The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 21, 1910, Image 3

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r' J3K£-> v A»/ w y r/iy
■C' t***c l£ .«n* !mwf
*-*. v* •mi kmd ft .-we
■' * ir Loi y— • ft#
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Thai fbr-aaaa 1 tit * tea
tad ai? !sr*r raa««ram£aua ».:k
«ia» its-* reti -ur t» etc ac*:aa*
itT I »•«
*"h» brad «mi a*? r.itc _a£ ; took
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*a* l-*r th*»—"
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4 »t bas »*r t< »»t
Tot »tf U> tt*t of wrtbt;
* ot s- ****r »r!. ' 1 tud ;a" Ut
*** babe Wfaet *'t *-» better. I
-a. r c* 1® eerie >«. for ace
—» a: tare Tfe» .* yaar btaar. s<
*•*•*■. *ad rf ail it the ««u
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1 a-j*fc5 a»< to are ebe
- 4 M» lake* tte-re it re a pea*
-it* Tt am» *as »- brier iade
-'end. 1 am aJraM 1 at at imjauaicr
«m fwm mrmtmOtf, b*~*use t—I ata?
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" I aud bnatit Wilt
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“j Arr Ve*y Sorry You Hawc Maae This Decision," He Said.
Miss Inct.* fh- said, "has my
s"‘-pb-other Art aid gone away?"
■ What do you mean"" I asked.
, start---d iiat Louise was literal.
H* come bak that night."
si» Ka.d, "and it was so important
that I should see him ”
1 be..•-•* t,e has gone ttsv 1 re
I *-d -n- erta:r; y 1st t it something
'L** »e could attend to instead?"
ut - *Lf»ok her head. "1 must do
:t myoctf." she said dully
't.if tc tht door at that mo
men: and 1 could bear t:m coaxing
Licde for adit.:'* icm to the sick room
"Shall I hr ng him in'" 1 asked
Louise, uncertain mhat to do The
g ri s -med to -tnofc hack among
her p:..oos at the sound of his voice
1 was vaguely -mtated with her:
there atw fe« young fehows like Hal
sey—straightforward honest, and will
hg to .-e " : • everything lor the one
»&~it T tte* one once more than
* yea".- age »no was like that: he
di-c a knag time aga And sometimes
I las- his picture. with its rane
anc ;l* queer silk hat. and look at it.
i* ■ * t tale years it has grown too
I l' .. h- - always a hoy—and ! am
*x . » -man ! » '_.u nut bring him
back if 1 could
Perhaps it was some such mem
or: that made me call out sharply
< tune in. Halsey ” And then I took
n.v e- a ng and wert .tito the bond.or
le* ■ :,y -o play propriety 1 did not
try ti- i . ar what they said, but every
» >rc am» through the o;e-n door with
* u'.ous distinctness, Halsey had evi
dently g me over o the tied and 1
suppose he kissed her There was si
lete • lor a moment, as if surds were
* je-rfl uoos taihgs
1 have t«een almost »ild sweet
heart —Halseys voice. “Why didn't
vou trust n»e and send for me be
• as ■ aas-e i mi mo i trust my
self said it a k-w tone I am
toe* * -a* to straggle to-day; oh. Hal
*-y bom ! have- wanted to see you'"
They* mas <4iaj*-ti tup 1 did not hoar,
then Haisey again
vl> roulc go away b«- was say
eg vVJiaj di« it manor about any
on» :n fbe wor Id but just the two of
■i*-* To bo always together. like this.
oaEc e hand Louis*—don't tell me
' -t t p.’.ng to b* ! wont believe
Tow ”
V ^ d(f know you don t know
t ■aninn' nt«at*d dolly Halsey. I care
—you kn-rw that—but—not enough to
■any you.'
' **t is not T-ue. Ivouiwe.' he said
**ern.> To* ratin' a look at me with
; yoar bo»»«t eyes and say that "
vat* >" marry yon >he related
mo-rat It s bad enough, isn't it"
■ t • make it w r*-. Some day. be
temg, you will U glad ~
The* - - t*-> u- you hare neYer
•red Mr- There w-is- depths of hurt
>>nde in in* vote*- • Too saw how
mu l I kned you. and you let tne
•hmk • ua rared—for a while. No—
tn_T is* t lik* >ou. Louise There is
MMneffciag you haven ; toid tne is it
’ —because there is som* one else?'"
