The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 01, 1910, Image 7

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»«r «-«• * OB. 1* * .‘CT. I Y
Hor^lnxlatec “vex_ios I
• ..
*'-“ . U*Hc5 ^tm
“I**: «® rrmm c9*e sr * l:rJ*
“ ti. aw
~T*r t jjci * sii»- Toa da®':
*'-* t «**«*»- 4» TOO*"
* * - i*tfj I ***fu ••s- c!'-ax. jc*
( "» *.t r.*
Cw*e Ma a- a
' ar* to W as n.Ja!!it>>
-ar*' tor s*arii Tfc» 1* tfcr aaeCbmi
x* ; :*;«rf aa Tate- ter rta'ic aa»i
Sa •n«f - rrt a Irte and hot «a
«r ta all arv c «*► cat Is
**rj amain |**«*a «».rx **is. aard*
tt' a. rucx is tsrcv *of n
-* mi fvdarrd ta tec asc tafc*- Tills
faarraa: A or* i*. f *#y
•fe- — *-d atsMa a »«■*•*
rn tor Tat
»2aSfcJ«*n»a tiv - otec
if 1 railed aa :■«• -a*’ tics; dal 1
-x- as o4c aatatite' (K courac.
- » »-■ I fsar »a=*» ‘ tc aa* tsat
? ! jin lyn—»< to «w I «a» dramb “
? • »*<* oar arod I at!' aa* tfefet
; *"*.* tine roa I aaacraa.i J -d*»
E - } i' aa S*»e » &pD*c
r: 5»'<»t Vaxar—Jxa. ubrr c~e
•* • *9—fen* state fctto- aast tor
u- * • *.i ■-1 v. bat - tfe* Eaa»
- - —
1 xtfer
HCt tt 0*C-»* It.
LI * ■ I v f» a a ana* sarry
te>*fcs Usa* fealty
X. *- At » !. Vi lab* tor
« fgw—aL* *
lit'—H 6adti' cftHal^ ot
rales zst, jwatiai T **— »«- das'*,
a as tt • fata* Urn mart
T <->e Wate^iog xow
rt»*re— t Tidi »e fc- MJ'ff to
•e* >'« the »*r»' ya<Mut»U> -«;
Kray!—Aid r«« did Fan *»> '
< .ore -1 ’old {..a. m> ■ uni* Ui break
bd nee raortiti*
l-.e« any «tf u u«- -rArtp -bat
fif.rr »JI t» »t-B*d rbnacfc »e do
otwr t*Ik alaotd thta. — t*r Ho>rsot
If a sat asautt *o at.rtb.r4t la a
ara! teat tar war.* bet It* *0 'fetbk fad
• . id AtA.j.t to swore n t '.ova
Was a fcoeaerc tr T*-» Caae.
It if see si*ar* that a lark off
A aocr of <aT«et Fo*e*t. Ark-, owe*
krt besitb to -be tart iha* obe could
mcr. pm? to. odeat-c* *he ter demand
ed ty a tstabt to treat ber far
mam,oa-fc -joubwe la ir.lluc of ber
“* *be O'*
-1 bad bora trsaMd tr focr (Etfer
ara: *_y*»rmsa dona* 1* yin of
a 111 troablt Lately I called at
f«urb* »bt- told me be could sot t~ure
med Tbea I seat to a »**<iaii*- *t
Mid sir I bad catarrh of the ftooaci
r«u» —r be —««*k c-re me *t tour
***"*^* - Md aoc raise 'jit
Lr sc» extremity 1
e sod *ry Paasa
re aid *a«e Porn
. asff the •saalta
I aam alee* veil
as. a differaat
j-cwtn Sf Ro-rt Necessitates the De
st-uct>on of Hawthorne's
Hero;r.e s Home.
E rce—Anotht r landmark, dear to
a- fc-arts jf Americans. is to disap
—r *' c. Rome, where it has been
-s.-arj . stray so much on ac
-tit of :h<- tremendous growth of tin
-v-n those who do cot know their
. wiAu.-n* (is;- Hilda's trwer when in
: t„. _nd so macs has it become an
-.m- - hi pc's- ss. n ha: foreigners of
--- at aairie- s-.-* k :t out under that
H zs's Ts***-. fic-re.
