T# rravw^w Laumt — )«r property — >a
Start n(k ky jt 11 iug
— ><atar dollars. you irigk* say — you
«e MUST b»-e lasting qualities,
{or tke work bas to be done
Horse Shoe Paint
9 stay. The reason for tins is plain. Hone
strongest and brst materials known in the
cheapening or adulterating materials what
and Wtute Lead (or p«gments. Add to this
themselves to insure its purity — then
■e got the best paint that
Horne Shoe Pamt has mmaA the ftest Cor 3) long years— it's a proven paint — and
■ • ! a a -si err. t -a and otr in the United States. Should not that fact
nlone « H nr Shoe Pan* gives satisfaction beyond question?
Huna P Amt oxs nS we rlaira — guarantee it to he pure and to wear.
H nr Shot P«a is a^oUely purr yw huv it subject to chemical analysis md
mm paint that Lasts.
|wr Umc w as H «sc Shoe Pamt tin seasuo by all
Professional Cards
Practices in all Courts
Loup Citv, Neb.
And R.«kM Abstractor.
L »up Citv, Nebraska
_* ._____ j
Office. Over New Bank
ff^» mu . Jam CtRhw at Kwaitrwrr
t»f I* • •> t««s «tf T».pbntir Ctetral
Loup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
tJCsee at nentdmce.
Tewpliow Connection
Saoressor to M II. Mead
Bonded Abstracter
Liocr Crrr. - Nebraska.
■ Uiy Kt of Atwtract is county
* Hfcce ap v.air* .a tW new State
idak bu'iit:?.
W. I, M ARC Y.
OFFICE: East Side Pni&c Annate
Erain. Provisiuns and
Private Wm. larj<v. House
Vest at <
j* Fifty Ofllces In XeSra»fca j#
Ftanr i«. St Paul. Nrtt
pprcf wnirniu rurxi
• r\ L_ - c*urar alMnrr m warn
r ^ »ig«l *r»m Jin** w UU P CITY
•rvarxalR- —WiT f !iw a*r CUEUXH'
iu«*use » «* «* x-cjt £Xi*isi
rnir Oat wlWatttlaO «* >ai:
a; tae Loup Cut Posiuffice for irsa^
■uas.oc iSro’Ofh the icmils as second
cIaas aiAiter.
Office ’Phone. - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108
J. A. Bl KLEIGH. Ed. and Pnb
The senate on Tuesdav confirmed
*«* nomination of Gov. Charles E.
Hughes of New York for justice of
the supreme court.
I *o» n at Nebraska City the courts
i»ave decided tliat a woman can not
receive a liquor licence nor conduct
a saloon in her own name.
Lincoln is somewhat excited over a
':ca!! pox scare at the State Uni
versjty. several cases of the contagion
having broken out there the past few
Kansas went through another
cyclone period last Sundav night
hmporia and vicinity seeming to be j
the center of disturbance, with great
property loss, but no one killed. j
lirun Leavitt, daughter of
' * iarI5 Jenmiu:' Bryan. divorcedI
a tear a... from Leavitt, coo-!
: ' ry Ti.e lottery once more '
i n I -esday .f ti>i- week »a^i
,l’ *n nffli<liiaap named]
• ' " • ’ British engineers.
: nedat J i uak-a. wliere they I
: ake ti.eir i tile. Leavitt, the
>-rved husband. threatened « st
;il*«Tiape. but tailed to materia I
e :n tl«- jrame It is to be hoped
'^ a better contract than the
>he l as tw hildren. who are
**"* m t.ermany receiving an edu-i
1> tiiOUgl. tin*
xent of our State Fair did not make
any mistake when on the last dav of
Utr 1** fair, the only day on which
1 * track »as fit for taring on
account of the incessant rain, thcv
a .owed ten i^rness races to be com
pleted. makmjra record onlv eoualhsi
in tie Fnited States. Ti e
racmi: could have Iwn deiaved and
■«* U*n «■►«>»» « man v
sm-iied. but tliey as true sportsmen
jrave the horsemen and people ju-t
w .at tad been agreed, and tlie l!*l >
S**>t '*tl*lo '-*th. promises
attend orhises worth going thou
^tki> of mi.e> lo
» - F. Beusliausen of U*e Times hu
■*"“ for the state o’Tce of Comm. -
aoa» of Public Lands and Buildin •
on hue deoaoivatic ticket- Isn't it
«hen a man l»lus an
’* .b »** to K^t tiie itch
tadiy uat it permeates his whole
'1-tem and lie can t seeminjrlv c, t
-id of hearing a buza in his bonnet?
