The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 23, 1910, Image 4

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    _Celebrate Your FOURTH OF JULY this year at JENNER’S PARK, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA_
Professional Cards
Practice* in all Courts
Loup Citr, Xeb
A»i Badri AtMOttor.
L*up City. Nebraska
Office. Over New Bank
Im«ur* of T- ■ OeMni
Loup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
'*« at KejAarr
Tetrfdtum • • OMt-Ur
'MreaMWN 11 Mead
Bonded Abstracter
Lucr Cm. - Normia.
ObIt art of AMm: booktucMBtj
IjOtf ‘ ITT - - NEB.
•After up *tain is lit«- Bev Stair
But IftiMtaf.
W. L. MAk( Y.
OFFICE: E*»t Sad* PoiaUc Sauefe.
FUm Manx
flfoub»ir* mmA tftrrnlrr% .»
Crain. Prnvisiuns and
f'maie Wtm House
•at of « Ur«(v
n Hfl; <Mkw in StiesU.1 i»
FUnt I* st Fmul. W»r.
I Uk ktcMOni in Loup < 'it>. »iUi
tiar nitmUtai of ioj* Vrteriia
rj NHidat »m*hi end I*mti»tr>
Ak ^ }<•;. aunuM to d»> or
«jr»il h«ne >«-K
I Core Nerve-Vital Debility Weak
ACM. Drama Rupture. Stricture.
Varicocele. Blood Poison Private
Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men
» U< Hk torsi If V4M J
tari-wriPr * «u. ctoPr k
**i-*.*S tbr> ftoii
•* *. rw •» >i >*
Ml ouaur 1MT .
■ »l *i. K*
llfti r^r;»gf ■
i afirf aui otto- |
■ ■
L > *pr-» .toil y for
if )«*« raftbut |
• MI m- jrrwitoakll)
To ail aUta it naa> ctarern
TV ru«aiM>nrr app> Hilled to
karate a rod ruttittitirini at the
«d S**-t*<m II and
and ttorthneut corner of Section 13
and rmntr.g U«rt»r mmIL brtami
sni n 13 and I* and Irlateii Sec
tion S and section 21 and larlaeeti
Section* 33 and and between 33
and 3i> on traveled road. maiin^ a
entail brndand terminating at county
Unc betueea Sherman and Buffalo
county bec»tabti*lted. Hazard town
dup ba» reported in favor of One
nuUbliSKM tlenwf and ail objec
tion* thereto or claim* for damace*
<uu*t tar filed in liar county clerk'*
office on or before noon of Uae 3uUi
day of Aufud. I*|m. or *«arh road
• ill br eutabltehed uiliaoUt reference
Itated tiii* 3"li day of June. brio.
W. C. IhrruiK H*. i ounty Clerk.
[Lawl pub July U]
can* .• a* eua mi i r ran i * *«**aca
Oflk«'Phone, * - - 6 on 108
Ri** dnnoe 'Phone. - 2 on 108
3 W. Kl KI.KII.H. U a awl Pul.
<.'i* * * .a *i*ef/* r ha* officially ar
nouncnd #•* trhi wi rah an *i*n **•*
*»•<* «d the jejr^'a* ui*. although ad
•.KUtf tie au in faror cd the ii.itia
iHt and referendum
Znn. Germany. May 54>h. lkio.—
At - 1« o'ckvk Saturday rooming
Mar >th me mere at U«r Munich de
pot macrw»l of several hundred
tourist* ail intent on rea> Ling < *ber
an.mergau at tie earlis-st possible
moment. so a* U> complete all prelimi
naries tomard -ring seat' for the
• l*a**u>nspei.*' of the morrow . When
tbe gates at *i.e stalke mere opened,
a ~-.rgn»g mass of humanity struggled
to secure an early entry and tlien
after tilling tiie provided train full
tiiere mere Three more oar- added
te-f re me Sully ieft the station.
