The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 01, 1910, Image 6

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    R1S —Hn» i* ' te tracer <
«f a tetter; dante lor
TLaa Is ta tale al love
« jraed coOtac Use
ra <nurrmld-eyei ar-rj-at.
f drove n* dept: draUac
! uc» lata (le tear* of a
_ reraa lover Matter w
* tte peocrva* ad a ^azloa Vurt.
*at *» a auifiitf laeart g. -Cb* tear. 1
»»•* a» a email an t«aa» rf
tad aa* set lafert Ita U4 l!»l«
*tt •!.» paasaoas love aaiks tea-k.
•as— al tea* 'ten e la#f> baad» over
fte budr at aa tasarvai etrtta
la ttm toeve a as eg ployed at the
'Ant'- -as* dn lav in a aalirvooic
na» i Man* Ma«r*n» antes a Pans
•teeraspated aft, cd tpe V* York
World ($te »»i regarded aa a moot
tvteton eatplwree pul e ad te
attire of n rise- r-s elar aad piiartuaJ1
* aapetrutc far Mr K aa* Uovr '
t«te. ace pnatiosaifd a small ta
ftef. tie a.tnd cd ttei added U>
ter sa**"» raided T.dd Iraars. ar
atetet f «»» a rear—ta Pans a lib
eral ttetisoe lar a vaae ttaa Aad
Mane bad Imte’ depr-otett epos Iter
kear raiutueo Pad dees \<*x inked
aid cr pteCerred tetiaucte ruaattettics,
■Us If&e Used poUe lino ta a Beat
HaJ i art VoMaao sad
»«rker» ad ilvri < tte rtpuar^s of
Per taisad ea> »d Per freedom
•arfctac tars*
Utfitr did tbey dream 'Pat :» ber
wdefi* t|»rme ctse stout off tbsr
•/ vaiit* Per very bear* vat !a
htastf.te' «■ Mane aa» out ttea a
Immmtf *ei. aad reerataly ber iittw
M*aae »a* aid la te deepsse-f. but ,
That r eM vis wrote a letter, the
first of hundreds upon hundreds of
tampBoe* letter*, done with a pea
dipped in venom; evil letters, all of
•hem r*vsteritt the jutpc .urines of
a j— lo— soul—jealous of not one in
drt >dual. Hut ud all who had tasted
cd the happiness denied her.
Rerr-aired C'csuspected
T • ser f to the Eaten of her fel
!«» marker* TVy sett to contented
h- tan-.s of ha®-*: wives And m her
- r stiey wets they scattered distrust
and mi *et y
Never ma» Var> suspected of I
f»rntt ail this trouble Who would '
u*je«t the uemure. silent muenar of
thirty mho never varied Use routine
«f her existence * Truly was Marie
. . ...... jjj, of the Magus.ns du
loot* *fce old mail content with
her 1<< leading a placid life undis
• -rimd l- domestic annoyances Ijt
*e d.d her m.trid understand Marie
Hsrirecte and never did it read mhat
lei nd iier 1!’* e gray eye* match
-tg ior Lease matching, but ever in
At last a nsn came Into Marie
•’■curette* life, hut oh. he canse
ms* a irt’> may and lie tarried so '
■ e a time* Any girl in the Maga
d - !i>nr* exce*.; Marie Hour
ett* mi'ii her le v- starved heart,
would Lave* understood the situatio:.
and *<nt him gay It on his may Hut
not Marie' Her hear* leaped and
»• ed to leec ot ti«at which never was
T: > man* name was Itoudieux He
was a furniture manu'aclurer who
aamenmes catne to make purc hase* at
the »h<jf' where Marie worked Also
-j* wa* -ve year* Maries Junior, a
g- debotmalr Parisian youth in
*e-r.-h ot adient -.res partic -iarly of
&• t*rr « **«* F“»t E>t -s Ojt Her Heart in Lonelineaa.
as laser • to «<a Ukf after 4a?