' " TV* her- pr-vjr H.lda lived and
-* - v-«. and their descendants
m ... t— -e. n circling about the
Va. tt; ^td th* ’ity light it her
- SOT W—ich Dev-. - goes ont.
' - ■•■*•- > Eg pulled down, as
5 free* trust pass over the place, that
, tr- of l; me t -c uncomfortab!y
*c--c. so tha* those who wish to
• • Hilda s home must be quick about
Th- history of th- tower itself was
t shown unti. one cay. some hat
d-ecr cf years ag-p. a monkey, escap
re *rom its mas’ — ran up the door
» 8 ate etc a window where a young
- other was dand.tng her infant. The
- hi* y. probably in pure mischief.
-* d "t- hild and before the deeper
-te woman -amid give the aiarm was
c the top - • the ’ wer with his pre
-s i iirden making faces and chat
* —tr ’< ’b- excited crowd beneath
V p> r m -•her sank on her knees.
nc pra :ng • b- Virgin promised
ru- :* n-r baby were restored to her
-he » pu* a figure of the Mother
'' V «c in the v-ry place w here the
r nt- > ta- acd tha* there should
■ -t 'or all time a light before it.
Th- m ti*y "he-eui-on came quietly
■- w n and laid the smiling and happy
i hr- mother's arms who imme
iiv , we- aboct building the prom
ised shrine
DtW'tf **>e G^eat Increase in Auto
•ret tt VAe -a«c 2C.00C.00C Steeds
' This Country.
!**-«■; -- u- rapid increase :n autos
sec - •• ttaest for commercial
•rat sp* —a- c this s not a horseless
e- Tt- corse *rtll - makes good' as
*• tat* ir-atw or drBuer of bur.
o-tf t- the igr.c.Jtur.sts' great four
•rC ior.c as men are
r ■ t rea* re. who delight to drive or
• * - ir-" .« insured against ex
• ■ - - re n tbe T'r.i ed States
t: *-re Bins’ be at least JO.OOO.fiOi:
ti - * - r Ti;e government estimated tbe
• ’-cte- a* 092 "00 jn and jj
map - -i • at v -se breeding va>
;* i ai - dep-p.t* automobiles so thai
- r * '»c;vp-e. >Ett or more it may
• presumed that tbe herds of steed*
tat- coergp®- no net diminution
anc : on the contrary, made posi
five gains
goterwment da*a be c-emed trust
• rtty ocly Russia among the great
p • ers r**f me re horses than tbe
T'tti’edl Sta’es I^ast year tbe numbei
estimated for ^tie Russian empire was
rather more -ban 20 000.000 Horse*
are of so much importance to many
European countries. esp>ecial!y those
maintaining .arge armies, that tbe
mtau is carefully made every year
Eepe- tallv in Germany Is every pre
rau'ton -ater to see that every hors*
available for draught service or cav
a.r« se s r.oteu and located Hence
European horse statistics outside Rus
sis which Is sc vast that recourse i*
bad to estimating to save the expiensr
tr ecumera"ng n the wilder regions
are as trust wormy as is humanly ptoe
Bn,m Refuses to Leave the Tracks
Llfijl Engineer Blows Hi* Shrill
Locomotive Whistle.
W likes-barm Fa.—A big black bea;
V-id up a Lefcigfc \ alley railroad pas
r j-t 'rata la be mountainous dis
trict of Bernice
Tbe ‘rain was soiag ortB a monc
• «ir abou’ r»o mite* west ot
Klcke*-•- »hec Engineer Miller saw
tbe tear asleep oh tbe trwca some dis
taace ahead aad slowed down. TV
bear didn’t move aad Miller stoppec
uu locomotive. with tbe pliot only *
few few from tbe aalmai.
Bruin was aroaaed by this time anc
craw He grow lad clawed tbe pika
and would not leave tbe tracks TV
n|1nr it started tbe train, but Bruit
htnw «* to tbe pilot
Finally tbe fireman pulled tb*
wblatle cord aad tbe shriek of tbe ns
steam frightened tbe bear, aac
be wsmikrcd of the passengers get
mj a good view of him as be went
■p tbe metadata Ode.
