The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 21, 1910, Image 7

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Common Errors la Buildinj Stables Is Failure to
Provide Windows and Ventilators In
Sulliclirnt Numbers.
One of
c- !V r«BiK« errors to MM- <
(s« euMtt is to it*. to r'-rMW aria
***tij.ror» is. ssficVvt e am
is tkt d*t»« iitu it Is tie
tea. ngmrlalljr lliMi b usually ieft oat
•* tbe ca-rujui;*. Tils is om of Uj*
»<■« «nt» Euulrt vbr* vs stop
w ttois* otf tov eb**p ligfcs really ts
•s4 Lev »a-aabir taut *«mJ
M**y of the £1***.*»* r«f oar Hts
stvcfc may t* ■XtrfbMaA to perns. Tv
I toy sj—stfic f*tas _
—» ttoat escape
^iwraUr aalmais .vetp-d te
» ter* ar* fvsrin T»s:eg tbr**£h tb*
ststolm. ut «ua;;*t: » a factor ts tb*
r-sstrcf-sta* of tto*-** la fact
t^stroys asvcb tits £Sfs As4Ae
beaNfe ru»c;«trt t apt!
tbs farm
■•by mat k»r- tbs tar* as Uptot as
tto* parser* of Ur* !*r» bourn*? It t
!a the summer windows and doom
—*y be left open bat in the winter
•lm«- It Is quite c life-eat. inlet pipes
tor fr< ft tr should be constructed as
• t'.i as proper outsets lor carrying off
odors and bad sir.
Ventilators should be distributed
about the tarn instead of relying upon
one cr two ixrge ones far : part. The
idea rhould be to equalise the Tenth
lauoe so that .he en.ire stable admits
erf prvper ventilation
Ftatlrtlcs sho* that the amount of
pure at: breathed :>y u'terent ani
mat.- d.rttg a period of 14 hours in
r -der to supply ox; aen needed is as
folk * » The horse requires 2.401 cu
bl- * -"T. the ccw 2>**4 cubic feet; the
T -r . ' -C cubic feet Thus it will seem
that -he horse will draw into and
fc*'e out of tis lungs each hour on
an aef-age 342 cubic feet of air; the
r w JIT cuidc feet; the r’*« 46 cubic
Net the sheep 3* cubic feet; the hen
1-2 ruh. feet. It Is therefore very
S* * HejiU*- 'I Slat-e Vt-t ator.
" • — t *~W t' SET' T. J? rift
»-JLZ-om* as* prtrid*! »tx* ti*- t-uiltf.
^ •* i«?srs eGfc’Js «4
ti-» -vrT. kfeosld lx* aewwt in j>«t.
in-|r rs viMtawr? to tla*- fijk; gJin—
A J*i OTB AefcT dWL^ tM IMriM It.
*- o- it*
T*» - .*-> i- as
*-*■' Is 'At t ct asy
*»'zl —aftd s .* taot lard to o!x
A*Je IS a hrjr 5tr- . ._• b *».
«■-*'* Htattrf »ra r. I*
<tt.n** toea _a* eMhJO*nU« piaa
*‘,a« *■*»* W f«r-*sei «t*x bU;iin*
to a«at a* aatgil* atiavUr «C fr«*
air j *W tan. a: a..> »^a« of tb*
J'*r It 1» taycru-. <o ta*x In«|
atr 3 tfee barn fiamj —aroarbrr as tfcr aass-r ;igr i»u»d Anashta
- tir rentiiatioo in our
- m •• n t_: ings sfa Jd be pro
- V itL plenty of Ir- -a air at all
tt -_--r :o eoo' to the
| i** a-‘b of the lire stork
>• . u '.b» outlet ; lt>es it is not nee
i <V W> t ve more than one or t»o
—oft a o*- is Fuf n m, t pen dine of
' ; c® tie size o." the bars.
A* :l tasy »ay out of tie diffi
rc.-- *« *ouid suggest to our read
•:-** t v make a gn _nd plan of
•i-:r bci.diaca giving exact dimea
'» tit, length of
tg ard submit it to tnanufae
- of ventilating a;j -atus. and
a-» * an es-iaaie on th cost of in
ta„.g a p-rfect vet mating sy*.
