The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
*■» ___ ___________________
L**£»T -iPP£S sil THE WORLD
Ct*sMrt -tc a Fe* L -t* fs* t*w
Fer**wl rf t*» Busy «i"
>a*aR Feraena' l<^for
'Vfi „*» .xesboe fntoc a Xa*Jan
« ar *i Tie rate of aanr than a mile
* MbaM- a ml tie XJUixtuta Mopitejr meat
'jOtMWal itMM ranes aad
• - -c a teo iMriwg nan* ta the
omm - map i«rk Bui ptlotiac
•iars^iuL, *»r »c* the Kan* ronBlt
Si. as.-, tide Hrtrie a Caira***
-r -er axle*-d tie Ftn H.rer trophy
'll. Ms fSrsa
'•.tStire Pta t*it an a statement is
•"* at '•'» srf-thdtux. bulbs I Mil the- loss
»•* 'pert? sne life :r Qa s«*t and
'~s*f fores ires a as uasm essari
C.tsyrom raaalta. tor save are
j. ’. # tie uc prepared teas t
i * • '' ttor fir* system He scores
of itopeM Silt £Wr up
raet ajipr-j.*rtaS3otos lor the proper
-31- |SeCI of lores* rao*-r»
♦■netoaJ brawir-rhac was tbe lm
erase jf death at tbe Hmer
3et. 'efutai a' Visilfiftst of for
mer aaH t-tares Senator Wilfcia
rua J1 of Fionda
Faso CctfrneauL J C Sibley
•be m ande* art*** ar Franklin. Pa
**■ a ur*- of > uaspttary to be
jamb isuw * t* • pater MMMK
** • he < own and tearss a fall and
• sin* andst of Ms raapaics e*
ere* o-niet daring 'toe me*', prl
**'« ■i<ex be was renominated for
11 Pi. ,je tos toe* aaarbed a jade
msi *:: o«- taaita a fSaryoeim
:M* 'to* nmjwoy a* Seoard. A-asks
«* a result «d a bottle for poaanssioc
' a «»t.’<A, se strt Pit ftp* • **
t-'i-rr i (sceratss. tke spender ~
Stoooe ;-«• tax* fur tocbtia* ei*ar*
• 'tb SB» Utk (ttotd ibe ten In- IIIH
** * e»tral r~»nd Jury raqiitr-T re.
*.*»«€ -j <*b»4 ap, mam I* after a
■***"'i- *• Idtu^Bh* . jkii-fS • m As
Be mist* .« nsued (row f be
•**- ' * -*■* ■ ««.lto*tod Bis peeseBre
« "be to „*•;•*
TletOo p Bsikr «d ttoe Pbils<to-i
’■* ‘ e-te-ru. KsnrTric raiossy. talked
*»e»*r emt m.taiite» alter his mart
•“* stotmret.* - t'-pped lutlwtac an
rettk. if l-landmam. Mas-toe tuuti
-1 ortnti — ~i n lomiii i m an
estol r«prt dee j* res tto> Icsorasro
* 'aort-e dar.rc ti*e las* die years
-s - nor a tTSOfyiSC sn-prorejnent.
‘ i. —t.ey | Ta**ar* of Waakins
t*a. If C*„ no expert swtaaser. was
-..• ed s -be Potomac riser off
■ * - - a-h after sarlt-a tbe
«< X S#e« Loan and Cora
ri-*' •"* I'-xW Ifuiop asd Joseph
--rt»ot 'tirfisani ratten of tho
&axl trata sear Good
i*a4 i. i« April. ssre each set
'**< « Vsilrje. Cal to fort.-tr*
-art it tie ;et::'e-t,*.arp
' h « oojes '»<S(I 'In* pesrs ,44
* *'*“** ?-**A»4 iMmrtf at Laa A*,
«'*- ■ *»toa ■ tn» ta trost of <&»
- < um.e of Kit farm He «** ta
M heap*.
: sf the bailee of Ixa tj
ij*> --S*- *e«tode*l of tie Most*
tec a» r.fiisofbte lor car-repair
•mrmsic «s tar naam < ettraJ trhile
*" w as cteh-tal of that epatew.
