The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 08, 1910, Image 5
posit Accounts When left on Time Certificate, six months or longer, interest will be paid at 4 per cent Checks and pass books cheerfully furnished to farmers and business men. who are al ways welcome at the old. time-tried st National Bank. *n Strength and Security this bank stands in the front rank among the best banks in the State. Capital Stock and Surplus, $37,500 m This item added to the important fact that we loan no money to any officer or even stockholders should appeal to those desiring a safe depository for their funds. ■_ > THE NORTHWESTERN th; immt >tn *• i»i* * ~~~ '* * A l>* Ijrtrl (^MUtiMk. • r* j*» tm ... .. zr.o.rn l*‘.**»t *rb» ___ _«•* m ,«c A>. m-t i*. —_ j& R*«. j»f ho ... . j§ R-Uer. per *i».. . ... «; Kff. per _ .12 fteio. per ft*._ | ^JKWr *'«»• >er lb.. ... .14 — 11 ■ *~ » jg U«r"nrf«.a Tiae ( iH «-*■*»». t**T A . * a— »-* ««nnl« 1 hit- - #*»» a. *■ “* *—*»• *» >«n» » j. k ' * r ( • »> % •«*<>!» : ; t b. ta«T * —. -e a- .1 l»m • J1 B. S r*- * a B■ ru 2 t» *. ». • J A -— HIBI LOCAL^NEWS. -ui .-or*! mt e»ery j «*« House for rent App.y U» Hear* ■ mm ■j*. >i©rk »II! point your house aith »uu *eod and ziac JX' Lee oil: be osmutoat to Chief T-orv during fair •«! ft tie ..obit of bcyiar your oat o:*. * i at sorbet r.*af i »-r M*e- to Lie Br/Um for tie Lrat rash pnre I • roe mt your bouse pointed v sue! use* white .end oad ziar. i: . price paid for t (in ot ieanrtt * xm: -rorket Korrois* ia Toaa Prsyerty fur air bj Juba W. boar I a g jarur.: for butter fat I >'■ *?•: )»> ca**.. — X. E ( eut -wri ibe pai^ser. dm» mtJtr tend and x;nc rod »i. fi<c rew ix-re* Try A;:-- a.: c di for yosr exit »>« I'jt 4.t tor E G. Tartar M Ira A I < - «5 and Ni» Jto rr'-.n -i bMM tat ttMUDf 1«wn l«u uriapwrd proper n a: £: i! b-.r;iia%. Sre J. W. ! «ar. Ta*e rwur uaUm and ejr* to Con ... «v-( yt*. can prt uitU-nc -an ■—=* Law l'<md» >r ixaa raoawl into ! - •' lixt '■ arated bt «u- t. - .---aae In mEinr <• t * -m 'ifay*»:**» rt»a •and j«ara <— r- tea tilth T-r? Property wRrrrd f.r . . a ir»: 1: .nd* by rail ins ali bi »V. l,*»t la r*»jr • ,*nv rijraW* to Lne ir Ai«rr». «: «-r» y**n noire tbe 5f ar. -.»'•< pr»r» 7 :•. -m .a -<ea*rry Ciw. ia'* -a* a- arte* !or rtf' de i at t?» Y-a.eryberr. — mg »mt to Lincoln tant al<w be will bclp keep at tsj- Fair lb* week •r^a c lmmw insnary Medius and « a«Mra ia~c: t on piano or or ran hr *n» hem** Ruhr »*• Lnaaa! Lnan-! Lonn«! Lnas*! Rml Ertnln L-*»n* at Invent rtlea at 'nh» W. LwnrV %dd.e U t..aftr left tU» n:< tc, aV-rod tiit >tate Kair | - • in kurMi Urf State reitmltf 11* r^m-mg term. Tr* II Xlrtatea* tbe ar»«x« far ,j*eft Ml etafirtott ente Lm ardrf* at tt* Ketmooe Leto tofer’s or Tartar a e-eeator or pboar Press Drills—Do you want one? H so. cell end see T M Reed before too lets to get them hattCer Ira E Viaia®* *® MtoeOido taat •«** Monday to ..•JHH »a eslattdtiaa of attempted of U* iato* Make of t»ak ml~ muurL, -a* claimed to be ato^ k kietf MfV proof He ret*, reed f >ur M-fjooa. open Monday. Sept. 12. >pecsa> .a >a.e at Cothiser s every Saturday Spevoi articles on >aie at Ctn lAeriftw) Saturday Cbar:«*» M« .or lias a potion at ti» Stat Fair th;~ wet* Le»*t.e : -xutey.-ur i.uo ind will pa * - - est market price. Mr* . ; ion;r. n and ch Iren of ilantsu u: visit.ny friends here. « •u.M-r has specials on sale every isaturda >.o in and see Saturday. Highest market price in cash for 1-cns a- Lt liro*> meat market If y©_ »ar.t a dray in a hurry and get . w..r*.set- Suwart Conger. SPCIN . CIllCKIiNS are wanted at Leti: t s meat market Highest market prow paid. Mr atH !’rs C *C ari^ea left for Lincoln as; Thu*sdav where Carl wi act as treasurer at the Fair. We are paying 2»> cents cash for cream dt.ivered at tlie creamery. KaTKSSA C RE1XEBT Co. Fon Sale Lawn swing and several other household articles. Mas Loris Rns. Lee Brothers of the Pioneer meat market wii; pay you the highest cash price for spring chickens For Salt—My residence in east Loup City: or will trade same for real estate W* ltee Wozxick Bennett a. ways has on liand the choicest of meats of ah kinds. Call at market when wishing the best. I*age woven w;re of ah sizes, and best barbed wire, at prices that will sa*e you money. L. N. Smith, 'phone 2 on 12 Ladle* ca’’ at Conhiser s any Satur day and you will find special bargains on sa.