St»4w Win DixWt Tmct
Tl*mt riKk^x^l KirilsThrtv*
Hm-ttmr mm M.xrmrv Tfa«aas
Ok Kisd.
~'r * »
tr u u
i ~‘ir~ ~ > mi
t '“.ar»" of
*-•'* *.i jus tto ■» !
ato tto » ikffi'i zf me tto
eapaetty ml axe- ►•
i**<i to fc»T«- • prv
*'4C cf >2 t!» wpt*-*e§ mt tj
Car »» efw asf eafttrar# mm mm
•mm m mb as a kscaMrc «f **»*■■
•WFcsrotoiMi mart rmm£ • at* tfc*i ar*
tMCal to *>^r (rcaa-tt Kac4 rtf
t: * *urr«-to taf bust ;»*i an eg tto
r~f2*a ttf m=r tara* ar* frr*»rtly to
S-amrz.-. or** 'to MM utf
«*•' t»» *»e fenn jwtos*we.
% ran** etf tto Mmartr? of oof
T • atom ha><* it Tto tart 'fca* Ttov
xsJswaT-t* tssArrii-* aaefess
»*• rwtiif rf «rjj £*•£:•*•
P * J**! !* »uM *M tofliwaa of fl«,;
tea* to Tto yvrtora rf «w tararrt
J to car. tt to 4oaw“ f"*jr mi.
■«*•* SB tto m» of mi (tmi antf*
*Ea«t rtttrjtdi as Tiat «<*di
•- * ; -tout oncKka to tt« iava a?
* * =toT 1—»1»t tto bos’. ia tto
T Mrtfclt aaaator ratf atto t-j
»«t aaf ' inscrtt no ttw k '.tat tto
rii rtoto af' a* tlwk to tto
taw oc. a <5-« rtf tc boox- r!*m *«
* " y*t £af t tat tto ywaa* p »«t<
* 1 £» be* trtf tto-t piarn to tiiM
* 't scanai
• ***'»'*■ ts ’ s"tvi^obrer stay Ip* tliof ftti
a. £ft«» trim fan* aaf tto r»
•**e »2! to aMHar a-fcirji to MMte
awitoaor ttotf * tery
■ a«BMrtmr a certala Mr
to' rtf (to- fcM of jriaa c rot a ai
f£to!*» m Mow tkar tto’ »«*Etor t
«—•« rato-ty re tosanrr tos tr«S a !
**■’**< or tow* tat* ar» mmuM e
trait partjcxjiar atA
»to* »*■ d ttosp to
*» -** tto a a» arc tot rj*~ i
* zr— * a certa'n kt «t it* plan's
, |~i» tie r- st n:’i <j.e toon
t'*cr tk*r have p -milBaftd.
• - *: a- i— - »■'] Cr>r {ater
•" » ■* be or': -r xarie .es and the
?> 13 si3 bf increased
al «* ■ • !* ha? ?ir»n ns
*: r* irt fir.:,? will h» more certain to
> r - ;S fc~r- r and better crops of for
1-*• *ci hay wien it is seeded with
’ ’ ' . .r »i* r t-c » n to
*■- Ter rrd mothy alone
Sreks and herds will thrive
hotter when fed o* m.xed rrasses.
**» ca-ter whether fe a free* mn
*-" 1 *" cured for tayl than they
* —- *“‘t f*d ca jit one or taro va
- • «-s ward ale-re. bo matter ho*
c.'riioai rase? may he.
v * *--l h»4 it is every way as in
r~ — '■ * t: t a .ance enr forage ra'tons
as is the ni rattans if we obtain
... best re*tu* fno a c:t:aaa
amount of feed
p-r th* Sfrj'jts- R g-t.
r™’*~ v ~T 'o procace a good sepa
* • tan U to t-? a clean ma
r : t :r- mad fresh air are impor
• -r i r* the m parator pare and
TV sait i'Jca of the dairy Industry
hat • • r d je -a a camber of instances
j1* the Sard separa-or.