i^sit tijrn. uThifr pnstnt primairv
>>stea. am one »iw lias or tM to
hj\ c»n run for office. and
tiKu.y like "Neversweat" can evt
into the swim that far. One can but
wonder "what meat our ( Vxsar doUi
• red upon that causes him to feel
*; Another query comimr "Does
Owwly pose as a prohibitionist, as lie
dwi before becoming editor of the
Times, or will he ignore that viu
M -estaon in his campaign as lie lias
editorially since?
Last week Wi:iumJtnnirusKmo.
rto for a number of years has owned
u*, Awwa ratic party in Nebraska,
ana had a first, second and third
«H>rt«arr on the nankxiai deuio
cratic party, issued a manifesto to
ti* draxmtic members of tiie last
**isiatuie. urjnnr U«*m to favor a
specia} season of said legislature for
the purpose of passing the initiative
and referendum on certain questions
The answers received were so un
satisfactory to said owner in tee
sample. Mat this week he has started
out over U»e state to round up the
recai« ltrants and compel them to set
into his macon. At Nebraska Citv
Us*ever about one of the first points
-iiereUiemenjbers lad unhlushinclv
l*"- K*3*« to *o u> —. or words
I if vflect. the members of the
Aaid of supervisors refused to allow
ld« the use of tie court house in
• hK-h to hypnotise U»e followers of
^ ancient dame, by tl<e spell of his
oratory. and lie is compelled to hire
a ha;’ to do the act- Gov. Shallen
btryer who had previouslv refused
to call an ertra session, winked the
• > r optic ami told liryan )>e would
a. it. provided a majoritv of the
i embers of senate and house were
n >r. but seemed to lave a hunch
:i *- contrary, and so it turned out
answer to the letters sent out.
ilomevett Bryan, ’lie dauntless hero
the First Kejriment. who foucht
the color*.. v at Washington
while las con : and helped whip
'lain in Cuba, has put on his war
paint and is going out on Uie prairies
>f Nebraska to whip his insurgent
j com patriots into line for Uie eitra
—“*— Can be do it? Nit.
Good Word fo Our Boys
The three-link boys from Loup City
j who went to Sargent. last week
Wednesday evening to attend the
anniversary meeting of the order in
this district- seem to have had the
time of their lives, judging from,
| w hat we learn of the affair. We met
an old Odd Fellow friend at the I
train the morning following, who is
{traveling in this part of the state,
and who was lucky enough to be in
! Sargent and present at the fes
] t ivities and this is the way he sized ’
lit up: "I have read the story of j
{Jonathan and David, but 1 neveri
! witnessed it dramatized with such
effect and near perfection as it was
portrated by your Loup City team
in the tirst degree last night, and I
have traveled over this and other
states and visited untold number of
i lodges. It was indeed a happy sur
prise and the people of your city
i should be. and undoubtedly are.
