Deposit Accounts When left on Time Certificate, six months or longer, interest will be paid at 4 per cent Checks and pass books cheerfully furnished to farmers and business men. who are al wsys welcome at the old. time-tried First National Bank. in Strength and Security this bank stands in the front rank among the best banks in the State. _ Capital Stock and Surplus, $37,500 This item added to the important fact that we loan no money to any officer or even stockholders should appeal to those desiring a safe depository for their funds. THE NORTHWESTERN tmi i>iuv.»*crr. is. m-i i rr* Tl^rlt-t ifavtallMft. I 0 0i p. ■ *4, itsr'Iastae Ti»~ ! ard .a# « - '(Btearjb# a* fr s. * wT-nff-. •v-jat—«(>* 1 X* S -W ft*" -mart. |5 Bk # im*T$+ 1 U> a»- ** - A * %: •J3C n ti fi h ’ LOCAL NEWS. --'Tiljsrr * *-r •.-* V ;: . ; V ■ - • _ - • • - ~ . • . -TiUr' App ? lo Heart »rt; at Cos* -i uaJLumn -rt «. .Air.; your bouse Lit* —ad and car. and c .salts it liuctae serv-ant* tie WMl of bsryiar your Mtt meti s sea: unirt »r id- ~ tab Let lirotlers - miW cast. one* — -. ar». • «ak» js*a in at if. < itj Ctt. _* tainted - A and time paid for arfcn Barraia*- im T#«« Prufertj f.-r C - w t 4. li.< : t K*. • 'He te*. 'ten ft.* I . a>; kmd SI a day ao.a . Ti^a to tine H*rctaGMU as* ,.-. rjer «naer. Mm n» M. *t£Z * «. wet ? ci-tcSem- to Lee - ,r. anew rot. w*i»e tie radfc -Eartes r«» v-. Ktd Tatiae caw at* f«»® ,r» 5- ja< -a’ urda? 'x » jki-t ntti, pawnd* and frewfr* _(la ,a*s peace fae *-cC* ®e im hert __ jsered as ;fcJT r»-i | Lmub! Lauv loti' leal [>uie L at at*~» at JAi W- U«r s a.»ay* ua- r« i.x ._ ; - 3trai* -f a.. Isadt. Oall - -»-.>» artM* aniline tieta»t V » *4iik tiiSert amvrd Mto ‘. ‘ ^vue tram bet bow in War. k. and "ill wt frend* Jew e*4»fU« , , fee *a> at v * «wa satarday. >ert. **. i . '•««**. prirm •x- £fa*af PwkpWi * net at -erk. Hr V W M «-*owry auiint n , *vc from U**t trended ^* L Canada and ctier *ta--« „ .jo lair foifc* wtaned - Sau**-' n*rfc*.mv« tj.VS, -X. “ '.**>; Trl y VirkoSatm U* draysan. * ^ mtndacAory *er» »ee ^ at tie K***fcMe- Lein S^s ?^J^S«eSr: or pbone * ip ..4 ,p bew from BfBl^ B« He report f*1 .tL i-att frost* t* tb* ie «ar.y ■*“ plated ba«« —f if e*eryW< Press Drills—Do »«j rant on«? »* *®ic?L1^ tee T- li- before too late to £et tbem n saie at Cookiwr's every Saturday. C* ah ~ee the tie* Cloaks at the LoopOty Mrroniile Co. Bentfc • • wants y. ur hides and will pa? ti*e hijt:-est market price. < r 1 u~ spe< tais on sale every >a‘ ..• :a :n and see. Saturday, ii - arket trice in cash for ■ :• ' a* L*s Br.: liers meat market f • *■ \ enjrtli pier class . •■ 'Ars J vv Burleigh, pi. *».irifi£»>. Ark '1 '>*» • 'llIdvENS are wanted t: » a.* a: uarket. Highest market psid. i- -ter !e»l this morning ■* 1 • «>iJr*v we understand he *! »t *► this winter. • • >f Ladies s.iils ?nd a. s t e Lojp City Mercantile * i 'a ami see them I.-e Brother* c*f tf;e lhooeer meat arket »: ;>ay you the highest casl. price f • »; 'ing chickens !ra E W: :atns last week pur :.a~ed a Sne do h p Buick aut» t: VVm Cris®. of this city v>e are pay in* 36 cents cash for r am ;* irered at tiie creamery. Ravcsu t KtiXEBY C«. r u 'ii.t Liwn s» ing and severa, otiirr i. -t»o.d articles Lock Rein. For 'it- Mr residence in east L _p <'it v: or will trade same for *ei «stax* Waltee VamcE. Mrs. > V ‘ ns- and little son left V nisi to attend Use fair at Broken B » ani ' ;>it friends in that city. F r sa.e Light carriage and top :>-c£} nearly new t all juick and ret uarrain p.-ice at First National Bank 1 are »i.oen wire of ai: sites. and best Barbed a ire at prices that will save >i>u -ney L X Smith. 'phone “ on ir Mis Fran* Nightingale and chil .--n 1-,’lrrr frum University I'iare 'i'-itinc : • parents, Mr and Mrs. J II Fraehiich. La i --' r-a at f'oni.iser sany Satur da and v a: rnd special bargains n «a • ». p.eise you and sue Ti>ar p» rfcethook. Vrs Ira E VVi.iixir.s a me home fn»s j'u- :< Colo., last Saturday e • : rennc rapidly from iier r- rn: a . i-nt in a runaway. If- » a-it a dray. pi*one A. L. En -• rf. t n or leave your order w:*. e.ffT -steT yard or E. (1 Ta r :X of service guaranteed. J:.s.n B.,\eu. «iiO ha' had charge ’ a chair in the Yount tarter shop,, -ft with iji> family Monday for t\ • >;—n a new lartier shop, w jertran and a real estate m named G.idden from Wi Kansas »a' here on bush a dav> the early part of the Ji» i- A'1 e'. t'«nr«r. Frank ■ -i—ir -«1 ». J. * •dendaiil leave •j - re Saturday on a trip ut> I: jrk county for a fortaicht s am; and Us ing. V -' ' Haves, mother of Mrs. j V \ •'.m. .