^a-r- i«a>- a» t .and \l*e uc i »-■£ 4 »■*•*’* of a. » :a4» Oali at 1 i* asarar • • c* a ;-• :«r li» tan*. A -a r» r a: it-nwr - Part 1 •«-- . •-'•.ra uet»«*a u« fnt nimr tai a j*» .*• ; at nr -.4 Uia rtt r . *.*4. *«?• 1 '.•! "■© * fkJSKt-. tJkwt WB099 » H v» ' :* '»«« of tttr find nine Try M 'i . -a-* Ur s*a>man. m an: aii^arton vruer _*a*r Uor Krrieionr Lrin .:*gr~ » or Ta» . * - rirraSor <r ptioao •* tmlnrr . ats IdT •a ' • L^'a-.tltr I«’ ■af - aoaaiat of Mr. M >•• *fcr *j«finr Haatrix ato ■ *=» - .r- »• — ia Ur I'rra * • :« N •• f btr “Mr. M: ■*- :* - •' t*«r anrrtr.t atnfri> rrf t«ari in Lafa»«<•.«■ Press Drills—Do you want one? If so. call and see T M. Reed before too late to get them V• list ntsm. «U a tUMdinr 14 •*-*» m *r~* war :*unnt»d tart •rri b? t««r ra -rd .i>.o Vo tk. Ujt ■ •air of ormnpni :■ Utr ur _ Var -rinaufe fur a *«rk. ramed tn re^fnat. * f UUr pnnrlpaJ of a:i * > and to 2L m tiir fa; ■r! ■•» a **r» w nr:|al oooSd br ■rrjod TW n auUtorUMo • ■ r*- a**t-4 for a ; - *jo-r »r ixlrn- to W h Cr »*4*^:rra U«r. and ti**o ar «- «d U» «f f Ur tCiktem roll. •Ur-fc »c --.«n.adrr a nxepii. i—£ to mr Lmv Ot» bo* For Sale i'ue*T * h : ne p.a--e. If r 24 lot*, t*. t* »».* ea*t of Vfili idist church. >p«*-:a.» on sale at < onhisers every MUrdij t a and - the new ( Mitt- at the ; Loup City Mercantile Co. Bennett wants * _r hides and will pa the i es>t market price. f onl.iser has- special** on sale every Go in and see Saturday. !!v: -st market price in cash for : 11-' at Lee !:r.>t!.er* meat market 1 r >a,e A ength pier t’liss. ! In ..r» j! Mr* j W Burieigh. pf» «f*e ?. on 21 M'KIV. CIIICIiCNs arr wanted at iiennett - meat market Highest market price paid - if Ladle* >uits and •a*.* at t:.e L -p< :t> Mercantile < c « a*, and see them L«-* • - t: '* ' ti* Pioneer meat ■ .artet «: pay you tin* holiest cash pr. e ‘or spring chickens *• a*. paying 2 cenu cash for • am de ; . rrec at ti«e creamery UiVnii I Kl.AKKKY* CO. i r -a.* My residence in east L ; ’ -t >r »i trade 4m« for real estate tv a: TEE WlKNKK I "age w ven wire of ail sizes, and •s-t Partied wire at prices that mill - to .tko L N Sniitli. -phone 2 * 12 Ti.- -nty hoard convened Tues ■:» ana ad*‘-;TOed yesterday after • ■!». *n > routine business being trrnsacted L»die», rail a: sat ur ea1 ai> » >*_ w. find specia. bargains • *a - tnat «... please >ou and save Jour p*> ketbocik it*’- ’ rget Mr* Ida Lambert s t«C *a.e ■ trad*, trimmed millinerv meocing Sept- Ha and mimiing four day* ■ ru -r Brown came up Monday eveTiinc from i'rmersity Place for a ten ia>s rest from strenuous duties a- a in (type operator. If > want a dray phone A. L. En • • • * n VT. r eave y ur order witi eiti.-r ..iabrr yard or E. G la - !••*; ..f service guaranteed. Mr and Mr*. * F Ueynoids re t.rnei .a>t sat.rday evening from t e:r mended visit in I owe and I m..- rep. rune ti»e tiesa time in tiieir live* I *r Sutherland of Grand Island win preach tor our HspM "rietsd* mat > unday bull morning ana eenitig A oordiai invitation extended to a.i. M* and Mrs Arthur'Smith came :r .m their home at Enoia. Sebr . yester2a> n a visit to Mrs. Smith's parents Mr. and Mrs. J F. Bock of Lopaa township. I>» * C. Harper ieft Tuesday •• i attend tiie annua: M E" tferrh r at North Platxe. It is •— - - 3 t e v . e of the church here is for his return jlro 1 n Lambert estabashed a ir»rrj >:ore in Kucfcville at C. ' h - n - store. and will be there on Mtwtday o' each week. Opening:. Monday. .September »Uj Vr- Mar? A .ardwer mill have a -*w :*r household goods etc.. Uiit *—•. Saturday afternoon at her re>i den • two blocks east Of the V E. rh h. commencing at 1 o'clock k brr of the Mate **aiveraity (student* w i ret-ra Uiis week to r»um-e their duties. Among the new *' also g ;ng were ti»e Misses i -a M-t. and Winnie Outhouse. Mr and Mrs W. I;. Melior are up in Minnesota at ti<e .akes where Mr. Me or .- trying to get nd of a nad ■dv 1:1' fever and ge: a rest from t - far :* :*«r dut:es of Uie bip State Fair 1 ue >* id Fellows melon Jest in tlie un. . ox' park .asi Thursday even ing was a very enjoyable affair, a irpr number of the queer people •-wine present Music was furnished •• tie 1 < *. O. F orchestra, arm a •.a a i*i ( »dd Fellowship by Kev. W C. Harper was highly spoken of. N !’ Ve: :>on on Rural Route ff .as- week >st three heifers from b.a k-wrg Hans Ihetr also lost three :<ead from tie same cause, while '-lari >q. .res and Ed Kilpatrick lost **• ea ii. *_ppo*cd to be from the same ca-se >_ndav iast Mr. Xeilson tad las -ierd sixty in number. v*t . iiaied to prevent furtlier cun tagtem • L -rnti returned from < >maha i .ast Friday evening, leaving Mrs. L rent, resting nice > and j from tlie peration for appendicitis, w fiicb res_ ud line preceding Wednes day Added to appendicitis. Mrs. • • Luretitr is reported to lave comp Ix-atKw*. iris.Tie from lieart trouble, which u*e physicians are controlling tn best shape. Last Saturday m.-ming. Mrs. Edgar 1 'taper was ra.ied to Uie home of a sister, near Halmer. and while on the way to tlw UiT*. in passing over a culvert. Mrs. I (rape r was thrown j from Uie auto, breaking both bones it her ijwer nght arm. so bad y that U* t* me- protruded through tlie flash Mr I»raper left Monday morn ing. by 8.tram to be with her. Ix>n't forget the meeting of the • Brotherhooa Sunday afternoon at i 3 o'cioek Mrs. C. Brodow of Chicago is a guest at tlie iiome of Mrs. Viola Odendahi. * Mrs M. C. Mulick was called to i Grand Island Monday by the illness ; of Mrs. Frank Goodwin. Base-ball game this afternoon be tween Ashton and Loup City teams. Everybody should attend. Mrs. Chris Zwink came home from ti.e hospital ;ast Saturday, recover ing nicely from her operation. statistics show that Sherman coun ty has 237 Scandinavian citizens with in its. borders, out of 79.027 in the j state. Herbert Nightingale returned this morning to Lincoln to take up his law school duties, which he will 1 finish this term. Miss Maud Reynolds expects to eave next Monday morning for Fairbury as a delegate from the Loup City W. C. T. U. to the state meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison of ! Turioek, Calif., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Swanson in Webster township, from Friday to Monday last. Miss .less Gulley lias been suffering tlie past week with a blood boil ab her right eye. She expects to return tom rr w morning to take up her studies at tlie State University. Ernie Milburn was down from \r-adia Monday, and while here pur hased a fine single harness >nd elegant laprobe of Hartunek, our harness man Loup City merchants are best. ' >wmg to the absence of Rev. W. C. Harper at conference, there will be onion services of churches at the Presbyterian church this coming s inday morning and possibly in the evening. n Youngjuestof Aurora, father ; Mar>e! S'oungijuest of Logan u wns .p. came np Tuesday evening : erect his youngest grandchild. : i.e httie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar-e Young'iuest. E i Hawk, who will be remembered a- a ;ng met « :th an accident near Yankton. S. I*., s me two montlis a^ resulting in the amputation of - oelow the knee, re t rued home last Thursday. Mr- Ed Had liffe lias been at *.rand Is.-rid t r the past two or i n re wce^v taking treatment for stomach and other troubles. Tlie rep ri that the lady was at the lios j pita lor a surgical operation is inaccurate. I A. C.ark of Ravenna, republi- i cari can iidaie for state senator in tl.i- l*;th district, was a Loup City i i>itor last Friday, and pave this . office a pleasant call. He will add dignity and common sense |to the higher body of our state legislature tins winter. G. II. Lindall of Kearney was here j yesterday looking after his business interests, going to Custer county today He is closing out ail his in-! terests in tiiis country and expects U> return to Sweden in about six m "iithstt- make hi' permanent home. He and w ife a few weeks ago returned from a four months' trip across the , water E. G. Taylor and family drove tot 1 St. Paul last Sunday in their auto, making the distance in two and a half hours and in a pleasing trip un-; marred by accident of any kind. ; When