The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 08, 1910, Image 7

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Need Lydia E. Pink ban's
\ egetab'e Compound
*'sL Its.—“Tw y*»n »r> 1
w-ii i—aUr tod. *ry of wort ud
»*•<>« ii* My tmdbto
Iaaaes t*dk to iLa
ttam tidtt *( aea
Ear ex^rt tjararo
to fcritf or Uifa
tjt« of Life.
fA a> of
il/i* E Bmkbas'a
f'Y efetable Ccsi
|»osad lead it zaada
: sae f«-*J H-acti brtur.
g&ad I Ute ccsta
laed its c*e- I aaa
itrtus^altoy i
if f ti* good fcrah*.
I as liW *2.1 yfc$."—Mrv
-Jj *:-5J'TT 414 «i I irrjg i- vtts*. ;
*T".m ^ * * * r
IS* 0«»"l r ' '
<ri*-uc«. and
. ta»a rsrry _ac-* r~=*m
--*i tis- tv is l» *._> r rtsa«ly
t® i_-IiT±a* tisat arid an£
• -*StJIy firry y. an t* -.ny* tl^s
jryiaf j*rr <C as JLria E- I'l-.ttan's
> »j» ._ ; -. ■^ «- ir^ni T.i
t-T« twt* jLii iatt*.
1 r y*2.r» - * ins b»m rnr*r * wo.
Txx. t: a tiw wsest 1 nnsfrf ’-*?=- •*•
>r><«r. »!frr»ta«i. <L
: i»nr®B.u fibroid tcaon. irr»-*2iSan
L**. aervudir paibs. ;a*Ts< :.», aid
unj* fvoccranua.
I f y«ti «a«M 1A» *p*rial adtin
abuwt iwnw »T!i» xtiniidea*
fial k-t*#-r to Mrs PiukUm. at
Ly»*. <1 . H»-r sdnct is irta
and btdzauL
a i»-ts Ef*e*
TV i*w of V fmamimmrr.
»“• «* tie rv-acat jeer is England.
*«r*s jy game bang to ter third cbiid.
dge*W«a Ttim ’bet* it- m> bew to
•* tora* Orae* •t»/’ to—as*- Eat;
ttn- •«>««£ ctiiC.
lirtMf died At tie Age of four
tpropo* ✓ til*., a rtfier cruel
*'cr? .* be rg told * Seaport About
Iac? t raal* Or a****--r. tie egs*
- -a: *«»c Ca-gt'**- of tie yi-rg
* "--end ie etury goes, railed at
Laura Ha. aid at Me eat :» tie
<“e»athg recm.. ttZXlg Lady Cr«—a «*»
««_ gr*d af**T»ors.~ *fce said
r*are.y *as.iaa cast see asy one
t'jda? etie * Lpe-itr* art ti* pea
’*1* 7Y** test b*-r too t*a a g.r
tebe*. *i< -e—trrt a boy. ax>d At*»
As up**'. fiat Air* C-tte IQ '
"rc • - 5 t* t*« C*> d
-T*r* X - tala* to Utter Made*
.*'■'• m 5*» X-tails* to rt«r deg.'"
raid a little gtr r<* a aeict Vnriag fata
* ’ A«* It war t*9«*d tree Mrs
X— V a i
aad a«aV It
* •...'".»‘ -eg-" "g l~ in~ l ie«T
I - - - ,
* * -* • a*—:?** «wr:a« l
t-ar Atieda—** »t- * rt«* m th« ta_
*-s- F'-ss fa
- C:— *;»(. ■ - Sst *-•
tl! - l%» U9ii * *■' * J*4 J*> Tfc*
' .■ <• ; v- -t • t •■ -■ - Vts £
- * u t : * • * * a i. ;* *13 ens|
*'«wni w*4 fa« haft.
Stark1 !,»«-■ imft.
Ts ciif *tf-■»-* xm*'"1' i?*-~s,af“fs4 fish
r*f*«4»4 m nfctf *rr •;?». at 4 torn**
- a.ins- «* * uk« sac Mr* fiSsa
* .1: * *11,-*' * -L„ w":S' *"*"-' JNWISkA, * 1 *4
*»4 *!h» as tfcs s-*cr
-« *«4 wears-1- •*■'*■ as* cs*iiu«*
aftftt fn'4 MCBnf .*•*•*
< r a iji 1 ■ -■■* «'•- >r !t ft- at
* * Cc*-* **?
