The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
C*-^*-*aew l-t* m Fe» Lnw fvr thm
k*-M*a. a* tna •-«. Man—
Lm: Riiaunk Infjr
The* *b« Shakespeare**
asd run tcr actor. who gate tcp
W*»< !h«l U4 Barren, a senoasty
* a fccwwit fco^sal New Tork.
Paymaster G*«f» PerelvaJ Add of
t’f-d Sr« marts* corps. who
•o pehBc Ktit* far harts*
■ Dr E 8 CowAea « a
saiy iis-* ta*t December 5* to marry
Mm# Mac*ii»e Swift day*fct*r ctf
Rear Admiral WsHtam Swift. CSX.
retired, asst mosth. at Trtkhfiaa,
3* the — ’ini at Stamford. Cobs.
f Miss Em-fy Brews. a school tract
«. te Normas. Prwat. nda a root
st; Bklrt >*aa before the Otfl war.
tit f«o S* x* sweetheart* wbe* Ptv
•**: eaRsool is the oalao army.
PspBTtii published ts Paris ard else
where Thai Princess Jsliaxa. ~H©3h
'-mx£* baby." »u arrians^ UL are d»
;ss*d by -he tact that the mother.
- tees Wilhehsfaa. 'oak tbs little aae
for a <!t»e last Tuesday
Theodore &aos**ett accepted by
i! * the aypotrmert by Preside*!
Taft is be apeoai BBtaasacrr to repre
«: -be Catted Staten at the funeral
Jf *Ls* Eitcd a Loc.dc* May 3k
Three New Teak society
Vrs K- ; Trask. Mis
Keeasr ard Miss Arne |
iasrirx for as tndeksttr use to la
prooe thetr h-alth
kra&id J p Va* Lever a satire of
HtOaad. has b»*a appoisied to traas
■ase Mt E=*asb s2 the e*rly Dotch
record* of New Tork state. The nark
vrfB take Mens years.
Prtt.ce T A ja * a of Japaa. vie has
bees s-sXt seem# la this country,
ealiei from Sew Tork oo the Masre
'arts fer Liverpool, a score or mare of
tis -.-.xtryme* ocetne kits tt
Cm & A Brook ordered three cem
r*i '* cf the New Meuca guard ml
nubu F* :• the treat at the amoat
Istrmm owtbreak at the anoert Taos
Pro Milt, meity irife* cant, w est of
East Urn Vegas X U The troops
wrr dmrmicted after u appeal had
bees mace to Gotenor Mills by - edge
Job* R M fV ate declared that a
Goctoa ate com crops ta Georgia
•ere damaged by a tail-ate wind
stems. At Calsertoa several bouses
were best from ttetr supports
After t .x years at Aaerxax effort
-m the tsSksasa at Paxaat It Is sscwx -
»y fcguree that 141.TX.CTf cubic yards
at earth and rack hare beea m&ored.
"pan tit refusal X testify before r rusty grate lory after aa
order of .tmrwaJty had bee* entered
ts The Leal coart*. Re pejettititf
Xsdmi S Uxk at Mitchell. was ar
rested cs a charge at rrtains! roa
t«agt of 't«t by order off Judge Rob
err S Staley. He was released oa
Tie? botes.
F-auk * RoMaa. fo-mer goseraor
a(N.i 'lu- jwt-Tre ate now * banker.
»-tk Bassos okew his wife ate na
were ci_~g- d ia the swore complaint
af * caltrsf inspector at Sew York
“wills conspiracy to smuggle into the
Unit'd States wearing axpearel ate
jewelry and aoasoadBS without pay
.nr or acre using lor the duties le
gally dye ttereem."
Sene oa the shoulders at eight tall
(Venainr sergeants. King Edward in
>4 -;ift was carried from the death
~iiimhi r tc the throce room off Buck
‘.ts .» ;thce. where be will Be ia
rrsrste state.