it is know n that Friend Taylor ; had his auto less than a week when ; 1 lie drove it on that trip and return, uni made letter time than many old ..and' at the biz. it will be seen "that j Ed has profited nicely by the in-1 '•ructions of that boss auto seller.; Will Criss The National Amusement Carnival ; i' in full biast here and will whoop tilings up the rest of the week, clos-1 :ng at midnight Saturday night. They were to open up here Monday, hut there was some hitch about tlie license, which nearly prevented them opening up at all. but the matter was adjusted and they got their tents up and to business that even ing and in full swing, save tlie ferris wheel and merry-go-round, which latter were in (full blast by last evening. S S. Reynolds and wife returned home last Saturday noon, having been gone about two months visiting relatives and friends in Aurora and Chicago, ills., and in Iowa. They ped a: F.dgewood and Jefferson. 1 »a where two brothers and a sister f Mr' Reynolds iive. also visited L H Knight and family and L. D. Knight S. F. says the day he visits ed at L. H Knight's they were t!iresiling their small grain, which is ext ra good this year, but the best of a wa1- the good dinner Mrs. Knight set tiefore tlie threshers, which took him back to tlie good times of thirty years ago when that good family wen residents of Sherman county". Mr and Mrs Knight are tlie parents of Mrs (i. Benschoter and lived on the farm now owned by (). S. Fross. | Apples~We have a car of Jonathans. Winesaps and Ben Davis on B. &. M J track, to sell at popular prices Nicoson & Gibson. Shippers. Moon Creek Items Miss Mary Iiomgard is helping Mrs. Clark at the present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lee drove out to Mr. Mfllravy's to spend the day last Sunday. Miss Jennie Hendrickson is work ing for Mrs. Tom Ward this week. A very serious accident occurred at the home of Thos Ward Friday morning, when the eldest son. Del bert. accidently tired a shot gun and struck his J-year-old brother. John. Two doctors were summoned at once I and they removed twenty-five shots I from the little fellows arm and dres^d the wounds. He is getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs l*j»oebe Fross of Marqette. Nebr.. is visiting at the home of her son. O. S. Fross. this week. Miss Mary Smyth lias gone to! Aurora to sew with a dressmaker. The W. C T. 1*. will hold the second Medal Oratorical Contest at i the Cieoria church, about six miles I west of Loup City, on Oct. 7th. com- i mencing at - o'clock p. m. A dm is sion 10c. This will be a good enter-; tainment and we would advise and urge people to attend. Tiie contest will be among six young people, as follows Nora May Henderson. Velvai Fross, Hernice Ruby. Minnie Oltjen bruns. Cora Fross and Robert Hins dale. . Bom. Wednesday, Sept. 14. 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sickles in Washington township, a dainty little daughter. From the inspiring look on Grandpa Bell’s countenance, it would seem that the importance of being grandpa to a little angel has ; elevated him into the seventh heaven. Last Friday morning a little 2-year old son of Thos. Ward, in Webster ! township, was accidently shot by his I k-year-old brother. It seems Mr. Ward had loaded the gun to shoot a hawk that was bothering around, leaving it leaning against the wall in one of the rooms in the home. Later, the older brother attempted to carry the gun into another room, when he let it fall, the gun exploding and the contents burying themselves in the right arm of the infant, most of which passed through the fleshy part of the forearm, only a dozen shot having to be picked out by doctors hurriedly called. At last accounts, 'tiie little patient was doing well, and no serious results are feared. A good joke, and what is better, a true one. is told on two of Loup City's best young men at the late State Fair. On arriving in the city, in stead of hunting up a room the first thing they went out to the fair and enjoyed themselves till a late hour. Coming in from the grounds, they inquired