•to seset to aal into tor surk aioo*
N«to alter «*te ato* rams laa* U
Ito)«»sl Warns* Aaaoctatea
Pwto|» alto aKto bar* {<*»• 4 as
ItttJOktoto i4ahtj aft a irito*
her uaxtocat Bat Man* traa aea
S:i» ia tto mwM X» •atut
hnSM lus at tier k*r*..te** si the
rmqta eaa at her Wa <4 bs tart loaf
*» ea«? iff tit* tto* I err bfao4
la bar "to* atoa a«rM ottor snrto
•n to ftoa Magaait.a 4a l.serr* la
i4a? teal, tto totrutu: rfoe ■»!
-toee 'to **i<u rice **4 Snail?
’aka -to* l*?sran for tto ties bus*
ejakaf ax fk* kan4 (to •Uri a* mac
ka4 rw Itooel a rto* Ah. there
■ as a armkie: B* ciaac*4 at tor
almr Actotor *nu* Is her far*
aoraerr-4 The* tto* lmpiarahi* mir
ror »Wa*c ter • Bitter hair
the heart
la :M<: be first t* gar making pur
faaee* Of Mar e, smiling upon her as
a maa »•!! mb»-B in sear< L of the best
or hla iioiet when shopping Grad
ual*.' the smiles became pleasant
morns and one evening being, as me
■4 be! < re. a young man set upon
adventures, be asked Mane to meet
turn at a cafe There mere other trysts
at other cafes, but all of the most in
n^ent sort Marie mas not seeking
adien'ure. act she. and mben young
Isiudieti discovered this fact he
slipped out of tier Ufe quietly, un
e'en f ..iy and mithout any scene or
re* rtrr.natumw In fact. It came so
naturally this parting, that M Dou
dieu* promptly proceeded to forget
the adventure mbicb had resulted In— !
Roused Demon of Jealousy.
•'i* *° Marie" Sbe had come so
near quafling the cup of love that sbe
bevame more and more embittered
wilt -a* to passing day From the love
she bad never felt nor aroused she
b;;;!t the hideous phantom that was
destined to lead her into dangerous
paths. And yet the world saw only
a quiet, unpretentious old maid going
to and from her work!
Six months passed and there came
to M IX>udieux's desk a letter signed
"Larenauden.- reproaching him for
unfaithfulness to the little blonde
friend of two years back. Ah, more
than one little blond friend had
crossed the gay Parisian's path in
those youthful days How could he
dream which one had written the let
ter? He did not worry* If he had
worried—perhaps—but it may have
been Fate!
She wrote again, warning him of
the price of forgetting a woman he
had once wooed, advising him to se
cure a divorce. But he tossed these
anonymous letters, like their prede
cessors. into the fire.
Finally, she boldly signed her name.
Doudieux. mystified at first, reads the
name over and over, and finally re
calls the little shop girl of the Maga
sms du Louvre. Really, it is all too
absurd. Xot for six years has he
seen that Impossible young jierson.
Of course, there is but one thing to
do. ignore her and her letters.
Makes Open Threat.
Put this is not so easy. Marie fol
low s up her letter with a personal
- all. She comes again and again
Her demands are more insistent, her
vords more violent- Finally she an
nounces with bitterness which should
airy its hideous warning—"If ever
any cue made me miserable. I would
poison him. It would not be diffi
colt "
That is abominable. Never come
•o see me again." is M. Poudieux's
stern response.
And the now prominently respect
able husband returns to his home,
dismissing Marie from his mind. But
Marie, though unseen, is still very
much in his life. And Marie is plot
Ting, contriving, scheming.
Ic November M. Doudieux receives
a basket of mussels, sent, according
to its tag. from an old friend. M '
I.Aru. of Caen For several years the
two friends have not corresponded,
an i M. Doudieux turns suddenly
alarmed, turns suspicious just in time
to save his life. He communicates
»i;h M I-arue and learns that the
mussels were not sent by his friend.
The gift is taken to the city labora
’ory Fa, h mussel is found to contain
enough arsenic to kill a man.