T *t hn-dred monkeys, a part off the
cargo of tie taer Graf Waldereee.
whack ha* reached Xew York from
liaateef*. are rens gned to the Rocke
'HBer XsUtade where they are tt» he
uaad for »nperim* ntaaoa '
FO»*-tem fTaie a chestnut roit four
.gears old Woolttarj«e-r**fctenable
warn the Oeu-agotitaa handicap at Bel
meat Park. New York. Prince Im
r-ertai was seeate Jack Atkla. bird
The t at. 1 17 H. warn the fastest
■“ter tete* by a wikner X this exeat
ClarcBte s Barrow at Chicago said
at *te conference X the aatlonal ne
gro eosasfttra X Xew York that raca
ia Sga rag lea would Xu the negro
prcbPtR. .„ •
1st spec:** pi:: jury at t : capo
which to to*e*a*stirs* the Urbery
*:Mtof eonaected with the eleetioa
at retted Suit Senator Uruser has
besua csesxioaiac KepuhHcm* tae m
ktn ad the state kfUtetsrt who rated
for Mr Uortmer wbea the deadlock
waa broke* at SprinsSeld
Tahiti* Irma the aboaiden of Secre
tary B»I iM*t ah the bias* (or the
Hear ttottaf' at the C nnclccfcam
Alaska coal H H Schwartz,
rhtof td the Seid serrice ta the tts
era! land «Sre. lock the entire rwspaa
r.tRWy at the traas? ttoa be rare the
r A sens* as Heinz* was acquitted
ta New York at charset at auaappiy
i* the foads at the Mercantile Na
th* taaotatton la 1M7. aad he was
ieares cd the chars* <* o» er-certify -
:ac the check* af kto brother's trm.
One Hears* k Oa
Mr* Vary Fneod. Mrs Caroline a
Martin and Miss Virginia, aged sis
1>T*. were placed on trial in Newark.
N J, charged with the murder oi
Ocey W Snead, the daughter of the
first named, who was found dead in
a hath tub last November.
The Nutlonal Association of Manu
facturers met in New York to dis
' uss 'he prevention of accidents in
industrial establishments, employers'
liability aad Industrial Insurance.
The biggest convention of Socialists
ever held In the United States opened
:» Chicago w:-h delegates present
from every state and territory and
from Europe.
The seventh annual session of the
National Conference on Education of
Hacks ard. Truant. Delinquent and De
;»od-ct Children began in 8h Louis
!?y a vote of ST to Id the senate
at Wasting-on adopted a modifiei
fora of the Dixon long and short haul
amendment to the railroad bill. The
amendment represents the combined
efc-ns of Republican. Democratic and
Insurgent lewder*
A hill to authorize the United
Stales Steel corporation to reclaim
hundreds of acres of the submerged
bed of Lake Mich.gas at Gary. Ind.
and to extend a series of gigantic
docks T..CM feet into navigable waters
passed the senate at Washington. U
•t still pending in the bouse
An inspection of terminal property
at Port St Joe. Fla, by New York
Central officials leads to the belief
that the railroad is planning a south
's’ re line to handle Panama traffic
when the canal is finished
Tieodcce Roos-rv- r. ffriitewd a lec
ture cw “Tie World Movement" at tbe
Cmversity off Berlin and received from
tbe university tbe honorary degree of
doctor off philosophy. Emperor Wil
iam hocored tbe occasion with his
presence It was the first time that
ha majesty had pared a conferment
and the courtesy was significant la
view off the fact that the German
court Is in mourning far the monarch's
ancle. King Edward.
A buIK fired at thieves la Philadel
phia by a polireman s'ruck a trolley
pole, glanced off and killed John Gal
lon. forty-«iv years ©Id
Bandits masked and mounted, blew
tbe post office safe at Mount Pleas
ant Mich, securing j; 00ft is stamps
and money and terror:;.n; the entire
John D Rockefeller, always popular
uu«g th- people off Tarrytown. X. Y .
a here be tires. Is adding to that pop
ularity this spring by his fondness
‘or taking his friends and neighbors
oat driving Not a pleasant day goes
by without tbe oil king Inviting some
aff them men women and children, to
nde with kiss la automobile or car
nage. and it Is safe to say that the ln
ifiith— are se.dom declined, for bis
vehicles are the best to be had. and
the drives around Tarrytown are beau
tiful Mr. Rockefeller, before starting
’or a ride, always dans a paper vest, de
claring It a great protection against
colds, and he insists that his guests do
tbe same. After the ride he refuses
to lake back tbe garments, and conse
quently to nearly every home in Tarry
town may be frond a paper vest pre
served as a souvenir of a delightful
ride with the culU-mESionaire.
