The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 18, 1910, Image 7

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    The Passing of Jenny Wren
By Mutka McCafiock-WOW
* '^rr «!H * cSftf**- SIX. ****!», j
* ouEshesb. a* it !k*
ix t&c XMisk '"^rsos. h >u
•'* "* »«e p*rt auiaij- irua;
*t<5agt ae« *»•_ tfeca -i*r* os# a
‘t* • «< «■*-*» 'b*i* »i*
■®c* aatarj »—r~ --—.»*» rra4
•*• «■ 1* the r»*i **3* «t j«»t
" Bt* &. • .r > &*.» o9u? sai.-^
ft? £ frisocJt ^
-"*£■ *•' •> • r • -» «*e trt»4 ts
tr*r 64s 2*’* •eOte*
K* «a# » fwt»£ '• - » E*'^«r M*
to- »*i taSs. Jmb- - e"»r«(i*4. «s4 2*#
r-iae~r *•; fr-a>. K* t*vc »«»»
Srcat »«■*** sue' tiar -'f*- Jksj
£* w r>*» Imn^ *•**. At k*st the
S^r-t*., SftM :f The* ..£ There *'«**
l>iE*Tts f*e*r*
ft=4 tmT the i-wt of ttaft
»*'• ;■'•»»» a«*w*T —at? br-xt*
•=■4 jwtf. tft*
*hȣ 1*2 of **zt *t* to
*•*£*& >*’r’*e «sd f -■<*-**£ fta*-2f *c
cw4a*0y B**-jra in.. tb* |*rt—
hccs a* e*.:sae> sa4 *T*ct. j?S* «**
ft**-: «•«].. (tm I*
'-» -ei f«ar cf »tsa ' Weee
*-**-4 ««r. «r «fe* *-»»*-*• faar tb*£
«t» ftwaiif «*- scsi-ts*
’* »■» 31» *~rc brftwftHt *ia* Jee
«** «" ftfcir-E** Saf Weft *1
.- «r rvr i *
'*• feWEB ftS.SC* (ft* ftftft
-;«»;-eftco» ftt*e=i «-** *4£t-r
rrftS*-2 **“?■■ a^nr - or rt4J
[ e**i
* -~ fr*r • bear * tea* »**■
»** it tie »** of hftftftf&c ftja*«c ee
#r^-*iac Yet. 4sr *%e ftwihl *t t»
— ' * * » *4 is***—e her is pi*ac
** Jess* »«« *S~ We » te* s»rrs
*s a
- ms** ***»--■*a» r* c—r;
__.... «» . .. .... jj., ft*.^
* •*» « : »r i n 4* - »- —ft ft-** tsK.*
Az.t tr rrs* «*-* *-**•«* w
fcixir tic rs» rftftjoe *-*c
•-* isiad. a* «•
TiMIto ti; Lr-r <--4 *9T Ir-ft*
* ftbft «X BC
.fsftfcr- Si* c~-u •-** **«
aeft'WT -s*s
»«*• SB *«*3c.
s= *»rt other that
m~tc *».-*• fa***r
~ «•* «• tad * 7 rt*J* t»
i&£ U..J *0 *c *E7l»a4y *3**
► JW> W4
,l* '=**»< “-*»* sb* m t* orat
E&Br *■** **t is* isssoet B*
■*** tfa# '"Karims. par tt* »»i- a n*»
iiS aer*- ass **.. i* f— ig. •¥ «• fa«
"? da» fa* Ji*< t*rt H'Tiiyij-—
*:'r*,’* a*®'* ti* mi* *sfr*Taj*ar^
2*= !•» Sacsam* »«*t oat af tS* w.»
