h--% oc the aor varna Me tracts of tend or tbo *-* *■ ** «** There are bat two pAces a tbo »b i> world where tbo c~'«vnd & mwrrfc co much as m tbo v-a»:ta Ata> T: tn« places are that porttaB of the (-alley of tbo Rhme where tbe ■'. -art »h, rprr grape :* grown, from * tt L> todTamxiicfc and cuter £ao * -« 5-** -ma£». and the K:mber*y rc lirnr j* Soirh Africa j itoe Tacte Aba|o tbe aafi to % and irm i <-a» N said it tbo -f «r» a: ;t- rat* of JTS* '* 1 . * t oa, is Tbo marvel cf tkis * " ’-* deem® posed and sus^ -i’.o tbo atul by tto# rats* It to tbo frrrtHarr ®-’ :t a boc bay }*rt al*®* "tA‘ cakes Vaelta Ahajo tobacco «bat « is ner yet tbe cboosociotto tmsortjoa that keeps ®gt tbo hottest raj* of tbo sen. »or jot tbo choke seed, tor 0(0* yet tbo mild equable ta-s.ro cd tbo climate aor tbo rtoem i ''c«pos:-n® off the sot: Far each Aid e-.ry ee» of ’bos* rend.item* Is -•produced a otbor places wrthcmt —At surprising and dolinoap climax ’ tact® cc’tiTo that caaso* alone | k* tbo toran of Ptiar del Rio ’ Nortbor science aor experience ran '»•’! mbat It Is *bat makes VaeR» Atop]® tobacco last mbat it is Bt- tb* ta’-ro Cuban know* tbo so crot In strict cnnSdeece bo sotso " -®*s r or fide* til* secret aid I !r> * rid new tor -be first time to make it y mMk T1’ groat soje-r -rt of Vsei ’a AtoaJ® vAye over al! otters ' e* w . -pAr »£-t year on Eas’er Fiseay tto sc® of every vega m tfco ir . -_co 1# anoig’ed wnfc ’too blood of * fctbtxc rock killed » honorable That ! might tire no doubt of tbis '* agr uBarat theory I was -horns tbe ’ra:t :tg cpasT-ers off tbo fight.ug racks of tbo district. ITt 'o * us * r» "to old Trailer race item **-’ - meeting me®! off bananas and * * Aid massaged tbodi limd'TT tbe *mg i its «itk Malaga wmo Tie -aetgt.t bas ee’ered csrioiis ' ' r-iba* poErt.f* Tfco sor bril •--ba ip ifm there ts Alfredo Zaras now iire-president. Ho is tbo ; - e# Tbo eland, as attorney. * :»>■. : and working far*igi.tod Cn * *“ iaf .y lor Lis presidential asp: -.» be :«#• od long aad eagerly to Am-- - 'as ideas of Cuban aCair* ac } si -Id be Tbit is where bo fell ■- » - Vtgel Gomez listened to -at. aSnn as they are Zaras thong!’ tt would be a good - - - - suppress tbe cockfight Tie * t - - -an* tedd him :: would be It is a rt; t* .» barbaric; tt is not V pin— • t io tbe AagheflaxoB taste: so tie Am- -.-ran* ’old Zayas and Zayas •'-od. too eagerly Gomez kr.ow bo was dealing with a Castilian people; t» »a* a Castilian himself He lovod «. rorftSfbt himself Jos’ as every one f • ts t- .e compatriots did He lovod Zava# :n Harar.a *a* trying to cow ’ hi* •out’TytBoe that * bey should ab erx-tobgfctiEg Gomez, in P.rar w R - war pe-rs ca!ly attending tbo » •Ha**-- Sunday anoicting of Yuelta -.* ~yo tobacco lands; and Gomez was * — led pres.dost of tfco Cuban repub But Cuba Is oa’y oso-balf tobacco Tt o*:»r fca'f is ig»r w:*b a dash * baeardL This half stretches from r. -it' itiC.* to tbo Bay of Nop: and c.*g *ge* t* k—' substance through tte harbors of Otfarc^s and Sant .agc A tnp to Cuba would not bo otnp'.oto without a visit -o a sugar t.-finery and that is cv-tr paratjrotr -asy for as Amortabx for four-fifths *f • • . m are e"her owned or managed and their ’uuntrymor: ir. i_«z»s welcome v«r m Tt-ere yoa cat see tbo sugar cane bridged from tbo fiat cars at one end -f tbo refinery and fultowing It dewn Tie -t>o of Its Jr -Bey *o the other •fid. yoa discover strange emanations tbo varsons Ta’s In’o tbo first pours a strap as thick and almost as ■sin k a# crude asphalt and into tho •rd r* priix -bo very files’ sirup of a'* a yellow stream as thin as tbo .ap from a maple tree in spring From tbo black stream is crystallized tto lew**! grade of brown sugar: from tbe Sglt yellow stream tbo tigfc i e*t grade of cube sugar As yoa leave tfco sugar refinery yea ' *:Ii pass thrr ugb mjes of sugar cane and !f yoa are there late tr tbo sea so® jroa wfl! at ctievoniont -rtorrals c>3mo- upon a troacborous Iwablwg fol io* carry-.rg a rtfie is tbo hollow of tis arm Ho scans yoa closely and will be detto sere off yo-jr pacific iden trty before jx>« *Q be allowed to pass an All over tbe island those guards are as numerous almost as tbe work ers Right here, in this sugar guard, you can study (f-ickly al! the compticatod rrei-odraasatic poirucs of tbe island Wty sbOBid be gcard sugar cane* Be cause in the bear! off The sugar cane Sj«® ali tie infiaa&aK* spirit of r**o ; at tap Amend tbis sugar ran® re tail.