Throwing rings at knives or canes
at country fairs or other places of
amusement is not gambling within
tfie law. but a test of skill, according
to an opinion issued at Albany by the
attorney general of New York state.
Kenosha. Wis. has followed the ex
ample of Chicago and has appointed a
woman to head its public school sys
tem. the hoard of education selecting
Mrs Mary D trad ford, now in charge
off the teachers training college of the
state normal school at Whitewater.
An explosion in the Wellington
coal mine at Whitehaven. England,
cut off the exit from the 125 miners
who sere w or lung below the surface.
Rescue parties succeeded In saving
four men who had been working at
the bottom of the shaft.
Rocking the boat to fr.ghten the
girls caused the drowning of six girls
and tso boys out of a party of 12 on
an old mill dam at Huntington Mills,
a country tillage 15 miles from
Wilkesbarre. Pa. The four who es
raped are boys and they got to the
shore exhausted after a vain effort to
save tbe girls.
me new *-.ory omce Du:.a:ng oi
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Etgl
ceers Is Cleveland. O, was dedl
rated, n.acy prominent un.on labor
leaders and about 4 <K*0 members ot
the brotheTbocd being present.
Thirteen persons, seven of them
passengers, lost their lives in the sink
ing of the steamship City of Saltillo
in the Mississippi river near Glen
Park. Mo. The boat was thrown
against a rock by the swift current.
George E. Cole of Chicago was the
'mammons choice of the Prohibition
convention as candidate for state treas
rrer at the Lsecatur iUL> convention
Mrs Ella S Stewart, wife of ex-na
tional chairman of the party. Oliver W
Stewart, was nominated for trustee ol
the state university
Coincident with the celebration ot
pis eighty-fifth birthday. Professoi
George Laridson. the California scien
(1st and author, has recovered hit
sight, after being totally blind for al
most s year
Colonel Roosevelt's voice showed th<
elect of the strain he has been snb
Jeering himself to. and which resulted
in a severe case of bronchitis, when h<
delivered his lecture on "The Worlt
Movement" at the University of Ber
tin. Mr. Roosevelt was unable to glv<
• he clear and distinct enunciation at
; harocteristlc of him.
The entire northeastern part of Min
pesots is smoldering mad smoking
east timbered areas in Wisconsin art
being swept by flames, several village)
Kkreateaed with destruction mat
losses seem Inevitable from for
What Is Going on Hero and There
That la of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Ne
Omaha. Neb.—Delegates from all
over the state, representing the sev
eral councils of the Knights of Colum
bus in Nebraska, met Tuesday morn
ing in Knights of Columbus hall in
the board of trade building, for the
annual state convention.
The gathering s as presided over by
State Deputy Arthur F. Million of j
Lincoln and the various district depu
ties and state officers made their re
ports for the year.
Officers sere elected as follows;
Arthur P Mullen, O'Neill, state dep
uty; Mark Burke. Columbus, secre
tary; Joseph H Schmidt. Omaha,
treasurer: James McNulty. Wvmore.
warden; Frank Beal. North Platte ad
vocate; Rev. William Wlndorf. Creigh
ton. chaplain; W. E. Straube. Lin
coln. delegate to the national conven
tion Omaha was attocted as the place
for holding the next convention.
Next Meeting at Lincoln.
Fremont. Neb—The convention of
the grand lodge of tie K of K. in Fre
mont came to a close Wednesday
afternoon with the installation of of
fleers, which were elected just before
the noon adjournment, are as follows:
Grand chancellor. Will I. Allen of .
Schuyler: grand v .re chancellor. J. W.
Long of Loup City; grand prelate. J.