Most Extraordinary Characteristic Feature of These
Animals Is That They Scare and Faint
Upon Slightest Provocation.
rvd you ever hear of fainting or
nervous goats? There are said to be
many of them in existence
The most extraordir.arv character
istic of these animals is that they are
very easily frightened To simply say
“boo" st them in a threatening man
spells the coats can be turned over
and dragged about as if they were
deud; they become s< rigid that they
can be lifted bodily aitbout bend
The animals seem to retain their
faculties during these extraordinary
Ar-gcra Kma.
*er mill cause them to fail helplessly
’o the ct. .ic and remain there until
the s;>eU leaves them
Tuey scare and faint upon the
s:ich'esT prcvoaction To merely
jump ever a fence or bar 16 to 1$
inches from the cround is sufficient
* cause them to become stiff and
While under the influence of these
sr*'!'.s but tk:r eyes have ar
s;or. : anxiet:—one t ir say apery
The reasons for suet a peculiarly
hiphly developed n» rvo n.usruiar sys
tem have not as ye: Wen ascertained
The coats seen; r- nr.a. ir. every other
parti alar, and t*\e thts advantac
over the common poa-s- They car
easily be k- p: » -h:c prescribed
Demand of Present Age li fox
Highway That Is Smooth,
Hard and Usable Every
Day in Year.
The roads of the central west have
been so proverbially bad for the last
generation i hat the people have fixed
a low standard for what they term a
good road. All of the earth roads are
sometimes good and when in prime
condition, as they now and then are.
nothing could be better, but when the
ram comes and the frost heaves, they
are about the wrost possible. Those
who have seen some of the better
roads of New England, and the high
ways of Europe, will fix a much high
er standard The demand of the age
is for a road that is smooth, hard, and
usable every day in the year, that the
road condition shall in no manner in
terfere wi*h the use of it. This can
only be brought about, first, by prop
er grading and a thorough drainage,
which is the most important feature
of road-building, and next, to cover it
with a hard, smooth, wearing sur
face of long life.
Economy m road building does not
necessarily mean low first cost On
the contrary, this low first cost is apt
to make the road expensive to mein
tain. It is better to add 25 per cent,
or 50 per cent to the cost in the first
instance and secure long life and low
maintenance. In the central west
gravel, crushed lime stone, and where
available, blast furnace slag, are the
materials from which the main part
cf the road should be constructed.
Four cr five inches of these materials
will form a good foundation for the
wearing surface This should be a
harder substance. What is known as
Wisconsin granite is the best mate
rial available in the central west for
wearing surface. Enormous quanti
ties of it are found throughout the
central portion of the Badger state.
Three inrhes of this material spread
upon a highway. thoroughly rote- !
parted and bonded w ith some asphal
tic mixture, such as the asphaltic
residuum of Texas pe’roleum. some
products of coal tar. or. best of all.
granulated asphaltic r< k will give a
surtat e of excellent texture, dustless
and with wearing qualities at least
■wire that of lime stone and two or
thr*-* times that of ordmarv gratel.
I'pon the roads that have the heavy
traffic, it is better to use materials of
this nature for 'he wearing surface
With nads of less traffic, gravel or
lime stone will serve the purpose ad
mirably. The people having in charge
•he road administration ought to real
sze that the most expensive way tc
build a read is by the annual tax iew_
baiTding the road little by little. The
burden is heavy the construction ex
pensive and the results not satisfac
ory Good stone or gravel mads are
a permanent improvement; they iast
for generations with a moderate
amount of attention, and the cost of
them ought to be spread over a series
of years, not less than twenty, and let
those that come after us help bear the
burden of read construction. If this
p!an were adopted, supplemented by
state aid. whereby all taxable prop
erty of the state would be subject to a
tax to pay one-half of the expense of
building and maintaining the high
ways and road supervision were made
a county instead of a township mat
ter. so that the roads could have
skilled supervision in building and
n*sir.cei:3cp^. acd all road taxes paid
in cash, there would be an immense
saving to the taxpayer and better
roads for every one to use.
Gcod and Inferior Cow.
Weighing and testing milk is the
only sure way to determine the dif
ference in value between the good and
inferior cow. Weighing and testing
daily is only a business proposition. It
is the only safe way of determining
wha; price to ask for a cow in selling
her o- of what to pav for her in buy
ing No intelligent farmer will sell a
cow for thirty dollars that will make
him a net profr of $40 or $50 a year.
Neither will he keep a cow that
doesn’t pay him a profit if he knows
it Test and weigh the milk is the
only way to know.
Caring for Potatoes.