'Tea.* almost raaudibly
' Lou.*- * . Oh. ! doe t believe it “
!• IT she said sadly Halsey
n.--' not try to s*- me again. As
-«aa a- can 1 am going sway from
• r«—w:.e-*. you are all sc* much kind
t than I deserve And whatever you
tear about Be try to think as well
’ * as you ran i ub going to mar
T—abother man How you must hate
! me—bate n*el"
; could hear Halsey cross the room
"he w .nuow Then, after a pause
be west baulk to her again 1 could
t-e'diy sit still. 1 wanted to go in
and give her good shaking
1 ‘ tc * s ail over." he was saying
j • :t* a «*g breath 'The plans we
i n-ad- togcTber the hopes the—all of
t —over V» eh. IT not be a baby,
and I. give you up the minute you
ts' <s e i love you and 1 do love—
. Bom «*»• else" “
1 can not say that." she breathed,
v—-y sues. | shall marry—the
OCber wise "
1 mold hear Halsey's low trium
phant laugh
d*-fy han.*- be said "Sweetheart.
a» tang as you care for me. I am not
afraid “
* !*»d slammed the door between
be two rooms just then, and I could
hear nothing more although I moved
*? tnair quite done After a dis
creey interval. 1 went into the other
, Trmjui and found Louise alone. She
I was staring with sad eyes at the
I herub painted on the ceiling over the
bed. and because she looked tired I
• did not disturb her.
An Egg-Nog and a Telegram.
We had discovered Louise at the
, lodge Tuesday night. It was Wednes
day I had ruy interview with her.
Thursday and Friday were uneventful,
save as they marked improvement in
our patient. Gertrude spent almost
all the time with her and the two had
groan to be great friends. But cer
tain things hung over me constantly;
the coroner's inquest on the death of
Arnold Armstrong, to be held Satur
day. and the arrival of Mrs. Arm
strong and young Dr. Walker, bring
ing the body of the dead president of
the Traders' bank We had not told
Louise of either death.
Then. too. 1 was anxious about the
j children \\ ith their mother's inheri
tance swept away in the wreck of the
hank, and with their love affairs in a
disastrous condition, things could
scarcely be worse. Added to that, the
cook and Liddy had a flare up over the
proper way to make beef-tea for
1 Louise, and. of course, the cook left
Mrs Watson had been glad enough,
1 think, to turn Louise over to our
car**, and Thomas went upstairs night
and morning to greet his young mis
tress from the doorway. Poor
, Thomas' He had the faculty—found
still in some old negroes, who cling to
'.he traditions of slavery days—of
making his employer s interest his. It
was always "we" with Thomas I
miss him sorely, pipe-smoking, obse
quious. not over reliable, kindly old
: man!
On Thursday Mr. Hartcn. the Arm
strongs legal adviser, called up from
I town He had been advised, he said,
that Mrs Armstrong was coming east
with her husband's body and would
arrive Monday He came with some
hesitation at last, to .he fact that he
had been further instructed to ask
me to relinquish -my lease on Sunny
side. as it was Mrs. Armstrongs de
sire to come directly there.
I was aghast
‘Here’” I said "Surely you are
mistaken. Mi Harton I should think,
after—what happened here only a few
days ago. she would never wish to
come back "
"Nevertheless." he replied, "she is
most anxious to come. This is what
she says T'se every possible means
to have Sunnyside vacated Must go
there at once. “
Mr Harton.” I said testily, “I am
not going to do anything of the kind.
1 and mine have suffered enough at
the hands of this family. I rented the
house at an exorbitant figure and I
have moved out here for the summer.
M> city home is dismantled and in the
nands of decorators. 1 have been here
on* week, during which I have had
not a single night of uninterrupted
sleep and I intend to stay until 1
have recuperated. Moreover, if Mr
Armstrong died insolvent, as I believe
■was the case, his widow ought to be
glad to be rid of so expensive a piece
of property."
The lawyer cleared his throat
"I am very sorry you have made
this decision." fce said. " Miss Innes,
Mrs. Fltrhugh tells me Louise Arm
strong is with you."
"She is."
‘‘Has she been info* n ed of this—
double bereavement?"
‘‘Not yet." I said. “She has b^en
very ill; perhaps to-night she can be
“It is very sad; very sad." he said.
I “1 have a telegram for her. Miss In
nes. Shall I send it out""
“Better open it and read it to me."