F Madgett of Hastings; grand keeper
of records and seals Will H. Love of
Lincoln; grand master of exchequer.
John B. Wright of Tjncoln. grand mas ,
ter a: arms. J W Fetter of Norfolk;
grand inner guard. W. S. Pettit of I
Fairbury. grand outer guard. J. M.
Lumbers of Decatur; grand trustee,
three years. Leo Lowenberg of Fre
Mrs. Minerva Bushnell of Fremont
received the highest honors that can
be conferred by the Pythian Sisters
in her election to the office of grand
chief, The vote was unanimous.
Fallowing are the officers elected by ;
the Sisters: Grand chief. Minerva
Bushnell. Fremont; grand senior. Lena
Lamb. Omaha; grand manager. Mrs.
Wilson. Broken Bow; grand matron of
records and correspondence, Mary j
Stoddard. Auburn; grand matron of
finance. Ada Leyda. Falls City; grand
protector. Mrs Allen. Schuyler; grand
guard. Miss Deles Denier. Elmwood.
Four Stores at Daykin Robbed.
Fairbury. Neb.—At an early hour
Wednesday morning four stores In
Daykin. a little town In Jefferson
county, eighteen miles northwest of
this place, were broken into, but the
robbers failed to get away with much.
The list comprised two general stores,
one owned by E. Hemenover and the
othey by Empy £ Sanders; a drug
store owned by Robert Christian and
a hardware store operated by Apking
£ Hummel. A hurried invoice was
taken and all that was found to be
missing was a few revolvers from the
hardware store. The robbers left no
Found Dead In His Officu.
York. Neb.—Frank B. Daggy was
found dead in his office at an early
hour Tuesday morning, having hanged
himself. A note written by him said;
"See Evening News for statement."
Not coming home at the usual hour
his wife became alarmed and sent the
son to search for him. He had driven
two large spikes over the door, at
tached a rope and slipped off a chair,
life being extinct when the body was
cut down. No inquest will be held.
Mr. Daggy had been in poor health
for years. He was sixty-two years of
age and leaves a wife and son. He
came to York and went into business
in 1STS.
Compulsory Attendance Law Arrest.
Fremont, Neb.—The first arrest un
der the compulsory attendance law
was made Tuesday on complaint filed
I by County Superintendent Matzen at
, the request of Superintendent Water
house against W. U Lisk and wife.
The defendants are parents of a ten
' year-old girl, who is not attending
school, according to the statement of
i the city superintendent.
Planning New Court House.
Hoidrege. Neb.—The county board
of supervisors met Tuesday in sptecial
session and made disposition of gev
j eral matters in connection with the
( erection of the new court house.
I Architect W. F. Gernandt of Fairbury
was in attendance and went over the
plans of the structure with the county
oScial;. Work will start very soon.
Preparing for Convention.
Beatrice. Neb.—President B. H. Be
gole of the Commercial ciub has ap
pointed committees to solicit funds for
the pmrpoae of defraying the expenses
nf the state Sunday school convention
to be held in Beatrice Jane 7. 8 and 9.
The program for the convention is
oow out. Three international workers
will be present, Mrs. Mary Foster Bry
ner, elementary superintendent; Wil
liam A. Brown, missionary superin
tendent. and W. D. Stem, the* adult
class worker.
State News and Notes in Condensed
Robert Moakler. a Fremont boy,
died at Los Angeles. CaL The body
will be brought to Fremont for inter
Four hundred acres of land owned
by M. D. Haddox, four miles northwest
of Chapman, was sold to W. M. Colton .
'or York for f 40.000.
There are but two cases of typhoid ;
fever at the institution for feeble ;
minded youth at Beatrice at the pres- j
?nt time, according to Superintendent
G. L. Roe.
The funeral of Mrs. Charles Phillips, j
who died Sunday morning at Kearney,
was held at the home of her parents. ;
Mr. and Mrs. C. P- Lindercrantx, in
snenn uauman oi rremont receivea
a telegram from the chief of police at j
Cedar Rapids. Ia.. stating that Clar- |
enee Waite. «anted at Fremont on a j
charge of grand larceny, is under ar- j
rest there.