•?*«*' s» |»» * t«tT *r K f
fa* rot j S77* wfcf*
- a dot *faap* fa* *7»rkT h- ta* *■—k
'*«r a lit --ar ojt. Xor £*£ b* *£*
i*z*-z.i»x£*—«t ***7. *c»
' • • - *- — -. — - -
faerJN- H* p , to
dar - ~* «r &•**»- - atimtf ttm
te*- » •* afir ««-*. t»f
®s» licet km£ ■< tfa* lii jam,
xatJ4 •*& aarracfc* is far* -*
Mdi«r Umu <L*-taet
«* Ui ««**»** of :.JharasrF k-vt
-a* r~- o? WXim* =^t Trra* code
t**- - ,7 ts -fa**- jor*^.
E*•♦«** Sri;** o-fa- aJ~fa3e*fa *fa*
*-»*< for a St*.®* fc* u> -t*r?
* - J C S4T ..: «ot»facw ■ 7^»
♦ ur» #c: - ♦ -i |>4 £ ■ * * :; jf fjunj-r
fcdg «Cr« — ana' L* « <Sr**r
s&en* fast «** ttr aks?
**» «**■•• a»- •-» «?*• s*tt
-a 'riwi=.: j? “TaJ«** to* tafc* tfa**
tad.” ab* «*»£ tnrme 'bmr4 *»
"I wfs *«r ta*
■ ar** KaM«• -a *i» :*rk -
fa* M
*“• IJafet
* T. J***t
,JT*C *<
•a* flnma
*-• *1 foo^of— *S*t;»earf* -f *r?"
i** “7 •*'*—nfefflct *4t*f *oo
* al. t * 7!* ^0' ffa# *. ■■■*—.y **
»*k '- • --. fa* — *4 fcorir -
. . -
—* S'** **• Le? «i *—| to
**» *»••♦ tfa*t a k«i *t*-*<»*
“1 OMV t aff* rt to
►'•2 i tool” «fc* *aM ri**r.» ~~Bm
•m 4o ts* too sad toner J exmld
rw, I marry Atliso* B ak«—
ir’-r.* a'joa b*m? tie knight
* * ' -2 ever to of beia?
*-• of 02*.'
'Aam!' Ketarah said ft. mad rrr
•*'2* —K-trrar. «iso had never be
• r- ra_s- -i her v sic* la fublic.
>-• had r.^t Xoa she c•ntiao^!
in a It: breatUe** voice: _Aram!
•2d a.- -a’ I tail m Von *oe^b
“ t - ■ !•• :>f aa! aJk a f'd» charity
at i a ■ a; -f r i;;»: and aaz men
‘ •-* —t xirta? mcwe* *ta: >oa fool
»*:. tt-.-s* j—nr 1 Alisoa B.ak- goes
- * :ar r- i s„» d. Xe\-r mini
a . t.r.os—: i tfc* fairs* yoa
-t i. *e a.. Miltal* st*„ knoa
-•t » at ra; :•** here—yoo «ca'
• _• Vo* •jc't .ast k e? after
a is Angara—~
-- —i wto .* to r-aie it bcTs*
V - * tae rsid ob rat.a of s!
Mrs Lis a sa<! tryia? To be
K- ■ ar*± air os- tr-s*ed 1 -r T-’i 1 *1
feaow I emat t#B X. bet lean}
ar * *: - - fa t-iamffc. waliiax
•: ward -a*, r
l-s" ’ »a> j..* a'- there art Lily
:. r : t-r Br: • a ere crying
tr-y r-raed tad fee.d oat tc each —her.
Kr-arah s aggerra! TO—e
a toer* artt fe.->_ yo»a r»?.‘ *t* sa l
1 o • *: LP to teE you. Voir*
• a— • tr 1 jocaa and Icr: kr~as 1
: s * ear- yom t® proa ay eats ike
tfee e*fceaa.”