‘* '•4 a atssat.lius is Judge Hn«S~
' • ■' • ;r* at ■( "l apu at the wje-a
*'S« o' the '.Jteuss t estrml graft pro**
:*m» tsae» The charge ma» made
‘"••ta. sAlef clerk lor Plate
Harass of the Rtlsoia Oatrai
; he e-m-a of iocs aho returned
- m. -u - Joe .mmtrt rf Idaho are
■e »C.ted the losa la<>
'I a «•! *M appalitag aad the
*•*« * Maho aes» »1l| a^ber
-a tmterec. ete. „
, sej* | Hate ud kbM art " rs
e. *4 - t-ch the f corner <m~T „
• alter a sot hopeful All ««nmate*
-e Pbaactal earn, ptee II .T ^er
?> — »tet;p M Gtober.
• Stems r a .<Su »n , aammsesd
*• Inter* «st s Vienna The «.
** ■'*' '”**• M sugary. teto which
'-**•*"“ *** «»»a«e epr>ad from
'*** ■ h»reo Kenefi of s,,cia»d.
•» a addtaaaed
e Till IS tee ta-toa of Uu**e*ti,e
~ Wrapi lira .st Vtifi. go
V*J.w«a.. Negro KdBtettSMl -leoK at (P ltetzi*. Gtner
■-*' - ' • asking the uprbing a4
: -os<urae .* a tae la.ute
- **T Ke.rj def».Mg |«r. e*<ietsf of
*-e XM-ma&mrn tM<narai at
to sons «a #Hte Ibfonsatlos
** *" e;»ed « toe mate depart seen
A k*'***gloa. Tin accosats (or the
tenons** ,1*1 *adm a t„
* *
Cud a beater sit^c
mt* *f-arhed hp a tssru, of
-toie aaa is hta hathtoh He
eajwte afer anuuaiag the bnsttolf
C VatteetSoft t, fjj m|tSs
»‘ Ete- ap Itnr at hit i«ne. Sand.
te« i. >w aJleo octatee of je**a
ten. It t
Judge Theodore Rreataao at Chicago
wrdered a special grand Jury impan
e.-d to ^udwtak*- Investigation Into
«barge* off wholes*;- perjury in the
trial of I>ee O Nell Itrowne. accused
of giving a bribe for the election of
r-ca;ur Uritorr.
BmAHV :i. • veil hM
a-'gued Limself with the progressives
of New Turk state In a statement
which it* issued on the train as he
was traveling across Iowa. He de
.^r*>d that thg main issue in the fight
in New York was not a specific re
furs, measts*. but bossisu. liosslsm.
he declared. frequently led to corrup
tlur. and he ;r_mie-u to wage war
un corrupt ahian^e# between business
and busses.
mntaa K YasderoUi. Jr . of New
Yrrk city agei thirty-two. is acting
“ 1 resident of the New York Central
'*. ana is said to be the youngest
•nan who ever filled a position of the
-•lirry pug a of Niagara Fall*. X Y.
be* cit insane or a Union Pacific
*rt:n near El i Kan and probably
lataiiy wounded tbe Pullman ;>orter
sec l»r H H Temple of Kansas City.
B«cauc« of the serv ing ot quail out
*-a*on a' a dinner g.ven by Mrs
i-yve-sant F*.f h In New York and
uiso because n.> action was ’aken by
game t (Mnmission. an investiga
* .* being inducted at Albany
• at Muau a by mistake arrest
i %1 brer hi Eri*. g who plays the
a*' of J-tm tt- Baptist in tbe p>s
* in play at Olerammergau. on suspi
t. <rf being a «oman murderer foi
»burn they have be* n looking
Hoke Smith was nominated by the
iHaoctMi of Georgia for governor,
leleaiiag Joseph M Brown, incum
■eat. for a second term.
More than a score at persons were
'hj-red. one p-obably fatally, at Chi
cage, tops In the surounding districts
•ere destroyed and damage which
may amount to fl.0O4i.tt00 was wrotigbt
:a a storm which saept the city and
suburbs Tbe wind st tbe height of
the gale was of crricmK proportions.
f'pcm her testimony of incompati
Jl*r supported by the testimony of
n-r maid. E zabett Johnson. Mrs
Kdna Cowin Cudahy got a diTorce
'rom Jack Cudahy, son of the million
aire Chicago packer at Kansas Ctly.
