The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 12, 1910, Image 2

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Lad liaUfd tor Men of tenrlai •
Uouts charier for U« proposed
letototkt Burr J. Morphy, per
aoeal rmnl tor Mr. Bocke'eUer.
u4 speaking tor the Standard OH
Udy aftoaet fnoditot Mr Mor
phy *1m tU that Mr Bockrfeller ;
bad t /k u to do otto the “Economic
aad One-ral Fwatc. -a for oihb
a charier la anas aosurnt from toe
See Tork legislature far *m aged
coaa «f acaiut.* -ad to bare li-iAi.
Mt to apead oa charity
The a son Judiciary cuaaittft re
ported fasorabty a resolution offered
by >-ymnttt>e Craig idem • Aln
lama, calhag ea toe attorney gen
eral tor ialormat^aa ouacerming the
pinna irwfhia by toe department of jus
tice’ «f the allergd “pooT to eocioa.
Tae n/lame of niArauou of toe
tremy of January II. IWi M««n
Ue Cslted fetal ea aad Great Bo la. a.
torn aa toe toteraateuaal ■
treaty, aa* announced by toe state
deparunest Till trea’y a as approved
by toe l'arte* States senate ua March
X. 1«M
Tbe coral delivery aervae aad the
star route aerrtce of toe paatofffe* de- j
partmept are te be eooso'idaied an.
toe eatobtaed acrvhe m to te kaosn
aa toe ffitooa of rural saili Tbe
order ortn take effect cm July first.
The m dirtsxm *U! bare Immedi
ate autperrtetoa over annual appro
pruttoaa aggregating dose to p'.
Bear Admiral Philip If:< Mora C S.
X. retired, fed at Lis bote here
at tbe age of assent; <me. T) e ad
miral bad ten sack fur the past taro
suffering from arterial saier
Tbe toumu of farty-aerea rail
r ail seat of Chicago aad of their
engineers aad fimn-n ae* hinge up
on the aetertkm of a third arbitrator
by ikilrona Ka*|y of toe taterstate
•Hait Xml of toe t-urrau at labor,
tbe mediators under toe Mate act
to labor notreiernn invoicing Inter
state rnaimerer Through toe me 11
gtfoa «d fenn Knapp and Xe»H. tbe
railroads aad their employes sere
brought together oa a number of
potato aad base tended to art/'rate
toe qestlna ua which they sere dead
Presides' Taft ended n tv* difl*
•far la Pittsburg «nfe a spot eh at
tto Grant day l iter of the Amer
•ran risk la tklrfc U dealt almost
vfcoty wfth the foreign alfatr* of the
King Edward VI! died at Bcking
ham Palm*. London. after as iliaess
ad about on* week with pneumonia or
eamptica«*d throat trouble Ail Eng
land mourn* for the beloved ruler,
and from all wver the British empire
and other countries condolences
poured In Edward is succeedel by
his second widest son. the Prise* of
Senator Beveridge of Indiana is re
ceiving cancrncwlatlons upon the ar
rival of aa Infant daughter at his
home I* Washington
One hundred sociologist* land own
ers and men and women interested in
the back-Uetbe farm movement, at
tended the first general npeting for
the promotion of the national farm
homes asaoHatioa at St l.ouis.
A soaking rain fell over a good
part of Nebraska
A Japanese spy. who was caugni
sketching n fort at the entrance to
Hongkong harbor, was sentenc'd to
Andre rushing A Co. one of the
largest manufacturing concerns in
Canada, has failed. Liabilities are
aa A to be |3I.*4
The demand of the administration
for two new battleships will be grant
ed. the senate committee on naval
affairs having practically decided to
accept the feovisioa of the house bill
oa this subject
Insurgent senators, after a confer
ence. declare 1 they will not be
swerved from their course.
Nearly two hatadred miners are be
lieved to bate been killed by an ex
podm la aa Alabama mine
Many law a manufacturing plants
win dose within a few days unless
la a protest to congress the Iowa
railroad commission ash* that the
provtmon of the Taft railroad bill,
which exempts from operation of the
hC! state rates applying between
points wholly within the state, be re
Charles Kttz. who was found guilty
of larceny by a Jary *■ the supreme
court of New York, was sentenced
to nerve aa ^determinate term In
the penitentiary.