Now it is time for M Doudieux to
summon the police. They trace the
parcel to a messenger office in the
Hue St. Petersburg, where it was left
by Marie Bourette Marie Bourette's
apartment is searched and yields np
all sorts of poisons, in papers, bottles
and boxes, treatises on The adminis
tration of poisons. . and scraps of
anonymous letters, hideous thoughts
which only an abnormal mind could
And. caught In the web of circum
stantial evidence. Marie Bourette
faces trial for murdering a man who
has never crossed her path. All
through that trial she denies every
allegation, every statement made by
every witness She has an answer for
every question hurled at her by the
presiding justice. That these answers
• on’radicted each other matters noth
icg to her. And always she smiles,
smiles, 'he broad, placid, empty smile
which for years has cloaked the riot
ing of the blood beneath her calm
exterior. She is fat now. writh the
pasty fatness of oncoming old age
Her small eyes seem lost in he;
pudgy cheeks, her tip-tilted nose is
coarse, her mouth is a perpetual
At the End of It All.
Life imprisonment at hard labor Is
the sentence, and 100.000 francs are
awarded to the heirs of her victim. 1
Marie's small estate amounts to 70.
<>••0 francs. Mme. Godard will have it
all. And Marie Bourette. at forty,
goes to face her sentence of life im
prisonment at hard labor, still starved
for love.
The trial has been the criminal sen
sation of the year in Paris, not so
much because of the prominence of
the victim, M Godard, but because of
the curious psychology developed by
the cross-examination of the murder
ess Hers was not revenge. Her
crime did not spring from jealousy
of an individual, but from jealousy of
all who had tasted happiness. She
did not love Doudieux. He bad never
prolessed to love her. But he repre
sented the one man who had come
:nto her life, the one man who might
have given her the happiness she
saw all around her. And because he
had not. because her heart was
starved and no hand fed it. she plotted
the unhappiness and the death of all
who had tasted the Joy that was de
nied to her.
Delicate Irony.
Vakart. the great Viennese painter,
was taciturn to a fault. It Is related
of him that once at a dinner party he
sat next to Mme. Gallmeyer for a
whole hour without uttering a syllab le.
when bis fair neighbor playfully
nudged him with her elbow and said: ■
Tome. Herr con Makart. let ua
change the conversation “
<t gp * ** ■i*m
- ♦ *"'y -
s.r in» -►r-ft ta Vest tf Ymmr On
: w o»-»: - • Vja of tfee iYmweto «<»
raafnuats n Fur at iwt a genera
>M tfee *"«*d? 4-eiUto U W» tttlb
raw a Prta* fear tm tfee ta!k «f
Mrwh(»u (fen H »a- upinil
•« uxvm sap t*lml iktwmi' is' :fce
sa few* as tfee ret ura* sfeemed
-fes’ tu l»er« it tfee pdwluiia serr
at Wart ttmumrnrr No fla* rttr pa|i
a:arfc antatua •» a flood until Itor
tvflin are tuudrt mater ar does (tor
Ioann ifht af natural rewoarocs ei
rim f be Mnp of the people uatil
aw of tfee UPtoer has bees eat and
west of ’fee mtteeai mesHfe abaorferd
kf pr.ia'» «ow«
la tfee i-sma af France fte demon Is
blr>adp si ——at aa article la the
SWtru$«fnam say* Fruit laj* doom
I, jpeT tfer esresa af Unis over
drsif feat asefe d err r said.
«rf birtt* li is impossible to regard
th » as is isolated phenomenon It
is pan of a logical sequence. By iSbO
the population of France will hare
‘alien :i <0P where It was in
'I*'-** indeed, some drastic ef
[ Iona are made to encourage larger
fair! • i- History has never yet seen
a naiion selfconsciously set Itself to
uitiJUgfy t;s numbers The French
bai^ no ambition to make a good cen
sus showing They never colonized
fur i; c sal.. ,4 colonizing, but only
lor tb. glory of <onquest. Save for
a few • vpmnsiucists of the Delcasse
tyie. »ey *-Hd gladly abandon all
tn*-.r foreign possession* and live hap
b<l> «itbin the borders of tbeir beaut i
I’e Fru»* It is only a question of
years when I net China ceases to be
Fre-mb TNy dneid on their na
fioaal thrift to make them not only
the r« bent hat the most contented of
peoples. They make a virtue of thrift
jaat as we make a virtue of hustling
And thrift is L::hng their population.