■ proud of the members of the team in
! their splendid work, which to my
belief defies criticism. Another
I feature of the occasion was the
splendid music discoursed by the
I. O. O. F. orchestra. The work all
through the degrees, by the way, was
all O. K. and very commendable. At
midnight, a committee composed of
possibly twenty of the Rebekali
sisters appeared to invite all to a
supper prepared, tables being spread
for at least 150 plates, and as the
committee returned followed by a!
sufficient number to occupy the!
designated places, sweet music was!
rendered by the sisters, the proces
sion passing around the hall thrice j
' before taking the seats assigned, the,
banquet being preceded with prayer
by Rev. Harper of your city. And.
say. that banquet w-as tine. Two;
' long tables loaded down with the
j best the good town of Sargent could
i produce, gladdened tne hearts of us
hungry fellows, and we did ample
j justice, you may bet. And there was
j plenty to till the second table, also.
| for 1 believe at least 300 were pres
: ent at this big meeting. Well, the
1 train is crawling, so goodbye, and all
i credit to your team and its efficient
| captain. Rio. Hendrickson: and say.
i give due credit to Sargent: they
I know how to do tilings up there."
"Cholly" Beushausen of the Times,
whom we mention in another item
as a candidate for commissioner of
public lands and buildings, is the
second candidate to come out for
that office on the democratic side,
W. R. Eastman of Broken Bow.whom
j Commissioner Cowles defeated at the
last election, proposing to try con
j elusions again with Cowles. Now
the burning question arises. "Which
| is Which and Who is Who" on the
i whiskey question. Will "Cholly"
represent the prohibition side and
Kastman the whiskey faction, or vice
! versa: or both for whiskey, or yet
! again both for prohibition? East-'
: man is from a dry town, while
I "Cholly" is from a wet community..
and used to be known as an uncom
- promising anti-saloon man before he
liought a newspaper and printed sa
I loon legals. since which time his atti
| tude on that question resembles a
i Chinese puzzle. Eastman says he af
! filiates with both the democratic and
[ populist parties.while"Chollv" claims
to be a dyed-in-the-wool democrat
alle-samee like Ikihlman.
Along R. R. No- 2.
Mrs. Chris Behrens, mother of Mrs.
II. Hiet*. aiso oi' Mrs. F. l>ietz and
w n. Behrens, arrived last Saturday
from Leigh. Neb., where she has!
been in the dressmaking business,
to make her home with Mrs. Frank
Dietz at Loup City, where she will
do dressmaking.
The north end of the approach to
the south bridge needs a load of dirt
and lias for the past month. It is
almost impossible for a team to haul
a load upon it.
Kd Kilpatrick now has an orchard
of over ,'hW t rees. Sherman county
has some of tiie finest young orchards
in this part of the state. The farmsr
is taking great pride in keeping them
clean of weeds.
Hans Diet* and Chris Oltjenbruns
came very near having a runaway
with the latter's horse, which result
ed in a broken buggy.
L. W. Williams, carrier on lioute 3,
lias been building a barn on his
property recently purchased, just
south of Fred Foster's.
W. 11. Gunn was at Loup Cltv
John For took his first step in the
Kncampiurnt degree in the 1.0.0. F.
lodge Tuesday evening.
llans Diet* took «$ head of cattle
to pasture, belonging to t«eo. Me
Fidden and Chris Oltjenbrun.
Miss Inessa Cass went to Arcadia
last week for a few days' visit, when
siie will go to Hazard, where she has
accepted a position.
Hugh McFadden lost a horse
blanket out from under his saddle
while dri\ ing some mules from
Richer*. Anyone finding same please
give it to the carrier.
Walt. McNulty was out to Fritz
Bichei's last week ami bought a
young horse.
Joe blaschke amt t . sohwaderer
wore at Loop lUv Sunday.
Alfalfa lias not been hurt bv ttie
liard freezing weatlter. early potatoes
i are up. Tliere is several tiekis of
winter wiieat along tiie route tliat
look tine; lots of com being planted
now. oats are up and need warm
weather. With the good soaking
rain of today, everything will boom, i
Stand up for Nebraska, and especial
ly Sherman county.
Tiie school in Prairie Gem district.
Miss iVssa Cass. teacher, closed last
Thursday witii a line program and
tiie following day all the patrons
met at Uie scliool house, each with a
basket filled to the brim witii all
| kinds of good tilings to eat, includ
ing ice cream and cake. A short
program was rendered when all de
parted for their homes, pronouncing
■ the suprise a success.
