The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 21, 1910, Image 8

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^WonderfulDevelop- /
" ment Since Dawn of
Irrigation ^c
^ By C. J. BLANCHAfiD ;
IS J. Reclamation Jervicc
ite »«t i*
— a»J (tafrw* It
m the siant that fired tbe
kevts of oar forefathers
mtm eroded t* tbe |<rtiae
tai forests cf Ne» Ect
«< tbe mieretrartare of
•wtb I: i* tbe aptimtssi
sad Islti *h*h Unbaed
Mr dnosdttu »bo
rxr*ei as a*rtcaitJirs2 em
I nctan* freer tbe M^*s»
ns ss acprtnsistec that K
tbe baiis of empes tbe
«at tbe land at for: use ax.
Utf ttr k t
k T*i—r mrUo !»li«
crap* Oft
tk' ->f» »r-ckrr? otf :t*
•wttagfct •aft'y me!tiac
t: if t ar* ttr «srk
mt a
TVr» a a Bteatal
•: i •rents*: ipsm la
t> • !><*«•
eJ!i t» la ntkai
tv; ta t<srj tat** «e
f* :•» *2 _ o;<i
a *<aj*t«i %*-:i of la
ths «#fcts*t asi thos*
Is avrl ef r-»t ni
accmtxm TV* wa
aril mt its .-»-•» nit
«b«r ahai-.** mm tta*
•art* Met* th* csKiac
«f ta* gnr ■» Xmxmmr
•as* ar* aamaini la
as., ta
thesr aooiaorfrts# e*7>*ts Ha I*
«»star*t rf »>» ts j«oe«itiai araitb rf aotl
•=4 c5a»t» as. is r1nr> rf rmstaat
•f* t1" >*a a«ar2s« arJ
dwalavKMa: H»—* sarcr* offcas *.« r\er\
i^as tea faSrsfartait—a nar »-*;■« tb* aaaabla«i
tba aaat. a»4 a **** r«»»ari far tstoi'.ippBi
H« ttnp «rr »r; rt rttraicn too
TW las* C*« Jofea A Jc&asea *aJ3 *jl:4
tba »as* t'tebahaaa "te>«s»** foe- tb* botnoioaa.
t*f ter tbo ter*— srort ter *b» aooHsplor^f.
lard ter :fc* te£in* cr»'4 ter tbe p*aat>».
tertat tor tb* ratatv4 aimrat for tb*
r**s-*** Ca:e»r> tar tb* trai*. aa sskacaa
»«r.l tr wa»wr ar t rota: tor all"
Irr-^aticir baa aToocb* ita Kaacte aad 11.
merr* r*claa>*i ar* aasoalir rwofa
rtat ter-»»-»t» vatea* at swr* tba* *15
asd aa$«anke ta beer** of tb*ir o*a axra
t^aa M* Mt !*=~Vf Tbo wealth of -ta: por
tiaa of tte eaaasrr »b*rt pr*at *-:aT*k-*r ia
ITOtotim 4a» «rr» aeat to 4*ciar* aortb
-as to mem tba% iiat of tb* tatire
u-te to 19»»
to tb* raif; narrfc of satl-tma: «nti dar
•-*« tb* part toraQi tb* co<-,«te»#t of Tb*
»*« baa bnarf tb* artratioc rf tb* aarti
It farsisb** oo» rf tb* asoot sasrirta* pa«*a
la !b» aaaa’a rf oar naoraaiats It Is a
star* of |ta|rw art tetn trh^irarat—a
barti* arstk aafr:-* is fe*r atoracat aaf to«at
arCrr* %: r*>- orfi tb* irrtfattoa
a* aa *peri ta oar biater? tb* far
rf abieb f. rrsbaJoaod ia
ta •ertKBW af tV V:«*«
i a* *ai aar> ia rf rasr ar-a*
ri *-ci*aa abicb is
br tb* S*-'*ra r-*r«-Eta*«T Jt
urttec >■ rcajaai Ooa
to rf prateatoi nwcex
•warrant? tea tbaa cm>l
0&£AnESTlteos£cr or toe Jiccuutmm •Samas^
J2?o GffAJMt
2*QKsyGlkmnt jmv Timur Qtrrvjf
Takika J&ojzcr. HteMMSTwr
The redamat cn wnw b< gaa its work in
' i« th* of the rwtatito *c:
T7> fS—v- cvetrao: »let ;a Se; tetaber «f the
c-vi year and on Jane IT. 1S05, an lapanwt
;ro>« in NVtiia *t$ fcmiaUy opened
Pr.-vg-ess tas been rapid and the activities
oJ the bureau have bee* extended to 3« or
ejot» i r ;>cts which to dxte haw involved the
expecii: ure of $-50 • *•• 0 *0 In the seven at;.,
one hju* 'ear* of ns work the service has built
< -"■" mik-s of canal Placed end to end, these
*~ana < would reach from Wash..ngi.m to Sa*
Pram sco and ha k to Nett Orleans Several
of these canals carry whole rivers
1: has excavated IT miles of tunnels
Before the end of the year it will have com
; etei tour of the highest dams In the world.