I suggested. “If it is important, that
will save time.”
There was a pause while Mr. Kar
ton opened the telegram. Then he
read it slowly, judicially
“ 'Watch for Xina Carrinsrton. Heme
Monday Signed F. L W ‘“
"Hum!" 1 said. “ Watch for X!ua
Carrington. Home Monday.’ Very
I well. Mr. Hart on. I will tell her. but
she is not in condition to watch for
any one."
"Well. Miss Innes. if you decide to
—ft—relinquish the lease, let me
know." the lawyer said.
"I shall not relinquish it." I replied,
and 1 imagined his irritation from the
way he hung np the receiver.
i wrote tee telegram down word for
, word, afraid to trust try memory. and
! decided to ask Dr Stewart bow soon
Louise might be toid the truth. The
closing of the Traders" bank I con
sidered unnecessary for her to know,
but the death of her stepfather and
stepbrother must be broken to her
soon, or she might bear It in some
unexpected and shocking manner
Dr. Stewart came about four o'clock.
; bringing his leather satchel into the
house with a great deal of care, and
opening it at the foot of the stairs
to show me a doien big yellow eggs
nesting among the bottles
"Real eggs.” he said proudly “None
! of your anemic store eggs, but the real 1
thing—some of them still warm. Feal
, them! Egg-nog for Miss Louise!"
He was beaming with satisfaction,
and before he left, he insisted on go
ing back to the pantry and
an egg nog with his own hands. Some
j how, all the time he was doing it. 1
had a vision of Dr. Willoughby, my
nerve specialist in the city, trying to
make an egg-nog. I wondered if he
ever prescribed anything so plebeian
—and so delicious. And while Dr.
Stewart whisked the eggs he talked.
*‘I said to Mrs. Stewart." he con
fided. a little red in the face from the
exertion, "after I went home the other
day. that you would think me an old
gossip, for saying what I did about
Walker and Miss Louise "
"Nothing of the sort." I protested.
"The fact is." he went on. evidently
justifying himself. “1 got that piece of
information just as we get a lot of
things, through the kitchen end of the
house. Young Walkers chauffeur—
Walker's more fashionable than I am.
and he goes around the country in a
Stanhope car—well, his chauffeur
comes to see our servant girl, and he
told her the whole thing. I thought
it was probable, because Walker spent
a lot of time up here last summer,
when the family was here, and be
sides. Riggs, that's Walker's man. had
a very pat little story about the doc
tor's building a house on this proper
ty, just at the foot of the hill. The
sugar, please "
The egg-nog was finished. Drop by
drop the liQuor had cooked the egg.
and now. with a final whisk, a last
toss in the shaker, it was ready, a
symphony in gold and white. The
doctor sniffed it.
"Real eggs, real milk, and a touch
of real Kentucky whisky," he said.
He insisted on carrying it up him
seir. but at the foot of the stairs he
"Riggs said the plans were drawn
for the house." he said, harking back i
to the old subject. Drawn by Hus
ton in town So 1 naturally believed
When the doctor came down. 1 was
ready with a question ^
"Doctor." I asked, “is there ary on#
in the neighborhood named C'arnnjt
ton' Nina Carrington?"
' CarringtonT' He wrinkled his fore
head. "Carrington? No. 1 don't re
member any such family There used
to be Covingtons down the creek."
"The name was Carrington." I sa;d
and the subject lapsed
Interesting Information Given by
the Groom to the Shrinking
They were on their honeymoon—he,
all-important; she. timid and shrink
ing. He intended that she should
miss none of the sights as they rode
down Broadway. »» York, in an
open car one hot night, so he called
her attention to various points of in
terest In a very loud voice and with
, elaborate gesticulation His ideas.
| however, were rather hazy as to loca
i tlon, and she looked in vain, at his so
I ^citation, for the Mettopolitan tower !
I clock on the Flatiron building, al
though she assured him timidly that j
I she had seen it. Then the conductor. t
at Fourteenth street, volunteered
This Is Herald square, where the new
Pennsylvania station is to be." After
this startling information, given In all
seriousness, passengers were even
more amazed to hear the bridegroom
saying: "Just a minute now and we
come to Grace street '
"Grace streetr* she asked. "What's
"Oh. that's a bis church, where all
the swells go Here It is now—as the
stately outline of the church came in
view—and would you believe it? You
can't get in without a dress suit T"
It was with real regret that an in
terested listener had to signal for the
car to stop.
