The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 12, 1910, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Interesting Lecture on :tThe World
Movement ” Delivered at the Uni
versity of Berlin by the Ex-Presi
dent of the United States
Pe-rLa. — MMlm Theodore
Ti.Br aday before
*8 ate'e-Sf-e that te*t*-S the raps.- te
«* 'W »J* at the I xiTerary of Beristx.
a« fie: tr**< a lertare os 'The World 1
Miiwif fit ■ lie spoke is E**^te ate
•a* -atese-f is ask the deepest t»
*■“*=*••^8* » tt as eio«8est eoliCT
o' tie* i/«nM rae* ate !ta srhieee
Meats the Iprttear axe rearhek 'he
g> 8 Aese of ta fisro^ie. ate r»
eieaek the ttfrfitsahtos ate roJtBTe. as
far aa se uzaw the*, of the earliest
je ;e* ate (Mr o—trthuaote ts the
Ktsfiers »tr-< He iscs roettsaefi
a.: a Erne one e> trtn
k *k' the awen! '-eaaraa a »ar.e eS»Sh
| aaVe* to-* fa laaaerapite aot The
'"k* r he laaes ae er*> : ' wa*t* stA
MOM ** the fa, nae ry af amenta. ate
«-■— 1--* -a* **--•-*. We Site !e«_r
la I1-te-: - ■ e r f i_r: »•—i# is Stetertai
ate mte - - _a_ '• a ar a mr iierjuae
^ isas >tnsaa«jsate 1-afyr fitter ]
a Ttte te a re befc-re laeel A!r i
ar -' the 1 'a** tf ’atela ate 'V ter <
■ *a <uu • ea* a»rae a traaortenaa Te
( • '—we*- 'j» aaSnisc af Miet
- ' * ' ' -ate m (ate am u* moral
-S *** J ■ - a—a' same* af. flte* II
►s*» K-tue. ate GtUkmr abee> iw -w
•ete af Ssaa *** testers the truer* i
"»■ ‘ai ersaqpte a ate, (te the fire*
ta&- -aptevse prataa aaa ■ ate te a rtsr!
-tea • er atv* ate ia~- aaaax * k,, »
•fer* hr mtrrr it* ct-asc**
ha . r tr«- -<te !a rap' W» ate teyrt:
try ate a - e atraS-t y — .r — - < y — w
"»*- *e ftrt* -ha .-te&Jjaa!
P*e* r |
---** af v 't km-ite hr «*»# ar -at*
hiaae*' 1 -* te aa* 'he -aae artr
•E a-e er ctase-.w af -he par- It*
—a a- a a* shared he star? (f
fere-.- »*£.- -a Prate orory etate^nat tt
ttse MV-''nap s-he-te me*. Sat ts Me
ite - aa-» £-Pe»est yei.•p ■* there »_a*
*»■ - • aary areal* *-rt*r. te
ye; * - praar af -tMtlfha «*!
y« Strei tear tthrhaateal a—, -tty ate '
MS tt -up Va* hees
' - War* —: r*asaeax»aa» PC *».a
•* t. - tor tiaato -ttoMI X top* -
•‘— « ante m X ut pv
V om *at whaat '»'-"nauaL. "zp^T^r'
b '«* M u»-***r#-*f »f3Bari ■tontr-''
*.* atopar 11 w* toner '•*»*■ rfsan ?•
»** -to* far* to t*p-*tor'^ tan -aa
-rat far ito* tmp ?-**■ -.faa*»
to *•*_ r » tr- -It tba* arc—m -a* to
to®*.-* T to *Wi« totototototoSS. Tito
■promt at • ■* g---np*toit tototor>* «MK» rtto
•a-a «t »'H*aaat ti» Otteto to tod Jra*
**» T*r- - *■ ttoto tom* tomato ***rr •*»
tois atot- r»*ry -naoanat I* pata tin
•»-»Sru—*• U»- torn* to** air . it** to. t*to(*
itoto tom* a »*to «e tte p**s|»»*«
at - - »-*•*■ 'to • ?.**» topnmt op
» f' ^ ■ * ■**•• I limit T*Jto to toim fcap
Jtot-t tr -r*— tot.•# awb-trapanai
•nt «■ p— Alrve*. I* o' tor pian* • to
“•*--**i -to baton, psnr p j» liiVtol iito
Al-o»»toW» m-mto. aiac for in* totot part
tr* I' • ann£ r—Bi* ot to' .«M-* ton* tot
****»■••»'■*» •* *• to liar ot •npi'o- A*t*
tout A tram toa« to aanr-t at irrp»ra_ Atoar
*-to r'»*£» no** totot tttoto* Mppai tor- I
'•tar tot*** ittoBto bto* ttorto ioa 'aanto a*
*: fcn xboito •* a&o-e pmpiti a prottoe**
* totot tUt to3r rtn »to» a lip ttoa am Uto
Ti ir* *t* it r-to* Botr r*» '-* »*■
•to**'- ti-*to» «3E*TTi •■>* it Stofl-so**-*.