- tiiat will plea** you and save your pocketbook Albert Johnson has charge of the concession* at the State Fairgrounds this week, he and wife going down bo Lincoln last week. M < Mulick and Will French left for the State Fair last Saturday, the former a* starter for the races and the latter a* night police. If you want a dray, phone A. L En derlee. * on 57. or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G Taylor ile*t of service guaranteed. Mrs C. C. Outhouse Monday went Vo Aurora to meet her little niece. 1>9 r Hiliabect. who came from her home at Boulder. Colo., to attend art tool iwre Mr* E ti. Taylor and daughter. Locile. »t«o visited her sister. Mrs. F. Ze: offer at I*a-id City over - unda returned licme Tuesday evening A lif. e daughter arrived at the h >me ' Mr. and Mrs. 1* I». Grow. Fridav morning. Sept. 2nd. and I»ar is a ha subvert of the new queen of his household. Will Bensrhoter. who lias been employed at Fremont for some time, arrived :*-•> Monday evening for a week s visit with relatives, when he will go to ii.incd* for the winter. A gojdly number from Loup City and vicinity are attending the State Flir tiii* week, which is the greatest ever held. It being impossible to get tiw names of all hence we do not give any. Fred IHeterichs and Mrs. Henrietta Inetenchs of Chicago, brother and mother of County Clerk Dieterichs.. arrived here Tuesday, the brother for a abort visit, while the mother will remain loafer. A recent letter from Ben Paeeler fives their future address as Filer, Idaho »t»ere they order the North western to visit them hereafter. ! Ben sav» hurry up the paper for we are entirely last without it. A Scotch social is btinf talked up for Friday nifht. Sept- 16th. Mr. Monte-mery hopes to exhibit many \ thinfs. and there will be other ln terestinr features, such as Scotch *oops and bacpipes. Mr. Mathew, etc. i Mr. David Kay left last Saturday! I for St. Paul. Minn., where he was to i attend the freat conservation con crr*~ in 11 minn in that city this m**k and where President Taft and other government nocables were to be in attendance and make addresses. The business at the mill seems to be much arper than a year afo. as tbev run dav and nifht. and /deep two' teams haullnf Sour and feed to can. which they are shippinf out to surroundinf towns Loup City flour be used by all who wish to build up their home town. Mrs D L Adamson has moved her moved her millinery store into the A. L Zimmerman office, where she will be pleased to nee all her old customers as well as new ones. She has a T**—pM* line of hats of every style from the eastern markets. They are op-t vdate for style and beauty. Chll and see fo^^eurself- Openinp w ^ Tlie Presbyterian Sunday school had a picnic down near the river last week Tuesday and a splendid time was enjoyed by the little folks The editor and wife attended the Slate Fair a few days this week and the rest of the office force being on the sick list, many items are omit* ed this week. Tlie ladies of the Industrial Society will meet at tire home of Mrs. Ward Ver Valin next Wednesday. Sept. 14. All lire ladies of tire society are re* quested to be present. Mrs. I»an DeWiu has rented the Taylor building two doors east of tire Swanson A Lofhohu drug store and will put in a new stock of millinery. Watch next week for tire date of l»er opening. While the Misses Etta and Lillie Lofholm were absent on their visit in Colorado a delightful surprise was prepared for them in the placing of an elegant Kimball piano in Uteir ltome. secured through II. F. Ferdi nandt. the furniture man. and the return of tlie girls was thus made the more happy. Mrs. I>r. Marry and children re turned last week Wednesday from their extended »:>it to various points in Illinois and Michigan, where they spent most of the time at tlie water ing places along Lake Michigan and had tlie most pleasant outing of tlieir lives. Mrs Marry remembered her many lady friends with handsome souvenirs of her trip. 1. X. Syas was called to Ord tlie :N'Ji of August by tin* illness of his good mother, mho breathed her last ti>e following day and was buried ia>: week Monday at Burwell. The good mother had been in ill health health for a long time, and was aged Tv years, 4 montlis and 13 days. Tiie manv friends of Mr. Syas here will sympathize »iUi him over the loss of man's best earthly friend—a loving mother Last Saturday, a new team being driven by Lan