* »ur train ma» tie second of fully a
d nm during tie day. The train ran
in a s.’jtieru txiurs*- for some •<’
rr.lies, ti.en.-e me-t along tie edge of
a beautiful i.ttie ake. armund the
l«ase of a high mountain. 14*f miles
furt:s-r and «derail n • rgau burst on
< -r vis) nestled m tiie iiead of a
»j«ie va.iey. almost entirely sur
maM by tail mountain peaks. - no
of mitich men* covered with a mantle
of sjK.m, Tiie trst j«eak claiming at
tention »»- Kofe with its huge
r -e f ». ring ' ene t-»' or *»■* feet
above ti* t »n v\ ,.-n me arrived at
ti.e statiro me mere met by a motley
ass. ably • f tiie inhabitants. some
nearing tiie <|uaint costume of the
n. j_ntasn Tyrolese, with a large
featiier djcli in tiie lat. a roulti
cokired vest and l.ighly colored trouv1
ers cot sl< si,, ct tiiat tiie knees mere
bare, midle t! e green and whitest* k
ing coming just below tiie knee and
disappearing into tiie top of llieir
i.eavy -nur gave unui a
juairtt ap[«-araree Ti*-n a number
< f tiie -iienhad nr hairand beard
n re than a year - growth, which is
one of tiie requisites f>»r an oppor
tunity to perform in tiie play. One
of tlie-e iong-iuured king-bearded men
t • 4 our trnp and conducted u- to
Uie"I*a—i-i*i-peii Committee" ami we
were assignee to tl<e home of Herman
s- iiiirt • r. who i- ne of Tie 1st violin
!-•' in tiie of'ie-stra of forty, bis son
te-mg one -f t t,e clarinet players and
tie* girl waiting •« tlie table one of
tie actor- in tie- -tage We were a— :
-.gned a ouple of seat- in tlie 12tli
row from tie-stage directly in tlie
enter *f tie- imroen-e iron truss!
l-ui>ding. in wim h the seating tioor
i- lililur feet and each row of -eats j
rai-ed at* 'Ut three inches higher
Uian Lite one in front, with an open
end toward tiie north, outside of this |
ti-. ling i- an -pen stage clear across
the ml and about ->* feet in depth :
in front of t m-enclosed pan in which
tbe -enery is hung, the • -enter sec- j
ti n being rtted up in regular stage !
-tyle. < *ti tlie oul-ide of thi- center
—ti'jn appeared what was used a
tlie streets of Jerusalem about !•
feet on either side, tlien beyond tliat
on one end »a- Um- liouse of 1’ilate
and tlie liou*»- of Annas on tlie oUier.
At m-K Sunday morning we
wen- awakened by Uie ringing of tlie i
ciiurrli beiltand at 7:*» the cannon
’.red Uiree quick sliots. and tlie
people te-gan to -tream into tlie J
Uieatre. ami when tiie cannon again
bo mu i 'il I ■ . .ay to begin at - j
O'clock every seat was tilled about
» -• *• and in re than J-"**' -tranger
were jeft outwide to walk tlie streets
until Um- repetition to be given on ‘
t im- iii -rri>w. Tiie first ne was tlie
IT- -gi-t and to selected volce-. to
wn 12 sc pram *s. \2 altos. » tenor-;
and * La—e- which comprise the
d. -ru-. Tine singers were dressed
in Uie richest of 1 toman costumes!
a»»d each with mog streaming hair
and tlie u-n old enough with long j
heard- Tlii- chorus was one of the
w. ndcrful feature, of the play, it;
♦* ing «« ta-iirel. with nurab-r- of
.j.M-ndid sdo voices in each [art. ami
tim- wonder of alt was Jacob Hut/., j
U •- -cadcr <-f tiie chorus, who al
U ugh <4.: years of age. has a most
uiagnilicenl solo or cliorus voice.
