Lose Tour Money And It’s Cone But if you lose your check book, we will give you another. In this lies the safety of paying all bills by check on this bank Your money is se cure. yet ready to use as you require it, and your check forms the best possible receipt You are tempting the hold-up man, so long as you carry a roll of bills Better carry your cash in this bank and rest easy. The oldest largest in cash resources and most carefully managed bank in Sherman county. The First National Bank, Loup City, Nebraska THE NORTHWESTERN TIirUM'AY. MAY lv. i»l4> A Fen Xarkrt Ooidatiun*. Con. »rr be.... ...... Jk» Xt«eat- per be .»» J& (»»>. pt.’Ue .. __ .3*0 -T. By*, per tan Butter, per lb. K^r*. per to_ . __ .IS Hen- per lb...... (v bp-.nr citkke*. per ib_ enoay. May !'< s.iciu rain in tbe I f rm>io. clear and narai in ti»e ” af:» m <• *c. *5 ■»'!*> Vaj !*- 4 jdy and d:— ay-• at- - a day. T. -—day May IT A .car and piea> ir. u -ire—ia;. May I*- A Tear in au-m ir>. jsini; op aid. hiding am j p — de-: -i-tratKin- from Mr. 4 met a: nnebt. T si -nine. clear and p mm tit nit:. £. n mliilil. Time is Money. But a wateto from a Reliable" Jewitr and always tor on time. Henry M. Eisner. LOCAL NEWS. • ■ 'it - dai. L H ',ai r does a kinds >f repair work *>. aunt, jonr bouse ■ itti ■bite lend aac anc Take > :r idkxto Bennett and ret t rr uri-esi market price \ti- met Nishtinga.e i.ad legal uuesnesr at Asbton >esteriaj. I* i o j «am rour bo us* painted?' s: zm. — mint* lead awl nr Bargain' in Town Property f«r arr by E «i Taylor. F - t-e beet out in Use »ay of « *ea* separators see T M. Reed T» s et«B-f t *rp*iington roosteia ! ■* s»«e f*b *K. 1-k :aw» L l»EE It;., ^uarant-e -4c for better fat 1 text and pat cash A. E. (kist I* . _ er: a drat in a hinny and g, - _j « w *». see >te»art C.trueer I i. x r x*.t m xii fa: bars b mark*-! M ’»da» that netted him •131 A. pr.iprtat* » on aiencemer.i rifts at s»t!Koaa L *1. >'.n.» A*» lobe S4i WB. Time is Money. Buy a watch from a Reliable -le*. ier arid always tie time Henry M. Eisner. :«mr* :t pav»t,.e highest market price for l.id< ~ 1 a; and see T. M. Reed for Ma nure Spreaders .a »r.i •- n sale at Con 1 is- r's ev- n si- arday. H.g:--- , e aid for your (iih kens at Lee Bros. fra s-- nd-l.a-.d . . k or gasoline Hen -a., m L H I M • . s - win inu.ls. pumps an i a g» ri* ra .tie of supplies. Mrs Henry French returned liome to K t r< - k Tuesday morning. s: '* ‘ .» pa.i. • r. a", white lead ati a-. ! " . g: .e > ■ . figures. MiANTED~ti .• ... .'acres a: . an - re. ' nn W. Long « ?i. ;s r .a- specials ii sale every vi r ia> >. nan-! -• e. >a. u rday . Mr» Math- w nas specials on sale fr . M ti iay : ~.g . : .lay nights ii.l every day. stork .ast week finished re painting the buildings on the farm of Wm. Hancock. f ay i'aist came in from Omaha ast Friday evening for a few days' visit with friends Tne Loup City Mills are now mak ing their ,«n rye flour. Ask for it « iien you bur rye flour. ’net: s meat market is the place t get juiciest of steaks fish, oysters and everything in his line Mr- Isaac I*avenport went to >t l*aul last Saturday morning to visit lier parents over Sunday. Buy T Breakfast Food made at the L jpCity Mills For sale at all Loup City stores at.»cents per pound. For >a.e My residence in east L*_p City: or will trade same for rea estate Walter Wiilvick A baby girl came to the home of Mr and Mrs J E Roush on Wiggle < reek. Friday morning. May 13th. We are paying 24 cents cash for ream dc.ivered at the creamery. Ravenna Ckeamkkv Co. Lit* i.field and Loup City w ill cross oats at Jenner's Rail l*ark next week Tuesday afternoon. I*on't miss it. I*r A S. Main has the auto fever and we understand is figuring on a new iioreeiess carriage in the near future !“age woven wire of all sires, and best tiarbed wire, at prices that will save vc'U monev L X. Smitli, "phone 2 on 12 Mr* Viola ' liendai 1 returned last Friday evening from her extended ' i'll :n Chicago and various parts of liliaOK. L*.' ra, at' n i r > any Satur day and y».u wi • nd s;~via! bargains ase you and save your pvVrtiMot 1' y u '. if a good game of l«se to Jt-nner's Park Tuesday aft* m >,>n. May iMtii. and witness Uie Li tch fie id- Loup City game. If you wan; a dray . \ tone A. L. Kn it r it, 7 -n 17, or e»ve your order with eitlier umtx r yard or K i». Tay. >r. Lest . ' service guaranteed. 1 Iv;* u anted Tuesday noon fr at* ■ wees- trip tlm'Ugh the Iris a- Vi •and Montana in ; • interest f i.i> dist 'harpener. I • t . rg< Ua: F< rdinandt. Uie .iruture nan. *i duplicate any t-s ui'en •». t: • ••*:* gue houses, ana t en givi- y .. fiu urvs lielow them. K H. Matnes* i