for a hotel and were direct ed to one of the famous hostelries and wended their way thither. Ar riving. as they supposed, at the said hotel, which was brilliantly lighted. ; they stepped in and asked for a room. With a look of surprise, the man accosted repeated their request and asked what they meant. “We want a room." replied the spokesman. I "this is a hotel, isn’t it?” "So." ! gave back the man. “this is an ! undertaker's establishment.” I>raw ! the curtain. District court convened Tuesday, witli .1 udge Hostetler presiding and | Court Reporter Hermanson on duty, j There was very little business eom j ing before the court, which adjourned Wednesday afternoon. The divorce ease of Hendrickson vs. Hendrickson was tried, ending in R. I>. Hendrick ] son lieing granted a divorce from Mary A. K. Hendrickson, and the I court directing plaintiff to give $1,000 | alimony and pa> costs of the suit. | In an interview with R. P. Starr, attorney for defendant, he informed us he been instructed by tiis client to take an appeal to the supreme court. Several other and minor matters were settled, but nothing of special import. District court meets again the latter part of November, th ing an equity session. There will l*e no jury term this year, hence the G. H. Gibson criminal libel case w ill go over till the first jury term of nest year. While Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carlsen. I>r. Longaere and Dr. Allen were going up the valley toward Arcadia last Monday evening by auU*. with I>r. Longaere as chauffeur, and when near the Felix Makowski farm, some twelve miles north, the auto struck a deep chuck hole in the road, sud denly stopping the machine, throw ing Mrs. Carlsen with violence to the road, severely bruising her about the head and face and throwing Dr. Longaere forward, badly wrenching <>ne knee. Mr. Carlson and Dr. Allen in the back seat, were badly jolted, but receiving no injury otherwise. The auto was going at a moderate pace, otherwise the occupants believe they all might have been killed or ladly injured. The entire fault lay with the road, which was in miserable shape and unfit for travel, and it lieing after dark they were unaware of the condition till they met with the mishap. It took the party some two hours to get the auto out of the hole and in running order. Among other cases adjudicated in District Court this week was that of the old Sekutera judgment. County Attorney Mathew filed a motion to have the compromise and release of the judgment made in January 190fi, cancelled and set aside. The court held in favor of this motion and against the defendant Sekutera. This was a judgment for costs in a criminal case in the sum of $14fi.83 rendered against Sekutera in 1901. he being a minor, not yet 21 vears of age at the time. It seems that some question was brought up at the time as to the validity of the judgment, it being rendered against a minor, and same not having been collected for five years the board accepted S50.00 in full settlement and ordered the release of the judgment. The court held that county boards do not have authority to compromise judg ments of this kind and stated in open court that it was not necessary to issue an execution, that "all the talk about the judgment becoming dormant if execution was not issued was twaddle," that “a judgment in favor of the state never becomes dormant whether execution is issued or not." This ought to settle the question as to the Sekutera judg ment for all time, and the county will now get the balance of the money due on the same. 4 A picture of father ant1 mother.”