tot *b* toat tototr <uto* *t totto* mu* o^imt
*jr*s* (tor aaa fnar p*toisr*to ao ii-ai rtri
IBaatKto ' "• E-^-inpotoo -Tp* m •»**
»*»• ii« to3p fM» mar* »nrt4 Tb*** *r»
■■aa* ant ■ - -a-.-a -» •* ■/» ft tea aa* ?*»
paan't-totat tot in*** a aa pro—g- aa
--** •**<•» it V-—a-y to witofc «b* ***
^ -”V f ■ «*»• at m tot tor-iWi* Pi-toto
P>— •*»* ittor t as** or --■* *** Tba
'*y-toar*« ■ ■!*'■« arto-Hp g-t-r-ni
1* t:- f-*i'or tara at Batotos taattoato
» *• I* an—:, pumaai pf "too to-writ a
toimrlt " ' - -a* -*f r - i rn' totot dptoior
*fcto*'tfca* to*tori*4 a ton K-noo «**tr*
It- ■-—*-*•* n- a - on.oto- -Jto- to*»i»
to"—,« i* ton* *■**•:*** a* a—r paper*
A Vto ~*a L 'ot*
!v *e »i»: :i a .n Lr.jjir.4 or the ftiled
ho - ■-rt' f<w t'e y-'-m ri.icai aide of
*» etpaaamr rf mo4»r-. cr.i ratios But
Jrs a few af the a&cr and tfiirsie ac
"» of aeWt eat -zatios Ut« found
tie.r • 'I'wt w oe this * |e The same
aeot r aa tew* Just as at-laln* it its coo
t>r I’—T ha-ura. forces. :a its sewrrhiny
-*•<.- ry tato »t. about the so.. of :l..a*s
Over future.
T1^ o»tt ca* ur» hti tnc'*jd^
eatrar-rdliio ry ttirnoai in rverv Cora
cf know .-dye c-f the world we live la. and 1
wlac aa et t-ao-dtnarv imeiaae in t'e jk-w
er of at. tny for ea of nature In both ■
d re- tuna tha adias-e tuts ten very
ytra; darts* the past four or five cen
turies and m both direct .oea tt has yone
on w • fc ever me rear.ay rapidity durtay
the Usr 'enter- After the yr-at aye of
Home rad passed the boundaries of
anowedye s*-ana and In many case* tt
•o no* ---hi w»:;.s^h our m times
that her dcrrair was once ay. .r pushed
bayond Its * rater* asrint rfca About the
year 1S» A I> tie ye *rapber.
pat . shed ts reap of central Africa and
the a- . r-es ad The N;> and tt-la map waa
mere a curate than ary w hick we lad as
ia«e as MST A. Il More was known of
pf yatoal a «eo e and more of the truth
aboait the p eer*! Wort'S waa yawed at.