S' “ - ~ -_• - i.*: a '4
c* a ' *-*.* <»a:* i*pss h*xt
tl. : •aral'ts. *4 m. <>4 t* CT>
arr - »•-r»i 'a*
pan * •ntssl S a»T 'ft* As
raar*> >a «p«rt| it* c- ail fes
>M m<ft4 h> “Taaftf* *Msc a*c
!«('■ v»***»* ' *» «wsft4 «l ft* ta»
t> 'jr* tr firsts
•®wst »t« t-rs-4?**. «*• Css -4s a1
jr *v -all A, a a :9s aBUsaAf** ;alf;*
mt ttmr as ♦— 4- ftaMftraca <4 4s
A-&.**•? taac Hast US*
This Is a
Gcrj Breakfast!
Irxsseai of prepamf a
hot rr** , have sane frufi;
wits ueaa;
A so': hold egg;
Siar cf cnsp toiss
^ A cup cf Pasrxn.
~_sb a fcrsaHast is pretry
sure to 'sna you
'be Metscrr Lingers"
i «=a CM Ca. Lad
ItOte Cma
V j ‘
K&eu' Ha— id. Aren Assass r. Has Aged
Rap.eijr Since H * Deposition
and Imprisonment.
<V-r- arr.i.ople—S.sre tis depos!
(V» fro* tim Turk:.-! throne and cot
Ca*-n-t: St the Villa Alanine In Sa
n't s. Las aged rapidly
Kit face has become like a piece of
» -i;.*.,—: pan:. met: tis beard is per
f*'*.- »r ie atd te te iongeT has his
barber dye h. as he ormeriy did. If
'■ - has ary coaarience he is sufiering
Uw P’.r :tta.K Thai he deserves, and
it ♦: -rr:*y it perdnioa mould be a
'-•Si' ;*Liltj for his tideous crimes
--a-Ti.*: i *-la:.. The Iforgol emperor
of Th*- mtd-ii*- ig * Abdul Hamid
■e gr» ;-art but Surpassed him :e
: s f its and « ho.t sale assassma
Ttons It is saul that be could never
Afeflu’ Ha*rid.
■ — rd red to sign a dei-tk warrant for
lscrridua. ted took great credit
htmself to- tis humanity it that re
•£■ t fit at the same time he has
* pea** do orcerea th*- massacre of
: upa* thousands of his sub
-rts ax-d dfiibmicly oot.demred en
* re -a-e- to torture, mutilation and
.-■xg-drawinjut death
At i- Ham:, is probably responsible
' r the violent d*»atii cf more innocent
met. wniner and children than any
• -mat :.g a to ever stained the
rages >* k:«‘ r* with his rr.nes
r»c‘ - thousands of people in
-.cur .a and :n Armenia have been
*■'. jght- *ed In coin Mood by his or
— and there is art the slightest
doth:—maeed there is abundant proof
'hat he de.. berate iy determined
extermination of his Chna
'iaa s .:-t* In b 'h Those coumnes
• v unique as a wholesale
• and. aithoug. 'he massacres
t £•■ b^-x ommr.ted by his army
:t t.- mme and by tte o-ders are usu . ute tr religious iar.alictstn.
• • - e ... -nr-* l« n uck etrancer that
■;ei w.r- -or th- purpose of wiring
ar .x-ub-edmate ei-men • among
: s eu Ejects who irrita'ed him t*e
- — >f their resistance to this tyr
!• - d ■* ult •: a* the thoughts
t a max. tr. aoiitnde No won
re* • tr *with insomnia and
n- 0? ;> t. v :x ax InnoceX’ child
: »• yen-- . id tie* t with him in his
;r •- -ion man a guard
of soid>t rs
Nr* a S -c e E>r-c mee cf t"t Coda
Rf . :«s n gry v_seurr ir the
v- -f a —ii- » its ent-’rta r.ei
o'., re-.. xtiy that tl.* re might i>e
- • t — ' t . a- c surviving.
• tr t- idea h_s at last been aban
tAr.rt t*e Derr Lor«et Like.
c 1 Tbe creature*., a host very
- iire heroine a v et rf synorvin
r i tc ex "i t st ii liv*d or. the
- >r<) ’ Van.".; ;s no- nc-nb nos.
Mr a ort.rj ax It floes not e*®m
>t* exist- v. _r ■ a :.--e atthir.