* world polmcs. far it is the backb-jne of Cuban Industry, and •here on a par w;th tobacco, is guiding the finances of tbe realm: and. as ev eryone knows, tigt finance is today tbe sou! of politics, indeed of state craft If any Cuban workman becomes dis *f - ted for any cause whatever or for no cause he may light a cigarette, stroll into the sugar cane, flip his par-tally consumed weed into the field ar.d pass on In less than an hour that entire plantation will be in ashes and thousands upon thousands of dol lars will have gone up in smoke And who will decipher the origin? No one, unless the ever-vigil&nt guard pre vents the tossing of the cigarette and then there will be no fire But a great number of tourists nev er see the sugar fields, never see the tobacco lands Those who are wealthy spend their time motoring along the beautiful roads which surround Ha vana and stretch even as far as San ta Clara, a third of the way across the island. The others stick to the hotels, see an occasional cockfight, visit the ja; alai courts or dance the pleasant evenings away under the semitropic moon The people who support the leading tostelries are to a great and growing extent those who take their own au tomobiles to Cuba. Every year new and better roads are being opened. Already those near Havana are about as perfect as the climate. THE OLDEST ATTIC LETTER - 4 G be* a G "-pse cf Manner* and Custom* ir Demosthere*' Time. A leaden tablet, tarnished, ugly and other* ise trivial in appearance, was sent a few years ago from Athens tc the Imperial museum of Berlin, the sc - tt.Sc American says On one side of :t was some wrung which only re cent!} was deciphered with precise correctness by Adolph Wilhelm The tablet is the original of a private let ter that »as written about the time of the orator Demosthenes. The writer of the letter lived in a rural neighborhood and wished to rend a commercial order to a town. The form of the address was: "To be taken to the pottery market and to be handed to Nausias. or to Thrasykles. or to the son” i perhaps the son of the writer was meanti. The weekly mar ket. to which the Attic countrymen had g ne to offer their produce and wares for sale, may be imagined in progress There the boy wbo was bearer of the letter was to find the stand or booth of one of the three persons to w hom it was addressed and deliver it to him The teit of the letter says: Mnesiergos greets you rord:aIly. he greets your family with the same esteem and wishes them p od health, and he says also that his own health is g(od Please be so k:nd as to send me a mantle, either of I------—' sheepskin or of goatskin, and let it be as cheap as possible, for it does not need to be trimmed with fur. feend with a pair of heavy soles also. As soon as I have an opportunity 1 will . pay you " So much for the letter, to the mo tive of which the reader can point with as much precision as the author. Apparently it was written in winter, poor Mnesiergos having been surprised out in the open country by one of those icy snowstorms which some times even at this day cover the tem ples of Acropolis with a mantle of snow. Therefore he desired to re ceive as quickly as possible the heavy and warm garment of the poorer coun trymen. a goatskin, which could be bought for 41* drachmas, and the strong soles which were worn under the ordinary sandals on the rural plains and hillsides. A good pair of the latter could be bought for four drachmas, as a well-preserved bill of ■ that date shows. A noteworthy feature of this artless letter is the formula that may be found used in very numerous letters that were preserved by the Greek lit- . erature of later times. Even at the present day every letter written by a rural Greek begins with the same cor dial inquiry about the health of the person to whom the letter is written and with the brief information about the health of the writer. RACE IS NEARING ITS END - ( The Marquesar.t. a Strong and Hand some People. Are Literally Retting Away. Of all the inhabitants of the South seas, the Martjuesans were adjudged the strongest and the most beautiful. And now all this strength and beauty has departed, and the valley of Typee is the abode of some dozen wretched creatures, afflicted by leprosy, ele phantiasis and tuberculosis. Melville es-imatrd the population at 2.009. not taking into consideration the stna.l adjoining valley ol Ho-o-u-ml. Life has retted away in this wonderful garden spot. »here the climate is as deiight f-1 and heal htul as any to be found