Five H oared people are reported
killed and a town la Nicaragua de
stroyed by aa earthquake
Though having lost one large for
tune. Mark Twam died worth a mil
Tt would be criminal to sacrifice
the Indr* duality of the independent
party with a close alliance with either
democrats or repaid.can*. In thn
opinion of W R Hearst_
Uu Berbohm. the writer and critic,
and Mias Florence Kahn, an Ameri
can actress, whose borne is in Mem
phis, Teen . sere married In London.
The sundry civil appropriation bill
will contain an item of JSO.OoO to en
able the department of Justice to con
tinue the investigation and prosecu
tion of sugar customs frauds.
The king's bench in London con
firmed the lower court's order for ex
tradition of Frank Matusio. wanted
for alleged forgery in St Louis.
Approximately d.fV’O tra'nmen and
conductors employed on the lines of
the New York Centra) «ast of Boston
w:'l receive wage Increases averaging
M per cent.
The Minnesota democratic state
convention will be held in M tne
aped:* July 2*
The National Conservation congress
will not be held In St. Louis in
August. J B. Wh:te, chairman of the
executive committee of the congress,
has announced that Theodore Roose
velt will address the congress.
At a meeting of the trustees of the
National Society of the Sons of the
American Revo utkm. it was decided
to bold the next convention in Louis
ville. Ky The session closed with a '
The funeral of the late Bjornstjeren
Bjornsun. the Norwegian writer, who
died recently in Paris was held at
Christina with imposing ceremonies.
It was attended by the king and
«e*I. Miller A Co. a spot cotton
firm with headquarters at Corinth.
Miss, and branches at Columbus and
o'ber towns throughout Fast Missis
sippi. went into bankruptcy.
Bo bod y slashed is the senate rail
road bill that its final passage by both
bouses is a matter of doubt.
Ban Antonio secret service agents
here in their possession a number of
counterfeit United States gold
pieces believed to Lave been made
in Mexico.
S.x ind-etnients were handed down
by the special grand jury of which
John I* Rockefeller. Jr, is the fore
man which has been Investigating
the “»t te slave*" traffic in New
Freight tariffs showing considerable
Increases over the present rates from
we-tern territory to the Atlantic sea
board will be filed with the interstate
commerce commission to become ef
fective on June 1
John Quin- y Adams Ward, one of
America's greatest sculptors, died at
hi* home in New York
A Nicaraugua citizen has written
the American consul that cruelties
are being practiced in Nicaragua.
The directors of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company declared the regu
lar quarterly dividend of 1*4 per
The Chicago Freight Handlers' un
ion with a membership of 2.000. has
sent an ultimatum to eighteen rail
roads entering the city
B P Waggener has been made gen
eral solicitor of the Missouri Pacific
Railroad company for Kansas. Ne
braska and Colorado, with headquar
ters at Atchison. Kan
William H. Barret, one of the big
gest and heaviest men in the world,
died at Dorust Valley. N. Y. He
weighed SC6 pounds
Fn indictments were handed down
by the special grand jury of which
John D Rockefeller. Jr., is the fore
man. sluib has been investigating
the "white slave" traffic
Non-resjdents can maintain suits for
divorce in the state of Kansas if the
person against whom the action is
brought can be served in the state.
Mr Bryan says his poll of legisla
tors shows she Initiative and referen
dum would pass the Nebraska house
without difficulty.
The national party prohibition con
vent ion may be held in Lies Moines in
The election contests involving the
i seats of Kepresen'aUves Joseph F.
I OX uLnell of Massachusetts and Al
bert K.-topinal of Louisiana, both
democrats, were concluded by bouse
i committees.
Diamonds. Jewelry and money to
the value of SC.000 -ere stolen in
Reno. Nev.. from the apartments of
Miss Fa Packer, formerly a New York
I actress.
Mr Roosevelt was praised In the
superlative by beads of the munici
| palny of Paris.
