The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 01, 1910, Image 5
Deposit Accounts When left on Time Certificate, six months or longer, interest will be paid at 4 per cent wrecks and pass books cheerfully furnished to farmers and business men. who are al wsys welcome at the old. time-tried First National Bank. In Strength and Security this bank stands in tne front rank among the best banks in the State. C pi la I Stock and Surplus, $37,500 This item added to the important fact that we loan no money to any officer or even stockholders should appeal to those desiring a safe depository for their funds. THE NORTHWESTERN THI'KMiaV SEPT LH4« 1 Ff« Iirkft (^aotaliM.. f a*» srr t*s . .. _ Z~ m *> . P*-T t*_ _ .<M • srr t«i ... .22m X, Bf«, per tau ... _ _«S ■■Mar. per is . _3J *££*- per , . .12 fL-ts. per lb . .... i*r • ;t*. ,ii Beriittrlna Tim*- i irl U«fT %m SC ■ *ra i*afe* tea - ft.yrf,» * . ->* m. ** m ««-.,* ??:»»£ ft. •ffll *-t M *- • "WV 3 a ft ■ -HUN* T(*T **■ • ' t*»— ~T •**a*b63*t r--pni1Ti « <*; » a In «•"*. ^'■aarSA ! l> y t ^<ttar fc»l.£r •*&*» «ftr Kt. - M- aft • a 4m*: local news. * - ' » * r *je -ia» e*ert >ati:r 4a* Bji Pro ard .* neraiap foe Reed. rBe : ard>ar* n.a*» Gee "Wra »i.S pa.r.t jour Itoiue • iU. • - Jte lead and ztar. • l. * labit *f Bey inc jour meat a* Brtartt i meat market !• iwb naut four Boose painted? *: ri _»r- • tiite end and zinc. Stackers and Sweeps, call at T. M Reed's. market price paid for : at Mmraru. - dm: marked. B-rrain* in T«»» Property Tor «ale by Job* W . Lobs I » fuaraate* -Me far butter fat j 1 test and ;«• ■awi. A. E Chiml *- -t. tBr painter. me* * idle lead fcj*t -i id »■ . ri.t t»- tip are* Tr litre not r a for your cook y - *a • E »• Taylor Tobu lot* or improied pro per il at srrat barraia*- Srr J. W. Loss. Take joor Gutter and rj~rs to Con ♦ • re }UC can r*t amtLinc yoa want .Attorney >-arr «a* up to Kre»*ter oa ie*al B_»new last »eek. returmnr I rvaj mo You make no mistake » an tlie >te»art Confer dray* ohen yoa t«t <| k . «rr» ick. j|rs A aaader »ile of A. E. . ■■.am- » rb-rk. «r«l to Imdfe. Neb . i M e»day nwtninr ill the T-»n Property offered for sale at first bands by ratlins Jobs tt. Lobs. TB lia • «n Creamer* Co i*y* toe iiiftiest <B*i- price ft--r eOC* *^e . .erod at t-Ue ew»m*»T here • 'rtmary. Medium J.ndi a— ca ta-fid cm piano or or ran B* Mi*s Bernice Hub* at* Lee Br - make a speria ty at fur . .i. . j. joe 11 rmi-inc outfita. * alCan (Bern and fet price*. Laa**: Laaa*! L«aa-! L«»»' Krai E*Jttr L>»«' at lawful nir* at J ohs W. Lm£ * Be. Vr to— ot Graad Island for oar Ka**U« friend- -asi somoc and r^raiae ftit *tn is'j 'cnf addres*» Trj M Vi ...aj» the ora?3Jan. lor r«> *at sii-t^artory irniof Le»*r rdr** at the Kee«su*»r. Ie*» !vr'i or T»ttor » eievator. or ******* bis modem*. « oa Idt v baai baa Uee** nr*1* »j> Mostciaa Pntrbard and soon • ill c.apv **■■>* *:U- u,e **T' ^ ^jjjnuauoa tad Mr Pnchard „ capahir of them the f-Uest aarroruoo*. ai^ar that liar, too Tut «Wd >rtiJers Beaaiaa at Ash tia Taerfa* and irstrrdaj «* *arr* a-^rndrd. *oc eaomds aho point •roN here Oar Xteai ball team roa ud Orb B‘te « tb* shape of * * re of * to r to the Ashtoa team v ^ . n Hmdrtrfcsaa rrturaod oa tfiesda' from a tar v«r‘ rrotikm of tid Gar^rr family at laeatur Its. U • tdrb s^rr JO* memtars »ere pre^ m ,g juatlf fa. IT 1 5 UW sot tiaif «f them there Tbe doctor .*» ab-aa ihrea oeeba ItuJ* M tores Path* rare a PBrt, to their littfe raest. Marram ' ' - ■.« .'peri Monday. >ept. 12. >:*-cia - '* sale at Conhiser's every Sat_rda> A. B. <'Jtliouse liad business at Batri; * Tuesdaj. ii articles on saie at Con :t!ser se*er> Saturday. A Fel w> went to <.rand Island T ue>aa:. a business Bennett wants your hidtrs and will pay ti* -jgnest market price. Mr? '•.a.j'si'n Criss went to Rock . e M .