” - *■• ;<arator gives every farmer
v‘ it » bin reach of the railroad
sat c» *fc» adian-ag- of a creamery
.1 sni'orm speed of the machine
■eeur— a uniform quality of cream
* h-rti ir its* If. si_l soon pay for
as - Tig * i.
Sc i for ^ruit.
!f the soil is very Senile or espe
. - f n h t Mtrcg n. the wood prtv
j dueinc func-ams tend to crowd out the
ra:- pruducanc facn on*, or it the soil
; or fruit product on t* tmeouraged
'V «i;--n*e of uood production. and
h+ rttmlity is aff rted This may re
sail is premature death
He**jr I* Purest of Sweets.
Monty w the purest and the leasi
harm'ui of sweet* The honey crot
i* r ear sate, -or so fowers need nec
efcsarttr u raised to pasture the bees
, Tfcty tad in the fer i.ization of fruit
tree* sne the smaller c overs.
c rib*- Ula»
* ft MW ft imrg*, ngo-au* n-it.
rW m« tyj» of Ufte br*»4 Hi*
«'» • IKiift la* <«r*r kb4 hi*
to©w«T*-r, nreUent tone and bring
fXMtl, traltbf wj:s- He is used on a j
herd to produce r-arket bogs
and gives the beet o saiisfac
Mr. Wi liam A. Radford trill answer
questions and give advice 1-KEE OF
COST on all subjects pertaining to the
subject of building for the readers of
this oajt r. on account of his wide expe
nen e as Editor. Author and Manufac
turer. he is. without doubt, the highest
a; ti ortty on all these subjects. Address
ah cultures to William A. Radf rd. No.
ho Fifth Are. Chicago. 111., and only
enclose two-cent stamp for reply.
To any one alive to the develop
ments In the building world there is
nothing more striking than the steady
growth of the quality idea during the
past ten or fifteen years. Where for
meriv home builders were satisfied
with makeshift construction and with
the cheap though gaudy effects in
building there has come to be a gen
era! demand for the best grades of
p.s .crial and the most thorough work
manship united to form substantial,
permanent structures.
Take the medium-slied dwelling
house for Instance, such as the aver
age family requires, a generation ago
5- •• * would probably have been the
* op figure considered proper for its
rusL Today no one would Think of
spending less than twice Thai amount
if he would build with an eye to per
mit nt use or future sale.
The increased cost of labor and ma
terials has had something to do with
this, it is true, but not so much as is
■nwitiiaes thought No. it is the add
ed comforts and the higher standard
■ 'f qua "y all the wav through that
have brought this about Modern
plumb!: g and fixtures, modern ho3t
mg systems, modern lighting, cement
ed basements, permanent fireproof
roofing, hardwood floors. all these,
which are the luxuries of yesterday
hut the necessities of todav■, mark the
advancing standards of building: and
'he general building public now retii
iie what the carpenters and building
c r.tractors have known ail along—
The accompanying design st.'is a
very attractive, wellbui't house.
| planned on thoroughly modern lines
and constructed in such a way as to
be as nearly fire resisting as any
house could well be. Concrete blocks
are used for the foundation and first
story, while the second story is of
cement plaster on metal lath The
roof is of dark green slate. It can
Seco: d Ficat F^*r.
l>e easily s<.(r, that a house of these
materials would be in no aantrer from
#«:j.»cent buildings it they should bo
; on tire l: is interesting to note in
this connection that statistics show
three-fourths of our on. rroous fire ioss
in this country to be due to fire
s;-r. n.lins from one bni. to anoth
er. In the numerous tests made in
the I' S government testing Iabora
lories concrete has been proved to l
'hat quality building is the only kind »
* hich pays
As a natural companion to this idea
of quality building there has devel
oped also an increasing demand for
:*• "i-anetioy and enduring qualities in
btiiluing »ork. The demand for fire
proof construction has become more
an.: m re insistent every year until
new bouses »hich may be considered
freproof at least as far as the out Sre hazard is concerned, are very
common The building of a home al
r ■ s; always requires saving and sac
nt-ce on the part of all in the family,
and it is quite natural that they should
First Floor Plan
•am to bund as secure:}' as possible '
6o that all their labor and savings ;
may not be wined out in flame.