Senator Hale denied that fear of
d- eat prompted his announcement of retirement from the senate.
S-cretary Ballinger says he has no
intention of resigning.
Secretary Wilson, in a talk to
farmers gave his theories on causes
,of the high cost of living.
A suggestion has been made to
Congressman Hinshaw that he make
the race for governor of Nebraska.
Representative Harrison demanded
light on New York customs house
Senator Brown has asked the su
preme court for a rehearing in the
: Nebraska elevator case.
House democrats will not assist the
Insurgents in ousting Cannon.
Samuel Gompers pleads for a union
1 of farmers and organized labor.
The senate confirmed the nomina
tion of Governor Hughes as a justice
of the supreme court.
Senator Burkett is trying to ar
range a visit of West Point cadets to
; Omaha the coming fall.
Colonel Roosevelt is said to have
written a letter endorsing the ad
ministration of President Taft.
In an address at New York. Attor
aey General Wickersbam criticised
the insurgent members of congress.
Edward Payson Weston finished
his ocenn-to-ocean walk at the city
halt of New York eleven days ahead
of time.
Secretary BaiXnger testified in his
own defense before the congressional
Commander Robert E Peary has
accepted an invitation to appear be
fore the Royal Geographical society
of Antwerp
Richard L- Metcalfe argues for a
special session of the Nebraska legis
tatnre to pass the initiative and refer
Long and Short Haul is a Subject of
Much Controversy in the Upper
Washington—Under a flag of truce,
hostilities between the conservative
and progressive republicans of the
senate over the administration rail
road bill have ceased temporarily.
They will be renewed probably when
Senators Cummins and Dolliver re
turn Thursday from Iowa, where they
have gone to open the campaign. Sen
ator Aldrich is expected to return
from H. t»4e Island Tuesday. If he
should «u:.-mpt to precipitate a vote
on ary important amendment Sen
ators I-aFo’>tte and Clapp will under
take to Ik. d the floor*
Meanwhile the White Honse will
be the scene of the real activities.
President Taft having undertaken to
bring into line some of the so-called
“near insurgents” whose attitude on
the railroad bill has been a matter of
doubt. That work was begun Satur
day and it was claimed that Senators
Gamble and Crawford of South Dako
ta would join the forty-five regular
republicans previously canvassed,
making the necessary “all republican
majority” for the administration
While an understanding was
reached in the house that the vote
on the railroad bill would be taken
Tuesday. It now seems certain that
the democrats will seek to have the
bill recommitted with instructions
that the sections be eliminated. The
vote, it is conceded, will be close.
In the senate the long and short
haul provision is the immediate sub
ject of controversy, but is receiving
little more attention than the stock
and bond sections which come fur
ther along in the bill and which are
far more puzzling. The president and
the attorney general are pressing for
their retention and, inclined to ac
cede to their demands, the regular re
publicans will make a stand for the
sections. Some of the regulars, how
ever. would bo pleased if they were
Among those who are understood
to doubt the wisdom of their reten
tionare Senators Aldrich, Elkins and
Root, ail of whom concede the possi
bility of legal complications over
their conflict with state laws. They
are not disposed to yield, however,
and Attorney-General Wickersham
is represented as being willing to
vouch for the validity of the provis
No especial effort is being made to
bold republicans in line against the
long and short haul amendment. It
is generally recognized that local con
ditions are such that many of the
senators from the interior states can
not avoid supporting this provision.
But the regulars count confidently
upon making up among the democrats
the losses on their own 6lde of the
Test of Hog Cholera Serum.
Washington.—Senator Burektt had
a further conference with the chief of
the bureau of animal industry to close
plans to test the new hog cholera
serum In Nebraska. The department
favors the stock yards at South
Omaha as the place, and between July
1 and 15 as the time to conduct ex
periments. It will require about thirty
head of hogs, weighing from forty to
100 pounds each. Senator Burkett
has taken the matter up with inter
ested parties in Nebraska and at the
stockyards to secure facilities for
Lines East of Mississippi May Raise
Tariff July 1.