She was given alimoev amounting
-o SI
Representative Charles A. White
*boar “confeseioc” forms the basis of
'he charges of bribery against Minor
tv leader Le» O'Neil Browne of the
genera! aascmtlv. was under a grilling
roas-examination by 4ttorn**y Forrest
'or 'be defense at Chicago. He con
'radicted much of the "estimony which
*e gave at the first trial and made
-»om statements which lay him open
io ;*-T-jtirr charges
Killing frosts. *fae first of the sea
eon Were reported irom the Yellow
*'OD* Hark. Havre Mont. Sheridan.
Wyo and ,;th*r places In the north
**■*' do:ng much damage to corn. po
ta'oer and .’her vegetables Temper
a'urcs as low as 14 were reported.
attorney \\ T Forrest made a mo
' ® to take the rase of Lee O'Neil
Browne on tr_a! at Chicago charged
wHh bribery in the election of 1'ni
'“d .States Senator Lorimer. from the
j .ry and strik- from the records the
testimony of several of the state wit
nesses This was the first step of the
defense, as th* prosecution closed its
case Judge Kersten refused both re
The cholera epidemic, believed to
have been controlled in St. Peters
burg. has broken out wl-h renewed
-everlty Advices received from Kief
say -hat it is sweeping that city also
being j«articub*rly bad ;n the Jewish
The world s record was bro
ken <« the Galesburg ,111 i track by
Minor Heir in a heat with lledgewood
Hoy. the mile being covered in 'wc
oi-nvee fiat. The weather was cold
^ud a high wird was prevailing at the
tme making the going slow.
Former Instruct Attorney Deiancey
.'.coil of New York county was ren
dered unconscious recently by being
hit on the head by a golf ball driven
by lsikt U right formerly governor
general of the Philippines, at Long
island links
Russian sturgeon, which supply
caviar, are retorted to have been dis
covered In the Gulf of Mexico The
migration is unexplained.
Fifteen bodies have been recovered
from the wreck of Grand Trunk train
No 14 Chicago to Montreal, which
was struck by train No. 4 three
east of Duraad. Mica. The wreck
immediately caught fire and many of
the bodies were burned a!mow* bevond
'ecogntttam Nearly all *he
were in the rear sleeper attached to
No 1C
Harrison Arm son and Sam Kruka.
junk dealers of Pittsburg. Pa pre.
■sndrd Injury so hard that fbev got a
free rest on hospital beds before the
phvstrlans found them and turned
them out.
The eighth annual national rifle
mate}, at Camp Pern O . and the na
t,"1'aI trophy were won bv the Cnited
«*.*« infantry team which scored
K‘ Td* point* more than *he Cnited
State, Marine corps, which finished
Mi'h more than fifty persons known
° he dead, with 100 or more missing
»r,d a list of injured that will approxi
aiate ;00; with the possibility that
two or three towns In the district
hare suffered complete destruction:
with half a dozen small tom ns and vil
lage, seriously threatened, and then
chabita-.ts by thousands hurrring to
place, of safety, the Pacific northwest
‘aces the most terrible fire situation
in Its history
Mayors and eouncllmen from many
cities attended the opening of the con
sen non of the League of Americas
Municipalities in SL Paul. Minn.
What is Going on Hero and There
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Aurora. Neb.—Fred L. Rhine, a
Burlington fireman, was instantly
killed in the railroad yards here. His
engine had run up here from Hamp
ton for coal. The coal was taken,
but the fireman did not return to the
engine cab The engineer called, hut
received no answer. He made a
search and found the fireman beside
the track dead. He had fallen from
the tender and death had resulted
from concussion of the brain. De
ceased was twenty-two years o:d. His
; home was in Omaha.
To Censor Advertising.
Beatrice.—An agreement lias been
adopted by which the merchants of
this place consent to refuse to patron
ize all such advertising schemes as
hotel registers, cook books, race track
programs, society or church programs
and newspaper schemes presented by
traveling promoters or agents. A cot
. mittee will censor all schemes pre
sented to the merchants and without
the approval of this committee no'
patronage w ill be given.
To Have Library Building.
Alliance.—At a recent meeting of
the Alliance library board the contract
for architectural work on the pro
posed building was let to a Black
Hills firm. The building will be 40x50
fret. one story and basement. The
material used for the basemen: will
be cut stone The balance of the build
i ing will be of gray pressed brick. j
Osborne Pleads Not Guilty.