Woman a Rural Mail Carrier.
Mrs. Carrie Hoherty King, of Cry
stal Springs. Miss., is the only woman
mail carrier in her state. She deliv
ers-mail on a rural route, making a
circuit of about miles a day. In
her girlhood she won many trophies
for her horsemanship, an accomplish
ment that is now of great eerrice to
Long with One Congregation.
Prof. Ilavid W. Marks, who died in
London recently, was probably the
only Jewish minister w ho held a place
with the same congregation «9 Tears. 1
Millinery for All
SO MANT girls Ere trying Their
bands upon hat caking a; home
that a fear rise pies of those hats
which are likely to be most success
ful in the hands of the amateur, are
interesting just now. These are the
hats made of embroidery or lace or
Swiss and batiste which hare come
to be a staple for midsummer, and are
known as "lingerie’' hats. New models
this year show many fabrics which
hare not been used heretofore. Pine
dimities, lawns and mills, in fact any
sheer, pretty midsummer material,
such as are used for midsummer
gowns. Is considered available for the
lingerie hat The prettiest models
show combinations of all-over em
broidery and the materials I have
The safest designs for the amateur
are those made of edgings of lace or
embroidery, either wide or narrow.
All the hats are made over wire
frames which are first covered with
very sheer mull or with chiffon. This
first covering is either stirred over
the frame or made into a fitted casing
for the brim and laid smoothly over
the crown, a scant ruffe of wide
• edging is laid about^Se" trim falling
ower the edge about the depth of the
scallop. It such a hat the crown is
made by sewing two teas of edgng
together and making a small pufied
crown of them a bard and bow of
wide ribboo and a cluster of familiar
garden Sowers finishes the tat, which
is quite as satisfactory when made at
home as when made elsewhere.
If narrow edging, of lace or em
broidery. is used it is sewed row on
row and quite often the under brim is
faced with scant ruffes sewed in the
same way. Very sheer batiste or oth
er embroidery is often laid in a full
double riffle orer the brim, for girlish
The lingerie hat. by the way. is
worn by maid and matron alike. It
has been called the “baby" hat be
cause it was first made for little girls
when they graduated out of bonnets
and took on the dignity of hats built
on a frame. It is durable and beauti
ful and may be taken apart and the
materials laundered. Study the lin
gerie hat for. like the lingerie waist,
it has come to stay.
All-over piece embroidery and deep
Bouncing are used for this; the piece
ftnbroiderr is used for the princess
apper part, the seams outlined by In
sertion; the deep Bounce is gathered
!o a strip of insertion that is sewn
to lower edge of princess part. The
collar and sleeve bands are of plain
cambric. The plaited frills of cam
tiric that finish the puffed sleeves are
iivided by ribbon.
Hat of white straw, the brim slight
y turned up in from, a wreath of
May blossom forms the trimming I
Materials required: about T yards
embroidery IS inches wide. 3 yards
Counting, about 6 yards insertion. H*
yard ribbon. I3)* yard lace for edging
Important for the Girl Who Haa a
Dislike for Hair of Different
Do you want streaked hair of IT
different shades when next autumn
comes around?
If you do not you must make up
your mind to wear a hat during the
A bother, you say* Of course. Did
you ever know anything connected
with keeping fresh that wasn't a
And it is not half as hard as spend
ing time and money later getting over
the effects of sunburnt hair.
Too strong a dose of sun acts on the
hair by drying natural oils in the
scalp and then burning just as a hot
flatiron scorches linen.
If it is impossible for you to wear ■
hat. oil must be rubbed regularly into
the scalp to counteract this drying
Remember that the most beautiful
hair in the world comes from the
peasant women of Britany. who keep
their heads covered with their little
white caps.
Irish Lace Collars.
With the return cd warm weather
the fashion has swerved back to Irish
lace collars. We will wear more of
them this summer than for years. The
eirl ir. her new suit has mostly Irish
ace around the neck. For this reason
he wears a four-inch Irish lace collar
round her coat and a four or six inch
>ne around her blouse, which is eol
arless. This collar dips down for an
;nch in front and is finished with a
: laited jabot of Irish lace and linen.
A Summer Coat.