Washington.—A rate readjustment
is being made by all interstate car
riers in the territory between the
Mississippi river and the Atlantic sea
board. The routes included are the
water-and-rail, as well as the standard
and differential lines. It is understood
the increased rates will become ef
fective about July 1. The desire of
the carriers is. of course, to anticipate
tne passage of the pending railroad
Famous Detective Dead.
New York.—Thomas F. Byrnes, for
merly superintendent of police of the
city of New York, but more famous
for his work in the detective bureau,
died at his home from chronic indiges
tion after an illness of more than two
years. He was 65 years old.
Holy Ghoatera Fare Pooriy.
Portland. Me. — The barkentine
Kingdom, of the Holy Ghost and Us
society of Shiloh, in this state, arrived
here Sunday from the Mediterranean
with Frank W. Sanford, the head of
i the sect, on board. It Is believed that
the ship has brought back the so
ciety’s colonists at Palestine, many of
: whom, it is said, were in danger of
falling into want. The ship’s decks
1 swarmed with men and women and
| many little children, but none of them
• disembarked and no visitors were al
on board.
The Late King's Tomb.
Tondon.—The tomb of Edward VII
will be beneath the Albert Memorial
chapel at Windsor, where the body of
hiseldeet son. the duke of Clarence,
has a sepulcher. The obsequies, prob
ably. will be held on May 20. Before
the funeral. It has practically been
dcided. the body of the king will He
ia state la Westminster hall under the
bouse of parliament, which was last
the scene of a similar ceremony when
for two days and nights a constant
stream of dtlaens AM pant the coffin
of the great cnmnwar. Gladstone.
Will Be Immediately Succeeded on
The Throne by Hia Second Son,
Who Will Reign as George V.
London. May 7.—King Edward VTI,
who returned to England from a va
cation ten days ago. in the best of
health, died at 11:45 o'clock Friday
night in the presence of his family,
after an illness of less than a week,
which was serious hardly more than
three days.
The prince of Wales is king, as
suming the title of George V, and
will take the oath before the privy
council at once.
Coming so suddenly, the death of
the king can not but bring the great
Born November 9, 1841; Died NUy
6, 1910.
est sorrow to the nation, in whose
hearts Edward first as prince of
Wales and afterwards as sovereign,
held first place.
Edward VVI’s short reign of nine
years and four months has been a
history of stirring times. It opened
with the conclusion of peace after a
long and trying campaign in South
Africa, and concludes at the critical
moment of one of the momentous po
litical struggles of modern times be
tween the peers and commons. In a
day the political outlook of Great Brit
ain has been revolutionized.
Gathered around the bedside of the
dying king was the queen and princ
ess. No hope had been held out
throughout the day for the recovery
of his majesty, whose death, it is be
lieved. was due to pneumonia, fol
lowing bronchitis contracted shortly
after his return from Biarritz.
Only a day or two ago the king
was conducting the business of state
and giving audiences, but on Wed
nesday he was compelled to submit to
the orders of his physicians. Since
then until the end bis decline was
The prince of Wales succeeds to
the crown immediately, according to
the laws of the kingdom, without offi
cial ceremony. His first official act
was to dispatch to the lord mayor the
announcement of his father's death,
in pursuance of custom. His tele
gram read:
"I am deeply grieved to inform you
that my beloved father, the king,
passed away peacefully at 11:45
o’clock tonight (Signed) George.”
The physicians soon afterward Is
sued their official bulletin, which was
as follows:
“May 6—His majesty, the king,
breathed his last at 11:45 tonight in
the presence of her majesty. Queen
Alexandra, the prince and princess of
Wales. Princess Royal, the duchess of
Fife. Princess Victoria and Princess
Louise, the duchess of Argyll. :
(Signed.) Laking, Reid, Powell, Daw
son.” _
King Careless About Health.
Vienna—Dr. Ott, King Edward’s
physician at Marienbad, in an inter
view said: "The king's age and habits
involved more danger In bronchail ca
tarrh than with ordinary cases. Gen
erally speaking, the king's constltu- j
tion would be considered healthy and {
robust, but his majesty would not
take care of himself."