Jts excavations of rock and earth amount to
the enormous t :al of ft* > 0 " H» cub:c yards.
Its rvads hate a total length of 41T miles;
t» ephone*. 1.137 miles: levees. 70 miles
It has purchased 815.751 barrels of cement
and ha* manufactured in tts own mill 340,000
barrel* As a resu't of it* work water is avail
able for 75e 0*0 acres on 13.000 farms
The pros* value of crops produced on the
anos irrigated by the jeovernment projects In
13*10 was $!•».< > o «» As a result of the work
of the government it is estimated that land
value* hate Increased mere than $105,800,000.
The retention service is vntering 1*10
« :h money and plans for completing most of
it* larger and unfinished masonry structures
and with about three-quarters of a million of
acre* of arid land under irrtsatkvn
It will finish this year the great Roosevelt
dam tn Artcoca. one of the most massive in
the world I- has completed the Shoshone
cam in northern the hishest struc
•are of Its knd ever built the Pathfinder
dam. ia southern Wyoming and the l.aguna
d»m. tn Arfnona. It will for the first time
utilise the Gunnison tunnel, whose corn; let ton
was ce.vhrat-d ; ■ President Taft last summer
The funds available for construction are
somewhat less than in previous years, and the
or dan talk*, which is wry elastic, has been
cut down to fit reduced expenditures. About
skilled men—engineers. experts and tech
nical assistants—ha'-e either souitht private
•tnpiov aer. have been transferred to other
bureaus of the government or put on fur
In order to keep the overhead charges
consistent with the «xpenditures
Reviewing the history of the reclamation
**TV**'c a* a whole, its maximum activity and
expenditures were in the year 1807. In 13H>i
the expenditures were less than $100,000. and
to ->C lew. than $1,000,000 In lbOi thev were
$3 in S>5 in l$«R. a little
.‘ta than $:•«.{- ..40; in 1807. nearly $H.000.
Ttw“* i-“* expenditures decreased to
J: •— <• In :**08. TO about $3*000.000 in 1*00.
anc ia 15*1 vr they will he a little under $8,000
t*-* It is exjected that in l$u thev will
shrink to about $7,000.04*. which sum writ I
j r ■hably continue to be available during after
xr assureiug that the watertight charges
are paid as thev fall due.
This is tbs nxvst
critical period in
the history of na
tionai irrisation
since the passage
ot the reclamation
act. in ISO! Hy
public notices of the
secretary of the in
terior. issued Ust
year, hundreds of
a aterrijtht install
uients, involving ajv
proxiinately $1,000.
000, became due on
Ji\*h£Srj>A.Y i> XtS HV.Cw’'
JX-OMOMfone J*u*t WYz>Arjr$
April 1, 1911 That date is a memorable on*,
act only to the settlers. whose on trios are
liable to cancellation for failure to make the
pay nietits due, hut also to the reclamation
service', which is concerned in sex'uring the re
turn of its investment in the engineering
writs. It is also a matter of interest to citi
sens of the number of sections containing fea
sible projects, the construction of which cannot
be undertaken without additional funds. As
the repayments are made through the local
land offices and not directly to the service,
some time must elapse before the actual
amounts collected are known. Oh a number of
the projects, like Sun River. Shoshone and
Huntley, the settlers have already made their
initial payments and will not he delinquent
on the second Installment until April. 19U.
which enables them to market two creeps be
tween payments. Ou several other projects,
such as the Minidoka. Klamath, l.ower Yellow
stone, ltelle Fourche. Carlsbad. Trux'kee-0»r
sou. Nortn 1'la tie and others, the first settlers
haee had the- use of water her two crops, and
It is probable that a Majority will be able to
meet their obligations without difficulty.