Benschoter became frightened by the sudden puffing of the R. A M engine at the coal chut* auJ made a short run. with Lan and tiie drag weight hanging on behind the rig. and after running about a block one horse was thrown down and with tiie other horse astride of his neck the race was ended without damage save a broken tug and the lacerated feelings of Lan. Misses Etta and Lillie Lofholm re turned last Friday evening from their three weeks' visit in Colorado. Returning from the home of their sister at Grand Junction they took the scenic route to Colorado Springs, where they viewed Pike's Peak, the Garden of the Gods. Manitou, and various grand scenes about the city. The young ladies were fascinated with the glories of Colorado and came home delighted with their vacation. On last Saturday evening one of the best wrestling matches seen in our city for many a day was held in Society Hall between Cannon of G reeley and Robert Ely of our city. The two combatants stepped on the mat shortly after 9 o'clock and were introduced by C. W. Conhiser. who, officiated as referee, and the combat! began. After a fierce struggle of; T. minutes Ely succeeded in putting j Cannon's shoulders to the mat. and after tlie necessary rest they again stepped on to the mat, this bout lasting but 5 minutes, in which Cannon threw Bly. The third and last bout was won bv Cannon after a struggle of 35 minutes. The large attendance seemed well pleased with the evening's entertainment and went home declaring it one of the best wrestling matches ever pulled off in Loup City. The Fats and Leans pave a fine exhibition baseball pame at Jenner's Park last Friday afternoon, but which the writer was unable to at- j tend The stunts of the cadaverous fellows, and the sprinting and famous work of tlie aidermanic continpent were said by witnesses to be simply awful and heart-rendinp and broupht tears to the eyes of beholders. Be-! cause the fat rascals won the pame over the lean-tos. the latter are said to have waxed wroth and challenped their over-eatinp adversaries to an other pame in the near future, while in the meantime the bean poles will pillow tliemselves up and demand the I fats to corset themselves down to proportions where they will not cover the whole diamond with their front stories, thus interferinp with the space usually allotted to runners Be tween the bases, and also to pive some cliance for the ball to pet past them and out into the field. The editor wili be present at the next pame. and beinp rather lean himself will see that his kind pets fair show in tiie pame. Notice to My Customers After October 1st, I will be located in the new Woznick bam. just west of my present location and south of Gasteyer's store. Come and see me. 4t H. G. Hoeikk. Farmers Notice We want your pood wheat and do not sell before you pet our prices. We also w ant corn and oats and are payinp more than it will net to ship to any terminal market. Your busi ness is appreciated. Lorp City Mill & Light Co. Notice I am offerinp for sale a number of 10-acre lots from *90 to *125 per acre. Call soon if you are dssirinp a sub urban home in Loup City. A. L. ZUCXKRMAK. For Sale Cheap: One good Buick Automobile, model 10, fully equipped. One elegant Melville Clark Player Piano, with music. H. A. Watts, Loup City. Along R. R. No- A. Will the patrons living in the ■ vicinity of tlw cemetery east of Chas. Snyder's donate one day's work on this hill for the benefit of Route I. Carrier will give tl»e price of one day's work if you will. Don't let your time run out on your dailies. Help Use route by renewing. Mrs. Homer Hughes is getting along all O. K. and will soon be home. Mrs. Abbie Gilbert lefts fine melon at tl»e carrier's home Tuesday. Luther Goodwin left Wednesday to attend the State Flair. Mrs. Chris Zwink is recovering rapidly at the hospital. Chas. Schwadererand Joe Rlaschke took in the big fair at Lincoln. Clarence Run was at Loup City last week with a load of watermelons. The frame of George'a-ncw house was raised Tuesday and will be rushed to completion Will Retten may er lias the contract. A. L. Enderlee had a new well put down east of Jim Johansens this week and will soon commence the election of a new house. The wheat is making around >* bushels per acre on the valley south of Loup City, across the river. Miss Rusbong commenced school in the Wiggle Creek district Monday. Carrier was