Fremont. Neb.—In the face of his
confession that he killed the eye
glass peddler. John Hoctor. a plea of
not guilty was entered by George Os- i
borne of Blair when he was arraigned
before Justice Johnson. Osborne was
bound over to the district court. Ow
ing to the seriousness of the charge,
he cannot be released on bail.
Minden Pastor Resigns.
Minden. Xeb.—\V. \Y. Tait has re
signed his pastorate from the First
Pr-f byterian church here. During!
Rev. Mr. Tail's pastorate the church
has prospered, having built a large,
modern church building and the con
gregation has more than doubled in
membership. Mr. Tait will go to In
Alliance is to have a library build
The Burlington is putting up a new
depot at Peru.
The Teeumseh Military Band is be
ing reorganized.
Hastings is planning to have a har
ve>t home festival some time in Octo
The Johnson county fair will be
held in Teeumseh on September 2S.
2? and 30.
The first annual teachers’ Institute
of Garden county has convened at
Oshkosh for a two weeks' session.
The Pawnee county teachers' insti
tute is in session this week with an
attendance of about 123 teachers.
While taking down a wire fence J.
K- Staab. living near Ansley. lost his
laft eye by a staple striking the ball.
1-eo Comstock, an 8-year-old boy at
Peru, was badly injured by a dyna
mite cartridge which he exploded
with a hammer.
Albert Lang, a 10-yoar-old Lincoln
boy. had his skull fractured by a fall
from a wagon in which he was play
ing. but will recover.
The Citizens National bank of Or
leans and the First National bank of
Decatur have made application as de
positories for rostal bank funds.
E. G. Bohanan's Lincoln pacer won
the 3-year-old pace at Brookfield. Mo..
lowering the world's record one and a
half seconds over a half mile track.
Farmers of Cortland and vicinitv
who have been trying to organize a
farmers’ bank for some time, have
taken final steps toward incorporating.
The contractors aie making rapid
progress with the drainage ditches
along the valley of the Nemaha
through the west end of Richardson
One of the ball team arrested for
Sunday playing at Nebraska City some
time ago has proved an alibi, and will
hr ng suit against the four ministers
who had him arres’ed.
Fire caused a loss or between $30.
•00 and $35,000 to :he Griswold Seed
compary at Lincoln. Their elevator
and warehouse was more than halt
consumed and the stock contained
said to be a total lors. The stock was
estimated between $20,000 and $30,000
and the building at about $6,000. The
loss was fully covered by insurance.
Attempting to cross the tracks In
the Burlington yards under the Tenth
street viaduct at Omaha, an unidenti
fied man was struck by a Union Pa
cific engine Thursday morning, and
Instantly killed.
On# thousand red "As* Me” bat
tons have been secured by ta# Lincoln
Commercial club to be worn by mem
bers of committees during the atate
The new rectory In St. Anthony's
parish at St. Charles, a wealthy sett le
nient of Germans near West Point,
was dedicated wt*d appropriate cere
Alfred Fowler of Fremont claims
the state record for long distance div
ing. having dived ldb feet in the Y.
M C. A. tank at that place in a recent
George Greer, a Burlington fireman,
lost a leg at Mapps siding, near York.
In some manner unexplained he fell
from the engine and the wheels ran
over his leg.
Captain Aral or Beatrice killed
eleven young rattlesnakes one day
last week. He made " the cleaning"
in half an hour, and he considers it a
pr ettygood piece of work.
Nearly a hundred dead sheep were
taken from cars in the Fremont rail
road yards in one day last week. The
sheep were being taken to the mar
kets at South Omaha and Chicago
from the western plains.
Through the efforts of the officers
of the Gage County Agricultural so
ciety a government specialist on hire
diseases will beat Beatrice during the
county fair and give lectures on serum
treatment for hog cholera.
The mill data a: Seward was part
ly swept out Saturday evening by the
high water caused by the big rains
west of Seward last week A large
amount of work and expense will be
required to repair tbe damage.
Blue Hill will celebrate August *3.
26 and 27 because of the large crops
this season. The business men have
donated $1,500 to be used in promot
ing a harvest festival and jubilee.
The committees in charge of the in
terstate reunion to be held a: Su
perior on September 12 to 17 are ac
tively engaged in planning one of the
largest reunions held there in years.
Preparation is being made for about
twenty thousand people.
