Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney-at-law. LOUP CITY. SEBR£SE£. R. J. NIGHTINGALE &T2T IS LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Practices in all Courts Loup CStT. Neb. R. H. MATHER. Attorney-at-Law, A t».J itowird Abuvtor. _ I Loup City. Nebraska <>. K. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TSUCPBONE CALL. NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON niai. M IMk. ml Minn T ■. Dmr» En»: ml Tr 'm pm urn IVitral Loop City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City. Nebr. * etc* U Umdrt** Teiepiiooe t .nnectioo ROBERT P. STARR Successor bo M H. Mead' Bonded Abstracter L«ocr Crrr. - Nebraska. Otiy set of Abstract books ia coast j > S. A. ALLEN. OEJT TIST. LOCP CITT, - - NEB. Oftee Bp stairs >b tbc Dr* State Back baildiar. w L- MARCYm DEXTIST, LOUP CITY. NEB OFFICE: East Si4r Pabiic Souate. HERBERT E. GOOCH & CO. Bl hik I . m»A IM-±mrr. n Grain. Prnuisiuns and Stncks i'niile ttinr. Lwcot iioisr t.4 rbiraco ^ Fifty • •*<» m Nrtea»ia j* T. A. CLARK. - MANAGER Fun* 14, St ltd. Nebr DR. J. It GREGG OTEfilNARY SURGEON i !»w >iiro in U>u|i ( it>. mitli lUr tauttiaa a? pcmrtk tngr \ * tenia ty M(4iaie '.rprn and 1 v«t;>:n Ali alb a;u«iM to dai or Nebraska Military Academy. Lincoln B. D. Hayward. Supt. Ln*wts. Kenu»u THE NORTHWESTERN Office Phone. - 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 S. W. Kfautifl. Eitti M Dirty Political Work The Times - Indpendent Gets Early Start Loup litv. Xtbr.. Sept. 9th. 1910 Lditor S«tli»(sleni. In-ar Sir: You iiaie no doubt seen in a reivnt issue erf the Merman County Times In dependent tiie slurring remark made relative to Mr. II. 1‘. Starr of Loup City, but that it may have escaped your attention 1 \eniure to quote it be re: "Around Ashton political senti ment seems to be iargelv in favor of ltahiman for governor, pre sumably on account of his posi tion on the liquor question, [•ahitnan »a> to liave spiiken at the carnival lie Id at Ashton last week. Failing to appear. R. P. Starr of Loup City spoke in his place. Mr. Starr's remarks, praising the citizenship of I>ahl and comparing his states manship and tiie obstacles he has surmounted witii Uiose of our be loved presidents. Lincoln and Washington. were received with appiause by many of the Ashton people it would seem that Dalil man is going to gel tite support of some republicans." It s»enis to me. Mr. Editor, that j tl«e glaring error, or mis-statement in tiie above requires some sort of an answer, and being cliairman of the Republican county central committee perhaps tliat duty devolves upon me. Tliere can be no question that tiie slurs and remarks contained therein are made to besmirch tiie character and injure the standing of Mr. Marr. tiie republican nominee for tiie office of county attorney, before tiie voters of Sherman county . Tiie .itUe village of Ashton had prepared itself for a gala dav on tiie event of the “Old Settlers Reunion" and tiie citizens of that village and 1 neighboriiood had spared neither time nor money in decorating their streets, in evidencing their loyalty to tiieir country, by the [>arade and the h listing of hundreds of our country's ffag They provided three bands 1 L> discourse patriotic and inspiring musk*, and hundreds of tiie good pr pie of Merman county gathered there to do lionor to the pioneers and i old settlers, to greet tiie white-haired latliers and mothers who were the first home builders among the hills and valleys of Sherman county. The first day neither Mr. Starr or myself were present the second day) was fit for tiie entertainment of the most prominent citizens of any community: . tiie right hand of fellowship greeted j one at every turn, every moment of ! tiie time one was greeted with smi es and our hearts were warmed with j tiie loyal sincere hand grasps, which , so often mean more than words. , Among tiie entertainment provided Mr. Starr was called upon after, as , we know, the very brief opportunity , fur preparation, to make a speech loi that itappy. smiling and eager audi ence It is seldom, indeed, tiiat