given a melon at Clark Alieman's Tuesday. Geo. Stors and men put Use Wiggle Creek school house in up-to-date shape last week Miss Nora Henderson commenced her school in the Riche 1 district Monday. All rural mail carriers had a holi day Monday, it being Labor Day. A. R Moore is working at Owen IVte Ogle will leave this week for three or four weeks threshing down on the table land about a miles : souUiwest of Rockville, known as Havestown. He will then come back • and finish up on the valley south of ; Loup City. Those who have threshed in the past ;week are. J. Plambeek. F. M. Mickow. C. J. Norstedt. Geo. Me Fadden. Chris Oltjenbruns. N. P. i Nellson. E. C Kilpatrick. Ray Mc Fadden. Rev. Miller. O. F. Henning. Miss Maggie McFadden commenced ! tier first term of school Monday in I the Smalley district. Oliver Brodock is attending the I State Fair. All Wiggle Creek neighborhood at tended the funeral of John Daddow Monday. C. W. Burt gave carrier a dandy watermelon Tuesday. Miss Lettie Peugh commenced her first term of school in District No. 4. or Hawk school. Monday. ; Johnny Flynn is getting along finely now and in a few mouths will be as well as ever.*. - _ i Romeo Conger’s" iTtfJfe daughter. Hazel, was very sick last week. John Squires sold some cattle at Loup City last week. Jim Lee will erect a lotion silo on his farm west of Loup City. J. A. Mcllravy will also place one of 100 tons capacity on his farm this fall. A. 1>. Peters sold four colts at Litchfield last week. Albert Snyder gave carrier two heads of fine cabbage Saturday. Clarence Gunn returned to his home at Kearney, after spending the summer on his father's farm on Wiggle Creek. Caraier will commence his annual vacation of 15 days on Sept. 17th. and will spend most of the time up in the sandhills hunting and fishing. Otto Henning took a load of wheat to Loup City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snyder and friend visited Loup City last Friday. Miss Christine Lyhne is visiting ' her brother, lver Lvhne. this week. ! Martin Enevoldsen has a large sec tion force working for him. Martin keeps the track and yards right up to-date and his crossings are hard to beat. E. B. Corning was on the road toward Litchfield last week and lor- j got to dig any holes In the road, as is his custom. The water power at the mill is just grand this year. Another mill could almost be run with the surplus water. The mill is a great help to Loup City, as It gives employment to a good many men during the year. Pete Ogle was “threshing every body along Route 2 the past week, and hasn't got licked yet. Oscar Bechthold painted the Hawk school house the past week. Miss Lena Zwink, accompanied by Miss Elma Coming, went to Grand Island last Thursday to see her mother at the hospital. Roy Conger and Elmer Falk were hauling hay to town last, Thursday. W. T. Gibson and wife were seen on their way to Litchfield Friday. They returned Saturday evening. C. J. Xorstedt commenced to work on Route 2 last Friday at B. W. Parkhurst'a B. J. Swanson and B. W. Parkhurst were working on the road last week. Cora looks better on an average than last year and if the frost docs not come until the last of September will make a bumper crop. Hay is short: the last crop of alfalfa will be a bumper. Lots of winter wheat is being sown and haying Is in full swing now. Spring sown alfalfa was a failure on account of dry weather. Joe Blaschke. with the of Jim Bone and John Foy did one of the prettiest pieces of road work at X. P. Nielson's of any of his work while road boas. The work was all done with Webster township's grader and is almost a perfect piece of work. It only took a abort time to make a r food road out of a very ted one. Carl Squires las rented ti«e place farmed by Chas. Barnes two rears ago. Roy Conger las rented tlve place he tarmed this year for next year. H. A Wilkinson flipped a car of cattle to South Ornate Wednesday. Mia. C. A. Rurkie risited at the home of G. R Wilkie the tost meek. John Peugh and Nick Itaddow did some repair work on the Wiggle Creek school house last week. Rainsforth had a runam^y Tuesday with the team attached to a new mower. The team finally got hung up on a fence post and were caught, hat not until they had ruined the new mower Sup: Hendrickson las commenced his annual ri>iis to each school in the county. It takes days to con - plete the circuit, or about two