Tbe worst of race is that it
is such a pleasant dea'h ~As long as
we lest, they say. are shad be pros
terouf s:«I as tor the dtatruet ion at
our rate, ihe French will not be the
sufferers thereby, because they will
be dead " But the rest of humanity
* ul suffer by the loss of the wittiest,
most artistic ar.d most liberty-loving
Pwpie in the world. The Frenchman
■a a slave neither to monarchv nor
'o money nor to social conventions
and that is more than we can sav
oven lor ourselves What a bore it
W‘U * in A D to find all the
shopkeepers in the Rue de la Paix
talking German, aid the Richard
* rauss ol the day conducting at the
Opera Gomique and every pathway
in the Hois marked "Gang Verboteu"
by a German park commissioner.
Hot Box Alarm.
' novel alarm for hot bearings con
mms of a small tube and bulb con
tain mg mercury, so arranged that rise
of the mercury with temperature
closes an electric bell circuit and at
tracts the attention of the attendant
The apparatus is attached to the bear
ing ton a box two inches square. When
many bearings are being watched tn
ordinary electric bell imlicaior can U*
used _
Strange Marine Forms Brought Up
With Deep Sea Cable Sunk
for Ten Years.
Strange monsters the like or which
hare seldom been seen by man wore
dragged from a depth of S.500 feet by
the crew of the cable ship Burnside
when they repaired the Alaska cable
off Mt. St Elias last month.
The Burnside is moored at Its buoy
in Elliott bay after two months of re
pairing and relaying the cables of the
* - - - ■ -
r 5v army s cur l t»r5 «fh
board were a -score of b> c<- Basks
filled with alcohol. In them Boated
srratire shayes which it was hard to
believe were onee lit nc rr*-tl«rc»
Balts of red hair which looked
like tousled human heads proved upon
dissection to be a strarc-' kind of deep
water crab. Flesh colored round
masses were found rlirrnc to the
cable by minute tentacles. One crea
ture was shaped like the diahlo toy.
narrow in the middle with bi« coo
cave white disks at either end by
which it catches hold of any object.
Mar*her strarr" mmr:ar crearfre U
< hayed Hk* an octopus but ta* at
iout two de*en *e*larte* Instead of
etcbt Many 10614;* 'o the cable, but they were
ikoucht loo common to preserve
\\ tiie section* of tt- cable jwilied
up for Inspection were found core red
several feet deep with atrat** plants
asd animal life, j-a meed. black l»
stead of areen. >poncrs and aen
urchins podoalM^rd
Prr.b*ft the aw—*T. creature
found on the cable was a Cesh ct-iored
ash not more than four fee*. Son*.
w-fcieb was socnd aneeloped it th«
of a txe|i octopus. \\ hen
bro-urtt to the surface *s body warn
«woUeh like a bnlkx* Dr J E. Mal
-*y. the shfp's surpeoc ate *'**►»
.ised :t_ sa-d be believed the Csa »M
cooked by tie hok! of tb* octopus.
The section of cab1*- upca erstch aft
•Ms stranpe afe »is (bond toad bean
loan 1# years at a dep-» of a cnle
and a taif. The specKnens which
>>T» heee presetted are to be handed
crer to the SciiTtseaian institution
for scientific study.--Seattle Pcst-In
Mrs. Oelrichs Evidently Didn’t Think
Much of Mr. B ank's Earning
Mrs. Herman Oelrichs. the best
drevsed woman in Newport, criticized
very pertinently, at a recent dinner,
the new dinner gowns of Paquin an-i
These clinging and filmy gowns are
rhiefiy remarkable tor the V-shaped
back that they possess- The V—it is
incredible, but it is true—opens all the
way down to the waist line At a sal*
performance In Parts given by the
Metropolitan Opera conpany of New
York—the most successful perform
ance Paris ever saw, ar.d one whereat
S40.000 was gained for the Pluvioae
victims—many of the beautiful Ameri
cans in the }<d orcbes'ra seats wore
these daring gowns, and now at New
port they are often to Ik* seen.
