HE RELATION OF RAILROAD RATES TO GENERAL BUSINESS. t*n E_« '«m Vo cal *rr ton otyoctlonato]* as advaae* a " *«** «*y *!««. ;er»OBXi j m* *J*t r'-co«*:xr ttoal u. tffitw r»*t ss (Mol to-iaea. ia ge-pet. *® * »«*■■ iw of operating and • --ncia: rondvttoiCH of tto* railroad* £*'■ *to* <->*Tatj®g rwult* are taont ~ r—rtofai lui( la tiaflly seen toy • w latent iNTE* STATE OOKliacE r*V MISSION' report*. nkicto thtrw ttoat for tto* mam* tbontto* ceded April “*** - *■’•* *♦ * railroad ifMesaa, all ******* Wtto of a lac dra.c trmm ‘t-i**go tm St Lmm. rontfond nttto *tor taaw road* for ttoc aatsr petted ia ttoc preraan tear, toad tbrtr green •*** ret increased about *" -** «uto. »tettc ttoeir pet wn*a— »to«d a de r-ca*c if SZ.3cta.ate.aa. aad for ttoc tt-cotto of Ifareh. on ttoc cotaforj •** tS*T atom aa .aercaac td ST .aaa - •** te to pom and a dccrcaae of fJcZ,«da te to net caratec* Attcetn* to calkd to ttoc fact that **• *“***• increase*. < except a ratal! atimiiat-t net it fore* dating ttoi* J«-r*«d and Iran non on itoo «.u C--a*ly tacrew ttoe operating coot Ttow **tne rail road* toad ttoeir taxer Taercared orer ttoc inexjoar year ■**•■**' *’•- or If. and bare to pay l-*ber rater of latere** rm ttortr kotos Ttotec roads eanertag ttoe o»*wt pro*. *“ rna* jnrt of ttoc co®atry as; be ron *■* 'ed r>t r» annttite of ge acral rail road ettodittona l*iirtsg ttoc gnat "tree year* of poor : "in tnnaa. fltotniod exponditaate tor natotaJaaerc »ere pc ooosanrily at ■ toe orert pednt and :a ronacgacaoc ttoeir tSKi-**e t»«cr tea.’;«&*«! and track, dctnng a greater pcpartna of * >tra.;tag exp*ace !m> proiuiac *»«*■ '.-on «*■ t. being made tor ttoc growing «-**fca* «< ttoc rwarry. and a* naa» ;«siat:»on to ftoe backbone of tuatiw oi "■•J tr'toer randlten. toccaaac ail prte v tm are caiaatie to ttoc ratio »1tto * tie* ttoeir ancasitoiiiry tn ttoe tn •-adag market n » BOK Wpanaat to tkr »kt;.prr fkot railroad* at all ib« *r* tally HT-ipt—d to tab* car* af aa atrreaa* ct l'-» kimtaraa Tkr firtl * tr* harr nr* fOTSsitiad tkr*. to *-»«* aaalStalk tketr • -t jasr^e If tkr 'kra rotmr of t ««Pt to ra»* back rappi* tested It tkr tm }tin grwatk of tkr aatiwy a :ke iatertai — Tiipnrn • »«"-* kr I—iy* « and a feat ««*sJd '.tut root, tkr •kipper rasiaiH »"k a roaaaiirki* advaarr J* frH*kt rar-a a< * Si a tu. a f -ct" to dnaaad 'k*t traaeportanad k* UBW* Ckd r€*rtr«* tkr BOTTOM of ti* hectare* cad tkr de-fHcipaseBt of tk* cosatry at* a*tr*4*ef aa it "'** irmaar: To do ttia. 'b* ran road maac «keo adr-qnatr return* to r*u rata.* ;«jrt lonwass* --rdf aad • —rarat a ; barter koa *rvat tk* t**k of tkr «kt}«pr* or tkr cwosuy Buy 'kr io'-i aE tk* ary****** root of oy* rratBoa ayyHtrrtf ky rarr k '"art** aad t-~«5 atrtat ryaia'lv* t *tr -tioM t* 'k-tr rara**» »* far* of tk* fact rkai tkr itrrv datdrad r»tr ua raflrtod* aa* in* tkaa 3% pr- real lor tkr foot o:t year* aad tkr It -*d **atr» Supreme ♦«■**' 12 'tkr eaor of tkr CkMakdalad Car 'cttjoaf r'ifrd tkat t prr rrat •’aa a fair r*~err a* a—B»y tarected Be patdk »*1 l-» ” a r*k tkr aacragr f'-irt* rat# la ':*•*» of three doaner* of a -t pry toe. p*-r a.-*. *kr rant aa t o* >-a*a tk* tt-rif* ;aorrc*rr ratr p*r ti-io. oar aad t-io* •- j.-k» crotr tk* to*hr rr«y rra'knd la It aay ate “ dr* *ka( (kr ataoator koldp hark aad *k* Haakr*» d*«uPd kick tatrrrat ra'r* "•* tk* ratlnodr* Tk*'railroad* krrd l; Hr • «- «■» «H> to pa* »kr:r dors la perpre raadtOcd. aad id larrraor tkrir tmadoal far !