Programs and invitations have Just
been issued for the 1910 commence
ment exercises of the Central City
high school. The class is composed
this year of eighteen members, twelve
girls and six boys.
On the night of February 2. 1910. j
the court house of Chase county was '
destroyed by lire, and on Tuesday, i
May S. 1910. the county voted bonds
tor $25,000 for the purpose of erecting
a new county building.
A sub-station of the United States ’
weather bureau will soon be estab
lished at Hastings college. Flags will
be displayed daily to indicate changes
in the weather. Daily observations of
temperature, wind velocity and precip
itation will also be made and reported
to section headquarters at Lincoln.
C. J. McCall's barber shop burned
at Loup City Thursday night. The
building belonged to George Wove-;
nick. Both the building and contents
were entirely destroyed, but both j
were well covered by insurance. The
absence of wind and prompt work on
the part of tha fire department con
fined the flames to the one building.
Rev. William J. Riggs, astronomical
Instructor at Cretghton university, an
nounced Thursday that computations
from observations of Halley’s comet1
made recently, show that the tall is j
fully eighteen million miles in length
and that it will not only envelop the
earth when the comet passes on Mas
19. but will extend four million miles
C. M. Linn’s elevator and its con
tents at St Mary burned to the ground
about midnight Wednesday night The
cause of the fire Is unknown, though i
It is thought It was from a spark from
a passing Burlington locomotive. The
elevator was worth $5,000 and wm
built In 1SS5. The contents included !
6,000 bushels of com and some 600 or
TOO bushels of oats, machinery, etc.
Julia Corcoran of York died Thurs
day morning, aged seventy-three years.
She came to York with her husband
Patrick Corcoran, who survives her.
thirty-two years ago. The children
who survive her are: George, judge of
the district court: Daniel, editor of the
Democrat; Mrs. J. P. Nugent. Chicago;
Mrs. J. J. Keefe of Lincoln, and Miss
Mary Corcoran, who resides at home.
Tecumseh claims to have the young,
est civil war veteran in Nebraska in
William I. Philpott. who was not yet
sixteen years of age when the war
closed, but saw practically two enlist
ments. totaling nineteen months in
that struggle. Mr. Philpott was sixty
one years old on April 22 and cele
brated his birthday by joining the G
A. R., of which he had never before
become a member.
Earl Roberts of Beaver City, an
amateur chauffeur, overturned a new
car which he was running at a speed
of fifty miles an hour and he and a
companion escaped with slight in
juries. The machine was being tried
out for the first time and Roberts
lost control on a steep hill and tc
avoid coming in contact with a team
turned, striking a bank. The car was
badly wrecked.
Ex-Senator w. \. Allen of Madison
will be the orator of the day Memorial
day in Omaha. The general commit
tee met in the city hall Monday even
ing and arranged the final details fot
the observance. It has been decided to
carry out the ritual services at the
several cemeteries this year over ac
tual graves instead of as heretofore
Derforming a meaningless ceremony at
“the unknown grave.”
The thirty-sixth annual meeting ol
the Nebraska Homeopathic Medical
society sill be held in Lincoln at the
New Lindell hotel. May 25 and 26.
The day meetings will begin at 9:30
a. m., and will last through both fore
noon and afternoon of each day. Lin
coin physicians wftl give a banquet
May 26 at 6:30 p. m. to visiting at
tendants at the New Lindell. Dr.
F. A. Marsh of Seward is president
and F. S. Whitman of Omaha is cor
responding secretary. A rather lengthy
program has been prepared.
A special census taken by Franklin
citizens to check np the work of cen
sus bureau enumerators, just complet
ed. shows that town to have L005 in
habitants. This is a growth of more
than 250 in ten years. The greater
; part of the growth has been in the
past three or four years.
While working with four horses on
a disc at his farm east of Fremont,
former Representative Joseph Roberts
had a runaway in which one of the
horses wss killed and two others badly
hurt Mr. Roberts escaped without
Boat Carrying Fifty-Seven Person*
Goes Down Within Reach
of Land.