IVtalled reports ftein various sources on
each of the projects have been received at
Washington The conditions as a whole are
described as favorable for a large return to
the reclamation fund. On several of the
projects there will he no delinquents. On a
number of projects the engineering work is
not fully completed, but water Is ready for
large areas and is being supplied on a rental
basis pending the announcement of tne actual
cost of water right. The reclamation service
has derived considerable revenue from these
sources and at the same tiine the farmers •
have been enabled to increase' the areas in
cultivation The following financial statement
is interesting as showing the status xvf the
reclamation fund and the amounts which thus
far have been credited to it through the opera
tions of the reclamation service
Total moneys received and transferred to
the reclamation fund from sales of public
lands under reclamation act to February 2$.
1910. 9.'8.342.617.02. Approximately $4,390,000
are still in the treasury of the I'oited States*
but not yet available.
Moneys received under operations of recla
mation act from all sources in cash and cred
its. for work done. $2,379,473.04. divided as fol
lows: Town lot sales. $103,673.91; misceliane
ous sales, water rentals, etc., I1.W.H4 «• ,
collections on **t« Hfhts. JSH.Ui-H- Ttiis
does not include any of the moneys collected
for the water rights which were due and pay
able April 1. 1510.
Among the several ia^ge projects, one of
especial Interest is located In northern Wy
oming. When the springtime showers and
sunsh-ne fall upon the snowy peaks of the
lofty mountains on the eastern rim ot Yel
lowstone park a thousand streams will rush
downward to fill to brimming the swift-flowing
Shoshone river. An important physical change
will occur at that time. The flood that oure.
unchecked and uncontrolled, swept madly
through the rook walled gorge will heat itself
to stillness against a massive wall of concrete
with which man has blocked the canon. A
beautiful lake. 100 feet deep and covering tea
square miles, will appear.
In this wonderful gash in the mountains,
with perpendicular wails a thousand feet high,
the government has erected the highest dam
in the world. It is a wedge of concrete StS
feet from base to top. Its height can only
he appreciate,! when compared with that ot
some well-known structure. New York's fa
mous Flatiron building would not reach within
47 feet of the top of the dam. and the tip-top
of the dome ot the Ignited States capltol would
fall short tl feet of the parapet.
In the summer, when the crops are thirsty,
the big gates will be opened and the pent-up
floods will be released into the river below.
Another dam. a
low structure ot
concrete, will di~
vert the waters
through a tun
nel S\* miles
Ions Into a canal
which for 11
tulles passes
along the upper
edse of a hroad
and fertile valley
contain ins 15ft.'
000 acres.
Tw o years as®
it was a desolate
waste. Today it
contains mors
than Sftft f*™»
houses and three
thrivins towns
Ten thousand
acres produced
crops last 'ear
on thts project.
With l* i*«*
houses along
each miV of the
main highways.
tW valley
res.;' has a suh
ur*aa appear
More tha* i50
farm units ot t#
to SO acres each
are now avaii
*» to entry and
offer exceptional
opportunities he
men ot moderate kmm to bonw» ta *
imprnw an.' grow ins eo»ntr>
Close to the Black Htlls. in ^'u,h Vmko*K
Hos the beautiful \ alloy of Belle Wmrche. e*»
taming WSVOO* acres of grawyoeered prwirl*.
Many mites of >'*«*!* have boon tab* aotwss its
level surface. an.i what »as only a short tin-*
as" the finest fnv cattle range in thts country
is rapidly Nvomliis a oympMty settled wrtoii
t viral community
\n impressive engineering feature of tfcn
prvvyvt is the 0»l i'twIi vl»i». on a ot the K«s
est an.) highest earthen embankments in the
atirM. This structure, no* noartns completion.