:r: flke dav* of Pt.rr than waa known or
y.iemed us'it tha modern n.c. erne*? he
re- T*e -ase was the sane as re*ards
r ftary anere At the < inae of the Mid
le Ayr* rha weapon* were what they
-■Ad atarays b*wn—sw.rf at eld hew,
*ir«" and art BEpro-.etr.ent In them was
»*• "4« - feet by T'» , e* - ki.- aiedy*
af aatany asMBtoaam. la the arlcat* of
»*h‘ ah'" « r kU-arr r»4"!- .p aiane the
dayjArf HaaruhaJ a.nd c~l— r •
A It. i - —<1 tear* cy wr.ea this - uni
"-'tty was Sourdrtf the rue-red* ' of
t'W4*!- A did not differ in the es
► -4 * ' w • 'at 'her had he. - anmny
"r 1 u Ijr <:-.iiiaad nations of as'■£..!> 1
Tea’ ' ' and aer- randiae w-e-.t by’ land
- w —red let! la* c-r on beasts of her
der. and by sea in boats propelled by
»at * or by o»n and ie*« was conveyed
so tt a way* tad tee-, -onveyad. A yrad
A-* ' jour unitamttyr today can yo to
mt« Asia or sr.14-Africa with far less con
* rcmi-sa c-f prr'ermine a feat of note
’-ta* would have been the case a hundred
vests aye wttfc a student who visited
S !Jy and Andalusia
M rwier the invention and use of ma
-fclwerv ran by steam or eWtrtdTy have
wanted a rewafatldci la Industry as rreat ,
aa the revolution in ’raasportatioc ao i
'' a” * ere aya-r the difference between
a*c-e*t and modem m mat on is on* not
merely ef f-yr-e bet of ktad In many
* -'-a r-e;e- t* the r.tyye mod m city differs
»«♦ from a 1 re- * d. '.y c:t.»s than any
•f "-’ewe differed one from the Other and
the y-jwir fw-ory t--wr ts of and bv itself
was wf the- must t.-rmidab e prop cm of ,
•--am and elprtncft^ have yiven the
rac* dor.: t cc . oust land and water such
adit arwefftna4*kafom and now -'e con
ones- if 'be ate Is ci’eee-t’v tripe' 1.1* As
1-rtkS 1oe—Ve tho-oyht IhrWUyh t1 hire so
the c» ey-apn and t r e telephone 'ransir.-!
it t- r-oyi the space they inctaie. and
t he ref e* cnmds are swayed owe by an
e"cc w -r. • r-^rd to -re limitations of
Spa e and t ae formerly forced
ewc-fc -oanmusdcy u work us owesparathi *
iaeda'- e It a t'e same with the body aa
wi-fc u.» teas* The machinery of the far
torv said the farm: ecerwis'c multiplies
bod *y M :i and iy • Countless trained
IMc.'Srcco are at work to teach ns how
to s -.1 or counteract tho effects of
Tie advan-ea ta the realm of pure intel
Met me teee* rf eoual note and they
•A*.» be—r. We' i-rlers--.» and er'easive.
‘ ■•w "- 'ry-.r fie id* af ieaitiny and wts
dam have b*e* discovered by the few.
aw* at the same time know-dy- tas
■Bread an. cl Tha mar r ta a ary— never
c-eawed rf before Old ire-, a irony us
have ae—n k* the** oarr. y-reratior. the
rrae rf the first -mtumal a- encc of the
s’ -*:oa rf life The as*roaomer and the
-ter.* 'be pevo-oioctat and the t.ts
-wrmn and a.. ilwjr hr—- • re* i* many dif
feewsy he to rf wide e«*ai nr. wt-rk with
a trail a* and knowimy. and method
w* -> »•» la effect instruments rf po
i c«s»ob differentia—n* the-r labors from
tiff .hen off their pmle'espofs as the
r fie u di'er-atiated from the bow
*4 * moral and sp—trsml world as in the
wwrtd of tkw mind and The bodv
Owe of ti e prime aar t-r* of <*yl£xatl~n
*■*• al»*' * I—* it* te-xten-y ta cause
' - 1 of the virile Sghaag virtue*, of
•he t;>~t Kf» » • e- art ret to* •«*■
fort* ■ e atK Vmd '«*■ Hmiarlaao ’me* t■ —re
• *-»* » teaot -ret the mUm* e*t !'ke
at - i of Si—r Tbe
tartxnaa V«je -f tbe very —>nd-iion*
«f i— -> * hmd to keep and develop
"*— --r barer <;-**! • wtr. h the man of
rtlimmo Irak to koee a bother be be
factory band, a—rchaat. or even a
■ e—ta. s try— of tuner Now I wili not
——tt t*.al ta modern rlv-haed aone:r
. • *—. teadrame* ia»e been who! y «ver
Kp— bat there ha* beers a much more
r*cv»**f*» efftrt t* ctertoBe them ?*
**» the case la a— early eiTiliaation*
Tide m raranmiy shoora by the military
•dmery of tbe Graeco-Roman I—nod as
cxarpared with the taurr of tbe Ism four
«e Sve pentcrlee here » Europe and
anai —Tinas of European dearer*. la
-be Orenaa and Hair mJttmrv tuatorr
ni— ■-attpe era* rrodrv from a cittsen
arm* V an army of g-'i-m-W In the
j dot* *f the early grentneo* of Athena.