-ft Monday morning • * • . •ni t'repr »n. to dispose of p.r r:» nte-est,' there, after wu»ci. s: wih return here. Mr and Mrs V, L. Zinimsrtnan and daughter *hoe Miss E’va r* : »r a onger visit. \;r- e I*avis formerly employed t td »c T;me> here, lias eased the - Independent fora year He . 4 - and »: make tiie paper u * we la»e no doubt. V;— \nnaSyas »enl to Cotesfieid M *>ia- for a visit, and wi’,; return alter part of the week accom panied to :er motlier who has t»een I- -3. - .atives there and at Ord. :L 'tar- attended the Roosevelt n at inr.alia and had tl«e - . A1 fa few minutes conversa -; n * both tiie ex-president and '■ na'-'T I»• liver on tiie issues of tiie, Ml t The sid Fellows and Rebekalis • i.a • a watermelon social in the art . use square this evening. • eat er permitting. otherwise to be ,,.d in their ball. Rev. Harper a ill deliver an address j F NTcosvm and " T. Gibson ,,.nt d »wn into the Fern country x. a and purchased several car «»ds f apples for distribution at • :i' ,».-it. one car load of which is now on ti week and are so overcrowded that the school board is fitting up the basement of the high school; building in good shape toaccommo-l date the fourth and fifth grades. It I is claimed fuliy one hundred more • have registered than wa> expected at the most, the increased registra tion from the country districts being unprecedented. Mrs Robt. Pritchard was called to Callaway last Friday by the serious condition of a younger brother who was shot and seriously injured while tie and two other hoys were visiting a watermelon patch, owned by a cousin, and w ho came suddenly upon the boys and emptied the contents of a shotgun into them, the young brother of Mrs. Pritchard getting tl»e most of the shot in his back and legs It is thought lie will recover. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the shooter. Frank Kennedy returned to Auro ra last Saturday. Re expects to more up Itere next spring and take personal supervision of his land holdings.— Loup City Northwestern While we do not anticipate that our wishes in this matter will be con sulted. »c do here and now protest again-: this contemplated removal from Hamilton county of the Frank Kennedy family, for the reason that we need such people here. We can not quite understand why tliat Loup City country attract.- so many good Hart.ill n county people, unless It might be the persuasive powers of tlie Northwestern, the official booster of Sherman county.—Aurora Repub lican. It may not be generally known that our good friend. J, C. Wall of Hazard is a full hedged editor of a newspaper, but such is the case. In this western home, he is editor in chief of a neat little German ci urt'i paper published at Scottdale. I*a . of four pages a copy of which lies before us. While we can not read the matter readily, our German tongue not being able to twist properly, tet knowing Kro. Wall as we d and knowing him to be a - . tarly ecu:-eman and thoroughly: pr ~ :ent in his mother tongue, as »e!l as a teaclier of the English ^nguage. we are satisfied he makes! a capable editor and writer for tlie publicstion. Our German friends are inviued to call at the office and examine the interesting periodical. Tlie Fats and Leans had anotlier >et to at Jenner s I'ark Tuesday after no m and the scarecrows won out bv a score of 13 to 4 over their beefv adversaries. Tlie game was not al together a contest between light and heavyweights, as it was impossible for the Fats to muster into tlie game m re than three big ones, filling out with cadaverous bipeds. However, it was quite interesting to the Leant-- and as equally discomfiting to the Fat contingent. What we want to see is a real game in which the Fats will a'.i tip the beam at the weigt - of Arthur. Mulick and Long, while the shadows will be equal in ieng:: and thinness to Starr, Stout and Hempstead, and all tlie players know as little about the rules of the game the editors of tlie Times and Northwestern, and about as proficient at fanning tlie molecules in the ait and catching the ball. Millinery Opening Tlie Millinery Opening of Mrs. Ida Lambert's new and latest styles of Millinery goods will be this week Frida' and Saturday. Sept. Ik and It. Tlie ladies of Loup City and vicin ity are cordially invited to call and inspec t the goods Next door to the Electric