The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 08, 1910, Image 8

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R‘»e» Caps Was IV N»~t Once
i»e» te Tips When They
Were Rafced —St*.-5«d Ap
p*es Retpvn»er.ded
Tte'h Pays—Aa old name for ap
Wm baked a thn- skins was “black
•N* ' A rerlp* r ita-ed ia ITS4 «oe
^ ‘Tire II—<■»» Xee Recipes'—
tbcrv Ease bee* fire hundre J new
'*■ sw * year erer can—Is as foJ
«*•* To —ake black caj* —Take a
dc*e« <4 jtpT-icr. rat the— la
IsaIce* and take «n*t ?be ceres; then
J*»'» ’!•» Is a tipit Kazarian dish
■Wj»b tie fPtf oa **!C ttl Side bisa
ward*.; pw to rfceec a rerr little
awe'. scrape C— tbe— *«# k—f
•veer pot the— :a a bat ore* until
'be *j» I tret black and tout
bp*de» te—der serve tbeta on plater
e'rer d oter writ rejof*
*>»**•* app’er owed to be 'be far or
r' —4 aia—wt (be only kind tf Ippln
*—k -d fiat Is. (a parts of the
c—rrr old srrlar!* is Ve* Est
■w* k*t'» bad a taster rf sweet
•Re tree* tbcjtsd'ts tie- r***t I-> sd
which was ;«*d !<r nder apple
•see. aaade with bulled cider; bat
'Wee* at'pi** ar«- rot so r—os te
•be -Tie* Darts be}* " Sweet apples
need no * car a»d ffcear skies always
**r* dark when they are cooked.
They art **«.* *RR walk 'Maked
ap; ':“» abd «J3T were tsar* cnesid
e«i «—e ad the special delicane* of
the faS waw*
T« bake rook*** apptes soar ones
«d rj«r»» n<« st-cs da not readily
•s»i»cl.n «e, j a* aow be
•— * *«**•.« a triora! aid a. tab to
An »ogo-j*-sided way e# coukbw tbi*
•»*«■> ly whose—.* fruit If apples
ve iukH slowly tier ibm will be
* laaror a* soft as tie fctrtde and tbe
,'drt «** jut theta will jeUr
E*-k> 4 Apples —Select four nice,
few ajpln —} rcr Pi! each with
**RW and a lew tr —eats chopped
a*d a t- nrb of ciazsm-a* Pot a little
iv* water te pa* and bake ca* i teb
der There trT to a little sirap afte*
-we* are *r> add a ITtle of tils
"o each apple ^pd nn* rt—:
*"*4t Apples —'» »«t and tore four
sad ®5 Tt«B wfk chopped
date*. st*ar. as} a u*» bit of
***** **ut tbe— te a takiac I—*
w'ttb aa tech of water sad te' every
•»* —OSes Stfie tnlrtny
ARk* - AuS ana core
erH apples. sto* with
waiters and raisins, add
*U P*C a piece of batter <—
*«» l*ui te pa* with Dnk water
o—d at* t* a tpoSeraie orea sen*
wltt e—
Meat Sa »;
Tahe w- half parka*. <d *- A«n
aeekaf r-apfs! of nU water <ae
kJ! csij/u- of ttoffu pk» of one
'••a. oae pm* of bocila* water. <ae
kUT nyfd of watar oat teaspooefu!
«4 «X 'wo capfuls «t celery cm la
nt-c dee*. (we cst|#Bi of fiaeiy shred
•e* rakai *. oat fourth of a caa of
•wee* ~* peppers 'patst<e«> cot
•a Ftr»- wak pelatla is nil »*•«.
* WO a»i>* addle.* Ufihc water.
•»Ta»*ar ",-ts.t* Jslee sa*ar aad sate.
bff** hew let k coot uazfl k starts
to set. iedare addia* the other Is
**-*»••* Tat kit- moide and ha*»
• oW «sr sens* This salad it I dr
««b-<d s'easaraartaest to aay taea:
(Worse It also is especially prac
tlrai tor It xta* he kept a seek be
I«se snt* This salad Is serred
a tartars leaf, or ta arms*- pee*, or ta
r-d or *reea pepper case* This will
*»*i« 3k |n npir
_ewM wr*er ewr the reWuoe
aad Wee* m«r hofMcc water mil It is
f'eter* rests halted »B flats eate
e tilled aad freeef sritfe Freoch
<wtae> i | make eare*lew and rlvnap
m* aalada
f If
tof **• is a rwt {
»a* tairta f rtoor Jar **» mnta a !