»tf Sparta, a the dae* arhen the
■ “ ** re—c eapanf what world ft
The arum* were Shed with d—a
*w fndwDy the dthnn re
?a»'* *» »tw » the armir*. nr became
u—re- U re**' r com! wmee The Greek
• fewitM by IVrba. with bat few
J mud— hfcwd Man t* da tha ggfct
tnc far tr—m The Kwaan* of the day* of
Aagaatua had crier'. -eased t* fumiofc
any -avaay. aad were rapidly -easing to
furaiafc arty mtaatry. ti the -gm— aad
; eadarta Tie* the dtlliatioa raae to
M df There wet* — longer rttiaen* ta
fram^—^e»^— army to the aimy'of
X*W the enact revet** has been the
—arjallth — ta aiodrra Times A few
. tw praapa! hgar* 1* mam armies. Lid in
#f ri—the mere*nary
•“*•**■ «— — ahen. la the wars of re
' Sdo* la France la the Thirty Tear*'
war la Germ—y. ta the war* that tmme
W-ea« -P of the great IVthah kingdom, the
rvdmeat* aad hrigade* of foreign aol
dmr* forced a mat aad leading tea
j tare ta eyyr- army Tao oftea the men
: of the reelaUf *a which the aghtmg took
place played taerwiy the tgbohle part of
petrla# la but limltad rumbef* la tha
mercenary armies by which they were
plundered. Gradually this has all changed.
MS mow practically every army It a
citizen army, and the mercenary has al
most disappeared, while the army exists
on a raster scale than ever before in his
tory This is so among the military moa
: archies of Europe
In our own Civil war of the United
States the same thing occurred, peaceful
people as we are. At that time more than
two generations had passed since the
f War of Independence. During the whole
t of that period the people had been en
gaged in no life-and-death struggle; and
| yet. w hen the Civil war broke out. and
after me costly and bitter lessons at
•he beginning, the fighting spirit of the
: people was shown to better advantage
than ever before. The war was peculiar
I! 1 war for a principle, a war waged
t « de for an ideal, and while faults
and «r. rtcomlngs were plentiful among
t-e < •■'•r.oatants. ’here was comparatively
••le sordidness of motive or conduct. In
such a van: struggle, where across the
warp of so mary interests Is shot the
woof of so many purposes, dark strands
and bright, strands somber and brilliant,
are always intertwined Inevitably there
was corruption here end there in the Civil
war. but all the leaders on both sides,
and the great majority of the enormous
masses of fighting ro*n. wholly disre
garded and wer* wholly uninfluenced by,
pecuniary o^asideratiaas
Wealth and Politics.
Another striking contrast In the course
of modem civilisation as compared with
the later stages of the Graeco-Roman or
classic civilisation Is to b* found in tha
r-.ati^ns of wealth and politics. In clas
sic t9mes as the civilization advanced t<v
ward its zenith, politics became a recog
nized means of accumulating great
wealth Caeear was again and again on
the verge of bankruptcy; he spent an
enormous fortune: and he recouped him
self by the money which he made out of
bif political-military career. Augustus es
tafe&shed imperial Rome on firm founda
tioBf by the use he made of the hugs
fortune he had acquired by plunder What
: a contrast is offered by the careers of
Washington and Lincoln* There were a
I few exrepdess in ancient days, but the
. immense majority of the Greeks and tha
Remans as their civilizations culminated,
* accepted money-making on a large scale
as one of the incidents of a successful
, public career Now all of this Is In sharp
contrast to what has happened within
The last two or three centuries During
this rme there has been a steady growrth
away from the theory that money-making
s pertmsciDle in an honorable public ca
In this respect the standard has been
constantly elevated. and things which
statesmen had no hesitation in doing
'tree centuries or two centuries ago. and
which did n'-'t seriously hurt a public ea
rner even a century ago. are now utterly
impossible. Wealthy men still exercise a
ia’gv and sometimes an improper, influ*
e potit: s. but it is apt to be an in
direct Influence and in the advance |
f s’a*e« the mere suspicion that the wealth
j of public men is obtained or added to as
an Incident of their public carvers wrill
t«ar them from public life. Speaking
generally, wealth may very greatly influ*
♦ modern* pr-iitical life, but It is not ao
Optimistic for the Future.