The twenty-sixth annual fair of the
Boone County Agricultural association,
will be held at Albion on September 20
to 23. inclusive. Among the other at
tractions will be exhibitions and con
tests in riding bucking bronchos, rop
ing and tying steers and cowboy
The committee having the housq
warming and dedication- of the new
Burlington shop buildings at Havelock
in charge has chosen Saturday. Sep
tember 2. as the date of the festivi
ties. Prominent speakers are being
engaged and light refreshments will
be served.
A vender in raiors who was operat
ing his business at the Beaver Cross
ing picnic had his prosperity turned
to adversity when the constable took
him in charge and landed him in the
county jail. The price of his wares
was one dollar and the purchasers
were handed razors instead of any
change that might be coming to them.
One man being twenty razors richer
after doing business with him.
Senator Burkett has received an in
vitation to attend a banquet of the
business men of St. Louis and the Mis
souri republican editorial association
in that city September 23.
Tae farmers' national congress,
which will meet in Lincoln October
C. with an attendance of at least 2.000
delegates and possibly more, hopes to
see following upon the heels of the
postal savings bank bill a parcels
post law.
The state board has decided to bny
some more goods for the state and
run a deficiency bill, depending npon
the next legislature to pay the cost.
It will ask for bids for a new boiler
at the state penitentiary, an engine
at the industrial home for women at
Milford and a boiler for the home for
feeble minded youth, at Beatrice.
The Germans of the state of Ne
braska will celebrate what they call
'German day" in Lincoln on the 5th
and 6th of October next. This is in
memory of the landing of the first
German settleis in this country. The
annual convention will be held there
and will consist of delegates from all
Ttte German societies of all kinds in
the state.
A collection of llviug cactuses from
Arizona was received by the State
university recently which will be
grown in the greenhouse. What is
considered particularly valuable in
this collection is a small specimen of
the giant cactus which grows to a
height of from thirty to forty feet In
its native country. Dr. C. E. Bessey
is wondering what he will do when
the baby cactus grows up and be
comes too large for its present quar
ters and he is planning an upward
extension of one end of the green
Chancellor Satr.nel Avery has re
turned from Valentine, where he has
been looking over the snb experiment
station which is being installed there.
A new experiment is being tried there
in the erection of the suferintendent's
residence and a large bam. The struc
tures are being made of cement to
gether with sand from the basement
excavations made for the buildings. It
the other sab-station at Scotts Blutf
a $1,000 bam has just been completed
and a bam for machinery is la the
process of erection.
Huge Fish Identified as a Man-Eater,
and Thought to Be the Largest
Ever Caught in the Puget Sound
Seattle. Wash—After a terrific
struggle tasting seven hours a gigan
| tic shark 36 feet long and estimated to
weigh mere than fifteen tons was cap
tured by the combined crews of the
fishing boats Good partner and Pioneer
| II- between Port Angeles and Port
Crescent. The monster is believed to
: be the largest fish ever caught in these
The Good partner and the Pioneer
II.. much Tattered and rattle-stained,
with half of the crews nursing more
j nr less serious wounds, towed the
mammoth carcass into Elliott bay.
In spite of the 30-horse power engine
with which each is equipped, it took
■ the two boats 15 hours to get the car
cass down from Port Townsend.
When pulled to the surface the tail
was seen to be full of splinters and
blue paint, as the resul^ of the strug
gle to demolish the Good partner The
shark is IS feet in circumference at
its middle and about twelve feet
around the head The huge triangular
mouth on the under side is five feet
across The flukes of the powerful tail
are six feet apart. The body is gray
and covered with tine spikes which
make it feel like a file.
One result of the shark's capture is
that the crew of the Good partner will
never do any more Sunday fishing
Captain Dragich and his five men
were hard at work early one Sunday
morning pulling up their big salmon
A Minute Later It Appeared Alongside.
nets. They had not pulled very much
i of it into the boat when the leviathan
made its presence known by thump
ing the bottom of the Good partner
with Its tail. A minute later it ap
peared alongside and hit the Good
partner amidships.
Luckily the shark had entangled Its
from fins and la head In the stout
meshes of the net. Before it could
tear itself free three thicknesses of
the net were wound around it. Then
the struggle began The six men on
the Good partner worked desperately
to keep the head of the big fish near
the boat and the death-dealing tall
away. Ag*in and again it would rear
Its big bulk out of the water and
smash In the sides of the cabin oiaf
Larsen, the youngest member of the
crew, had his arm broken, and Cap
tain Dragich was cut in the head and
chest by flying glass.