A simple but beautiful coat for wear
over a lingerie gown !e the summer
“vettings is of black chiffon, cut three
quarter length and Flashed at the
sides, the slashings being connected
by taffeta silk tabs. The half sleeves
are slashed and caught in the same
manner, and In front—the neck is cut
rerr low—the only fastening is a tas
sel of silver cord. All the edges are
ptnbroidered tr a wave design in the
silver. The chiffon may be mounted
r>ver light taffeta silk, and net may he
substituted as the coat material This
wrap may sound difficult to make, but
It is not so; and with the help of a
lucky remnant or two the expense will
be slight.
Dividing by Two.
“How many brothers have youT* the
census man asked.
“1 have four and a half." replied the
Sense woman
“Nonsense'" cried the questioner
How can you have four and a half
"How can 1 help having tour and a
lalfT~ retorted the dense woman. “1
lave nine half-brothers."
Warm Weather Sleeves.
T'ndoubtedly the short sleeves are
here, and it is delightful to couple
comfort with the near style
In hlouses the sleeves come Just be
low the elbow and are edited with a
turned-back cuff or a plaited frill of
net or sheer linen.
A latitude that should appeal to
every woman is allowed in the matter
of fulness. The kimono sleeve, gath
ered into a straight band, with no ful
ness at the shoulder, vies with tht
slightly full pattern with its gathers
at the armhole. Then, again, there is
a closely-fitting French monarchy
model that many are using
“It is so much easier to wash on» s
foreanus than to discard a blouse
after a sing e wearing, said a woman
the other day. The question of dean
liness is decidedly a point in favor of
the short sleeves
Chantecier and peasant tnffuenc*
holds good in the summer fashions,
both m color an ■ line.
Persian patterns are seen In cot
ton and silk crepes, sometimes they
>ann the entire garment.
”1 thought you told me you tad
something original .n this libretto,”
sa-d tte manager, scornfully. "Her*
at tie very outset you tsve a lot of
merry villagers s:r.g;rg. -We are hap
py and gay;'”
“You don't catch tie Idea at ait’'’
replied tie poet, v. earily. “Tie ‘g i*
soft. It sic old be pronounced 'happy
and jay ”
May Be Obtained in On* Night.
For preserving the hands as well
as lor preventing redwess, roughness,
and chapping, and imparting that vel
vety softness and whiteness much de
sired by wcKtev Cutieara Soap, assist
ed by Cutirtura Ointment, is believed
to be superior to all other shin soaps.
For those who worh in corrosive
liquids, or at occupations which read
to injure the hands, it is invaluable
Treatment—Bathe and soai the
hands on retiring in a strong, hot,
creamy lather of Cutieara Soap. Dry
and anoint freely with Cutieara Oint
ment. and in severe cases spread the
Cut-curs Ointment on thin piece# at
old linen or cotton. Wear during the
eight old. loose gloves, or a light ban
dage of old cotton or linen to protect
the clothing from stain. For red.
rough, and chapped hands, dry. 2*.
sured. itching, feverish palms, and
shapeless nails with painful finger
ends, this rrea-ment is most effective.
Cutieara Remedies are sold through
out the world. Potter Drag 4b Cheat.
Corp . sole proprietors, Boston, hiasa.
His S<8 Bill.
Guest—How tong t* this lens* of
toot hotel to run?
Hotel Clerk—What lease*
Guest—The one 1 just gave you the
money for.
*?»■ ▼to#V*w'« »i ;qp.
Mary of as hate cause to be thaafc
faZ for what we don't get.
Lots of marriage® merely demon
strate that misery loves company.
me process oi digestion
and assimilation depend? en
tirely upon the condition of
the stomach. If yours is
weak take a short course erf
the Bitters. It prevents
Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Gillette Blades Are Fine
no smomjiG no honing
Nebraska Directory
Are tbe Beat- Ask tout dealer or
parts of aiacctaerT made food as new. Weoa
cast itoo. cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or
nc* other meu*. Expert automobile reptmaa
Oic Kibaxr PrwJdrai
Bock PAoneB ST I'aniax SL,
M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
to Be* la to Rest OMAHA, NEB.
1517 Dtelis St.. OMUL NEB.
Relnbt Dentistry I
*. Baa.I mt rat fT»a Sord tor frw tau.ra
The Old Line Banker’s Life
at Liaroiau NfUraska, nils a mans' wh
LnoiaTourapvirlitnrNood- Good par.wrlar
.OO par «a, 1
Tah* Do<«*
Get *be best. Year dealer can supply
with our brand. Your los ot hoy
»iJ more than pay.