Theatre. Notice to Hunters All sportsmen are hereby notified tliat 1 will allow no bunting on my farm id Webster township, two miles west of Loup City. Kindly take due notice of this warning M. A. Gilbert. Apples—We have a car of Jonathans, Winesaps and Ben Davis on B. it M. track, to sell at popular prices. Nicoson it Gibson, Shippers. The Texas Exhibit Among the most interesting ex hibits at the state fair this rear is that of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Co. of this city. During the past year this company has sold twenty thousand acres of land ad joining Francetas, Tex., a new town thev are establishing, to Nebraska people, and tliey brought the exhibit to the fair to show their customers the products of the land, as a large number of purchasers expect soon to make their permanent homes there. This section of Texas grows, as shown in the exhibit, oranges, tigs, pears, apples, peaches, cranberries, tobacco, cotton. Japanese persim mons. peanuts, rice, and In fact most everything that is produced from the soil. Some of the m jst interesting things to Nebraskans are a four-year-old orange tiee full of halt grown oranges, a kumquat tree tilled with fruit, a tig tree ready for the harvest and cotton as it grows in the field In addition to the novelties named, the exhibit contains such staples as sugar cane, kaftir corn, broom corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, melons and all kinds of garden produce, samples that attest the productive quality of tiie gulf coast lands. There are also many views of scenes presented which bespeak the character of the land and its fine home-making capacities, and altho' tliat is not generally looked upon by Nebraskans as a corn.grow ing coun try. this exhibit contains specimens of as tine corn as can be grown any where. taken from the lands of this company. This entire exhibit was collected upon two days' notice, but it is of a character to attract much attention and admiration. It is almost immposible to believe that this exhibit can display field corn of superior quality, raised on the ]gulf coast, and yielding ninety bushels to the acre, but that is just what the attendants at the booth are prepared to show. Nebraskans who are interested in agricultural pursuits will find much to interest them in this exhibit.— Lincoln State Journal. Only A Dollar Now The Lincoln Ikailv Journal has cut' its price to a dollar from now until j January l. lull. without tlie Sunday.' Tl>e big Sunday paper will Ik* added for only a quarter extra, theiefore ; most people will no doubt take the i *1.35 worth. This makes an exceed ingly low price during a specially in teresting time, as nearly Jevery fami ly will want a Lincoln paper during i the next few montlis. The State j Journal's reputation as a free, in dependent. clean newspaper willj prove of special advantage during; the warm campaign now begun. The paper stops when the time is up: without any holice from you wliat-i ever, so U»< you see it is ho plan to get you started and then force the paper on you. Bixby. the poet-philosopher of The Journal, is worth the price of admis sion himself. Statd telegraph is aj strong feature and sporting cranks are well satisfied The thing above i all others is tite fact that wlien you ; see anything political in The loufnal that its for the benefit of tbe people at large and not for tbe selfish political interest of the ow ners. No booze ads. no nasty medical ads no fraudulent investment schemes. Fact is. its the kind of a paper you want ' in your family. Why not try it a; dollar s worth at this cut priced Mrs. DcWitts MILLINERY OPENING Sept 16 and 17 At the Golden Rule Store A few of my goods have arrived and new goods will be coming in even week. If you are looking for nice hats at a very low price, the Golden Rule is the place to buy. Call and get prices anyway before buying. Low prices sells goods here. Watch fer my variety goods, which will be here in about two weeks: then you will get an eye-opener on prices. Two doors east of >»xnson-Lofholm drug store Notice 1 am offering for sale a number of lo-acre lots from to *135 per acre. Call soon if you are desiring a sub urban home in Loud City. A. L /.HOlKR* AN Notice to My Customers After October 1st. I will be located in the new Wornick bam, just west of my present location and south of Gasteyers store t\>me and see me, •tt II. 6. IhesiKK. Formers Notice We want your good wheat and do not sell before you get our prices. We also want corn and oats and are paying mote titan it will net to ship toanv terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. Lore Cmr Mill & Lietrr Co. Moon Creek Items For tite benefit of the readers of the Northwestern I will give tite result of an account kept by myself ! of the butter sold from 15 cows, be ginning with last February and end ing with July, proving that It yays to milk cows and make butter. 