•eres! Were It not for tie
a rT*r. fs rsturai:*'. t.siicng
■fc. :« cn 1 _•< toe* tee trouhie to
mat a patatfrg of a specimen, no
»»*■• • ads' vw»i<d know what tfen
-—rater* look*'d like The secure
sfct at fcereaith is its ody portrait
Tbe tr-i mas a pfr’ rerre^er.tatiT?
-# the yureoc family LafSf aa<i
, rtnsy t cotcki cot Sy. sad on tbis
sc-oent fell aa easy prey to sailors
,» .9 ted Mater- •us P*gf intro
•fared fere, at* the «gr« tad young
>- ft Ci>*r reared. ard cot a s re.e
.--,-tn»ea rem-c-s in ary museum tc
t^L it* me'aacbo'y rtorv
•seers rto_-*e a: 1CT.
niugx S Y — At the *ee of one
uci*tr«. _na ta< Mrs M-rc -st Van
-• itc — t rrri none coo_- brr oar.
treat* und cce; ail her oan hoc . irk
- ..... --j* tome be"® She a-..- x.-n
- reme-r.fers p*:lc
„ . r ib -roa-cor- ed t;- ,rd at tbe
of tea. bss always worked hard
^sver nxc a doctor hat once and that
, :or aa it -*? to h*r Lager when
.p*- ass t jrety-wcek She new t'ent
t« rt»i antf eaaw* read li-r ‘aiber
^ .-ae b ird- i and one and her
c-other ut osrty-ia*. Sh® attribute*
ter tong af* to sltir'e food nd to ll»
tz~ out of ocor* as nock as ^oss.t:«
Wait 5C Yea»y tar PsytrenL
Ottc-rr-n N J —After wa tine fifty ■
te creditors of the de'unrt
Cs-a-acf C« y bank are to receive a
r-*T dev deed * tbeir ciaia* The
it - John 1- Griggs, bv *S.T» «■
^1, IP— aa0M« Bbtafwl *
_... of irni fw * ~ a 1th the estate
^ a ceoeaoed receiver i
nriir If A r\i m
M |||_ n A (IV
|| nc ii_I# i
tul i m nrr pi
n ns*
Charles Gilpin, Sd. called
the most beautiful wo
yga man in Philadelphia, has
L-r.'ught suit for divorce
i fmm m agajns; ter husband, so
ciety man. clubman and writer of the
lyrics and music lor the exclusive
Mask and Wig Club of Quakerdotm
Mrs Gilpin says that her husband
pa d too many attentions to Nauce
Gwyn who is known - the most b*uii
ti.ui damer ou the stage. Some time
ago Bite Gwyn—or Mrs. McCaffrey—
w’ts divorced by her husband, who
cia-med that she was too fond of Mr.
Grip m.
lir» Gilpin is. as one can see :rom
her pictures, very beautiful. She is
wit.y. sprightly, and possessor, with
ht r two s'> -rs Mrs "Bobby” Straw
bridge. of Philadelphia, and the Baren
ess Kuprecht Von lioecklin. of a share
of the millions of Charles E. Berwind.
railroad director, tnmneier and coal
Mr. Gilpin is studious artistic, mu
sical. and has been considered some
what ol a social recluse—if that is
net "oo much of a contradiction in
N-iuce Gwyn is daring, unconven
tional. intellectual and sprightly, and
ais" beautiful, as her pictures show,
v as good a family as Mrs. Gilpin.
As a trio they present quite a social
problem Why. ft Mrs. Gilpin's charges
are true did Mr Gilpin prefer Miss
out happily, and every one thought It
My ideals are rot entirely Ameri
can. 1 spent my early y*ars abroad, j
and my sympathies ar*- u ih the Old
World rather U.r.c with the New
Some day 1 hope to live there per
Prompted by my ideals. 1 did ro:
always act in the conventional Ameri
can fashion. but 1 sbouid think Charles
woul^ imve founc. this diverting Alas'
he did not seem to i c-rea ed ror
myself the most striking toilettes, auu
1 designed our house cm I*e Lancey
place as an epoch bous- tor l*ti!a
delrhia It was Fl'isabethan with rich
carving and sc n.bre. massive beauty,
tts k>* ceilings. its leaded windows
and huge fire places recalled an eld
Cuglish c as’ le
My boudoir was all of pale rose vel
vet hangings, amid white and gold tar
niture. Garlands oi roses ciuabed
over its snow y walls. Greai golden
vases were always filled with orchids
and roses and into its scheme 1 slipped
as a harmonious living lem.nine note.,
Hew could my husband prefer this
dancer !n her eommonnlace surround
ings—for they must have been com
monplace to mine—to what he had?