Roosevelt’* Visit to England.
London.—If Mr. Roosevelt s visit to
England Is carried out it will be shorn
of all display. Telegrams from Ber
lin say that the German emperor will
proceed to England and that Mr.
Roosevelt's visit to Berlin must be
Coweta. Okl.—J. M. Ashworth, a
farmer, and an unidentified boy were
killed on a farm near here early hy a
tornado. Several farmers were seri
ously hurt and half a dozen houses
were blown down.
Condolences of President Taft.
Washington.—President Taft upon
learning of the death of King Edward
wrote the following message of con
dolence to her majesty. Queen Alex
andra. which was cabled to Bucking
ham palace: “On the sad occasion of
the death of King Edward I offer to
your majesty and to your son. his
illustrious successor, the most pro
found sympathy of the people and of
the government of the United States,
whose hearts go out to their British
kinsmen in this, their national be
Emperor Recelvee News.
Berlin.—The news of the death of
King Edward did no* arrive In Berlin
until after moat of the newspapers
had gene to press. Several of them,
however. Issued special editions con
taining the bulletin announcement
Emperor Williams, wfce is at Wies
baden. as soon as he .learned the
king's illness was serious, ordered the
German embassy at London to tele
graph him direct and often of the
progress of the case. His majesty had
intended vistttaE the theater on F*
News Notes of Interest From Vari
ous Parts of State.
Odd Fellows at Ord will erect a
$15,000 building.
The wheat outlook In York county
is of an encouraging nature.
For the first time in two years Bea
trice is to have saloons.
The comer stone for the new Meth
odist church at Lexington has been
Fairbury will call another election
to vote on the question of bonds for
water works.
The annual movement to the beet
fields begins May 10th. A large num
ber of families will leave Lincoln and
Articles of incorporation of the
Farmers' Elevator company of Pal
myra have been filed with the county
H. H. Gilfry and W T. Field ar
rived in Valentine to look after the
work of constructing the new water
system and electric light plant that
the city is to build.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones of Platts
mouth. celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary. They are among
the oldest residents of Plattsmouth..
having lived In the city for thirty-four
Los Angeles (Cal.) Dispatch: Mrs.
George VV. Clark, formerly of Hum
boldt. Neb., cut her throat in a bath
tub at her home here. A favorite
niece found her. She had been wor
rying over the fear of insanity.
Word was received at Beatrice that
Clarence Habig. 21 years of age. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Habig of that
city, who recently located in the state
of W ashing!on had died suddenly
while hunting in Alaska.
There has been some violations of
the early closing law in Fremont,
and it is likely prosecution will follow.
At Juniata remonstrance has been
filed by citizens against the issuance
of a saloon license to Patrick Fra
ney of Hastings, alleging that the ap
plication is not signed by a sufficient
number of freeholders.
Richard L. Metcalfe, associate edi
tor of The Commoner. Lincoln will
deliver the address to the class of the
Tecumseh High school upon the oc
casion of graduation. Thursday even
ing. May 26. The class will include
eighteen young people, eight boys and
ten girls. .
There Is an epidemic of measels in
the vicinity of Harve, Nemaha county.
The Plattsmouth city council re
cently had a "rough house” over the
issue of a druggist permit.
W. H. Dickson, a farmer living
northeast of Benedict died from inju
He was breaking a celt when the ani
mal kicked him. striking him in the
chest over the heart.
Linn Linford, son of J. S. Linford,
living near St Mary, was riding on
a lister when the tongue broke and
threw him off in front The machine
passed over him and it is thought
injured him internally. He remained
unconscious for some time after the
George Poell. county clerk of Hall
county, handed in his resignation. Mr.
Poell was charged on an expert ac
countant's report to have raised cer
tain receipts of employes in his office,
thus retaining fees unrightfully. He
covered the difference between these
receipts and the much leser amounts
actually paid to the employes and
also the day after the investigation
began turned over $100 of excess fees
that had been retained by him for sev
eral years.