1553 pounds of butter in six months at 25c- per pound, or *3$S.2f>. also not counting tire amount used In a fami ly of ten persons, or an average of 135.88 i cow in six months, to sav i nothing of the milk feeding 35 calves.; Will somebody please give an account of how much they make selling cream in the same time. Mas. O. S. Fross. Eugene Miller is suffering from rheumatism Austin Hendrickson is cutting corn tills week. Look for the announcement of our next contest in next weeks' paper. Mrs. Austin Hendrickson called on Mrs. Angier Tuesday afternoon Miss Velva Frees was taken over to lier school Monday morning. She is teaching seven miles north of Loup City. A. O. Zimmerman's new house makes another improvement to our neighborhood, which we are always glad to see. Mr. A. Bergstrom has been on the sick list, but is able to be around again. He was up to Fross to assist in the erection of the scaffold. Steps are being taken to put in a new steel bridge over Moon Creek, which will be highly appreciated bv the many people who travel over this read. James Lee has been "working with O. S: Fross and three sons, helping them erect a silo, and after its com pletion they will move down to Mr. Lee's place to erect a 150-ton silo for him. Mr. Fross' silo has a capacitT of 100 tons and took them a short day and a half to erect. Anyone wishing to know anything about building a silo, call on either Mr. Lee or Mx. Ikon. Clothing Well Bought Is Half Sold My line for fail is now in. Don’t forget to look my line over^ I can save you money by buying at the right place—of Cloaks and Suits Now is the time to se lect your Cloah ior the lir while there is a nice as sortment to s e I e c t from We have them in ALL COLORS and STYLES We Can Give You soaie ad vie tiiat mill lie of value U> you next baaing day. It is. He that the Flour is White Satin Brand »f you would have Ute very best results in your baking. This Fleur Has Etriwd for itself a creat reputation because of its unifonnity In quality. T^ke our advice and later you'll thank us. Loup City Mills make it » —■ -.1— I That is all some people seem to j know about the qualitr of shingles. If shingles were made just to spank children with almost am kind would do. but if you want to keep the rain out of your bouse for rears without repair you will hare to use a differ ent standard to judge by. If You Don't you certainly will be punished for your carelessness. About the worst punishment that a big. grown up man can receive is to know that be ‘ has been “stung". Keystone Lnber Go. Yards at Loup Oitv. Ashton. Rock ville, Schaupps and Arcadia, Neb. SCHOOL SUPPLIES And we are prepared U» supply everybody’s needs in School Supplies, such as Tablets. Composition Books, Bookkeeping Books, Note Books, Drawing Tablets and Paper Pens, Pen cils, Slates. Chalk, Erasers. Crayons. Water Color Paints. Artists' Brushes, Inks, etc. Swanson & Lofholm Pharmacy LET M GROW TOGETHER $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year 59,000.00 represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. Which means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in ability to be of genuine service to its clients. It means that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank. There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the IMF HTISTATE BANK Capital ami Surplus, £37,500 SPECIALS! NHXStB5 ev«ys?£2^, SST***** - ■ rV^di> -,T_\ou «*® v;'^a^etn t«e *“4 S* *4*^ eo uvs’eau re^c** tni«lbe e^xeo AedV> Lit*** ^^-•1 ^ »»rt B«“” R«®'” ■ v»>is oo-5 Ve®*1*1 -Trintotnrt, ^ \o To^»^6^'4Ann> ' ^b V° AUio=* ^%nd U>* ^H*e *« C** . VO ^ 1st to l^» *nd v •*■* \V»5 K*1*" A ,VW»T l'~ .. «w ^pl*’ diTtscE roovefti «d vnD* “V_T tod-d*® B «* 1^: «* *** _. vs.-1'- 'r‘r“:.,.ji u> vi fcscur^ *nd O»fot««* *• vs. VO ^ .-- - Ko**- „d 3rd T®***^* \» *~r*£i*****' uoca, MW* , *** •*»*• * Cl'S?’ lEUSOt* Otna"* Ce«^Us *• n®*. , rM SUPP^f tv»'*e *,'Sn6h»«'<* ' Cero ^nt” S‘de^S nf\6»»v.. goo^ii j°riS »«« ftfjjStfr, »*ana6er'