She was poor, she stood upon the
stage for the applause and admira
tion of all w ho oared to par to see her
One could hardly call her exclusive,
now. could they ?
Our first break came when 1 saw
that Charles simply w-ould not keep
.45a Gwyn
Uwyn tt his picturesque w :e* Why,
if tt— ocarg-s arc true. a:d Mr Gir
p;r. prtier Miss Gwyn* Wha* was
•a-King in lite socie'y lender that was
present :u the dancer' The .n
many respects :s ucusuxl. and acaiy
s.s lr.gat brow some light utjob the
rapid’y lrreaslng tide of divorces
amor* socie-y men and the in reas
a* l umber of marriages with women
of tt- s-age declares a writer in the
Chicago Examiner
The principals will not. it seems,
c.ssect. for th- good of humanity . their
motives Bat perhaps a review of
each side, in the form 01 a soliloquy
by tbe • w o women as they might give
it if they wanted to and based upon
the facts and their kccwleuge of teui
peramec's. may help
One ought present tbe two sides of
:i Itae tills:
OF course, wren i married Mr Gil
K:U. be gate tc me a social stand-.
tag that the- Gerwinds mem
e'ves d'd no' have, aitiiocgh my
tster. Mrs. “Bobby” S.raw bridge,
hd my otter s.ster. ibe Gar
ness Von Boecklin married equsiiy
-s weV. But tfcer, 1 brought to the
• name the millions luey did not
unve Bt-s.ies—I ax. uo; plsiu. nor
thC'd nor .acuryj.o.-e ; am. in tact,
alter en gittal ex.d ratter extraordi
-larily good looking It would seem
•w*v u.trrnge should bate turned
, h:s part of oir »t leas: implied cor.
' tract lie had i- in him to take the
t«s;tioa a society that his taniily
. ad name warranted But he sieve*
cared to go to the assemblies nor to
the gay bachelors' bait and as for
Newport and Narraganaett they bored
No. he would rather stay at fcorre
writing verse and mus(c
and outlining those clever produce
5>oas of t.ic Mask and Wig club. Oh.
Charles was clever That is why 1
feel aggrieved I had to do ail the
social campaigning n yself. and after
our little boy w ss born Charles seemeg
to care less for it than ever
Xry toillettes were the talk of Nar
ragansott l never guite attained New
port But if Charles had been as ke» r
to take his rightful place as he was
to turn out those Mask and Wig
shows we wou.d have twee lenders sa
N**w port
However. 1 did the best 1 could to
keep up the fasti y traditions Of
course. 1 was greatly alone m.«st of
the time, am. so was Chari*. But jf
litr.e is i* society cite owes a certain
duty to soctcty.
1 am artistic. I am a >t coevent too
al. What has site that I have not*
it grew mtuvrab’e to be always >;a
the positioa of pu ling ('harks snr
by bis coat taiks irons a figurative can 3
can with ♦hat drnoer. ' So I deerdec
itot to do any mere rolling
No. I ettnttot understand it. Here
.-.m I o* g nal. w tty. ascicatzng cul
tured. bcuutiful aad of exgti.siie taste i
and rich, ambitious to have Charles :
fill the place his fsafy warrants him
in taking, and he neglect* me lor s
dancing girl Is it not inexplicable?
I WON'T discuss Mr. Giln'm but here
are a few little prcb’ a society
woman who aspires r>- be a leader
may ponder ©ver.
1 am not poor; my father was a mil
Jionaire rancher in Australia. I toured
the world when 1 was young and re
ceived quite as good an educat.oa as
any society woman.
I married Mr. McCaffrey. He was t
poor miner There was no thought In
my mind of family in return tor my
money or any Thing except my love fot I
Mr. McCaffrey. vOur murr-age wus ua
fortunate and we were divorced.
Then I went on the stag? because 1
felt I hud something beautiful in m'
dancing to show ’he vor.u; because 1
wented to do son- thing; because 1 am
an artist arc because by dancing is
If n.y object ir. !i:e made toe pose ;
t'-c.cre hundreds does not the society
leader strip herself of cxclnsivenes •
Tvhi-n she poses in her c w gowns hr
'ore o:b- r hundreds at the opera, oi
•he Newport beach, at the Casino, on
Wltl avenui c... parades herself.