Mrs. Oelrichs stared at one w!»h as
tounded eyes at a dirner. and her
neighbor said:
"Isn’t that new gown of Mrs. Blank's
a dream? Old Mr. Blank Is so de
rot-d They U7 that eTerythla* he
makes an*** «a hi* wife's hack
M*m Oelrtcfc*. fcer eye Bled oh the
m>w >. terrible v. «wd *Ith a aml>
‘ Well, he Blilt be Staking eery lit
tle. then “
Practical Watc**"»- •
What the little girl with the IS cents
| !a p* r.nie* wanted *» tome red rtfc
: bon of a particular shade for her —oth
er She knew the shade, bat she
cofllda't explain It and all she could
say was. It wasn't that. no. nor that:
fc was tie* per than that, acd sot so
deep as that, and so oh
The miss: '.a was looking hopeless
when suddenly she darted from thw
shop and seized a passng gentle man
by the hand.
Win you please come Into this shop
with me'" she asked innocently
Certainly my cntckahiddy' te re
plied. if I can be of any use. What
_* ltT“
The little girl replied cot. b-t led
the wondering stranger to the courter.
"There, miss'" she said. triampasB*
ly "Mother wants same ribbon thw
color of this gentleman's nose.
Divining Rod 200 Years Old.
VVinsiow W F56rtd of Medford.
Mass., owns a metallic divining rod
brought from England more than two
hundred years ago by one of his an
cestors. The rod. says Mr. Fifieid. has
been used successfully all over New
England and in the western mining
districts. It is attached to whalebone
bandies 12 Inches long and weighs two
ounces. The handles have inscriptions
on them which are almost obliterated
by age.
The person who brought the rod to
America was Isaac Greenleaf. who set
tled in Massachusetts. The rod became
famous as a finder of water. After the place of many springs the
rod was used in California. Colorado
ind North Carolina for locating by gten
in quest of gold mines and other met
als. One jewson who used it with par
ticular success was a blind man. In
whose hands the rod is said to have
done marvels.
A Strong Preacher.
The minister's eight-year-old daugh
ter was returning with her parents
from church, where the district super
intendent had that coming occupied
the pulpit.
"Oh. father," asked the little gir!.
her face alive with enthusiasm. ' don't
you think Brother C. is a Tery strong
preacher? I do."
Gratified by this evidence of un
usual intelligence on the part of his
offspring, the minister eagerly in
quired into her reasons for her state
"Oh." replied the little miss, artless
ly. "didn't you see how the dust rose
when he stamped his feet?"—Judge.
The Counterfft Seuthereer.
Of coarse, there are many counter
feit*. A most amusing Imitation is
one that often passes for the typical
southerner in Sew York T>U satchel
mouthed braggart infests the cafes
and d-mands attention by his abusing
tte waiter for offending his deiicate
sense of honor “I hate a nigger, auh."
he loudly proclaims, which is a senti
ment that one never h-ar« from those
to the manner born. He haunts the
theaters and parades the streets, s.nce
it is poor fun to practise his gentility
in private.
He wears a wide black hat. mounts
the table and veils whenever tue band
piays a southern melody. Such a pre
tentious caricature would be harmless
enough, but for the ridicule he brings
upon the south. Unfortunately, popu
lar authors seem to accept him at face
value and exploit his; in novels or
{lays where a “southerner' is a nec
essary part of the stag^ machinery —
Everybody's Magazine.
Wasted Sa*ca»e-.
The Philadelphia mili dealers who
recently raised the price of their
proiuct tc nine certs a quart and the*
lowered it again to eight appear to
have been the subjects of a great deal
of unjust censure. They auncurred
at the time of the raise that milk
could not be sold at eight cents with
out loss. Finding that the consumers
would not pay the new price, however,
they are continuing to sell at the old.
-hereby qualifying as genuine philan
thropists. Every purchaser of milk
a: eight cents a quart will doubtless
hereafter feel that he is an object of
. charity.
Hoo dwinKing
When a small clique of men put up
a scheme to harness the clergy of
America and Induce the ministers to.
in turn "hitch up” the members of the
churches, we should ali take notice.
They couldn't harness the preachers
In a bad cause except by deceiving
Ministers of the gospel are essen
tially and fundamentally honest but.
like all men who work for the public
good, they are at limes mislead by
false statements.
Trust them when they have exact
truth to speak from.
Now for the story which should in
terest every one for we are all either
receivers of wages or we pav to wage
earners and the freedom of each in
iiriduaf is at issue.
In various papers the following
statement has been printed. Read it
carefully at least twice.
