The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 07, 1910, Image 5

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    Deposit Accounts
The depsit accounts and certificates bearing
4 pe cent interest all payable on demand,
of the farmers and business men are always
welcome at the old. time-tried
First National Bank.
In Strength and Security this bank stands in
the front rank among the best banks in the
Capital Stock and Surplus. $37,500
This item added to the important fact that
we loan no money to any of'icar cr even
stockholders should appeal to those ocsiring
a safe depository for their funds.
TH JT'LV *. 1*1«
1 Ff« larkfl OBulali.d^
Com. »r Its_ _ s* 41 it.;
Ybaat. §■*" be -- «... < ,«o
• *ai*. aer be_ .Xt
Eje. prrbe ...«*
Res***. ptr lb.. . _3i
*wrr» per Am . _ .14 .
per jb__
>;-THir ?±|4 Xtrsn. prt ib.. - .U
tturHar1»a Time I iH
C «•». ».*WT
"*• ■*: *» »«•*** .v*r. - » «»* a.
** *fn ax >• >wr. K.»* u.
w *• r- n a «* *«*».
_ «■ V .-T
^ t - . - . . -• .
w. rn « *.^aa»t *-*min* z t% p »
* - t aw '■»»» M* Mi.
% « i * tllfttLw* *#ra'.
.■»’ - ’ - >;«< u.t r«tn n;Lf
«»♦ M»n »». paiat jour
• lib • title •-> 1 a*»d «ar
Htj?! **t pn ■- paid tm < at Ua
L •-.*> « it« J*«-rca»U»e Ce.
t r ti*- .trading ’uxkr> id mas
•r^irit./iv Mw- T M iUrd
•-•t tii* iAb t -A Uflar ytmit &ca*.
at iirterU . mrat tutbt
I»- *'.>j warn’ firut hoax petal*-*
* rt jwr» »i.t> «a4 bad stair.
Ill(li0l K4rlrt prior paid f r
i .taw at Eeatertt'a aoeat mxrke'.
Bamia* ta !<••■ PrttperJj
f**r %ale It; Juka W. I.«»ar
M- II i» f «apr* wtamidlisar t*.
1 r. I«cSj.-» !-••.- »-t nt.fdaj
I «... . aratiUr 3lr («r !at
1 i«wt aiti pm* caw*.- A L T*a ■—
Tr A xr a si rut foe c-»o*
»t4»r I at a* b* 11 «». Tajtor
If >a aaat a 4*ai ti a bart? and
„rt ic. , • ea, mw Mira ail < %-r
T«a a l«fw ar i at prated pn«p«-r
tj at srrat barraia*. Vr J. W.
7 **" * .■ -f Uit u-r u»i ret* to • oo
-,Wr »larr« few a*. j**t at-. ••*.}.: to'
i Mi *Mt .
Lit Krj» XTr x »»>» jo U* u.a.f
.r! I f dmir^o ltd |ttl tier Iilflitw*
«-a*d. i fir
1 Mi KU.r f. I.;*ia4.r lO 'X' ttlt JO
* nr »>«»r. < dra>» »: «-ti t«u
•ant lei-l **■**«»
.Ill tbr T«»n Prefrrl) offm-d
for *alr at lr»l baud*M radios
<>o Jwba W. L*iar.
t)> .Mr* V 1 form . »<*rr jf»
!rwn (Wnl * it* »»*tlioe reiatue*
i«h fnmd* '*»r tbr KaenL
Tin- Ba * * reamer*. (« |ai»
t,Ur :4fJ«r*r rot prior for ret* de
..i arret at tbr rlHWIJ i«l».
K i4*4i arr f nag I.a bill £> net*.
4 m't t*r£rt la err .or fct*
Jiao ttitn *ta
Tti* Kimt* Ji«*.r and \r li (re**«-j
M l.raod bifad »rf* l*rftr u*rt t !* »i'/.. -x atiurrv.* Tmid*
L‘*aa«! Liao*! Lnao*! Loan*!
U*a I l.*tatr ln> at loorat
ratr* at J«bu H . LworV
Nt<* < >«a mKIi 14 NVtadi loaf.
»rrt**J i*t FrMa* toe ar> rttrodm
«Mt • ill* Irt Jr»-od Nim EJ»a
I, idlo a at* .4*iilerr »aO> -it-t
.la* »:•<* « »» out lad »i**- .a. tnrgaiti*
ut «■_* '.'-a: *i )>«*« iu« and «a*r
IOJI r* UTUdaod.