Mr Roosevelt called attention. to
the fact that hitherto every civiliza
tion that has arises has been able to
develop otlT a few activities, its field
of endeavor being limited in kind as
well as in locality, and each of these
civilizations has fallen. What Is the
lesson to ns of today? he asked. Will
| the crash come, and be all the more
terrible because of the immense in
crease in activities and area? To this
he replied:
p-rsor.a'.ly, T do not believe that cur
cfvillaaUoa will fall. I think that on the
whole we have grown better and not
worse I think that on the whole the fa
I tore bolds more for os than even the
r--at past has held. But. assuredly, the
dreams of g d»n glory in the future will
r.ot come true unless, high of heart and
strong of hand, by our owa mighty deeds
w» make them <• -me true We cannot af
ford to develop any one set of qualities,
arv • ne set of activities, at the cost of
se-'r.c o-here equally necessary, airo
| phted. Neither the military efficiency of
•re Morgr the extraordinary business
! ability of tne Phoenician, nor the subtle
, sad polished in-ehect of the Greek availed
j to avert destruction.
We. th» men of today and of the fu
ture. need many qua! ties If we are to do
. our work well We reed, first of all and
most important of all the qualities which
stand at the base of individual, of family
- fe the fundamental and essential quali
ties—the home’y. every-day. ail-important
virtues If the average man will not
work, if he has not In him the will and
the p.-wer to he a good husband and fa
ther if the average woman Is not a good
housewife, a good mother of many
•.ealf v children, then the state will t op
re win g-> down no matter what may
be its brilliance cf artistic development
or Material achievement But these home
ly qxiah-ie* are not enough There must,
i" addition, b— that pow»r of organisation,
that power of working In common for a
j common end. which the German peopio
ha-e shewn In suet signal fashion during
'* e last half-century. Moreover, ths
things of the sr in: are even more impor
tant than e three of the body We can
we do » bout the hard Intolerance and
e-vd Intel!*.-tua> hitn — - —s- bf what was
worst in tv e theo logical «vyt-ms of the
hast, but there has never been a greater
reed of a high and fine religious sptrit
than at the present time- So. while wo
-an l»-g- g d-1 umo—dly at some of
•he prrtensk ns of modem philosophy la
its various branches It would be worse
than folly on our part to ignore our need
i of intellectual leadership.
Must Steer Middle Course.
Never has philanthropy, humanitarlan
; ism. seer, such development as now. and
. though we must all beware of the folly
and the vt-jcusness no worse than folly.
wh>-h marks the believer in the perfso
j Tibi 11 tv of man when his heart runs away
Iwtth his head, or when vanity usurps the
place of coaorwnee. yet we must temem
be— also that It is only by working aieng
; the lines laid down by the philanthropists,
by the lovers of mankind, that we can
be sure of lifting our civilisation to a
•1 gh—r and more permanent plane of well,
being than was ever attained by any pre
ceding civilization. I'njusf war is to be
abhorred but woe to the nation that does
not make ready to hold its own In time
of need against all who would harm It:
and wive thrice over to the nation !a
which the average man loses the fighting
edge loses the power to serve as a sol
dier If the day of ne-d should arise.
It is no Impossible dream to build up a
ctvihzatloc la which morality, ethical de
I velopmeet. and a true feeling of brother
hood aha! alike be divorced from falsa
sentiment* 11 • V and from the rancorous
and evil passions which, curiously enough,
no often accompany professions of senti
ments. attachment to the rights at man:
la which a high material development la
the things of the body shall be achieved
without subordination at the things at
the soul. In which there shall he a genu
ine desire for peace and Joatice without
kies of these virile qualities without which
no lave of peace or Justice shall avail any
mce la which the fullest development of
scientific rest arch, the groat distinguish
ing feature of our present civilization,
shall yet not Imply a belief that intellect
can ever lake the place of character—for.
from the standpoint of the nation as of
the Individual, it la character that in tha
ope vital posnvasrua.
England's dead king. Edward VH,
whose full title was "king of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland, and of all *he British donat
ions beyond the seas, emperor of •In
dia." was the eldest son and the sec
ond child of Queen Victoria and Al
bert. the prince consort. He was born
November 9, 1641. in Buckingham pal
ace and was christened Albert Ed
At bis birth he was created prince
of Wales and by virtue of that dig
nity be became also knight of the gar
ter. As heir apparent to the British
throne he succeeded to the title of
duke of Cornwall and its emoluments,
and as heir to the crown of Scotland
he became great steward of Scotland,
duke of Rothesay, earl of Carrick,
baron of Renfrew and lord of the isles.