Is i^i'vHi bet Jons ha* a mntwuw height of III
tool an.) contains i SvV .HH' cable > ar\t* of nva
Tho Roosevelt .tanv. which t* about eom
pteied as you read tho storv tesla' is tn man*
reapects tho most remarkable structure of la
km.) tn tho world Its towering height. f$e reef.
Its length on top. V0$0 foot, tho Inspiring soon
ery <rv a b'ch tt ts located an.) tho m.'rwvxv. o*
parity of tho reservoir created hv it «v»Mm
to wako It ono of tho most stupon.toua engineer
ins nofks of modern limes
Ooneeve. tf you oan. tao vallevs ooe if
miles. tho other 15 miles In ton.sth. an.) each
from one to throo miles wide transformed >a o
a lake 8®9 foot deep in ptaoos ami containing
enough a at or to eov or Delaware a fvvd deep
Tho Salt River reservoir ahon Ml has a
capacity sufficient to O'.) a canal ;'.V foot wsj*
an.) tf foot deep ovtorv.iins from v'hlewsv. to
San War oisoo
My one regret is that tho space allotted n o
Is too litt'.o to permit mo to describe tho chars-»
and advantages of other protects of tho govern
ment. l should like to toll you of tho oppertu
cities on tho Klamath project. located In south
orn Oregon. in a res son of unrivaled scenic
beauty; of tho w-onderful ores toss made in I ho
Poise valley, in Idaho, and tho prom iso of oven
sroator advance as tho work of tho severnntont
nears oom plot ion; of tho Orland project, la tho
Sacramento valley, the land of fralts and flow
ers; of the Rio Grande valley, where there wi!|
one day ho erected the most stupendous dam
in the west—a region In which irrisatictt hecan
before the Spanish invasion, which win become
fruitful and prosperous.
The beacon of hope shines brightly in tha
west. It beckons tho landless man to the matt
less land.
Belong to Southern City
itmrm G«a*
rw? *»*« t
Orleans that seen to U to the m»r».
«* born.” fji Plousle. the other
4»» They think they tare a snon
opetfr on these. One Is the French
ogpcrt aa4 the other is the iltrji
tin*. They say that the opera is the
leading feature of their social life
for oeer *• years they hare tad this
load at Basic sod 1 rather think now
it is honored more for its age than
for anything else. Soma of our party
C=C-0=0=0*0xa* DsO*OaO>tCROaOS
• went to 'he opera Some staved at
i l'ol"e»x Those who went congratulated
. those who stayed. When the opera
had its highest run it was about all !
there was to New Orleans society.
Not to be a subscriber, or at least
not to be a regular attendant, w as!
tantamount to being ignored by so- j
I ciety. and io being looked upon as a
person lacking in taste. It was a
! swell affair and on each Tuesday and
Saturday night— full dress, head wait
i er clothes and white golves for the
. men. and for the women all that New
Orleans society would stand for. The
display of undress was positively
startling to a stranger. All of which
reminds me of Jerry Simpson. He at
tended a swell social function in
Washington, and his wife. w«»o had
not attended, ashed Jerry when he
got home how the women were
dressed. The quick-witted Jerry re
plied: ’Well, my dear. I cannot tell
you. 1 did not look under the table.' ~
Whistler*. Not oingers.
A young man and a young woman
>=0=0s0*c=0= o=o*o*o*~o*o*o*o
stood at the foot of the steps leading
'■ to the New York Metropolitan Art
museum. They were evidently unde
| eided whether it would be better to so
i in or stay outside in the sunshiny
[ tark.
“Let's go in.- said tue young man. at
1 last, and to make the suggestion more
j ioreible. he added. “Isn't there an ev
hibition of Singers going on in the
museum now?"
~ Singers!" “ exclaimed the girL
round-«?> ed “Oh. you mean Whisliers.
Yes. let's go m.'
juviare Arba S Van Vaifcenburgh. recently ap
pointed Utited States district Judge, western di
vision of Missouri. Is one of Use youngest jurists
on tbe federal bench. He is only 4$ years of
age, but his friends say this will not prevent him
from making an enviable record.
Mr. Vac Valkenburgh succeeded Senator War
ner as United States district attorney for the
western district of Missouri in 1 and was re
appointed by President Taft in Etecetnber. 1WS.