The development of Portland ce
ment during recent years has done
more to help along this fireproofing
campaign than any other single factor
At the prevailing prices of the mate
rtai entering into concrete construe
tion. via.. Portland cement, sand and
rrakel. substantial fireproof bouses are
being put up at a cost only about ten
or • '’een per cent greater than for
ordinary franc buildings of this same
absolutely fire resisting and not on >
in a laboratory but alro in actual « rk
concrete has demonstrated its fire
proofing pua’ities te the most con
'inring manner.
This house is J4 fee; $ inches !r
width and Sh feet S inches in length
I. contains three large rooms, alcove
and pantry on the first floor and tax
bedrooms and a hath upstairs. The
floor p:an shows the arrangement ol
these rooms to be both comfortable
and convenient. The estimate,: cos*
of this house, using good ijua'iiv oa.h
Snoring downstairs and edge gri t
yeilon pine flooring upstairs and
hardwood trim throughout, is Sr. *00.
American Children.
There are two classes of rich Amer
lean children. One is never heard of
To this belong those children who a-*
being brought up on a sensible.healthy
simple life plan, being trained by Kug
lish governesses and tutors, who corn*
trom a country where the training o
children is a very fine art. These
youngsters will grow into strop*
wholesome men and women will
healthy bodies and alert minds, tagei
to enjoy those pleasures and interests
which will be theirs when they grew
old enough to appreciate them The
children of the other class are always
in evidence They sit through loti*
performances of "Die Goetterdaem
t lerung and Elektra, read grew r
up hooks, and mimic the world e.i
their elders to the detriment of the r
minds, manners, and todies. What
will the world have to offer these
young people when they grow up?
Every luxury which their elders have
enjoyed they are tasting of in greater
nr less degree, and most of the excite
ment as well. They have got so far
aw-av from tTe simple tastes of child
fcood that they can no longer under
stand Its pleasures, while all the edge
K&S been taken off the amusements to
which their eiders look forward
Breaking it Gentry.
Simpkins always was soft hearted
rhls Is what he wrote:
"Dear Mrs Jones: Tour fcusbt.nd
:annot come home to Jay. because his
satfcing suit was washed away
*'** S.—Poor Jones was Inside the j
Slllt **—
Best Viewed From Distance
- _ i
C hamstrmjids' Hero Fell Off Amaz
ingly When One Got Closer
to Him.
He was a eery distinguished looking
man. this new guest of the hotel He
was over sii feet in height, his shoul
ders were broad, bis leonine bead
was proudly upraised, and bis eyes
beld concealed, but half-hinted, stones
ui past sorrows
The t*o chambermaids of the hotel !
observed these things from the upper j
hall, as the guest sat in the office and !
read a paper, titlted back in one of
Pap Crothers battered old chairs
Their sou’s were filled with awe and
"I'll bet he's a cappertaltst," said
one of them; “he looks like It Get
onto bis frock coat and the Carry
Nation in his buttonhole^**
Lebanon, lad.. Mai Given Vivid
Dnerlptloa of nil SoCeria*.
John T. Anderson. 613 W. Main St..
Lebanon, led., says: “I was
suddenly with agon
ising pains through
my kidneys, followed
by a stoppage of the
urine. I was soon in
such agony I could
cot lie in bed and
for weeks sat in a
> chair propped up by
pillows. The urine
was mostly blood and
bad to be drawn with a catheter. Xy
limbs were swollen to twice their nor
mal sire. The doctor finally said he
could do no more and my family pave
up hope. It was at this time I began
us!ng Bonn's Kidney Pills and gradu
ally improved until well. I gained
twenty-eight pounds and have had no
trouble since."
Remember the name—Doan's
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Xilbum Co.. Buffalo,
K. Y.
Autoing ana Optics.
"Is not auto driving terribly hard
on the eyes?" we ashed.
“Well. I guess not." replied the
chauffeur, withering us with scorn.
