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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1910)
Professional Cards ROBT.P.SrARR Attorney-at-Law. _LOOf CITY. Mir I AARON WALL Lawyer Practice* in all Courts Loup Citr, Neb H H MATHEW. Attorney-at-law, Awl bonded AlMnCor. L>»up City. .V-brsska O. K. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN ilH SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TELEPHONE CALL. NO. it A. J. KKAKXS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T*o Cm «c T tr*l Loup Clip - Nebraska A. s. MAIN PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City. Nebr. * Xl E*>44>«rr. Ti'leffluiiM1 < unnecUoc ROBERT P. STARR *-• -Airiu M il Mead Bonded Abstracter LtuirCirr. - Nebraska. •>u.y eel of Atielract *-ook» to count; S. A. ALLKN. HEsVmr LOCP ' ITT. - - X KB. <kfeer up stxir- in tLr new State Bank u-.-d.:.:'. W. L MARCY. DEXT1ST, s:ty . Ufli't. East Side Pnfeiic Stinie. Fkae. Id on 36 HERBERT E. GOOCH & CO. Rt’wtor-Tw MMC lldrJkitrT^ j| Grain. Provisiuns and Stocks Private Wire*. I-aiy. II-use West of < litrag ■ > fifty CMtaet in Xet*rx»*a > T. A. CLARK. - MANAGER Fbonr 1*. v. I’ij VtU DK. J. K. GREGG VETERINARY SURGEON 1 idi»e evxled tti Loup < lt>. »itii U« ibieMi id of ;.ra- -ti« lUjr l eteritia rj Medicine. Surrer? and Isntian. A <aii* |)Tal|A1i aiteuded tu day or ■Arid. Ificoe J-c«-I*C. I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility Weak - mm Drains Rupture Stricture Vancacele Blood Poison Private Skin and Cbronic Diseases of Men I «• • vmr u mat Hr iS fw «Us*-r* (afe «utv i«- s^imWI iln fa;. M If! ■( ll h ta-Gtef Vu CUM- IKt • i « M at a_K* ■*•**»■ u»ai cartar ««»n afta-r aii u)ii * «* Ui« fa jmI ka» f un vr opr*-.ant fur *«ar» U you rauwt • r *r »>cu#a«eM» ILa* (rresitair jro« okmI A **»* slajm.'at» ui r—n. ran tar rumj tay nu> ►» i*r» of t»v4tar trrfcUj^f. m karfc n U*r auhl MKXfMlw r-ettJ-dd I l«r4 1 iota ta! - i-^r t«r K i at** n it*»r i aawi n*»*Uir*f t |«1j> i*. a «rc»t ttaB&rart • * • ritilyT tatarJ&md « aftitta* \m «*«m3 Um tta |**>*fc:iur »• .kf hluMMtft 0»r* t-*» lf»il _ • • j' r* ,**. * 4> Mr aatorta ta><xr» aa*e 4«njir ruu IwUirr; f c-«rr «B*d tar-nt. atLta ailaMl pprri iMimiLf ikm ■ ■* *at vfeMn^t t*# «ai ftaata “ ‘-irraTi- **r rtiiji fti« iiir ub I> *1 P C'lT It" w nriftti) wHSmar fr>« at» ( MKmMC WW A^» * #1 « \ CX A MIN A ‘ T|<j5> d vjflb* tat* £ 4* I taa* mw«i ttan v«Ar «rf Or Rirh snetAusT csand 1/1 • l',w, ISLAND NCD ‘i * iM bt ::#» md v THE, NORTHWESTERN i tun ir r*t» is iiiik i ■ »i U* Lw» « it» PWaStt tor ir*i^ asst tferuura U< msi-it ss Office Phone. - 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 1. W. BI KLKM.H. tA *md Hib At lire last moment. Price. liw cuunti ‘fUt« iwJkUt« f*»r I'. S. <mt< r un Uw krawrntb «td« »itl« dren and UMard Jlrtialf. tie ck»e !nrttd of Bryan naa filed instead NetoU a aki a county option man xiei Bryan is said to lair forced tiie • lUidranai at Pnre in Metcalf * tat or. TUe insertion at Mae last moment of V. it. fatrirk. a county option 1st. into lire running (or governor on tiae ill sin n' i tide auuid teem to turn lire tide to sard and almost claim lie aid nomination at Jim Iiaidman for governor, a* lie entire vole of Fat rack mil Ur taken (rum tie* sliallen Uerger coiumn Not knosing Patrick. lire Unaffat arises, dues Fa trick get mMU* lie rare ta lie tatem-t of lialil ■aa- it Is tin- concensus of opinion • bat lie race is tietuem I tali!man and SimiienUrrger and that nLatever dn vote Patrick gets «tli come