Professional Cards — I HOBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-law. Loot .Vi “A.*!. F..i. B. J. NIGHTINGALE LOUP CITY. NEB A A BOX WALL Lawyer Pratt*** in mil Court* Loup Citr, Neb. K. H. MATHEW, Anorney-ai-Law, And iljnOed AiaUirtur. Limp * :' v. Xekrtalu O. K. I.ONliACUK PHYSICIAN Hi SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TKLtPBOXK CALL. NO. 3» A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Loup City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON Loup City. Ncbr. ■Met U IMdrntir. Teietdiuar < uDBtrUuo ROBERT P. STARR 'SineeMur Ut N II Modi Bonded Abstracter iMf ClTT. act of Alatmt *«nki ta uiaatj S. A. ALLKX. D EmXTTiST. Liter cmr. - • see. Oier ip «tiu> ia tkr urf State Bu>k Uillier. W. L. MABCT. DEXT1ST, LOUP CITY, NEE* UmCE Kart S.4r Public Kuuue. HERBERT E. GOOCH & CO. Grain. Provisiuns and Stacks Private Win* Lerrrv. llt*u»e Wert td UAX‘ ■a hltf * HNrr» in NXetoiu i* T. A. CLARK, - MANAGER PI war II. J*t_ Paul.*. DU. J. U. OKEGti VETERINARY SURGEON I late WiUrd In L/>U(i < it>. a llii Ue intrttUrti of i»ra t*« inr Vrtcriia ri Nctfuuir >ur*rn and Itwtrtn. A11 ralfe prow|AJt atu-mled to da> or nlfl.t iVine >.■«- K I Core Nerve-Vital Weak Drains Rupture Stricture Vincpcflt, Rloed Roisof* Prteite mmtt i» mtr iva a > i i*m i ( n ap H t» I HKIIMI I I I KM T« all a lMB it a*! oarm: Tlm rowatatorf t|iHK«id U> re |Mt upum Umr iKtatiar »( nruia *smt- and tUm l;% to itir V iltac* at livam rfa: Tv >ktlr and ana l all Ua- part of Nonea 4ml in U* t lilac*- <-f iluant w U* ( oaati of Mmanaiii 'Uir < \«-Uca»Aa. from ■ Ur**- Midtind iKkfwua* nrt-l ui <■ at at (liiacu. burtiicua and Uuari iUiinad. atUdn xa*d Viliac* of Hazard. laloauutiaraMtl) fruai aid to ll*r aorUi oar of Batt iaar IL aorrdiog to time rr cuided |«ai at Toara or \ iiia«r at Hazard aiomaid. a* liar oax- no* af*4*rarv am liar WcortU Utrrruf to tiar An at liar emmmtf riert at arid ruuat): aha all at tUal foruua of < imum rural t» xaid To»n or VU1 are of Hazard, vert, of Ur alirf Thnrttc to olar-rr said ( .tuu« *U«rt taunnli xaid Motncai . aUo aii of ’>■»’ dmt or aikn J» u< Urtaeen h/jrk £»e .. and liar ngUt-of •a* of Ur f lilraf Barthytoa and ouinri Katiruad and ouacMrtmr mid Sion eti ■tnrl aid H»nfia> dftct ail in said Tomm or Village of Hazard. Ua» rr lurtod la fatur of Marti v*atk« and ail Aurthm tinrUi or rlaian for itimfn ■■( Ur tied ua lime u*rU and alley* »ill Ur raalid vrioul rtfcnnrr UaerrUt. laird Uux 3wii dai of June. IVld W. C. U W ■ Oerfc I) Cm* of u oecoot Office ’Phone. - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108 J. U . Kl KI.KK.II. U J.n.1 Pul. HYMENEAL Car I sen-Ceil lit announcement m«ived in this nt; TtiMhr. it i> ifirwd tiiat Mr. Carl f'. Carfcirn. cashier of the First >utf Bank <*f tlii^ city, took snap judgment on lii" friends some time MBot ami »:-•» married to Miss Estella «»eii of i loiaiii on May 18th, ISflO. I.a»t Saturday. Mr. <'arisen left here for a two months' trip to tlie coast, and it »i‘ sot until the announce ment* W• re received tiiat it was learned tiiat it «ts to tie his honey «* tour. Tiiey went from < imaha to I stiver and are to go to Uie cities on ti«e I tacit* mast. thence to Alaska and ifotne through Canada. Mr. Car;-*'® i» <>ar (rf U*e best represen tative* of tl»e young business men of centra! Nel*raska and ids liost of friends i«-re and else* lie re will tender their tieartiest congratulations -l»oo iiis eiii ranee into Lite ranks of happy benedicts Briggs- Benschoter A \V'4. See. II. T. 14. II. I<*. Allowed oil