Jo* f pu of ik4 rtta
aarr «•>’ pW*t ^tra->* * ' rr-uek I-H.a*
Hffc a r-or fl «< knur- «r»trr
Wmo» tfcr JaV* u4 to rock on"
•a»» »ar taUrnana'sh procri
' Wr t»r of *B»or »M| tlirtt*
a*f taw* af p-aH! r r.t»r*>- Tta
•tar '—*«»» *■> *Ma to T* FWm* •» r
V-"'"* a"** nri fcwW aa*4 **n- >rr*a
a*r*r< or loaf* altowr-* to rook qt--r*
»»* all Or »r*nr« *0* f* tntBvtr* at:
ilar taf a* >**»♦-* ta-to-a co'f >44
r pm •* ta» per too* Frrwt
toorr* arrua ffcr «;■ to a»4 totl*
ratap *to orb
Crr»m *>•
•n» * *arrrpaa rtr oortaalf o» a
«S*V- of l*it*o. tarn •jk'*
*«*•%» of toftr t*4 oar roofal a.'
* ' o -rat on* fcrot to tHr loxlir; mar*
ft* art irarf H> tmafi I r< "tm~
*« a ***** akk Tor- of
•oar *o»r »44l Otar tostra rjr; an*
»tl oik'aaoM- f* "* tfcr amr
■ *t*» Ivor art •*•♦* r*"»W' *Hr
Hat • txfV »H*wr tnf to
•Hr tor ftmtaf oaffl tHJ'-V——t
•"•ra*o •* otar tr* oort of *•***
.Harr* olktf* r*-Hk Pm aottot
Jr k»**l *» aioarf a-ptH 011 1 I ft nr »
i ! 1 m Tnl *f tt*l »tw* onr qoartr*
«r a wipwkH w »*et
Combination of Caret Ccm With
Other Cd bles Makes a f/.cst
Appetizing Dish.
Husk half a dozen ears of nic*
'•ret (orj. rmov- every vestige of
th* sitk ard rut -fce corn from the
t cb Pu» -be robs In a large sauce
pan. breaking lr> two if necessary to
make them fit ta Pour a pint of
! water tr«t-. (t,e sauce nap. cover closely
acd let the cob cook for half an hoar
estrict their flavor. Measure the
< m cut iron the cob. add to It an
—:ual quantity of -helled lima beans.
* th<- boots in tlie saucepan. Laving
first removed the cobs, and add .
ei* :gh milk to coier. Cook until the |
beans are soft enough to be easily
r.Serfcd *;'h a fork, then add the corn
-tnd < k fire minutes Season with
sai* ; • n r and a little sugar and
5 lenty of butter Stir a heaping tea
of flour it a cup of rich milk,
ther st.' through the lean and corn
" store to -lightly th-ckvn. Cook just
‘■o mirtres and serve
At: ’her way of making succotash
i* to mis equal quantities cooked
shelled b-ans and corn boiled and
-t from the col>. then reheat and
n with salt, fiepper. buto-r and a
e sugar and some of the water In
wbn-h the beans were cooked.
3 rectio-i for Cleaning Frag;!e Arti
cles Which Will Be Well
Worth Remembering.
I* w*-1 ze chumoi? gloves do no! i
wviLg ti a or even gqueere very dry
» with • -d" ary glove cleaning Th*
si in* pul! easily and breaks
•he tend-r fabric
Put ti - r ' sec gkrve« Into a thick
Turkish towel ana press out most of
'he moisture, th- n hang them in %
strong c rr -r.' of air to dry Fasten
h- pa’r together by buttons and hang
wi*h fingers down.