Pearl Newman, a young colored girl
living in the north part of Wheeler
*ounty. died suddenly under myste
rious circumstances. The girl was
apparently well and happy a half hour
before she was snddenly stricken.
The coroner will investigate.
Leon Cook, son of Oscar Cook, of
Ragan, was killed by a feed grinder.
He. in company with his father, was
grinding corn, the boy pushed the
feed down into a basket and lowered
his head as the sweep passed around.
He failed to lower his head in time ,
and was caught and his skull crushed, j
The Board of Supervisors of Gage j
county, held a meeting and appointed
Mrs. Alice Hensley register of deeds
to succeed her husband, C. B. Hens- ;
A sentence of five years imposed j
upon Begnar Aabel of Harlan county
is reduced by the supreme court to I
two years. Aabel was convicted of j
the crime of grand larceny, being |
charged with stealing $500 worth of !
property in the store, where he was 1
employed as a clerk. The court holds
he was guilty of larceny and not of
embezzlement. In order to constitute i
embezzlement the goods must have
‘come into his possession or care by
virtue of his employment.
Local militiamen at Hoi dredge are
pleased with the orders of the war de
partment that both Nehraska regi
ments will be sent to Fort Riley in
August and are already making prepa
rations to quit themselves with mil
itary glory while there. Captain An
derson expects to have the full quota
of men very soon and will give con
siderable attention to getting the men
in condition to stand the long
marches at the encampment.
Sheriff Kennedy of Custer county,
in company with Julian Bernacchi. a
detective from Chicago, made an im
portant catch near Merna. in the per
son of Antine Montato, charged with
the murder of a Chicago saloonkeeper I
on the evening of April 23 last.
Dr. A. E. Robertson, for fifteen \
years a well known cltixcn and lead
ing physician of Custer county, died
at his home In Mason City of pneu
monia. aged 38 years. He was a na- J
tive of Clissfleld. Mich., and a gradu- !
ate of the Michigan university of Ann |
Arbor and of the Rush Medical col
lege of Chicago.
Ed Roberts, who has been traveling
over Otoe county, reports potato
bugs more numerous than for years
and predicts the destruction of the
potato crop unless gardeners and
farmers get after the insects in the
right manner.
Admiral Sebree of the United
States navy was In Nebraska City on
a visit with his cousin. Robert Payee
and family. After forty-three yean
of active service he has been plao
oa the retired list and this la the Si
time that he and Mr. Payne have met
la thirty-two yean.
Rallying Cry of Great Laymen’s
Mission Congress.
Culmination of Moat Remarkable Re
ligious Campaign In Which All
Protestant Churches of Amer
ica Are United.
Chicago —Leaving their business af
fairs to consider the evangelisation of
the world in this generation. 4.500
men gathered at Chicago May 3. to at
tend the Laymen’s National Mission
ary congress. They represented ev
ery Protestant church In America.
Among them were men of national
and International prominence. For
mer Vice-President Fairbanks attend
ed as a representative of the Metho
dist Episcopal church. Several gov
ernors were present United States
Senators DoiliTer of Iowa and Bev
eridge of Indiana and former Senator
Teller of Colorado were present at the
first session. A number of former
governors of states were registered.
Among them were former Governor
Hadley of Missouri, former Governor
Yates of Illinois, and former Governor
Hanley of Indiana. Soldiers, sailors,
business men. professional men and
ministers were In attendance. The
congress closed on Friday.
Close of Remarkable Campaign.
This convention marked the close
of a remarkable religious campaign.
During the winter and spring mis
sionary conventions were held under
the auspices of the Laymen's Mis
sionary Movement In 75 of the lead
ing cities of the country. The cam
paign began at Buffalo on October 16.
The gathering at Chicago was the cli
max of the series of conventloca.