motion. A dikcutc laving arisen in llirri mm Ui»nvl,ij in regard to the |iun view said pro t- -ed roads ami settle said dispute ■« Friday. June 17th, and report | Uwir decision on tl* Niels Jensen Hud requested tiie Irani tliat lie he aiiowed to tile a . for damages on ttw establish ment of road No. in. along tlie sw *. , of See. CJW1 Granted * *fi tue4.ion tl.e Koad < ouiuiittee is to proceed Ui limi wlietiier (lie con ditions liaii been compiled w ith in re tard to road No. auind wlietiier tlie i laeuim of road prayed for Jan. I". 11*6. should now be vacated. said c •mmittee t< report at nest meeting. ‘ *n motion tlie lin k road petit ion | »a> ■:ran:»d ;* pray ed for sikI ordered estahnsjHsi. recorded and platted, and .latnaces al! wd as follows. I!. K 1 rteseti n1.. se1,. lo-l*-b.. #15: James l IIW **;. s»*4 11-14*1*. #15: Mwaid . Hum* S .. »e 4 #J1; J. « \ aw ter nw* 1 and n>. ne‘4 3-14-b; J. Augustine n1-' nw 3-14-K ! #3a. J. K. Whitaker was aiiowed lumber for a bridge as was promised him on the establish aient of road No. IT. on Nov in. IS**, to be placed in ne1, •cli-u. Ikiatd adjourned till Satur day. June 1‘ti. at v a. m W. C- I*ie jenchs, Countv Clerk. June iMh. ivlo County Hoard met pursuam. to adjournment of J une 13. ls*lo. Full bard present with acting * untv Attorney II. J. Nightingale and W. C Iheterichs. clerk. < hi motion tlie board unanimously »oted tliat tlie road prayed for in tlie 1 Hinran peiitkin in Harrison town sidp was tlie best of tlie two roads. »u l»ui«an and Idckersoa* and tlie hum* economically worked. Uk-re fore the road in tlie l»uncan petition was allowed a* (-rated for and ordered -stab.tidied patted and recorded, said to be P< feet wide ami damages I a. f< how-.: Anna Blodgett. uwynw<4 3HP1* #35: James C. Hill s -s. -u i*. #13: Willielm Kohls, n. ii* s-14-lfc. #5; Anna E. Iik'krrvKi. s*t ne'i •v-14-lt and %w *4 IT and ne*4 lt* CS: Jo in lleins. nw *4 IT U-In. ; #32 ' *u motion tlie llolw-rts consent ruad petition which prays for a road vet county line between Buffalo and Mieruian counties was aiiowed on condition that wlw>n Buffalo county establhditd a road along said line as (waved for in tlie Koberts petition. Uien it «tiall tie establfcdted in tills county - «*n motion tlie clerk was ordered to notify the authorities of City of Loup City tint tie County Hoard will make the city a present of tlie chains and liitrtiing p ~ts around tlie pub lic Wfuare in l^oup Cfcy to the City of Loup City, providing tlie city will keep tliew up in proper condition, or the buard wi l lave said posts and cioiits removed and sold to tlie high at bidder mode of hi days. Chair man of county lward to attend to this matter. The taxes on Lot ly, block 13 in L. & K. addition to Loup City and Lot 5 Block M original town of Loup City, not having been paid for 21 years, it is on motion hereby ordered by the Board that the County At torney forthwith commence action in district court of Sherman count/ for the foreclosure of the tax lien upon said lots. < *n motion board adjourned until , 1 o’clock p. m. W. C. IMeterichs, County Clerk. < 'ounty Board met at 1 o'clock p m pursuant to adjournment for dinner, al! present except C. J. Peters. E. A. Smith requested the County Board to furnish more vault room for his old records, as his storage room was inadequate. The board on motion allowed said request and authorized Chairman I»epew to hire part of the vault in the First Na tional Bank of Loup City at a rent al |>er annum of $12 and also on motion the county judge was author