TO* ■ wdaaor* Seouionof < M<i(a.
ocOrf *ot **aa-r-i»-ta» of Mr* L
(trio. arrli**4 hafr ia»t *at. rda» far
.or an rtleaded tmt
[/*i t ‘ •rgr' to ttrii isto ret
fro *1 i> and "j* «*i ait" tir ur:*
T a/* Sf*r < a-* aod prtc-* rigiit
Jibe* Bauti %xx
it I
Mata nriH p-aaac notify
Ip ot Mm failure ae
•r attend to tOo matter
j. or ~
fat tbaowa i oaiMied bi
K,i a W»5> tan and a-r « .uate Mr
IS ait L*af * Nre V -rk fiti. dtotr
L- jJP » ** *“'• » *»d M*w»t U*r
atJeeo*r* Part Mr. Lang,
art** 0* '• br*U bate far ewefO* tn -nUt*.
rifartt U rrtara ki \ro Yurt lid
to uamrw i*<*t Um 3»*Ui inataat
tie* V' H tiearoe »m*neutdmt
boor mmoxmx and noudk-al nw
^uid for Nrbraaka of tl* Fioti
,»riar. d.iifrlir». «tll preach belt
i*ofa . saufota* and e»eeing at
Ua frointrrua raorrli to Uib dtf.
A rudtai io*hatioo i» ntraded u
, uo beat ti«a utieated
K. > Haitian* mite and daurtiter
If *«lsirdii morm'.tte tor looter
attend tbr natimaJ ontMT °*
irdeifr men From tbrrr Uia)
I- > ie a mert part* of i ardaarr
aad tbeir famliie* for a loo
trip U> «artoa» |Mbu ia OoJo
and Unit Lao* Ot*
b n
•\o tic-2
I lit ■ *» f *r tsJe a number -•(
l**-ame . 'rua - ♦ t* r a- re
* a.I »•« it ; - ar- o a -ub
ttitaa bemt itt Lou* Ot»
A L /.nausiN.
Free! Free!
• . «-* ] .» . tre«
wtt.! f.*n I r»a i \ |.j • .m,
a t:*u. ceLt-i-id ;h-ia!.i.<ti. A
’em ,itat» igu 1 put uj| a jinat : .am
*<f U«—* i-f" 11 .itt.* > LUTiirv aild
a- »rr> f< rt «-*. to
«*rurr t-fj t«**.*r. t ti«-;r d..ra
Edgar Draper.
:» * - -*i -a • at • -rtt. •"* #i«-n
>at urda >
Knit* » i-Tcao. to t:.*• L < ity
4 a.
WANTED-M i. Sr? a*. • • a
*♦>■ Vi Loot
>p(hrjai an i, ir» - <*» -a..'*- at (i4i
jii**T * hi r. >*ti.rda>.
H . .«-t a- r paid ? ■ r >i ~r
•iikktii* at Lit llr-.T.
4 a ! and rua ifir tb»'»•*- K and « *at
iiatid*-' at T. M I teed *
Bennett *ant- uar Lid*-* and »i.l
pa> lijf Idjtijot market
lUrme that *.:<• L-up « Jty
Hrtiantiw- 4 -j. i» La; in; r*a!t!
***. ■rk. tie painter, a- - wl.ltc -ad
and Jit* . a:.d »iii gi \« you Courts.
4 ooi.iier :.a* njntll1- «n *i:r tirfl
**at ordai in and « - *-aiurdav
Stackers ard Sweeps,
call at T. rtl Reed's.
T M lit'<1 nine*-* t.i*t? Liiriilieid
xtfi**; •* Kan-rt >j.rcidtrj>.
N ,-*j* Uth r.
\ III* n - \ " iff uaiilrd
a* llrfi* *• - .-at lars.t !i;.:U-*t
Jttrkel §:**rfc«r paid *
Mi— x- *'.<;■ ■ • i»
ix-re iK’i:c iifi !>r x-r*. t;.< * .lifer
bo*. and :.aat irwt1>
Ft • M «-idei».-*- in
Lu# « lit; it »ill trade 'inc for
rea. »i»u W jLi.Tktt \V«*\h k.
M* i’ • jt.lflf .4 ii (lt» dill fur
1 fiui ' > ■ 1 red at tl«r creamery.
CUiVNi * UUVKK1 1'**.