■» — . * - 1 Northwestern - .' shfw them to you any • Henry M. K slier, the reliable jeweler. H R. VI usser came in from Lincoln Tnesdav ev ening on business matters. • ■ -■ -l ot «’e oil his fruit farm down in Arkansas. Mrs Tucker of Hamilton county was a g jest of VI r. and M rs. O. S F, s- .i Webster townsliip the first : th,‘ week, leaving for borne Tues day looming. At the grand lodge Knights of 1‘yu.ias held at Fremont last week, our to»ns:u*u. John W. Long, was elected grand vice chancellor for Uie coming year. Good. Trv M. Nicktlaus. Uie drayman, for quick and satisfactory service. Leave orders at Uie Keystone. Lein inger s or Taylor's elevator, or phone his residence, on 107. The M. E Aid Society meets with Mrs. Herman Johansen next week Wednesdav afternoon. Meet at the M. E. church at 1:»» o'clock, where teams will be provided. WANTED—Tlte undersigned wants to pasture your cattle. Have six hundred acres of bottom land, good Sowing water and plenty of shade. Writ* or 'phone me. My place is a bat is known as Uie Leininger ranch in Washington township. KtoKsi Patton. "I -an 1«*1- «»r injirtuN proper ly a! cml hamiBv V*e J. M. Loot T M Ke*>i uwl'ie a gere-ral sue ,.? *»-ik xca • uoerr. buggies and wag Bs. Takr \ boOer and egg- to ( no .. - - * . -. • » -an ire: anything yan want ar- always .« tl*e nar ■ ?.» udga; : *• .urliert price. T tb — wanting a .a'fa and - .-d •* nng planting- ^e T M Bred \ w It the lime U> iave your . i L H >j«a..r »i d Liwp * *f* for 3 t«u. V .. no mistake Id callng on • ; o. »an > Kt-r dray- wise* you want (jiici “en ei r saLE Four iL.-toughbaed , ...: .. ws. -ale in ,-ig Pht-ne - ,* rri J F Rack. Vll ike Town Properly offered f«r vale at first band* by railing on John W. Lobs. Fanners, do not sell your good w- -a* twfore vou get prices from tlie L up nty Mill A Light Co. i . Uai<-:ina Creamery Co. pavs l»- igtoWt IT* prior h r ecgs do : .rred at tie creamery here. Loan*! Loans! Loans! Loans! Ural Estate L-ans at Invest rates at John 1. Lone's. Bennett kills only the choicest of Urtri Try bi» market uote. and you will always he a customer. Far Sale s.i high-grade Shorthorn ball*. lour red* and two nans L X\ >«rrn. Loup Chi. Xebr. l*hone. Wanted, girl for general boost wort, excepting washing Boom, hard and washing furnislied. Good wage*. Inquire of Mm. W. Schuman. Ashton. Sea. The Loup Uu mill is now running day and night ' Yob cannot make a a-istak? b% trring a sack of their Sour uie nett rou buy. For sale by all dea«en in town. Special price Grocery Dep’t Below we quote you a few of our “every-day” prices: 3 cans Good Corn - - $ .25 2 big bottles of Catsup - .25 3 cans Cove Oysters - - .25 6 lbs good Jap Rice - - .25 5 lbs. Good Prunes - - .25 2 cans Good Tomatoes - .25 2 cans Peaches - • • .35 2 cans Apricots * - - .35 3 boxes Dr. Price’s Breakfast Food..25 3 boxes Egg-O-See - - .21 3 boxes Indian Corn Flakes .25 2 boxes Post Toasties - .25 1 lb Good Coffee - * .16 1 lb None Such Coffee • .20 1 lb Oriential Coffee - - .25 3 lbs Barrington-Hall - 1.00 Loop City > Spt ials on sale at Conhiser's every Saturday. Painter Martin, w ith Ed Jones, has rented the Ashley Conger cottage. Mi's Ella Taylor left for Lincoln tiii'm ruing to attend business col lege a few weeks. Tin assembly president of the Rebt kal.s from David City visited the ige here last evening. E.-ner. the reliable jeweler, is the p!a •> t _■ > for the nicest selection of p t ant- in the city. Go and see them. Don't f rget the bail game at Jenti- : - Park. Tuesday afternoon. May I’-tth. between Litchfield and Loan City. Mi— < ‘live McCray has been elect ed st ond primary teaclier for the coming school year, the new grade to tenver. He had tieen down in Oklahoma and various parts of Colorado. Mrs. Mattie A. Hall of Molina. Colo., arrived last Saturday evening for a visit w ith her parents. Mr. ana Mrs. K. T Snyder. Walter Cornelius, who has been jewelry work for H. M. Eisner, re signed his position, and returned to (■rand Island yesterday. Mr. Louis Pearson, a brother of Andrew lYarson, died at his home in Washington township Wednesday morning No particulars at hand. Mrs. Ida Lambert left last Friday morning for lied Oak. Iowa, to meet her new grandson. Master Newton Vance. Jr., returning last evening. Mrs. John Synak and children came up from Marquette last Friday even ing for a few days’ visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs. J. Czaplewski. Chase's drug store is being refur