ized to remove such old records to -aid vault in said bank. < *n tie- request of County judge for a book case and typewriter desk for rise in his office, said request was on motion granted an’d the ( ounty .1 udge authorized to purchase said furni ture and charge to county. The Thode road petition was then allowed and ordered established, said r ad along the B. & M. right-of-way on County poor farm to l»e 4<» feet wide, rest of road full width anrl damages to land owners along said road allowed as follows: A. M. Bob bins nl-2nwl4 1- 15-15. $75: A. L. Zim merman sl-2.swl-4 5S-1K-15. $75. »*n motion tiie proper authorities in Loup City are ordered to remove the old land stand from public square in Loup City. Neb., as it is unsafe and a public nuisance. V resolution was on motion adopt 'd by the county hoard ordering the courtty clerk to give due notice to such persons who were sent to the hospital at Lincoln by the commis sioners of insanity of the county of Sherman to lie there treated for dipsomania, to re-imburse the county for said < \(iense, according to law. The following official bonds were approved. <\ II. Wall, road overseer. Harrison township: Peter Graick, road overseer. Loup City township: l»an MclHinaid. road overseer. Loup < 'ity tow nship. < >n motion C. II. French was given the job of mowing and cleaning up Lire court house square ill Loup City, and he is authorized to notify such p* rsons who pasture their horses on the lawn'of said square to desist from doing so under penalty of the law. < >n motion bond of Standard Bridge < o. of < fmalia was tabled pending in vest igation. The day set ity law for the county board to settle with county treasur-! er falls on the 4th of July, a legal, liolidav. therefore the board agreed ' to meet on the .'>th day of July. 1910. to make such settlement. The claims committee reported having allowed all claims. Aaron Wall and 11. J. Cole's claims were taken for taxes and .1. W. .Tone's claim was reduced *0. The Cnderwood Type writer Co. claim of $101.23 was al allowed at ***-">. and Clias. Gavrych claim of $16.50 reduced to $15 and clerk ordered to draw warrants on the respective funds. GENCtUL FUS'D: E. A. Smith, county judge. $26.31: L. A. Williams, sheriff. 234.57: T. C. Cliamberlain. 54: .lames Iluryta. 84: Ferdinand Schroll, H0.;C: Klopp & Itartlett. 45: A. Anderstrom. 3.75: C. W. Gibson. 4.50; A. S. Main. 9: L. E. Dickinson. 2.25: L. E. Dickinson. 27.30: J. F. Roberts, 54: Mrs Oscar Rurman. 4: John Maiefski. 114: Ham mond Stephens Co, 2.15: Henry Han sen. :»i: R. R. Raunard. 81.70; R. A. Henderson. **7t: L. W. ('alien. 102.52: Hammond & Stephens Co.. 1.75: Carl' de la Motte, 72: J. C. Wall. 93: Klopp j \ Rartlett. 1.(9): Clias. Govryck. 15: John A. l’eugh. 48: Cnderwood Type writer Co.. 05: A. J. Kearns. 8: A. Wall all for tax) 3.00: W. C. Diete riclis. 5.00: ('lias. Wprner. 2.50: Adam Rove, 2.00: Heulien Walker. 2.45: An hui Werner. 2.50: Lloyd Illy. 2.45: Mrs. Frank I’okorski. 2.: R. H. Hen drickson. county sup't.. 319.45: H.J. Johansen. 51.00: Hammond Stephens Co.. 3.70: (>. F. Petersen, county treasurer, in.hi: W. T. Owens. 90.00: L. A. Williams. 221.87: Dr. J. W. Jones, ls.00: Nebraska Hospital for the Insane. 108.50: J W. Rurleigli. 32.50. E. A Smith. 11.95: E. A. Smith. 18.70. II. J. Cole (all for tax) 1.00: H. J. Cole (all for tax' 1 60: D. C. Grow, l.lo: C. J. Peters. 22.00:Wenzel Ilewo linski. 21.70: Lewis Reehthold. 25.00: J. H. Weity, 22.00: Hiyo Aden. 21.90: j W. O. Rrown. 20.50: Henry Reck. 22: .1.1. Depew. 