«»*» at aS potau tt*' *r* *»*r o , * irersrity aad • •• for -*»dera *ra inodre lower and equipment to move 'bey freigp- wiib protrp'nes* and econ oay «bere can they get the money? -r increased ea-n:ngs from ad vanced ratea. and by so doing better 'bey credit by attracting the uniavest 'd dollars that are no-* going to other Attractive but leas productive in vestments. Wttat will the advance cost the Ub Tat* Consumerf Hoar * Manual says the average haul of ail freight in 1SK»8 • as 142 m e» The average rate in - *** three-fottrths of a cent per to® per mile The average ’otal rate for the aver age u*tal haui assuming h to be the same as lh*» mould be iig per ton. A* advance of l«r; ot this rate mould increase the cost 19 tents per ton. **■ MW of a cent per pound. An ad t*s<* 14* ao the present specific re'*-* mould increase the cost of 100 pound* dressed beef in New York, ■tipped from Ch.tagt. 44 cents; 100 pound* canned fish in S'. Louis, shipped from Maine. 1 b 10 cents; 100 pounds Sour in New York, from Min nespoti*. 2 cent*. a suit of clothes in Chicago, from i-osion. 4 cent; the same for a woman's suit. On a man s outfit coat, trousers th:»-s and hat. vem hagland to Mississippi Valley, not to exceed 1 cent The T'itimate < •nsumer tan multiply these illustra •.<** ;pd»-finitely The manufacturer. 1 her and retainer could easily ai«sorb this slight advance because, if his business increased but one unit, that would m-are than pay the increased oust an one hundred units Kai road net earning* thus increased, ■be railroads mould have a read* mar set for their seenr.•*—*. and with the money thus obtained again start all the business and industries now -ora para'iv-;* »dk that are c:rect‘y or in cireetly dependent on their property Th- working men would be fully em :■ Jed. to- ir ‘au-Pies would again pur hsne free y. and that means good bartntss for everyone There are railroad em ployee* It takes 2 **••. m-c to sup ply what the railroad* need, and a vast i vftter of met. are «-mp.c>yed tn sup ' *»f ’he personal needs of 'he above 4 •• »• -dm men and their families rep resenting l««<**e* people Every t'.ad off baaiaes* is de-pendent In some measure on railroad pnosperfy *1 'S* cost of l- u* L.gh everything There fore the 1 'ltnate Consumer aud the State and Xartonal Governments shou.d • interested :a developing land that *E1 produce bountiful food products. Half of the country vest of the Mis sissippi Is not used, and mil] not be -ntil covered mfth railroads Who mould mant to build mads te aproduc lands *h- c those In cultivated ©out try mill barely joy the lcme*T rate of Interest. and the emners and man uge r» are b- irg harassed and cia..gned as tn no other business * This condition «l!l only improve when 'he business n ut. realties that tfc- investor does not provide the •©wee of Lis omn investments He walls for you to do that in some de sirahle form By your individually let ' t g 'Mtp drift, ml doing nothing. ■ o-r :• tu-istor. mi'h no business eg pertence hearing no advice and receiv ing no ctreg-ad • mould from you (quite likely you do not even knom his name . lis '•-tis to the only voices heard. the agi tator or the aggressive shipper »hose *vems of the business morld are ob tained by looking out of the small ho,- of a funnel directed at his omn plug' ui.<' usrious of other conditions of far more importance to his omn t urines* thun the freight rates Such men as these by their vociferoim vigor, have s-irred up a popular at,'.(-corpora , — X* a Yurt Trtoaa* Lr taae-t-a.. Tr**a. tria wtt*!i.n>m to**r*» aa4 to* hto aw ai to *«>r >«4 at In*an if at aB Ttor* la aot tto •a*»t**t oar ia a auat * panttg a Isur. rw tot to to* eoaetry Hr aar a* •*!' *o ttor* WK!v a*< to *o ta a towr? Hr alii n***r a** tor rtaga try Hr arts tor* a j*-r< »jty>a. so toll” of ferffrruaa at! (TMt. of «r**». .ato* at.4 ati*at f»eta«*a. j*t fckto of » - w aa4 rorfca. of tin awa Kaaaa nrt ao toward mafciac tor rv«aatri. tot tto eaamry rtartf to wtB tri.f aa* —Cuaatry Parana. Mfoata a*r-*e, Tkat farir ltd Kartonr a to Laa married 1 • —HU.aatoi.