«i*v for afe« days visit r.hiser .as specials ou sale every '■a: .rt i.o in and see. Saturday. V;«- i ra itf.sen returned last »e~K lr i.rr y;-u at North Rlatte. If yo v- ant a dra. in a hurry and get ... w ..rl. see Stewart C nger. i- :t tr .t iboal time j ou secured ' 'ft aw-re Spreaders of T. M Heea Lee Steele of Aurora y»>ited at tlie lose of Vase I' a few days .as* week SPKlN«i CHICKENS are wanted at Bennett s meat market Highest market price paid We are paying 2* cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. T;.c Mis-es Etta and Liiiie Lofholm are expected boose Saturday from their Colorado visit. Fuvessa I uakebv Co. F-*e >au Lawn swing and several other household articles. Mbs Lons Rein. For Na.e My residence in east Lo-p City: or will trade same for rea. estate Waltee When ice. 1‘rote- t your stock by using "Fly Away . tlie best fly ci.a>er. For saie at the Nwarjson A Lofholm drugstore. Bennett always has on hand the choices: of meats of all kinds Call at market wi»en wishing the best. Call and inspect the reliable roller bearing wagons at T. M. Reed's. l“age w. yrn wire of all sizes, and best barbel wire, at prices that will *»■•» > -ney L N Smith, phone 2 on 12 Toe Burlington will make a one and one-iia:f round trip rate to tlie State Fair Tlie F. I*, gives a one fare rate. 'imf' * a Melior were a w arded the contract to build tlie cement walk a ng ti.e west side of the court house square. J I I4ej*ew wer.t to Lintmln tlie trst erf tiie week, taking one of his di^ sliarpeners toexhibit during the State Fair Cha* W. itibkm. tlie popular post master at Litchfield was a Loup City visit, r last Friday and gave this office a p ra-er;-. call. Lao.r- ca at« onhiser > any Satur day ani y< _ wi. find special bargains oc >a> that will pease you and save your pocke’.book v J . i.nsoa ana wile went to Lin ■«oln Toeaday m. rding to remain dur ing "tale Fair Albert having a posi tion at the fair grounds. TA had :3e will immedially begin the erection of a livery barn. 2"sV. with: sited fc r Geo. Wotnick on hi> lot* south of Gisieyer's. Farmers alien preparing to feed threshers, cal: on Lee Bros, for your meat* They make a specialty of tide and a.wavs furnish the best. Mrs- «ieo. Keeler returned Monday fr->* a family reunion with lier five brother and atl>er relatives at Blair, this state and a is a »isit at La Porte. Iowa.. Mr. E E Tracy and wife returned Monday from G bbon. where Mrs. Tracy lad been visiting at the Itome of J A. Converse fora week. Mr. Tracy going down for an over-Sunday visit. Postmaster Grow last week put in a new lighting plant in the postoffice so people would not stumble over each oilier after night when calling for their mail, and incidentally to make light of matters in tiiat gov ernment bailiwick Chief of I"olice C. J. Tiacy left for the State Fair this morning to take up his labors there He took C. F. Beushausen of the Times along as his *htef clerk, thereby helping Charley U> turn an itonest penny out of the position besides witnessing the glo ria of the big shew The Gotnar cirrus and managerie which gave Loup City » day last Thursday must be acknowledged as j one of the best ever visiting us The whole thirw was good from start to f^b-ciean. wholesome and interest IW. with aa entire absence of the gambling and faking fraternity. The tained seals at themselves were well 1 W®. Larsen went to St, Louis on a busines trip Monday. Frieda and Marie Ohlsen returned Tuesday evening from their visit to North Platte. Ito not tit a new dress over an old eorset. Best and cheapest corsets in town at Mrs. Mathew's. Mrs. Fred Stehr of Grand Island visited here a few days with her sis ter. Mrs. Henry Chlsen. ••We” want to attend the Fair nest week, if possible, hence are publish a day early again this week. Frank Kennedy returned to Aurora last Saturday. He expects to move up here next soring and take personal supervison of his land holdings. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carlson re turned Monday noon from their bridal trip to the Pacitic Coast and Alaska of some two months' duration. Mrs. H. Leininger returned Tues day evening from her visit wfth lier son and family at North Platte and her daughter and family at Aurora Mrs. Ladd and Mrs. Dr. Bergen of Lincoln, the former a sister of Mrs. W C. Dieterich. visited the latter here last Thursday tili Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Chase and Miss Emma Rowe went to Chapman Wednesday morning to attend a Sunday school convention and where the formerwill visit with relatives. Miss Mildied Bennett who has been vi>iting the Misses Taylor for the past week returned