in the world. Xc-t alone were the Typeans physically magnificent; they were pure Their air did not contain the laciiii and germs and microbes of c.sease that fill our own air. And when •he white man imported in their ships tnese various micro-organisms of dis ease the Typeans crumpled up and went down before them When one considers the situation, one is almost driven to the conclusion that the white race flourishes on Im purity and corruption. Natural selec tion. however, gives the explanation. We of the whtte race are the survivors and the descendants of the thousands of generations of survivors in the war with micro-organisms. Whenever one of us was born with a constitution pe <- laxly receptive to these minute ene mies. such a one promptly died Only those of us survived » ho couid with stand them We who are alive are the offl-w. the fit—the ones best cons ti led to Mve in a world of hostile mi ero-orgnnismw The poor Uarquesans S---I had undergone no such selection. , They were not Immune. And they, who j had made a custom of eating their j enemies, were cow eaten by enemies ■o microscopic as to be Invisible, and 1 Egainst whom no war of dart and javelin was possible. On the other . hand, had there been a few hundred thousand Marquesans to begin with, there might have been sufficient sur- i vivors to lay the foundation for a new race—a regenerated race, if a plunge into a festering bath of organic poison can be called a regeneration.—Pacific Monthly. — New Feminine Industry. The studio girl showed 16 slabs of j cake wrapped in tissue paper and tagged with well know n names. “That is wedding cake” she said. "I got f these pieces because I designed the ' cakes. Early last fall I came to the conclusion that wedding cakes don’t stand as high in art as they deserve to. For the first time in my life I ; took to studying society notes. When ever a big wedding was announced I out in a bid for designing the wed ding cake, just as an architect bids for building a bouse. The idea ap j>ealed to a number of people who are always on the lookout for novelties and they paid me a good price for drawing up plans for the baker to work on In addition to the money. 1 got a slice of every cake The mon j ey is ail gone, but 1 am still hanging on to the cake ”—New York Sun --— An Easy Angel. “Any good thing in the new mu j sica! show?” “Y*?‘ *** hacker was a -good thing —Kansas City Time*. Something She Didn’t Know “*** pickaninny by the hand, came and sat down between the two women u “be did no the younger got up and began pacing ap and down the plat form The darky's eyes biased and *be was of ended at once. Huh'* she exclaimed, ostensibly addressing the fcmr-yearold pickanin ny. hot realty speaking for the bene fit of the Indy at the other end of ibe bewch “She ■ got had blood in her. all right—thinks cos shes got good clothes, she owns dia bench. “Why did ahe get ap Auntie?" naked the child “Cos ahe thinks she's too good to sit aside of us." blustered the woman. “Can t anybody sit on these benches. Auntie?" questioned the child “Of course they can. chile—hut she thinks just cos she's got good clothes she's too good to sit aside of us UtUe the knows.” in s louder key. "Uttle she knows dst Mrs AstorbUt comes and aits in our house by de hour little she knows dat I reckon. a TO BROIL A STEAK SIMPLE *ORM OF COOKING LIT TLE UNDERSTOOD. American HounwIvm Hava Not Paid Enough Attention to Thla Ap> proved Method of Preparing Food for tho Tablo. In tire of the fact that broiling ts one of the simplest forms of cooking it U strange that so many scorched \nd dried up or half-raw steaks appear on the American table, and If they are broiled properly the chances are that they are not seasoned sufficiently Any steak, however tender, can be i» proved by rubbing ft. before broiling with olive oil or melted butter. After rubbing ft in this way let it stand half an hour at least, turning it once daring that time. Sometimes a little vinegar—about a tablesponful of the best—ts also rubbed over it. Tbe acid softens the fiber of the meat and the oil protects the surface trorn drying The vinegar Is particularly useful Ir the treatment of tough steaks, but an\ «te&k is improved by ft. A tough pteo of steak like the round should stand several hours after betrg rubbed with oil and vinegar, but it ts better not to try to broil round steaks They will always be more or less tough, while they become deliciously tender It stuffed and braised or stewed slowly