—I rraJlj totak ytn4 to toWtor^tf jaamaS m mat, Mafmtm—Hr wtn tor* kaa altrr a to* mn alto a* -Strap Stan*a be*** &„c» Flying Machine. Ati Inst soman. Mine Lillian E. Plane has de»igs*d and built for her self a b ; in#- glider ?» feet a ide. Several sat isfartory glides have been at < oe.plit-L.ed srith the machine, con t retted from the ground by rope* The •if:« and propeller* sill be fitted laker «hoi the Boss* A Ivostot. professional man went out re*s' y and on his return found this note from his stenographer who had evidently been house cleaning. “Jf I'm not la by r !ne It's because f am at the den'isf. probably, but ft j may be that I n, at home sick with I al kinds of diseas*, that one catches from dirt germs If that's the reason, you tare no kick coming at all. be cause your old desk was a mess You caa be fixing ur> that pile of letters and ne all! answer them right off. Them * my orders." Just as Good as Seeing. "la it true that eighties* people can tell the color of things by touch?" someone asked a blind man "Occasionally yes." came the an ewer if. for instance. I touched a red hot poker. 1 could tell it was red!" Cheap Mexican Cigarettes. Home-made cigarettes sell in Mex ico for 1 to 24 cents a package of 14 to It Even the three-cent grade la aaid to compare favorably with the lft. M and IVcent grades la the ruled States. Mourning^ Apparel THE death of England's king ibrows | nearly all the courts of Europe ! into mourning and in consequence ! the subjects of mourning apparel and mourning etiquette are up for con .-ideration more generally than lor many years Customs change slowly, especially those which rule in matters of greatest moment. Rules of eti quette governing in the event* of deaib. marriage, births and social functions of high importance have all been carefully thought out and are the f if JmmM* j »'i /hep*rmtni - \ lo fit ( *\ JM - I lit r/ww 1 J«C fift-wr f i\l --- ;•*; A perfect Remedy f or Cons tips lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea vj; Worms .Convulsions .Feverish* ness and LOSS OF SLEEP l - - ‘t;; ! Fac Simile Signature of 'iV I-' - O i The Centaur Company. ^ NEW YORK. ^^Guaranteed under the Fooda; Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought ' i I Thirty Years Think of Last Summer-* You can remember days when the heat inside your kitchen was so great you could hardly bear it. With the right stove you would have made a better hostess. Save your health. Don’t put up with the drudgery' of a coal range. You can have a clean, cool, pleasant kitchen. The Ndy^Pcr/Sctioit Oil Cook-stove does sway witn ail drudgery of r cooking. Why should you be a slave to a coal range when yea can have an 03 Cook-Stove that is cheaper than coal, cleaner than coal, doesn't “smell," doesn't smoke, lights instantly, can he put out instar dy, Ira ve» no ashes, and decsal beat the kbeben. With one of these stoves you can boil, bake or roast the most elaborate din net. You can change from a slow to a qtre’e ■fire, or the other way about, by simpiy turning a wick. Apply a match, and in stantly the heat from an intense blue flame shoots upward through the tur quoise-blue enamel chimneys to the bottom cf pot. kettle or oven —but no where else. The stove has ev” 7 conve nience that can be thought of: Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping food and dishes hot. drop shelves to hold cofiee # —_-_ II a OT **p°*s- low'‘ ln «« 9 I " convenience possible. that the name - plata B The nickel finish, with the bricht blue «4 reads rJew Perfection." B the chimneya, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1 i and 3 burners ; the t and 3-burner stoves can be bad with or without Cabinet. Kvsry dealer everywhere. If doc at years, write lor Descriptive Circular to the uarm acescy cX ika Standard Oil Company __ (l»eT»nr1«.