1 aiaa>> ha* <*n hand tl«e
choicest of a»*!» *. i ail kind-. fail
a*. Li* market wix-n wishihj; tl»e t ie*l
j"**> ' in wire ? a. «uc« and
i»-*l tr.• j*-! wire. a! price* that viili
M‘f i - u. ru-v L V Smith, *phofc
2 <m 12
Henry Mu***r came up from Lln
» ,n >a; urda t< *j*ent tlx
I »urth and tidt with old ffiends for
a fra day* nfcr
Mr- Jv.u’wr and Mis* Melon*hr)
Aor.n who were her** at tending'
Mir L*» *•!• lira*> v-cddirif. returned
tJ their Scone Friday last.
Mr- *. * I.- f.nty and tjahy went to
lux-uii Saturday and we under
saal >• a ’ g > from there u> Grand
I •-and '-it .nodical treatment.
If y - want a dray, phone A. L Un
der • r. *. n or cave your order
• if e11! • r -i!u!»r yard <>r E. ii
Tay - >r. iie.*t of service iruarauteed.
J i.ti f Harvard. Neb.. i* a
new nmpioyw • • Keystone I. .
Urr <«. arm inf ia*i Thursday even
inf- H family will arrive later.
Loup * 'and Viiggiv I 'reek nixt
<•» tiir Jenwer hrk diamond .'a-t
Friday afternoon before a podlr
f-riiwd and th*- f©rater won by a •••ore
of I© U* >.
Try M .. .a a-, the arayman,
for «|ui. .. and *s: i*facu>ry service.
Lra'*' .fderw St the Keystone. Leilt
ilifer * < r 'I ay . >r* elevator, or ph ne
hi* rmniiv. •* ©n <C
Hub I*t':- ta - a 'iiipanicd by Mis*
( ra ant Mr Frank Fro*-, and Mi**
Man I* •. irawl. dro'e to A urora last
•at-rdvi aut->. t -lend tin* flor
k*t» I' ret ©mine Tuesday.
!».*n't buy a Vacuum < leaner until
to© see llie "Ve* Home". operat*-d
to nr p< n*on LifiiL, durable, effi
cient. i*n e. »* :•>.
It Aariiie J. Keahn*. Aft.
-i i.n 1. ox r-t -med h-.:i e >an-.
day afternoon from Lincoln. He
say* Mr ret Mr* W. 11 Mellor re
•. _rteci Friday from their trip to \
K j - ipcan countries. rej*ortin*.r a most
enjoyable time.
Ii. J. A ifiitinpale. accompanied by |
hi* s *n. Il* r«ert. will leave this com*
i*<f Saturday inornliif for Seattle.
AVa*h • . is- afe-etit a month to vi-it
Ueir da - 'titer ani *i»ter. Mr*. |{. T.
Nurhtmjraie. and to tour the Pacitk'j
Mr and Mr* *ieo. McFadden took
their little son. Loren, to Kan*a
Oty T .wday t* r©n*ult eniinent
Mriaik'A <j«i tiie serious condition j
of the hi... who * *ai-i to lie suffer
in? from a cano-rous condition of the I
hiioulder TLey nave the sympathy ;
of the entire community in their'
I»r. A. J. Keanu* left thi* tnorninj:
for Cbicago. wliere lie will *j*-nd a
muntil takinf a pal graduate couise.!
Not only will the few week*' a lee nee '<
beneti Uie food <loctor in his chosen :
profess* *i. but w ,1 tie of treat ten*-;
flt to hi* f..-a*th by reawon of relief
from tix uxtivltica of a physician's
strenuuu* .tie. j
Grocery Dep’t
Below we quote you a
few of our “every-day"
price s:
1 can ■ «1 Corn - - s .10
2 •' j bottles «*f Catsup - .25
3 ' ins CoveOvsters - - .25
*■ .1 ' l’ • ! Jap Rice - - .25
2 <•;:* - *».i Tomatoes * .2”
3 1 x« - Dr. Price's Breakfast
• . 25
3 t*o\ ■« See - - .25
2 >Xf> P« ?! Toasties - .25
1 lb Ooud Coffee - - .15
1 Ht \oae Such I'offee - ,2u
1 »• i t ffee - - .25
3 .11« II.'«rr:uj!on-Hall - 1.00
V-w Y rk rin^ Iried apples
- ; mods - - - .85
V. p Kish one pouud - ,0>
1 <lo/»n i^nuons . - .30
1 -in - K-l - - .35
- . 35
- - A: ai.> Alberta
Peaches - - - - .45
i i *\ >.ir itoira ('hips - .10
1 1 *:iii tuas. always
<:o* j rice - - - .20
1 Ai :•1 - Hiitter only .25
-h treasurer's
~ - v -tit !•< tr next week.