“Why. before 1 got to runnin' a car I
was thinkin o' gettin' specks, nty eye
sight was that poor 1 couldn't set the
contribution box in church until it was
so near past me it was too late to dig
for any money. But I hadn't been
runnin' that wagon two days till I
could see a policeman's little finger
stickis' out trom behind a tree four
miles away I could even see which
way a copper's eyeballs were turned
if he was standin' in the shade three
miles off. Hard on the eyes! Well,
not much’ It's the best medicine for
weak eyes that was ever invented,
don't you forget it.”
She Liwes in Bingville.
A snath Missouri paper is carrying
this sd "Attractive woman. not a day
over thirty would be pleased to corre
spond with eligible Not abso
luiely necessary that he should be
young Would prefer one with prop
erty. but one v :h a stood paying posi
• or. v oaId lie satisfactory. The your.g
lady is of medium height, has brown
hair and gray eyes, not fa: although,
most decidedly, she is rot skir-.ny.
Her friends say she ;s a fine- looking
woman. Object matrimony. Reason
for this advertisement, the young
woman lives in a little dinky tow-n.
where the best catches are the boys
behind the counters in the dry goods
and clothing stores and every one of
them is spoken for by the time he
is out of his short pants. Address
Haael Eyes. Bon 23, Bingville. Mo."—
Kansas City Star.
Cssey at the Eat.
This famous poem is contained in the
Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for
1910. together with records, schedules
for both leagues and other valuable
baseball information compiled by au
thorities. This interesting book sent
by the Coca-Cola Co., of Atlanta. Ca
en receipt of 2c stamp for postage, j
Also copy of their booklet "The Truth
About Coca-Cola" which teils all about
this delicious beverage and w ty ' it is
so rure. wholesome and refreshing.
Are you ever hot—tired—thirsty?
Prink Coca-Cola—it is cooling, re
lieves fatigue and quenches the
thirst. At soda fountains and car
bonated in bottles—5c everywhere.
Back to the Tail Timber.
Alfred—Are you going to pass your
vacation at the seashore?
Gilbert—No. thank you. It's the
woods for mine this year
Alfred—Pont like the shore, eh?
Gilbert—Oh. 1 like it well enough,
but it's too risky I passed sny vaca
tion there last year and had several
narrow escapes.
Alfred—From drowning*
Gilbert—No; summer g.rls Seven
of them proposed to me.
A Big Package Sect to All of Our
Reader* Who Write at Once.
To any reader of this paper who
writes immediately and incloses 2-cent
stamp we will mad a set of five most
beautiful post cards you ever saw
Or we will send our big magasiae on
trial 3 months and set of eight choice
est Floral Motto. Birthday and Friend
ship cards, all different, in exquisite
colors, silk fin; u, beautifully em
bossed. all for only 10 cents. 3 full
sets. 24 cards all different, and one
year's subscription. 23 cents. Address
Household Postcard IVept, S3 Capper
Bldg.. Topeka Kan.
Old Advice.
Manager—You never pet this scene
right. Your business with the sweet
peas is all wrong and you forget when
you are to speak—you get your lines
ail wived up.
Actress—All right, sir. HI be more
attentive and fix the sweet peas and
try to get my lines ir. the right place.
Manager—Your course is very sim
ple. Just mind your peas and cues.—
Haltimcre American.
, Women In Lcve.
“tYomen in love are g-. neraily trou
blesome and persecuting." Such is
the reported opinion of M. Emile Fa
guet. And if a French critic does not
understand the subject, of whom shall
we seek understanding?”
lewis* Snrie Hinder «*ar. Oriental
Tin Foil r-noker Package. 5c straight.
Man cannot be happy w&en idle, un
Vss resting from previous labor.
“You don't remember me. do jrmT*
“No; but umbrella has a ;a
Euiiar look.”
His Claim to Prominence.
At a social gathering a certain man.
Intent on knowing every one. was in
troduced to Senator C. Burrows
of Michigan.
“The name Burrows is Terr famil
iar to me,” he said. “1 am certain
that you are a man of some promi
“Yes.” replied Senator Burrows. “1
am the man that 'died at first' Just
before Casey came to bat in that cele
brated ball game in Mudviile "—Suc
cess Magazine.