. nt she is like a peacock, showing on".
1 its fine Tenth: rs. We dancers parad
- ■ v ■
fine ' at hers we are showing our sr
If a woman knows that t >r husband
| does no: ca~e for The life of a society
i man. she should make up her mmd t
; dc one of tv. o mins- l^et society g
cr at her husband go She has her
holce. *.rd if. ciu csing she loses one
: c-r :he other, she shoe id no: complain
l'-’JT if r. Ir.e* her husband and
; nas his interests a: heart, which would
; she choose, do you thick?
There are men t> ho are children a:
Start, artist;. desp te their birth who
tt.'n to ih-t sympathy and companion
sh.p of artiste. na'aniily If a woman
marries a mat. like this, let her make
ap her mtcd to meet that sympath'
and give the mar. what he needs. It
she c-annof make up her nnnd to do
th‘s. then let her sot comr-iatn if she
oses her bust and.
Society -.s conventional’ Society
: women are the most conven'tonai of
beings' The very anconrentionaii'ies
which some assume is nothing more
thun the exhibition of their manacies
| of convention'
Did the society woman ever do a
i conventional thing—which is the m
! turai thing—and meet and fight other
women in fair field for the husband
•hat is ir. danger of being lost* No.
she goes to the conventional remedy—
the divorce court She *akes the con
ventional v ew of marriage—that it is
a bond »tv ch when once tied needs no
further inspection of the knot. When
she finds the knot slipping or broken
her little world is overturned. She
has no resource—for the divorce court
is not r resource, c. more so than the
j blow of i brute s fist is an answer to
an argument.
Study your husband yon woman of
society ' Study what tt is in us that
is mere and more attracting your best
men' Throw off your convention alley,
i e natural women tor a «t.t.e' Perfcnpe
| then you may hold then-.’
Progress of Aviation is One cf Won
. cers cf Modern H^man
The de veVpmett of the aeroplane
into a mecfct^tsn. o! prac-ca! utility
;c the arts of peace and war is even
more rapid than was that of the auto
mobile in its early days
It seems only yes’erday that the
He—.tlu was riur-onkltmg the f,-st strttg
g tng flights of a lev. yards made by
Al cantos Dumont ttrd today we re
ord the journey of nearly fire hue
dred miles made by M Alfred U
1'i.tsr ntthin a period of tes> than 1.
it is oaly a few weeks ag that the
r.rst flight across tae lir ;i>li charnel
t * ■ rifled th» world Ti. > »a - %
ly followed by a flight across re
turn, and now we have am American
aviator making the cross channel trip
carrying as a pusaei» his bur y
While the accident so Uoissant's
machine man the starthcg record he
pnjSiiHd »o make between Paris ati
London. tis achievement »s none tre
less »ocdertul ia its promise of thc
possibilitics of iviaiiia m she iguaedi
ete tufure.
Development of the automobile fro—,
a toy into its present weveiap.uent was
stimulated by bring tc the inventors
of the world into com
petition by the offers of prises and
hi rers, ia like mar her the aeroplane
has been improved, and is being per
fected through the international emu
•atioc of inventors and aviators. The
marvel of yesterday :c tying has be
come the commonplace of today, and
neariy every issue of the Herald
trv.nicles s ee reevnii breaking feat
ot aviation
The defiant of Mr Moissart of the
strung winds blowing on the Kng'tsh
obeun*! and the fact that the content
acts m this long fftght were ignorant
oi the route and steered their way by
compass, br rgs *v.a .on more nearly
»ut© i!ne than ever before actual
ttav gat tor Fvery day nr.fc.ts more
advance in the science and the art ©.