‘ i !i -me <vmention
• ' * !i a' Lincoln
" is entitled to four
•' i' . :j !,' ri and son,
- r Pueblo,
a proposes to
i li linfes.
il. FetditiumK ha> purchased
: T. M. Heed’s
, an 1 will build a
■ 1 • u in the near future.
i - •• oerfrom Ashton
'l Mr- Wi - m i- \isitin>r a
!' ‘ .! r\. and i- much improved
in health
- • '1 i- n and Miss Myrtle
■ - n: : Uimra Saturday
•id- : I ..rth and visit a
>• with friends in their
former h me.
per went to St.
1* • ;. rnioif to v i-it w it li
-ca-on. while her father
.- - •> . ;> o.-in, ss trips for tlie
LoupCuy Mills.
i JIT b urd met Tuesday to
• e -re • reasurer and
•e rk on < |uaii/.ation.
' ..n in reirutar session
* n ;L- . !i m.-tanl.
1’ ■ ‘1 Faneher. who were
■ ti the obsequies
■ . _ ter and sister. Mrs.
1 r r- • .rned to tlieir Iowa
• - Friday morning.
Ir. : Mr-. <1 Leininger and
• : -• T< rs iay evening
i r • ii._'lit's vacation in
• in - t nery of Colorado,
r ii- a . -• pleasant time.
: Mis 1 1! ward and
ir- ti fa • up from Central
' . -* F'idav Mrs H ward and
.i n t -i-it a week or more
w • < randpa Williams, while Ollie
■ ne and t > business Mon
day noon.
' s -ri, t. - ,'Tering a good deal
pr -ent -a- n with rlieumatic
■ we« n pains will not
. Ming the Hay
i.i.r-t aiiiih- . Leininger residences
a- ati e idiu that you can't keep a
i.’-od man down.
It ' -r >• iumn we mention a
ew b ncl »bo left last Satur
la. • e -mi the Fourth at Aurora,
w hiked back Mon
t • n ' uid -p- ti: the remainder of
iay at .tenner's Park, a.- the most
I d a-in-' t i.iritr to do.
I'll K
Firsi National Bank
I : V* * - IN OHi’OK \TEl»
'tan* of .Nebraska at
♦- — •' »•* -T-ne -Wth 19HI.
UK^inti E>
* 108.834 .Vi
— < -‘-l ami i]nsecured io.mki 52
: mb 0«»
f ■ 255 lo !
\ nir re. fixtures. H.mitf t>9
• ’ \ • iirent* 24 7d5 54 i
• - ' 1,562 08
N r..i f';. U* 54«» UU
i - . • liit'Rt-ift
115 53 :
I a‘ t r * v fi-s' r’ti- in Tank. viz:
>;* .t 8.*72J0
» •-* r - 2 0O) 00—10.872 30
H- * r* : . with r s treasurer
: -f i :*t u:a* «l ■ Ski 60
rjr .i6i 72
» -t h k | i : in t£».<N*KQn
N . 12.5 0 00
s»* •—« ?'land in# 7,000 00
1' • ' - ati Private Banks and
57 08
I •» -*1 .t lei* subject lo
> • 1(12.557 94
!»♦ • «* riUii ales of dejiosit.. . 90.010 70
T «237 161 72
'’ai* »*l Nebraska. <
< > . • s|<ei ITU: »
1. v i a Vi'. Vice President of tlie
.» • *' • (ia k, to solemnly swear that
' . : ij. trae to the l>e*t of
v 1 tie.ief
: < -> i W ii.Li AM' Vice President.
t E. mmh- aim-tor.
t. P t u.av -tor.
o.mtin .ai.k. Director.
- ;1 ~ •• r1 awl sworn to before me this
-n«l iia; i-: Jui;. l:*lt».
Ri ’lit fiT P. Stakk.
st-ai Notary Public.
M "aioiiv m • spires Oct. 2nd. 1915.
B. & M. and U. P. Exten
sions Sure to Come
Railroad rumors the past few days
regarding extension of the l\ 1*. from
thi> point to Broken Bow, by way ol
the new proposed line to lie builded
by local promotors, has lieen given a
new lease of life, and are being given
much credence by those interested.