Cn September 10. 1649. he was created
earl of Dublin, this title being con
ferred on him and his heirs in per
petuity. Among the other titles and
commands held by Edward were duke
of Saxony, colonel of the Tenth hus
sars. colonel-in-chief of the Rifle bri
gade. field marshal of the British
army and field marshal of the Ger
man army.
The prince received a most elabo
rate. broad and carefully planned edu
cation. At first he was under the
charge of four private tutors, and sub
sequently his education was directed
by Baron Stockmar and Charles
Kingsley. In order to give him a
taste of college life, he was Bent for
one session to the University of Ed
inburgh. for one year to Oxford and
for four terms to Cambridge. During
these rears he acquired a wide gen
eral knowledge of the arts and sci
ences and became quite proficient In
modem languages.
In 1660 the prince made a tour of
the United States and Canada and
the next year he Joined the British
army at Curragh camp. Ireland. In
1662 he set out on his travels again,
this time visiting Jersualem and oth
er places of biblical Interest. His
companion on the trip was Dean Stan
ley of Westminster.
Ed wards public life began in Feb- I
ruary. 1663. when, as heir to the
throne, he took his seat in the house
of lords. On March 10 of the same
year he married Princess Alexandra
Caroline Mary Charlotte Louise JuUa.
the eldest daughter of King Christian
IX. of Denmark. Her beauty, grace
and charming manners at once gave
. her a popularity In Great Britain that
has continued un lessened throughout
her life as princess and queen. In
1676-76 the prince made an extended
tour through the Indian empire and
was received everywhere with lavish
and magnificent hospitality, the native
rulers seeking to outdo one another
in the gorgeousness of the entertain
ments provided for the emperor.
On the death of Queen Victoria.
January 22. 1901. Edward succeeded to
; the throne. The coronation was set
j for June 26, 1902. and all preparations
for the magnificent event had been
: completed when disquieting rumors of
: the king's ill health, which had been
current for several days, were con
finned by the postponement of the
ceremony. It wss announced that the
king was suffering from perityphlitis,
and on June 24 he underwent an op
eration. After some weeks of the
greatest anxiety, he recovered, and
the coronation took place August 9.
During the long years of his prince
hood Edward's public duties consisted
solely In the oflee of representing the
royal family at all manner of public
events, and he serformed these du
ties well. But the deadly monotony
of such a life was too much for the
vigorous man. and he found relaxa
tipn la amusements that frequently
gave rise to scandal* and that gave:
the world a wrong impression of his
real character. He was especially '
fond of the theater and among hia
boon companions for years were ac
tresses and actors. Also he devei
oped a great liking for Pans and often
visited that gay capital incognita
The Riviera and Biarritz likewise were
familiar with the face of the prince o!
But all this, as has been said, was
only his relaxation, and after coming
to the throne his conduct always was
so circumspect that not the most cap
tious critic could find any fault with it
Edward was always a liberal patros
of art and science and manifested a
lively interest in exhibitions, char!
table institutions, the housing of th«
poor, agriculture and other matter*
that concerned the welfare of his sub
jccts. He assisted in promoting tht
Royal College of Music, and the Im
perial institute was due to his sug
gestion. While prince of Wales he
carefully abstained from partielpatior
in politics and from all action that
could be construed into preference ol
one party over another. He culti
vated the most friendly relations with
public men. whatever their opinions
might be, and he was equally coup
teous to all. At peculiar crises of pub
lie opinion his visits to Mr. Gladstone
Mr. Bright and other prominent mem
bers of the liberal party did much tt j
counterbalance in the public mind
Queen Victoria's preference for her
conservative ministers. It was said
that Edward always inclined to the :
nationalists in Irish politics, but con
stitutional restrictions prevented hi*
showing his preferences in relation to
the Emerald isle
As a diplomat Edward was unex
ceiled among the monarch* of Europe |
His influence eras always thrown tc !
the side of international peace where
compatible with national honor, and
his adTlce and example had a steady
ing effect on all Europe. He looked
with amused tolerance on the va
garies and extravagances of his neph
ew. the emperor of Germany, but oc
casionally that ruler exasperated him
to such an extent that he could not
refrain from giving him some stern
advice Such admonition was not re- -
celved by William In a submissive
spirit, and once in a while there were
sensational rumors that the peaceful
relations between the two countries
were about to be ruptured.
The development of the king's char
acter in his later years was espe
cially gratifying to the nation. In ad
dittos to the love of hia people, which
he had always had. he gained their
admiration and respect. They had the
utmost confidence la his good judg
meat, ns was amply exemplified dur
ing the late crisis over the budget
and they were always sure he would
do the right thing at the right Hb«
To Edward and Alexandra were
born six children. The first. Prince
Albert, duke of Clarence, died ta 1892
aged twenty-eight years. The second.