The appeal for foreign missions
was presented to the business men of
these cities. All told, 83.000 business
men registered as delegates for 75
conventions, paying a dollar for the
privilege. In addition, thousands of
other men attended the various ses
Each convention opened with a ban
quet. In most every case these ban
quets were the largest in the history
of the cities. All of these cities and
hundreds of the surrounding towns
were represented at the Chicago con
A national missionary policy was
adopted. This policy will be sent to
the World's Missionary conference at
Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 14.
where it is expected to exert a pro
found conference. The delegates
were apportioned amongst the vari
ous Protestant churches of America
in accordance with their membership
and gifts to missions. The Methodist
Episcopal church led with 60*) dele
gates. The Presbyterian church was
second with 450 men. The The North
ern Baptist church had a quota of 330
men. while the Southern Baptist con
vention sent 200 men. The Southern
Methodist church was represented by
by 255 men. The Protestant Episco
pal church appointed 210 delegates
Most of the other churches had pro
portionate representation.
The various sessions were held tn
the auditorium The congress opened
with the singing of "Crown Him Lord
of All “ Right Reverend Charles P
Anderson. Episcopal bishop of Chi
cago. made the opening address. He
spoke on the “Will of Christ for the
World.” dwelling upon the need of
church unity Bishop W L. Me
Dowell, of the Methodist Episcopal
church, made the second address The
first evening was devoted to talks by
J. Campbell White, general secretary
of the Laymen’s Missionary Move
roent. and J A MacDonald, editor of
The Toronto Globe.
Notable List of Speakers.
Among the speakers on the program
were Prince T H Tun of Ko-ea; J
A MacDonald, editor of the Toronto
Globe. Robert E Speer, secretary of
the Presbyterian Board of Foreign
Missions; William J Sohlefeitn, pres
Ident of the Ctirens’ union of New
York; Alfred E Marling of New
York; Mornay Williams, chairman of
the New York state board of char
ttfes: Clement Chase of Omaha; How
ard A Kelly of Baltimore; Samuel B
Capen of Boston; John R. Pepper of
Memphis. Tenn.; H. M. Beardsley,
formerly mayor of Kansas City;
George Sherwood Eddy of India. RoV
ert H Gardiner of Boston; Col Elijah
W Halford, private secretary to the
late President Hsrrlaon during his ad
ministration; Thomas Tippey and
William H Lewis of Seattle. R A
Long of Kansaa City, John B. Sleman
of Washington, founder of the move
ment; William E. Sweet of Denver,
Charles A Rowland of Athers. Ga.;
Alfrea ^ Marling of New York. Judge
Selden P Spencer of St. Louis, N. W
Rowell of Montreal. John R. Pepper or
Memphis, and missionaries from all
over the world.
Defies Efforts of Miners.
“Anyone with the price car do as
Savlord Wilshire did—go totnyocoun
ty. California, and stand on a moun
tain of gold and silver ore.” said a
mining man “Every one of my age
In the business.” be continued, “knows
about that mountain of gold and silver
are The late Senator Stewart and ea
Senator Jones, both of Nevada, spent
millions trying to get gold and silver
9ut of that ore at a profit. That was
the famous Panamtnt mine operation.
Jones and Stewart sad others loet
every cent they put Into that deal
The gold and silver are there, cure
enough, but the rock Is ’rebellious’ to
■ degree that the eclence of mill men
and furnace men has never been able
to overcome."
Tree Education.
The entire object of tree education
to to make people not merely do the
right Ullage, hut enjoy the right
things—not merely Industrious, hut
to love Industry—not merely learned
but te love knowledge—not merely
pure, hut to love purity—not moreiy
Just, but to hunger and thirst after
Justice—John Rusk In.
By Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Jefferson. low.—••When my baby
old 1 was com
pletely nra down
and my internal or
gans were in terri
ble shape. I began
taking Ljdia E.
Pfnkh&m's Vegeta
ble Compound, and
mother wrote and
told you just bow |
was. 1 began to gain
at once and now I
am real welL" —
; Airs. W. II X>1 V.UCiIJ C'U.
, Jefferson. Iowa.
Another Woman Cured.
Glen wood, Iowa-"About three
rears ago I had falling and other fe
. inale troubles, and 1 was nothing but
skin and bones. I was so sick I oouid
! not do my own work. Within six
months I was made sound and well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I will always tell my friends
that your remedies cured me.'and you
can publish my letter.” — Mrs. C. W.