Added to this is the belief that the
15. & M. people are on the eve of ex
tending their Sine from Cairo on the
main line to Loup City, and from
Sargent across to the main line at
I tunning, making this their main
trade ine from Brand Island west to
the I‘acitic Coast, via the Black Hills
note. This is given roseate color
from the fact B. & M. surveyors
are now setting stakes at Austin com
ing Iro n the main line just west ol
Cairo, and are headed for Loup City.
A well known Burlington official, in
conversation with a representative of
this paper, gave us the distinct im
pression. while refusing to lie quoted,
that the new extension from Cairo
to Loup City and from Sargent to
Iiunning would soon begin, making
Loup City a division station, on the
main line and with, ail that it means
tii this town and section. We are not
giving our readers hot air. but are in
a position to speak with more or less
accuracy, when we predict the great
future lor our city
The Fourth
The Fourth could not have come
on a pleasanter or more glorious day.
All nature smiled and owing to the
finer than silk' rain that visited this
section Saturday night, the farmers,
business men and every other body
were made happy and fully prepared
to have the time" oi tlieir lives on the
great natal day.
In Loup City. Jenner’s Parks were
tiie central scene of activity. All
day the park was a bower of beauty
with the hundreds of p easure seek
ers strolling lie re ami there, visiting
the zoological specimens, with which
the park is equipped, while in the
afternoon the ball park was crowded
with fans and •fannies" to witness
the best base ball contest so far w it
nessed in that up-to dau and most
elegantly equipped place of amuse
ment. At about 3 o'clock, with the
grand stand rilled to its full capacity
and with the space on either side of
: the diamond tilled, besides long lines
of spectators lining the fence on the
outside on the park side, the Grand
Island Wolbacli's and Loup City ball
twirlers engaged in combat, which
took ten long innings to deeide by
one lone score that the Wolbacli's
were entitled to be w inners. the score
being kept down to tiie low point of
i ■') to 4. it being tiie game of either up
I to the tenth, when a batted ball over
tiie fence gave Grand Island a home
' run. Loup City failing to even up
when they came to hat, leaving tiie
; former tiie victors by one score,
j Splendid work was done by both
teams and the game passed off very
pleasantly. At the close of the game,
the crowds thronged through the
park gates and on to the grounds,
where a generous program was put
i on for the masses of humanity which
surged here and there enthusiastic
lover each event, which lasted till the
shades of night fell. The program of
sports given was: Potato race on
horseback, won by Arthur Hansel:
w restling on horseback, wen by Bert
Kay: tilting at the ring, also won by
Hansel: baby cab walking race by
happy papas, won by W. S. Waite,
the long-legged. LMoot-stride tele
phone manager (whom we will never
forgive for besting the editor and his j
cherub;: boys' high jump, won by j
I Cecil Draper: ladder race, Harold
Uowe winner: foot race, with Earl
Miller in the lead: cock tight, won by I
Lee liiddleson. and fire baloon race
won by II. Stutheit. In the midst
! of these sports, the picnicking parties
called a halt till after they had done
the hungry act. tiie grounds being
dotted with temporary refreshment
tables. The departure of Old Sol
from the heavens and overspreading
darkness brought forth a fine display
of fireworks provided by the manage
ment. and then the people, save
those who remained to trip the light
fantastic, wafted home to rest, tired
but happy over one of the most
pleasant events ever given by the
.lenner l'ark management.
We would not forget one of the best
parts of the celebration, which was
the music provided by the Ashton
band, which was simply grand and
gave evidence that our sister village
on the east has some as good talent
as one could wish, and which re
ceived unstinted praise from all our
Desiues uie uoiugs at .1 tnuer s
Parks, there were numerous picnic
parties at various points along the
river, besides the celebration down
at Wiggle Creek, at Litclitield and
at various points over the county.
The Misses Nettie and Lucy Fowl
er went to Aurtua last Saturday to
spend the Fourth, also visiting rela
tives at < hnaha and other points for j
a few weeks.
We received an interesting letter
this week from R. H. Mathew.who is
touring across the big pond, written
from Paris. It will appear in nest
week’s paper.
We understand Mas Leschinsky has
purchased the lots just south of the
German church from A. L. Zimmer
man and will build a line cement
block residm e thereon.
The Industrial Society of the Pres
byterian church will serve ice cream
in the court house park this week
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Help the ladies financially and please
your palate by patronizing them.
Last Sat urday morning some thirty
or more former Aurora and Hamilton
county people, who are now among
the best of Sherman county's best
people on earth, went to their old
home town and county to spend the
Fourth. It is impossible to name
them all. but we append a few who
headed the list: Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
•lacoby and family, M. R. and C. W.