from ttnm* vbo sued ixare voted for StsaUeaUergrr Look oat for tie* M, mnmn n of laaldman. shidi looks ilke »dndi Boys You're to Vote For All £.;ni:~ before the primary elec tion ck-^-d la-4 Saturday evening and tiie list u candidates was made com plete. We append a list of the can didates of especial interest to the voters of this county, from governor down: K r f. ' Senator Republican. Either J. llurkett of Lincoln. C. O. Wt*-d n <.f Lin -«.In. C. E Adams of su(>erior and Mfred Sorenson of I lulil dew or rat. (lilbert M. Hitch cock of «»maha. R. L Metcalf of Lin n. Willis K Reed fusl of Madison atid T. M Birmingham prohil. of Pender. For Congress. »«th Hist net Kepub lh an. J. I: Ivan of Broken Bow. \\ J. Taii r fu' of Merna. I si :.m»v fus of Sr tts Blutl. R. t». fu' of Lesington and II II. UVmit ■{ Mw-nt ’itv. Ft (. vem r Republican. A. K. i a h ‘ St l*aul. ( M Aldrich of * it\. and \V. F Low. Western: <1* i. - ratio J. »\ I laid man of«>maha. A < si a. .-nberter of Alma and « I: I*atrick of l‘aoilli>>n F<>r Lieutenant C vernor Repule . _n M R. II .jieweii of Tekamah. l\ j >rJ .n-oji t.f« ci,aha:democratic A i ark Stella and W II '.r.-n fu- J < reighton. F t '• re vary of State—Socialist. «. M SiutT• -r f Omaha: Republican. Addison Wait of Syracuse and J. J. Ryder f • ,al.a: democratic. F. W. 1*. «ie fs f Tecuiuseh. ami A. T. » if.' f McCook: socialist, i .1 \ i - ing f Bellevue and Moses I! Witt»truck of Firtii. For Mate Auditor Republican. m as R. Barton of Brand Island: : w-ratic. I*. J Hewitt fus of L*-a:ngton - * ia:i't. C. J. Lambert >f Stromsburg. For Stat* Treasurer Republican, w a. «ie>xe of Broken Bow and Frank 'ilrii. f Wilber: democrat. R 1» Suirdevant *f Ilav id City and .1 H M r.ifiley of <>gala!!a: socialist. II \ Rums of Hare lock. F<<r state Superintendent- Repub . an. Frank s. Perdue of Lincoln and i tv < rabtree of Peru: democrat. W R Ja ns n f Fniversity Place] ,.u-n i.i' \ mot of Schuyler: socialist. Kat erine Jefirye> of Bassett. F r Attorney Renerai Republican. «; •• Martin of Fremont and C F. Ami* rlierry >f Mimlen. democrat.] Memo W. Terry of Beatrice and C. H Whitney fu' of Harrington. F t Land c mmissioner Repub an. K B. i owles of Fairbury: i*-i ■ ra- V- i B Kastbam fus of Br ken B.*w.< F Heushausen fus of L‘._p« it * an-i Robert W Fleming r»ni: socialist. K. K. «>ni Stead of York. For Ran way Commissioner Re pub ica«. Henry T. « larke. jr.. of • *aca. K of (.rand Island and A 1. Van Alstyne of < hnaba: Ben H. Hayden fi.s of Lincoln. William Br- ks fu* of Beatrice and W. F. Porter fu' of Lincoln. For state senator. l«tb district— R*} .t< ; an C. A. Clark of Ravenna. • F BodeiLsetiof Kearney, ami A. P. Cuiiey of L-iup City. F r Representative. JJJth district Repub.lean. W s Waite pf Loup 1 den. ■ rat Louis Rein of Loup City. t r< -untv Attorney Republican. R. J Nightingale and R. it Starr. ■ t: >f L< up City: democrat. R. 11. Mathew of Loup City. Along R. R. No. 2. M Frederick— n i- stopping with L I*. Nelw n'i. * ay township lias bought a four 1» .r>e road grader. \l!ivd Jorj^nH'D lust a good work horse last »trk. John M•« al! i' helping Casteel Bros lay bt their corn this week. hm- -t l!i »e ha- been doing some at Ling . r Loren Cee this week. Mr- Stella I*ars. ns is \isiting her -l-ter. Mr-, (ieo. Peterson, and family. Bay M< I’adden is helping Krnest •it! elie work during the absence of hi- iarents. Miss Li hie Brown returned iiome i .