sa>l ng the air. and he woa.-d be a
> 'id tnan »ho woe d dare to hr a
c it in us f osstb.iittes in the immedi
,.:e l. ure—New \ erk H<rald
Rtt d-itk. end K me—v. for to
morrva o-r h.i-s wi.l iu,( usings
Art.ficial tee Is Purer »**d C*" Be Sc’d
Cheaper Than Natural
No longer are deaier« an«t u«ere of
Ire compelled to ssaad «=«*rtine. ceer
nature, with ail her rasaries and
a alt for ice to be froren fo*- them
Only a fe« year* ago ice wa« S*ti
ered from anrwhere and ererywsere
and roue could guess what sort of
ctsr'atr'nrte:! *he V3---T *-Jt
,rs rana's ron-I^ s-0 nor’? where It
**as cataered \o l^nppt tot’ th*
citlxer in the tridn: of a tcKd winter
take a1*-® at the prosper: of no tre
®f ire at id tterst rtff ^MUt* prlre
cb account of :ta ucareJty The ®an
nfartured ire :* rarer than that of
ratu-e without daw o- blowhole Tree
fro® of enow and there
fo*e more "astir* ArtiAcIa! ire I*
one of the jtreat d'*'~rve~l«« of the
laet »•« 'r*> «r>d ha* been redn~ed
to aucA oaten that it can bo aoefi
st a crxvi nro®t r*!?*->»>' tbs- «bit
wfcicfc was fc-r»er'T sawed to: kvttSn
*n ttblr'w *-*ulei tn ails a** o?
‘te*n>e- lapfVns *wd st!|JT>“«! b» rail
or br tea to the east aci mc:v s;p-*tt
Nvjsee* sbea !t waa ta-es* >ob
satses of sawdust as tt was aoM
She Deserves a LC'snpg
Mrs Hifb.rijj—Soarsstuac wroet 1
Wito Totir l it.' of water Ur HaarwerT I
Hoarder—There a a batr ta tbe Ira
Mr» H —In.poMib^.' I tbi\t4 -’■’»» j
*• Q+yv*it .
Stranger—1 suppose you people in
this town think you have the grandest
climate in the country*
Man With a Co id—No: bn; we claim
the greatest variety.
“When I was un or tvt'rp years
: i I bad a scalp .s*. something
i;ke staid head, though it w .-n't that
I suffered tor sev.rui c.rrihs. and
most of my L ir came out. Finally
they had a hector to see me and he
recount •. r. ed the Cuticura Remedies.
They cured me in a few weeks. I
haven.- d the Cuticura R« r: dies. also,
lor a breaking out ca say fcaaos and
was benefited a great d*_i. I haven't
had any more trouble with the scalp
disease. Miss Jesste F. Buchanan.
R. F. U S. Hamilton. Gv. Jan. 7. l&t*9.“
Kept with Ba'-um s Circus.
P. T. Rarrum. the far. ous circus
mas. once wrote: "1 have htd the
Cuticura Remedies among the con
tents of my medicine chest with my
shows for the last three seasons, and I
can cheer:a:ly certify that they were
very «Sective in every case which
called ior their use.”
Wee Anita was listening tc a story
of the Johnstown flood.
What mace It'" she asked.
"Oh the dam broke." replied grand
The nest morning she ran Into her
brother s room and. climbing up on
the bed. inquired anxiously; "Buvver.
wasn't It ;ust drefful 'bout that swear
breaking and killing all dose people?”
* wr* Cuarri fc wets-e t( ?>» mertw
tS». s.. r V.seaa» cut aad Si U. tk m
t-» TVS.-S »s' S.3SWC ta> N- 11-. _rkS- l r » r~»t
airv \ewrj dMv<n n a xml x-^
pr«i.-?%vc a<ck rrsarvxwa. by evvtsxscu-v ta:
tc ccr* wnh vxu ortmwi prxtttcacvtf st
GrMt* ferar |rww Oorrti tc be a tve*: tutu* a c»
*a«v *vl TfetrafN« *rc*hb» cccstitataaML tre&tsieRV
Kcv vattrrfc (\itk r-ABatvtu^ by F J 0*»T
A •*.. T^-xia. t*fe» * lie o *c?x3* eure oc
is? aurtK It ks ca*?*c. ttnr> v r ocw? fwc; M
Cr.'9» w % waswv''*c It A.-TS army an tt» tM4
»r*J enweet# sec?t»ry» e? Tbe s-^rrs. Tb.ey o2e- oo*
fejwttfrwfl «y - kt aar R Jjujs to car? ^ead
Mr rfrrcjx?* *a*S -a-»
Ast*« r j m \: v * rev. c^ibs
Sb*S br I>-n«T*S>v ' V.
lAAe u*. s ftaxtr Pk> fcr tnmrnrymrrm
A Summer Reso-t.
N-.afc disembarked
\ coir idea? ion of the mountains
and ie-shoie'" he cried.
He?iwith be resell ed to advertise
the tour.