It is a good plan sometimes, where
it happens to be quite warm at digging
time to put the potatoes in piles on
the ground and cover them with straw
and dirt.
Roots of the ordinary cultivated
plants will not grow it soils saturated
with » ater. Air and >» certain amount
of moisture are necessary and the
deeper the soil is drained the deeper
the plants will feed In light soils the
?iie may be placed four or fire feet
deep; in heavier soils three feet will
Five better results A dense clay or
hard par may be impervious to water
and a drain sunk any depth tn it would
be useless
U Left to Stood Until Dead Ripe
Mocfa of It Will Be Shat
tered Shocking Is
Also Important.
<B> \C D NEAI,R>
I have found it best to rut wheat
when it ia a golden yellow It It is
rut green it is very liable to spoil if
n rainy season sets in on the shocks
fall down Especially is this true if
the bandies are large. If it is left to
stand until it is dead ripe much of it
will be shattered at cutting time. The
falling of the heads on the canvas and
the kicking of the bundles to the
ground by the machine and the hand
ling of them in shocking will shatter
much of the grain. This is n com
plete loss
The shocking of the wheat in eery
important unless it is threshed In a
very short time. The shocks must be
wall put togethar if they stand the
wind and rain of summer months
It is a good idea to fo’low a system
m building shocks E-«y on*
to be about the same site and built
after a good substantia! plan The
following has prosed itself to be a
very successful way of purring bundles
together to stand the storms of sum
Place three pair of bundles in a row
and set a bundle at each end The
bundles In the pair should be set out
at the butts to give a good slant when
set together It ia well to see that the
head* trf the two outside pair slant
well to the beads of the center pair
The end bundles should also slant
suflcientiy Now place three bundles
to each side and put on a couple of
The shock should be set with the
end to the direction from whence most
storms blow.
A Haifa in Argentina.
it is said that in Argentine as mane
as acres of alfalfa can be seen
in single tracts, and tnat cattle, sheep
anc horses are pastured on It wf:k
scarcely any loss from bloat.
Werner in Every State Join Eamest'y
in Campaign Against Tu
Four rears ago the only active wom
en workers in the anti-tuberculosis
movement were a little group of about
30 women's clubs Today $00.0--0
women, under the United States, are
banded together against this disease
and mere than 3.'>03 clubs are taking
a special interest in the crusade. Not
less -han $500,000 ts raised annually
by them for tuberculosis wrrk. be
sides millions that are secured through
their efforts in state and municipal
appropriations. Mrs. Rufus F Wi.
.iams is the chairman of the depart
ment that directs this work in a i
litkm ic the work o: the General Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, the Fabiic
Health Education committee of the
American Medical association, com
posed largely of women physicians,
has carried on an educations', cam
paign of lectures du'ing the past yea
rn which thousan is have beer. reached
The Mothers' congress, the Young
Women's Christian association. an-J
many unattached clubs bring the num
ber of women united in the tuberculo
sis war to well o'-• r a million There
is no: a state in the union where seme
vert has net been done.
"No trnrue can ceil hew I sul?r?d
’or Ere years with .triune end tieed
nc eczema, until ! tts cured by the
rutieura nad I arc sorru:>
*ul I want tie Boric tc knew, for
*kst helped me w.;i trip others. My
)(w.t and face were covered with
seres. One cay it weeii seem to be
setter. and then break out again with
he most terrible pain and itching. 1
have been sick several times, but
i- ver in my life c.d I experience such
twful suffering as with this eczema I
uud made up my mice that death was
near at hand, and I longed for that
time when I would be at rest. I had
tried many ciEereu: doctors and medi
cines »ithout success, and my mother
Drought me the Cuttcura Remedies. In
sisting that I try them. 1 began to
feel better after the Erst bath with
ruticura Scar, and one application of
Cutieura Ointment.
"1 continued with the Cutieura Soap
and Cutieura Ointment, and have
taken four bottles of Cutieura Resolv
ent. and consider myself well. This
was nine years age and I have had
no return of the trouble since. Any
person having any doubt about this
wonderful cure by the Cutieura Reme
dies can write to my address. Mrs
Altie Error. 9* Inn Road. Battle Creek.
Mich., Oct. 16. 19ft».~
The Joker—What do you thick of
Paintem's paicticg of the ocean*
The Artist—I thought the water
looked too calm
The Joker—I guess it's the oil on
It that does that.