St Louis.—By the sinking of the
steamship City of Saltillo In the Mis
sissippi river at Glen Park. Mo.
Wednesday night when the boat was
hurled against a hidden rock by tbe
swift current 13 persons, seven of
whom were passengers, lost their
lives. Glen Park is 24 miles south of
St Louis.
The boat carried 2? passengers,
most of whom were women and chil
dren. and a crew of 30. She left St
Louts at seven o'clock, with a heavy
cargo, including a rumber of cattle
and live stock, and the voyage was
considered precarious because of the
amount of driftwood floating in the
river, due to the annual spring rise.
Shortly before reaching Glen Park
the Saltillo encountered a shoreward
draw, which was fought frantically by
the pilots. The engines were reversed,
but the eSorta to prevent the col
lision were unavailing.
With the noise of rending timbers
and the shrieks of the women sad
children passengers, the cries of tbe
crew, and the bellowing of the cattia,
the vessel struck a hidden rock and
sunk In reach of land, at a point
where the water was 20 feet deep.
Passengers and members of the
crew clung to the timbers, while those
more fortunate lent their aid immedi
ately to the rescue of the helpless.
The majority of the passengers wera
in their cabins. The collision came as
suddenly they were plunged into the
water before they knew what bad
Rob Mount Pleasant (Mich.) Poet
Office of $3,000 in Cash and
Stamps and Escape.
Saginaw. Mich.—Bandits, masked
and mounted. Thursday blew the peat
office safe at Mount Pleasant, a city
of $.000. securing $3,000 la stamps and
money and terrorising tbe entire town.
The robbers, numbering seven or
eight, are believed to have hatted near
the south limits unttl their plans were
complete, when they rode through the
main street tn old-time border fash
ion. shooting and shouting. Secret
service men took up the trail and it to
believed that arrests are Imminent.
The post office often contains as high
as $10,000 tn cash and stamps.
The police believe the post office
safe had been blown and rifled before
the robbers began shooting and that
they would have made their escape
less spectacularly had It not been for
the noise made by the explosion of
nitroglycerin. This caused several
men to start an investigation and as
soon as they appeared the reign of
terror began.
Tbe fusillade of shots fired by the
men as they endeavored to cover their
escape so confused those In authority
that It was subsequently impossible
to discover whether the bandits had
turned their horses loose outside the
town and escaped on the train that
passed half an hour after the explo
sion. or whether they rode away on
their own mounts.
Many Persons Reported Killed and
Injured at Puerta Plata, San
San Jose. Costa Rica.—Heavy earth
quakes were felt here Wednesday.
Thousands of persons are leaving the
city in alarm.
Santo Domingo.—A severe earth
quake shock was felt here Wednesday.
There was no loss of life nor damage
to property in the city.
Puerta Plata. San Domingo.—An
earthquake which caused a panic
among residents here Wednesday is
reported to have resulted in heavy
loss of life and damage to property in
towns in the interior.
Many persons are reported to have
been killed and many more injured.
Only vague reports have come In so
far. but it is feared the casualty list
will prove a long one.
The shocks were felt here about
3 a. m. and were so severe that the
people were aroused from sleep and
fled terror-stricken Into the streets.
Work of Rescue of Entombed Miners
in English Shaft Is Hampered
by Gases
Manchester. England.—An explosion
In the Wellington coal mine at White
haven Thursday cut oK the exit from
the 136 miners who were working be
low the surface. Rescue parties suc
ceeded in saving tour men who had
been working at the bottom of the
shaft. They were prevented by the
gas from penetrating to a point where
the main body of men is imprisoned.
Gas Explosion Injures Seven.
New York.—Escaped gas exploded
on the fourth floor of a tenement
house in East One Hundred and Thir
teenth street Thursday, injuring seven
persons, two of them children. The
35 families in the building fled in a
panic to the lire escapes and the root.
Big Sawmill Is Burned.
Winnipeg. Man.—Burrows' big saw
mill at Grandview, Manitoba, with a
large quantity of stock, was destroyed
by lire Thursday. The loss is esti
mated at 3100,000
Wood and Ainsworth for United
States Army Chiefs.