with tomatoes and savory seasonings Just before broiling dredge th* steak lightly with flour. Thts. mixing with the oil. forms a coating ever thi meat ws ft cooks, and shuts in th« juices. When first put over the fire the steak should be held for two minutes as near the red coals as possible with out burning and should be turned every ten seconds. This Is to sear it over. After it is seared it should be lifted and allowed to cook a little fur th»r from the fire until done. After the first two minutes ft should be turned only occasionally, and care should be taken not to puncture the protective coating with a fork. While some persons want their steak well done, the consensus of opinion is that it should be as rare as possible with oi being actually raw. For this do gree. a steak an inch thick will re quire six minutes. To be well done a steak should nroil 12 minutes, or even longer. These figures presuppose a 'eery hot fire. If it is not quite so hot Is it should be a longer time must be allowed. During the broiling process ail the drafts of the stove should be opened i.nd the bed of coals should be bril •iant. without fiame. The grate should be well filled, so as to bring the fire .ose to the meat. If any smoke or •.lame is present the meat -win have a disagreeable f.avor. The great chefs prefer a charcoal bed for broiling. One of the advantages of a gas range is that as the meat is broiled under the fiame instead of over it the fat does not fail Into the fire, but into a pan beneath, where it cannot start a blaze that scorches the meat. When broiling on a wood or coal stove, lay the fat edge of the meat toward the handle of the broiler, where it will be i-emoved as far as possible from the fire. Grease the broiler before put ting in the n eat. Season with sail and pepper last ol all and serve on a heated platter with out delay. Green Salad. The vegetables which are new al this time—fresh garden lettuce, chic ory. dandelion, watercress, romaine etc., make the most refreshing green salads. Crisp the green stuff in cold water an hour before using, drain per fectly dry, and season with salt, cay enne, olive oil and lemon juice. May onnaise. you must understand, is dis tinctly a winter delicacy and so one that brings no refreshment to the pal ate at this time of year. For those who like garlic, the cut end of a clove rubbed on a bit of toast, which is afterwards tossed with the green stuff, gives a delicious snap to the dish. Tomato Salad. Pare six or eight small tomatoes and scoop out a small quantity of the pulp from each; sprinkle the Insides with salt, invert and chill. Fill the cavities with the following mixture: One tablespoonful of finely chopped pa-sley, three tablespoonfuls of cream cheese, one tablespoonful of mush room catsup, a dash of white pepper, one saltspoonful of salt, eight stoned and chopped olives and sufficient French dressing to moisten. Arrange on a bed of fresh watercress and top each with a teaspoonful of bar-le-duc Jelly. Turkish Rice. Put Into a saucepan a cupful ol stewed and strained tomatoes. Add half a pint of stock, one chopped onion and salt and pepper to taste When the mixture comes to a boil, stii in a cupful of well washed rice. Stir lightly until the liquor is absorbed; then pu. in a cupful of butter. Steam over a slow fire for 10 minutes. Re move the top. stir gently and covet with a cloth until the steam has es caped. Add a cupful of cold chopped meat. Cook for another three min utes and serve very hot. Steamed Eggs. Steamed eggs make a nice break fast dish, and they are particularly dainty when cooked in a steam cock er. Butter the cups, and drop a raw egg into each, sprinkle with a speck of salt and pepper, and steam until the whites are firm. Slip each egg on a rounu of toast and serve at once — Harper's Bazar. Miplt Bynt, To one pint of bread sponge add one small cupful of grated maple sugar, two Urge eggs; well beaten one^talf scant cupful of soft butter, one-half teaspoonful of salt, and flour to make a soft dough. When light «to*pe Into buns and let rise again Bakq in a quick ora. Dissolve one pound of alum In two -juarvs of water. Let it remain over "tight, until all the alum to dissolved Then, with a brash, appty boiling hot o every joint or crevice in the closet or shelves where croton bugs. ants, cockroaches, etc. Intrude. Simple Street Hat IK YOU are looking for comfort and service in a street hat and want to he sure that It embodies style and becomingness as