The of which many wo
"-•■fi attfaJt in cham-Ms g!ov» wash
r.a can V overcome by drying tb«
cFwe* on tie hand aPer they com*
l*'« th- Turkish towel and a lew
rainu'-cw airing
it it z- :::i> until dry The hear of
h»bd makes this drying a quicker
t'>- • -« 'Lac nm-t lo&ra imegine.
ltd there is little danger of taking
lk» not tegle-- rinsing as well as
waiting in «»«apy wafer if you do not
wish your gloves to stiffen.
Dr ed Acpis Cake.
Soak a cup and a half of dried or
evaporated apples over night in cold
water, then stew sufi the day before
using in a half cupful of molasses,
''tram together one cup sugar and
half cup butter Add two-thirds of a
cup sour milk then the apples and
neat *wo well-beateu eggs a teaspoon
ful cloves, two t^aspoeafuls cinnamon,
a grating of nutmeg and three cupfuls
of flour sifted three times over with
a half t^aspoonful soda Mix thor
oughly using the hands Have ready
one cupful seeded raisins two-thirds
of a cupful of currants and a little
shredded citron A lew finely chopped
butternut or hlckorynut meats ar- an
addition Put a layer of the barter
In a paper-Uned cake tin. then sprin
kle In some of -he fruit and nut mix
ture. Follow with the dough, then
more fruit, and so on. having it- bat
ter at the tap Bake In a slow bread
oven, covering the cake with a but
tered paper if -Defined to brown too
fast on top
Coefisb Hash.
Hashed codfish Is a vacation of the
familiar “halls - which t« easier to
prepare and to many minds more
It makes a good breakfast change
now and again
Put the salt fish over the fire In call
water and when It begins to boil
take ft f-tm the water and shred It.
Vlx it with a* much mashed potatoes
as ftafc Add a teuwpoonfu! erf butter
and a tablcsimonful of milk to each
cup of potato Melt a tab'espoonfui
of butter in the pan end put la the
fish Took ylllatU stirring until a
brown crus* forms on the bottom
Fo'd like an omelet and serve wph
b’tie foidoven of buttered brown
Bouts Yeast Bread.
Slifr very this two medium sized
white potatoes, put Into a tins* crock
•ltd add a tabWnooafol of sugar.
*hiee tabl-'sptvmfi.l* of meal one t*>a
•noosfn! of salt and two cups or boll- j
-ng *a»*-r Set In a warns place until
tr.omirg In the coming. after the
nurture baw stood abort twelve hour*.
3~nit rt the water and add t«« It two
tea caps of heated swee* milk, onw
* ■ a«i«e>rfal of salt one taMospoonful
•f - nr and enough fl mr to cake a
stiff barter Set in a warm pit;* un
til l.tb*. tb*n add a pinch o* soda and
, -L> ■ - - . j . * vi \v, i< r - -
«o trakr a s*.ff do; gh knead well,
•wake Into kmes. s.t there to rise,
tbea tv*; t
Crtrr \wa*
Peat two ergs lig'-t and tOd to *
ptrs* *■«»— cream into «ti!i h a te.«
rorortfvi sod-, he* b»?n b»j>« Vd 1
half a ineinootul wait an I fr| ■« }
make a tb«e b*»*er P.i -t in we'l- '
C"e-«ed waffe jeon* which «r e=t *•*
•df’-g let Torn the iror. the mo
meet jj tv t! ed. s*srt it- sod it. a few
rw«*»ents tnm agam \Vhe»> the i
Be* en boivn on both sides place
t*> laverw and setve very hot cuu'r.g
through the 'aytrs to serve Eat with
pi*r.*j of butter and honey
t aa'iBower Saute
Cut a Bead of csulidower I* *a
rloee* bol' until trader In wnlted *v ’
•er arvr drw’r well Put two la'ile I
rrvwaifvts of better into r frying (vvn i
»t«; brown sl'gfctlv then add *fc# 1
canllttow-er and eerie choppe-l par*
lew P-oaw writ Lout burning a_J
sen e hot
Cvrrted Ect*
Frt as onion in butter ove* It
-wake a saace of milk and flour and
a tw**roo-f ii of cuut nowder Cut
hard bo*Itd egg* Into halves arrange
them on a deep dish, pour the curry
mlUiiir over them and arrange a clr
• <e of bo-'-t rfoe around them U«p
ctwh with |ajf!n
It is not difficult to trace the reo nt
wonderful brace by the Pittsburg
champions to the •'rounding to" of the
veterans on the team. Wagner. Clarke
and Leach are unquestionably the
backbone of the combination, and
while those three stars were out of
their stride the club continued in the
rut. They are going like mad now.