He had previously served seven years as assist
ant to Major Warner in that office. He was born
in Syracuse. N. Y . in 1S62. When he was seven
years old his parents removed to Illinois and
later to M.chigan. He was graduated from th«
University of Michigan in ISSi. attaining high
rank as a schotar.
Mr. Van Yalkenbargh went to Karlas City In 1SS5 and entered Use law'
offices of l^bso£. Douglas and TrtssWe. being admitted to tie Jacksoc county
l*f in 1SSS. Ttse same year fee formed a law jartaetship with D. J. HiS.
He was'married in 1$$$ to Miss Grace Ingold oi Kansas City.
Mr. Vaa Valkenburgh was appointed assistant district attorney by Major
Warner in 1SSS, succeeding William Draffen Upon Major Warner's ejection
to Use senate In 1M5 President Roosevelt appointed him to the place be sinew
fas held.
Law came naturally to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. HU father. Lawrence Van
Valkenburgh. was a Justice of the peace hack in New York in t-*e early 60 s.
Friends of the newly appointed Judge say that at the department of
Justice In Washington Mr. Van Valkenburgh was considered as ranking
among the ablest United States district attorneys In the country.
As Cnited States district attorney. Mr. Van Valkenburgh first attracted
national attention in the prosecution of all the packing companies to compel
them to comply with the interstate commerce laws regarding the shipment
of meats for export. He brought the sust In this Jurisdiction and won it
before Judge McPherson, sitting for Judge Philips.
The wincing of this suit brought Mr. Van Yalkenhorgh into the lima
light before ail the big attorneys of the country and he was highly compli
mented ft»r the record he made. He earned recognition bar hard work and
unusually high legal ability. He had an honorably conspicuous part in that
great movement for the "sQuare deal' whose beginning distinguished the
Roosevelt administration.
R«rr^iUtlvif Miles Poindexter of Washing
tea. candidate for tie United States senate,
■whose cause has been espoused by Theodore
Roosevelt, was bora fn Memphis, Tenn.. fifty-two
years ago and has lived in Washington nineteen
years. He has served oniy one term in congress
and has been Identified with the ‘nsorgents.
which makes the action of Colonel Roosevelt aU
the more important to national politics.
Mr. Poindexter has been a political foe of
Richard A. Ballinger, secretary of the interior
in the Taft cabinet, with whom Gifford Pinchot.
former chief forester and friend of Roosevelt, has
had a fend for some time.
The Washington congressman visited Colonel
Roosevelt at Sagamore Rill a few days ago and
came ««ay in juoi.ani spirits. Know Tien nan
promised to aid him ta his fight for the senate and ho had a right to feel
harpy, for help from Roosevelt wus help of the right kind and Pctndexier
needed it.
Mr. Poindexter was educated at Ftoc-y HiU academy. Rockbridge county.
Va, and at Washington and Lee university. Lexington. Th. in both the aca
dernic and iaw courses. He located at WalSawalla. Wash, in 1SS1 and began
the practise of law. He was elected prosecuting attorney of Walla walla
county in 1SS1 and in 1S$T moved to Spokare He was assistant prosecuting
attorney for Spckace stx years acd la 1KH was elected fudge of the superior
court and remained on the beach uat:‘ nominated tor oyr.grcw a the newly
created third district of Washington. He was ejected by a majority of 15 000.
When Secretary BnlUnger learned that CMoaet Roosevelt had promised
to lend hfs influence to the Poindexter cause he expressed the belief that
the former president had been misled as to the situation ta Washington The
seat tn the senate to which Representative Poindexter aspires is new held by
Samuel Henry Flies, who is not in the race for re-election. There are six
vaadidates in the field and Washington is expecting the hardest fight for a
seaatorship the state has ever witnessed Former ratted States Senator
John l. Wilson is one of the candidates and he is gacted as saying that
Secretary Kallinger has not meddled a the political affairs of the state
recently and he denies the statement that the Taft cabinet officer is the
Republican leader of Washington.
l>*vja J, Ksr.iew. ,'r, (w of tk* cm'Uim
tssoe of ^t 'Leals. has acted 5;tera‘.fv trvo that
K'wh'Udvxfrtsed sayi&$ of Andrew Cantefr.«. that
^ *vo dws r:ch cws d graced.” and has ranted
over h-s ertv fort^ae estimated at a Mute more
tfcir. $d XV XV. to IXvvi 4 Raafcen. Jr_ School
of Tt*«os. bo founded. res^rv
ir* osly $d XV a tear for hts own modes: uses.