23.50: Niels Jensen Rud. 25.00: II. K. Friesen. 15.00: James C. Hill. 15.00: Edward Rurgess. 21.00: J W. Yawter. 50.00: Anna Rlodgett. 25.oii; c. J. Augustine. 25.00: James C. Hill. 12-ixt; Wilhelm Kohls, 5.00; Anna E. Dickerson. 225.00: John Heins. 22.00: A. M. Robbins. 75.00; A. L. Zimmerman, 75.00. ROAD fund: Jacob Albers. *2.40: August Reus hausen. 2.4<»: Henry Dunker. 2.40: Jacob *A liters. 4.20: Henry Dunker. 4.20: August Reuchausen. 4.20: Jacob Albers. 3.60: August Reushausen. Henry Dunker, 3.60: E. R. Corn ing. 22.t>0. BRIDGE FUND: S. II. Rranscomb (5.00 for tax) 8.10: George Heapy (2.80 for tax) 3.00: W. (). Rrown. 4.00: Henry Reck. 6.00: Ashton Lumber Co., 90.60. < »n motion board adjourned sine die. W. C. Dietericlis. County Clerk. DRUGS! DRUGS! AT Swanson & Lofholm Pharmacy Dealers in Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Sta tionery, Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Class, Etc PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED Cement Blocks We now have a large supply of Cement blocks on hand for_ We are now in position to put in Cement Sidewalks And guarantee to give good satisfaction We are ready to do all kinds of Call and Get our prices Loup City Cement Block Co. GUY STOUT, Manager. HAY TOOLS Are now the order of the day. Our stock is com plete and the prices are right. H Y U pSf-G ALLA WAY flDW. GO. Not Pioneer Life Let no man imagine he is going out to the frontier, when he goes into the Scotts Bluff country. He will find there everything that goes to make people comfortable and contented. There are good schools, clubs, churches, thrifty, growing towns, rural mail delivery, telephones. Plenty of Water When Needed Solves the problem of sure crops. Are you prejudiced against an irrigated country? Perhaps you don’t know anything about ir rigation. Why not go and see? Join us on one of our Excursions Every Tuesday We show you the Dams, Headgates. Canal. Sluiceway, Laterals full of water, growing crops, potato pits, new Sugar Facory. We give you Two DaYs of Information About that tamous valley. Make your plans to go soon. P. O. Reed, Loup City, Nebraska Associate Agent With PAYfiE Jp-VESTMENT eopiPAPY S. E. Corner 15th and Streets LAND MERCHANTS OMAHA. NEBRASKA —' •rnimi-J Hat is all somp people seem to knuw aimut the quality of shingles. If shingles were made just to spank children wltli almost any kind would d<’. but if you want to keep the rain out of your house for vcars without repair you will have to use a differ ent standard to judge by. Iff You Don't you certainly will be punished for your carelessness. About the worst punishment that a big. grown up man can receive is to know that he has been “stung”. Keystone Lumber Go. Yards at Loup City, Ashton. Rock ville, hehaupps and Arcadia, Neb. Linoleum Linoleum Has Advanced 6 to 10 cts. a Yard And its liable to go higher, but we have not raised the price much... 16-4 Running Yard 8-4 Square Yar«J... 10-4 Square Yard.. You had better take advantage of these prices before they go higher H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. $2.75 55c 55c &OW ROUND X’RIP RATES Beginning February l and. ending De cember 20, 1910» very low I fomeseekers* rates will be in effect the fi jrst and third Tuesdays of each month to the West and Northwest via the Union Psieific “The Safe Road to TrivdT Dining car meal* and service *‘]3est in th* World.” Ask about our personally conducted tours to YeUoastone National I'ark. For full information, address yomr Local or Q. W. COLLI PRIEST