- :ue 1 - or •_*"
times tlie efiUre performance,
and tiiii time they appeared some
living taloeau wa- given, some of the
.^bps te iiemg "Tlie Son. of Jacob
oinspire agaiti-t J jseph". "Joseph
- Id into Homiage". "Tlie departure
A Tobias from iiis borne". " Vashti
r* juried and K-tlier chosen tjueen",
Tim- Mar-ruin lineWilderness". "The
<1 rains hr -ght fr -m< anaan". * Sam
r« destroying tiie Temple", etc.,etc.
In Um-sc tableaus tlie variety of cos
-ume. Uie posing, immobility, length
of time and realistic detail were per
fectly wonderful. Then the balance
of tlie play wa. tlie history of Christ
from Um- time he appeared iu Jerusa
lem riding on an ass led by the be
loved diwiple John, when he was
met by the multitude with waving;
pa: m branches, hi. overturning of the
ware- of tie- traders in tlie temple
and Uiey togeUier with the high
priests manifested a constant in
osterit zeal in -c-uring his conviction
ami cruciliction after his betrayal by
Joda-. with Um- aid of tlie influence
of < aaaphas and Arina- which both
1‘iiate ami Herod, each in turn tried
U> avoid, but finally, politician like,
leiwcd to Um- request of the majority
and Um- i.arch through the street- of
U* city, staggering under the load of
Uie cross relieved by Simon, and
tnaily Um- nailing tzi the cro-s. rais
ing it up into it. socket between the
two rubber-, tlie piercing of his side i
Infiii MiiMii HpuriHi iiK? uhmid. iiiak
BtlflC tiiis part of tlie scene horribly
realistic, tin- taking down of tlie body
fr-.iu Uir cmw lad placing it in the
tomb. Uie bursting of tlie Uilnb. tlie
appearance ami talk with Marv Mag
dalene ami tie linal ascension was
wonderfully true to life. Anton
Lang a* tlie Christ, was a liiing
image of Ue-picture' of Uie Christ
a* sliown in I looks ami acted tlie part
in a <"bristly manner, but tlie oub
'banding ligure in tlie play, on ac
count of his conception ami delivery
of Uie part was Judas, acted by
Johann /.wink, a painter, in the
cruritirUod seem- Anton Lang hung
upon Uie cross for Is minutes am] to
all appearances from tlie audience
was lie Id Uie re by Uie nails through
his hands ami ieet The morning
session lasted until 11:45. when we
were dismissed for dinner arid tlie
afternoon session began at 1:45 and
ci-ised at In the audience were
many notable characters, among
•bom were Uie King and ljueen of
Sweden and a Bishop high In rank in
Uie Homan Catholic church. Five
traiu- were run bark to Munich im
mediately after Uie plav closed, but
it scarcely seemed to diminish the
crowds in Uie narrow streets of the
1 Ullage and at s o’clock that night it
was stated that more than J.ouo
ticket* were reserved for the |>er
f or malice on Uie morrow. Tlie origi
nal intention of Uie committee was
I ui give Uie play eiery Sunday from
Uie middle of May until Uie'middle
of September, with Wednesday plays
during Uie monUis of Juiv and Aug
ust. w iicn tlie great crowd of tourists
were eipected. but the arrangements
are such Uiat should more |>eople
apply for anv one act than tie seated.
Uie piai will be repeated on Uie
morrow. Tlie mode of selecting the
persons for Uie characters of tlie
piav is very interesting, but would
make Uiis article too long, but suffice
tn say. Uiat no married woman is
allowed to take parts Tlie only reason
Riven that 1 heard was that they
must look after the feeding of the
visitors as their part in the success
of the enterprise. The charges for
very ordinary hotel fare i- ?.'» per day.
W. R. Mkllok.
The Loup City Mills
will pay Omaha price for
a few loads of oats or
rye E. C. Taylor,
Free! Free!
I • ginning July 1st. I will give fr««
witi every dozen of my ls-st pictures
a beautiful celluloid medallion. A
few years ago I put out a great many
of these prettv little souvenirs and
all who were fortunate enough to
s.- ure one will testify to tlieir dura
1. it; and beauty.