-day evening from her \isit at Chapman Neb. The }•- ; ie on Wiggle Creek are all _■ >ing t- thresh out of the shock. The - jarat r will Be a brand new one. fell all over Iioute? T -e-day. A pt*od rain is needed on ail eicept tiie-outli side of tlie route. If you -!a- k your grain. you will late a pla< e yoh can plow early and •: i- is tlie kind of plowing thatcounts <ieo >tork is painting for Loren ' <ee this week <>eorge has been on tlie sick list for some time with riieumatism. • >n>fier received a shipment ] f 3 head ■ f sto* k cattle from the! F ra/ier-Joitiison Company of South *imaha las'. week. C M IIiii arid Mr. and Mrs. Beider who were on tlieir way home from; • aiifornia. are visiting at the homes : of Fies. and Ernie Bell. Loren Cee was at Loup City trad ing *a-t Saturday and onlj had to use ne crutch. He has recovered won derfuliy ta~t since his runaway. I- E. < •dendalil was seen on his j way to Litchffeid with a big auto i i >ad of passengers Tuesday to attend a tia’I game Fred is a careful driver. I tom. to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bell F riday morning. July loth, Hmy, a tjo .ncirnr taby hoy. weight i* pounds. Ernie wa' putting up the cigars to t je buys Saturday. Mrs. Stewart McF'adden and two daughters. Misses Maggie and Lula, left i't w.-ek for a three weeks' visit with stewiri • fattier and mother at Cherry ville. Kansas. Fete < *g.e commeiK-ed to thresii Monday on tlie Filger place, or what was known by old timers as the si'upso?i Cri-s place. The wheat was >f good *|iiality and went bushels to tlie acre. After you lay the corn by with the cultivator don't fail to go through tlie field with a one-iiorse cultivator. It is claimed that the field will yield a good many busheis more of good com per acre. It is also claimed that you could afford to pay 13.50 per dav for every day spent Hits way. Why not try a few acres and see. * • om lias commenced to tassel and 'ilk Sec*«d crop of alfalfa about all in the stack. All earlv oats is cut and late oats being cut: the crop is go>jd. Winter w neat threshing has commenced, tlie quality is good. Al-1 most all the spring sown alfalfa is a good stand. l*a»tures are short and have dried up badly tlie past week, stai king has commenced, but hay will be short- Most of the corn is laid bv and clean. >ome railroad surveyors are work ing on tit- proposed railroad to Clear Creek and then to Broken Bow. It l*as only been two years since this same line was gone over thoroughly by a large surveying outfit. It look’s as though tlie patrons on Route 1 w*re to have tut ter shipping facili ties This road is surveyed along the south line of Andy Coppersmith's and will strike the creek on Frank Kuhn's place. farmed by Wash Peters, a few rods north of the house. To ail patrons on Routed: If at I any lime I can save you a trip to town, den t be afraid to ask me. I certainly owe you something for the wav you opened the roads during the past winter and would like to show my appreciation by helping you. Oh as Scii wade re r is at Omaha this week. O. S. Kruss and son were trading at Loup City Tuesday. Mrs .1. K. Roii'h returned home Tuesday after a short visit in Kansas. Mrs. W. O. lirown and Mrs. J. It. O'Bryan were trading at Loup City Wednesday. Joiin Olson. F. Casteel. Will Hawk aadC. J. Xorsted each cut tlie weeds along their lines tlie past week. Romeo Conger delivered a load of hay to C. K. Lundy, also one to J. W. Conger. Wednesday. There came near being another auto accident on the narrow grade to tlie new steel bridge the past week. The carrier got caught