«) Tongue Twithter Thimplified. "Some of these tongue twisters are really very hard to enunciate, for in stance: 'The sea ceaseth, and it suf fieeth us.'" "That'th eathily thaid." liihplngly thmiled Mithth Elithaheth. "You thimply thay it tho: The thea theatb eth. and it thuffitheth uth’.'"—Life. A Smooth One. “You say he was brought up in a re fining atmosphere?” "Yes; as a boy he lived in the oil districts of Pennsylvania.” Nebraska Directory THE GREAT GAIN HAY TOOLS ARE THE BEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. WELDING(WT0 CEN0US> w ™ ■ ■ w \5i this process all broken parts of machinery made food as new. Welds east iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or any other metal. Expert automobile repeirinf. BERTSCHY MOTOR CO.. Council Bluff*. A*. Spiesberger & Son Co. Wholesale Millinery rw Boat In the Best ONI AH A, NEB. STACK SCOTT TENT A AWNINGS COMPANY 314-16 South 12th Street Omaha. Neb. mUPTONSi'S! Room. fro. »i.o# „p sjnpjetj5crnU| Rp doub“ PRICES reasonable RUBBER GOOBS *T m»u at cat price*. Sena for free catalogue MYERS* DILLON DRUG CO., Omaha, Neb. KODAX FINISHING .M . /- r attention. All supplies for the Amateur strictly Je^Setm tor eatalopue and finishfn* priced ™* KwaT£KK?s»!c° TYPEWRITERS A •* standard Make*. roi,i t»r rrote.i rJJ: ipp.ied If too purebaee. ' aer tne. .Mnped anrmh.-r ” TT’I/JrJi i°—required. Wntefer >-• .log 1*2 N«£2h«.V.PE?,,<,Te" EXCH«NGE ^ *** North llth Straet Lincoln, Neb. Get the best Your dealer caa eupply jou with our brand. Your las of hay will more than pay. OMAHA TENT ft AWNING CO. a a Car. IHb A Hamer St*._- n,h WESTERN CANADA What Covornor D«mm. of IRtnols, Says About Its ~ TDasean. of Illinois, awns a rea '» of !&nd in Oscals. Bahasbai* in Inn muarrien: » | **As sn Anfrifw X as * da ickteJ to me she pa- * Btrk»f.Ja progress of j iS wtrni Canada. Our J pe'?i#»rr? vt-.:g*rn«* .* iha bctnd.v? in tftc* and 1 ham in ms me vHo admitted k ha had ram a a a i.-ruke. . The? am all dotn* aail. 1 There is mare*— a roa raanit? in the Middle or Wau.«« th.i fc. — an* B rrpwwnt>t:t» ) n MkH tota. Saskatchewan or Alberta." 125 MfliMi Besfceb of - Wheat n IMS ^Jratara Canada fled crops foe J *iII e*si*» »»e'd t o the tsra*- t *r fll70.000.000 (M> tn c tdi. *>ee Homesteads of 1 flo acres, i and pre-emptions of IPO acres 1 f* W-W) an acre. ha. wax and land Oompeciss hara laud for sate at resenaahle one**. Manr farm era hare paid for th-ir lewd oat of •»** crop. Bplenmd climate, exod rhwk excellent railway facttUic*. low freight rates, wood, water worm mu ' (1) Work While < You Seep Millions of people have CAS> CARETS do Health work for them. If yon have never tried , this gnat health maker—Get a 10c box—and yon will never use any other bowel medicine. kj CASCARETS foe a box for a week's treatment, alldromti Btrweat «ar.ie» in toe woruL Miilaoa boat*a STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality: rr-’s aid ^ faite fa-rs »»r anirn« l*<>ua'lit «>n orders. Tens of Tnon^ads to Reiect front. Sa: 1 * v>r. Gca* amenl (\*rrrv;x>u«lenrf lavtird Come and sec for yourwil National Live Stock Com. Co. At either nnusOty.Mo. St. Jascpk.M». S. On£'-1.NeK DAISY FLY KILLER £T;s£3r£ EDEC Hill Sa^gja^o^ssK teaknu. a. k ■—-*c*7*SiiS£X/3EiI W. N. U„ OMAHA. NO. 27-1»Mw