George Frederick Ernest Albert, born
on Juno 2. 1865. succeeds to the
throne. The other children are: <
Pilnceas Louisa Victoria, married tc
the duke of Fife; Princess Victoria
Alexandra; Princess Maude Charlotte,
married to Prince Charles of Den
mark, and Prince Alexander John,
who died the day after his birth ta ■
Work Done on the Shortest Time
Ever Recorded—Other Mat
ters at the State Capital.
The State Board of Assessment as
sessed the railroad property of the
state without a speech having been
made by any railroad tax agent. Tte
increase over the valuation last year
is $1.1(1.392. The increase Is con
fined to the Chicago. St. Paul. Minne
apolis & Omaha and the Kearney.
Central City and North Platte branch
es of the Union Pacific. This makes
the total full value of all railroad
property in the state $273,893,217. The
governor was absent, being out of tte
city. Those present were Brian.
Cowles. Junkin and Barton. After an
informal discussion the board con
cluded to make the assessment at
once, and this was done. The vote was
unanimous. No other railroad valu
ation in the state was changed A.
W. Scribner of the Union Pacific
reached the state house Just a mo
ment after the work had been con
cluded. so did not get to delijdr
his speech. The following table shows
the changes:
Value Per Mile.
Union Pacific— 1909. 1916.
Kearney branch ...$32,877 $32,900
Central City branch 31.667 31.700
North Platte branch
$17,500-20.000 25.000
St Paul. M. A 0.41.442 41,450
The action of the State Board of
Assessment marks the shortest time
on record that any Nebraska board
ever completed the valuation of this
class of property. Heretofore it has
been the custom of the assessing
board to listen to addresses of ra:l
road tax agents and spend many
weeks in consideration of the ques
tion. So far as the present board
is concerned it arrived at the con
clusion that it could fix the valuation
of the property just as well on the
reports made as it could by listening
to the tax agents recite their pleas
for a reduction.
In the afternoon the board met
again and added to the Burlington the
9.8 miles of new road from Lincoln to
Denton. This was valued at $25,000 a
mile, which increases the total valu
ation that much.
Lighting Plant Not Profitable.
At the meeting of the Nebraska
State Electrical association. President
Scoutt of the County Electric Light
and Water company, asserted that
the city of Lincoln lost about $3,000
during the last year on its lighting
plant and at that no estimated loss
is given for depreciation of property.
Site for Goose Farm.
An enterprising capitalist who
wants the Lincoln Commercial club
to furnish him the site for a goose
farm somewhere around this city hts
submitted a financial prospectus in
detail. In it he shows how an invest
ment of $600 can be made to produce
returns of $339,700 in three years,
Apportions School Money.
State Superintendent Bishop has
certified to the state auditor the
amount of money to be apportioned
to the various counties of the state,
derived from the forest reserve fund.
The total amount distributed amount
ed to $2,837.34, involving a total acre
age of 589.002.93.
National Guard Rifle Contest.
Adjutant General Hartigan has is
sued an order directing that the state
competitive rifle and revolver shoot
of the Nebraska national guard shall
be held at the state range at Ashland
commencing Monday. July 18.
The Postmasters' Meeting.
It is probable that the next conven
tion of Nebraska postmasters will be
held in Omaha. This was the senti
ment expressed by most of the mem
bers of the executive committee
which met at the Lincoln hotel to
which met at the Linooln hotel re
cenUy. The convention this year will
be held in Lincoln.
The Sibley Rate*.
The American Express company
has filed a statement with the state
railway comciisions that the Sibley
rate will be put into effect on ship
ments between Nebraska points rout
ed through Julesburg The Pacific
Express company, which formerly op
erated on the Union Pacific Express
company, refused to put in the re
duced rates on such shipments, claim
ing that business paring through JcJe
burg. Coio.. was interstate. This con
tention deprived the far western Ne
braskans of the benefit of the net.
Bars to Go Deem.
The bars will be down May 6. Lin
cola will be wide open on that date
and every man. woman and child in
the city who has the price may ship
In a case of beer or more and it will
be delivered to any home in Lincoln.
Another Petition far Dean.
A numerously signed petition from
Blaine county was filed with the sec
retary of state in behalf of James R.