Tiie entertainment given Thursday
evening at Prairie Hem was quite j
well attended. Following was tiie
Welcome - - Kdith Sell wade re r
Motion Song - - Little Folds
In Grandfather's ltam' - Kdith Olson
••Oeacon Brown" - Goldie Kilpatrick
Motion Song - - - Daluia Nelson
Dialogue. “The Train to Mauro” - >
"Tiie Telegram” - Edna Henderson
Song. "Poor Little Kate” - Leona
j' When Papa's Sick" Molly Biascliito
Solo. "Schoolmates” - Edith Olsan
Kec. "Lost l*ennies - - Olga Olson
Dialogue. "The Assessor” -
Ree. "A Mistake" Emma Schwaderer
Song. "Summer Days" Leona Fagen
Recitation - - Miss Fitzgerald
V Street Scene.School'
Rec "Partnership” Viola Kilpatrick
Song. Stay in Your Own Back Yard'
.- Leona Fagen
At tiie close of the program a nice'
present was presented to the teacher, i
\ Miss Cass, by Goldie Kilpatrick, in
j behalf of tiie scliool. •
Rolph Taken to Bluffs
As predicted in last week's North
western. an officer, deputy sheriff, ar
rived Thursday evening and Friday
morning took •Hill” Rolph back to
Council Bluffs, the prisoner express
j a willingness to go without
requisition papers. According to the
deputy sheriff, there is sufficient evi
dence forthcoming to send him up
for a term of possibly fifteen years,
but as Rolph promised to give away
a number of his pals In crime, he may
: get off comparatively easy, provided
| he makes good. is said,
l claims to belong to a gang of crim
inal artists numbering eight, one of
whom is a woman and lives with one
of the gang named Green, she receiv
ing and disposing of the plunder
levied upon by the others. He claims
she dresses as a man and is the real
biains of the outfit. He professes a
willingness to peach on the others
and expresses a desire to "cut out”
his bad past, reform and go some
where with the young woman whom
he married here and live a decent
honest life. The deputy sheriff evi
dently did not put much faith in the
expressions of repentance and desire
for better things by Rolph and after
settling with the sheriff Thursday
evening had a guard kept in the jail
till morning, as had been the case
w hile in the sheriff's hands, so as not
to give him any chance of making a
get away. One can not but hope
Rolph is earnest in his expressed in
tentions and that he may in the
future develop into a desirable citi
zen. His trial will be May 2;>rd. at
which time Sheriff Williams was
asked and agreed to appear as an
important witness.
Death of W. H. Hayes
Died, at the home of his son-in
law. J. F. Nicoson, Sunday, May 1,
l»h*. at. 4:30 a. m„ William Henry
Hayes, aged 05 years, 3 months and
5 days. Deceased was torn in tlie
, state_ of Illinois, and in lSrtf was
married to Sarah J. Onn of Cordovia,
Minn., at which place they resided
for a number of years. In 1S79 he
moved to Sherman county. Xebras
I ka. and in 1905 went to Puyallup.
Wash., and soon after to Sams Valley.
; Oregon. At the latter place he was
stricken with paralysis, a little more
than three years ago. On the first
of July. 1909. he arrived at the home
of his daughter. Mrs. J. F. Nieoson,
in this city, where he resided until
his death. He leaves a wife and
seven children to mourn his loss,
deceased w as a member of the Pres
byterian church and the funeral was
held at the Austin church Mondav
afternoon at l* o'clock, llev. IX W.
Montgomery of the Presbyterian
i church of tins city officiating! burial
st Austin cemetery. The many
friends of the bereaved family will
i deeply sympathize with them in the
loss of their loved one.
Card ok thanks;
The undersigned take this oppor
tunity of expressing their sincere
thanks to the friends who so kindlv
assisted during the illness and death
of our beloved husband and father.