Dcxx, Glenwood. Iowa.
If you belong to that countless army
of women who suffer from some form
of female ilia just try Lydia E- Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
For thirty years this famous remedy
has been the standard for all forms of
female ills, and has cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
such ailments as displacements, fibroid
tumors, ulceration, inflammation, ir
regularities, backache, etc
If you want special advice write
for it toMrs.Pinkha m. I.ynn.Mass.
It is free and always helpful.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nnetiaes in In when the E»er it rigkl
•tonack and bowel* are ugkc
I LA O U1 1 LL A
poof on arm it caa
Headache, and Dntreat after Eatiaf.
Small Pil. Small Dom. Small Pnca
GENUINE mod bear agnaturc:
What Prof. Shaw, tha Waft-Kaoum Agri
oitorttl Says About It: ■ ■.
•*1 oooW sooner mine <cUk in Vfatm
i than in the corn be* t of
the United SutM. Food
Ik cheaper and ctimU*
Mwr for the rnrix-e*.
Voear market wtU im
were faster than yonr
fnrmem wil l prodwoe the
nrriiM WYnu m« be
grown b? to thehxh cwr
• I lei {So mi taw north of
th< Int-rnaUonal bocrod
wr \ Yoor mwat Uni
will be taken a • rwte
be:ond present eeeeer
lion, he luo-* enough
rrorlo in the la. ted
Staten bIbm who vast
fccsMStotakenpthJslaai." tart;
70,100 hark mi
will enter ami make their bxnw
la Western I'anala thH year.
1W9 produced another Urft
crop of wheat. oats ami barley,
la addition to which the cattle
exports wrote an Immense* I recti.
IVuUo taiaitt*. dairying. aaal
farmtn* aad rr-.ln ircatni In th
province* of Manitoba. Ssefcat*
chew an and Alberta.
Free homestead and pre-emp
tion areas, as w*»l as Us k be d
hynUw and land eesaxwjun*. will
provide homes for ibUIUhm.
Adaptable anil, healthful di
ms re. Splendid abash and
churches and pood railway*.
. Foe eettlejn% rmtea. desc«f*jve
literature "Last Bod West/* bw
to reach the coustrv and ether par
ties iara. write to ^tpA of Isumt
crassoa. Ottawa, Chaada. or to the
fusadisa Gcverax&eat Apmt.
(Css ots^s nearest rest.' (1)
mwn wsss^MMWsmsMwmn *
$5, $4, $3.50, $3 & $2.50
W-<r\iiw'iC ^ &>* J
92.00 Suva O H UCd( Si-SO 4
W. L. Douglas
shoes are worn
by mors' men Lbaa
any other make,
wr. i. iferaciwi
And Si.Omhmsequal,
In style, tit and wear,
other make# coetinc
*twOO to *&.0<V
W.l~1X>ucl»» tSJ*
tU.00,93.50 »n«l *3.1X1
»hoe# are the lowest
prlee, qnalitt eonaid
eml.iutho world.
Cm# /VJm rw.*n
Thf craxiar hare W. L Diariu MiWWl prt'W
■Unvyal on the bottom. Taks S*« SaNiMMf,
Atk rm»r4e«lrr fbr W.UIVwctmhy*. l?*Nry
•re not fw in eonr town write for Matt % inter iW
•IvMr. tiriRC full direction* how to order b\ im'I.
onfc*re*l direst from fh*tK*rr dottrored to the nearer all
cfeastfM pmaa-d. W. L. liOl'v.LAS, Urookux )Ui
P l| ■■ P Send postal for
► K P P Free Package
I j B mm li of Pas tine.
than llqnld antiseptics
pm-ina teeth—antisrptically does
mouth sad throat—purifies the breath
after smoking—dispels all disagresahle
remedy for’aore «tm and celanh*^
A Wttis PulM Msnkds
sehred t* a aha of hot warn
■altos a dshptthd eafrpX sa.
hwa tsaaaq satmotdasot
chaaaap gsrmadd aad luj.
hqs boa at dnqpts sr hymaiL