la ter iri" setHy rnorr she t-'4
-a - : 1-- t -
: T—t; a er«T ttt*tt and that
• "t- for fear c a *!*'> b-yoal St
■x * ix- Bat rws dt»"* knoa that
- ;i- -x Sr-r ‘feta iTag «-ar~e
‘ - That a rk f r The Or-~
— a- - —sac -ikers print
e*s tr: aL Cash ra tbe na4:. Too
n • - ; —“-T ■ T«l • A TOOTS? If.X *
.: * "k-r fit- - * sad r- • r dorp * *
•** A — paTed fe.:r at. an-i fcas
- " H- - - -•
ffeac tba Cwc pw~. at:; make tbeoa botk
net as Tfe* *-ri If it doe* I know
a ■ ere The arr-yl rr—into begirt
*r* * ki Tfeat r -r: he'.p abetter or
ac-E tfeey ceaert* it”
H » dr toc kfe.a sc ferretT* Li.'
-TTfey I trie ttee afloarr ap Tc
TT V : m e *tiks I ?r ttere
aT*»r farfetoa*. Lori if ft karat”
rct tea did toc iC-t ifeto S*” LIZ?
K? m: rre" her for a Trieste, ter
«ai a ft: ^eks fartt *'T ”Xra
IV- • - : ’:s O fer t tlit a <r~i
»t:.« to ke-p erlat back.” sfee
raid 'Tra «— I -a—r *o mirrstaad
ti— !r rrr *■-" ~f *:r-'ter ever Jea
*t T*rc "
”*-rtt Wr*t " L£t repeated ia
--i .'.-aa-T 'Vra are act—yoa cast
1 atT ' * K ** sai i with a sly
mlie “Baft I *3—as nart a* ary
Vxt- »»a joo hltr se * Tjb %e»
' wMt ta a tnndred dollars aa
■nw* cf death and sickness aid I
hncr - grr any oat. «.TTt:=jr Sre years
IT =i:- rse iesperaf* 1 oM to «Tt:e
*eas>ect!s5*'—x*rs*« ywo teo* Aliscc
pa** for a" te prints. He didn't
irtet a - T.r*** bar *hey hronati cs
* <reT#>er ui hatched ap 'he plan—
I * *ei. tTE. tie Ti:o*s J«.ry ought
to b » abc.u* and >? tin see hr*
woenes TbecriT. and all ind he'd pot
*a :: wr Aa i be paid n« *■!# a
a~k t f ‘ust ttat aai aa te co:ne
*c tr. -« I »a(- rms-r gat t^e to help
*-— aad tare —cney <t ngb to hay
»*■ ..aa r'.rtes Slias and I hart
war- £fr»ea Tears for -bah*
!-.? ar.d 3**at—x lcx>k*-d at each
ether •trough fbasitt eyes, ar i
s-r* >%t: slteaC; wa'frg ciose to
A* *he ----- *t Uly rsrae! saying
• - ' *'« t- raking yonr
a • -* c':-*bes Be* Mr B it*
i-» - - as' t x" :! ir.cit dare
T*H *03 hoar he Sored you”
W:*» id yot tell tin*" Bee asked
Ter* Soar
L - . jthed sc**'- That St wots*3
e * r- *re east h r " she said
Krrr? up -he seddiag please It
---■'* • :-•--••• • - •
Jerri «Tre* cr Midvale will feel bit
•r'r dtrfrand* d “
**e~e *e s -re-est Lay.
v* a --«**•'» hetrotbed*—Car 1
it jc- *'•_** ajar?
’**- e At- *»aa*—Vby. yes sir
Mr A—My intended Js undecided he
*■«« rtrg and a necklac* For
i tr>*t ”k» : he- re fares are
- •-* taehk.ii. or else ! shall become
: : : »;f «|riL
TK -Bits
Tea '—nets Fre~- Japan.
’A;ac *urr. she* 4d per cent of the
— P* -T* of tea China rtS per cent..