Sarah J. Hacks and Family,
Tribute to a Good Man
Tiit; Lincoln Star has the following
: in regard to one of the best known
of the Presbyterian ministers in Xe
' braska. l>r. Sexton has made several
visits to Loup City and is well known
and beloved by many:
"Forty-one years a minister of the
gospel is tiie record of the Rev.
Thomas L. Sexton. D. IV. who starts ;
the forty-first year of bis ministry;
Thursday. Hr. Sexton was ordained
a minister on April 27. 1S70. in Han
over. O. lie has been in Lincoln for:
ten years, hut retired from active!
work several years ago. and is now
the clerk of the Nebraska City Pres
bytery of the Presbyterian church.”
A New Game Law
Book agents may be killed from •,
October 1 to Septnmber 1: spring I
poets from March 1 to June 1: scand
al mongers April 1 to February 1:
umbrella borrowers August 15 to jfov-1
ember 1. and February 1 to May 1,1
while every man who accepts a paper
two years and when the bill is pre
sented. says. "I never ordered it,"
may be killed on sight without re
serve or relief from valuation or ap
Sraisment laws, and buried face
ownward. without benefit of clergv.
— Ex.
Laws Hist Be Enforced
Today 1 ruse at four o'clock
To scan the morning sky
For Halley's comet, which l read
Was scheduled to pass by.
I saw it from the garden fence.
But. ah! its head was pale:
Its ancient brilliancy was lost.
And drooping was its tail.
“O, comet, why so pale ami wan?
1 cried in accents pleading.
It said. "Just now an airship cop 1
Arrested me for speeding!" I
—Hertrude McKenzie in Woman's;
Home Companion for May.
A Special Offer
The big daily papers find It neces
sary and profitable to keep increas
ing their subscription list, anti one of
tlte fastest growers is the Lincoln
| State Journal. This splendid state
i daily has just opened up another big
subscription campaign. offering the
paper to Jan. 1. Wll. for only with
Sunday This special rate will
bring the business. The Journal has
a way of its own -cutting out a lot
of expensive methods of getting sub
scribers and makingthe low rate to
its readers direct. Tive people of the
state as never before are looking to,
Tie- Journal for tlie real doings in
Ute state. It is building up its busi
ness through reliability and enter
' prise, especially in covering Ute state
news. AnoUie'r good thing about tl»e
Journal is its policy)of stopping every
paper when ti»e time is up. if you
don't pay for it you don't get it. and
when you do pay for it you are only
paying for your own paper, not help
ing to pay for the one sent some
deadbeat. You will like the cleanout
methods of The Journal people.
The Chicago lnter-tVean is fully
persuaded that the ha Id headed men
and women or even those whose hair
is getting thin, are eraiy on the sub
ject of hair restoratives. Hie news
paper obtains its impression from Ute
fact Utat some Unte ago its editor
printed a modest recipe for making
hair grow. The writer did not en
dorse the recipe or even express much
faith in its efficiency, but notwith-1
I standing Ute writer's diplomatic re
serve. that hair growing recipe has
, made it way from sea to sea. and the
Inter-Ocean is persuaded Utat it
never published anything editorially
in Ute history of the paper Utat has
‘ been so widely quoted by newspapers, j
Opera House!
One Night Only
Saturday, May 7
Mr. Lee Moses lakes pleasure in of
fering the greatest dramatic plav of
the age,
With a superb company of players.
Excellent scenic embellishments. A
veritable flood of charming delights.
You have read the book—now see the
Prices, 50-35-25cts
Reserved Seats at Conhiser's
Notice of Sale of Beat Estate of Ee ee
Notice is hereby given that under and by
i virtue ot an rder of :he District i urt of
Sherman county. Nebraska dulv m . . ud
; entered on the lSth dav of April 191 ne
cause where!n James SI Lowry and Ha : A.