more marked attention is ever given to a ^ public speaker in an audience of this iciiaracter than was given to Mr. Ntarr during tiie twenty minutestliat these people were afforded an oppor tunity of liearing him. 1 stood in | tiie midst of tiiat gathering: 1 heard every word which was spoken by Mr. starr. and by otliers upon tiie same piatform with him. ami let me here -ay to you that tiie author of tiie s ..rrimr extract quoted from the j M erman t euntj Times-Independent. !eiti«er did nut hear Mr. Starr's speech ■r otherwise prides himself in seeing t. w fir Ije can get from tiie truth of what Mr. Marr said. Ilisiudwd taatbvsoiue when one i' required to defend himself or de j !ri»i a friend for the part lie took in ! pleasant houie-coming: that magnificent. old >ty le. common. every h»> reunion of the people of Ashton and vicinity. It i> >ad to see the ■ Atasioa marred hy per-onal villitka t* * and downright falsehood. Our i memories of tliat occasion would be p easant, for Utere wa> naught to dis turb or mar. save this unhappy at tempt to twlittie tlie speaker by dv~ ..te-rately mwj.«.:ing and misstating his 'peoh and utterances, which » -i»ds ;ikr the efforts of one wliose s ho did mu enter into tlie liappy spirit of lint beautiful day. but who desired to slur tlie day. tie evasion and tlie village of Ashton, and to make political capital out of hi' i^n raise v*f what was said. or. otherwise, by tlie manufacture of ab s 4* fa-eboods. for Mr. Starr did I n t by a sine e word or act. from tlie p atlerm. on llu! day "commend tlie , cuarensiup of Itaidman.' nor did lie oeipirt ids v|uarr l*eal in politics, and there 'os lung been an urgent demand in < tlie platforms of both political par ties for "clean politics.'' Has tlie Times-Independent failed bo pul its ear to the ground and lieard the whis perings ak HAY TOOLS Are now the order of the day. Our stock is com plete and the prices are right. HAYflUpST-GALL/*WAY HDW. COMING! Loup City Sept. 19-24--6 Days National Amusement Company — | The Cleanest Show on Earth! Giving a Reproduction of the Famous World's Fair, Chicago. 10 BIG CLEAN SHOWS 10 Merry - Q-o - Round! ■-— 2 Grape! Free Attractions 2 •A. FERRIS WHEEL UNIFORM CONCERT BAND! Will Positively Exhibit Here Sept. 19, 20. 21. 22, 23 and 24 Believe No False Statements to the Contrary! $25 Nebraska To poipts ip California Low One-Way Colonist Fares in Effect Daily from October 1 to October 15, 1910. Union Pacific Through trains--comfortable tourist sleepers excellent dining car meats and service For tickets and general information, call on or address your local agent READ: “Arirona, the 47th Star,”—hr Gor. Richard R Staui over the Electric Block Signals G. W. COLLI PRIEST ONE DOLLAR! Will pay for The Lincoln Daily State Journal mailed to your address anywhere in the country outside of Lin coin and suburbs from now until JANUARY I, 1911 Add only 25 cent* and the Big Sunday Journal will be M*toded-*1:8§ for Daily and Sunday This offer is for Mail Subscriptions only. Why not order today* Be Sure to Look Over Our TPUNJCS AND VALISES We Have the Goods at the Right Price H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 250 No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. ^ LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud Citv Neb. —AK-SAR-BEN 1 CARNIVAL AND PARADES. OMAHA 1 Sept. 28th to Oct. 8th. 1910 TK BH JOLLY CARNIVAL EVENT OAT " — — - ' " ii in ■ Nil A Snri lllltorj Himnrt Entj Bq ty 1.1 Rtp!* Imps. : * COOP tine-ycwll nave loin or NELP FOR THE LEADING MAKES OF AJST3D Gall and See What Gan Be Shown Right At T. M. Reed’s ■?? YORK COLLEGE »'° Do you want an Education in Collegiate Work. Acaaemy, Normal Courses leading to state Certificates «-~CT. B«i^ Shorthand, k* Orato^T k for a \ ork College Catalogue. It will convince you that our rmtes »re the lowest and our advantages the best Fall B^8°F*£Sel>,en’lh'r,2th 0ver 500 s‘“denu each year. We Are i wmtBg To Save You Monev ToPrepare You for a Good* Position lo Make You an Educated Youth Are You Willing Wm. L Schell, D. D. President, York, Nebr.