nished in tine shape, two wall cases living installed. The east side of the building will, we understand, be devotea entirely to jewelry. Last Friday, at high noon, Wn. Engle bought out the Frey barber shop Mr Frey has not decided on his future further than that for the present lie will look after his farm. Rev. D. W Montgomery left Mon day morning on his two months' trip to the British Isles and Germany. (>ur readers may also expect some interesting letters from him while abroad. There will lie services as usual at tne Presbyterian church neat Sunday morning. Miss Dorothy Montgomery •vailing lie of her father's sermons. No preaching in the evening, C. E. service as usual. J. w Conger last week had cement walks placed on the south and west 'f his at tiie northwest corner of in public square and this week is having a cement walk placed in front of his residence. Next Friday will tie Patron's Dav in r public schools, and everybody is especially invited to visit the various rooms and see the way our -cho -are conducted by our efficient . corps ul instructors. Excavation ha> been made for the new residence to lie erected bv R. P. v.arr on iiis lots south of the E. U. :(\trning home Ed Kadcliffe has the ivn: ra« : The building will be iS'njtl two >i -ies. hip roof. Mi- S. Foss was called Monday :r. rnitig to Stockham, this state, bv tht nstre»ing news that hermother. Mr> Sarah Goff. had received a third -treke f apoplexy the Saturday even ing previous and was very low! '5 - Skip Thrasher went to Grand 1- and Wednesday morning, where slv> is.to undergo a surgical opera ii>*n at the hospital there. Mat she successfully pass through it. ' Mr. Thraster accompanied her. The (kid Fellows' Encampment had election of officers Tuesday even ing. re-electing J. \Y. Conger chief patriarch and \Y. T. Gibson senior warden, the other officers holding jover. being elected yearly instead of semi-annually. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Harper left Wednesday morning for Omaha, where Mrs. Harper will undergo a surgical operation at the M. E. hos pital. The many friends of the lady are trusting she may successfully undergo the ordeal. Wm. Larsen's delivery team made another oL their periodical runs last Friday, doing no damage as usual. A few minutes earlier a pair of bronchos driven by a traveling man. gave an exhibition that was worth the money. Sunday, Dr. Chase’e team got funny and after engaging in a series of athletic stunts, made kindling wood of the buggy and made j a get away. Attorney Starr went up to Broker Bow on legal business Tuesday, going to Mason City by auto. If you don't like the weather. la\ it to the comet, whether hot or cold wet or dry. That's proper, besides no one will be able to contradict you. The young hopefuls of the rooms of Miss Henry Young and Miss Lena Smith of the high school, to the □umber of about 125. picnicked or the river last Friday afternoon and had a ge-lorious time, of course. Loup City's finest gave an exhib tion game at Jenner's park last Fri day. taking on the boys of Cobt creek, who though doing quite well with the sphere, were easy for the former, the score standing i"> to 2. Miss Pearle Needham and Miss Mary Minshull and little sister went to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Miss Needham to refit glasses for her eyes, while the latter went for a short outing, all to return Friday evening L. L. Smith has moved on the Skip Baker farm on Clear Creek, which places him in closer touch witli the county seat and gets the North western each week h*t from the griddle, instead of three days late where he was before. Mrs. Dr. Evans is still visiting in Iowa, not returning home with the doctor, as stated by the Northwestern. The doctor says it is bad enough tc have to cook his own grub and live alone, without the printer going wrong on facts. Last week, Ferdinandt. the furni ture man. advertised a special sale of rugs through the Northwestern for the last five days of the week, and as a result disposed of some 20 to 25 of those useful adornments of the home. It pays well to advertise. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lindall of this city left Friday morning on their way to New York and from that place will sail for Europe some time this month. They will spend the summer touring Europe and visiting with friends and relatives at several places there.