in a nice little 'bower of rain along the south line of tlie mail route at Lars 1*. j Nielson'' place Wednesday morning, the water running down the hills. The old mail carrier. Clarence Sweetland. who was on Route 2when tir't established, is at Loup City doing the plumbing in his father's new house. He expects to be here about three weeks combining busi ness with pleasure. The CIO State Fair. Sept. 5 to o. offers an excellent line of attractions. Among them are four flights each day by Wright's Aeroplane, concerts by Signor Lombard's band of 44 in struments and c.rand Opera Com pany of 24 singers. IS harness speed contests and a number of running races, the derby, a 10 mile relay race —2 miles each day: the Great I'at terson Shows. Night Speed Contests. Stupendous Fireworks and Vaude ville attractions. Taken with tlie great exhibits in every department, this indeed will make a great show. Supervisors’ Proceedings Loup City, Neb.. ,1uly 12, 1810— County Hoard met in regular session at 1 o'clock p. m. Present. Hiyo Aden. Wenzel Rewolinski. Henry Beck. .1. H. Welty. W. O. Brown and W. C. Dieterichs'clerk. and the fol lowing business was had and done, to-wit: Chairman J. I. l*epewbeing absent J. H. Welty was on motion chosen chairman pro tem. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion accepted as read. The Hurt road petition was then taken up and after examining and considering same it was on motion disallowed. The Bridge road petition was then examined and considered and on mo tion allowed and Jacob Schmalljohn was awarded *35 damages. .1 S. Pedler w as on motion appoint ed County Judge pro tem. by the Board at the request of E. A. Smith, county judge, who will leave for a short vacation. The following bonds were on mo tion approved: Standard Bridge Co.. Omaha. Neb..: C. J. Norstedt. road overseer, Webster township: Clifford Norris, road overseer. Scott town ship. and J. S. Pedler. county judge, pro tem. On motion the Board acknowledged the receipt of #63.00 from Dawson county as reinbursement of money extended by Sherman county in try ing and sending Kleana Larsen of Gothenburg to the Insane Hospital. <»n motion the Board rati tied the approval of Chairman Depew on the bonds of Louis Rein, deputy clerk, and Bank of Ashton, done on July 2 and 6. respectively. Motion made and carried that county treasurer is by the board authorized to purchase a Protecto graph for use in his office and charge to county. The Brundige consent road petition was on motion tabled for correceion. The fee books of County Superin tendent. Treasurer. County Judge. Sheriff and Clerk were examined and found correct and on motion approved, j County treasurer, first half of 1810. *2Juu: Superintendent. *02.48: Judge. e2s5.05: Sheriff. *164.85: Clerk. *1483.14. The claims committee reported having audited and allowed allclaims on the register. Said report on mo tion accepted and the clerk ordered to draw warrants on the respective f unds. GENERAL FUND R. M. Jackson. *2.00; H. P. Ferdi nandt, 2.25: Dr. Jones. 20.35: Ham mond & Stephens Co.. 41.30: L. A. Williams. 84.66: W. C. Dieterichs. 07.52: C. H. French, 6.00: Henry Beck 16-50: C. F. Beushausen. 35.05: W. O. Brown. 12.00: Wenzel Rewolinski. 11.40: J. H. Welty. 16.50: Ilivo Aden. 17.70. HOAD FI ND J. W. Burleigh. *32.50: Jake Albers. 1 7.20: Henry Dunker. 7.20: Aug. Beus-! hausen. 7.20; L. A. Williams. 13.75.! E. B. Corning. 4.80. Adjourned on motion, to meet j Aug. 10. 