however, and turning the laugh on the
critics who declared m miuseason that
they were all in It is doubtful if any
one of the three ever played better
ball than at present, and therein is
found the real secret of Pittsburg's
spurt toward the top of the ladder
The work of Wagner. In particular,
is the cause of no little enthusiasm.
The big fellow is stinging the bail
again in the style that made him the
batting wonder of the age in his best
days lie is comfortably over the
300 mark m» now and is still climb
Umpire COi’ifiower l- said to resem
ble Connie Mack in appearance and.
act tons.
Prank Arellanes has been released !
by the Hed Soi to the Sacramento
• Call club.
President Heds-'s o* the St I^ottis
Americans has released Pitcher Kin
seila and Outfielder Ulsher to the !k*c |
ver club of the Western leacje
"Red" filter «T Ti>e IXjbuque i lt>» a *
team tied Cy Yoarp - record, allow ins
no hits and no Uarcnport player to j
reach first in a nine-innirp pime
Tommy I.each handled twenty-two
out of twenty-three chances without
any hesitation In the revent Brooklyn
pan.* s ''Tommy the Wee" is playinp
a prand came in ’he outfield
American lerpue fans have practic- i
ally conceded the p» nnan; to Phila
delphla. The slump Boston has taken
on It wes’erp trip ha« practically set
tled the chances ’he Besneaters.
Jimmy JlcAleer thinks the Athletics
will win from the Cut's If they play
In the world's s<" tee Manager Jim
thinks th" Philadelphia pitching staf
has a little something on the Cubs'
t'aker Bo-ton of the Ottumwa Cen
tral association team h.m been signed
to play first base tor the Brooklyn Na
tionals. llonon firs: attracted attee
•Ion while playing with the CeutraUa
White Sox.
Hugh Jennings does not say-It i<
haul luck that has kept the Tigers
down this year, but candidly admits
it has been poor playing Overcoufl
derce was the start o{ the downfall o' j
th-- -harcpions
latest rtiorts from Addle Jims, tbe
star fiinger of th-' Nans, ere »hat be is
ie-c-ovlng slow It h-.t th-re is Httl-*
here that ho will be aVc to pi ch
arstr this \r Addle is powirg
’aw-n.e ai his ho-n* in Toledo for ex
ercise those da vs.
Stanley Hoi Isor t* t» i '>r'~l to have
levrht the Terre Hss’s rich of the
Central league. The prla» p-id is ssi?
•o be JlSrttKl. and th- Cardinals will
use the new prone-ty as a farm to
glow Mr leas ie plnv.—s »„*■ his St
Ixmis team, wbtre fc> is tr g-eat re-si
of them
George Cupey former »’>♦ vd-mt
nltober, has taken to trap shooting.
He is president and captain ot the
Elkhart tlrd.l Gun club an** is the
chin's best shot. He weighs ftp!,
which Is 60 pounds more than when
he pitched for Cleveland. He has
waxed wca’thy as proprietor of a hotel
in l.c gansrort. led.
Manager N'cG'i* Will Ask tor Waiv
er* Cn Giants' Former Star Bat
ter and Ooth elder
That "Or" Seymour has rlsrnl his
!ast game for tfc« Giants and mill be
nassiC to nor of the minor leagues is
the gist of a statement at Cincinnati
the other day by Manager MeOraw of
that team Met! raw said Seymour is
through with major league ball and
that he ail! ash tor waivers in a few
days atid thvn send him to some mtnor
“Cy" Seymour.
e*uh Hr vays that sevetai «f the
'->n*«>r league M3P»t*"rs i'a* ■ *<-'»i h>r.i
the\ nil! j-ay a g.od tvie for S j
[ '•• «'.!-r It in the <s. 6.* d in i t.«
asA-tl him to let them twin »h'» hr
• s t>-. dy to roll th.- m in «!;« vas once
!tbe hading hatter of the ie-’gte sn«! '
' t "* of its fta’.-si pilefcers aa«l out
! fielders. *
i -
First Sase Recruit for Chicago.