—Kearnev Hub. While shutting off the gas at the power house at the time of the tire last week Wednesday night, W. T. Chase received a fall, dislocating an arm. but on the hypothesis that you | can't keep a good man down, the i doctor was around again in a few i days all right, all right. Mrs. J. W. Conger was taken quite ill last Thursday night and all day Friday her condition was quite serious, but at present she is mending nicely. At first her symptoms were pronounced those of scarlet fever, but later proved to be a serious attack of la grippe. It is reportdd that the Woznick building, that was occupied by the McCall tiarber shop, and which was burned down last week, will be re placed by a brick or cement block building. According to the city ordinances, of course, tiiat is the only kind of a building allowed to be erected within the ffre limits of the business district. Thos. B. Murray of Douglas county and Miss Blanche Probert of Sargent were married at the Catholic church here Tuesday morning. They came down on the morning train, got their license, were married and took the noon motor for the east. The groom is a recent graduate from the school of pharmacy in Omaha, aud is T. years of age. while his bride is three years younger. Among the Arcadia boys here play ing ball Tuesday was an old Louo City bov. Max Wall, nephew of Judge Wall. Max was born in this only and best city in Nebraska, and yet came down with the Arcadia dele gation to attempt to wipe us off the face of the earth. However Max is a jolly bov, all right, and is making good In his uncle John Wall's bank the suburb of Loup City on the north. Chas. J. Minshull. looking hand somer than ever from his sojourn at Spokane, on the western slope of the best country on earth, drifted into Loup City last Thursday evening for a three weeks' visit with his parents, brothers and sisters, and friends, the latter comprising the whole com munity. Charley Is a Loup City boy who is making good in his new home and will return to business with new xest after his vacation. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Kearns last week received the following interest ing wedding announcement. “Mr. Harold R. Schaupp and Miss Opal C. Aitkin announce their marriage on Saturday. May 7. 1910, 1'asadena. Calif. At home after May loth. '> Terrace Drive." "Bud" is a former Loup City boy, son of Adam Schaupp. who moved from here to Lincoln some seven i>r eight years ago. and thence to California some two years since. Loup City church lias extended to the pastor. Rev. Pavid Wallace Mont gomery, a two months' vacation, to enable him to attend Uie World's Sunday Sohoo) Convention at W ington. IX C.. as a delegate from Ne braska. after which lie will sail for Europe. There lie will attend the missionary convention at Edinburgh, and together with F. W. Russell, P. P., of St. Louis, will represent the Board of Foreign Missions. Dur ing tills convention Mr Montgomery will tie the guest of James Brown, P. IX. pastor of Free St, Peter's church at Glasgow, whom he enter tained eleven years ago while Mr, Brown was attending the Pan-Pres byterian Council in Washington. IX C. Mr. Montgomery also plans to take a continental trip, including Oherammergau and the Passion Play in liis itinerary.—Tlie interior. Notice 1 am offering for sale a number of hi-aere lots from *90 to *125 per acre.. Call soon if you arc desiring a sub urban home In Loup City. A. L. ZlMMKRMAX. NOTICE TO LAXP OWNERS (Hurt Road) To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road “commencing at the northeast corner of Section 17 and northwest corner of Section 16. Town 15, Range 15, Sherman county. Ne braska, and running thence on sec tion line three miles south between Sections 16 and 17, 20 and 21. and 2S and 29, same town and range and county as above, and terminating at county road at southwest corner of Section 28 and soutiieast corner of Section 29, Town 15. Range 13. Sherman county, Nebraska. has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 25th dav of June, 1910, or such road wilt' be established without reference there to. W. C. Dietekichs. County Clerk. [Last pub. June 2] Will Be Missed. Rev. Joseph James preached his farewell sermon at the Baptist church last Sunday evening to a; church well filled, the 1‘resbyterians ‘ holding no services that the attend ants might iiave the privilege of hearing Father James. The sermon was a good one and received the earnest sanction of all present. On Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James left for Shelton, where they have purchased property and will make their home in the future. Father James having been called to the pastorate of the Baptist