"Interest in Labor Sunday.
“Labor Sunday—the Sunday preced
ing I^abor day—will be observed gen
erally this year and in future years
throughout the United States. This
because of the American Federation
5>f Labor declaration for the observ
ance of that day. The numerous let
ters recently received at American
Federation of I^abor headquarters
from ministers is an assurance that
interest In the idea of giving special
attention to the cause of labor from
the pulpit one day in the twelve
months is widespread. Our readers
are urged to try to bring about an un
derstanding In their respective dis
tricts with representatives of the
church so that ministers will make
addresses that may attract trade union
ists to the churches in large numbers
for the day Ministers should say what
they think on the occasion in order
that their trade union hearers may
put the right estimate as to where the
church stands on the question of the
organization of labor The more the
subject is discussed the better will it
be for labor Union ethics are sound
—American Fedemtionist "
Observe that “Labor Union” men
"are urged" to Induce ministers to
make addresses that will attract trade
unionists to the churches “for the
dav.'' "Ministers should say.” etc..
and winds up with “Union ethics are
sound:” observe the hidden threat.
This Is clipped from the Azirriru*
Fedemtionist the organ of Sam Gom
pers. et al.
This clipping has been sent lo pa
pers throughout the country and the
Typographical Union men In the news
paper offices Instructed to "urge” that
It be printed.
That Is one of the ways of the "ma
It looks harmless so the papers print
ft ^
But! Let's lift the cover and look
The hidden motive is as dangerous
to the peace and liberty of the citi
zens as a coiled rattlesnake In the
Organization by workmen to peace
fully and successfully present their
side Is necessary and most commend
able. _
There are such organizations now
rapidly winning their way to pub'lc
confidence without strikes, dynamite •
or killing fellow workmen.
(Some facts on this matter a little
further jilong In this article.)
We see here a demand on the min
Isters of God. that theT endorse and
help build up the strike-producing,
box-rotting and violent American Fed
eration of l.abor.
Think of the man of God who
teaches brotherly love being covertly
ordered to praise and help get ne*
members for an organization with a
record for violence, crime and murder
done by Its members the like of which
the world has never seen.
Think of the thousands of women
made widows and the increasing thou
sands of children left fatherless bv
the pistol, club, dynamite and boot
heel of members of this Ijibor Trust.
Any one who recalls the countless
murders done in the multitude of
strikes iu the past few years will
agree this is no exaggeration.
Take Just one as ah illustration:
There wer* so-je thirty men mur
dered ard over 5000 bruised and
r\vov-i in the Chicago teamster s
There fs seldom a day passes but
somewhere In our country from one to
a score of our fellow men are assault
ed or murdered by members of this
Then remember the homes blown
up or burned The families hounded,
the rioting, burning of street cars,
wrecking of trains and attempted or
successful killing of passengers.
The general disturbance of industry
and the thousands of dollars forced
from tax payers to pay extra police,
sheriffs and militia to protect, even In
a feeole way. the citizens from the
mobs of members of the American
Federation of I_abor
Then you will realize why the great
peace-loving majority of over £■> mil
lion Americans protest against the
growth of this crime-tainted organiza
tion comprising perhaps one and one
half million men. of which it is esti
mated at least seven tenths are peace
loving citizens and are members bv
coercion and are not in sympathy with
the three-tenths who hate gained con
trol and force their methods.
We find that a few designing men
have seized control of the American
Federation of I.abor. just as some
shrewd capitalists have secured con
trol of some railroads and other in
terests and are now twisting and turn
ing them into machines for personal
profit and fame.
These men cunningly plan to force
workmen to join and pay °Z to 73
cents a month In fees.
Various methods are used to “in
duce" workmen to join.
First, they talk of the “tyranny of
capital" making slaves of workmen.
Then they work up enthusiasm
about the "brotherhood of man" and
other talk which experience has
shown excites the emotions of work
men and they are induced to join and
pay fees to the leaders.
The 5000 workmen in Battle Creek
are. as a rule, free from the dictates
of the great Labor Trust and still get
the highest wages in Michigan. If
they had yielded to the smooth talk
of the agents of the trust and joined,
they would pay in fees from $1250.60
lo $3000.00 a month to the big trust
and be subject to strike orders any
Now they save that and put the
money into homes and family com
But the managers of the American
Federation of I.abor have worked
hard and long to harness them.