I Ted .tciirswi. first hashing o for
Flint in the Southern Michigan
' »e*gue. has teen soid to the Chiei-go
White Sox tor Sl.StW. neecrding to an
sESot.uitement by the Flirt tonnage.
n**at. Ardersoa will report at the
close of the Southern Michigan sva
Vermont Woman Shoots Hawk
An immense hawk which has been
in Dorset for inane weeks has at las:
been shot. It was (amiUarlv termed
a red tai'ed hen hawk and measured
T4 inches from teak to end of tall. Its
girth was It Inches and its wings
spread co\ercd £1 inches.
Xlrs Clifton Kent shot the hawk
while it was circling over a large elm .
tree In the 7*rd. carrying n small
brown snake in Us beak. Several peo
pie who bad seen it in Eight said !t
was as big as a turkey and al! averred
it must be an eegie.
The bird was frequently seen near
the Kent poultry farm end Saturday
about noon the two sons of the fnm
iff were playing in the yard when tbey
spW the hawk above them. Mr. Keni j
being away from borne they called1
Spent Much Time While “Warming
Bench." Watching Other Pitch
ers—Got “Near-Balk".
Whatever success I have had in
baseball is due to two things; first, the
Patience and con3dence in me shown
by President Coniskey and Manager
Jones, and second, hard study and
hard work.
''hen I came into the American
league. I was a raw. green fellow,
strong and willing, but what I didn't
know about baseball would have made
good pitchers out of half a doien fel
lows if it could be scattered aronnd.
rYotn the first both Jones and Comis
key seemed to think that some day I
w-ould be a good pitcher, and it was
their confidence in me that kept me
there. After I got used to the sur
roundings 1 settled down to watch
what the other pitchers were doing
I had sense enough not to ask many
questions, but to keep mv eyes and
ears open and try to learn all I could.
in those days the White Sox had a lot
of smart pitchers, men who did things,
and who used their heads all the time
Every time 1 saw one of th^ra pull of?
something I made a sneak over toward
the clubhouse and tried it myself, to
see whether or not I con’d do it. 1
worked as hard :n those days as ever
a man worked in a mine or a mill. I
was determined 1 was going to be a
pitcher. Contiskey and Jones both
coached me. told me what to do. and
how to do It. but they could not make
n’e a pitcher. A fellow has to do that
for himself. When I began to use the
spit hall I worked like a horse. I
must have pitched two or three games
a day trying to get control and make
that ball go whtre 1 wanted it to go.
Xo one ever watched baseball closer
than I did. When some goo-1 pitcher
for a visiting team was working I
never lost a chance to crawl as close
behind the catcher as possible to see
what he was doing, to study how be
pitched to certain batters and how he
used his curves. I think 1 spent near
ly all of one season trying to get a
balk motion that was not a balk, and
finally 1 succeeded. I defy any um
pire to say honestly that I balk, and
no one can do it without straining
the rules.
I was three years, almost, on the
bench before I got my chance and
when it ratue I was ready. I was as
confident as if I had been pitching all
the time. And then, after I had be
Ed Walsh.
come a winner. 1 did not stop, but
kept hustling and working and trying
to learn more ail the time. I knew
that a fellow must work and Improve
steadily. must Seam something new
or the hatters will Seam to hit what
be has. So I kept at it. and tuacag'V
to hold up nty end.
Si* Central League Teams Sell Talent
to Big Leagues for the Sum
ef $25X00.
Six Central leag-je rlabs win this
y-sr realize about $30,000 to $2i.eth>
front the sale of players to the higher
class organisations or thia amount
Sou’h l'end has already received
from Ptttsbvrg for Sbcrtsto-v
McCarthy and Outfielder Carey ami
experts to secure at least $3,500 more
through ’he sale or rirsitirg of Wells
WelscN noe. Kroy. IJndsey and Koeh
lor. Next to South Bend. Dayton has
•he most profitable aggregation. Man
»«'T Knoll having disposed of aCtch
-*r Martin to Pittsburg for Ji.5-v and
efcortston Starke to Brooklyn foi
Knoll also expects to lose Net
itid Jnsius by draft.