Truth Is tcva-iably present in the
c'd age of a great He never
rtwnplci- ' loses '?’>'s first elixir.—
J*rrf Harris-Hick: ord.
Te" *He c- '--r r - on; a Lewis’
S.up - .- . •
A girl will tell how a man made
love to her she she did to him
Didn't Wart His Cnewec.
BE!—Den t yon iike to see & dog
chewing a bone?
Jiil—Yes. if it's net cue of my own.
—Yonkers Stares mac
If Ycu Are a Trife Sensitive
*V«ct ibe of yoc* a.*:;
!OL.“fr a v*y Atin - F v ;
iTtf Ait;arp?u- Fu»wr u> acrucc- mu? bh*
It CEfYS Il>w A iilOff i-Y! 43d
gtxr-. *«: amc eociori Jc*4 :k»tf for
In i *w ^ Scyc. evtsr* winere. S5c.
^*npie sen* iFILE AE^Ttaa. Aoti S OuMta4
Le iocT. N Y
The secrets the arerage s oman can
teej< are those of her us:;et.
F«r Ret. Vest. •esry.Wiierr Ew» aaa I
Murine Doesr. "t Smart—Soothes Eye Pain
l-rgr«£» Sel lorkt Et Rurfr. UiwJ. 2Sc Stc. S-.Ct
Mcnne Et* Sabre. in AaeptK Tabes. 2Sc. J 1.00
Trie Army cf
1* Growing Smaller Ewer 5iy,
kssocESk—ie» ac;^*r
qr*r ncjer—
tLr> pcrr.£.vt. j j
cure Cims' .yA jj*
teas tae jf - Jr
&eaSar y"
Best. ixlifuiks. Ski E^auacba, SoLoa Shim.
Genuine «*w Signature
process Or! v&O
EFT'S 52.00. 52.50, *3.00, $3j0.54.00 ii.00
» CJLTS S iS jO SS.i^hO. S4
BOYS SSjQO. ii-50 i iS-00 j
They are absolutely the E
Best popular an '. bestshoes v
for the price is America. ^
They are the leaders erery- &
triers because they hold y
tierr shape, it better,
took better and treat ioe
rer that, other uiakes
ihey are rertamly the
most rcca>m.u. saoes ter roc to bey. W. L.
Douglas same urc retail price are stampec cm
tie tvtretn—value guaranteed./’**- «
TAKE MO SUBSTITUTE! tt rva dr*lev
u*a*K tuptlv yes write tu kail c-nder Catalog.
W. U DOLGLA5 Maa n—
ML ■
•*I have rcfJered with piles for thir.y
six years. One year ago last April 1 be
gan taking Cascarets for constipation. In
the course or a week 1 noticed the piles
began to disappear and at the end « six
weeks they did not trouble me at all.
Cascarets have done wonders for me I
am er.urt'v cured and fed like a new
rain.'’ George Kryder, Napoiecs. O.
Pleasast. Mata^e. PoUst. T asr? Good.
IX? GoiVL Kc^rr Sickcc Woaktja or Gdpa.
X*..25c. 5»Xi. >»t ver sota tx..C Tr» cxth
ataetab&rt C C C. o-^r-aucvxi :o
cunt or your acoey U. a. hJtl
PSTFKT lontmrw TaTw,^*,
Mian! «.-A" i -I . -■ ; ... t» Pel 'va;
1 ..«vn.i A Co inaiuaaA a ».A.«s O-C
rkiLKid- -«*- -» ! -cv
l «*• IV* aiu-iA. K.
Strong Healthy Women
li ■ woman is strong end healthy in a womanly wit. moth
erhood means to her but little surertag. t he trouble Ues
to the tact that the many women suSer toxin weakness and
disease trf the distinctly feminine organism and are unbtted
lor motherhood. Tins can be remedied, s.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cares the weaknesses and disorder- to women.
It acts directly on the debtate aid urportiot
organs eoneemei in motherhood. Btting them
keatay, strong, vigorous, virile wi-i ehstic.
' Favorite Prescription" banishes the of the
rcr od of expectancv and makes baby ’s ndveet ease and
almost painless. It tpnekens and vital.sea the teminum
c ftoJ insures m mmHkt «th2 b*by« TooassaJ* of vosts bar*
tesUSec to its roarrelcws merits.
it *Jj£^es Weak Wotaett Stratt?. ft <!itn Sti \\ oxen WeZ.
lipoc>t urugg.»r» do not ojer suCa.-u-.rrey. acd urge rbern upon yon as ** i«st
•s ^xkI." Accor? no secret nostrum «• place of this murct It
(■SMtias not a droo cf tlccSkf and not a i“v q of oc iejunous
dry*?. Is a pore glyceric extract cf native Aacrx-aa rtv-ts.