— How it wouid delight\our children, how it would please your friends. Draper’s Studio Notice r 1 am offering for sale a number of 10-acre lots from $90 to $126 per acre. Call soon if you are desiring a sub : urban home in Loup City. A. L. ZntMEKMAN. Notice to My Customers After October 1st. 1 will be located in the new Woznick barn, just west of my present location and south of Gasteyer's store. Come and see me 4t II. G. Hosier. Farmers Notice We want your good wheat and d.. not sell before you get our prices. We also want corn and oats and art paying more than it will net to ship to any terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. Lore City M ill & Lioirr Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska f Sherman County ' The >tate of XeUrask. In (bounty Coon within and for Sbermai countv. Nebraska. Sept 6tb I9lu. In the matter of the estate ol John Dadd u deceased To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said coun ty. on the 31 st day of March. 1911. at ten o'clock a m. to receive and examine a 1 claims against said estate, with a vu w It* their adjustment and allowance The time iimited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 3lst da\ •»! March A. D 11*11 and the time limited * »r payment of debts is one year from said ; , >t dav of March A D. 191!. Witness my hanu auo the seal of said Coun ty Court, this 6th day of September. 19b'. E A **mi h County Jud»* (Last pub Sept. Cloaks and Suits Now is the ? time to se lect your Cloah for the Winter i while there is a nice as sortment to s e I e c t from. r We have them in ALL COLORS and STYLES Bring Your Grain to lls and be assured of honest treat ment and the best market prices. We mill the cele brated White Satin Flour and we can refer you to hun dreds, who will tell you that it is the best Flour milled. Just one trial will eonvinoe you of its value. Ask your Grocer. Loup City Mills Tim is all some people seem to know about the quality of shingles. If shingles were made just to spank children with almost any kind would do. but if you want to keep the rain out of yoer house for rears without repair you will hare to use a differ ent standard to judge by. If You Don't you certainly will be punished for your carelessness. About the worst punishment that a big. grown up man can receive is to know that, he has been “stung". Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock i rille. Schaupps and Arcadia, Neb. SCHOOL SUPPLIES And we are prepared to supply everybody’s needs in School Supplies, such as Tablets, Composition Books, Bookkeeping Books, Note Books, Drawing Tablets and Paper Pens, Pen cils, elates, (_ balk, Erasers, Crayons. \\ ater Color Paii ts. Artists* Brushes, Inks, etc. Swanson & tofhoim Pharmacy $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year I 59,000.00 represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. Which means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in ability to be of genuine service to its clients. It means that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the UUP CITY STATE BANK _Capital and Surplus, §37,500 SPECIALS! WHERE? ' __ __ CONHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd’y THE GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEAD LANDS of the BIG HORN BASIN and YELLOWSTONE V ALLEY are today the garden spots of the country. Several farms are now ready to homestead, and the Government Surveyors art laying out more new farms for new settlers who are lucky enough to Ret on the ground in time to get the choice of these new locations. Our new literature just from the press tells how you can homestead these lands aud repay the Government the actual cost of the water right in ten yearly payments without interess. CARE\ ACT LANDS:—Several thousand acres of Carey Act Lands just opened to entry—only thirty days residence required. The settler beys these lands from the Stau and the pe-.ietual water right from the irrigation company. Long time given to settlers to pay for these lands and water rights. Join our personally conducted excursions the 1st or 3rd Tuesday of each month. Specially Prepared Wyoming Literature just off the press. Write for it today. D. DLEM DEA.YER General Agent, Land seekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnain Street, Omaha, Neb. tL ngiDn Rot'P Cement Blocks We now have a large supply of Cement blocks on hand for_ We are now in position to put in Cement Sidewalks And guarantee to give good satisfaction We are ready to do all kinds of Loup City Cement Block Ccr.:. r; r 'GUY STOUT, Manager.