well, study the mod els shown here. Fig. l shows a French hat woven In -'’Be piece and faced with a deml facing of black velvet. It Is so alto gether charming that It will tempt the t Price of a much more elaborate effort ; from almost any discriminating buy er. Nothing could be simpler than Its decoration of two pheasant feathers counted with a big. Jeweled straw, tabochon. This counting of two long quills gives them an Importance which places them In the "chanticler” class at once. And one must not complain at the high price of a "chanticler" pat tern. This Is really one of the most beautifully balanced shapes which Is to be found. Call It the "hen-pheas ant” model and cheerfully part with 200 francs for it in Paris. It will finally dawn upon those who observe that there are other things to a hat besides trimmings. Fig. 2. of which two views are shown, is an American model In royal blue and white braid. The brim Is soft and beautifully draped, and the whole make up of the hat chowa the handiwork of an artist In mil linery. Folded velvet Is thrust through the brim at the left and ex tends across the back and disappears under the brim at the right side. Two blue wings spring out of the crown. A flower hatpin holds the turban in place, but is no part of the design. This is a very commendable design, and this is true of its modest price. Nothing could be more unpreten tious or more finished than a simple hat now much worn. This Is of a dura ble braid In burnt straw color, faced with black satin ribbon. The ribbon, bordered with braid, is laid in a scant fiat rosette and finished with four "ears." The crown is very large, but a model similarly trimmed, having a smaller crown, has been made and ts even more successful than the orl ginal. The American models are hand made of rows of braid sewed to ge-her. The braids are light in weight, very soft and of high luster There is nothing rigid or heavy about the shapes, and they are altogether satisfactory. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. CONFIRMATION DRESS. The dress we show here Is pretty In tts simplicity. It may be made np In white material. A plastron is taken down the center front, the bodice and ; skirt joining it with a wrapped seam; a strap of silk edges the foot of skirt, also the over-sleeves, and another is taken over the shoulders, while the lace yoke is edged by a small plastron of silk. The under-sleeves are of lace to match the yoke. • Materials required: Six yards 44 Inches wide, one doien butto&a. two yards lace, two yards silk. ORNAMENT FOR THE INSTEP Lace Insertion Is the Most Popular of the Designs Sanctioned by Fashion. Instead of a lengthy embroidering process on the stocking Instep, lace is substituted as an insert. This work Is usually done on the black or the white stocking, and the lace chosen Is let In in a diamond shaped piece—a very elongated and narrow diamond. The long strip of Insertion, or all over lace, is basted upon the Instep just where it will show above the slip per. A diamond shape is then out .ined with white thread, and over this is w orked a solid band of over-and over stitch in floss to match the stocking, and about an eighth of an inch wide. This done, the remaining Caps of the lace, outside of the diamond, are cut away and then the stocking is tyrned and that part oj it beneath the diamond of lace is clipped carefully out If your work is well done, stocking and lace will not pull apart. This Is a lacy relief from the regu lation embroidery and will prove beautiful for your friend, the June bride. For the Dressing Tablt. A convenient set of three small consecutive bags, which will pr0T# wonderfully convenient if hung beside the dressing table, is made from a yard length of pompadour, dresden or plain sash ribbon divided into three equal parts, folded into bag shape the sides overcast missing b*>a* kva) p»»*w Ifea R»v l\ X*iv->y nf Aivs.l«>» svuh.xr v a , *nam«»J (bat k* -A'aki t-Njui» tv »«fN-w4 that anaj, Vo wror* for tV TVo vsw •:' > r » -v- mw ration. sn.Vv-vs. ,-n, o>ot dvsp-tw* \A read.-.ob* and such «*.<. 't'\v t;v t-.y* o*» bav* a free trial bcirV sc-t to >v - h,—• prepaid tv forwarv-c \ --,- - - wt » ! V s» tt 1* the a - . ,« — o *t t s! f«e--v n-ost e*fr-t>w tyvattw to- o \ -» ewe tr-o* rveec-ots w :t sw-' you ?v» regular N'ttV- J»' cents or $1. a-d m *- *ts an- c. 1-n-v.vt A pi .-tyre of M • ‘hrwjv et Quincy, DLa cured i Is rrosonNsI heneartth It IVjy is nay •v'~c about wr case that you don't y».