church there. Our people, as the Noith western has hereto!ore sain, regret tiie going of these two worth' people from our midst, but will ,,.n >w uu*:n with tl!;i \i-r\ lh•>: v.; -I . > : ilicir successl.il and hapi . futeic. *i a meeting of the minister::* society tierc a few days' since, u.c t'o.i -w it:>; resolution was passed: Whereas:—In the termination of the administration of the Bev. Joseph James as pastor of the Baptist church, he is removed from us to the pastor ate of tiie Baptist church at Shelton. Nebraska. Therefore Resolved:—That we. the pastors who have been associated with him in the work of the Minis terial Association of Loup City, of which lie lias been the honored presi dent. regret ids going from our town and that we commend him as a Christian brother to the people whom lie is to serve and to the pastors of Shelton with whom lie is to labor, and that we pray the rich est benediction from Heaven upon his labors in their midst. I>. W. Montgomery, W. C. Harper il to S—Ouch! The first big game of tlie season was pulied oil Tuesday afternoon of this week at .lenner's Kail Park, and was between Loup City and Arcadia. : The result was disastrous for Loup City, the Arcadians pouuding out | eleven runs to the eight scored by the home team. The game started out in tine shape for Loup City and up to tlie sixth seemed a walkaway, when Arcadia gathered steam and walked right over our home team, closing with the result as above. I Arcadia had a fine lottery, while Loup City was manifestly lame in ; that -regard. However, that is to be remedied in the near future, when the home team prop >ses to simply slaughter any and all -teams with whom they play. Next Tuesday will be tlie second game of the season at Jenner's Park and will l»e between Loup City and Litchfield, when we i hope to record a better result. Time is Money. Buv a watch from a Reliable Jeweler and always be on time. Henry M. Eisner. Rev. McEwen was much worried! last night (May loth . He received word from a man named Williams of Loup City to meet him at the train going west about ve.'fo in the evening, and he said that there were two men : in Loup City whom lie knew by the name of Williams. One was tlie sheriff and the other was a banker. Just which one, was what was wor rying him.—Kearney Times. WHEN SHE WANTS a portrait of Utiu, or he one of her, we make them—the | kind that pleases. . DRAPER’S STUDIO* LET IS GROW TOGETHER $85,000 represents in round numbers the Growth in De posits during the last year 59,000.00 r epresents the increase in Loans to our patrons over the figures of a year ago. vVhich means that this bank has grown in the con fidence of the public, and has grown in abi ity to be of genuine service to its clients. •t rr.eans that more of our people than ever before are profiting by a close alliance wit a strong, safe and weil-managed bank. There's a profit for you in becoming a depositor with the CITT STATE MI Capital and Surplus, $37,500 SPECIALS! WHERE? COIMHISER’s WHEN? WHEN? Every Saturd’y KEYSTONE LUjVIBEp CO. At Loup City, have just unloaded a car of White Cedar Fepce Posts And are offering them at 151*. cents each. These are rare a bargain Time to get busy with spring building, so bring in your bills and we will give you estimates on them Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, S'chaupps, and Arcadia, Nek A BPOAD GAOJCE OF vacation Toups To the Pacific Coast: From Juno 1st only $60.00 round rip, direct route. and on special dates in May, June and July, only $50; $15 additional via Shasta Route To the East: Ask nearest agent about the various special rates to be m effect after May 1, to principal eastern cities. Yellowstone Park: All kinds of tourist rates to this won derland, including diverse tours through scenic Colorado, Yellowstone and Gardiner entrances; also to Cody ^eastern entrance), in connection with Holm's personally conducted camping tours througn the Park, July 29, August 19 and September 9. Apply early. Mountain Tours: To I Vi ver, Estes Park, Salt Lake, Hot Springs, S. D., Sheridan and Ranchester, W\u, (for the Big Horn regionl. and Thennopolis, the coming wonderful sanitarium-18,600000 gallons of hot water daily at 130. Call or Write describe proposed trip; let us advise you fully. ■ J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket Agent L W. WAKELEY, Ocn’l Tassenger Agent, Omaha. CALL AND INSPECT OUR FINE STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Apd Fafpi (Vlachipeiy of AH Kinds Yours for e|P |\J| DCCH Business, I ■ 1*1 * IlkkiL/i