Voung(|uest. Misses Nettie and Lucy
Fowler. Anna Stutheit. Messrs. Art
Conger and Will Doner. Marvin Lee
and wife, Miss Delia Oleson, Clarence
Mathews, Myrtle and Mason Phillips.
Opiaha Opticiap Comipg
I* T. I'rcgg. Optometrist of Omaha, will be in Loup City, July 15, at
hotel. Iron vlW A. M. to P. M.
" 1 - i\t perfect vision and cure headaches and other distress caused by
.. r. 1 ave every lens ground to suit each individual case and lit
frames by measure.
All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable
Farmers, call and set
that new stock of bug
gies just received bj
T. M. Reed.
siau- ot Nclru.k* .
J ss
Sherman County ' The State ot Nrtawk
lu County Court within and for S her mx
c -unty. Nebraska. June Slst. l*W.
In she mailer of the ostau-of Louis Pterhoa
To the crtniitors <4 said estate:
You are hereby uotitied. that I will sit at lb<
county court room in Loup City, in said conn
ty. on the i.-tii! day of September. IPKi, at on
o i i.H R p m and tut the loth day of IVcem
tier. 'PIP. at one o'clock jv m to reeetvi
and examine a I claims acainst said estate
with a view to their adjustment and allow
The time limited for the presentation o
claims ax*atnst said estate is six mouths fron
, the itnd day of July, and the time limited fo
payment ot debts is one Year from said Sin.
dav ot July. A D. ISia
Witness mv hand and the seal ot said Goun
ty Court this il>i day of June. 1910.
K A Smith County Judge.
■ Last pub. July lit
| To ail whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed t<
locate a road commencing at tin
northeast corner of Section 14 and
and northwest corner of Section 1.
and running thence south betweer
| Sections hi and 14 and between Sec
: tion 2> and Section 24 and between
! Sections 25 and 1*1 > and lietween 35
and 3t» on traveled road, making a
small bend and terminating at county
line lietween Sherman and Buffalc
county be established. Hazard town
ship lias reported in favor of the
establishment thereof and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages
must he filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 20th
day of August. 1910. or such road
will lie established without reference
Dated this 20th day of June. 1910.
W. C. Dietkrichs. County Clerk.
[Last pub. July 14]
“The Mill Will Never Grind
with the water that lias passed." for
the old mill has Ifad its day of use#
fulness. It can no longer compete
with the modern mill which is
equipped with up-to-date machinery
for handling grain economically.
Whits Satin Flour is the highest
product of modern milling. This
dour is clean. It makes bread that
suits every taste. Try it.
Loup City Mill&LightCo.
Star Brand Shoes Are
Better—Every Pair
These Shoes wear well, look well
and tit well. Wear well represents
the highest standard of value. They
have all the style and comfort it is
possible to put into a shoe and they
possess better wearing quality than
any other shoe sold at the same price
When you once buy one of theseshoes
you will wear no other. We 'handle
them in ladies', men’s and children's
sizes and in all kinds of leather. See
us for shoes.
Loup City Merc. Co.
“A picture of father
and mother.”—
How it wouid delight vour
children, how it would
please your friends.
Draper’s Studio
; represents in round numbers the Growth in De
posits during the last year
represents the Increase in Loans to our patrons
over the figures of a year ago.
[ Which means that this bank has grown in the con
fidence of the public, and has grown in
ability to be of genuine service
to its clients.
It means that more of our people than ever before
are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong,
safe and well-managed bank.
There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor
with the
_Capital and Surplus, $37,500
Every Saturd’y
!July Rate Tours
You can make an Eastern trip any day at very low rates
lower than ever before. There is such a variety of rate tours
embracing so many sections of the East that it is impossible
to describe them here. Consult with us.
If the East does not appeal to you, try a Pacific Coast
tour or a vacation in Yellowstone Park or in Colorado.
The Wyoming extension has been completed to Ther
mopolis, where Eighteen Million gallons of water at a tem
perature of 130 degrees flow daily. This beautiful resort is
destined to become one of the most attractive and effective
health restoring localities in the country.
Call or write, describing your proposed trip, and let us
help you.
J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket Agent
W. WAKELEY, Gen’i Passenger Agent, Omaha
The New Century
Is All Right* No Spring or Levers Neces
sary. Call and see it at
T. M. Reed’s
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 120 to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock
LE | NINGER LUMBER. CO., Loud City Neb.