1910 CROPS
Wheat YleW la Many Districts Will
Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Acre
las-«:«» aa.5 taamts* nirn :ama>»)( Xc caaaadoa (a >u^ e^-ta 'ny n *4
mimaiiy »«r s*.e» »kc hms -j - - - ■--,
NV» true <y«*i st V m^ant. aurtoam«u.w. ts^yw. $1.' ».. ,«c
*’"* f-'*- ***"" *~«P- Al «*• »i vast**-* «* >K!«i tanpiy u» <o-».
iMavta»nni.«iis..'a«|iMa.tHs 5»e it* <ru ms;W; a: ly
”*■ •**i-»-* «“ *»iiow5n* »** »» ”»r- ayj. i«»«.ryiyj M> ^u.yta^Mry
«h*r <tsp'oi>‘ v« a» *ST«rshv ap«£«« «f:
_ *'**,\j*«*- aw Wfc. sot.
-"*» *M»S «WW» V> ->» V~-»- !«»k> „ «t
wr-k **» »k. fkiW a ^ ;k>
► Jr» air. WVk* — C A m *.- w i Ian
ui-i ; . o-wwaaaswr^w. »-i»» s—
naaawaaaa- Uwau^u.
R akts ssnusx r*tf ro* r - ft'xx.
__ _ , A wtax. .•••• t* V-a. -si*.
B-* I r~ wi W — ■ Xxffl. ■ —k > -k k-ak x-f
t "3 >UI> »<;j :*■ wata iw w*a;k rw
?•- a ■ wtk «W i«k- «k-»- M k » : q -aa a*7l
3*>4 'Ww wa *-*.-! k ' Was kX aw
«•;— - --»W-,T,a*a-. W'k, : mut .» w
{ *M' iW-a -XaSk-s -at » -v«f -a. a
"**"* ae»?a -r* aWa aa ------- a ■ --- -- ; %tu
«*-w- NuaSalaK 'ak -ktj-sak'
I<«B 2kk>. II i Pk
sun et« pr»* ix Civana.
a._- R-»"BrTi * »»*. fe
“ W ra-a SB a ataaa “ SEk« >>a*» S ki
B- w asi-k- *t t -I-tUf k ktx fc-k^BC k—
War bai.i ««~k*»is » « paaw. 1 a,:a
K- ;5a v aaaa> ;*a m « aa k>. a- I
* ' ra-UsN -awki
W ta Cwrawa a! u Is a.sal Baa 1 -aik* Wxa
•••••» -? 'a Mrlor*
•** •*»u ■ -•* *-» :Sto w» a-v w-. , m
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k4..' M ;-», W 4
i ■» 'h »fc ' * ^ ^ x « » j
•« %•-*•'—' 1 » ► • ' . >— ' *r
••• ®'T• Air. Nv "V' v«r- v». i_rv»*v
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” *-‘".S < *iv«at 1 »K«»K -- >
tola*!***** * «a*-*. i £■:-* •**■*-. -«» ; ,% n
*~^r» ;~r—t«u> **«» •'■weir'- t „••»
r>i* "* Vi ': -n • - r '
w%vt^ ^ srr^v to o^ a* v.
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* *• « at + » j m», *14 . *
twirr rrc«M -i *». >•«! -*»4 «»1 a
• ^ S'f» \i»» A-Tr nu a c.o u« » t I
• -a. 1 **4 a«4 cv^ ft. jij
*» t *. \ V ■«•» . • sr»
-■■ ..—* -A * «»a* ►*> «m» ■Mir *a 's* t«* JV®k «jk.
Jk.h«Mr^ Vvmrr »
T«i*. *La&.
Sea* :.:-*»tare a»! wl «!»* '<«ral CW..JW. nw.wiu! A.^» *«■ r1<xrvJC .,
***: xi*trt«x 10 arWi H> .,x-»;e. >x. »fe«* ^ ^
W. V. BPiXtII, SOI New Veii L3e Qzaha, Nebraska
Ke»f.s the spindle bright and
tree frm grit. Try a lx .a.
bold by deiuers everywhere.