• *-d the Ccited Kitgdon i;** per
Sea t a Deaths a» ts ar O a
fi-ee-atftiaa *f «rae -5 au**r a
Ce>atr| VcaTr
fa*c a Near Tort fufccesarias
-"The bf^t' of ina.' :vt» IB Va Turk
bv t»*a a *n':^ • to as <a4 *u;»r
tat atitriiiati m‘ » a eoBstr>
»<»«•*: aha caae u the err* « *£*«
Lie fertaae *» »«" aftc H«m
ka>9«a boa the* eaaae fr? the belief
►at Beat of tteae «®»«taie W» * can**
to -fee eft; tl ratts# ?i*r :f tk*; Raid
tm* a craa «*«r a toae* that -feet
t* <ft a Jaarj ta at t> first try ta*
fe jps vaadfi i» tfiafta auae say
It >t> oae «f sy acr*** eoftafictlaM
as.. I pat ft ta a left iftoeciataly
afer b«na« *» W fift* ft**1 ft Ve*
T«rt The aftf fts*e? I has ieft cm
M ■ fa t"-J ttw* e»-&t ; «er» W.tS
te*J ft ft? fcaaa • aaikaS ar^efei took
•«T f-jr a SaanUe jriace af m*m;
f»r^T« oat* a roraer ft* os ftbirfi
•sack a t*a etcrj as*. a tail ttr:~k
ict»* fftfi- ft} eye.
I tad prar- „ed coin throwing in
•b* cvun*r ^ ! let nj 'tree-c-nt
- tec*. go fir a'! ft sat worth over the
’ ‘t? l< !b* fco;1**- and rat around to
back to see »b«re Jt landed- It
went clews over I knew then thar
• bow as4 lot would b» c!b. ia
eoe - roe and *=r« enough they mere
Peoj ie cW w» f. r*une by flipping
cote* theve days. The fellow whose
«*cre*e dn«sd«* upon tossing a
tfcpee-cer- ; ieee orer the Singer build
•r* wcw4 be in a pretty bad fig."
Audacious Trust,
Lrt us Approach oar friend with an
eudadou* trust In the truth of the
heart, in the tr.-adh. impossible to be
Li’r-jrwi at £us foundations—Em
R.cres Hirt Wirgs.
Jsrk—I fc»tr yon had some money
sett you
Ten-—Tes. it ieft me Quite sskTc
WfBBipe*, Sit—Tiie pecpi* of ti s city ape -road ef It* ctrsaet. »4 » m r«s«. !«: tie tiiP ro.r
r-ii fccaors *- *ii-e receat r\ca::a s: Ht'S>y. Tbv fact :Sa: jjsjk* Treat «h« toads co so:
c*-.en s.coeed :* tie tajlisiaft ta :h?i: c«a »»vrs adds to it* giect of tfce Custiiiss’ ictiewreat
iaparese Use Novel Expedient in
SidUduing Savage Tribes.
Wcjl C cr tus Duet Being Wagee
Aga •*« B cedthirsty Atyu Trises
**» Is • •'d sf Fr-wosa—SeW>ers
Urafti* to Check Outrages.
Ph.Iadeiphia—Tfce most ferocious
instiae* of primitive savagery, heed
hunting Japes is to fight wtti the
=or modern of military agencies,
iiectncity It is a most faricas duel
that is now berg waged in the rsian d
of Formosa between the Japanese and
the bloodthirsty Aiyu tribes.
It is tie proudest achievement of
ihe head hunter to increase fcis col
lection of sku'is He who has most
of :-ese sanguinary relies is esteemed
'he great scan of the tribe and the
gruesome skulls are exhibited with
the utmost pride sot only to residents
but tc visiters oho may chance under
peeper guard to penetrate to the fas:
nesses of tfce interior
It has not taken long for Japan tc
Sad that ter soldiers can not avail te
step the depredations and outrages
coma..tied fcy the head hunters
There are some hundred thousands
of these savages, who became a prob
to the Tokio government when
the cut come of the war with China in
1SS5 brought Formosa under Japanese
Tie gs"ant little brown men who
had been able to overwhelm the Chi- j
nese and who later were to strike
such a frightful blow at the prestige
of Russia, were unable to deal with
the head hunters.