TN* school *»s established a year afro with
as endowment of $X\VX\\ Its purpose beta* to
Sixe hoxs over fifteen years oM a trade education
Sv a coronal satn The school has prospered
ar.d to amplify *ts usefulness the additional ea
dowroeat h> Vr Kar.kea has been made
Ka.'vt'" who was tvva ta loRdeod^rrr.
trx'.sr.- ;» '.XSo ar . who has heea a resident ot
-- *4® in HNU
and stock tnansactxxaa The Stunts at the Rankes school are charged
"*J' *** * "**r r*>*^ * tSHY* ll»St*l'WW«tSs and are tfree » twxw.
>"««* h*5 oucattoR i* or a practica, kind.
K,!,lw »nvv; x>* ;>rw small rooms over a (trom; be ecters
X. f d»'t »rM o n; Nv to hi* rooms be shuts out the world a~U dec f ,
N? »«* ->- ho >a« lived tor rears and sorted oat the plans and un^tjoe
of bts fa the foc-vin* or tit# trades school share jxxnt W* CJla rwvi^.
• ttade rdoMtUoa ft# * ft*
V Kxntrr, , K-tx M* sckool cerv .c<3 the bov* at werh
Uo - tw in teaohm* «*er> a the Itto, reo» uniess 't has
",T ‘ZT .tr w^^Vn *• tN' *N>* ^ Owvaretry fe ta^ht. but IMmI
** !,K ,h* K" tit# celu-r.s of a oor.e. the> are taurht the ho>d
t«ts <mi«> «o ot • frneel of l!he distensions. CSassnon work ia all branches
"* wvr , brichlavia*. paiattas and steatn <5guwto£ is ah»<
pmoMil litres. ^ ^
vV.’ *-*2 ****** «* * >»** «*» »«fc 'W. to drive » bargain, but
a t»> nei.rei'M s:w»ds aroat sums to oamr out his pJaas.
n” ' of ># Kart set- trades scHxd is extremely plain in his habits
.«,i dro.. W*e »c*M not think, ho was entertny the oflce of a millionaire
tab' Rankin* ottc* Ho maintains no suite of carpet#,! rooa-s
o»:, * v-MtJo OX'W ard the smallest one oa the Skx>r
Not «tr the Jodies and lawyers of the coantrv
bet a*! ettisens who follow the affair* of the na
tioo were astonished when charges of unprofe*
*K'°*1 conduct were made against Juseph H
Choate, tamer ambassador from the
States to Great Britain.
The Amenran Bar association. of which Mr
Choata is farmer president, will thoroughly
f«obe the barges at Its convention In t'hatta
Bociga. Tern., neit month and Mr. Choate's
friends sa there Is no doubt that the verdict
will comp :el» exonerate him from all blame
James L Watts of Staten Island hi Mr
Choate's a user. Me altogea that Mr Choate
caused hln to lose hundreds of thousands of do!
lars throuc "omission* and wmn.o.i ..
acting ** 1 t Ur Chant* lost 0o ,irn«
in demanding a thorough probe of the charge*, the Brat ever made .... ■
him in bis long and honored career. *******
Mr Choate is T$ years old an l intcmattcnalty famous as a tanver
mat. orator and after-Jin to r speaker He was ambassador to the eon
St, James from ISSs to ISOS. His 1 «**-»! finer began In 18SS when h **
graduated as master of arts at Harvs and admitted to the liar «.f u **s
chusetts.. He went to New York In IS and with the exception of thU*****
be served as ambassador has beea practising his profession there u *ini*
been connected with maiir famous cases and was elected a bench.. "** °**
Inner Temple. England. In l*ui. an honor conferred only on < r of ,h*
Unction- Verio,* of ^
Mr. Choate's many friends say the charges against him are a
mistake and Is confident that the A uict can l Ur association win aodetnr 8°m*