The Pioneer II. came to the assist
ance of the desperate fishermen on
the Goodpartner after about an hour
of the conflict. They towed the fish
and the boat to a sandy beach. Tackle
was fastened to a tree on the shore
and the Pioneer's winch managed to
pull the fighting fish into the shoal
water. As the tide ebbed the shark
was left high and dry. and its strug
gles diminished. At one o'clock Cap
tain George Saeher of the Pioneer II
got close enough to the fish to chop a
hole in -ts throat with an ax.
Besides the personal injuries suf
fered by the various members of the
crew, a big net valued at >1.900 was
complete.y destroyed. Wnen first ex
amined the fish was believed to be a
whale or bash king shark, but when it
was cut in two after fifteen minutes'
work with an ax bones were found
which indicate that it is a nuaeater.
The bones, from their sixe and weight,
are believed to be human, although
the ’argest fragment is only four
inches long, making it difficult to de- •
Another unusual find in the stom
ach. which might be taken as an in
dication that the bones are really hu
man. is a piece of aluminum, now in
the possession of Captain Dragich
None of the fishermen could explain
of what the thin curved plate of alu
minum had originally been a part. As
son as they came ashore, however.
It was identified as part of a folding
N'ew York—Armed with a club. Mrs.
W. E. Miller of Brooklyn engaged in a
furious battle with two dogs to save
her son. who had been thrown to the
ground and was being attacked by
both animals. Mrs. Miller was assist
ed by one of her woman neighbors,
and the two were victorious in their
straggle with the dogs. Young M.ller
was severely bitten, but will recover
The affair occurred almost in front
of the Miiler home. Miller was just
returning from a walk with the family
bulldog when another dog dashed up.
Immediately the two animals began a
fierce fight. Although young Miller's
dog was having the best of the al
I -- ---1-^ -!
She Was Joined by Her Neighbor.
tercation. he determined to stop the
battle, fearing the other animal would
be killed. He seized the strange dog
and started to pull him away.
As the boy did so the struggle ol
the animal threw him to the ground,
and both canines renewed their battle
over his body. They also bestowed
many bites on the prostrate youth in
their rage.
Attracted by the cries of the prone
lad. Mrs. Miller rushed from the house
She seized a club and belabored the
infuriated beasts. She was joined by
her neighbor, but It was almost five
minutes before the two women could
separate the combatants.
Much Ado In Soot City Society Ovet
Mrs. Longworth's Alleged
Love of Weed.
Pittsburg. Pa.—Mrs. Alice Roosevell
Longworth s cigarettes have caused a
great “to do" in society here. The
questions agitating Pittsburg's fait
leaders of the local “400“ are:
Does Mrs Longworth smoke cigar
If she does, is there any harm in it
provided she doesn't do It in the s'.reel
and scare the horses?
The matter aroused a lively discus
Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth
sion among Pittsburg clubwomen
"I look upon a woman who smoke?
cigarettes as I do one who bleaches
her hair—with suspicion.- was the
statement of Mrs J. H Armstrong
Mrs. Minnie O. Roberts and Mrs
George Kramer took leading pars ir
the discussion, which was listened tt
by members of the Wimodausis clul
of Pittsburg, the Sorosis club, the
Daughters of the American Recoin
tion. the Daughters of 1812. the
Daughters of Pioneers, and the Worn
en‘s Southern society.
"The higher the position a wcmar
holds the more womanly she sfcoulc
he." asserted Mrs Roberts, and *
number of others said they thought
Mrs. Longworth should not set sue!
an example to the young women
One dissenter, a member of th«
Wimodausis dub. said:
'Any woman has a right to smokt
cigarettes if she wants to, so Iona a
she doesn't tread on anybody's toes. :
Boy Is Healed by Prayer.
Kansas City. Mo.—For more thr.u j
week Eugene Bell and his wife prsye
night and day that their boy. FMui
helpless with infantile paralysis. aiigh
be healed. Then, one morning the boy
rose from the bed at seven o'clock anc
walked to the breakfast table and ate
He -raised his arms almost as freely
as before the dread malady httarkec
him. and the ttght leg. useless foti
ten day* and nights. Supported hi si
and moved ns he willed Ir to da
Through Solitudes to the Home of
Senator Warren With Its Thirty
Thousand Acres.