Nation's Fighting Force* Will Be Un
der Two Physician* Who Never
Had Any Training at West
Washington.—When Maj. Gen. Leon
ard Wood, now tn command of the
department of the east. Governor's Is
land. New York, becomes chief of
stafT. April 22 nest, the United States
army will be headed by two doctors.
The other is Maj. Gen. Fred Crayton
Ainsworth, adjutant general of the 1
army. Neither Is a West Pointer.
General Wood is the ranking ma
jor general of the army, and Maj. Gen.
Ainsworth is nest in number. There
is only eight months difference in
their rank, though ten years differ
ence in their length of service. Ains
worth entered the army ten years be
fore Wood, but Wood was promoted
to be major general eight months be
fore Ainsworth reached the rank. The
two doctor generals have been per
sonal friends for years.
The careers, capabilities and char
acterlstics of the two men—both of
whom entered the army as civilians
—are so nearly parallel that the close
relation Into which they will be
thrown has escited great tntereet In
army circle* In Washington.
“What will the two doctors do with
onr army?" is the question agitating
not only West Pointers (from gea
erals to new second lieutenants), but
»- VS VI " /- /: 1
Gen. Frtd Ainsworth.
thetr wires; because what happens la
the army ts as much of a domestic 1
as an official affair. Both men are
surgeons and the extraordinarily rapid
rise of the two doctors has never
been regarded with enthusiasm by
those of the line. Both men are re
markable for their executive ability,
and are regarded with great friend
liness by statesmen. Both are New
Englander*. General Wood being a
Massachusetts man. while General
Ainsworth was born In Vermont.
Only one man who entered the
army as a medical officer has traveled
further than General Ainsworth. That
man Is General Wood. General Ains
worth Is a native of Woodstock. Vt..
and was graduated from the medical
school of the University of New York
In 1874. He immediately entered the
army as an assistant surgeon. In j
1S92 he was made colonel and chief
of the record and pension office of
the war department From that time
on his advance has been by leaps and
bounds. He was made a brigadier
general in 1899. and in 1904 was made
a major general and military secre
tary of the army.
It was while serving as chief of the
record and pension system that Ains
worth first attracted the attention of
army officers and politicians and
gave evidence of the unusual exec
utive ability which has been largely
responsible for his rapid rise.
ne was one or tne Orst officials of
the government to evolTe and perfect
a card system. Some say that be is
an even better card Indexer than
Postmaster General Frank E. Hitch
cock, who has gained fame in that
role. He did away with an inanity
of useless red tape and abolished
many cumbersome methods that he
found in vogue. In a short time and
with apparent ease he built up a sys
tem of 50.000,000 record cards by the
use of which he could find out in two
minutes all about any man who ever
served in the United States army or
nary, either as a regular or as a vol
unteer, from the days of Bunker Hill
to the days of Kettle Hill and later.
The fame of his system soon made
General Ainsworth popular with all
who had business with the war de
partment When a senator or rep
resentative receives a request from
some woman in his district for the
record of an ancestor in the Revolu
tionary war, upon which she depends
to get into the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution, the worried legisla
tor telephones General Ainsworth
and within an hour General Ains
worth has the record ready for him.
In consequence of his executive abil
ity and willingness to oblige he has
hosts of friends in and out of congress
who are glad to advance his fortunes
in any way possible.
General Wood's most powerful po
litical backing was due to his close
friendship with Theodore Roosevelt
which greatly accelerated his rapid
rise in the army. The two met in
the west and later nerved together in
the Spanish war.
Items of Interest Around the State
State Fair Gives Rates.
The board of managers of the stats
fair met Thursday afternoon at the
state house and approved the contract
made by Chairman C. H. Rudge and
President O. P. Headers hot for the
appearance of the Wright Brothers'
aeroplane at the state fair which is
to be held at Lincoln the first week in
September. The board members pres
ent were President Hendershot of
Hebron; Chairman Rudge of Lincoln;
G. W. Hervey of Omaha; Peter
Youngers of Geneva; L. W. Leonard
of Pawnee City, and E. t. Russel) ol
The air ship Sights promise to ba
one ©f the beat attractions the board
bas ever engaged. Flights will be
made both in the forenoon and after
noon of each day of the fair. Yaude
ville acts will be given at the grand
stand on the race course each fore
noon. afternoon and evening.