Tulare. CaU Man Cured by Dear's
• Kidney Pills.
Harrison A Sturtevant. G and Ma
pie Sts.. Tuiare, CaL. says: “I «a?
in bad shape with kidney trouble. Too
frequent passage of the urine com
paired me to arise a:
night, my bladder be
came inflamed and I
had excruciating
pains in my abdomen
Scon after 1 began
using Doan's Kidney
Pills. I passed a
gravel stone three
quarters of an inch
in length and variegated in color. Aft
er this my trouble disappeared."
Remember the name—Doan s.
For saie by all dealers 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milbura Co.. Buffalo. X. T.
Old Gentleman (to waiter*—Can
you tell me If my wife is here?
Waiter—Yes. siT. eighth hat to the
left — P.tegende Blaetter
• Get a Move On.
The Boa.-r—Alas' my ahlp doesn't
come in
The Real Mar—Then get a move on
and help some other felk>w umoed his.
We feel sorry fcr a girl who knows
more than she ought to and not as
much as she should.
*•' "S.
* A\eeetaNe Preparation fer As -
i£~ sibilating the Feed anti Reg ula
»-ag the Stcrcieks and Bowels «'
' ^ i^ riiiw. m m j~i~- --
Jai'- Prcm-Mes Digestion Chef rfu!
t ; ness and Rest Contains neither
jg; Opium Morphine Mitv^al
Not Narcotic
t > jkmraftrZd Astxea/rnjm
& jw
5. a** —. -
^ JbrAe&i 5a% •
fcg'; ApeCfc! Remedy forConstip#
h-*-r >an SourStotMth D>arrt*>e ‘
Moults Convuteiens FfsTrish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
► l'
*L. FacS;-^* 5-g -arv-y cf
L'' The Cextaer Compact.
W_ .;
\waranif«i under the Fgojai
Bract Copy of WtsppK.
For Infants sad Children.
The Kind You Hava
Always Bought
Thirty Years
[gp!ir 1910 CROPS
Wheat Yield in Many Districts Will
l_^Uflfl Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Sere
Lanf **»•* msti. bootsiead eerr^e* iae—as* So trwtltim a ctatairr* po.^f f— failed
W. aderfcl uppmUhiTiw Tesuir; for tin— vha laterd miciq: Canada *^«ir hoae.
diKr-«* o?eafd cp for «n,eaest Karr firxrrs ae:. this v~ar. $10 to £3 per
Arf*re fT.'at tie:r ri—A e-vp Al. tae hgtimifft of o-i wttied countries are there. Good
srhedN. rtarrhes. sp.ead.d airkeis rad.maj' far^aes. See tie ptab exaibtt at tie
ctffru: State afid some of tie Cocay .arv
Letters atmir to tie Sett—rin* are me:»ad rrer> day. teetifyinjp to aa:;»fartorr
—c-.i.oas other <f :sr-w:s are as farombdy spodett of
lUrtiv ae. iasi. Citodi Aac HA. TO
"V* parwato «■» Aerv cf*ar fraa fam.
*fiv ab4 «w sc *?_ ss-^as-k! «.-C He*
wu«r s^ar to Conr 4 A •c^ fv r to- 1 !*▼*
ai« t?a m*: aea a»C
to. *A-C u> ?k.; to.>- ~ La^oarC I m~£ —
sants settler’s rate i\>r his stoce.
Sto<?TJ*r. AUnt^. Jol^SfeK. V9K.
■WV.. I fr* tt* he> *toc FoPto'. C^T k*«i A»t
Striper* *l.t2 'aa^ wixA ifer stock arc -**r^-_r a*
V-» . Aaw |p-: :*c bc>*> dac* t irwa *•-■■.; ar»C
a=a #cwo* oacA iAe-» mam m *. *•- thm asi ac
c*Ae- ar r? A*— tAJ< tto_ Wsa? I wvmi :fc* to
k»ow *a. 'Hrr :« acy rtov» k p; a cfc-ap i**f
Otoca tg r arc «fe«c w-» -^Krrr: to Oa&aOa I waL
ca_. Ai »c»tr JBce for oc* cmAcar«
Yoctj xroly E. A SA
Bixaerl. A at X TO
"T a* r~ Of to •''ara«ia a *«l f*v« toOay aal
tracer - at**** «▼ A.■•sc Art St* hrsaaoc Aa*
Nw v x •***> *»•: :« w*i. v**m**C. mttt tE*
to>«etr* «> hr *x» c# to eras* as wer a> pw
alSL« H* i rr a ra.r b-*- Land v arc
Ay As toKr.pccc «. ! u u toss: :< a pwey
Myorocba^ir few Mr FfeniJ rnar.^-yi
aisd * wa» -jnroa^h ils ife: w* ooe.,it*o a .<*> a
t ana«ia Y-Tirol*
Mra. ia.cfean£ Hce*"* Eidjfr.