In the guerilla warfare that ensued I
as soon as the Japanese soldiers came
into the country the modern sons of
Jupiter were constantly worsted.
It was a private trick of the head
hunters to perform their deadliest out
rages right under the noses, so to
steak, of the new rulers of the is
Tien a tactician in the army struck
-C a great idea
F.ght them with electricity.
A wall was built across the ooun
‘ry, a wail four hundred miles in
length, not a wail of stone, but a far
~ :re uead.y and treacherous waiL one
made of wire and charged constantlv
with a current that carried death
ittst as certainly as the bullet of a
lead shop — ■ Wk. m »i.i
Csiy St reeded no soldier to fire this'
death message All that the fcead
hunter needed to do was to come into
contact with it just for the briefest
space of time and with any portloiTof ’
body Death was then the sure
The deadly obstruction with secret
-rntang emerts most cleverly contrived
extends across the ^apd from the coast
ct Giran. in the ear to the shore at
Nanke. on the west side, where it
'akes a turn north and circles about
in such a way that the savages, once
within its lines, would find escape
- * -It without fitai contact with the
The fences arc wit* ?p*.
erf_’ eiectne plants and the wires ere
constantly kept charged with
Jes h-dealmg fluid
Already St tas beer foead that the
rc» s*s*w is lb* most «2*jcwas
’Ut the gcvertuteot tas ret eta
The savages ba*ed and siystv
tied They cannot ureerstaad what
it U that has the power of striking
uow-n their comrades so suddenly.
Thor are afraid to more about in the
t-S-t ca their horrible bead bunting
expedition. for tie wire has beer
placed with such cleve-ness that they
never eaa tell when they are likely to
come into oca tact with it.
The phan erf campaign at present *s
to drive the savages into the tsoun
taias. preveat theta from coming Sato
the krw countries or near the towns,
and sc beat tbetn in eventually bv
*be wire barriers that they wil! N* cut
03 from sappies aad forced either to
surrender or die.
Hardly win this be regarded as
cruel, when the atrocities of the head
hunters are taken into account. Japan
could hardly be expected to view with
indifference such things as have taj^
penei. In one case a rebel raid on a
Jap outpost resulted in the killing
*»d decap tatios of tkirte<.s sold’era
*»d so ciever tcj crafty »is :fce <■*
*rd s*' skifled t; -ak-rc aim
r^r? of a knowledge of the cossttw
that -bo pe-l «» pecsis'ea: sad us
Tf- —.-.?
The ..Tapasese ran the Si* tasters
’Sx-' ~:5* h*r« ' They are sa d to cue
Vr tro-e *kas ore fcrrdred tkot-satsd
dir* fed iato sever tsadred tribes.
Each tt-be oeeapies its cap territory
and they are alt iedependeat of each
ether. each seetciajs cee-ersed tk's
:n rteveetia* cccro*cfc»eat oa !'*
This Sack of usitw. isscead of be s*
* handicap To the head ksaers h*«
reaHy made their sab>cTica harder
Jap peseta!* say that if They wee*
se ted ia soc» sort of brad to protect
thorn an it wo-uM bo poss;b!e to go*
theta to«o-her ia a hr* enough force
»here -hoy would dare a pitched ha*
Ue with the ’reader The outcome of
sack a cos test woall. of course b*
Wtory for the traised solder ©?
Japac asd would oTeataany bo the
obliteratioe of the So:bars
Put the head tasters steadily de
cline aay sack issue Thor fjt; t*
roving Itttie bards, they stove ever
the coca try with atsat.s* rapidity asd
sa*C the deadly electric fesce '.its:ted
their operations to one little seotica
of The sslasd there was sc er-ece of
dartcjt act possible to theta
A Ft;lac's creed forbids hla *o eat
save wkes seats! upon a triangle
toade of three Ssh bones
Wife"* S=- Fails In Lcwe With Hus
ta-s's Daughter ana 6 ess -gs
At Bestowed.