1010. W. C. Dieterichs. County Clerk. Grocery List: Compare these prices with vour country agent's. We think vou'will find that we can save you the Freight I and a little besides: • ’<>al < >il. no freight, per gal. only ,10c Extra Fancy Select Tomatoes 2 cans for.25c ! Extra Fancy Select Peas. 2 cans.. .25c j Apples, dried extra fancy.2lbs., ,25c Apricots, dried, per lb..?.15ci Prunes. Santa Clara extra. 3 lbs. .25c liaising, 4 Crown. 4 pounds.25c j Canned Fruits Arkansas Alberta Peaches, 2cans .45c J Black Raspuerries. 2 cans.35c | Package Food Cereals Kellog's Corn Flake, 2 largtxpkgs ,25c Post Toasties. 2 large pkgs.25c Egg-< >-See. 3 pkgs.25c ( ream of Wheat. 2 pkgs.25c Shredded Wheat. 2 pkgs.25c I»r. Prices Food. 3 pkgs.25c Canned Salmon Columbia River Salmon. 2 cans.. .25c I Alaska Red Salmon. 2 cans.35c Choice Red Sockeye fiat per can. .25c Rice « lbs good Jap Riee for.25c 3 lbs Mexican extra fancy head., ,25c Cove Oysters 3 small cans for 25c 2 large cans 35c 10 Bars Polo Laundry Soap. .. 25c White Fish, per lb.06c Barrel, only.*5.25 600 Men’s and Boys’ Suits 600 _At 25 to 50 Per Cept Discount Lot flo. ], Suit for (Vlen, $4-98 *Lot No. 2, for Men and Young Men. S7.50 Lot No, 3, for Men and Young Men, §9.00 I Lot No. 4, Suits ior Men, - - - $12.50 * ■■ .. Lot No. 5, Boys' Suits, - $1.98 to $5.50 25 Per Cent Off on All Trunks and Suit Cases 25 $3.00 All Silk Shirts.S2.00 75c Shirts at only . . 50c 1.50 Shirts at . . 1.00 50c Shirts at . . 38c 1.25 Shirts at .98 One lot of Boys' Shirts at 25c Closing Out Our Stock of Straw Hats at Cost Odd Pants, all sizes, at 25 per cent Discount Caps worth 50c now 25c Overalls, full line. 10c Off We Have Received an Elegant Line of SHOES FOR IMHEHSr A ~NTT~) BOYS Never Before have you had such a Chance to Buy the Goods for the Money Get School Suits for Your Boys While These Prices Last tv; o If you want a dray in a hurry and get quick work, see Stewart Conger. Notice I am offering for sale a number of bv-acre lots from f'-'O to *12.'» per acre. Call soon if you are desiring a sub urban home in Loup City. A. L- ZlMUKRMAX. Free! Free! Beginning Juiy 1st. 1 " ill give free with every dozen of my best pictures ( a beautiful celluloid medallion. A i few years ago 1 put out a great many of these pretty little souvenirs and ail who were fortunate enough to secure one will testify to their dura bility and beauty. Edgar Draper. 1 *A picture of father and mother.”— How it wouid delight vour children, how it would please your friends. t l Draper’s Studio if HAY TOOLS Are now the order of the day. Our stock is com plete and the prices are right. HAYHUPST-GALLAWAV HBW. eo. «- f-mrti . - I That is all some ffeople seem to know about the quality of shingles. If shingles were made just to spank children with almost any kind would do. but if you want to keep the rain out of your lK>use for years without repair you will have to use a differ ent standard to judge by. If You Don't you certainly will be punished for your carelessness. About the worst punishment that a big. grown up man can receive is to know that he has been ••stung*’. Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City. Ashton. Rock ville, Sohaupps and Arcadia, Neb. DRUGS! DRUGS! AT Swanson & Lofhoim Pharmacy Dealers in Pure Druis. Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Sta tionery, Sundries. Paints. Oils, Varnishes. Brushes. Class. Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 250 No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. jLEININGER LUMBER. GO., Loud Gitv Neb.