Dean, candidate for the democratic
nomination for congress in the Sixth
Law Regulating Census Enumerators
Is Strict.
The census enumerators are not
supposed to open their mouths in so
much as even a guess as to the fig
ures that any department of the cen
sus will show in the end. The tak
ing of the census is supposed to be
a strictly confidential operation and
Uncle Sam is going to see that the
enumerators do not talk so much as
to betray the confidence that is
placed in them when they take the
oath for the work In other words,
the census is for a public record to
be given out by the government in
due time and not to be gossiped about
by individual enumerators while the
work is being done.
Supervisor of Census Helvey of the
First district says that the law is
very plain as well as severe on this
point The penalty the law has fixed
on an enumerator who divulges any
information obtained while in the
progress of his official duties is $1,000
fine or not over five years of im
prisonment The census enumerator
is constantly plied with Questions con
cerning his work and what be has
found and especially is he daily asked
dozens of times for an opinion as to
what the population win be found to
number at the final count The law.
aside from restricting him from giv
ing out definite information, provide*
that he shall not even make a guess
at final figures of any kind connected
with the taking of the census. This
provision is made because It is pre
sumed that if the enumerator gave
out his guess he would be basing that
opinion on something that his official
work so far had showed him.
Since the law provides that the in
dividual or the corporation accurately
divulge all reQuired Information to
the enumerator. It at once provide*
for the absolute secrecy of the enu
merator in order that no unfair ad
vantages shall be taken at any point,
or in any way. The enumerator of
manufacturers' census backed by
tbe authority of Uncle Sam. probes
into the most secret books of all
firms and corporations, and the gov
ernment protects that manufacturer
from having his business secrets gos
siped about in the neighborhood at
once by attaching the penalty to the
sin of divulging the facts.
All in due time the director of cen
sus at Washington. D. C.. will give
out the official reports, and it is pre
sumed that until he does no one per
son shall know any more about the
census than does another. It is
thought that the official statements
will be ready some time In July.
Cash in State Treasury.
Tbe state treasurer's report for tit*
month of April shows that there is
still plenty of cash in the state treas
The balance the first of the month
was $6$4.8$?.2$. Saturday night thy
balance was J62S.4dS.43. The re
ceipts during the month were $16?.
S19.77 and the disbursements were
$226.305 62- The permanent funds
invested amount to JS.57S.5S4.0S. di
vided as follows.
Perm, school.J7.S8S.W7 *9
Perm, university . 201.637.39
A. C. E. . 496.031.56
Normal endowment . 77.S17.21
Grigware. the Train Robber.
Several people in Lincoln are con
vinced that Frank Grigware. the con
victed train robber who escaped from
the federal penitentiary April 51. is
hiding here. Several persons, among
them women, have called up the po
lice and insisted that a man answer
ing the description of Grigware had
been seen in their neighborhood.
Escaped Fugitive Overhauled.
Axel Johnson, for over two years
a fugitive from Justice under indict
ment in the Lincoln division of fed
eral court, has been captured at Twia
Fulls. Wont., and will be brought
back to this city for trial. He Is
charged with counterfeiting
Omaha Debaters Defeated.
Taking the ittrmative on the ques
tion that labor unions are. on the
whole beneficial, tbe Omaha high
school debating squad was judged to
be defeated in the contest with the
Lincoln high school trio.
Cast of the Campaign.
The published report of the com
mittee of fifty which had charge of
the dry ctunpaign here shows that
the receipts were $3.155 63 and the
expenditures amounted to $3.142 89
Vena Gets Office.
A writ of mandamus asked for by
Wilfred E. Voss to compel Mary V.
Quinn to deliver to him the nflk-e
of county superintendent of Dakota
county, has been allowed by the su
preme court. It was alleged that
Voss did not possess a teachers' first
grade certificate when elected county
superintendent and was therefore in
eligible to the offlee. His certificate
had expired on October 28. Prior to
that date be took a teacher's examina
tion before the county superintend
ent of Thurston county and completed
examination October 16
ai- - I a»
wVriQQ W VW • % -
Providing tbe perk board will sub
mlt n proposition for $S8.8fi8 for park
purposes, tbe school board will agree
to locate tbe high school building on
tbe Davenport tract. This tbe school
board finally decided following n
wrangle for many months. Tbe Dar
•aport tract contains eight acres and
was bought by tbe school board soma
years ago. Some one objected to the
construction of tbe building on tbe
ground because it was considered too
low. so tbe school board held the mat
ter up for discussion.