Terre Haute has sold Pitchers Hen
nis and Alberts to the St Uob N'je
iooxl-* for each, and seee*ed
«m»*her thousand for Outfielder Wheel
or. who has joined OaHeutL Pitts
bnn: ^ exne'ted to buy First Rase
■two Somtnerlot, er at lews:, draft him
ted an Vtaecban association eh:b vtl'
i(vMWy take Third Rase mac OiXit
II ef the seme c-oh.
. KvRn-'vPle l;as se!d Pitcher Covin*
*on to ls*tret tor end *!M c '»
'he dnH price for OutfrMtr I.x June
Fort Wayne txr—cts »o lese Pitchers
Roher st n and >1*1 Why draft *;>d wit
-e»»rx! First Gainer to lv
Brstbai' in Heaven.
-Rasebail it fceaxen” was the sub
ject of a sermon preached recently hy
Rev. f. Julian TttthRI. pastor of the
Congee gxtktaai church. Va'ta poise; t.
Mass. ' Heaven Is hut an evolution of
this world." be said. "A Christian
may love a ball suite and remain a
Christie*. Why. then, is It rot safe
>o rrtpt.esv -hat the game mill have
its piste In heavenF~
: for their iro'her to corre qmck wHh
j ihe gun. Mrs Kent gave the bird a
"swinging” shot as it was direct’v
overhead, breaking one win* after
which it lardtd ic the adjoining men
dow.—St. Albans Mt'ss.-np*'
His Nasal Obligato.
"Mr. Skinarcrfcorn. inquired tbs \
landlord, "how did you sleep 'hist
"Like a top." answered the guest
"1 thought so. I could hear >oo— j
aw—humming all night long.”
Farmers Must First Get Away From B*11^ ^ Animal*
May Be Kept as Scavengers—Start « itn
Well-Bred Ewes.
_ -
If we make a success of keeping a
Bock of sheep on our farms we must
get away from the common belief that
sheep may be kept as scavengers.
While it Is a fact that sheep will
• cK*in np weeds and briars, and man
age to exist on poor pasture, yet this
is only incidental.
If we keep a flock of sheep as scav
engers they soon assume the appear
anct that their purpose would signify.
be capable of wrestling with many of
the more intricate problems that
would come when the flock was near
ing perfection. A great many fail
with sheep because they undertake to
work with too large » number.
Every sheep looks alike and they
cannot' make an intelligent study of
the individuals that they are selecting
and mating.
It takes considerable time for a man.
to train his eye and touch so that ho
.... -—?-rs?-1
A Pen of Southdown*.
Tbeir fleeces appear seedy and full of
burrs and briars, and they show the
effects of mismanagement and neg
It is best to start with a few well
bred ewes and the best ram that can
be found at a reasonable price, and
gradually build up a herd of fine ewes.
In this way the new breeder can
make a closer study of the indiTido
altty of his sheep than he could If te
was working with a larger nutnher.
A mere intelligent selection could te
made of the rams that were brought
to mate with his ewes, and he could
he all of the time increasing ks
knowledge of the business as the sire
of the flock increased, until he would
can make Intelligent selections eTen
from his own flock.
When we observe the quality and
study the conditions which surround
the average farm flock we do not won
der that the majority of farmers make
a failure of the sheep business.
It is really astonishing to note the
waste of opportunities In the sheep
business. Any Intelligent farmer who
is a student of the present economic
conditions cannot fail to see that the
future of the mutton growing and fat
tening business affords an attractive
outlook for the farmer who is in a
position to handle a farm flock of
from one to two hundred well-bred
Better Results Could Be Had t£
Farmtrs In Given Locality
Would All Keep One
Breed of Chickens.