months steady driring Rol never Tails to make the complete circuit and he always takes a great interest in what the children are doing Moon Crook Items Miss- Emma Rowe began her work in tire Moon schoo' Moniay rooming. We *ish tie p cpils and teaciiers . successful year. Mr. Angier's have moved out on their home place and we are glad to welcome tirem to our midst. Miss Emma Nelson went to Blair, i Neb., the latter part o' last week to stay with her grandmother until after l»ay making, when her father will gj back to Blair and she will return to Loup City again. Tom and Earl Mellravy are at tending tire State Fair. Mrs. G. A. Alien and son. Ronald, left O. S. Fross' Tuesdav morning for their home at Table Rock. Neh. S. S. Reynolds is among those from our neighborhood who is attending lire Fair Clothing Well Bought Is Half Sold My line for fail is now in. Don’t forget to look my line over. I can save you money by buying at the right place—of LORENTZ Grocery List: Compare these prices with vour country agent's. We think you'will find that we can save you theFreight and a little besides: Coal Oil. no freight, per gal. only ,10c Extra Fancy select Tomatoes 2 cans for. J25e Extra Fancy Select Peas. 2 cans.. -25c Apples, dried extra fancy.2lbs.. .25c Apricots, dried, per lb.15c ! Prunes. Santa Clara extra. 3 lbs. .Sc Raisins. 4 Crown. 4 pounds.25c Canned Fruits Arkansas Alberta Peaches. 2cans .45c Black Rasp erries. 2 cans.35c Package Food Cereals Kellog’s Corn Flake. 2 large pkgs .25c1 Post Toasties. 2 large pkgs.Sic Egg-OSee. 3 pkgs.25c Cream of Wheat. 2 pkgs.25c Shredded Wheat. 2 pkgs.25c Dr. Prices Food. 3 pkgs..25c Canned Salmon Columbia River Salmon. 2 cans.. .25c A laska Red Salmon. 2 cans.35c Choice Red Sockeye flat per can. 25c Rice 6 lbs good Jap Rice for. ,25c 3 lbs Mexican extra fancy bead., ,25c Cove Oysters 3 small cans for 25c 2 large cane 3ac 10 Bars Polo Laundrv Soap. . .. 25c i White Fish, per lb.. Barrel, only. The Labor of Bakin* is many tines reduced if you use the right kind of Flour, and if the ques tion “What is the best Flour?" was put to Tote Mwt the Bakes and housekeepers in this pen of the country, the unanimous reply would WHITE SATES' Tew would rote for it if yew were used to it. isn't it worth gtriwa trial? Loup City MilinUghtCo. School -Will Soop Begip And we are prepared to supply everybody’s needs in School Supplies, such as Tablets, Composition Books, Bookkeeping Books, Note Books, Drawing Tablets and Paper Pens, Pen cils, Slatea, Chalk. Erasers, Crayons, Water Color Pairts, Artists Brushes, Inks, etc. Swanson & Lofholm Pharmacy LET IS GROW TOGETHER $85,000 i^prjs'nts in round numbers tl£ Growth in De posits during tf£ last y^ar " 59,000.00 r»Pr«sTn^s th’ Incr^ ase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. Which means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in ability to be of genuine service to its clients. It means that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the . LDHF C1TT STATE EM _Capital and Surplus, $37,500 SPECIALS! WHEBE? « CONHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd’y Special September pates! TO THE EAST—You can make an eastern trip at reduced rates any day. and for many eastern trips the limit has been extended to 60 instead of 30 day». To Atlantic City and Return—Special rates, Sept 13th to 17th for the Grand Army Reunion. Nebraska State Fair. Lincoln—September 4th to !ith. inclusive. Special rej duced rates and train service from Nebraska points. Low One-Way Rates to the Coast—General ba-:>. only *25; August 25th to September i*th and October 1st to loth to California destinations. «-nH from September 15th to the Northwest ..nd Puget Sound. California Excursions—General basis, only 35o round trip, direct routes. September 1st to 7th and September 24th to 30th: *15 higher includes the Shasta Route. Homeeeekers’ Excursions—1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Irrigated lands assure a crop and values will greatly increase during the immediate future. J. A. DANIELSON. Local Agent L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Omaha Cement Blocks We now have a large supply of Cement blocks on hand for_ _ We are now in position to put in Cement Sidewalks And guarantee to give good satisfaction We are ready to do all kinds of cam corner mi Call and Get our prioe$ Loup City Cement Block Com any r 3 GUY STOUT, Manager. 1