to her home in Omaha Wednesday rooming. She *>' accompanied by Jennette Taylor to St. I*aul. Mr> Chris Zw ink.who was taken to the Itospital at Grand Island last week Tuesday, was operated on a day iater and we understand passed thru' tiie operation safely and is at present getting along nicely. Mrs. Jos. Cording and haby were over from Litchfield last week visit ing at the parental home. PaoaCord ing coming over Friday to attend the ball game and taking them home I with him in the evening. Frank Robbins drove over from his; home in Greeley county last Sunday, accompanied by his twoolder boys for a short visit with his parents, return ing home Tuesday morning. Frank looks the successful grangerman that he is. M m. Langdon and Henning Clau sen were two good fellows fromWash ington township who were down last Thursday to see the managerie. and while here incidentlly took in the circus—on the oid excuse, the children wanted to see it. Mrs H. M. Mathew returned from St. Joseph last Friday bringing with her a full line of beautiful fall milli nery for iadies and children. Why not have a new hat to wear to the Fairy Millinerv is cheaper in a small town than in the city. Mrs Will Engle and children left Monday for their future home at ^ ork. where Mr. Engle is engaged in the fiarber business and doing well. \ The Northwestern follows them with the best of w ishes for their happiness and prosperity. They will live at XT. Neb. Ave. t »ur Swedish friends have secured a regular pastor. Rev. H. Rlom. of York, who arrived with his family last evening and will reside in the house north of Henry Jenner's. Our Scandinavian friends are to be con gratulated. Services in tl»e German church next Sunday at 3 p. in. Miss Zelpha Reed gave a party at.1 her borne last Wednesday evening in honor of her friend. Miss Louise Sullivan of Greeley, and a most enjoy able time »if had. Miss Sullivan re turned to her home on Monday morn ing of tins week. Ralph Reed ac companying her to Greeley fcr a short1 visit Miss Hesse. Hartley and Miss Nellie Brown of Sargent, and Miss Mildred Hull of Broken Row were guests of Miss Olive McCray here during Chau tauqua. the former returning home to Sargent Monday evening, and the later proceeding them a couple of days for a short visit before return ing to Broken Row. Our local base ball club met with another usual defeat at the Jenner park last Friday at the hands of the j Rockville boys. Loup City spanked the Rockv ille boys to a fare-ye-well the first seven innings, when the lat ter having had enough of that sort of tiling pounded the sphere for five run- in the last two innings and went* home with the trophy—7 to t>. M rs. G us Lorentz and baby ret urned j home from Ravenna last Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Erazim and Miss LiT7ie Fra7im. for a few days visit. Mrs. F.nuim returned home Monday morning while Miss Lizzie remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Lorentz is nicely recovering from her recent ill ness. and without having to undergo the dreaded oyeration. we are glad to note. Mrs. George Kettle of Loup City arrived in Aurora last Saturday to visit at the home of tier brother. T. M. Scott, of northwest of town until about Uie twentr-fifth. when she will goto Grand Junction. Colorado, to join her husband who is visiting rel atives out there. From Grand Junc tion. Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Kettle will go to Los Angeles with a view of remaining permanently.—Aurora Re publican. A letter received here Monday from Secretary Ludden of the State Nor mal Board, by Miss Melva Danielson, contained the excellent news that! the worthy young lady had been elected Musical Supervisor at the Peru State Nermal School at a salary of *lft» per month for a term of nine months. The many friends of the young lady here and elsewhere will rejoice with her over tire flattering position to which she lias been elect ed Miss DanieUon is at present vis | iUng with friends in Iowa. Clothing Well ___ _ Bought Is Half Sold My line for fail is now in^ Don’t forget to look my line over. I can save you money by buying at the I right place—of LORENTZ ■ Mrs. H. P. Ferdinandt and children i left last Friday for an extended visit at Frost. Minn. Look pleasant. Ferd. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Watts drive to Ravenna in their auto tins morning and may drive from there to Lincoln to attend the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Scliuman of Ashton towu'hip were over to Loup City in ! their auto Wednesday. Next Mon day. Mrs. Schuman and three chil dren take the morning train from Ravenna for Hoboken. N. Y.. for a three months visit in the east, leav Will to hold the fort at home. We trust she and the habie> will have a i most pleasant vacation. C. J. Tracy left this morning to take up his duties at the State Fair, lie leaves a first-class man in charge : of his cement factory here and busi ness \\ ill go on as usual. Chet is having a splended cement business here and is busv all the time, we are glad to note. They say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. but such j is not the case with Friend Tracy, w ho does not find time to either play ! or be dull, as lie is constantly eiuersed | up to his eyes in business. School will open Monday. Sept. 12th. It is advisable that all pupils who expect to attend should enroll the first day, so that all classes may lie fully organized and the regular work of the school started and con tinued without interruption. It is 'especially advisable that all pupils in : the beginners' class in the primary department and in the ninth grade, where tlie work is practically all new | to the pupils, should lie present ; for instruction in the first lessons. Wititout it the pupils in these classes cannot make satisfactory progress. 1 which is most harmful to themselves and acting as a liar to the advance ment of the class is unfair 10 theotli-1 er members. It is a wise provision of I the school hoard that if pupils are j not enrolled in the primary classes during a reasonable time they will not lie admitted till the next semes ter or term. Hooks jvill be distribut ed and lessons and seats assign*! on Monday. The regular work will be gin promptly at s o'clock Tuesdav morning. Presbytertai Bulletin Tonight tThursdavl we are to con- j sider the matter of special prepara tion in connection with the meetings [ to be held under the direction of the singing evangelist. Frank A. Miller. Let us Irave a full attendance. Next Sunday morning tire pastor will give a prelude to his serm.m in which some feat ures of the Sundav school work will be discussed. The morning sermon subject will be "A Great Fundamental." In the evening there will be a be ginning on the theme. "The Heroic I Side of a Great Man's Life." The! first subject will be "Tire Prepara tion." There are reasons why you should hear the whole series. -— Gcnuui Evaugelkal Church Next Sunday. Sept. t. will be ser vices at 10:30 a. m. in Ashton. Rev. P. Jueling. Pastor. Moon Crook Items Clarence Jonsoo has disposed of his crop and personal property u> Ed. A n pier and intends leaving the country. Yelva Fross and her cousin. Miss Ella Beck, went to Aurora Wednes day to visit the former's sister for a few days, after which Miss Beck will go on to her home at Table Rock, and Miss Fross home to be ready for a.'hooi on Monday. Marie Gilbert returned home from York Friday, where site lias been vis iting relatives. The threshing machine is busy in our neighborhood this week. Orchard Slope farm was the scene of a great deal of company last week and among those present were Miss Elizabeth IMnsdale. Mrs. Bowmen. Robert IMnsdale and Miss Marv IY>m gard. For Salt Cheap: One good Buick Automobile, model 10, fully equipped. One elegant Melville Clark Player Piano, with music. H. A. Watts, Loup City. Nebraska Military Academy, Lincoln A High Grade Military Board ing School for boys of all ages. Ideal location, combining advantages of city and country. Has new fire-proof building, fully equipped departments and splendid opportunity. School opens September 2a. Enroll ment now in progress. Attendance limited to 100 cadets. For information, address B. D. Hayward, Supt, Lsoolk. Xwuska Notice 1 am offering for sale a number of , 10-acre lots from 190 to #125 per acre. : Call soon if you are desiring a sub i urban home in Loup City. A.L. ZlVXEIUtAX. Grocery List: Compare these prices with your I country agent's. We think you will I tind that we can save you the Freight and a little besides: Coal Oil. no freight, per gal. only .10c Extra Fancy Select Tomatoes 2 cans for. T. .25c Extra Fancy Select Peas. 2 cans.. -25c Apples, dried extra fancy.2 lbs .25c Apricots, dried, per lb . . .15c ■ Prune>. Santa t iara extra. 