The trust has sent small bales of
money and last winter IS “organizers"
to tlk np Battle Creek. They hired
halls, gave picture shows, smokers,
etc., as an investment, looking to rich
returns when they succeeded in har
ing them tied hand and foot.
But they failed snd the last of
these “organizers" left Battle Creek
on Mar 1st saying “it's no use."
Tne workmen mew me recced or
this great trust and formed their own
association to protect their rights and
also to protect them from the big
Labor Trust
In Philadelphia some 40PO indepen
dent street car men. who malnlv had
families, had their own union and re
fused to Join the big trust, preferring
to oe free to work or not as they
But the trust planned to force them
Into the fee-paying ranks, so a strike
was ordered to compel the traction
company to kick out these men and
hire only 1-ahor Trust members.
It was not a question of wages or
hours hut to push the free men out of
their positions where they were earn
ing good money to support their fami
lies The strike was ordered, not to
raise wages cr reduce hours, remem
ber. but solely to throw out members
of an independent union and make
place* only for Labor Trust members,
and thus show the Independent men
they could not earn a living unless
tbev frst paid fees to the trust man
Incidentally the people of Philadel
phia mns: submit to no oar service,
rioting afid bloodshed with millions
in losses while these fee-hunting, noto
rietv seeking trust leaders were teach
ing the world that Industry cannot be
carried on except by workmen who
first bend the knee, bow the head and
|>av fees
How these men as strike leaders
love to see tbvlr names In the aapen \
each morning: It’s meat and bread
to their souls.
Then think of the lordly power, and
don't forget the steady flow of money
squeezed from the workman s hard
earned pay enevelope.
Bat when these leaders “tie up" any
industry no man can hold a job who
refuses to pay fines even on trumped
up charges, and steadily pay fees
whatever they are.
The workman is absolutely at the
mercy of this band of men who have
secured and hold control.
Many and many an honest workman
has raised his voice and appealed to
his fellows to rise and throw off the
yoke of Gompers. e: al. But. as one
writes. “At every convention of the
American Federation of Labor, strong
opposition comes up but at the crit
ical moment the impassioned orator
appears and most dramatically puts
the spot light on the leader and covers
him with a mawkish film of martyr
Jom and the emotional delegates yell
in delight, forgetting the instructions
of the peaceful workingmen at borne
who desire to free themselves from
the odium of membership under the
great advocates of strike, boycott, vio
lence and hate."
So we see the unequalled insolence
with which these trust leaders pro
pose to 'induce” ministers to pull
their chestnuts from the fire by
preaching modern aggressive and vio
lent labor trust methods.
There is a better way to secure jus
tice fcr workers, as.will appear furth
er along.
Just a little diversion here.
1 am charged with having first
brought to the attention of the public
some years ago. the name "Labor
A trust is a combination of men or
organizations for the purpose of sell
ing their product at a profit and re
stricting production to effect it.
We will say a large Oil Company
gathers in smaller ones and thus con
trols production.
The Labor Trust "gathers in” local
trade organizations and thus has pow
er to say how much work each man
shall do.
The Oil Company then fixes prices.
The Labor Trust does likewise
The OU Company may “use meth
ods” to force an unwilling dealer to
The Labor Trust men go further
and slug the independent man if he
tries to sell his labor without paying .
fees and "obeying orders." Thev are
both exactly alike in purpose, which,
in both cases is entirely selfish to
gain power and money for the leaders.
Certain Labor Trust members do
not hesitate to use violence, dvna
miting of property, burning homes of
independent men and even murder to
force obedience.
Th* Oi! Company doesn't go so far.
Both am extremely dangerous to
the welfare of people and communi
ties. for power placed In the hands
of a few men either representing Cap
ital or Labor is almost always abused
Mu the public suffers.
Remember, reader, that your safety 1
lies in strenuous opposition to all (
trusts which try to ride over and dic
tate to the people.