Keen observers predict a big boom
in property in Wantland. Colorado, the
new town which is being built in the
center of the Little Snake River Val
ley In Routt County. Colorado A big
irrigation system is being built to irri
gate C'J.'MJO acres of very fine land sur
iwmding Want land. The land is be
ing sold by the State of Colorado for
50 cents per acre under the Carey
Act. sad water rights cost J”> 0® an
ac*e. in ten year payments. Sugar fac
tories. Hour mills, canneries. e-c.. are
araor.c the possible industries to b-= lo
cated at W&rtlard. r.'.i Information
can be obtained from the Routt County
Colonisation Cempuay, 1T34 XV* It on
Su Denver. Cola
Truth is cut up to patch too many
lies You can never boil the lies back
Into truth again.
Lew-*' S ng> T - ler «— rb.t 5c cigar
is s-lf :r ':-fy : ..e sn:.»Lrr
And many a coming man neglects to
ik -n1
Didn't Ca^e for expenses.
They were seated at lilt- breakfast
” John dear."* said the young wife,
"this is ciy birthday."
"I'm glad you mentioned it. darling ”
rejoined her husband. “1'U buy you a
present the first when I get
"Well.” she said. “1 hope you went
get any cheap 98-oent affair”
"Of course 1 wont.” he replied.
'Why. 1 would be ashamed to present
yoa with anything that cost less than
a dollar."
Some men curry a sandbag because
they are too proud to beg
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Cas crock. ▼ be i»'i h— by
Pnrele reusable
—«cc nr '
■H5. Cl
C! u:
Genuine rorotiw Signature
Cao .’f - .:y; rrvis «n4 r.sits
^ liv t S evr S K'U4Tk I ^3
©r\irr*. T^ejs. of Iacusid..:< to
w S»:isif*euv>c
-r— l IV .ituce lr ▼ 1 ;e4.
Cv rae ai.u >ee lor yv>ur**it.
National Live Stock Com. C&
SaausCt).M«s St.JoseoA. Mo^ S Om«U.!iek
Prpmctr? iVcstionChftrful
nessandRcsl Certain? neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
*r» rW +S4.9UZJPSM*
tW -
Apcicct Remedy fo'Cnnyfips
hon Sour Stomach Diarrhoea
"e-ms Convulsions Fevrrish
■rss and LOSS OF SLEEP
TacSrmlr S*fv*n£Tr J#
Tms Crvww CowMir:
Mb rounthVoIJ
MS -
r >ts
I under the Faodaijl
Copy et
For Infests and Children.
Ths Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dealer, everywhere
.. FOR"
What Ails Youf
Do too feel weak, tired, despondent, here frcqjeut head
ache*. coated tongue, hitter or had taste in morning.
* * heart-Surn. * brichin^ oi |k, acid risiafs in throat efter
catint. stomach fiaaw or hens. foul hrearh, dir re speits.
poor or variable appetite, ware a at uq ktadred
symptoms ?
If Too hare atrr comidarahle number of the
chare symptoms yon are suffering from hiiioas
Beaa. torpid freer with iadafeatioa. or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce*s Goidea Medical Discovery is mods
cp of the most eataabla medicinal principles
to medical acieoce for the permanent
efficient freer nm^orator, stomach tome* bowtif
rcjalator and acres streaSthcner.
T°~? Medical Kacorrrr" it not • patent medicine or secret —twa.
a tell list of its ingredients bc.n< printed on its bottie-wrapper and attested
p*™- A glance at these mil show that it contain no alcohol, or ham
W habit-forming drags. It is a fluid extract asde with pore, triple-retard
gryectiaa. oI proper strength, from the roots of native American mrdiral.
tD**g* P*—*»- Wottd'« Dispensary Medical Association. Props.. Huffslo. N. Y.
Sickly Smile
Wipe it off your otherwise
food looking face—put on that
food health smile that CAS
CARETS vrill give you—as
a result from the cure ci
Constipation—or a torpid liver.
It s so cosy—do it—you’ll see.
CASCARETS Kt a box tor a a *“
ttanarot Cr^ists Biq^ : >r r
Is LK w :J-k-j A
W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 30-1 HO,