. j
Cheyer.r.e. Wvo—On tough, wirey
posies. Theodore Roosevelt rode six
teen miles Sunday across the plains
of Wyoming. He wanted to get back
once more among the cowboys in thei*
own country and mingle with them as
he did 4n the old days, twenty-seven
years ago. when the lure of the west
brought him out here, a young man.
He rode far out into the vast brown
stretches of open country leaving the
city and its crowds far behind. He
visited the sheep ranch of Senate*
Warren and rearmed to Cheyenne at
night more enthusiastic than ever
about the wonders of the west
Colonel Roosevelt began the day
by going to churvh. With Timothy F;
Burke of Cheyenne. United State#
district attorney, he attended the
First Congregational church. After
the service was over, the crowd
found him and he shook hands with
Then he had lunch and early m the
afternoon put on his tiding suit and
mounted his horse.
Lieutenant Tbompkins of Fort D. At
Russell. R. S. Vac Tassle. who ov&a
a ranch near Cheyenne, and Nat
ker. a ranchman, a-.compacted him..
They cantered across the plait}s,
stopping now and then while the colo
nel talked with cowpunchers. asking
them how things were nowadays la
the cattle country. '
They rode through solitudes, with
no human being in sight, except the
members of their party and with the
plains stretching out endlessly oq
every side. As it began to grow dusk,
they came to the ranch of Senatoq
Warren, where they stopped for sup*
Senator Warren's ranch is sixteea
miles from Cheyenne The senatoq
has 30.t*f>0 acres of land, some oi
which he devotes to dry farming. Ia
the middle of the ranch there is a
little settlement of long, low bulldiqgq
of which the ranch house, where Sen
ator Warren lives part of the time, to
the chief.
Colonel Roosevelt spent two hoard
there. He said he was able to ride
back to Cheyenne on horseback, but
as it was dark he desired to maka
the return Trip by automobile.
“I really am very much impressed
by what I have seen here." Colonel
Roosevelt said. "The Frontier day
celebration was remarkable. I want
to call attention to the fact that the
people who took part are people from
thi* section and not cowpunchers who
have been thirty-one years with
shows They are the real thing.”
The colonel also spoke of lieuten
ant Tyndall of the Fourth field artil
lery stationed at Fort Russel. The
lieutenant's horse fell during the
hurdle race Saturday and rolled over
him. }
‘Tyndall got up in a second,
jumped on his horse again and went
back in the race.” Colonel Roosevelk
said. “That takes pluck.”
“I was sorry that T didn't see Joe
La Force.” the colonel went on. "When
I was out here seven years ago. I rode
from Laramie to Cheyenne, fifty
seven miles, on a relay of horses
Marshall Harbell and Joe La Force
rode with me.
Hermit Kingdom Becomes Part of tho
Japanese Empire.
Washington.—The treaty between
Japan and Korea, by which the "Her
mit Kingdom" is annexed as a sov
ereign part of Japan, was made pub
lic at the state department Sunday.
A declaration of the Japanese gov
ernment concerning the effect of tho
annexation upon powers enjoying
treaties with Japan is also made pub
Existing Korean schedules covering
imports from foreign countries and
regulations governing coasting trade
will continue for ten years. Tho
Vnited States specifically is acquaint
ed with the fact that the copyright
and patent laws of Japan will be ex
tended to Korea. The name is
changed from Korea to Cho Sen.
Crowds to See Crippen.
London.—The vicinity of the Bow
street prison, where Dr. Hawley H.
Crippen. the American-British den
tist. and his secretary. Ethel Clare Le
Neve, are held awaiting arraignment,
was visited by crowds, but no glimpse
of the prisoners was obtained by
Gaynor Out of Hospital.
New York.—Mayor Gaynor wap
taken from St. Mary's hospital in Ho
boken Sunday morning to "Deea
Wells.” his country place at St.
James. Long Island He bore the
trip well, bat his insistent plea to be
allowed to walk unaided resulted in
three distressing incidents. Once he
sank to his knees as he tried to en
ter an automobile, and in ascending
the steps of his home he fell on all
fours from overexertion. Despite his
weakness, however, be maintained
his cheerful mood.