3 lbs. .25c Raisins. 4 Crown. 4 pounds.25c Canned Fruits : Arkansas Alberta Peaches.2cans -45c i Black Rasp *?rries. 2 cans.35c Package Food Cereals ivellog's Com Flake. 2 large pkgs .25c i Post Toasties. 2 large pkgs . .25c ; Egg-O-See. 3 pkgs... .25c : Cream of Wheat. 2 pkgs ... .2 V j Shredded Wheat. 2 pkgs.2-'c l‘r. Prices Food. 3 pkgs.25c Canned Salmon Columbia I.;»er Salmon. 2cans.. 2 c ; Alaska Reti Salmon. 2 cans .. .35c I Choice Red Sockeye fiat per can. .25c Ricc ! h lbs good Jap Rice for.25c i 3 lbs Mexican extra fancy head ,25c Cove Oysters 13 small cans for 25c 2 large cans 35c 110 Bars Polo Laundry Soap. .. 25c Wlute Fish, per lb.00c Barrel, only.#5.25 _ ’1 Thai is all some people seem to know about the quality of shingles. If shingles were made just to spank children with almost any kind would do. but if you want to keep the rain out of your house for years without repair you will have to use a differ ent standard to judge by. If You Don’t you certainly will be punished for your carelessness. About the worst i punishment that a big. grown up man can receive is to know that he has been "stung'*. Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock ville. Schaupps and Arcadia. Neb. The Labor of Baking is many times reduced if you use the right kind of Flour, and if the ques-1 tion "What is the test Flour?” was put to vote among the Bakers ami j housekeepers in this part of the country, the unanimous reply would White satin You would vote for it if you were used to it, isn't it worth giving a trial? Loup City MillfeLightCo. ‘A picture of father and mother.”— How It wouid delight your children, how it would please rout friends. Diaper’s Studio LET liS GROW TOGETHER $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year 59.000.00 represents the increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. Which means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in abi ity to be of genuine service to its clients. It nr eans that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and well-managed bank. There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the LOBF CITT STATE UK Capital ami Surplus, s37,500 SPECIALS! WHERE? COIMHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturday Special Septepiber pates! TO THE EAST—You can make an eastern trip at reduced rates any day, and for many eastern trips the limit has l*een extended to GO instead of 30 da vs. * To Atlantic City and Return—Special rates. Sept. 13th to 17th for the Grand Army Reunion. Nebraska State Fair. Lincoln—September 4ik to *th. inclusive. Special re dueed rates and train service from Nebraska points. Lo» One-Way Rates to tlie Coast—General basis, only #25; August 25th to September v*th and iVtober 1st to 15th to California destinations, and Irom September loth to the Northwest and 1‘uget Sound. California Excursions—General basis, only $50 round trip, direct routes. September 1st to 7th and September 24th to 30th: #15 higher includes the Shasta Route. Homeseekers Excursions—1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Irrigated lands assure a crop and values will greatly increase during the immediate future. J A. DANIELSON, Local Agent L. W. WAKELY. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Omaha _j Cement Blocks We now have a large supply of Cement blocks on hand for_ We are now in position to put in Cement Sidewalks And guarantee to give good satisfaction We are ready to do all kinds of Call and Get our prices Loup City Cement Block Comoany r 7GUY STOUT, Manager. 3 School -Will Soop Beg ip And we are prepared to supply everybody’s needs in School Supplies, such as Tablets, Com portion Books, Bookkeeping Books, Note Books, Drawing Tablets and Paper Pens, Pen cils, Slates, Chalk, Erasers. Crayons. Water Color T\iirts, Artists' Brushes, Inks, etc. Swanson & Lofholm Pharir cy