Only by opposing their growth can
you retain yOur personal liberty "
.vow tc ministers
The average congregation is made
up of about >0 per cent, of free citi
zens and much less than 10 per cent,
of members of the Labor Trust
The free citizen wants to hear words !
defending the rights and independence
of the common man. free from the ar
bitrary dictates of any self-seeking
organiiat on either ot Capital or La
The merchant, lawyer, school teach
er. docto*. clerk, farmer and work
man rebels against any forcible stop
ping of trains, boats, street ears,
or factories, ior the prosperity of the
community is entirely dependent on
steady continuance of these things
Men don't like strikes, boycotts. In
Jured workmen or burned cars and
A famous divine savs: "These men
may hate capitalists but their hate for
other laboring men burns like a flame
eats like nitric acid, is malignant be
yond all description ■
Then we remember cases of acid
throwing, eyes gouged out. children
pursued, women stripped, homes de
stroyed. men murdered and the let.
ong list of atrocities practised ~5y
i-aber Trust members on other human
be.ugs who cannot agree with the
trust methods.
Now for the better way.
Workingmen are now organiring in
the old fashioned trades union or
“guild” way. a Si: ia ted with the Na
tional Trades and Workers Associa
tion whose constitution provides ar
bitration of differences with agree
ment for no strikes, boycott, picket
ing or hateful coercion of any kind.
This Trade Association has evolved
from the experience of the pas: and
is the highest order of Trades Union
ism at the present day.
Under its laws it is not possible for
the Hod Carriers Union or the Street
Sweepers Union to order the school
teachers or locomotive engineers to
quit work in a “sympathetic strike.”
Ii any craft finds injustice. the""casi
is presented to properly selected arbi
trators. testimony taken and the case
presented to the public through the
press. Thereupon public opinion, that
greatest of all powers, makes itself
telt and curiously enough a fair settle
ment is generally the result.
There is no strike, no loss of wages,
no loss to the community and yet the
faithful workers get their just treat
There are many details which have
been worked out by men skilled in
labor matters.
It will recompense any interested
man to know these details which can
be secured by a postal request for
constitution and by-laws written to
the National Trades and Workers As
sociation. Kingman Block. Battle
Creek. Mich.
Reader, look carefully into this
great question of the relations of Cap
ital and Labor and its successful so
lution. The new plan works and
brings results for the members.
I became so favorably impressed
with the trustworthiness and practic
ability of the leaders of this new la
bor movement that i gave the Associ
ation a sanitorium at Battle Creek
worth about $400,000 and with about
300 rooms, to be used as a home for
their old members and the helpless
babies, sometimes made fatherless by
the p stol. club or boot heel of some
member of the violent “Labor Trust.”
^ Suppose you attend church Labor
Sunday and hear what your minister
has to say in defense of the safety
and rights of the common, everyday
Let me ask you to read again a por
tion of one of my public articles print
ed a few years ago.
“The people of the world have giv
en me money enough to spend in
these talks through the papers in try
ing to make better and safer condi
uons lor the common people, whether
the Postum business runs or not.
Scores of letters have come to me
from work-people and others, some
from union men recounting their suf
ferings from union domination and
urging that their castj be laid before
the public.
« win not answer for us to only
sympathise with the poor, the op
pressed. those who haven't power
enough to drive off tyrants and re
sent oppression, we must help them
tie the hands of the oppressors Amer
icans must act.
Some of my forebears in New Eng.
land left comfortable homes, took
with them the old Hint locks, slept on
the ground in rain and frost hungry
footsore and half clothed they grimly
pushed on where the Eternal God of
Human Liberty urged them. They
wove for me and tor you a mantle of
freedom, woven in a loom-where tbe
shuttle* were cannon balls and bul
lets and where swords were used to
pick out the tangles ia the vam
These old. sturdy grandads of oura
stood by that loom until the mantlo
®ni*h*d- then sSa'Dcd with them
life blood it was handed down to ua
shall l refuse to bear it on bit sbbul
lh<? ******* costs me
* lev dollars, and are you cowards
ioremn* ."’►vhid* r°ttrS becsus<‘ some
IT1” *narcfc,sl -
1 have faith that the blood of 177S
ct>urslng m your veins will ttrgu
»ud call until you ratten
kmerlcaus wUl Act " - > er,.-, —.
‘ ' **UST.