I New York—Romance set oat to
j prove in Corona, that a woman may he
a sister to a man and a man may con
tinue as a brother to a woman, and
stm they may marry wi.h every pros
pect of happiness. Such is the sit na
tion in which Prark Gannon, a post
cEce clerk, an j Anna Pad ran. an op
erator in the Fi nsfelag telephone ex
change. fine themselves
Gannon's mother was persuaded to
abandon her w dowtood a few months
arc by John Padrcn. who is in the pay
bureau of the Lens Island city fire de
partment. They decided that it would
be nice to have her son and his daugh
ter live with them and hired a house
at No. 42 De Witt street Corona.
That arrangement pleased the young
people so well ’hat in a little while
tEere was no doult that the house
held two pairs oFlcvers
While pleased that their children
goL on well together, the elders
looked with dismal on tove-tnaking
between them and took them to task
for it pretesting that they were
brother and sister and had no right
to fall in love. This Tiew of the
case struck the young people as
one Dot to be argued and they seem
ed to acquiesce in the properties
as laid down by the parents. All
the same they had their own opinion
and. having obtained a marriage li
reese. they slipped uooed the otV*.
ttight re St Leo s riatri *her« Fa
tlser John O'Toole carrkd them.
As Frank ts thirty-wse ud Anaa
twenty-coe. there n$ bo going be
kiai the returns and the elders
cheerfPUy bestowed upoc then: their
I — ra-ts at N't» York Pert for Last
Fiscal Yea- Vy Be Abevn
'v. M5XC. ^
N'e» York.—Is:ports of diacoads
and other precious >Tcaes. as reported
by the customs officials this month
tare sent the total TsJna.’oc for the
fiscal year. which -need Jane 3fi.
store S4a.Mfi.MB. The highest prior
record was S4S.&JJ.47* for the year
IWi. as shears la a rep«»rt recently
preparedly Douglas R Sterrett for
the bureau of statistic! \fore -h-»i
S3 per cent, of these imports cow
come Ujfoegh the port of New Tort
Importers bare bees predicting few
some time that the pr sent fiscal
years imports would break all rec
ords. but this tacath has seat the to
tal eves higher -baa they expected
About si per cert cf the !mp5?ts
hare been diamonds Of the total
imports of diamonds about oae-thiri
hare been in the rough rad the cth
er two-thirds were cat and relished in
Lcrdor Stepper* Demand Packages
Be Wrapped in Delicately
Tinted Paper.
London —The latest innovation in
shopping is the providing by shops of
delicately colored paper in all “art
shades' with strings to match, sc that J
the color of the parcel containing a
woman's purchase may be chosen to
suit her irock.
The idea at the root of the innova
tlon is to save the shop money
Women. It is argued, will readily, an 1
even of choice, carry such parcels
home themselves, thus saving the
shop the expense of delivery, while
they would promptly order an ugly
brown paper parcel “to he sent." It I
is a form of flattery.
But inquiries made at the best
known London shops has elicited the j
information that, however remunera j
tlve “this ,very bright idea" mighr
prove to American shopkeerers. the
plan would not work well in England
“Women ever here will not respond j
even to such subtle Sat’ery as this to
the extent of Fatting money into car
'ocke's.- the manager of a very well
known west end emporium said,
"more s the p-tty!
“I am quite certain that that r*sf
is not being worked' anywhere in
this country; on the contrary. the
w ole tendency here is for already
eJabora’e delivery systems to be wU
ened and increased
“It is a fact, however, that eopyirg
Paris, one great Incdon house wraps
up all its parcels in well made paper
of a very distinct color and quality,
but this is not done with any idea of
savin* delivery expenses, but simply
as an advanced system of ndrernsin*
“Using just a different color, we
ourselves intend to copy this idea
when next month s sales are over, and
doubtless the cus'om will soon become
general. Our delivery expenses now
a days are. of course, enormous “
Mew Cure for Morphcnwma.