Night races will be a feature of the
fhir this year for the first time in
addition to fireworks. To light the
track at night for racing electric or
gasoline lamps will be used
The trouble over securing Lons
Vartio's band and grand opera com
pany has been settled and the band
and singers will appear at a Sunday
afternoon concert in the auditorium
at the fair grounds. The manager ol
the organisation desired to give •
Sunday concert at another city, but
the board proved that the original
arrangement called tor a Sunday con
cert in Lincoln and he agreed to com,
and sign the contract. The organ;sa
tfau comprises 44 Instrumentalist*. 1
grand opera singers and 1* chorus
singers. Four concerts daily will he
.Monday. September l. will be I mum
day. acd tbe fair board baa decided
to give special inducements for labor
ing men and old soldiers lb attend
on that day. The admission fee foe
Sunday and Monday will he only *3
cents, half the usual rrtce. For Sc
cents one can stay all day aad remain
on the grounds during the evening on
Monday. On Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday an admission fee ot
7-' cents will be charged after S p. a
This fee is made low for the benefit
of those who desire to attend the
e-rntng entertainments only. The
board has decided to change the form
ot its tickets this year, tn addition
a season ticket will be sold for IS
Tbe board aleo contemplates putties
in cash turn style* at all of the outer
gates so that the ticket sellers sad
gate keeper* may be abolished The
kind ot apparatus in view will tui
only when a patron drape halt a dob
lar in a slot.
National Guard News.
Adjutant General Hart lean haa
swarded marksmanship prises to com
panies and enlisted men ot the Ne
braska national guard. The prise*
were for the highest sa erage of marks
manship In the use of the gallery tar
get between January 1 and April 1.
The three prises for companies
were awarded in the following order:
Company 1. Second regiment. Alma,
whose average was 83.85. 558; com
pany C. First regiment. Beatrice, aver
age. 50.17. ISO: company K. Second
regiment. Schuyler, average. 44 34,
Brocse medals were awarded to e»
listed men as follows:
Sergt. E. A. Miller, company U
Second regiment. Alma, average 3S;
Sergt. I. W. Flink. company K. Sec
ond regiment. Schuyler, average 38;
Sergt. Roy Schook. company C, Firs!
regiment, Beatrice, average 32; Sergt.
Alva Ik Nicholas, company G. First
regiment. Geneva, average 31; Private
Monte Norton, company K. First reg
iment, Wymote, average 81.
The adjutant general has mustered
out company F. First regiment, at
Madison, on account of Inefficiency.
Major Charles E. Fraser, formerly
captain of this company, has been
authorized to recruit a new company
Adjutant General Hartigan and
Capt Lon Kesterson have returned
from Beaver City, where they must
ered a new company of flfty-flve men , .
Dr. J. R. Cameron, who served in
company H of Nelson during the Phil
ippine war, was elected captain of tbe
new company.
Two Dean* Created.
On recommendation of the teachers*
committee. Dr. W. A. Clark, head ot
the department of education at the
Kearney state normal, is to receive
the title of dean and an increase ot
State House Briefs.
The state railway commission haa
authorised the Gage County Gas.
Light and Power company to sell $13,
000 of stock
Tuesday was sophomore day with
the secretaries of the state board of
health. Seventy students appeared in
representative hall to take an exam
ination for advancement.
The state normal hoard win meet
at Kearney May 25, which is the data
of commencement nt the Kearney
state normal school.
The state hoard of irrigation has
approved the actioa of Secretary
Simmons in granting the application
of Miller A Freshman for 500 cubic
feet per second from the Blue riTer
for power purposes. A protest by
Henry Steinmeyer was overruled. The
successful applicants desire to build
x dam across the river near Beatrice
to supply power and light to that