Edgar Draper.
Try M. Xickolaus. the drayman,
for c)ui«k and satisfactory service.
Loav. orders at tlie Key stone. Lein
inger s >r Taylor's elevator, or phone
his residence. *. on lot.
K. of P. Memorial Program
Marmion Lodge No. Ill K. of P.,
bv order of the Grand Chancellor,
will observe their Memorial I'ay at
the Opera House Sunday afternoon.
JunetMth. Knights and their fami
lies are earnestly requested to be
present and the public is cordially
invited. Program as follows:
Instrumental solo - Miss Odendahl
Invocation - - Rev. \\\ C. Harper
Quartet Messrs.Johnson and Allen:
MissesLiuieand Florence Leininger
Address - Knight Robt. P. Starr
Solo - - - - Mrs. Herbert Watts
Address - - - Knight J. S. Pedler
Recitation.Miss Byers
Quartet. Messrs. Smith and Johnson
M isses Addieand Florence Leininger
Address - - - - Knight A. Wall
Quartet. Messrs. Allen and Johnson
Mi»esLi/jr.ieandFlorence Leininger
All Knights, members of Marmion
lodge or \ idling Knights are request
ed to meet at their Castle Hall Sun
day afternoon. June 26th. at 1:30 p.
m.. prompt. All Knights having
badges in their possession, la? sure
and bring them to Castle Hall for
use upon that occasion.
A. J. Johnson. C. C.
Swanson & Lofholm Pharmacy
Dealers in
Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Sta
tionery. Sundries. Paints. Oils. Varnishes.
Brushes, Class. Etc
Has Advanced
6 to 10 cts. a Yard
And its liable to go higher, but we
have not raised the price much...
16-4 Running Yard. .$2,751
8-4 Square Yard.55C
10-4 Square Yard. .55c
You had better take advantage of
these prices before they go higher
H. P. Fcrdinandt Furniture Co.
We now have a large supply of
Cement blocks on hand for_
* We are now in position to put in
Cement Sidewalks
And guarantee to give good satisfaction
Call and Get our prices
Loup City Cement Block Co.
GUY STOUT, Manager.
Beginning February l and ending De
_ i
eember 20,1910, very low Homeseekers’
rates will be in effect the first and third
Tuesdays of each month to the West
and Northwest via the
Union Pacific
“The Safe Road to Travel”
Dining car meals and service “Best in the World.”
Ask about our personally conducted tours to Yellowstone National Park.
For full information, address your Local Agent or
Are now the order of the day. Our stock is com
plete and the prices are right.
| TUESDAY,JUNE 28,’! j
t is the i
| Next Excursion to the \
1 Famous ScottsBIuff Country l
Only a few more trips and the land xor sale
there will all be gone.
We have a better irrigated land country
than around Greeley or Fort Collins Why do
I know? By talking with land owners from there
who are coming to Scotts Bluffs and buying land
now, as they realize and know they are getting
in on the ground floor and at the ordinary dry
land prices, while the land there is worth from
$150 to $300 per acre.
Don’t say or think you are too busy to go
now, but will go later. Get busy and
as you have plenty of time to arrange, and you
will never regret the trip. Respt. yours,
P. O. Reed, Loup City, Nebraska
Associate Agent With
S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam Streets
“BRAIN,” NO. 58929
3 Years Old, a Dark, Dapple Cray. Weight I9CC Pounds
Owned by Mellor & Johnson
SEASONMondays, Fridays and Saturdays, St. Elmo Barn, in charge of H. J. Johansen: bul
ance of each week at their farm, northeast of Loup City.
TERMS OF SERVICE. 15.00 to insure mare with foal: *20 00 to insure colt to stand
and suck. If mare is traded, sold or removed from county, foal bill «>f same will become d e
and I will expect immediate settlement. Care will be taken to prevent accident, but will i -1
be responsible should any occur.