London.—Dr. Crichoc SiiLer, who
s i new cure for morphomanta
maintaining any c-re must be nearly
rainless, must temporarily destroy the
crsvirg and be specially designed tc
strengthen the will He therefore
commenced administering bromide
with diminishing Quantities of mor
phis so as to throw the patient in*c
a more or less comatose conditio
He also advocates hypnotism, declar
re suggestions should be made tend
:rg to get a distaste for morphia, tr us
strengthening the trill power ra
ttents should also be taught to p-^i
themselves to sleep fcy auto-sugges
tion. according to his theories
Bathirg Trairp Freed.
New Castle. Pa.—Martin Walter
who admitted he Bas a “hobo.~ «,<
surprised the otter mcrninr whiie u
king a bath As the bath was in a
public drnktng fountain on Moravia
street Walter was arrested He bad
soep and towel ard was scrvbtxag tu
face when arrested Because of tfc*
unusual cirru*nstacce and Watters
confess c*c that te liked to wash ever
if a tramp he tris r».eased by Mayo.
Dr. PiH«m—7h»'ro East be sene
tblre radically wrong with your sys
tem to tar? yoer hair fall out so
Tea rrili tar<? to diet
Skastkx—Pro it* Tit aita i doc
tten^ cot enough of it k:t to eye.
•"About sere a roars ago a sstali
abras-ea appeared cs try right leg
Just a boro aty ankle. It irritated r:e
so that l bocur to scratch it. ard it
tegus to spread until sty j-g trout ay
ankle to tte te«e -as cae sol d scale
Lkeascab. The irritation 'ass always
worse at right uri vo.:i sot a. js
ere to sle-. p. er sty wife either. ard it
was evstpletely andem nteg oar
tea tk I lost fifty pcua&s :r weight
ard was alsost cut e: try dM with
fate and ctuu- s as co natter where
the :~*a:.or carre. at wort cs tks
street cr is tie presence of ccspasj.
t would bare to scr*-ch it astii I tad
•be blood rurr-sg dews ;r:o tty shoe.
I siruply carrot descrtb-e ry suffer
.sg during these s-rsr years. Tbs
pais. c.-rttf cutter loss of sleep beti
to ntyseif ard wife ss siafiy — de
ccribaMe or paper and ore bas to ex
perience it to brow wbat it is.
~1 tried all birds of doctors and retr
»d:es but I tu cbt as well bare thre»s
try taoBeydowaasewer They would
fry up for a little while ard £11 tre
«::b bop:' e®ly to break out art:* j*£*
as bad if cot worse I bad gives up
hope of ever being cured wbes I was
induced by try wife to give tbe Cutk
cars focefies a trial After tab rg
tbe Cutieuta Kctaedtes for a little
while i t-cun to see a charge, ard
af~er taking a cores bottles of Cuts
cara Kcsolrect is cod -setjoe with
tbe Cat;oa~a Soap and CrtJcura Ottt
treat, tbe trouble tad entirely disap
peared ard ay leg was as sre as tie
day I was bore New after a lapse of
s x months with to sigss cl a recur
tvsee I feel perfectly safe is extend
tsg -o you try hex—felt tbarbs for tie
good tbe Cuticura bare done
for see. I shall always recosttrerd
then to sy friends. TV H White,
lid E CaivtSt rti'-adelphia Pa Feb.
* axd Apr IS. IS*®.
k-d They tWo-Se-ed.
JodC* X* hells who
to si: ob Ohio's srpresre beret,
looked cuusnltr r-»T^. ire i
re:$tbor is K««cb}tmc of his facial
depress'ca. raced a pe: c*l *Jatgt
LMewnt It was the eery rex:
day :ha: as excited ri-f broke rp his
wife s pardes ?ar*y “Oh. mada*--*
said she \!iitr Jadpe laiacwirth
hss lard ar e^p ~
Important to Mothers
Exxcire o*r*:«Uy every icrtle of
CAS. OKI A. x safe itj set recedy for
irfaris ard childrer atd see that ::
Bears its
JSgraSsr* of
In t se For OTer 30 Years.