Lowry arc p'.ainttfls. and George W Lowry
Annie S. Xav ar. incompetent pernor Hi ie
A Lowry, guardin' >f tlie estate or >» a: ie
i S. Nave. Mary K. Welct. Sidney WeK . st.-ie
M Lowry, widow of Henry Lewis Lowry,
deceased, Kai i Lowry and Mae Lowry, minor
I he rs of Henrv Lewis 1 owry. d< case Susie
M. Lowry, guardtau of ■ be ostat-■- of the said
Kar! Lowry an.i Mae I. wry. L* aider Lowry
and Annie Lo.. ry. ure iefendant- ana which
I said order ot : lie cour: direct, 1 the under
signed. Robert I*. Starr as sole fens duly
appointed by the court to make partition of
the land hereinaft, r i escribed to soil said
premises to the Inchest bidder t >r cash in the
manner provided by law. now therefore, pur
suant to said order, .nd by virtue of the
authority vested in me y law as such re - ee.
I w ilt on Tuesday the sets nth day of June.
19:o. at the hour of tw o'clock in the aier
noon of said day. at he south door ot the
court house in Loup City, in said county of
Sherman and state of Nebraska, oiler for sale
and reli to the highest bidder for cash the
following described real estate, situate in
Sherman county. Nebraska, to wit. the west
half of the northwest quarter, and the wrest
half of the southwest quarter of section eight
in Township fifteen north of Range sixteen,
west ot sixth principal meridian
Given under my hand this second dav of
May 1910
Robert R. Stark, Sole Referee.
(Last put. June if]
Nonce of sue of Ben Estite ty Belem
Notice <ts herebv circa that under and Aa
virtue of an order of the District Court
Sherman county. Nebraska duly made yaa
enterad on the l-hh day of April. Isio in tXe
cause wherein Jennie Z Witt and Jobn H.
Witt are plaintiffs, and Fannie Slote. Kdward
A. Slote John W Minshull. Lyda Minshull,
Jeun e Minshull. an infant. Otto Minshull, an
infant. Dee Minshull. an infant. Minnie Miu
shull an infant, and Arthur Minshull. jraard
ion of the estates of said infant defendants.
Jennie Minshull. Otto Minshull. Doe Minshull
and Minnie Minshull are defendants and
which said order directed the undersbrued.
Aaron Wall, as sole referee duly appointed bv
said court to make partition of the lands here
ittafter described. to 9» 11 said premises to the
highest bidder fot cash in the manner pro
ride.; by law now. therefore pursuant to said
order, and by virtue of the authority vested in
me bv law as such referee. I will, on Wednes
day. theSth day of June. ISlu at the south door
of the court bouse in Loup City in said county
of Sherman and state of Nebraska at the hour
of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day.
offer for sale and sell to the hichest bidder for
cash, the following describes! real estate
to-wit. Lot five \.V :n iSI.s-k four ttl, and Lot
six in Has t; five Si, ami Lot two r.-' in
Block ntne (9>. ail in the Village of Litchtieid
in Sherman county. Nebraska.
Given under my hand this second day of
May. 1910. Aaron Wau.. Sole Referee.
Last pub. June ?t
s: -•
— -> ar= >-g^
era *r 2
3“ C S ft
S 5*09
w s «
09 c ;* 3
c a ST sa. ®
— 3 -jr -*■
From Start to Finish
-A- Two-Row
Lister Cultivator
That fakes the Corn through
all stages of cultivation.*. . . .
Every Saturd'y
At Loup City, have just unloaded a ear of
White Cedar Fepce posts
And an' offering them at 15 l-« cents each. These an'rare a
bargain. Time to get busy with spring building, so bring in
vour bills and we will give you estimates on them. Yanis at
Loup City, Ashton, Rovkville. Schauppa, and Arcadia, Neb
Tickets to the West and Northwest will
be sold the first and third Tuesdays ot
each month at very low rates, beginning
February 1 and ending December '^0, If)
For full information ddltsa
“The Safe Road to Travel”
Dining car meal* and servin' **He>t in the World."
Apd Mac^ipeiy of AH Kinds
, T. M. REED.
Yours for