Taywr* Knife. Mice. a«x I. .-iA
“I sfelcoicCuina* uus Fa. w.-jl «* eanlaaad
boqi f pad juufe. 1 h i a !*>': tor- ih*
and m* brother-.®-few Aie.V nistrwi &Cam*oa«L
•tsa a*** tr» cn—r tto» Ha *“ r*>rr!y 1:t«j in
Wiaoc. North iahfe. 1 ate r* n k> hey or :u«
homwaread wbec i $•** *to*» ©midi nor wit! to
PiTtltovums-Jjer*. for I tax- set !>-*«*—:p- few s
Ue cocairy and *ir* u> foe yoar aoor
»m*. Iy«» rraiy
A. Nexen. ;
wants to rbytun to Canada
- v *e'A M cc Jb> nth. I?!S
“T ^c* a? Canada nine y'* a*r and iuo« c a
oeanwr sortie \>t ra *vad load and a
hat my h\n tor- e-t*- tah»c c: u* .and w-x. I
•ti- feo-fi tea ra.naJ and 1 bad to erm- rack to
fee *aito «c nmwr of my tot th -• c«
knew at onoa if i can awe n» .-yti m*«-s n> Pucoa^
Albania ■* Yovrotrtuy
Mtt. **\«tow*T
Vwu. VI. Eh
N*nc Mr Utmttrr anJ a&» sir .oca. a .aflaa ^ jTfr&ace: Axea:« for Xmnte r^-^t
W: :c waiei u> .ocatc. auhI rtec so
W. V. BENNETT, 801 New Yark Life Bailding, Omaha. Nebraska
The Rayo lamp ia a high grade lamp, sold at a low price.
tfcmt «w tx”r Pot tbr*r i > or ►pop* \*mv a>idp . arr
Pwr*W O'CscptncToI of •d't4 Prase, p’aToo—rm» r BPftclnr pa
p’aiapc uj tty a«a !a »r» ft r«p T*pt» r» jPsoc kisowr to :fc* *r%
of ii*>x44 setter car a<M tcTPrra ol TP- RAT<<Urpts»
rT « <PT > *Trrr d-a w-rwtarp if a; yc..t. Xj
4«cr.pLvt; ?ct .ru>*bt to**' ij-tc* —*
Pipe Gives Cadet Tyohoid.
Midshipman Smith who was strick
en with typhoid fever on the Indiana
at Plymouth. England, contracted the
disease. It Is said, from smoking a
briar used nearly a year ago by his
roommate a; Annapolis who had a bad
case of typhoid. This theory is taken
as proof that concentrated nicotine
cannot destroy a typhoid germ. The
medical department of the navy v.l’,
examine into the theory with the re
sult that midshipmen of the future
may confine themselves to their own
While in Soak.
Howell—I see that the paper tars
that the treasury department an
noun res that by washing paper money
it will last twice as long
• Powell—Yes. hot what is a poor
devil to do while his money is at the
A man knows but little If be >
them a chance.
levs- Single Bmder. the fisn«
straight 5c cigar—annual sale 9,5X5.000.
It's always a case of the survival of
the fittest. Are you It?
Stomach Blood and
Liver Troubles
I r nr ►
II II ^b k of Paxtioe.
I Better ud more economical
Gieea one a met breath; clean, white,
tena-free^ teeth—artieepticnlly cJeea
Twc PaxTO* TOUXTOO-. Waaiua. Man. 1
lag Mm Ug.F#f<>rlb»'».ti»«ii—«. pmivn*
%«Mlt JJALLPJm^iUlK^; Mia,
“SSrt.'^, Tbtapctt's Eft Wtta
W. N. L', OMAHA. NO- 3*-1910.