Tbe Kiri Tk Hitt Always
Mar will t»tt wha: he desires, sad
will £sd whs: is reaily best for Lias,
exactly as he fcosesUy seeks it.—
Fr* rit. w-k fc ^ «r?>•» ijv. t r-c «*91 a
.a- * .ayaja^.
Mary x cae who *eps to thisk
twice fails to act oace.
Tbeee *« iw-ss. " «s't be
isi :.r It - > ' : . - r :. • :.: X
The larrb iha: plays arcurd a mint
bed teirrts fate.
le Ccre»
tbe stn scf! Tem
coBpiexK'a. Be>: s^at^v c_a
*Jt;r erapcxvQS.
M’iz;- si. a E*.r Ise^eik'r m*es dx:
sto;>* tiAir fr\>aR faClm,; » -i. hA.r *rv w.
If roc Stave or ..»rr trv cfc e.
trsr MasTvc * Pa« i 4* PC-*. They cut ILi
: -aswcr>'. CA*3»;;r^ki-^a asd crire »a rm.r'-r*:.e*
tM-‘=a the M.x*L — IBUfeTOVS hO»Et>RATH*C
K0«£ RE*£Dt CO.. Pa.
p It p |P Send postil for
pKli P Frt>' 1'a.ka^re
I II mm k of Paxtine.
Better and more eeoaomlcal
tku liquid antiseptics
Gum ocf a ir«t breath: deu. whites. I
|u^-free teeth—ubMptnliy dej- '
tacath aoc throat—pimiin the breath
after tccokirtg—cjttj all disagreeable
pertpirat**a and body odert— neeb ap
peecittd by daicty wceaets. A ijtKk
retaedy tor acre r « and catarrh.
A fade Paccar p.'.ost do
*sS^i — a jiu* d ret «.-ata
aakes a Cen tral aacsea at »e
r.c>.'a. pcMasscf exaasrcaarr
citaa«y. ferx-x-tia’ tac aea.
rsi je%er. *ac araededv bars
in. Try a Sairpia Xfc. a
Itrjr Vi at crassaS* ar by at.
T«c P«*ee To ixt Co..
Vanishes Forever
KNOWN smex «3« *s.RELI ABLE
■»* Sft’GC sts -asA^eci F' KUk . 50%
•AWTh >' secCKAvr
O*' t *k4 r"«^»v
« »5(n:^ K'C|^i v\a
•P^e-V T*=* «C Ttv-»*ICA «•
•ewi Sfw. v>w
•c.:*"esl Cl rrfmmJ tint rnni
Cone nc%i wee tor j hit »Tf
National Live Stock Cml Ca
You cjl3 shave first time you try
with a
«=■ S ,_-r«T
Ekt to ;ts . (V:—.
* f *
W. N- U, OMAHA. HO. 3A-*9’0.
We Give Away^-^>
Absolutely Free of Cost*
The People's Common Seme Medical Adriser. in Plain '
Eafltsh. or Medicine SimpiiBed. hr R. V. Pierce, M. D.,
Chief Comal tin* Phrsiciaa to the tcsabds’ Hoad ad Scr
tied Imnrate at Bufaio. a booh of IMS tarfe paces ami
^ «wt ct Mliat tmh, or.a French doth hooM far 11
Q>rr W.W eopio ot this complete Family Doctor Book were sold a eksci
Fading at r**-*r price of Si-5*. Afterwards. ooe and a half
were f'« »»JT •• ahoTe. A mo, ap-to-care revised edition b sow ready
•or mailiad. Better scad NOU. before all are (coe. Address U'.-»■«»> £>
******** VIemcai. A*socxatox, R. V. Pierce. M. D., President, \ Y.
THE ONF jtFMFny for
'$■' STARCH”