The community idea might he
worked a great deal more than tt is
in the purebred poultry business
Better results could be had if the
fanners ta a given locality would all
keep one breed of poultry. If they
would unite on some good, popular,
easy selling breed, they would find
buyers much more easily than a here
each man keeps a different kind of
stock, says the American Cultivator
With dairy cattle this plan has
worked wonderfully well for certain
groups of fanners ia various parts of
the country, in Wisconsin there is a
dairy center, where almost everybody
keeps Guernseys. In New York state
I here Is a region where dorens of
farmers keep Hoi steins In northern
New Jersey there is another Guernsey .
center, and in various parts of the
countr ythere are Jersey and Ayrshire
dairy centers. In all these localities
there are hundreds of pure-bred ani
mals. which can bs seen in a few
1 hours. Such a condition becomes
known all over the country, and buy
ers travel hundreds of miles, knowing
that If they do not find Just what they
want at the first farm they Tisit they
are likely to find it further on in the
same neighborhood.
In southern Rhode Island breeders
in an accidental way kept a native
clasa of fowls which later were known
as Rhode Island Reds When this
breed began to attract notice the re
gion was visited by scores of buyer*,
who picked up every decent colored
bird at fancy prices, putting thousand*
of dollars into the hands of the farm
ers that they could never have had.
expected for the demand at more thmn
market prices.
If fifty farmers in a neighborhood
would unl:e on almost any poultry
breed there would be no difficulty In
finding a market. A great many
brecce's with a reputation and a host
of regular customers would be glad to
know of a locality where they could
buy what extra stock they need to fill
their seders. The farmers could eas
ily sell the stock themselTes through
one of their number or through one of
the X?w York or Boston concern*
which make a specialty of pure-bred
stock in large Quantities. It is not a
very difficult matter for the farmer
to learn to sell his stock on his own
account. Fancy birds will almost m»h
. themsclvesi
t'B-y * few farms are breedlnR
crates found Where hoars of differ
cot *se* and sixes are used to mate
with sows of different ages and sixes.
* hreodittR-crate becomes necessary.
!■ many cases farpers sell boars that
have Riven excellent service and the
best of r5S*. simply Secause they were
*'* iarse. This ts a Rreat mistake,
and sl-twld be overcome by maktnR
breedtng-erates. Nearly anyone can
make a breed fey-crate that ts satis
factory, if he sets oat to do so. \
plan ts here given which may he
adopt*! or need es a guide to model
after ia making a crate of one's ow n
Money in Sows.
Fifty dollars invested in two tlXx>
»«* »« iitnee as much ^
the nosey would in interest on a
mortgage *
Some N*a HavtPlmslBs Way and
Animal Clearly Shows Satlv
fnctlon by Glvtn* Down
Ewvi-y Drop of Kin id.
Krenr maker thinks hr knows how
to milk, hut if the rows eouM speak
they would probably intimate that a
tew batons in tb» «mn"te an would
not he out of order. It is rot ia»r
treatment to sit down to a row and
in* and haul on her until she sto-«s
around In the stall and acts as If she
was badly hurt. Sometimes a row
w;ii -stop eating ard wait until the
ordeal Is over before she wi'i res- t.-e
her meal The cow that does that is
•suelly not comforraide. and an uu
comfortable cow will not do b«- h- *t
9o»e men hare a way of «ni:kiag that
so pleases the cow that she e'earlw
shows her satisfaction. These are tbe
men whose method* should he studied
They newer shout at. strike oc other^
illtreat their cow*. Thev sit
down quietly, take hold of teat,
Sector, no matter how much of a hur
ry they may he.
Relic of Barbarism,
* 7«“ »**»«■ view* Jt this war
Mad roads are a reMc of barbarism
and ,r!3w'*tr * of alow
and cn progressive hahlt* ,f
si ranger should ride over all the road!
*“|*"*' *«M be readr to ^
on the superior Intelligence and e!
lighten ment of the ueonb- .5
Of this county ran he JZT., T" PO*<1*
- «. »J
to do it" th* t»ma
it mvemeet
I> Is a w- W span fact that
dai’-y regions where dairying has ^
rarried on for . number*^^
farms are all in a hleh “? th*
«? — •«.
■sr— *• “■> csi